
Curumir's page

221 posts. Alias of Daedeloth.

Character creation rules.

Pathfinder 20 point buy.

Core races plus catfolk, dhampir, ifrit, oread, ratfolk.

Start at 5th level with 10,500 gp.

HP: max, 1/2, max, 1/2, max

Let's see where the path takes us.

Character creation rules coming soon.

Here we go again.

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For as long as you can recall you have been a slave. Your existence a blur of years of repetitive and grueling physical labor for your master Zoldor, a bitter and miserly old stone mason and builder in the small but significant town of Fort Inevitable.

Fort Inevitable stands on the rolling plains near the West Sellen River, close to the forest. The town is surrounded by green pastures and wide, golden fields of grain. A strong stone wall with battlements and gatehouses protects Fort Inevitable, and within this formidable defense, the town is an orderly collection of two- and three-story stone houses and workshops with roofs of red tile or blue slate. If the streets seem a little cheerless and drab, at least they’re paved with good cobblestones and cleared regularly.

Nothing epitomizes the essential nature of Fort Inevitable as aptly as the stone Citadel of the Hellknights, which looms over the town. There is no difference between martial law and civil authority in Fort Inevitable. The senior officer of the garrison rules as the commander, directly overseeing civic administration as well as exercising military command. The current commander is a stern, middle-aged Chelish woman named Paralictor Audara Drovust. She is the commanding officer of the Order of the Pike’s chapter in the Crusader Road region, ruler of the Citadel, high magistrate, tax assessor, director of public works, keeper of the treasury, and chief regulator of business and commerce. No important aspect of the town’s life and activity is left outside the lady commander’s authority.

You stand before Paralictor Drovust now. Your master, Zoldor (may he rot in hell), died 30 days ago, purportedly of natural causes, and apparently without a legal heir.

The Paralictor’s words pull you back from your thoughts to the here and now.

“You belong to Fort Inevitable and the Hell Knights now. Ordinarily I would just auction you off to the highest bidder but I have a task that needs completing and my knights have other pressing duties. If you complete the task successfully you will become free men, if you fail you will be dead, or worse.”

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that some malevolent presence is stirring in the dungeons below the Emerald Spire (you generally know where this is). We’ve kept it quiet but undead monsters have begun to plague Fort Inevitable in recent months. High Mother Dremagne (you know she runs the local Temple of the Golden Key devoted to Abadar) has successfully divined a clue about this malevolent presence: the emblem of a crown above a skull. Your task is to search out the ‘crowned skull’ in the Emerald Spire and destroy it. Questions?”


Character creation rules coming soon.

Character creation: 22 point buy (you can only have even stat scores to start from 10-18, then add/subtract racial bonuses/penalties)

18= 12 points
16= 8 points
14= 4 points
12= 2 points
10= 0 points

Hit points: Max at 1st level and odd levels, 1/2 max at even levels

2 traits max

the adventure begins...

A pathfinder campaign set in the Underdark. The world above has died. One day dark clouds appeared across the land and covered the sun. Prayers and magic could not remove the clouds. Then the snow and ice came, the food ran short, the panic started, then the wholesale slaughter as people fought for the remaining resources. A few of the smartest and hardiest sought refuge in the underdark.

Character creation: 22 point buy (you can only have even stat scores to start from 8-18, then add/subtract racials)
18= 12 points
16= 8 points
14= 4 points
12= 2 points
10= 0 points
8= +2 points

Hit points: Max at 1st level and odd levels, 1/2 max at even levels

Alignment: no evil

Core classes only: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard (or sell me on something else)

Races: Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling, Gnome, Half-orc, Hobgoblin, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk

Darkvision will be very useful. Humans, elves, half-elves, gnomes, and halflings can exchange racial traits for darkvision as follows:
Elves, half-elves, and gnomes gain darkvision but lose keen senses.
Halflings gain darkvision but lose keen senses and sure-footed.
Humans gain darkvision but lose their bonus feat.
*For halflings and humans put something in your backstory that could account for the darkvision, maybe something in your bloodline or a strange accident.

Starting gold: None, give me your character class, race, and concept and I will let you know your starting equipment

A pathfinder campaign set in the Underdark.

test message