Sunlord Thalachos

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1 post. Organized Play character for OtrovaGomas.

Grand Lodge

I think you can as they work in space, the argument i seen is that there are hydrojets, but the hydrojets last for 10 hours and the jump jets last for only 10 uses. Personally I let my players use them but I honestly though this was correct, but I found that other GM do not let this work

Grand Lodge

I was re-reading clocking field and what I see is that it still works if you move but you don't get the bonus. And when you use stealth to hide you can use it as PART of the move (at a -10 if you do a full move). So, then an operative could in theory attack move and hide in plain sight, and use its stealth bonus (instead of stealth bonus +10 if he stands still)? In the same breath, if an operative has shot on the run, he can do the trick attack then hide in plain sight with the clocking field? This would render the operative technically invisible if they can’t beat his stealth with a perception, thought?

Grand Lodge

I been asking about using Mysticism for computers and/or engineering on an eoxian ship (or ship with a eoxian computer), this is because on the scenario "Into The Unknown" you can use it in say scenario to operate the computer of a ship you board, I wonder if they mean to make this a thing so mystics could have an easier time in starship combat

Grand Lodge

Society character, Half-Orc (yes, I have a boon)
Starting at lvl 3 due to credits
Envoy lvl 3, Dragonblood theme (at lvl 6** this theme extent shaken condition for 1 more round)
You can harness the terrifying reputation of dragons to strike fear into the hearts of those you oppose.
You’ve read or seen so much of dragons’ tactics that you can mimic them with surprising accuracy and
effectiveness. When you successfully use Intimidate to bully a creature, its change in attitude lasts for an
additional 10 minutes. When you successfully use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent, it is shaken for 1 additional round.

Str 11, dex 16, con 10, int 10, wis 10, cha 18(w/ personal enhancer)

He will focus on intimidation, so at lvl 3 he has +16 intimidation {+2 voice amplifier (from AA), +2 racial and +2 skill synergy (I’ll explain this feat and yes, I know insight bonuses don’t stack)}
Skill Expertise: intimidation
Expertise Talent: Rattling Presence (Ex; Intimidate)
When you attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent, you can forgo rolling your expertise die to automatically increase the duration of the shaken condition by 1 round on a successful check. At 9th level, you instead increase the duration by 2 rounds on a success when using this talent. (this shows why I use skill synergy since I plan to forgo my expertise die with intimidation, I don’t take skill focus because I want a +2 on bluff as well)

So in theory when he succeeds at intimidating someone at lvl 6 the effect will last 2 rounds longer due to theme and rattling presence

Option 1:
Take Clever Faint improvisation (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 4)(this is why I need the +2 to bluff)
Take Get Em’ (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 6 (even if I still use it as a move action the +2 would apply)

Round 1 for this one would be (depending on enemy and encounter type) use the intimidation skill normally DC 15 + 1-1/2 × the opponent’s CR (this would more than likely last for at least 2 rounds (3 at lvl 6)) follow by Get Em.
So a +3 (+4 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Round 2 Get Em’, Clever faint (improve version at lvl 4 lets me shot as well) bluff skill normally DC 15 + 1-1/2 × the opponent’s CR.
So a +5 (+6 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Round 3 would be like round 2

Pro: +5 (+6 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness)
Con: The problem with this option is the demoralize with intimidation needs to be done at 30ft, this should be ok if I have a tank but if it happends to be too far away then Clever Faint and Get Em can be used at 60ft.

Option 2:
Take Dispiriting Taunt improvisation (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 4)(I think that the theme and rattling presence would still apply here)
Take Get Em’ (with the idea of taking the improve version at lvl 6 (even if I still use it as a move action the +2 would apply)

Round 1 for this one would be (depending on enemy and encounter type) Dispiriting Taunt as a standard (as a move at lvl 4) if theme and rattling presence apply this would last 2 rounds (3 at lvl 6) follow by Get Em.
So a +3 (+4 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy (plus all the shaken goodness) [or +1 (+2 at lvl 6) to hit the enemy if Taunt fail, although enemy will still be off target]
Round 2 Get Em’ follow by attack (Shaken condition should still be around), ( at lvl 6 improve Get Em’ would let me move around as needed)
So to hit same as previous
Round 3 would be like round 1 or 2

Pro: I can do this at 60ft
Con: the to hit is lower than option 1

So thoughts or recommendations?
Also I like to know if Dispiriting Taunt would benefit from Rattling Presence and Dragon Mien

Grand Lodge

How would it work if a mystic uses lifelink to take an SRO wounds? Would this work 1 to 1?

Grand Lodge

it is as follows:
Gravity Boost (Su)
D You can increase or reduce the gravitational attraction
between yourself and the terrain around you. You can add
a bonus equal to one-third your solarian level (minimum +1)
to Athletics checks to climb, jump, or swim as part of the
action you take to attempt the skill check. In addition, as
a reaction when you are falling, you can reduce the falling
damage you take by half. At 6th level, you can move along
vertical surfaces and even upside down along ceilings for 1
round. This functions as spider climb, but it leaves your hands
free and you can also run. You must end your movement on
a surface that can support you normally. If you end your
movement while you are standing on a vertical surface or
ceiling, you fall unless you succeed at an Athletics check to
climb to remain in position.
When you are attuned or fully attuned, the bonus you gain
from this revelation to checks to climb, jump, or swim doubles.

So at lvl6 you move on as with spider climb. Is this still part of the action to move or do you have to spend a standard action to "cast" to use it?

Grand Lodge

I sure they are not, but can someone point me as to where this is written? I'm asking because unharmed strike has this property and Vesk and other races have the archaic property removed to their unharmed strikes.

Grand Lodge

I know that you need to use engineering to do medicine, but I'm just wondering if the can be repair with engineering

Grand Lodge

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So this sniper rifle from alien archives has a capacity of 10 and use 1 per shot, if it discharges can I just replace the battery with a 20 spare one? Or am I forced to recharge it? This is for society play

Grand Lodge

Why don't I see people recommending the personal upgrade at lvl 2 or 3 and so on?

Grand Lodge

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Jump jet.
You can activate jump jets as part of a move action in order to fly during your movement. You can fly up to 30 feet (average maneuverability) with a maximum height of 10 feet, or you can fly up to 20 feet straight up. You must land at the end of your move action.
Does this mean that the fly movement is on top of my move? So if my land speed is 25, with this I can move 55? Looking for RAW please

Grand Lodge

I know that you can just throw them at a square or interception, but if I want to throw it at an enemy, which AC does it aim for? Sorry if this has been asked before

Grand Lodge

Would the hover drone (tiny sizes by the way) get cover if it is just standing on your shoulder? It has a walk speed so I'm thinking it has legs to stand

Grand Lodge

Is it a standard action as part of an attack? Or just on its own?

Grand Lodge

If I put my custom rig in my armor slot how do I use it? How does this work?
Same question for the brain jack, I guess you use the wire to connect to a computer, but how does it work for the engineering stuff. I just can't picture it

Grand Lodge

So the exocortex mechanic can get a mod at lvl 7, lets say heavy weapons. Would the weapon specialization they get at lvl 3 apply to this as well?

Grand Lodge

Is this still only a melee thing when bluffing to feint?

Grand Lodge

If it is mentioned anywhere I miss it, will this be an option?

Scarab Sages

So feral hunter can have an animal aspect all day and switch as needed, the regular hunter can use it minutes per level but if the companion is "dead" he can apply the aspect he would use on his animal on himself (which doesn't have a limit). What am I missing? Isn't it better to have the regular hunter and have an aspect all day and an extra one you can add in emergency or when needed?

Scarab Sages

For Organiced Play. TWF Swashbuckler built, Human (but could change) ST 10, Dex 20 (bonus and boon), Con 14, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 15
Traits: fencer (for the +1 on AO), Magical Knack (Warpriest, so divine favor gives me a +2 luck on attack and damage)
1st lvl Swashbuckler, class feature finesse, feats: combat reflexes, TWF (little useless atm but comes into play at lvl 3), using rapier and buckler for now.
2nd lvl Swashbuckler, class feature Charmed life
3rd lvl Warpriest of Achaekek (for the sawtooth saber proficiency), bonus feat: weapon focus (sawtooth saber), feat: slashing grace (for the sawtooth saber, so I can use my dex for damage). Also as a Warpriest I would pick the War blessing and Undead blessing (the +4 to intimidate is great with menacing sword deed)
4th lvl Swashbuckler, class feature Nimble +1
5th lvl Swashbuckler, bonus feat: weapon specialization (sawtooth saber), feat: double slice (debatable)
6th lvl Swashbuckler, class feature weapon training (so now my weapon count as keen)
7th from here I have not though too much, was thinking on Savage technologist, but my character need to be Lawful Neutral to follow Achaekek. One way around this at lvl 3 I could take a level on Kensai to get the proficiency and weapon focus, is so I would bump my int so I can use spells or I could just still to wands.
Ideas recommendations are welcome, this is to be Organiced Play legal.

Scarab Sages

So this archetype has the following :

" School Focus (Ex)

At 2nd level, a winding path renegade continues the training she left behind, gaining the benefits of the mystery taught at her old monastery. As the winding path renegade progresses in her self-guided training, she gains deeper understanding of her chosen monastery's mystery, which grants her new powers."

Is this flavor text? Of those it serve a purpose?

Scarab Sages

So there is no penalty for using a buckler and any gun lers
so why is there a penalty for using a bow or crossbow, can someone point me in the right direction

Scarab Sages

Alchemist tank build (PFS legal)
Half-Orc, full time alchemist (since I want mummification at lvl 10)
Great axe as weapon of choice
Str: 18 (racial here)
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 9
Cha: 7
Traits: reactionary and something else, maybe indomitable faith
1. Feat: Ferocious Resolve (gain the ferocity universal moster ability)
2. Discovery: preserved organs (25% negate sneak attacks and crits)
3. Feat: extra discovery (preserved organs, 50% negate sneak attacks and crits)
4. Discovery: lingering spirit
5. Feat: Power attack
6. Discovery: Wings (or something else)
7. Feat: extra discovery (preserved organs, 75% negate sneak attacks and crits)
8. Discovery: open (thinking of spontaneous healing, to add healing touch latter)
9. Feat: open (thinking of healing touch, to double up on spontaneous healing)
10. Discovery: mummification
11. Feat: open

Any thoughts?

Grand Lodge

Hide in Plain Sight (Su)

A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a shadowdancer can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. She cannot, however, hide in her own shadow.

Ok this is how I’m reading this, and also seen it mention in some post as such (I could be wrong). A shadowdancer can hide in plain sight wile been observed period (as long as there is cover and stuff). But if there is nothing around he needs dim light to hide with nothing to actually hide behind of.

Sorry if this has been answered before but I can't find a stray up yes or no, by the way I'm playing in organised society play.

Scarab Sages

So the Skulking Slayer (Rogue; Half-orc) at 2nd level, can select the Surprise Follow-Through feat in place of a rogue talent. But the feat reads as follow: Surprise Follow-Through (Combat, Orc/Half-Orc)
When striking one opponent, you catch its ally off guard.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When using Cleave or Great Cleave, the second foe you attack on your turn is denied its Dexterity bonus against you.
Okay so at level 1 you can take power attack, then at level 2 you take the bonus feat, nice feat to get at level 2 but how can you use it if you don't have cleave yet, or can this be use without cleaving since it is a bonus feat.
Can some one clarify this for me?

Grand Lodge

I'm thinking of making a half-orc barbarian/fighter only one level of fighter with the UNARMED FIGHTER (ARCHETYPE) because the get Unarmed Style at level 1, the plan is to make the orc with a bite attack and then get lesser beast totem and lesser fiend totem to have 4 natural attack while raging.
My question is can this archetype take something like Dragon Ferocity and use with no problem?
On a side note how does unarmed strike work with natural attacks?

Dragon Ferocity (Combat)
You attack with the strength of a dragon, your telling blows striking fear into your enemies.
Prerequisites: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Benefit: While using Dragon Style, you gain a bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls equal to half your Strength bonus. When you score a critical hit or a successful Stunning Fist attempt against an opponent while using this style, that opponent is also shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + your Strength bonus.

Unarmed Style: At 1st level, a unarmed fighter gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and any single style feat (see Chapter 3) as a bonus feat. The unarmed fighter need not meet all the prerequisites of the style feat he chooses, but style feats that grant additional uses of the Elemental Fist feat cannot be taken until the unarmed fighter has that feat. This ability replaces the bonus feat at 1st level.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

"Assassinate (Ex): A ninja with this master trick can kill
foes that are unable to defend themselves." So you sneak attach the guy after a round of study and you could kill him, what I'm not clear about is the next line "This attempt automatically fails if the target recognizes
the ninja as an enemy." Does that mean that you can only assassinate someone who does not know you? so in the middle of a battle you can't go invisible study the enemy for a round and then assassinate? Thanks in advance for any clarification

Grand Lodge

Can some one under the spell blur be sneak attacked? Using feint, if they are prone or something like that?