
Crashwheeler's page

Organized Play Member. 43 posts (2,424 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

The Exchange

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Male Half-Elf Bard(Dirge) 2/Sorcerer(undead) 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 23/23 | F +2 R +5 W +4 | Init +1 | Perc +7 | Performance Rounds 12/12 | Bloodline Power 7/7

"That trip was better than I expected it to be, even though I got hurt." Quinray chimes in.

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Seeing Cyrus leaning in a little, she says "I'm sorry sir, but no amount of flirting will convince me to let you in. But come back later and I'll see what I can do for you." and she gives him a wink. After listening to Suejo, she says "Well, I don't have the authority to allow you to see the ambassador, but I can get someone for you. Just a minute."
She goes to a door, opens it, goes inside for a few seconds, then comes back out followed by another woman. This lady is striking in a red and black imperial dress uniform. She glares at Ailena a few seconds then turns to look down her nose at you. "I am the duty officer, Anstrella Trellax and I hear that you have a package for the ambassador. I can take it and deliver it to him."

Liberty's Edge

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Wait...a succubus can suck? I thought they only drain.

Liberty's Edge

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I would also be interested in a hunter guide. Lately I've been looking at it's archetype Verminous Hunter and thinking how to turn it into an Insect Ninja(Shino Aburame from Naruto). I know it requires a multiclass into ninja but I blank after that.

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Round 2 (partial)
The remaining zombie swings at Pitbull again. Pitbull is knocked silly.
Valandil finishes his spell, summoning a celestial eagle. The eagle attacks Svilennius while Valandil attacks the zombie.
Garox hits Svilennius but is unable to intimidate him.
Pitbull delays.
Svilennius takes a 5 ft step forward and takes a vial from his belt and drinks it. Another aoo Garox and Eagle. He immediately bulks up and turns slightly feral.
Nesterok steps up and trips Svilennius.

Vat Zombie(1), Valandil, Garox, Pitbull(13), Svilennius(9), Nesterok, Grigori

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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...the scenario is a social one and the diplomatic face is a melancholic bard that has a tongue-tied player.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Randarak wrote:
...the girlfriend of one of your players has come to the game, not because she's interested, but because she doesn't believe him when he says that this is what he does every week when he goes to "hang out with the guys". (True story)

Sounds like something my girlfriend would do. Mostly to make sure that I am not checking out girls while there, though.

Grand Lodge

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Male Teifling (Grimspawn) Rogue (Burglar)/2 HP 17/17 | AC: 19 /T: 13 /FF: 16 | Perc. +4 | F: +1 / R: +6 /W: +0 | CMB +3 | CMD +14 | Speed 30 | Init. +3

From almost out of nowhere, a thin tail whips out from behind Zoren, grabbing his sling and putting it into his hand.
Zoren's tail allows him to retrieve small stowed items as a swift action.
He then loads it and unleashes a bullet towards the spider.
Sling attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17Sling damage: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5