@Diego Rossi If what you say is true I shall acquiesce the point. However, I was under the distinct impression that "A character can go without water for 1 day plus a number of hours equal to his Constitution score. After this time, the character must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters that take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit points begin to take lethal damage instead." Which means not immediate death, thus being lethal damage without instantly killing the monster and thus is subject to regen. HOWEVER!
So in the case of suffocation the creature bypass the concept of damage and instead is dealt (theoretically) pure constitution damage, kind of. In this case, as you said yourself, regen wouldn't apply. So I guess the final answer is it can't die from starvation or thirst, but it can die from suffocation.
NECROTHREAD: It seems to me that the rules are clear that a regenerating monster won't die from having lethal damage dealt. It definitely takes the nonlethal damage such as from starvation, yes; at least until the source (e.g. starvation) starts dealing lethal damage. HOWEVER, once the source starts dealing lethal damage the regeneration kicks in, because the rule explicitly states that it cannot die from/heals lethal damage. In order to stop that regen you'd need to introduce the weakness, such as fire or acid in the case of the troll. So the only way to kill a troll by starvation is to get it to where it is taking lethal damage from the staration and THEN hit it with fire or acid to stop the regen. "But the rules say it takes damage from nonlethal sources like starvation, so your point is hypocritical". Well no. The key words are "nonlethal" and "like". The rules aren't saying starvation ALWAYS counts as the non-----lethal type of damage, just that it is an example of a POSSIBLE source. The focus is the "nonlethal" part. Once the damage becomes lethal, the regeneration kicks in. So you'll still need to introduce the fire and/or acid to stop the regen in that case.
@Tuffon Well I mean, it is ALPHA, last I heard. Having a crap-ton of bugs that they then work out with the help of the players was the whole point, wasn't it? The "develop the game alongside the creators" idea? Unless I misunderstood the year I spent investing 20 hours a week into these forums and the development prior to it's release. So, if that is really what caused all this, then I really am saddened because that sounds like we the players let the GW team down in a hard way after all the promises of being ready for the bugs and the lower-tier graphics and whatnot.
I hate to be that guy, could someone, perhaps avena or bludd, give me a quick PM to recap me on just what the hell happened between release and now that caused "blob-friendly", "financial holes", "Ryan being fired", etc. that is the PFO as it exists now. My own fault for being outa the loop but... well even links to relative articles would be sweet xD. edit: maybe even relevant articles too!
Didn't they do away with leveled equipment, at least in the sense of many different types, and instead made it so that we would be glad of a +1 longsword, whereas a +5 longsword of kobold cleaving would be the stuff of every 16 year old boys fantasy dreams? or did that not go into affect. @AvenaOats I agree. visuals and the like aren't what make the game. the people are. If this does get deemed a failure, I know most of us here would be willing to try again, if perhaps we are a little more cynical next time around then so be it. People are what make this game. And I agree that the sort of people we need can't be bought in with pretty lights and neat videos (not say GW is doin that, just sayin)
Wow. You know, as I necro myself back into the forum life, I have to say: the biggest reason I flopped my ass out of this game when I got access into it wasn't the graphics, wasn't the poorly implemented system, wasn't any of that. For my two cents, it was just the emptiness. Not the lack of people but the plain emptiness of the whole thing. I knew it wasn't finished, as we all did, and I knew why we couldn't cram in a million little trees, but what it simply boiled down to was I could either live my life, get good grades in college, and not waste hundreds of dollars on an incomplete game, or I could sit around spending money on a glorious dream that has yet to see fruition. It is obvious by now which of the two won out (I believe I owe an apology to my elven compatriots who were expecting some druid help. On the bright side I got straight As in college that year). Further, as was mentioned before in this thread, this online game didn't, at the time, have that pathfinder feel to it at all. The Rappon Athuk tremor or the creative depth. It just felt generic mmo to me, except not as well implemented as some of the bigger ones on the market, and much more appealing in scope. It really is wonderful to see all the old faces again, however, and to know you all still care about this dream. I leave you to your debate good sirs and madams. quick edit to add in a little more of my opinion.
and I necro'd some stuff, as you realized by now. If I did something I should have, shouldn't have, or should be in between about, pm me. otherwise, pm me anyway, to be frank I am bored and I need something to engage in that I can still do homework with. As an aside, The grand schemes of Brother Letholdus Zael have still survived (actually surprised that so many of you kept committed to the info network even when I stopped responding!) and I'm now in alpha, so I'm certain to enjoy seeing you around. thanks for the time you lovely community
@Cal & Being, While you are both likely right I am just pointing out the possibility of such a necessitated conflict could arise, not the inevitability per se. I am just wondering if the GW guys thought about it is all. Given that it does seem unlikely all will sell before they add more space, (kind of unfortunately for GW who would certainly enjoy the needed monetary support) it makes sense if the subject hadn't been given too much thought in regards to "overpopulation", if you will. I was simply wondering the thoughts of GW if such an event did occur. And so: Is it fair to have someone buy something that is more for crafting and rest and in turn be forced to enter a war, or at least heavy diplomatic negotiations, if they desired to use it? An answer to this certainly would set my mind at ease in terms of how GW feels about certain subject matters, and I honestly can see it going both ways and thus won't be upset by the answer, whatever it is.
Unfortunately, the latest fiasco post was locked and stocked when I eventually got around to reading it. It seems like there is something extremely burning within people recently roundabouts here. No doubt all of us have expectations and hopes of what to do and who to do it with and who to do it to (THAT IS RIGHT KC, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PLANNING WITH THOSE MAMMOTHS!) and frankly, all this waiting is driving us insane. Luckily for me I was already playing an "insane" character before all this so it should come to no surprise that I am going to simply upscale the insanity in my character for once in the few times, as apposed to the usual verbose revolutionary or slimy politician you usually encounter (the former being intelligent sounding and bringing up points and the other mostly starting seeming "flame-wars" for no apparent reason only to whip out some obscure point right before it gets a thread locked). And so, in order to ease/contribute to the tension and insanity we are all feeling I wish to clarify something I haven't exactly stated before. IC: I am here to "wipe the slate clean" of the wickedness of oppression and resentment. It stands to reason that everyone is flawed and at some point slips up and bullies another, hounds someone, makes fun of another for no reason, etc. And so, while we can try to make enemies to sate our lusts I'm letting you know you can all relax. I plan on destroying all of you at least once. Myself included.
Man, enjoy the nature. North Bend and the hills and mountains thereof look really well. That aside, TVC could enjoy the capabilities of some unaligned barbarians. Of course, you have to be ready for some bloody slaughter, guerrilla warfare, and defense of geographic lands... Payment as desired, of course.
This might have been brought up, I've only skimmed the past posts since my last one. I had thought I posted it earlier however... anyways: "further, with a finite space, that being 3,150 spots, what happens when 3,151+ people buy these smallholdings? Will we, essentially be buying our way into a war if we wish to actually use our smallholdings? While I am fine with the war-smallholding relationship, I'm not sure how I feel about the real money-war implications. Is it really... fair (and by this I mean good business, because you know how people like to complain about "fairness") to make people pay for the opportunity to use something, an opportunity that others are sure to try to thwart? Like what if they belong to a small group and the big groups keep buying up smallholdings and slowly just take all the spots, killing anyone in the way."