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Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Assuming Faldoc shares that information... "SAABIRA! You traitorous scum!" Constantine can scarcely contain his rage. Remembering his earlier overreaction that mentally crippled their attacker, he limits himself to cursing her fate before unleashing more powerful spells. Evil Eye for saving throws. DC 25 Will or -4 penalty on saves for the next 11 rounds. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Spellcraft: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (20) + 25 = 45 Someone has conjured a Blade Barrier. They seem to be taking up a defensive position. Constantine will then cast See Invisibility, hoping to reveal their potential opponents. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Regrettably I'm not a slumber witch, so no making them need a wakeup. Constantine will try to address Janira and her crew. He starts with a review of Thuvian nobility and politics. He gets a bit distracted with criticisms of the Emir's leadership, and a long aside about how bizarre the country's strange power-sharing arrangement is. Nobility: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Later, his advice about the Thuvian countryside is even less helpful. Knowing little beyond the major cities, he confuses locations in Osirion, Rahadoum, and even distant Qadira. Geography: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Confident in Darius' ability to handle the Kernaug Pathfinders, he focuses his efforts on the Axe-Biters, relying on every ounce of his willpower to resist hitting the brutes with his evil eye hex.
He starts with a review of Thuvian history, as well as the origins and major points of the Pathfinder-Aspis conflict, starting with the early days and continuing through the attack on the Grand Lodge.
He gives a much more detailed review of the major VIPs involved in local politics and the Aspis hierarchy, spelling out exactly who can be "axed," and who is off limits. Perhaps because he got his ranting asides out earlier, or perhaps dreading the consequences of the barbarians misinterpreting him, this is his most detailed review.
He will also give them his First Aid Gloves, though only one hand remains usable. He gives them strict orders to reserve it for its breath of life function, either if one of them falls, or if they should accidentally axe someone on the "no axe" list. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() This is what I get for stepping up. Paperwork. If this ends with me sharing an office with Dreng, someone's gonna pay. As he reviews the files, he rolls his eyes. Of course. The only half-orcs they send are barbarians and Gorumites. Typical typecasting." He does find the psychic team and the inclusion of a kobold particularly interesting, though. Once everyone's had a chance to review the documents, he retrieves a wand from his side, and carefully removes his gem-studded gloves. "What do we think? I can offer both of these to the teams. The gloves offer an emergency resuscitation or other healing, and the wand should protect against all but the most powerful elemental magic. Both a hell of a lot better than anything my VCs gave me." First Aid Gloves with one hand used, CL 11 wand of resist energy w/10 charges He continues, "As I understand it, we have several leads for them to follow. One team should focus on the outsiders, one should research Kitio, and the last should try and find Loralis, while we go directly to the Vaults." "The Ustalavic team seems best suited for the planar inquiry. Perhaps we send the 'Axe-Fixers' after Loralis in the city's underworld, and Janira's team after Kitio through more 'respectable' channels? Once we're sure of how we're assigning people, I'll be happy to contribute to briefings. My bonuses are below for comparison. I'm by best at Arcana, Local, and Planes, for which I can't fail the DC 25, and will most likely make the DC 30. These do not include heroism, as I assume that's gone by now. I could recast it if we think we can use if both for the briefings and the vaults Knowledges: Knowledge (Arcana) +25, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (History) +12, Knowledge (Local) +28, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +27, Knowledge (Religion) +17, ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() If Kurik doesn't manage it... It takes every ounce of Constantine's (admittedly limited) restraint to avoid saying something hurtful about the Emir's lack of grace under fire, instead, he gestures to his familiar. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Constantine doesn't cast his spell. "That's fine. Less fun when they aren't putting up a fight anyway. Might as well let the Emir's men take care of him. " While Constantine can overreact a bit with his spells or when directly insulted, he'll generally do his best to avoid doing anything that crosses a line for others (Cooperate and such). Looking over at the documents in Kurik's, he smirks. "Abadar, eh? I suppose that's as good a lead as any. Though that might be a bit of an uncomfortable conversation for you... ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Kurik has got the first one to open, up, correct? Constantine draws his whip, trying to be menacing. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way... Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 It isn't as threatening as he hoped. It's been a long time since he's used the whip for anything but recreation. "I do have a spell that can help. Some of you might find it...uncomfortable to see, though." I forgot I prepared This. If people are OK with using an evil descriptor spell, I'll do the full witch routine. Evil Eye for saves (DC 25 will to reduce duration) and cackle, followed by misfortune (DC 25 with -4 penalty), cackle again before dropping the spell (DC 19, 20 if human, rolling twice taking worse at a -4). ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() "Whoever he is, he's no longer a problem. Might not be too talkative, though. I don't take kindly to people who try to mess with my head." Constantine will try to snag the man with his whip and pull him to the ground so that others can restrain him. The half-orc will take point on identifying magic items on his person, for starters. Take 10 Spellcraft for 37 ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() I'm happy with those saves. With Heroism they're actually 2 higher. After the penalty, that makes the lower of the two a 24.
Furious at the man's impudence, Constantine decides to fight fire with fire, forgoing the opportunity to weaken his defenses. Persistent Feeblemind. DC 24 Will (at a -4 penalty if he's an arcane caster). If he makes it he must save again. If he somehow does not have the Human subtype, the DC is 23 instead. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() 60 feet fly speed. 3D positioning is always tricky, but 60 feet should hopefully let me get close enough. If not, I'll need to retcon that, I suppose. Is it possible to target the darkness itself for a (regular) dispel? ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Unsure of what to expect from the ominous sphere, Constantine flies closer to the sphere for a closer look, and then does his best to weaken the capabilities of the creature within. Dispel (Greater): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 I believe that should take off the three highest level spells on him (except any of CL 23 or higher). ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Constantine tries to cause another to be wracked with pain, concerned about the overwhelming numbers. DC 25 Fort save for Agony hex vs. Red. I believe that one is uninjured. If not, please redirect it towards an unharmed one. He also draws his seldom-used longsword, brandishing it menacingly. Here for a flanking bonus, Kurik ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Planes: 1d20 + 27 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 27 + 2 = 46 Constantine isn't in the mood for an extraplanar vacation, so he tries to mentally twist and wrack the creature's organs, making it harder to maintain its grip. Agony hex. DC 25 Fortitude or nauseated for 14 rounds, targeting the one grappling me. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Losing Master of Trade is fine, especially since I think I've forgotten about it literally every time. More often than not, my familiar will be doing everything possible to stay out of combat, so SR isn't too big of a deal. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() "Does the Emir have a way to contact you if something happens to the other convoys while we're here?" Cautious about rushing towards the site, Constantine creates a magical sensor in the midst of the debris to scout ahead, appearing at the location of the worst carnage. Activating hag's eye hex for one minute, so there's an arcane eye active over there. Rolling everything that seems potentially usefu He begins with a cursory examination of the site, looking for a better picture of what exactly happened here. Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
As he gets more time, he'll be interested in the damage, seeing if he can identify the spells or creatures responsible. Arcana: 1d20 + 25 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 25 + 2 = 44
With more time, he'll pay attention to the specifics of the location, and see if anything about the ambush site or bodies left behind raises red flags. Geography: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 = 12
"Whoever did this is making us look incompetent. They won't get away with that, I promise you." He'll continue to laugh nervously [ooc]Cackle to maintain Fortune for as long as Basalte wants, before slowly flying towards the scene. Folks, I haven't yet taken advantage of my Spirit Talker feat. I can spend ten minutes to learn a hex from a shaman spirit. The Intercessor hex from the Ancestors spirit (1 question speak with dead, useable on as many targets as possible) seems like it could be useful in this particular situation if it turns out that we have the time. Also anyone who wants a charge of my endure elements wand is welcome to it. Hexes: Flight: active, 12/14 available Fortune: active on Basalte Hags Eye: active, 13/14 available. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Constantine finishes his snack as he quickly casts a few spells, and rises a few inches off the ground. Optimism-Dread-Schadenfreude touches him, crystalline facets reflecting bodyguards leaping in front of their charges, an assassin jostled by a passer-by in the crowd, and a charging knight skidding in mud. "Showtime. Let's have some fun." The half-orc laughs heartily as the conjurer begins casting their spell. He readies a wand of dispel magic in one hand, and grabs one last canape with the other. Based on Darius' prep, it seems we're taking at least three rounds. If so, mine are, Mage Armor, Heroism, then activate Flight hex. ODS will hit me with Sanctuary (DC 12), which probably won't help, but can't hurt. If we're taking additional rounds, any additional time will be spent using the Fortune hex on anyone who wants it (first come first served). Move actions will be spent cackling. Always best to arrive on scene mid-maniacal laugh. Fortune: The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() I was originally Sczarni back in Season 5, I hopped over to Dark Archive as part of the Season 6 faction changes, once it became clear that there wasn't nearly enough Guaril in the exchange. Zarta throws better parties. I overlooked traits, but they were Fast Talker and World Traveler (taking Knowledge Local as class with the second) ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() "Yes, any information you can share about the previous attacks would help us serve you better. While I doubt the attackers would try the same methods twice, more information about their capabilities is always better than the alternative. " "The lack of elixir on the black market suggests that whoever orchestrated the thefts had a recipient in mind, though they're likely smart enough to make others do their dirty work. On the other hand... " He pauses for a moment to pop a stuffed fig in his mouth, chewing and swallowing before continuing. "The other city-states have not had the same problems, correct? Do you know anything about their transportation techniques? It is possible that these thefts are not in pursuit of the elixir at all, but rather about inflicting harm on you specifically or Pashow as a whole. Does anyone come to mind who might have such an agenda?" "Of course, this all assumes the thefts had the same source. We can't rule out the possibility that other parties saw weakness after the first theft and pounced on the vulnerability." The aeon behind him bobs in the air, its crystals reflecting images of gangsters smashing market stalls and lions picking off slow gazelles. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() "Very well. Though I'd prefer somewhere with nicer weather, I can't say no to giving the Aspis a headache." As a precaution, he retrieves a pair of wands, hitting himself with each, before offering them to the others. Endure elements and Mage armor ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() "Do we know if the Aspis are working alone? Or any unrelated threats in the region? If they have any unconventional allies we may need to make special preparations. Speaking of..." He takes a moment to look over the others, before turning to Faldoc, and removing the large metal device from his back. "You might be able to handle this better than I will, in case we run into anything that really needs to be destroyed." A timeworn Rocket Launcher, just in case. Any Knowledge checks to rolls? ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Slightly after the others, a half-orc comes flying over the Lodge's walls from the northwest, followed closely by what appears to be a cluster of spinning, multicolored crystals. Skimming just over the treeline before landing near the Master of Swords, the half orc takes a moment to adjust his styled black hair and smooth out his yellow silk robes, trimmed with black griffon fur. His lower arms are bare, revealing extensive tattoos, a jumble of Calistrian iconography, Thassilonian runes, and Absalom gang symbols. Several wands, a sword, and a whip all clatter at his side, and a long metal tube is strapped across his back. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Enchantment. My main weird thing on this character is the Curse of Vengeance Feat. If Constantine goes down, he's gonna do everything he can to take the enemy down with him. I don't leave the house without at least a few curse options prepared, but the most likely version will be using Greater Bestow Curse for a -12 CON penalty. I also have planned spontaneity. I usually use those slots to mix a spell that's a huge help in specific circumstances with one that's a safer bet. Lightning Bolt/Speak with dead was a common choice at lower levels. ![]()
Active Conditions: HP 128/128 | AC 14 (13 Tch, 12 FF) | Fort +13 | Ref: +11 | Will +13
![]() Player Name: Dhenn
Constantine is generally a typical debuffing witch (no slumber hex, though). Usually he prefers to harrass enemies, partially for character reasons partly to avoid stealing the spotlight. With this being hardmode I'm going to be more likely to pull out the big guns. That said, I'll have plenty of slots if anyone has particular requests. I'll get some of the sheet up over the weekend, but I won't have access to some of my hard copy stuff until Monday. |