Crashwheeler's page
Organized Play Member. 43 posts (2,424 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.
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Wait...a succubus can suck? I thought they only drain.
Male Human PC/3
I have heard it argued that because the penalty occurs at 5 ft normally, with the feat it would occur at 15 ft. Center the spell at a certain square then stand 10 ft from the edge and not get the penalty.
Male Human PC/3
Yeah, I think rogue would be a better fit for her than a bow wielding fighter.
Male Human PC/3
Here is her current build. sylph wizard. Would she be a better archer or trickster with the current build?
Male Human PC/3
I sort of have that planned for my sylph wizard, once I start putting some scenarios under her belt.
Male Human PC/3
Personally, I love the Cloud Gazer feat for Sylphs.
Cloud Gazer via the PRD wrote:
You can see through fog, mist, and clouds, without penalty, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from such effects. If the effect is created by magic, this feat instead triples the distance you can see without penalty.
Pair that with the rogue's sneak attack and the ability to cast obscuring mist makes a killer arcane archer in my mind.
I'm fine with it. What class type is needed still?
Going by what has already been posted:
Pathetic Wretch – wizard or paladin
Fiddlers Green – sylph rogue
Steven Evil – gnome sorcerer
Crash Wheeler - nagaji druid, sylph wizard, or kitsune bard
Bad Slacker - bard
Depending on how/what Bad slacker and Pathetic Wretch builds will tell me what I should put forward.
You gotta GM during a Pbp Game Day or convention, at the very least. The last Game Day was how I got the sylph race boon.
Classic Group
For my character, I could probably go sylph as well, starting either as a wizard or a druid. The wizard will probably end up going to turn into an arcane archer. Or use the idea of my dirty dancing kitsune bard, or my nagaji druid that doubles as a frontliner. Whatever is best for the group, rp reasons as well as everything else.
Yep, pretty good. We just need our characters, which scenario we are going through first, and who is gming first.
I would prefer to do classic since I have some cool builds ready.
If needed though I can do Core since there are some arcane/martial builds rattling around in my brain.
I have not done anything in Core as of yet.
0 13
1 29,35
2 15, 17, 19
3 1, 23
4 15, 18
5 Not counting the Confirmation, 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 99.
6 5, 8, 12, currently going through 14 and 16.
Going by which scenarios I have done, seasons 0-4 are the best ones for me to do with some alternate ones from 5 and 6.
Season 4 is much better for me. I have only played 15 and 18.
*As a brief refresher for the players who are not conversant with Core. Apologies to those that are.*
Alternate racial traits are not allowed in Core, as well as equipment from Ultimate Equipment.
Only the races, classes, feats, and equipment in the CRB are allowed...as well as the traits from the Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement download. Other than that, anything from the chronicle sheets earned from Core scenarios are allowed as well.
With that said, I would not mind doing Core since I have been looking at some builds that I could do, but I will go with the consensus.
For season 5-I have played 1, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, and 99.
For season 6-I have played 5, 8, and in the middle of having one of my other characters go through the Scions of the Sky Key scenarios.
I don't have a lot of money to buy scenarios so when it comes to my turn to gm from the season could someone send the pdf to me via email? I have the confirmation, silverhex chronicles and first steps right now...basically I have everything that I was able to find free or gifted.
For characters, I am normally quite partial to spellcasters but I do have some martials under my belt. I have a sylph wizard, a nagaji druid, a halfling rogue, a human archivist bard, and a kitsune sorcerer to name a few characters I have waiting in the wings at 0 xp.
I would be interested as well.
Well, thankfully with how my party played
So I just finished up the Shades of Ice trilogy and it got me thinking, What other adventures/modules/scenarios require cold weather checks? I know the Frostfur Captives, Shades of Ice trilogy, and the Reign of Winter adventure path but are there any others and what are they?
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I would also be interested in a hunter guide. Lately I've been looking at it's archetype Verminous Hunter and thinking how to turn it into an Insect Ninja(Shino Aburame from Naruto). I know it requires a multiclass into ninja but I blank after that.
I have a level 1 rogue, a level 2 (dirge) bard, and a level 1 healer...at least...waiting with at least one scenario their belts. Only posting with the bard in the gameplay thread.
Kael Ocari wrote: I've already created my character but I want to make sure I did it according to the conventions here. How are ability scores generated? Point based or by rolling? Point based. PFS goes off of the High Fantasy campaign type of 20 points if you are looking at the CRB. And if you have not done so yet, you can download the guide here.
Male Human PC/3
Actually, Anafa (my halfling cleric) is also more of a debuffer/enchanter as well. But I have been toying with the idea of creating a band-aid cleric (merciful healer). I'll probably do that since that one would be a support cleric, and we don't even have any partial healers yet.
Male Human PC/3
I'm not sure yet of what character I want to use. Available online atm I have halfling rogue(filcher), halfling cleric(evangelist), half-elf ranger and a human bard(archivist)...all level 1s. In hard copy, I have endless amounts that I can make up by the end of the day. Since we already have fighter and a barbarian it looks like melee is pretty much accounted for, so we probably need a rogue and a cleric, since we have a bard for arcane. My halfling cleric is more of a bard than anything though, so maybe the halfling rogue is best?
I put 2s on all the low level scenarios that noone put a 0 on. I don't really care which one of them is picked though, I am good with any of them.
Filled out my slot, ty DM Kludde.
Male Human PC/3
Unless something else is needed, I'll be throwing a fighter's hat into the ring. Already created, just need to put it onto the website.
I have a question. If a play-by-post scenario was started August 14, 2014 but ended after it, would the players who were using aasimar or tiefling characters during it have to change the race during the scenario or after it, or would they be fine?
It is not available for free download until July 1st.
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...the scenario is a social one and the diplomatic face is a melancholic bard that has a tongue-tied player.
How do you know what the event number is when you are creating an event as a gm?
Or at least what do you use as an event number when going by pbp?
So is Master of the Fallen of the Fortress and both of the We Be Goblins.
I'm added to the list. I would be interested in a Confirmation game.
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Randarak wrote: ...the girlfriend of one of your players has come to the game, not because she's interested, but because she doesn't believe him when he says that this is what he does every week when he goes to "hang out with the guys". (True story) Sounds like something my girlfriend would do. Mostly to make sure that I am not checking out girls while there, though.
I can give Poog a shot. Give me a bit, I'll create the alias and then post.
I think it's cool when I meet a player who even has dice not just minis older than me.
nosig wrote: Wonderful thing about gaming... bringing lots of diverse people together... not sure if I would count that as "trouble". It's only trouble when they are acting like teenage brats and trying to disrupt the game. I've played with one of these kids before.
Some of us weren't born until the '80s or later even.
I'm dotting interest as a level 1 gnome alchemist or a level 1 tiefling rogue...haven't decided which I want to create yet. Maybe both if I can be on two tables.
If my character dies, what happens with the chronicle sheets that he/she has accumulated? Can I still use them for other characters or do I have to play through those scenarios again with a different character to get the ability to buy the items on them?
I would be interested but I can't make up my mind which of my characters to use (except for the street performer).