Kutholiam Vuere

Crag_Irons's page

Organized Play Member. 172 posts (352 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 aliases.


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John Napier 698 wrote:
Crag_Irons wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Crag_Irons wrote:
We do not use dough of any kind very often. My wife found a recipe a while back for pizza crust that uses mozzarella cheese, egg, butter, and garlic that is pretty good. No wheat so no gluten. It taste like a heavy cheese bread.
I'm may not be right, but I am fairly certain that any combination of those ingredients is going to taste fantastic...
It is called Fathead Pizza Crust. I forgot about the almond (or coconut) flour. The recipe is all over the net if you want to look for it. It is good and more filling that regular pizza crust.
I wonder if you can use this crust for Stromboli or Calzones.

You can if you are good at using spatulas to fold it while it is hot. It is challenging. I put pizza toppings on one half and folded the crust in half and pressed it together once. You have to work with it while it is warm/hot. The amount of egg in it will change how flexible it is.

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It is good to share the things that have hurt you from your past. It is more helpful than keeping it to yourself. It seems that you have processed it well, I can tell by the way you said they are not bad people, they just do not realize what they were doing.

People that desire to control others are normally scared people. They are scared of what others can do to them. They often fear that someone will try to control them, and often someone did try for a while sometime in their past. They try to control others when truly we can only control ourselves; and often self-control is hard.

Sometimes even after you have left a toxic relationship the words they spoke to you can haunt you for a lifetime, but they do not always. Remember you are not the person others say you are. You decide what kind of person you are. You are the only person that gets to decide that in the whole world. You get to decide how to react to other's words and deeds. They can not make you be angry, or kind that is your choice. If you can accept that, then you are a powerful person that can not be controlled by the words, and deeds of others.

I am glad for you that you have moved into a healthier place.

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The Game Hamster wrote:
Crag_Irons wrote:
We do not use dough of any kind very often. My wife found a recipe a while back for pizza crust that uses mozzarella cheese, egg, butter, and garlic that is pretty good. No wheat so no gluten. It taste like a heavy cheese bread.
I'm may not be right, but I am fairly certain that any combination of those ingredients is going to taste fantastic...

It is called Fathead Pizza Crust. I forgot about the almond (or coconut) flour. The recipe is all over the net if you want to look for it. It is good and more filling that regular pizza crust.

A spoiled brat of a son, runs away from home after an accident. He returns home thanks to the help of nutty mystic and his girlfriend.

The Lion King

I guess it's "Trash Day"
It is out before morning
Dog poo in the can

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Kileanna wrote:
I'm now a bit worried for my aunt as she has schizophrenia and Lola has been so good for her. She is a very caring person and after her 3 daughters became adults she has always longed for someone to care. Lola has filled that hole on her life. So I hope she is OK after Lola is gone.

It is hard loosing a pet that is part of the family. Does anyone visit your aunt regularly?

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My kids school is celebrating Sinco Demio, so each family is making something for the students to eat. The teacher sent home a recipe. My wife is working on it today. It uses pizza dough, green olives, ham, and few other ingredients. It does not have a sauce or cheese. My wife asked for something without peppers due to her allergy. It should be interesting.

We do not use dough of any kind very often. My wife found a recipe a while back for pizza crust that uses mozzarella cheese, egg, butter, and garlic that is pretty good. No wheat so no gluten. It taste like a heavy cheese bread.

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Sorry to hear about Lola having cancer, but it is good to hear she is not suffering.

captain yesterday wrote:

I tried playing Vampire, once.

It ended with the other people on PcP chasing me through the woods and people's yards because they wanted to eat me.

I stopped hanging out with them shortly thereafter.

Otherwise I played a lot of Robotech and TMNT RPG and a wee bit of Rifts.

I had a friend that did LARP vampire, I started her on the table top version. I sometimes thought LARP looked fun, but other times I thought it would end up like your experience. Some things that are described in a game would make me too uncomfortable if someone was acting it out near me. So I never did a LARP game. Of course you said they were not playing, so that is more of a crime than a playing style. Crazy

Let the games begin
Bring your chaos stew tonight
OH! I rolled a one!

Thank you for sharing.

Human, Elf, Dwarf

I have wanted to try small sized characters, but never got the chance. In my head they are always pinned as comic relief in games. So when came down to picking a race I always back out of those races.

I make no mistakesss
Said the large oddly shaped snake
Have a cow for lunch

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Good night to all across the ocean.
I am glad everyone shared about the holidays. I was thinking about asking, but you all read my mind and answered anyways.

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Kileanna wrote:
Here it is. Day of the worker. I never thought if it was worldwide or not, actually, but as it is named International Day of the Workers I thought it was.

In the U.S. businesses are not required to give paid holidays, however we normally get 5 to 8 in a year depending on what type of work a person does.

The days are typically:
New Year's Day (January)
Easter (April)
Memorial Day (May)
Independence Day (July)
Labor Day (September)
Thanksgiving Day (Thurday)(Novemeber)
Christmas Day (December).

At my job we get paid for 5 of these, but only 3 of them do we get the day off most years. Government employed people get more days off in the year, but I am not sure of the number.

What is the holiday schedule like in Spain?

I thank everyone for their advice with my idea for an arcane warrior. I agree that the idea was better as an archetype rather than a full class. I have redone the it as an archetype of the ranger. I have posted the newest version of the raider below. I felt the rod of metal and mineral detection was to powerful at low levels of play, so I used the Miser's Mask magic item as a start for the treasure sense, which turned out to still have interesting play-ability IMO.

The Raider:
Lost riches of ancient civilizations beckon adventures of every color, but few are as prepared to meet the challenge as the raider. Trained in treasure lore, and prepared for battle against guardians of hidden treasures. The raider brings his martial skill and some arcane magic to aid in claiming riches from others. Some raiders are just thieves and pirates taking any treasure no matter how sacred it is. Others are of a more academic bent, researching history through artifacts left behind by others.
Role: Raiders study battle, history, and magic to give them the tools they need to gain fame and treasure. They are strong combatants, but are also good at researching information, and finding treasure. They are weak spellcasters, using simple magics (mostly conjuration and divination) to aid in discovering treasures.
Class Skills
The raider gains the follow skills; Appraise, Disable Device, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Linguistics, and Use Magic Device. Raiders do not have the Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), and Survival skills.
Treasure Lore (Ex): At 1st level a raider gains a competence bonus equal to half their level in the raider class (minimum + 1) on Appraise, and Knowledge checks in regards to treasures. The raider can make all Knowledge skill checks against any DC in regards to treasure lore even if they are not trained in that skill. This ability replaces wild empathy.
Treasure Sense (Ex): At 1st level a raider gains the ability to sense the presence of treasure. This ability works like the scent ability except raiders can only pick up on coins and gems. This ability replaces track.
Trapfinding (Ex): At 3rd level the raider can find and disable traps as the rogue class feature of the same name. This ability replaces endurance.
Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a raider gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the raider spell list presented below. A raider must choose and prepare his spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, a raider must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a raider's spell is 10 + the spell level + the raider's Intelligence modifier.
Like other spell casters, a raider can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Ranger. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score. When Table: Ranger indicates that the ranger gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, the raider gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to base on his Intelligence score for that spell level.
A raider must spend 1 hour per day his spell book to regain his daily allotment of spells. A raider may prepare and cast any spell he has in his spell book, if he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare from his spell book.
Through 3rd level, a raider has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his raider level – 3.
Spellbooks: A raider must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his spellbook. A raider must perchance a spell book to record his spells. The magus leans a number equal to his Intelligence modifier at 4th level to scribe into his spell book. At each new raider level after 4th level, he gains one new raider spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new raider level) for his spell book. At any time, a raider can also add spells found in other spell books to his own.
A raider can learn spells from a wizard's spellbook, just as a wizard can from a raider's spell book. The spells learned must be on the raider spell list, as normal. An alchemist can learn formulae from a raider's spell book, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A raider cannot learn spells from an alchemist.
Dimensional Pocket (Su): At 7th level the raider can place an item into a small dimensional storage space as a standard action. The raider can store up to 10 lbs. per level in this storage space. The raider may retrieve any of the items stored in this space as a move action. This ability replaces woodland stride.
Improved Treasure Sense (Ex): At 8th level, the raider’s treasure sense now also detects trade goods not just coins and gems. This includes magic items, but this ability does not reveal that the item is magical. This ability replaces swift tracker.
Quick Pocket (Su): At 11th level the raider can now store items in his dimensional pocket as a move action and retrieve items as swift actions. This ability replaces quarry.
Swift Pocket (Su): At 19th level the raider can now store items in his dimensional pocket as a swift action. This ability replaces improved quarry.
Privet Island (Sp): At 20th level the raider’s pocket dimension changes into a demiplane as the Create Demiplane spell. The raider also gains the ability to planeshift once per day to his demiplane or back to the plane he traveled from to enter his demiplane. He may bring others with him when he travels as per the planeshift spell. This ability replaces master hunter.
1ST: Abundant Ammunition, Air Bubble, Air Step, Alarm, Animate Rope, Ant Haul, Anticipate Peril, Arcane Mark, Blurred Movement, Break, Comprehend Languages, Create Treasure Map, Dancing Lantern, Decrepit Disguise, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Secret Doors, Endure Elements, Erase, Expeditious Excavation, Expeditious Retreat, Fabricate Bullets, Find Traps, Floating Disk, Glue Seal, Grease, Heightened Awareness, Hold Portal, Icicle Dagger, Identify, Invisibility Alarm, Jump, Keen Senses, Know Direction, Linebreaker, Magic Aura, Magic Mouth, Magic Weapon, Mask Dweomer, Memorize Page, Mending, Message, Monkey Fish, Mount, Open/Close, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Quintessence, Read Magic, Share Language, Shield, Silent Table, Summon Monster I, Sunder Breaker, Sundering Shards, Tactical Acumen, Technomancy, Theft Ward, Tireless Pursuit, Unseen Servant, Urban Grace, Vanish.
2ND: Acute Senses, Analyze Aura, Anonymous Interaction, Apport Object, Communal Ant Haul, Anticipate Thoughts, Arcane Lock, Bear’s Endurance, Bestow Insight, Bestow Weapon Proficiency, Blood Biography, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Certain Grip, Continual Flame, Darkvision, Delay Disease, Delay Poison, Demand Offering, Detect Thoughts, Disable Construct, Discovery Torch, Dust of Twilight, Effortless Armor, Enshroud Thoughts, Extreme Flexibility, Focused Scrutiny, Guiding Star, Hidden Speech, Improve Trap, Invisibility, Knock, Locate Object, Make Whole, Mirror Hideaway, Misdirection, Object Reading, Perceive Cues, Phantom Trap, Pilfering Hand, Protection from Technology, Recharge Innate Magic, Recharge, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, See Invisibility, Shadow Anchor, Share Memory, Shatter, Spider Climb, Summon Monster II, Twilight Haze
3RD: Absorbing Inhalation, Lesser Age Resistance, Arcane Sight, Blessing of the Mole, Burst of Speed, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Discharge, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Gaseous Form, Glibness, Gust of Wind, Haste, Hypercognition, Illusory Script, Greater Magic Weapon, Nondetection, Pierce Disguise, Protection from Energy, Secret Page, Shrink Item, Silver Darts, Slow, Summon Monster III, Tiny Hut, Tongues, Water Breathing, Water Walk
4TH: Age Resistance, Arcana Theft, Arcane Eye, Aura Alteration, Black Tentacles, Break Enchantment, Greater Darkvision, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Dream, Earth Glide, Echolocation, Enchantment Foil, Erase Impressions, Eyes of the Void, Fire Trap, Freedom of Movement, Illusory Wall, Greater Invisibility, Legend Lore, Life Bubble, Locate Creature, Magic Circle Against Technology, Greater Make Whole, Malfunction, Modify Memory, Neutralize Poison, Passwall, Planar Adaptation, Rebuke Technology, Retrocognition, Scrying, Secret Chest, Secure Shelter, Shadowy Haven, Soothe Construct, Spellsteal, Summon Monster IV, Symbol of Scrying, Symbol of Slowing, Thaumaturgic Circle, Treasure Stitching, Truespeak

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Freehold DM wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
My modem died, and I'm probably not going to get it fixed till tuesday thanks to a holiday and the weekend. I'm relying on a rather finicky phone web in the meantime...

you are on...dial up?


Remember when? Then you are old; Me too.

captain yesterday wrote:
I guess I'm a Neutral Good Human Druid.

Was it a total surprise? What would you have guessed about yourself?

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Rysky wrote:

I'd thought I'd be NE.

But the (annoying and contradictory, seriously, why wasn't there a 'both" option for some of those?) quiz put me down as a CG Paladin.


And then I saw the stats,

Strength- 17
Dexterity- 17
Constitution- 17
Intelligence- 12
Wisdom- 17
Charisma- 11


Chaotic Good Paladin. I think their use to be rules for paladins of the CG, LE, and CE bent in 3.5.

You think of yourself as evil but are really good, now the healing can begin. ;)
I think everyone gets high scores with this test. I don't know what that says about those that got low scores, test anxiety maybe. Anyways looks like you rock Rysky.

Loaded dish washers
Only exist after meals
It does not pay well

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Kileanna wrote:

Arde Lucus was a great idea. I love it. I have friends who are involved in gladiator fights and I was about to join.

I don't have anything as a favorite restaurant as I don't go out a lot lately. But this is one of the best pizza places I know. The owner is italian and a very nice person. So bad it's on another town.

Wow, that looks even better than I thought it would.

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Arde Lucus sounds like it is worth a road trip. Alas, it takes more than a car to get from here to there.

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Sissyl wrote:

.this thread is off topic...


I thought the topic had changed a long time ago, and someone said the title should have been "Came here to eat this". ;)

The thread became like the Travel Channel, and the Food Network in one place. We should talk about the best places to eat as well as the food we like.

I like Kelsey's Steak House. They have great steaks, though I normally get something different every time I go; which has only been 4 times in my life. I also love the ribs at Wagner's Ribs.

A great local experience is to picnic at the Indiana Dunes(as long as it is not windy.)

A place I want to try in Chicago is "Velvet Taco Chicago", it sounds great, though the name makes teenagers laugh; maybe that is why they picked that name.
I have never been to it but I want to go to "The Taste of Chicago".

So there is a taste of local flavor from north western Indiana.

My wife has an allergy to hot peppers of all kinds. The skin on her tongue peels off, she gets hives, very unpleasant. I always have to taste sauces, and food cooked with dry rubs for her. For obvious reasons she is not adventurous with restaurants.

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79. A town has been attacked by wererats. The wererats actually have identified that doppelgangers have been infiltrating the city, and the wererats are the only ones that are trying to stop the invasion. The wererats are actually protecting the city, because it is their home too. Unfortunately, even the wererats have been infiltrated by the doppelgangers.

80. An underwater city, that has areas with trapped air. They need to uncover the ritual used to sink the city many years ago. This is needed in order to stop an efreet lord that has opened a portal and destroyed a town on the coast. He plans to expand his kingdom through the portal into the prime material plane. If the heroes can plunge the coastal city under the waves they will be able to stop this powerful enemy they can not overcome face to face.

81. A nightmare dungeon that is set in the realm of dreams. Someone has been watching the heroes, and has plans to stop them before they can put a stop to his plans. The heroes are attacked by an old foe they have defeated before. They learn that they are dreaming but their real bodies are sleepwalking, and if they kill anything in the dream world their real bodies may be killing someone/thing in the real world (they see that they killed an animal in the real world). The heroes need to find a way to wake up without killing anything in the dream world.

I started playing D&D in fifth grade (1989), my friend's older brother invited me to play one night that I was staying at their house. We played a few more times, and then I got my own set of rules (red box set). I wanted to play more so I turned to my younger brother and my sister to play; I was DM by default.

In Jr. high I met some other friends that played D&D. We would get together about once a month to play. I bought the AD&D 2nd edition rules and started running a few games as DM with my friends. In high school I dated the same person all four years. She enjoyed the games, and we invited her girlfriends to play. I was the DM and Storyteller with them for about 2 years. I helped two of them run games as DM and Storytellers. In college I started playing with a new group of friends, but I only DM once for them.

I do remember my first game I was the DM, it was a dungeon crawl. The PCs were hired to deliver a bag of ingredients to a wizard. It was a cockatrice in the bag, and the PCs were the ingredients; the wizard was a necromancer. The necromancer had also enslaved a goblin tribe to work for him in his mines. We had to fight our way out, or be turned into zombies. I kind of want to do this again, I would do better with it now that I am older.

The last game I GMed was with my sister brother, and two other friends. It has been a while, but I still would be doing it if time allowed.
I would tell my younger self to stop worrying about the rules, and focus more on making the game fun for the players. Apparently, many of them enjoyed the games because most of them still play to this day.

Pan wrote:
Spagheti Squash is truly great. The ol lady's father is a farmer so we get tons every season! My favorite is when she makes Spanakopita spaghetti squash.

That looks/sounds great.

You, Dr. Rumack
Surely you are just joking
Don't call me Shirley

Then came Eccleston!
Then Tennant, Smith, Capaldi
Who is the doctor

We tried a spaghetti squash instead of noodles recently, when making spaghetti. This is the second time, and the squash was better this time. It was not bad in my opinion, but the two little boys did not like it. My little ones never seem to like trying new things.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
And now, for a bit of nostalgia, Windows 1.01

Had a flash back to "Saved by the Bell" and the "Muppet Show". The 80's were intense. Nostalgia can be dangerous at times.

lynora wrote:
Bobs red mill gluten free bread mix is a good one for getting close in texture and taste. But yeah, I spent the first year after my allergy developed unable to eat bread at all because it all tasted like sadness and disappointment.

We have not tried Bobs red mill gluten free bread mix, I think I have seen it at the local Kroger. Thanks for the tip.

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Daughter of a hag

I think ENPC is epic non-player character, but that is thinking positive.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet suffers from vitiligo. It is not what you think; your dirty. Vitiligo is a condition where pale white patches develop on the skin. It is due to a lack of colour (pigment) in the affected areas of skin.

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The sudden shift in the ability to see color causes mass confusion. People misjudge which medicine to take, people have a hard time driving, it becomes easier to tell when someone is lying due to the ability to see changes in body temperature resulting in the death of millions.

I wish people would share their wealth more.

Getting the proper fit with a pair of shoes is important, especially for athletes. It is probably easier for a team to let athletes buy their own shoes, but that is not the case on all teams. Many teams are sponsored by a company and they get their shoes for free. There seems to be different standards for different sports. I was reading about Olympic athletes, and how they must cover up their shoe brand if it does not match the sponsor. Of course children leagues do not have that kind of financial pull, so the families must buy their own shoes. Not every family has the money for gear, so some kids never get to play. My daughters dance studio has collected money through fund raisers to help families that have kids that want to dance. The kids get brand new shoes, which is great. I have read about how donations of our used junk is actually ruining the economy in smaller countries. It makes me think twice about what I give as a donation.

My wife use to make home made bread, before we discovered my daughter's allergy. We have cut back on bread use now. The gluten free recipes are not the same in taste or texture. We use to buy everything from a deli to make subs at home about every other week. Such an easy meal and clean up with a family of six. Dishes are always a big task in my house. I am the dishwasher, and most meals require 20 to 60 minutes of dish washing. If I skip just one meal it piles up quick.

My family shared our first watermelon of the year. I know not everyone likes watermelon, but that is not the case in my family. If I don't eat a it while I am cutting it I might not get any. I like all kinds of melons, but watermelon is the only one that all my family likes.

Cyrad thank you for your feedback. I have a few more ideas about how to get treasure sense to work. It is a little meta-game, but so is detect evil for the paladin, but it fits with the champion of good theme.
The Skill Master ability that I wrote originally only had one of three skills. Disable Device, Intimidate, or Use Magic Device. These three skills represent three different styles of treasure hunting, in my mind. I may go back to this or something along those lines.
I was trying to pack the talent pool, but I see what you mean with most of the talents I packed together. I think it would be better to trim it back.

Thanks again for the ideas on how to improve this.

I know a few people that are lactose intolerant, they do not like cheese. The things I am ashamed of do not involve cheese. Most of the people I know that are lactose intolerant are also allergic to gluten. Have you ever looked at the selection of gluten free foods? They are more common than they were five years ago, but many of the local stores do not carry more than one shelf of product. Is that the same in your area?

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I have been working on an idea for a arcane warrior called the Raider. They gain spells at the same rate as rangers, but their spells are arcane and focused on treasure hunting. I am trying to come up with a valid choice for a group's 5th or 6th team member. He makes for a good warrior, and skill monkey, and can be the groups face if that is needed.
I really like the treasure sense ability. I have played in games where adventures would not search areas because they were worried about monsters or traps. The treasure sense ability allows players to judge for themselves, "should I risk it?", even before they know what the treasure is.

Raider HD, Stats and Skills, Weapons & Armor :
Hit Die: d10.

BAB: Fast
Fort: Good
Ref: Poor
Will: Poor

Class Skills
The raider’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A raider is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor. They are not proficient with any shields. A raider can cast raider spells while wearing light armor and medium armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a raider wearing heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass raider still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Abilities through 3rd level:

Treasure Lore (Ex): At 1st level a raider gains a competence bonus equal to half their level in the raider class (minimum + 1) on Appraise, and Knowledge checks in regards to treasures. The raider can make all Knowledge skill checks against any DC in regards to treasure lore even if they are not trained in that skill.

Treasure Sense (Ex): At 1st level a raider gains the ability to detect the presence of treasure at will. This sense is not visual, it is a feeling that causes the raiders mind to get excited, causing them to experience slight shaking, hair standing on end, becoming flushed, or stuttering when they talk while sensing nearby treasures. This ability works like detect evil except it detects gold piece value as shown below using the Treasure Values per Encounter table from the Core Rulebook. Use the raiders level in place of the Average Party Level on the table when using this ability. This ability does not detect living or undead creatures as treasure. Constructs can be detected, but they are not exposed as constructs by this ability. Building structures (such as walls and floors) do not detect as treasure. The raider’s own gear does not count for sensing treasure, however other people’s gear does so the raider should avoid using this ability on team members.

Faint = 6 levels lower than the raiders level.
Moderate = 5 to 4 level lower than the raider’s level.
Strong = 3 or 2 levels lower than the raider’s level.
Overwhelming = 1 level lower than the raider’s level or higher.

Any time the raider senses an overwhelming presence of treasure they must make a will save with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the treasure. Failure means the raider is dazed for one round. Magical artifacts automatically cause this effect unless the raider rolls a natural 20 on the save.

Pocket Dimension (Su): At 2nd level, the raider gains a permanent extra dimensional storage space to store his treasures. Items stored in this way are stored on the ethereal plane. The pocket dimension can only hold 10 pounds / level in the raider class. Storing an item is a standard action, and it provokes an attack of opportunity. Storing a items in the pocket dimension cost one point from the raider’s reserve bank. When the raider spends, this point he can place up to the maximum amount of weight his pocket dimension can hold. Retrieving items from the pocket dimension is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it does not cost anything from the raider’s reserves.

Raider’s Reserves (Su): At 2nd level, the raider gains a reservoir of arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers. A raider’s reserves have points equal to 1/2 his raider level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. A raider’s reserves refresh once per day after the raider has meditated for 1 hour.

Skill Master (Ex): At 3rd level a raider becomes a master in one selected skill. For the skill chosen the raider gains a bonus equal to ½ his raider level. At 10th level, and again at 16th level the raider selects an additional skill to master.

Raider Talents (Ex or Su): Starting at 3rd level, a raider gains one raider talent. He gains an additional raider talent for every 4 levels of raider attained after 3rd level. A raider cannot select an individual talent more than once. Many of the talents require the raider to use their raider reserves.

Instant Shield (Su): As an immediate action the raider can create a magical barrier that grants a + 2 shield bonus to a target’s armor class. This bonus increases by + 1 for every four levels of raider the character has. The target must be within 25 ft. plus 5 ft. per every two levels of raider (the raider may target himself). The shield remains with the target until the start of the raider’s next turn. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Artificer’s Touch (Sp): You can cast mending at will, based on your caster level to repair damaged objects. In addition, you can cause damage to objects and construct creatures by striking them with a melee touch attack. Objects and constructs take 1d6 points of damage + 1 for every two raider levels you possess. This attack bypasses damage reduction and hardness equal to ½ your raider level. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Conjured Weapon (Su): As a move action the raider can create a weapon to meet his need. The weapon created must be one the raider is proficient with. The weapon created is of masterwork quality and is treated as magic for overcoming damage resistance, As the raider’s increases in level the weapon picks up other qualities. At 6th level the weapon when created is made of cold iron or mithral at the raider’s choice. At 12th level the weapon can be made of adamantine or it can overcome damage resistance against alignment (the raider’s alignment type must match one part of the raider’s alignment). At 18th level the weapon is treated as epic against damage resistance. This weapon cannot be permanently enchanted, but spells can be cast to improve the weapon. The conjured weapon last for one minute per raider level. This talent requires a point from the reserve bank.

Dimensional Step (Sp): You can teleport up to 5 feet per raider level as a move action. This teleportation does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought. The raider must be 11th level to choose this ability. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Disrupt Magic (Sp): As a standard action, you can use dispel magic as a touch attack. Use your raider level to determine effects of this ability as per the dispel magic spell. The raider must be 7th level to choose this talent.

Elemental Enchantment (Su): As a move action the raider can cause a weapon he is holding to gain an aura of elemental energy. This aura causes + 1d6+ 1 per every 2 levels of raider damage of the type of energy chosen. If used on a ranged weapon this ability effects the weapons ammunition. The type of energy is chosen from the following list when the raider learns this ability. Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic. This talent requires a point from the reserve bank. A raider can choose this talent multiple times each it is chosen a different energy type must be chosen. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Energy Orb (Su): As a standard action the raider can throw an energy orb at close range (as a spell) at a target as a range touch attack. The orb inflicts 1d4+ 1 per every 2 levels of raider. The type of energy is chosen from the following list when the raider learns this ability. Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic. This talent requires a point from the reserve bank. A raider can choose this talent multiple times each it is chosen a different energy type must be chosen. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Evil Eye (Su): The raider can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that he can see. The target takes a – 2 penalty on one of the following (raider’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This talent lasts for several rounds equal to 3 + the raider’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to – 4. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Extend Magic (Su): The raider can cast spells as if it were modified by the Extend Spell feat. This does not increase the casting time or the level of the spell. The talent requires a point from the reserves.

Familiar (Ex): The raider gains a familiar, using his raider level as his effective wizard level. This familiar follows the rules for familiars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature.

Follow Clues (Ex): A raider with this talent can use Perception to follow tracks as per the Survival skill. This talent requires a point from the reserves. This ability remains active for one hour once activated.

Fortify Self (Su): As an immediate action the raider can fortify themselves against damage. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. At 3rd level the chance is 25%, at 10th level the chance is 50%, and at 17th level the chance is 75%. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Mass Withdraw (Su): As a swift action a raider may withdraw any item the raider has placed in his pocket dimension that can be held in the raider’s hand (ex. a weapon, a gem, a cloak) He can not use this ability to withdraw an item if it would place him above the medium load category. Using this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

My Own Master (Ex): As a swift action, a raider’s can try to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel him. If a raider with my own master is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He can use this ability each round he desires to do so. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Physical Enhancement (Su): As a standard action the raider can grant himself an enhancement bonus to one of his physical ability scores (Str, Dex, or Con). This enhancement last for one minute. At 3rd level the enhancement is a + 2 to any ability score. At 6th level the bonus is + 3, at 9th level the bonus is + 4 at 12th level the bonus is + 5, and at 15th level the enhancement is + 6, this is the maximum increase for this talent. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Quick Disable (Ex): It takes a raider with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable a trap using the Disable Device skill (minimum 1 round). When he uses Disable Device to open a lock that would normally take a full-round action to open, he reduces the duration to a standard action. This talent requires a point from the reserves. This ability remains active for one hour once activated.

Quick Shot (Ex): Whenever the raider rolls initiative, he can also make a single attack with a ranged weapon as a swift action. He can use this ability only if he has a weapon in hand and it is loaded (if applicable). This attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Shadow Trap (Su): As a standard action, you can command shadows to come to life. You cause shadows to grapple a target that is within your sight. You attempt a grapple check using your intelligence modifier instead of your strength modifier against the target. You can drag, damage (damage is non-lethal and equal to your unarmed attack), or pin a target with this ability. You cannot affect a creature in bright light with this ability. The raider must be 7th level to choose this talent. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Silent Magic (Su): The raider can cast spells as if it were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase the casting time or the level of the spell. The talent requires a point from the reserves.

Silver Tongue (Su): As a swift action, you can gain a + 3 moral bonus to any Charisma ability check or skill check the is modified by Charisma. This bonus increases by + 1 for every three levels you have in the raider class beyond 3rd level. (+ 4 at 6th level, + 5 at 9th level, …). This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Still Magic (Su): The raider can cast spells as if it were modified by the Still Spell feat. This does not increase the casting time or the level of the spell. The talent requires a point from the reserves.

Spell Recall (Su): The raider learns to pull an additional spell from his spell book to cast. This spell does not have to be one the raider has prepared, but it must be recorded in his spell book or on a scroll that he has and would be able to cast. This talent requires one point per spell level of the spell that the raider wants to cast.

Tongues (Su): A raider with this talent can understand any spoken language for a number of minutes per day equal to his level, as comprehend languages. At 7th level, a raider can use this ability to speak any language, as per tongues. This talent requires a point from the reserves.

Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a raider with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM. This talent requires a point from the reserves. This ability remains active for one hour once activated.

Danger Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a raider gains a + 1 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a + 1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. In addition, she gains a + 1 bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised by a foe. These bonuses increase by 1 every 3 raider levels thereafter (to a maximum of + 6 at 18th level). This ability counts as trap sense for the purpose of any feat or class prerequisite, and can be replaced by any archetype class feature that replaces trap sense. The bonuses gained from this ability stack with those gained from trap sense (from another class).

Raider Abilities 4th level and beyond:
Bonus Feat At 4th level raiders gain a bonus feat. The raider gains an additional combat feat every 5 levels beyond 4th level. The bonus feat must be chosen from the following list. Combat Feats, Eschew Materials, Item Creation Feats, Skill Focus, or Signature Skill.

Spells (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, a raider gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the raider spell list. A raider must choose and prepare his spells in advance.
To prepare or cast a spell, a raider must have a Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a raider’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the raider’s Intelligence modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a raider can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score. When the table indicates that the raider gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to base on his Intelligence score for that spell level.
A raider must spend 1 hour per day in quiet meditation to regain his daily allotment of spells. A raider may prepare and cast any spell from his spellbook, if he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.
Through 3rd level, a raider has no caster level (unless they have arcane cross training). At 4th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his raider level – 3.

Spellbooks: A raider must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. Around 4th level a raider begins to keep a spellbook containing two 1st-level raider spells of his choice. The raider also selects some additional 1st-level raider spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to his spellbook. At each new raider level above 4th level, he gains one new raider spell of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new raider level) for his spellbook. At any time, a raider can also add spells found in other spellbooks to his own

Treasure Master (Su): At 20th level a raider learns how to create a demi-plane hide-away. Treat the demi-plane as a Create Demiplane spell made permanent. He can open a portal as a full round action against a vertical flat surface. This location must be prepared for the portal by a ritual that takes 10 hours, but after that the portal can be opened as a full round action. The portal stays open as long as the raider maintains concentration allowing travel of as many as he wishes. no creature larger than size huge may pass through the portal. The raider also gains plane shift as a spell-like ability usable three times per day. Any plane the raider is on is treated as his home plane.


1ST: Abundant Ammunition, Air Bubble, Air Step, Alarm, Animate Rope, Ant Haul, Anticipate Peril, Apport Object, Arcane Mark, Blurred Movement, Bowstaff, Break, Comprehend Languages, Create Treasure Map, Dancing Lantern, Decrepit Disguise, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Disguise Weapon, Disrupt Undead, Endure Elements, Erase, Expeditious Excavation, Expeditious Retreat, Fabricate Bullets, Find Traps, Floating Disk, Glue Seal, Gravity Bow, Grease, Heightened Awareness, Hold Portal, Icicle Dagger, Identify, Illusion of Calm, Invisibility Alarm, Jump, Keen Senses, Know Direction, Lead Blades, Line in the Sand, Linebreaker, Long Arm, Longshot, Mage Armor, Magic Aura, Magic Mouth, Magic Weapon, Mask Dweomer, Memorize Page, Mending, Message, Mindlink, Monkey Fish, Mount, Mudball, Open/Close, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Quintessence, Read Magic, Restful Sleep, Returning Weapon, Shadow Weapon, Share Language, Shield, Silent Table, Stone Fist, Summon Monster I, Sunder Breaker, Sundering Shards, Tactical Acumen, Technomancy, Theft Ward, Tireless Pursuit, Unerring Weapon, Unseen Servant, Urban Grace, Vanish

2ND: Acute Senses, Analyze Aura, Anonymous Interaction, Communal Ant Haul, Anticipate Thoughts, Arcane Lock, Bear’s Endurance, Bestow Insight, Bestow Weapon Proficiency, Blood Biography, Blur, Bull’s Strength, Calm Spirit, Cat’s Grace, Certain Grip, Continual Flame, Darkvision, Delay Disease, Delay Poison, Demand Offering, Detect Thoughts, Disable Construct, Discovery Torch, Dust of Twilight, Eagle’s Splendor, Effortless Armor, Enshroud Thoughts, Extreme Flexibility, Focused Scrutiny, Fox’s Cunning, Guiding Star, Hidden Speech, Hydraulic Push, Improve Trap, Invisibility, Keen Edge, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Make Whole, Mirror Hideaway, Misdirection, Object Reading, Owl’s Wisdom, Perceive Cues, Phantom Trap, Pilfering Hand, Produce Flame, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Technology, Rage, Recharge Innate Magic, Recharge, Reloading Hands, Resist Energy, Ricochet Shot, Rope Trick, See Invisibility, Shadow Anchor, Share Memory, Shatter, Spider Climb, Stone Discus, Summon Monster II, Twilight Haze, Versatile Weapon

3RD: Absorbing Inhalation, Adjustable Disguise, Lesser Age Resistance, Arcane Sight, Blessing of the Mole, Burst of Speed, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Command Undead, Daylight, Discharge, Dispel Magic, Elemental Touch, Explosive Runes, False Life, Flame Arrow, Flame Blade, Gaseous Form, Glibness, Gust of Wind, Haste, Hypercognition, Illusory Script, Greater Magic Weapon, Mirror Image, Nondetection, Pierce Disguise, Protection from Energy, Secret Page, Shifting Sand, Shrink Item, Slow, Suggestion, Summon Monster III, Tiny Hut, Tongues, Water Breathing, Water Walk

4TH: Age Resistance, Arcana Theft, Arcane Eye, Aura Alteration, Break Enchantment, Greater Darkvision, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Dream, Earth Glide, Echolocation, Elemental Aura, Enchantment Foil, Erase Impressions, Eyes of the Void, Fire Trap, Freedom of Movement, Illusory Wall, Greater Invisibility, Legend Lore, Life Bubble, Locate Creature, Magic Circle Against Technology, Greater Make Whole, Malfunction, Modify Memory, Neutralize Poison, Passwall, Planar Adaptation, Planeslayer’s Call, Rebuke Technology, Retrocognition, Scrying, Secret Chest, Secure Shelter, Shadowy Haven, Soothe Construct, Spellsteal, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV, Symbol of Revelation, Symbol of Scrying, Symbol of Slowing, Telekinetic Maneuver, Thaumaturgic Circle, Treasure Stitching, Truespeak

We have completed our wills, and the cemetery is ready.

Minions! Collect the Infinity Stones!

With tears in your eyes
Of joy or remorse, unknown
Twisted psychopath

The skill points are the only issue I have with sorcerers, but if you get a bonus from Int. use background skill points and go human sorcerer can be versatile skill wise.

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captain yesterday wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
(I'm not actually going to do this. But it's tempting.)
I don't see why not...
Probably because people who keep their kids on leashes are almost (but not quite) as bad as people who put their dogs in strollers.

I can kind of see it if you're elderly or really overweight.

The problem is, the people that put their kids on leashes are almost always not, they're just really, really lazy or can't be bothered paying attention to anyone else.

For the record, I always make people call it a leash when they come in to work looking for "safety harnesses"

"Is that for rock climbing?" "No" "cattle?" "No!" "Have you tried Farm & Fleet?" "It's like a backpack with a tether on it" "Oh! A leash! Like for a dog!" glaring at me now "yes, like a leash"

I train people at my job for safety harness use. They work at heights of 30 ft. They would not like me if I called it a leash. Oh, that is the point you were making, never mind then.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Thanks. I had a bit of a nightmare, last night. I dreamt that I stopped posting for a week, and when I came back, nobody remembered who I was. *shudder*

They say that dreams help us process the problems in our lives. Still, I have been rattled by a few over the years.

John Napier you are a valued person, even if you do not always feel like you are valued. We all feel like we do not matter at times in our lives. Remember that feelings do change. One of the best ways to get out of feeling under valued is to help out others.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Allowed to play all classes but my favoite; variety is the spice of life.

Would you rather have a cursed item that switches your gender or a cursed item that switches your race?

Wind blown hair; or is that just hair gel?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, taking Tiny T-Rex to school right now, then immediately after that I have to take the dog out and then grab my trash can after garbage pickup before someone dumps a bunch of garbage in it.

Then maybe, I can take a nap.

Do people actually "trash trade" where you live if they miss pick up? That is funny to me... I mean it would be funny if it was not so rude.

Made spaghetti bake last night for the family. No left overs, so I guess it was a success.
Tonight my wife is going to make grilled garlic chicken. She likes to grill more than I do.
I am shade blind so I do not see the color pink well. When I cook beef I check how done it is by how tough it is when I press it. I have gotten good at judging rare, medium, and well done over the years, but had some issues learning first.

Tasha should not rule the city because a half kender would attract a lot of full kenders to this city.

You did a great job with the story for the villain Kileanna. I like how it was revealed, and continues to be revealed. With such a strong emotional backstory, almost any encounter will be memorable. Thank you for sharing.