Swamp Barracuda

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Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. 625 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I couldn’t find if this is something that has been discussed or not, so if it has, please point me in the right direction. I am curious what will become of the six OGL Demon Lords. I could see some of them being killed off in the upcoming War of Immortals. This could also allow some Nascent Demon Lords to take over their realms and move up to full Demon Lord status. The six OGL Demon Lords include: Baphomet, Dagon, Jubilex, Kostchtchie, Orcus, and Pazuzu. My thoughts on potential outcomes are below.

Baphomet - As a Demon Lord it seems like Baphomet has already been on a different trajectory for a while. I could easily see that story progress with Baphomet abandoning the Outer Rifts altogether. Baphomet pulled the Ivory Labyrinth from Hell to the Outer Rifts, so I could easily see him packing up and moving his realm to the Maelstrom. Baphomet was never treated well by Lamashtu, and I am not sure he is particularly invested in the Outer Rifts. I could easily see Baphomet just being done with being a Demon Lord and being done with the Outer Rifts.
Now this is a little more out there, but I could see Baphomet joining the ranks of the Protean Lords. Labyrinths, mazes, and puzzles all seem like things proteans would be into. And as part of his apotheosis into a Protean Lord, I could see Baphomet’s star brand on his forehead turning into his Protean Crown.

Dagon - I could see Dagon easily going one of two directions. Golarion mythology indicates the Dagon was a Qlippoth Lord before turning into a Demon Lord. For me, Dagon never felt like his grasp on being a Demon Lord was particularly strong, so I could see him reverting to a Qlippoth Lord and using his Qlippoth name instead of his Demon name. Alternatively, the mythology could be incorrect and the extremely ancient Dagon was not a Qlippoth Lord at all, but instead was a Great Old One and has been playing Demon Lord for whatever reasons. The War of Immortals could be the impetus for Dagon to go back to proper Great Old One status.

Jubilex - For me, if Dagon felt like he didn’t have a firm grasp on being a Demon Lord, Jubilex’s Demon Lord status was hanging on by a thread. Jubilex also started off as a Qlippoth Lord and it would make so much sense for Jubilex to abandon the whole Demon Lord thing and revert to using their Qlippoth name and reinstating their Qlippoth Lord status.

Kostchtchie - I could absolutely see Kostchtchie getting taken out in the War of Immortals. Kostchtchie is pretty entrenched in the OGL so that is a problem. But, considering that Baba Yaga has been so over Kostchtchie for a while, the War of Immortals is the perfect opportunity for her to clean up that loose end. I am not suggesting that Baba Yaga would take Kostchtchie out herself, but I could see her arranging things so that he gets taken out.

Orcus - Orcus is an interesting case. Initially, Orcus was considered an obscure Demon Lord on Golarion, but as the editions progressed we saw Orcus utilized more. It could be that the War of Immortals sends Orcus back into obscurity. But, Orcus is also a good candidate to get knocked off. I can only imagine that Zura, Kabriri, and Urgathoa would all be delighted to grab a piece of his divine portfolio.

Pazuzu - Dead. He is sooooo dead. Lamashtu has had it out for Pazuzu ever since he betrayed her and left her for dead. Lamashtu has long been waiting for a convenient excuse to hunt down Pazuzu and eliminate him for good. The War of Immortals is the perfect opportunity, while the other powers of the Outer Rifts are distracted, Lamashtu can finally kill off Pazuzu without concern for consequences.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In one of the recent live streams there was a random comment about monsters graduating into Monster Core to help fill in some of the gaps from the removal of OGL monsters. So for fun, I decided to gather up those 3.5 Pathfinder monsters that never graduated to 1E or 2E and provide my elevator pitch as to why they are ready to graduate into Monster Core 2 or Monster Core 3, if or when those books start development.

Sometimes, updated monsters can be hard to spot. So if anyone is aware of any of these monsters appearing in 1E or 2E please let me know. Also, is there something I missed, please let me know.

Are there any monsters from 3.5 Pathfinder, 1E Pathfinder, or 2E Pathfinder that you hope to see "graduate" into a Monster Core book?

Divs, before Pathfinder had Divs (Get of Iblis, Black Jinni, Ghalshoaton)

Name: Get of Iblis - CR 13
Types: aberration, aquatic

Elevator Pitch:
So, this monster definitely needs a new name. But, WOW, this monster hunts and destroys all types of elementals. This would make a terrifying Div. Its abilities are spot on, but it needs a new appearance and new lore. Also, hide your Geniekin Characters!!!

Name: Genie, Black Jinni - CR 12
Types: elemental, chaotic, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
This creature's lore is far more suggestive of this being a Div. And honestly, we need more Divs, so let’s pick this low hanging fruit! Also, to see the Black Jinni getting some tweaks and an update to fit better into the setting would be great.

Name: Ghalshoaton - CR 9
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar, lawful

Elevator Pitch:
Another great addition to the Divs, and the Ghalshoaton is basically already good to go. It needs a few minor lore tweaks, but that shouldn’t hold it back!

Aberrations, be afraid of the dark (Magga, Argorth, Snowdrifter, Emkrah, Black-Blooded Creatures).

Name: Mother of Oblivion, Magga - CR 15
Types: outsider, aquatic, native
Name: Mother of Oblivion, Argorth - CR 11
Types: aberration

Elevator Pitch:
Argorth are the spawn of Maggas. Maggas are also known as Mothers of Oblivion, and the Magga known as Black Magga is particularly infamous in Varisia. When a Magga spawns, one of its tentacles becomes independent and ravenous. The Magga must chew off this tentacle to release its spawn. Surprisingly, Mothers of Oblivion or Maggas, have never been released as their own monster. Instead we have only gotten Black Magga. We have a pretty interesting life cycle for the Magga and Argorth already developed, and it would be great to see them finally updated and presented together as a creature family.

Name: Snowdrifter - CR 4
Types: aberration, air, cold

Elevator Pitch:
Snowdrifters are terrifying and should also be called the Breath of Ithaqua. Cosmic horror snow monsters please!!!

Name: Spawn of Rovagug, Emkrah - CR 9
Types: aberration

Elevator Pitch:
To battle a Spawn of Rovagug is likely out of reach for most adventurers. However, these living eggs never hatch, but are still spawned from Rovagug. This allows Emkrah to be the perfect opportunity for adventurers to fight a Spawn of Rovagug. Also, the text indicates that there are also Emkrah that hatch but never develop into the mightiest Spawn of Rovagug, leaving the door open for Spawn of Rovagug in the level 10-19 range.

Name: Black-Blooded Creature - CR Varies
Types: template, aberration

Elevator Pitch:
Okay, so these are pretty specific to Orv, so maybe not the best option for a more general monster book. But when we do get around to visiting the Darklands, this living infection that takes over mind and body would be a great monster.

Native species, animals of Golarion (Dhabba, Sand Eel, Sikari Swarm, Crag Spider, Chariot Beetle).

Name: Dhabba - CR 1
Types: animal
Name: Eel, Sand - CR 5
Types: animal

Elevator Pitch:
Getting interesting and varied animals is always a plus. Especially when they are unique to a setting.

Name: Monkey, Sikari Macaque Swarm - CR 5
Types: animal, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
Sikari Rage is a disease that can either affect swarms, affect multiple individuals causing them to swarm, or both. Sikari Rage seems more like something that would work well with the Swarm and Troops creature categories. I don't think we have seen a swarm disease/troop disease before!.

Name: Spider, Crag Spider - CR 8
Types: vermin

Elevator Pitch:
This is a species of Giant Spider, and happens to be the first species of Giant Spider that Paizo made for Pathfinder. It would be great to see this updated.

Name: Beetle, Azlanti Chariot Beetle - CR 5
Types: vermin

Elevator Pitch:
This species of Giant Beetle is way overdue for graduation into a monster book. Flying beetle mounts with an ancient legacy from Azlant. Why were we getting the OGL slicer beetle when this was an option!

Constructed nightmares, don’t trust your senses (Granule Construct Swarm, Granule Construct Host, Tongue of Rebuke, Wings of Protection).

Name: Granule Construct Swarm - CR 6
Types: construct, swarm
Name: Granule Construct Host - CR Varies
Types: template, construct

Elevator Pitch:
Microscopic constructs that were potentially created on Azlant and that have a hive mind situation going on. That is already crazy awesome, but then some people also actively encourage a Granule Construct Swarm to inhabit their body so that they and the swarm can live in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship!!! This isn’t just a cool monster, this is a Creature Construct Archetype similar to Creature Undead Archetypes. Do you want your humanoid character to also gain the construct trait? Just become a host to a Granule Construct Swarm.

Name: Tongue of Rebuke - CR 9
Types: construct
Name: Wings of Protection - CR 8
Types: construct

Elevator Pitch:
So, both the Tongue of Rebuke and the Wings of Protection are pretty odd in terms of what we might typically think of for constructs. However, I don't think we have ever seen much in terms of what a Fey construct might look like. Looking at these creatures as fey constructs makes them very interesting and opens all kinds of possibilities.

Dragons of the burning desert (Gandareva Azi, Sruvara Azi, Zahhhak Azi).

Name: Azi, Gandareva - CR 16
Types: dragon, aquatic
Name: Azi, Sruvara - CR 15
Types: dragon
Name: Azi, Zahhak - CR 19
Types: dragon

Elevator Pitch:
Paizo has been hinting for a while that they plan to get back to the Azi. Lets pull that trigger already!!! I am looking forward to when that finally happens.

Once upon a time in the land of the First World (Frosty Chiseler, Miengu, Roseblood Sprite, Shadowy Lurker).

Name: Frosty Chiseler - CR 4
Types: fey, cold

Elevator Pitch:
This creature needs a new name. Otherwise, a fey creature that leaves frozen sculptures of flesh and viscera in boreal forests and on frozen tundras... this is a horror story and I need to know more!!!

Name: Miengu - CR 11
Types: fey, aquatic

Elevator Pitch:
This is an awesome creature, but if we are getting back to mythology, I am not certain this is a Fey Creature. I am surprised we didn’t see Miengu show up when we were visiting the Mwangi Expanse. But hopefully they will show up when we visit central/southern Garund, if not before.

Name: Sprite, Roseblood Sprite - CR 3
Types: fey

Elevator Pitch:
The lore for these sprites could use some updating, but otherwise these are a great addition to sprites. Why don’t we have sprites that turn into rose bushes yet?!?! And they work really, really well when connected with the Eldest, The Green Mother.

Name: Shadowy Lurker - CR 8
Types: undead, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Why are these Undead and not Fey? Long ago, a group of hubristic elven artists were tricked into going to the First World where they were corrupted into beings that can only appear in the Universe through fine art objects and are bound to an art object while manifested in the Universe. That's crazy awesome, and these should absolutely be fey and not undead!!!

A beast on the trail, a beast on your tail (Coeurl, Deep Crow, Buraq, Cinder Wolf, Darklands Sentinel, Ercinee, Hoary Muntjac).

Name: Coeurl - CR 8
Types: magical beast
Name: Deep Crow - CR 14
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
These are both used by permission only and cannot be updated without receiving permission.

Name: Buraq - CR 5
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
The Buraq, Shedu, and Lamassu are a ready made creature family, and with Paizo taking a closer look at mythology now is the perfect time to bring these three together.

Name: Cinder Wolf - CR 2
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
These fiery wolves add a nice twist to a standard wolf encounter. The only thing holding Cinder Wolves back is that, as far as we know, they are only found in and around the Cinderlands of the Storval Plateau.

Name: Darklands Sentinel - CR 2
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
Whose an adorable replacement for the blindheim, you're an adorable replacement for the blindheim!!! But you need a new name because Darklands Sentinel is not the best name for my cute darklands buddy.

Name: Ercinee - CR 4
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
Giant, glowing, magical, night bird. This bird is literally dripping alchemy and it's awesome! Also, its description mentions that it is also called an Alicanto, which I think was a typo, and that it meant to say the bigger, even more alchemical species is called an Alicanto.

Name: Hoary Muntjac - CR 3
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
This one is an interesting case. The Hoary Muntjac is essentially a magical arctic wolfdeer. The creature feels like it should be in a Peryton creature family. Even if the Peryton and Hoary Muntjac have different abilities, their goals and appearance are very similar. It probably should get a new name, something like Peryjac or Hoaryton would be a simple way to tie the two creatures together and to harken back to the original name of hoary muntjac.

Within the depths of the fiendish realms (Xenarth, Chatterer Swarm, Crepitus, Nightmare Bats, Son of Perdition).

Name: Xenarth - CR 10
Types: outsider, chaotic, demon, evil, native

Elevator Pitch:
The Xenarth demons have previously been overlooked, but it would be great to see them get additional consideration. While initially designed off the Bulette, they are true demons. It would be great to see them distanced from the Bulette so they stand on their own as gluttonous demons.

Name: Chatterer Swarm - CR 8
Types: outsider, chaotic, evil)

Elevator Pitch:
That the Chatterer Swarm has not yet been added to the Vescavor creature family is a missed opportunity. Whereas the weaker Vescavor Swarm attempts to devour objects, the more deadly Chatterer Swarm attempts to devour flesh. And of course both swarms are directed by a Vescavor Queen.

Name: Crepitus - CR 5
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar, lawful

Elevator Pitch:
Similar to the Divs, this is an Asura before Pathfinder had Asuras. We don’t have an Asura that represents the first Divine spell failure, and these could easily fill that role. Spells that fail against them are turned back against the caster. These make for great low level bosses and as support for more powerful Asura.

Name: Nightmare Bats - CR 3
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
These are almost an interesting creature and could easily be made awesome. They desperately need to be renamed Hellbats. Also, they would make great hell mounts. Why don’t we have the option to ride vulture-bats from Hell!

Name: Son of Perdition - CR 13
Types: outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Demons are not usually the fiends people think of when possession is involved. However, these would make for perfect possession demons. And their lore already fits this perfectly. But, oh buddy, do they need a name update.

On distant planes they wander (Shadowgarm, Zhyen Genie, Hadhayosh, Achaekek the Mantis God).

Name: Shadowgarm - CR 2
Types: aberration, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
These are great low level shadow monsters from the Netherworld. Not sure they are aberrations though. Also, it is already baked into their lore that they "leak" into the Universe. This makes them really versatile, allowing them to show up almost anywhere.

Name: Genie, Zhyen - CR ½
Types: elemental, air, earth, fire, or water

Elevator Pitch:
Surprise! I think this has been updated as the Gennayn Genie. My only hesitation is that the Jocta was not mentioned, but maybe that will be explored later. Can anyone confirm if the Gennayn Genie is an updated Zhyen Genie?

Name: Hadhayosh - CR 18
Types: magical beast, fire

Elevator Pitch:
Giant fire/beast/elemental that roams the Plane of Fire... Yes Please!!! Also, add a large size version that is slightly less fiery that is a domestic breed found on Golarion. Are you thinking The Last Unicorn elemental fire bull, cause I am!

Name: Achaekek, the Mantis God - CR 30
Types: outsider, lawful, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
Not sure this is appropriate for an update, unless as a very powerful Avatar.

Be you friend or be you foe (Wooden Protector, Unchosen Gnoll).[/b]

Name: Wooden Protector - CR 3
Types: plant

Elevator Pitch:
This would be a perfect lower level Arboreal. If you are looking for Arboreal Knights, look no further. Alternatively, if you stuck closer to their original lore, these are a very minor form of Greenman Leshy.

Name: Gnoll, Unchosen - CR 4
Types: humanoid, gnoll

Elevator Pitch:
The Unchosen brings some exciting options to the Kholo that can easily be supported by Ancestry Feats. Kholos who undergo the Ritual; Growing of the Third Eye, open their minds and bodies to experiences that are unique to Kholo. Kholo who undergo this Ritual could gain access to Ancestry Feats like: Foresighted, Deathwatch, Large Size. While followers of Lamashtu consider this ritual as a gift from their goddess and perform it on both willing and unwilling Kholo, the ritual is not unique to Lamashtu. In Katapesh an alchemical method of reproducing the effects of the ritual has been developed. However, unlike the ritual, which slowly transforms a Kholo over time, the alchemical method is instantaneous, shattering the mind of the recipient. This turns the Kholo into a vicious predator that can avoid danger and smell the life force of its prey. Not surprisingly, the servants of Lamashtu are distinctly interested in this alchemical transformation.

The dead have died, the dead will rise, the dead will come again (Bloodless Vessel, Bonestorm, Croaker, Edimmu, Fell Flotsam, Gutdragging Lurcher, Hungry Mist, Necropyre, Smoke Haunt, Sea-Sworn).

Name: Bloodless Vessel - CR 12
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
Bloodless are incredibly interesting and powerful undead. I am actually surprised Paizo hasn't done more with these. They do need their lore freshened up a bit, but that shouldn't hold them back. Also, they are a perfect fit for the new Spirit mechanics.

Name: Bonestorm - CR 8
Types: undead, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
On battlefields where mass casualties have occurred, the marrow and bones of the restless dead can stitch and fuse together. The lingering spirits, massing together in their shared trauma to animate the undead bone and marrow monstrosity. Often we see corpses fusing together to form collective undead, and this makes for a nice twist, focusing on the bones instead of flesh.

Name: Croaker - CR 5
Types: undead, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Croakers are really interesting for undead. Croakers were pushing the boundaries of not so evil undead very early in Pathfinder. Croakers are undead that arise because in life they were individuals that were intentionally targeted by a corrupt justice system. Hung from the gallows for crimes that their persecutors knew they didn’t commit, Croakers arise to take vengeance on those who murdered them out of convenience rather than justice. Croakers are a great example of undead that should not have the Unholy Trait. And they are a perfect option for murder mysteries or crime solving adventures.

Name: Edimmu - CR 3
Types: undead, incorporeal
Name: Great Ghul - CR 5+

Elevator Pitch:
While we did get the Ghul in 2E we did not get the Great Ghul yet. While a Ghul is a basic undead genie, Great Ghuls retain more of their elemental nature. This allows the Ghul to be expanded into a creature family with each Great Ghul matching closer to the genie it spawned from.
The Edimmu gives us an incorporeal undead genie option. And we definitely need more undead genie options! The Edimmu could also easily be expanded into a creature family based on the different genie types. Because the Edimmu and Ghul are so different in form and abilities, between the two, we could easily have a robust group of undead genies.

Name: Fell Flotsam - CR 6
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
I kind of have a soft spot for these ooze-like undead. The Fell Flotsam is just waiting to be combined into a creature family with the Flotsam Terror, both of which are water based ooze like undead, but with very different abilities.

Name: Gutdragging Lurcher - CR 3
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
The name for these undead could be updated, but otherwise gut puppets! Why don't we see more gut puppet undead!!!

Name: Hungry Mist - CR 14
Types: undead, incorporeal, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
I don't know if Paizo even realizes they already have a replacement for the Caller in Darkness. Hungry mists are a perfectly terrifying medium to high level undead. And as a bonus, it already covers similar themes to the Caller in Darkness.

Name: Necropyre - CR Varies
Types: template, undead

Elevator Pitch:
Necropyre are very cool undead, but they are pretty specific in their origin and would be very rare outside of the adventure in which they appear.

Name: Smoke Haunt - CR 4
Types: undead, fire

Elevator Pitch:
Undead formed from those that died from exposure in the wilderness. These undead will hide in your campfire and pretend to warm you up while draining your life away. These undead are deceptively terrifying, and also the perfect random encounter for adventurers camping in the wilderness!

Name: Sea-Sworn - CR Varies
Types: template, undead

Elevator Pitch:
Okay, so this one is a bit specific to the Chelish Navy. But, cursed aquatic undead, created through a ritual, and bound in service to the Chelsh Navy! I need a High Seas adventure where a Chelish warship is deploying these undead with gruesome effectiveness.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Something I noticed is that the 5 Imperial Dragons we have seen align pretty closely to five of the nine environment types.

Imperial Dragons: Sea, Forest, Sky, Sovereign, Underworld
Environments: Aquatic, Arctic, Desert, Forest, Mountain, Plains, Swamp, Urban, Underground

Matching them up we get:
Aquatic (Sea), Forest (Forest), Mountain (Sky), Urban (Sovereign), Underground (Underworld)

Do you think there is design space to fill in the remaining four environments with Imperial Dragons? Possibly something like:
Arctic (Boreal), Desert (Desert), Plains (Prairie), Swamp (Fen)

Also, with Dragons being snyced up to align to the magical traditions (Arcane, Divine, Occult, Primal) do you think Imperial Dragons will have Divine & Primal traits?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In Rage of Elements I noticed that the Crysmal is included. While Rage of Elements was published under the OGL, the book is set up to be almost entirely compatible with the ORC. However, the inclusion of the Crysmal, and by extension the Crysmal Shardling, this book includes the OGL Crysmal.

Was the Crysmal's inclusion intended? And if so, should we expect it's removal if Rage of Elements is someday Remastered?

Or is the Crysmal from mythology and safe to use?

If I am overlooking something and this creature is from mythology, can someone point to the source inspiration?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

By chance does anyone have a list magic schools and arcane colleges that have been mentioned on Golarion? I am having trouble finding a list on the pathfinder wiki.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My personal hope is that BattleZoo Bestiary 1 & 2 are re-released in a combined pdf and updated to Remaster rules and released under the ORC. Essentially making the combined BattleZoo Bestiary the Remaster equivalent of the Tome of Horrors. Not sure how much work that would be for the Roll for Combat folks, but it would be awesome if it happened!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Do we think the Houses of Perfection are going to go through a bit of a shake up? Will Untwisting Iron split into two houses, one for Earth and one for Metal? Will a new house be established for Wood?

Or do we think they will stick with the traditional four houses?

I wood love to hear everyone's thoughts, opinions, and theories.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am not entirely certain it is needed, but I wonder how everyone here would feel about a Lost Omens Remastered, with the focus being on those books that have a decent amount of rules content. I could see giving the Remaster treatment to:

Lost Omens: World Guide
Lost Omens: Character Guide
Lost Omens: Gods & Magic
Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide

With some of the content of these books moving to the Remaster Core books I can see an argument where these could be remastered as the Setting Core Four and either expanding on the current material or bringing in material from other books. Expanding material might be giving a full page to each continent to fill in for content moved to the Core. Or bringing content in from other books such as replacing Leshy with Shoony since Leshy are moving to Core. But I could also see an argument where this is overkill.

I would love to hear all of your thoughts if you feel like sharing.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The article we got in “The Hungry Storm” was a great introduction to the continent but clearly only scratched the surface when it came to discussing the people, cultures and places that are found on The Crown of the World. What do you want to see explored, expanded on, or discussed in a book about the Crown of the World?

My thoughts are below:
1. The name Crown of the World comes off as a bit exotic to me. I feel like that is what people who are not from there call the continent. I would love to have a name for the continent that is similar to Avistan, Garund, Tian Xia, etc.

2. The People: There are a lot of interesting people and cultures that live on the Crown of the World and I would love to see what Paizo comes up with when doing a deeper exploration of these people and cultures.
Humans (Erutaki “...a catchall term for hundreds of local human tribes and clans, some nomadic and some settled, that dwell all across the Crown.” The Hungry Storm pg. 73. From this line we know that Erutaki may refer to a specific people but is also used to refer to humans from the Crown of the World collectively. This is essentially saying they are Tian of Garundi, referring more to a land of origin instead of a specific culture or ethnicity. This might also be a clue to the name of the continent, Erutak is literally right there staring at us. Additionally, we know that Ulfen, Tian, and Varki communities live on the Crown of the World as well.
Other known ancestries include Ilverani Elves, Guran Dwarves, Snowstepper Gnomes, and giants with Frost Giants and Taiga Giants being some of the more common groups.
The Snowstepper Gnomes I find particularly interesting. They may represent a branch of Gnomes that had a greater divergence from the more common Gnome ancestry. Like Spriggan, Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin), and Lava Gnomes, their appearance may be quite different, and they may have ancestry feats not available to other Gnomes.
Other ancestries that live on the Crown of the World but have had very little exploration include the Adlet, Selkie, and Thremindyr.

3. Places, While the Crown of the World is likely to draw inspiration from any real world nation or peoples that are found in polar regions, I personally would love to see a fantasy Canada. I am not even sure what that would look like, but it feels like it could be a fun place.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have been exploring the various 2E Ancestries in relation to what options were available in 1E and how that has informed the options available in 2E. In this process I have also attempted to identify what 1E options we have yet to see and how that might inform future 2E Ancestry options in the form of Heritages and Ancestry Feats. I figured I would share my findings and I would love to hear what options you feel are missing for the published Ancestries. Please keep in mind is this is only looking at 1E Ancestries that have been translated to 2E.

Please note that all rules information was located by using the Archives of Nethys website (aonprd.com) and if you are looking for any referenced rules I highly recommend their website. The various abilities are located in 1E race options, race specific class options, race specific prestige classes, race specific archetypes, race specific feats, race specific traits, race specific spells, and bestiary entries for a particular race.

Android (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Androids are currently too few in number to have large distinct cultural groups. Despite their small numbers a few major subcultures have developed. These subcultures may be the foundations for Android cultural groups if the Android population continues to grow and find new homes across Golarion. These major subcultures include:


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Android was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?
Most of what we saw in 1E has been translated to 2E. There could be a bit more robustness in Ancestry Feat options and it would be great to see some exploration of the relationship between Androids and Mannequin Robots. For more on Mannequin Robots see below.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Constructed, Emotionless, Exceptional Senses, Nanite Surge, Repairing Nanites, Alien Mindpaths (Feat), Empathy (Feat), Nanite Disruption (Feat), Nanite Strike (Class), Nanite Surge (Class), Nanite Resurgence (Class), Distributed Body (Class), Living Swarm (Class), Cellular Match (Trait), Alien Origins (Trait), Blood Algorithm (Trait), Experimental Escape (Tait), Nanite Revival (Trait)

Android Culture
Android (NPC), Android Imposter (NPC), Numerian Ascetic (NPC), Eyes of Mind Reading (Wondrous Item)

Honorable Mention:
The Mannequin Robot is the immediate predecessor model of the Android. They are very similar to Androids, however, they replace the Android Trait with the Robot Trait. Mannequin Robot Heritages generally overlap with Android Heritages. Mannequin Robot Heritages include Athlete, Laborer, Recreation, Rescue, Security, and Target. As Robots instead of Androids, a Mannequin Robots programming struggles to understand the complexities of spellcasting. As a result Mannequin Robots rarely become spellcasters. Mannequin Robots have the following ability: False Flesh
Also, it remains unclear if Mannequin Robots utilize nanites as part of their bodily system or if that feature came later as part of the Android model. It would be interesting to see the relationship between Androids and Mannequin Robots explored. Are Mannequin Robots thought of as honored ancestors? Are they considered somehow incomplete? Mannequin Robots also need a more appropriate Ancestry name. I personally suggest Androbot, “Andro” for Androffa and “bot” for Robot”.

General Thoughts
Considering Androids are a Rare Ancestry and their population size is fairly small, I am pretty satisfied with the options we have for Androids, with the exception of Ancestry Feats. My personal feelings is that there should be a minimum of four to five Ancestry Feats at each level (1, 5, 9, 13, 17). The current options for Android Ancestry Feats per level run a little slim at higher levels, with zero options for 17th level. I also like how the Mannequin Robot was set up to essentially be an Android but with the Robot Trait and that many of the Heritages and Ancestry Feats can be available to both. It is worth noting that the Target Heritage is likely unique to Mannequin Robots as this is one of the uses the were designed for on the ship Divinity. This appears to have occurred both before and after Mannequin Robots achieved sentience, but Androids came late enough that they were not utilized as targets.

Automaton (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Automatons currently are too small in numbers for large cultural groups and are perhaps too small in population for even defined subcultures. Automatons are slowly going extinct unless the means for their creation can be rediscovered. It does appear that the efforts to recreate the process for creating Automatons has made some forward momentum. Scholars continue to study the lost Jistkan Empire uncovering new knowledge regarding Automaton creation. The process to reproduce Automaton Familiars has been recreated and this knowledge may herald the return of the creation of new full-fledged Automatons.


What’s missing?
The Champion Automaton, Master Automaton, Sharpshooter Automaton, and Stalker Automatonwere all built as powerful monsters for 1E. Since the Automaton was initially designed as a monster it is somewhat challenging to determine what concepts for the Ancestry will be retained and what has been laid aside. However, it does appear that many of the abilities for the automatons have carried over to a 2E equivalent.

What’s Left?
A Climber Heritage is a good option from reviewing the 1E Automatons. In 1E Automatons generally were given a climb speed and this easily translates as a Heritage option.
There could also be Energy Resistant Heritages or Ancestry Feats for Electricity, Cold, and Sonic. Automatons in 1E had one or more types of energy resistance and this could be the basis for Heritages or presented as Ancestry Feats that could be picked up later.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Electricity Resistance, Magic Resistance, Telepathy, Automaton Core, Climb Speed, Sprint, Fast Healing, Cold Resistance, Sonic Resistance, Bite Attack, Claw Attack, Damage Resistance, Adaptive Camouflage, Astral Blink, Warrior’s Resolve, Arcane Pincers, Energy Beam, See Invisibility, All Around Vision, Sharpshooter’s Sense, Fly Speed, Arcane Propulsion, Bolt Volley, Automated Crossbow, Ture Seeing, Arcane Hooks, Automaton Sense, Consume Core, Powerful Core, Reconstruction

Automaton Culture
Automaton Core (Artifact), Familiar Automaton, Champion Automaton (NPC), Master Automaton (NPC), Sharpshooter Automaton (NPC), Stalker Automaton (NPC)

General Thoughts
For a Rare Ancestry, Automatons have a pretty good set of Ancestry Feats so far. There are a few options missing, especially for more powerful abilities. On a slightly different note, I am particularly interested in seeing the return of the Familiar Automaton. With the current efforts to recreate the process of making Automatons, creating Familiar Automatons is very much a stepping stone in that process. In 1E it appeared that the process of creating Familiar Automatons had been recreated. Also, an Ancestry Feat that allows for an Automaton to have a built in Familiar would be kind of fun.

Azarketi (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
So far what we know of Azarketi cultural groups is fairly minimal. Asarketi typically live in small communities and are generally scattered widely across the Arcadian Ocean and Inner Sea. Known population centers include the Inner Sea, especially around the Absalom isles, the Steaming Sea, and around the isles of sunken Azlant.

Ancient Scale
Benthic (was Deep Gillman)
Mistbreath (was Throwback)
River (was Riverfolk)

What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Azarketi was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

Whats Left?
An Azlanti Inheritor Heritage is well supported by the Azlanti Inheritor, Throwback, Unusual Heritage, Detect Magic, Eldritch Intuition, Minor Eldritch Magic, and Major Eldritch Magic. This Heritage plays around with the concept that the Azarketi are decedents of Azlanti and inheritors of the Azlanti magical prowess.
The Memory Master (Trait) is the perfect basis for a Mnemonic Heritage. The Memory Master (Trait) establishes the concept that some Azarketi have the ability to willfully induce short term temporary amnesia in themselves. This is such an unusual and fun concept for roleplaying as a character can essentially use forgetfulness to their advantage. Sense Motive Checks? Zone of Truth? No, thanks I am going to choose to forget, and for the next ten minutes literally have no idea what you are asking about.
Note: While not necessarily appropriate for a Heritage we are definitely missing a couple of chains of Ancestry Feats that focus on either the Azarketi’s resistance to Alghollthus or manipulation by Alghollthus. The Ancestry Feat “Alghollthu Bound” replaces the 1E “Enchantment Resistance” and is a great starting point for these Feat chains. Those Azarketi that actively fight against Alghollthu are supported by the 1E Feats/Traits: Slimehunter, Aberration-Bane Caster, Aboleth Deceiver. Those Azarketi that continue to feel the mental and physical fleshwarpping effects induced by the Alghollthu are supported by the 1E Feats/Traits: Aquatic Subtype, Taskmaster, Truthseer, Aboleth’s Lung (Spell).

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Aquatic Subtype, Amphibious Subtype, Enchantment Resistance, Water Dependent, Deep Gillman, Slimehunter, Taskmaster, Truthseer, Venomkissed, Riverfolk, Submerged, Throwback, Unusual Heritage (Feat), Aberration-Bane Caster (Feat), Aboleth Deceiver (Feat), Aphotic Explorer (Feat), Surface Survivor (Feat), Azlanti Inheritor (Trait), Memory Master (Trait), Detect Magic (Archetype Feat), Eldritch Intuition (Archetype Feat), Minor Eldritch Magic (Archetype Feat), Major Eldritch Magic (Archetype Feat), Aboleth’s Lung (Spell).

Azarketi Culture
Mask of Stolen Identities (Wondrous Item), Elixir of True Form (Wondrous Item), Masters’ Call (Wondrous Item), Ring of Refusal (Magic Ring), Coat of Shells (Magic Armor), Errani Kamaki (Magic Weapon), Absalom Wave Rider (NPC), Gillman (NPC), Wet-House Emissary (NPC), Ship Scavenger (NPC), Awakened Agent (NPC), Squall Seer (NPC), Eldritch Raider (Archetype), Shell Sentinel (Monster) Eldritch Raider (Archetype).

General Thoughts
The Azarketi have a lot of potential for future development, however, as we start to see more aquatic ancestries it will be important to make sure that each Ancestry feels unique. Azarketi are at an advantage as they already have a fair amount of lore that can help to inform what makes them different from other aquatic ancestries. Being able to draw upon both their origins as people from the continent Azlant and their later alteration and manipulation by Alghollthus will help to keep them unique. Also, I expect that many aquatic ancestries will not have the Amphibious Trait, but instead will have the Aquatic Trait. This will also help to set Azarketi apart.

Catfolk/Amurruns (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:

Nine Lives

What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Catfolk was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

Whats Left?
A Spirit Touched Heritage plays into the idea that some Amurruns can call upon the spirits of powerful cats, such as lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, pumas, etc. These spirits lend their prowess to these Amurrun and eventually the Amurrun can even temporarily take the form of a great cat. Some of these great cats are even rumored to be breath stealers, silently stalking their adversaries and pulling the air from their lungs. This Heritage is supported by the Chosen of the Spirits (Archetype Feat), Shapeshifted Spellcasting (Archetype Feat), Guardian Feline (Archetype Feat), Charged by Nature (Archetype Feat) and Steal Breath (Spell).

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Amurruns and Luck: Cat’s Luck, Black Cat (Feat), Disarming Luck, Bit of Luck (Spell), Curse of Befouled Fortune (Spell), Nine Lives (Spell), Luck Magic (Archetype Feat), Channel Luck (Archetype Feat, Fortune (Archetype Feat), Misfortune (Archetype Feat), Tweak the Odds (Archetype Feat), Spirit Magic (Archetype Feat), Limited Calling (Archetype Feat)

Amurruns and Combat: Cat’s Claws, Deadly Scratch, Vicious Claws, Claw Pounce (Feat), Nimble Striker (Feat), Canopy Prowler (Trait), Defensive Aid (Archetype Feat), Defensive Mastery (Archetype Feat), Demon Hunter (Archetype Feat), Solo Tactics (Archetype Feat), Jungle Opportunist (Trait), Adherent of Ancient Osirion (Trait)

Amurrun Stealth & Grace: Natural Hunter, Sprinter, Jungle Stalker, Climber, Nimble Faller, Feline Grace (Feat), Graceful Faller, Nimble Climber, Nimble Reflexes (Archetype Feat), Evasion (Archetype Feat), Phantom Presence (Archetype Feat), Trap Saboteur (Archetype Feat)

Amurrun Physical and Mental Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Clever Cat, Curiosity, Single-Minded Appraiser, Inquisitive Banterer (Trait), Catfolk Exemplar (Feat)

Amurrun Magic: Steal Breath (Spell), Spirit (Archetype Feat), Bloodline Powers (Archetype Feat), Chosen of the Spirits (Archetype Feat), Shapeshifted Spellcasting (Archetype Feat), Guardian Feline (Archetype Feat), Charged by Nature (Archetype Feat), Holy Magic (Archetype Feat)

Amurrun Culture
Catfolk (NPC), Trailscent Kit (Equipment), Claw Blades (Equipment), Softpaw Boots (Equipment), Cat’s Eye Crown (Wondrous Item), Daredevil Softpaws (Wondrous Item), Prowler at World’s End (Archetype), Serendipity Shaman (Archetype), Nimble Guardian (Archetype), Cat Burglar (Archetype), Ravener Hunter (Archetype).

General Thoughts
I enjoy the good luck/bad luck options for Amurrun as this gives them something to play with that sets them apart from other ancestries. Although, I do recognize that Halflings and Tengu also share in having naturally innate luck abilities. The origin and nature of the luck abilities do feel distinct from each other, which is nice, making each feel different. For Amurruns, I would love to see the options building up to the ability to change into a great cat as this is something that would be unique to Amurruns. Also, one of the fun things about looking at the 1E options is occasionally you find something that is generally unexpected but wildly intriguing. For Amurruns, having the Steal Breath Spell being a spell that is unique to them is fascinating and raises so many interesting possibilities.

Dwarf (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Five Kings (was Sky Citadel Dwarf)
Grondaksen (was Deep Delver)
Holtaksen (was Mountain Dwarf)
Kulenett (was Desert Dwarf)
Mbe’ke (was Mwangi Dwarf)
Ouat (was Ouat Caste Dwarf)
Pahmet (was Pahmet Dwarf)
Paraheen (was Paraheen Dwarf)
Taralu (was Mwangi Dwarf)

Ancient-Blooded Dwarf (was Elder Dwarf)
Anvil Dwarf
Death Warden Dwarf
Elemental Heart Dwarf
Forge Dwarf
Oathkeeper Dwarf
Rock Dwarf
Strong-Blooded Dwarf

What’s missing?
The Azer are native to the Plane of Fire. In Bestiary 3 we see that Azer are decidedly not Dwarves, but are elemental beings that happen to share some physical features that a similar to Dwarves. How or if Azer will be represented as an Ancestry is unclear at this time. With Azer being distinctly not Dwarves they appear poised for development into their own Ancestry. Azer may show up in Rage of Elements as a new Ancestry.
The Chalkost are perhaps the rarest of all Dwarves. Created by Torag from the most honorable of dwarven souls, they are both celestial and dwarf. They are most often found serving in Torag’s divine realm, or are sent back to Golarion as both a divine ally and member of a dwarven clan. The Chalkost will prove difficult to represent as a Heritage do to some of its abilities. However, it could be represented with both a bestiary version and a heritage version. A Chalkost, Aasimar Lineage Feat with a Dwarf Trait prerequisite, and additional Ancestry Feasts with a Chalkost Lineage Feat prerequisite may also work for portraying Chalkost.
The Duergar may possibly be represented with unique Heritages and Ancestry Feats. They are otherwise very similar to the standard Dwarf Ancestry. The Duergar’s most significant variation from the normal Dwarf options is Gray Dwarf Magic which can be represented through Ancestry Feats. The following are traits and feats that also appear in 1E and are unique to Duergar, these may become the basis for Heritages and Ancestry Feats unique to the Duergar: Ironskinned, Blood Enmity, Magical Taskmaster, Gray Dwarf Magic, Twilight-Touched, Deep Magic, Daysighted, Innate Flexibility, Giant Steps, Lingering Invisibility, Tough as Iron, Vermin Driver.
The Exiled Dwarf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat or as a Background. The premise of the Exiled Dwarf sub-race is that they are groups of Dwarves that have been pushed out of their homeland. This could be presented as a Dwarf specific Background or could indicate a rare Heritage, see Wyrmscourged below.
The Relictner are a type of quasi undead specific to Dwarves. Relictner belong to a larger group of quasi undead known as Mortics. As presented in 1E Mortics are more monsters than an Ancestry. Mortics returned in Bestiary 3, however, it remains unclear if Mortics will be primarily used as monsters or if they will be developed into an Ancestry.

Whats Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us on possible Dwarven Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Dwarves. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
The traits and feats Wyrmscourged, Breath Weapon, Treasure Sense, and Goldsniffer may indicate a rare Dwarven Heritage. Dwaven settlements often overlap with dragon territories which can lead to conflict. This can result in Dwarves that both despise and admire the power and wealth of dragons. This may occur most frequently in Dwarven communities that have been pushed from their homes by dragons. This is also supported by the Exiled Dwarf sub-race, see above.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Cultural Specific: The following traits and feats are specific to a Dwarven cultural group. In 2E cultures do not receive game mechanics and therefore these are more likely to be translated as part of a Heritage or Ancestry Feat.
Pahmet: Death’s End, Deathkeeper, Sphinxfriend
Desert Dwaves: Desert Delver
Mbe’ke: Cloud Invocation, Greater Cloud Invocation

Environments: These traits and feats relate to Dwarven adaptations to environments and are generally acceptable for any Dwarven Heritage.
Surface Survivalist, Mountaineer, Rock Stepper, Ledge Walker, Stone Shroud, Earthbound, Strength of the Land.

Physical and Mental Attributes: These traits and feats relate to Dwarven physical and mental attributes and are generally acceptable for any Dwarven Heritage.
Low-Light Vision, Minesight, Iron Within, Lasting Grudge, Stoic Negotiator, Magic Resistant, Stubborn, Viscous Blood, Xenophobic, Sense Aberration, Stonesinger, Cloak of Stone, Improved Stonecunning, Living Fortress, Steel Soul, Stone Singer, Stone-Faced, Toxic Recovery, Hard-Headed, Clearheaded, Deep Guardian, Grounded, Spellcaster’s Anathema, Warsmith, Zest for Battle.

Combat, Backgrounds and Skills: These traits and feats relate to either Dwarven combat techniques, backgrounds typically experienced by Dwarves, or skills and talents typically cultivated by Dwarves. These are all generally acceptable for most Dwarven Heritages, however, some may be more common for specific Dwaven cultural groups or societies.
Deep Warrior, Barrow Warden, Deep Tradition, Slag Child, Spell Smasher, Saltbeard, Sky Sentinel, Lorekeeper, Spiritual Support, Siege Survivor, Healthy, Unstoppable, Wanderer, Giant Hunter, Giant Hunter (Kneecapper Training), Industrious Urbanite, Iron Citizen, Relentless, Tightfisted, Barrow Scholar, Conservative Diplomacy, Brewmaster, Stone Cover, Cleave Through, Cloven Helm, Dented Helm, Giant Killer, Goblin Cleaver, Hammer Throw, Improved Hammer Throw, Orc Hewer, Sand Strike, Shatter Spell, Insular, Ancestral Grounds, Brewmaster, Child of Zolurket, Deep Marker, Eldritch Smith, Fungal Brewing, Gunworker, Kraggodan Castaway, Militant Merchant, Ruthless, Sky Quester, Tunnel Fighter.

In addition to the options above there were a number of 1E Archetypes that were either entirely specific to Dwarves or were mostly specific to Dwarves. The abilities from this Archetypes also help to identify Ancestry Feats that are specific to Dwarves. Below is an exploration of each of these Archetypes.

Dwarves and Skyseeking: The Skyseekers blend dwarven ancestor worship, dwarven rune crafting, and the philosophy of the Quest for Sky into a uniquely dwarven experience. Much of the power of the Skyseekers derives from ancestral blessing bestowed upon the dwarves that pursue this tradition. The following abilities are unique to dwarves who follow the path of the Skyseekers.
Ancestral Weapon, Citadel Keeper, Rune-Carved Armor, Commune, Darkvision, Runes of Resistance, Paths of the Ancients, Stalwart, Call to Arms

Dwarves and Stone Warders: Some dwarves strengthen their innate connection to stone and the runes inherent within rock and stone. While these abilities to connect to the runes hidden with stone are almost exclusive to dwarves, there are rare circumstances when Stone Warding is found in other Ancestries. This however is limited to rare circumstances when an Ancestry achieves a connection with stone that is not normally found outside of dwarves. This includes Oreads, individuals with a Copper Dragon Bloodline, and individuals with the Shaitan Bloodline. The following abilities are unique to those who can become Stone Warders.
Blood of the Earth, Power of Stone, Rune Warding

Dwarves and Forgemasters: While Skyseekers and Stone Warders can access the power of runes hidden within stone, the Forgemasters are experts at calling forth and utilizing these runes. Forgemasters also talented dwarven forgers as part of their ability to master stone runes comes from understanding the techniques for shaping stone and metal. The following abilities are unique to dwarven Forgemasters.
Artificer, Steel Spells, Runeforger, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Master Smith

General Thoughts on Dwarven Rune Magic
Dwarves have a type of Rune Magic that is unique and innate to dwarves. While any ancestry can craft magical Runes, dwarven Rune Magic is similar in appearance, but is dependent on dwarves natural connection with stone. Skyseekers, Stone Warders, and Forgemasters all use dwarven Rune Magic. I would like to see the various dwarven Rune Magic abilities brought together in a set of Ancestry Feats. This includes: Rune-Carved Armor, Runes of Resistance, Rune Warding, Steel Spells, and Runeforger.
My guess is that dwarven Rune Magic is Occult in origin.

Dwarves and Stonesinging: Dwarves have a natural resonance with stone, and there is perhaps no greater expression of this than the dwarven Stonesinger. Stonesingers tap into the natural dwarven resonance with stone to create harmonic resonances that sing forth power hidden in stone. The ability to stonesing is uniquely dwarven. In dwarven culture stonesinging is often a blend of worship, performance, and meditation. When needed a Stonesinger can wield their abilities to deadly effectiveness in combat. The following abilities are unique to Stonesingers.
Earth Magic, Stone Song, Tremor, Quake

Dwarves and Stonelords: Whereas Stonesingingers harmonize with stone to call forth its power, Stonelords are far more physical. Stonelords resonate with the strength of stone calling it into their bodies to become living avatars of stone. The following abilities are unique to Stonelords.
Stonestrike, Heartstone, Stoneblood, Defensive Stance, Earth Channel, Stone Servant, Stonebane, Phase Strike, Mobile Defense, Stone Body

Dwarves and Earthshadow: Some dwarves are able to learn to use their natural resonance with stone in more subtle ways. These dwarves learn to speak to, blend with, meld into, or even move through stone. The following abilities are unqiue to Earthshadows.
Earthlink, Earthcraft, Rogue Talents

General Thoughts on Dwarven Stone Magic
Dwarves’ natural resonance with stone grants them the option to develop abilities that allow them to connect more deeply with stone than any other ancestry. Stonesingers, Stonelords, and Earthshadows all develop these abilities and are afforded great reverence in many dwarven cultures. I would love to see the following brought together as a chain of Ancestry Feats: Earthlink, Earthcraft, Stonestrike, Heartstone, Stoneblood, Earth Channel, Stone Servant, Stonebane, Phase Strike, Stone Body, Earth Magic, Stone Song, Tremor, Quake.

Dwarves and Psammokinetics: Some Pahmet Dwarves have lost some of their resonance with stone and instead have gained a resonance with the sands and winds of the desert. This change in the Pahmet Dwarves is known as Psammokinetics. The following abilities are unique to Pahmet dwarven culture where dwarves have developed their Psammokinetic abilities.
Burning Winds, Sand Blast (Spell), Sirocco Blast (Spell), Ki Pool, Sand Element

General Thoughts on Dwarves and the Wind
Here me out because this one is a little crazy. Between the Pahmet’s psammokinetics and the Mbe’ke’s cloud invocations, what if the Quest for Sky was actually intended for the dwarves to eventually live in the sky. And that the Quest for Sky is still happening but just not in the way that most dwarves expect. If, and it’s a big if, this is happening, sometime in the far future a population of dwarves may live among the clouds, just as many dwarves currently live among the stones.

Dwarves and Ouat: Some dwarves in Ouat culture have been able to awaken wisps of divinity within themselves by recognizing and understanding their mortal essence as dwarves. These Ouat can briefly set aside some of the qualities that shape them as mortal and dwarven and touch upon their inner divinity. The following abilities are unique to Ouat dwarven culture where dwarves have developed their divine abilities.
Awaken Divinity, Spurn Tradition, Know the Unseen Disciples

Dwarves and Dwarven Scholars: Dwarven Scholars are combatants that are able to call upon the wisdom of dwarven ancestors to achieve greats feats of combat. A Dwarven Scholar chants the wisdom of the ancients to inspire both themself and their companions. The following abilities are unique to dwarves who commune with their ancestors through this uniquely dwarven form of scholarship.
Studied Insight, Dwarven Training, Bardic Performance, War Chant

Dwarves and Scatter Gunners: The dwarves of Dongun Hold have developed the combat techniques that are practiced by Scatter Gunners. This technique is nearly limited to the Dwarves of Dongun Hold, however, other Ancestries could learn these techniques if they trained in the right conditions. The following abilities are unique to those who have learned the techniques of the Scatter Gunners.
Scatter Specialist, Deeds: Careful Shot, Scatter Artist, Overload, Satchel Shot

Dwarves and Foehammers: Those who specialize in hammer weapons above all other weapons are known as Foehammers. The fighting techniques developed by Foehammers are not unique to dwarves but dwarves are the most common practitioners of these fighting techniques. The following abilities unique to Foehammers.
Sledgehammer, Weapon Training, Hammer to Ground, Rhythmic Blows, Piledriver, Ground Breaker, Hammer Master, Devastating Blow, Weapon Mastery

Dwarves and Exarchs: In dwarven societies Exarchs are often agents of strict traditionalism. Outside of dwarven culture, those who practice the ways of an Exarch are usually enforcers of law or agents of a legal system. It is likely that in dwarven cultures, and especially those found in Avistan, the prominence of Exarchs did not occur until well after the Quest for Sky. Exarchs are very likely are a major contributing factor to the stagnation seen in Avistani dwaren culture, and only recently have they begun to pull away from this stagnation. Although it has been undocumented thus far, there is a very real possibility that during the height of power of the dwarven Exarchs in Avistan, the dwarves experienced their own verison of the Salem Witch Trials. The follow abilities are unique to Exarchs.
Spells, Inflexible Will, Detect Chaos, Fearsome Jurist, Aura of Repetition, Double Jeopardy, Aura of Reversion

Dwarves and Deep Marshals: The techniques of the Deep Marshal are utilized by many ancestries that live in the Darklands. Deep Marshals are the excavators and care takers of the tunnels, mines, and caverns in which dwarves make their homes. The term Deep Marshal is utilized by dwarves to identify those who are practitioners of these specific techniques, other ancestries may use different terminology. Dwarven legend claims that the first Deep Mashals were selected by King Taargick to aid in the dwarven Quest for Sky. More likely, King Taargick called upon those dwarves that were already performing this work to serve in more prominent roles, serving at the forefront of the dwarven migration, both opening and stabilizing new passages through stone, and thus bestowing the honorific of Deep Marshal. The following abilities are unique to those who utilize the techniques that dwarves refer to as Deep Marshals.
Deep Spellcasting, Bound by Tradition, Miner’s Focus

Dwarves and Rivethun: Rivethun is an ancient dwarven philosophy that was nearly lost sometime after the Quest for Sky, especially to Avistani dwarves. The near loss of this philosophy in Avistani dwarven cultures may have been a result of the rise in power of dwarven Exarchs. While Rivethun is a philosophy that was developed by dwarves, this philosophy has been taught to other ancestries. Dwarves remain the primary practitioners of Rivethun, and the philosophy has seen a resurgence and acceptance among dwarves in Avistan. The practice of Rivethun philosophy is not limited to dwarves and has seen some recent growth outside of dwarven cultures as well. The following abilities are unique to practitioners of Rivethune.
Spirit Animal, Spirit Bond, Sixth Sense, Animus, Manifest Will, Parley, Spirit Conduit, Bonus Spells, Agitating Cognizance, Metamorphosis, Spirit Channeling, Greater Spirit Channeling, Mind and Soul, Spiritual Invocation, Spiritual Parley, Wrangle Condition, Haunt Channeler, Contemplative, Trance, Haunt Channeler, Spirit Conduit, Divine Spellcasting, Spirit Phantom, Spirit Manifestation, Spirit Awareness, Involuate,
See: Rivethun Emissary (Prestige Class), Rivethun (Psychic Class), Rivethune Spirit Channeler (Archetype), Germinate Invoker (Archetype), Involutionist (Archetype), Rivethun Adherent (Trait), Soul-Searcher’s Strength (Trait), Anderos Salve and Mulibrous Tincture (Equipment), Phantom Ash (Equipment)

Elf (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Aquatic (was Aquatic Elf)
Ekujae (was Ekujae Elf)
Forlorn (was Forlorn Elf, now Elf Ancestry Feat)
Ilverani (was Snowcaster Elf)
Jinin (was Jininese Elf)
Spiresworn (was Spiresworn Elf)

Ancient Elf
Arctic Elf (was Arctic Elf)
Cavern Elf
Desert Elf
Seer Elf
Whisper Elf
Woodland Elf

What’s missing?
The following are the Elven sub-races and monster races that we have not yet seen in 2E.
Angheuvore are a type of quasi undead specific to Elves. Angheuvore belong to a larger group of quasi undead known as Mortics. As presented in 1E Mortics are more monsters than an Ancestry. Mortics returned in Bestiary 3, however, it remains unclear if Mortics will be primarily used as monsters or if they will be developed into an Ancestry.
Aquatic Elves have yet to receive a proper cultural name (i.e. Ilverani, etc.) and will need an adjustment to the base Elf stats to include the “Aquatic” and/or “Amphibious” Trait, a swim speed and possibly a drawback limiting the amount of time spent out of water. Aquatic Elves are likely to have multiple cultural groups, however, what the major groups are and what they call themselves has not yet been identified.
The Drow may possible be represented by unique Heritages and Ancestry Feats. As an Ancestry, the Drow will likely use the Elf Ancestry but exchange Low-Light Vision for Darkvision. Otherwise they are very similar to the standard Elf Ancestry. The following are traits and feats that also appear in 1E and are unique to Drow, these may become the basis for Heritages and Ancestry Feats unique to the Drow: Surface Infiltrator, Seducer, Psychic Sensitivity, Defensive Training, Poison Minion (see Fleshwarp Ancestry), Darklands Guide, Sure Step, Blasphemous Covenant, Ambitious Schemer, Ancestral Grudge, Shadow Sorcery, Champion of Dark Powers, Daylight Adaptation, Shade Magic, Drow Noble Magic (see Drow Noble), Greater Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, Drow Nobility, Improved Umbral Scion, Umbral Scion, Noble Spell Resistance, Surface Scout, Dark Adept, Seeping Darkness, Shadow Caster, Spider Climber, Spider Summoner, Brew Fleshcrafting Poison, Arcane Prodigy, Fleshwarp Exposure, Poisonous Upbringing, Scheming Survivor.
Dusk Elf would translate well as a Heritage. Dusk Elves are Elves whose bodies have adapted to take on aspects of the night instead of more traditional environmental surroundings. These Elves also have a special understanding of sleep and a connection with dreams.
The Savage Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat or Elf specific Background. The premise for the Savage Elf sub-race is that they are Elves that see Orcs and Dwarves as despised enemies as a result of conflict.
The Tower Elf Sub-Race would translate well as a Heritage. These Elves spend generations dedicated to an institution of Arcane magic, typically in the form of a Wizard School. This is not dissimilar to the Spiresworn Elves’ dedication to the Mordant Spire. The Spiresworn Elves may have started as a branch of Towersworn Elves. The Seer Elf Heritage also fits nicely with this concept, so a Towersworn Heritage may be redundant. See Towersworn below.

Whats Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us on possible Elven Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Elves, with some exceptions for Half-Elves. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
Blightborn is a racial trait that may indicate a rare Heritage for Elves. These Elves are born in areas where negative energy and curses are common and persistent threats. As a result they adapted natural resistances to these dangers, similar to how many Elves adapt to natural environments.
Dreamspeaker see Dusk Elf above.
Feyfriend: The Fey-Sighted and Fey Wisdom traits may indicate a rare Fey influenced Elven Heritage. An Elven Heritage with a strong Fey influence has not previously been discussed, however, it is certainly possible considering that the Elves and Fey have a tendency to share environments.
Lightbringer is a racial trait that may indicate a little know Elven Heritage. These Elves are filled with radiant power and have a strong connection with natural light in all its forms. While sunlight is a frequent source of inspiration, the light from stars and the moon are also revered.
Towersworn: See Tower Elf above. The following traits and feats most closely relate to the Tower Elf/Towersworn Heritage: Overwhelming Magic, Arcane Focus, Arcane Dabbler, Illustrious Urbanite, Urbanite.

Notes on Environments and Heritages
Something that is pretty unique to elves is their slow adaption to reflect the environment in which they live. In 2E there are nine different environments which include: Aquatic, Artic, Desert, Forest, Mountain, Plains, Swamp, Urban, and Underground. With this in mind, it would make sense to a Heritage that reflects each environment. Currently we have the following: Artic = Artic, Cavern = Underground, Desert = Desert, Woodland = Forest. It is possible that Seer is intended to reflect the Urban environment and that Whisper is intended to reflect the Plains environment. That would leave gaps for Aquatic, Mountain, and Swamp. When we see Aquatic elves that should account for Aquatic, leaving Mountain and Swamp related Heritages without options. I don’t have a good sense for what Swamp Elves look like, but I really want to find out.

Cultural Specific: The following traits and feats are specific to an Elven cultural group. In 2E cultures do not receive game mechanics and therefore these are more likely to be translated as part of a Heritage or Ancestry Feat.
Spiresworn: Moonkissed, Natural Swimmer, Tongue of the Sea, Crossbow Training, Mordant Heritage
Ekujae: Sense Thoughts, Ekujae Reflexes
Snowcaster: Frostmelding, Obscure Traditions, Snowblooded
Aquatic Elves: Aquatic Mastery
Jinin: Jininese Weapon Mastery
Forlorn: Human-Raised, Devoted Champion, Forlorn
Sovyrian Elves: Sovyrian-Born, Sovyrian Intellectual, Sovyrian Pantheist, Planetary Traveler

Environments: These traits and feats relate to Elven adaptations to environments and are generally acceptable for any Elven Heritage.
Elemental Resistance, Desert Runner, Spirit of the Waters, Leaf Singer, Attuned to the Wild, Guardian of the Wild, Light Step, Mage of the Wild, Spirit of the Wild, Wild Stride

Physical and Mental Attributes: These traits and feats relate to Elven physical and mental attributes and are generally acceptable for any Elven Heritage.
Perfect, Slender, Creepy, Fleet-Footed, Darkvision, Long-Limbed, Elven Reflexes, Memories Beyond Death, Ageless Patience (Forlorn & Jinin), Disinterested Observer, Shared Remembrance

Combat, Backgrounds, and Skills: These traits and feats relate to either Elven combat techniques, backgrounds typically experienced by Elves, or skills and talents typically cultivated by Elves. These are all generally acceptable for most Elven Heritages, however, some may be more common to specific Elven cultural groups or societies.
Envoy, Eternal Grudge, Keeper of Secrets, Light and Darkness, Retreat Magic, Silent Hunter, Vigilance, Draconic Consular, Elven Arrogance, Woodcraft, Discerning Eye, Concentrated Fire, Elven Accuracy, Elven Battle Training, Stabbing Shot, Kyonin Gate Keeper, Insular, Left Behind, Dilettante Artist, Iadaran Illusionist, Keeper of the Secret Shame, Lapsed Faith, Sacred Avenger, Seeker of Brightness, Treerazor’s Bane, Tropical Botanist, Warrior of Old, Wasp Whisperer, Youthful Mischief

Elves and Brightness: The elven connection to mind, body, and nature allows them to pursue a philosophy called the Brightness. The Brightness allows an Elf to connect their soul to the primal essence of the Material Plane so that when Brightness is fully achieved the Elf reincarnates in the body of an animal living fully as one with nature. The following abilities come from the Brightness Seeker Prestige Class which is unique to Elves.
Discover Omen (Archetype Feat), Favored Pilgrim (Archetype Feat), Channel Past Incarnation (Archetype Feat), Common Ground (Archetype Feat), Wild Shape (Archetype Feat), One With Nature (Archetype Feat), Tranquility Aura (Archetype Feat), Rebirth (Archetype Feat)

Elves and Treesinging: Treesinging is a unique expression of the elven experience of time and the elven connection to nature. Treesinging is not dissimilar to the Brightness in some expressions but the goals are fundamentally different. Whereas a Brightness Seeker seeks to become part of the natural world, a Treesinger seeks to move with the natural world. Treesingers bond themselves with plants, the green, the growing, and the unknowable timescale of an old growth forest. The following abilities are unique to elven Treesingers.
Plant Bond (Archetype Feat), Green Empathy (Archetype Feat), Wild Shape: Plant (Archetype Feat), Plant Companion: Carnivorous Flower/Crawling Vine/Puffball/Sapling Treant (Archetype Feat)

Elves and Calamity Calling: While all elves tend to reflect the environment in which they live the Calamity Callers can use the elven connection to nature to call forth some of nature’s most dangerous aspects. Calamity Caller’s are typically worshipers of nature, either through the Green Faith or an appropriate Deity. The following abilities are unique to elven Calamity Callers.
Catastrophic Blessing (Archetype Feat), Calamity (Archetype Feat), Aspect of Disaster (Archetype Feat)

General Thoughts on Brightness
I would like to see the Elven philosophy of Brightness developed in a way that is similar to Rivethun. Just as Dwarves are the primary practitioners of Rivethun but other ancestries can follow the philosophy, I would like to see Brightness presented in a similar manner. However, based on elven longevity there may be some abilities relating to Brightness that elves can acquire that other ancestries may not be able to obtain. Since a major component of Brightness is a oneness with nature and becoming part of nature, I think Treesinging and Calamity Calling could also be folded into the Brightness philosophy.

Elves and Spire Defenders: The Elves of the Mordent Spirt have unique training and abilities typically not found among other elves. The Spire Defender Archetype compliments the Towersworn/Spiresworn Elf Heritage (See above). The following abilities are unique to Spire Defender elves.
Weapon Proficiency (Archetype Feat), Bonus Feat (Archetype Feat), Arcane Augmentation (Archetype Feat)

Elves and Ancient Lorekeeping: Due to their long life spans elves are able to achieve unique levels of lore keeping that is not seen among other Ancestries. These elven lore keepers become living embodiments of elven lore on a time scale that shorter lived Ancestries could only imagine obtaining. The abilities of the Ancient Lorekeeper compliment the Towersworn/Spiresworn Elf Heritage (See above). The following abilities are unique to Ancient Lorekeeper elves.
Elven Arcana (Archetype Feat), Mysteries (Archetype Feat)

Elves and Arcane Warding:
Arcane Wardens were originally those elves who chose to stay behind on Golarion during Earthfall with the mission of aiding other ancestries in Earthfall’s aftermath. These elves have abilities that are especially beneficial when aiding others in need. The following abilities are unique to Arcane Warders.
Ready for Anything, Generous Touch, Restorative Shelter

General thoughts on Towersworn Elves
The Spire Defenders, Ancient Lorekeepers, and Arcane Warders all provide options that for the most part should support a Towersworn Heritage (aka Urban Elf Heritage, although this may be filled by the Seer Elf Heritage). The options for these three are all unique to elves and all have a theme that relates to urban environments and/or community.

Elves and Lantern Bearing:
These Elves served the Winter Council and were tasked with keeping Drow elves and the demonic influences within Drow culture from spreading. The Winter Council was not without prejudice and there has since been reform. Lantern Bearers now focus on aiding Drow elves that want to escape their society instead of attempting to prevent all Drow from finding new lives and homes away from the society in which they were born. With this reform the Lantern Bearers have since opened their ranks to all ancestries. The following abilities are utilized by Lantern Bearers.
Lantern Arcana, Luminous Potency, Bitter Armament, Superior Discernment, Unbounded Stride, Proven Weapon Familiarity, Celestial Weaponry, Fade From Sight, Aiudara Alignment, Bringer of Brightness

Elves and Lantern Lighting:
Within the Lantern Bearers the Lantern Lighters were tasked with eliminating Drow and quarantining knowledge of their existence. These activities has since ceased and the Lantern Lighters have been repurposed to focus on rescuing those who have been imprisoned by Drow for nefarious purposes. They also serve as sponsors for Drow who have escaped their society and seek to start a new life. As sponsors Lantern Lighters also work towards eliminating prejudice and stigma in Elven cultures relating to Drow. The following abilities are utilized by Lantern Lighters.
Enhanced Vision, Poison Resistance, Favored Terrain, Cavern Stride, Darkvision, Poison Immunity, Stunning Light, Camouflage, Paralyzing Light

Elves and Darklanterns: Initially, Darklanterns were elven spies working for the Winter Council. These elves used the Darklantern Ritual to transform themselves into Drow. While the Winter Council has been dissolved, some Elves still utilize the Darklantern Ritual to become Drow, leaving behind a life, culture, or society they no longer feel a connection with. This may represent a rare Drow Heritage. The following abilities are unique to elven Darklaterns.
Dark Identity (Archetype Feat), Drow Magic (Archetype Feat), Drow Paragon Archetype (Feat)

General thoughts on the Lantern Bearer Organization
In 2E organizations are best represented as Archetypes. The abilities associated with the Lantern Bearers, Lantern Lighters, and Darklanterns make for a great Archetype. With a recent troubled past, joining the Lantern Bearers comes with roleplaying opportunities based on in setting baggage. This gets even more interesting when considering the Darklanterns, which utilize a ritual that requires the Elf Ancestry. When a Darklantern uses the ritual to become a “Drow” they are doing more than using disguise magic, they are gaining the “Drow Trait” and becoming fundamentally different in both mind and body, gaining access to Ancestry Feats that are uniquely limited to Drow. The closest equivalent I can think of would be a character gaining a Universal Heritage after spending most of their life without one, or a gnome going through the Bleaching.

Elves and Demonslaying:
The elves of Kyonin have developed special techniques for combating Treerazer and the demons of Tanglebriar. Known as Tanglebriar Demonslayers, these demon slaying elves are primarily found in Kyonin but are known to travel to other regions infested with demons to learn new techniques for combating demons. The following abilities are utilized by the Tanglebriar Demonslayers.
Favored Enemy, Demonologist, Expanded Spell List, Fiendish Quarry, Improved Fiendish Quarry

Elves and Demon Uprooting:
The Uprooter Scouts are an elite band of Kyonin demon hunters. These demon hunters have developed unique techniques for hunting demons in Tanglebriar. The following abilities are utilized by Uprooter Scouts.
Lore of the Blight, Unnatural Stride, Demon’s End

General thoughts on Elves and Demons
While the Tanglebriar Demonslayers and Demon Uprooters use techniques that have generally been developed in response to battling Treerazer and his forces, for the most part the use of these techniques are not limited to the Elf Ancestry. These options work well as a 2E Archetype relating to Demon Slaying with an emphasis on the techniques originating in Kyonin.

Elves and Twilight Speakers: Twilight Speaker abilities are specifically tied to the worship practices of the Snowcaster Elves, however, they are not intrinsic to the Elf Ancestry or Elven Heritages. In 2E this would be best represented as an Archetype. The following abilities are unique to elven worshipers of Findeladlara.
Devout (Archetype Feat), Twilight Envoy (Archetype Feat), Inspired Devotion (Archetype Feat), Song of Understanding (Archetype Feat), Song of Secrecy (Archetype Feat), Community Domain (Archetype Feat), Findeladlara’s Blessing (Archetype Feat), Findeladlara’s Hand (Archetype Feat)

Elves and Seekers of the Lost:
A group of aquatic elves known as the Seekers of the Lost specialize in exploring the ruins of sunken Azlant. These aquatic elves have developed specialized techniques for dealing with traps submerged in water. The Seekers of the Lost developed the following abilities.
Arcana Breaker, Underwater Striker, Wary Disarm,

Elves and Spell Dancing:
Spell Dancing is a technique developed by elven practitioners of Arcane magic. Those utilizing these techniques are known as Spell Dancers, and blend a mix of arcane spell casting with the grace and movement of dancing. While elves developed these techniques other ancestries may also be able to learn them, should they find a willing teacher. The techniques developed by the Spell Dancers are listed below:
Spell Dance, Arcane Movement, Dance of Avoidance, Greater Dance of Avoidance, Magus Arcana

Fetchling/Kayal (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Fetchling was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

Whats Left?
A Circuit Heritage that reflects the 1E Fetchling ability to resist electricity and cold is an obvious choice. This would not be dissimilar to the Deep Fetchling Heritage. This is supported by Shadowy Resistance, and Improved Shadowy Resistance (Feat).
Note: It is worth pointing out that there are two 1E Spells that a uniquely available to Fetchlings/Kayal that have not appeared as 2E Ancestry Feats. These are Gloomblind Bolts (Spell) and Shadowy Haven (Spell). It would be nice to see these make a return as Ancestry Feat options for Fetchlings/Kayal.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Physical Qualities
Shadow Blending, Native Outsider, Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Unnerving Gaze, Shadowy Resistance, Dark Sight (Feat), Gloom Sight (Feat), Imporved Dark Sight (Feat), Improved Shadowy Resistance (Feat), Gloom Strike (Feat), Shadow Stalker (Trait), Weathered (Trait),

Shadow Movement
Shadow Walk (Spell), Plane Shift (Spell), Umbral Escort, Gloom Shimmer, Shadow Ghost (Feat), Shadow Walker (Feat),

Shadow Magic
Shadow Magic, Spell-Like Abilities, Gloomblind Bolts (Spell), Shadowy Haven (Spell),

Planar Adaptation
Emissary, Boundary Walker, Bound to Golarion, Deep Shadow Exlporer, World Walker, Skilled, Unusual Heritage (Feat),

Shadow Deception/Diplomacy
Disguise Self (Spell), Shadow Agent, Whispers from Shadow, Nidalese Recluse, Subtle Manipulator, Adaptable Flatterer (Trait), Murky Allegiance (Trait),

Kayal Culture
Fetchling (NPC), Gloom Sight Goggles (Equipment), Gloomstick (Equipment), Ebony Bolero (Wondrous Item), Shadow Fletching (Wondrous Item).

Fleshwarp (Ancestry):

Created Fleshwarp
Mutated Fleshwarp
Shapewrought Fleshwarp
Technological Fleshwarp

What’s Missing:
Close Kin Heritage Unlike most Fleshwarps who lose all Traits connected to their ancestral lineage, Close Kin Fleshwarps still retain the Trait of their closest biological Ancestry. For example a Close Kin Fleshwarp born from human parents would gain both the Fleshwarp and Human Traits.
Id Awakened Heritage: Fleshwarps that use the power of the mind over the body to fleshwarp their bodies are sometimes called id mutants. These id warped fleshwarps often have strong mental resiliency or psychic powers. However, losing all mental control to ones id can prove dangerous.
Mongrelmen Trait Much like those humans who later became Morlocks, the Mongrelmen were also humans that fled the destruction of Azlant by fleeing underground. Unlike the Morlocks, the Mongrelmen were able to maintain their humanity by adopting a policy of extreme adaptation. The Mongrelmen actively encouraged mutations in their bloodlines in an effort to ensure they could adapt and survive in the Darklands. Mongrelmen could potentially be included in the Fleshwarp Ancestry, however, they would need to gain a Trait to distinguish them as a group while still leaving Fleshwarp Heritages and Ancestry Feats available. This would also allow for Mongrelmen specific Ancestry Feats.
Necrocrafted Heritage: Unlike most Created Fleshwarps who were made as living beings, Fleshwarps made with Necrocraft have negative healing and are considered undead by mindless undead. (See Necrocraft below).
Runewarp Heritage: While similar in some ways to other fleshwarps, runewarps interact with magic differently than most fleshwarped individuals. This Heritage, along with supporting Ancestry Feats can fully realize runewarped Fleshwarps. (See Runewarp below).

Mutant (Archetype): While the Fleshwarp Ancestry is perfect for characters that were born as Fleshwarps, it unfortunately does not provide an option for established characters to gain mutations. Some players may be fleshwarped as a result of their adventuring and therefore not born into the Fleshwarp Ancestry. This is especially true once we have options for Fleshcrafting, Necrografting, and other forms of mutating in 2E. A Mutant Archetype would be a great way to cover this ground as a character is slowly warped, and focuses on learning how to use and develop their new abilities.

Known Sources of Fleshwarping
Drow Fleshwarp: This fleshwarping was taught to the Drow by the Demon Lord Haagenti. This is one of the most well-known and studied forms of fleshwarping. Results of this fleshwarping has led to the creation of the following monsters: Drider, Ghonhatine, Grothlut, Halsora, Irnakurse, Oronci, Gomnit, Jashoi, Dreshkan, Mulventok, and Webspinner Cloakers. Some Drow inflict a more mild form of Drow Fleshwarping that results in a Poison Minion. This warping results in individuals that constantly produce Mawbane Poison. (See Poison Minion).
Godwarp: Deities such as Dagon, Thuskchoon, and Yig are all know to impose divine fleshwarping. Either the presence of these deities or the gifts they bestow to their follows allow for the warping of flesh. This differs from Haagenti who taught the Drow the arcane secrets of fleshwarping. See: Deformities of Yig (see Yig’s Cult), Horrific Appearance (Thuskchoon, unique Ability), Mutagenic Strike (Dagon, Sentinel Boon).
Fleshwarp: Fleshwarp is an umbrella term that covers most forms of fleshwarping. Drow fleshwarping is the most well-known, but other forms can occur either naturally, from exposure, or intentionally. Many forms of fleshwarping can result in living fleshy byproducts. This includes fleshdregs, fleshforge dregs, fleshforge prototypes, and fleshdreg swarms. Sin seekers are intentional creations of fleshwarping.
Fleshcraft: Fleshcrafting is a lesser from of fleshwarping. Instead of warping the original form fleshcrafting grafts living tissue from one creature onto another creature. Most places that intentionally teach and practice fleshwarping also practice fleshcrafting.
Id Warp: One of the least understood forms of fleshwarping, id warping taps into the power of the mind to permanently alter the body. There are theories that for some barbarians who enter a rage, the benefits gained are from a form of id warping. (See Id Mutant)
Mana Warp: The wild and unpredictable magic of the Mana Wastes frequently causes fleshwarping as a result of exposure. (See Mana Waste Mutant). The Spellscar Fext is a type of undead that results from the warping energies of the Mana Wastes.
Mutant: Mutations can result from any number of sources, be it magical, chemical, technological, or biological. Mutant tends to be a catchall term from any Ancestry or Creature that has a mutation. These mutations need not be visible or external. (See Mutant)
Mutant Goblin: More so than most Ancestries, Goblins tend to exhibit adapted mutations. In addition to having both the Fleshwarp and Goblin Traits, Goblin Fleshwarps are size small instead of medium. See Adapted Heritage above.
Necrocraft: Necrocrafting blends Necromancy and Fleshwarping to create undead known as Necrocrafts. Like with any magical crafting, mistakes can be made. This can sometimes result in a living Fleshwarp that has similarities to undead such as having negative healing.
Necrograft Necrografting is a form of Fleshwarping primarily practiced in Geb. These Fleshwarps have undead body parts grafted on or into their bodies. These undead body parts become quasi living again providing the host with strange benefits. While some necografts provide their host benefits, some can be dangerous or harmful.
Runewarp Runewarping is a form of fleshwarping that was practiced in ancient Thassilon. Runewarping was originally taught by the Qlippoth Lord Yamasoth to the Runelord of Warth. This form of fleshwarping was nearly lost, however, with the emergence of New Thassilon, runewarping is starting to be studied and taught once more. Runewarping tends to create mutations that allow individuals to smell magic, resist magic, and even consume magic. Runewarping has created the different sinspawn, runewarped creatures, sinwarped creatures, shriezyx, shriezyx queens, hungerer lamia-kin, and possibly the kurchrima lamia-kin.

Other Sources of Fleshwarps and Mutations:
Mutant Eye is a common mutation in Nex and the Mana Wastes. (See Mutant Eye).
Warped Mind is mental fleshwarp found most commonly among those who have been exposed to the Worldwound.
Numerian Fluids are known to cause fleshwarping. (See Numerian Fluids).
Those using occult magic to become an Earth Child can gain fleshwarp mutations if they are unsuccessful in their transition to an Earth Child. (See Earth Child Wild Talent).
Dream Crystal Toxin is one of the few known ways to reliably open the mind and become an id mutant fleshwarp. However, the results may leave the individual unstable. (See Dream Crystal Toxin and Id Mutant).
Spellscar Fever frequently results in individuals becoming Mana Wastes fleshwarps. (See Spellscar Fever).
Breach to the Quickening Haunts are echoes of the First World that have leaked on the Material Plane. Those caught in this mixing of planes can be fleshwarped gaining various mutations. (See Breach to the Quickening)
The Forced Mutation Spell temporarily fleshwarps individuals, however, this is only temporary.
The Waters of Lamashtu Spell creates a fluid or powerful liquid that can fleshwarp the mind and body. This often results in the individual becoming monstrous, however, some may have enough resistance that they are reborn as a fleshwarp.
The Fair is Foul Spell is a curse commonly used by witches to fleshwarp those who have crossed them.
Some individuals actively seek to encourage fleshwarping mutation in mind or body. The Mutation Mind and Mutated Defender Archetypes are good examples of those who have learned to actively encourage fleshwarping within themselves.
Not surprising the Alchemist Class’ mutagens cause temporary fleshwarping. This technique is also used by the Mutation Warrior Archetype.
The Velstrac Demagogue Raetorgash includes mutation as one of their areas of concern.
Drakainia are fearsome monsters that actively birth fleshwarped people and creatures and can cause others to do the same.
Warped Ones are the result of individuals or souls that have been infused with fleshwarping energies by powerful Abyssal entities. Warped ones spend eternity constantly undergoing fleshwarping. These fleshwarping energies are so strong that they can affect any living creature that comes close to a warped one.
The thick oozing substance known as the Black-Blood of Orv fleshwarps creatures into beings called Black-Blooded Creatures. These creatures do not usually continue their existence in a state of sanity.

Gnoll (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
We know that the Gnolls of the Mwangi Expanse culturally refer to themselves as Kholo, and we know that the Gnolls of the Golden Road culturally identify themselves differently, however we do not know what that cultural name is at this time.


Witch Gnoll

What’s missing?
A Coaleyed Heritage is an obvious option. This Heritage would allow a Gnoll to have Darkvision from the start of character creation.
Flind: While the Flind initially appears to be missing as a Heritage, the spiritual successor to the Flind appears to be the Great Gnoll Heritage. What is missing is that we do not appear to have a weapon in the form of a “Gnollbar” (aka Flindbar).
Unchosen: While not appropriate as a basis for a Heritage the Unchosen does bring some exciting options to the Gnoll that can easily be supported by Ancestry Feats. Gnolls who undergo the Ritual; Growing of the Third Eye, open their minds and bodies to experiences that are unique to Gnolls. Gnolls who undergo this Ritual can gain the Ancestry Feats; Foresighted, Deathwatch, Large Size. While followers of Lamashtu consider this ritual as a gift from their goddess and perform it on both willing and unwilling Gnolls, the ritual is not unique to Lamashtu. Gnoll practitioners of other faiths, and especially Gnoll witches, willingly undergo the ritual, Growing of the Third Eye. It is worth noting that in Katapesh an alchemical method of reproducing the effects of the ritual has been developed. However, unlike the ritual, which slowly transforms the Gnoll over time, the alchemical method is instantaneous, shattering the mind of the recipient. The alchemical method turns a Gnoll into a vicious predator that can avoid danger and smell the life force of its prey. Not surprisingly, the servants of Lamashtu are distinctly interested in this alchemical transformation.

What’s Left?
Most of what’s left is more in line with an Ancestry Feat and doesn’t work as well for setting up a new Heritage. There could certainly be an Ancestry Feat to gain Natural Armor or Claws. Also, Ancestry Feats for Charm and Fear resistance and possibly immunity are very possible.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Natural Armor, Snapping Jaws (Feat), Weapon Familiarity: Flindbar (Flind), Scent (Unchosen), Deathwatch (Unchosen), Foresighted (Unchosen), Fear Immunity (Unchosen), Charm Immunity (Unchosen), Ferocity (Unchosen), Claws (Unchosen), Bite (Unchosen), Large Size (Unchosen)

Gnoll Culture
Gnoll (NPC), Gnoll Lieutenant (NPC), Gnoll Bouda (NPC), Gnoll Packlord (NPC), Gnoll Rageborn (NPC), Gnoll Sergeant (NPC), Gnoll Warden (NPC), Gnoll Bruiser (NPC), Gnoll Ravager (NPC), Chosen of Lamashtu (NPC), Eye of Lamashtu (NPC), Mana Wastes Mutant Gnoll (NPC), The Brazen Claw (Magic Weapon), Pugwampi Braid (Wondrous Item), Flind (Monster), Unchosen (Monster), Leucrotta (Monster), Yaenit (Monster), Pugwampi (Monster), Schir (Monster), Flindbar (Equipment), Growing of the Third Eye (Ritual).

Gnome (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Unlike many humanoids Gnomes do not tend to form cultural groups in the same manner as people native to Golarion. A Gnome’s innate need to have new experiences acts as a deterrent towards developing uniform cultural identities, even within all Gnome communities. Instead, Gnomes typically adopt aspects of the culture around them, with an emphasis on those aspects that are most experiential on a personal level. Svirfneblin and Spriggan are possible exceptions resulting from extreme isolation and harsh environments.

Bleachlings (was Bleachlings)
Fell (was Dread Gnome)
First World (was First World Gnome)

Chameleon Gnome
Fey-Touched Gnome (was First World Gnome)
Sensate Gnome
Umbral Gnome
Vivacious Gnome
Wellspring Gnome

What’s missing?
Bleachlings are difficult as they generally impact an existing Gnome Heritage. I could see Bleachlings as a rare Heritage representing Gnome Characters that begin play as a Bleachling Gnome, limited to Gnome Heritages that are susceptible to bleaching. For the Bleaching as a story element, this may be best represented as a Gnome specific Archetype that has effects on the original Heritage.
Does anyone know if the child of two Bleachling Gnomes is also a Bleachling?
Eitoling are a type of quasi undead specific to Gnomes. Eitoling belong to a larger group of quasi undead known as Mortics. As presented in 1E Mortics are more monsters than an Ancestry. Mortics returned in Bestiary 3, however, it remains unclear if Mortics will be primarily used as monsters or if they will be developed into an Ancestry.
Gear Gnome would translate well as a rare Heritage. As a Heritage, Gear Gnomes might have different metallic tones in their hair and skin and a fascination with mechanical things. They may also have a tendency to have features similar to the Technological Fleshwarp Heritage, except their expressions are more inclined to look like gears and clockwork. (see Gnomes and Gears below)
Lava Gnome translates well as a Heritage, however, they need an adjustment to the base Gnome Ancestry, swapping out Low-Light Vision for Darkvision. Additionally they would need a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.
The Segada Gnome Sub-Race will likely not get translated as a Heritage as it is more a specific location that people are from than a Heritage. The Gnomes of Arcadia and especially Segada may represent Gnome Heritages not commonly found in the Inner Sea. Segada Gnomes possibly have a tendency towards the Chameleon, Sensate and Umbral Heritages. However, Gnomes in Segada are also known to have the gift of tongues, are natural linguists, and have sound mimicry. This may indicate a language/sound Heritage not commonly seen in the Inner Sea (see Word Gnomes below).
The Spriggan are very similar to the standard Gnome Ancestry. They would need some unique Heritages and Ancestry Feats to be fully represented. The tricky part with Spriggan is the ability to grow from size small to large. This ability may be able to be increased with Ancestry Feats over time, with a starting ability to shift from size small to medium.
The Svirfneblin or Deep Gnomes need an adjustment to the base Gnome stats swapping out Low-Light Vision for Darkvision and additional Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented. Otherwise they are fairly similar to the standard Gnome Ancestry. The following are traits and feats that also appear in 1E and are unique to Svirfneblin. These may become the basis for Heritages and Ancestry Feats unique to the Svirfneblin: Healthy, Stalwart Watcher, Stoneseer, Stoic Pose, Secret Keeper.
Traveler Gnome would translate well as a Heritage with Traveler Gnomes (Wanderkin?) having an exceptional desire to explore. This could further be supported with Ancestry Feats. See Gnomes and Travel below.

What’s Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us on possible Gnome Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Gnomes. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
Mirror Kin is a 1E Feat specific to Gnomes. It is possible that Mirror Kin is a reference to a Gnome Heritage. The mimicry aspects of the Mirror Kin feat aligns nicely with the Chameleon Gnome Heritage, and may be an advanced Ancestry Feat for that Heritage.
Snowstepper Gnomes are native to regions that tend to have colder climates. Snowsteppers likely have a connection with winter fey. As a Heritage, Snowsteppers could be supported with winter themed Ancestry Feats. Snowsteppers may also be closer to a unique Ancestry similar to Spriggan and Svirfneblin.
A Word Gnome Heritage is possibly hinted at in the Segada Gnome sub-race. Gnomes have a tendency to have mastery over words and sound (see Gnomes and Words below). However, some Gnomes have a near occult understanding of words and languages that give them abilities rarely seen. The following Feats and Traits may indicate a “Word” Gnome Heritage: Gift of Tongues, Magical Linguist, Sound Mimicry, Babble Peddler, Bewildering Koan, Caustic Slur, Witty Feint, Etymologist, Blood Ties.

Gnome Traits and Feats: Below I have divided the remaining Gnome Traits and Feats from 1E into themed categories. With the exception of the Bleachlings section, these are all generally applicable to any Gnome culture or Heritage.

Bleachlings: Bleaching Magic, Eerily Centered, Wild Speaker, Bleachling.

Gnome Behavior: Stalker, Great Hatred, Vast Hatred, Eternal Hope, Inquisitive, Tantrum, Excitable, Adrenaline Rush.

Gnomes and Travel: Explorer (racial trait), Explorer (trait). (see Traveler Gnome above)

Gnomes and Trickery: Prankster, Rapscallion, Dirty Trickster, Effortlessly Tricky, Gnome Trickster, Charlatan, Trickster, Helpless Prisoner.

Gnomes and Gears: Utilitarian Magic, Master Tinker, Wright, Architectural Ingenuity, Industrious, Master of Wonders.

Gnomes and Words: Gift of Tongues, Magical Linguist, Sound Mimicry, Babble Peddler, Bewildering Koan, Caustic Slur, Witty Feint, Etymologist, Blood Ties.

Gnomes and Fey Legacy: Fairy Catcher, Faerie Dragon Magic, Fey-Tongued, Fey Magic, Echoes of the First World, Fey Fortitude, First Memories, Vivacious.

Gnomes and Nature: Warden of Nature, Bond to the Land, Nature Affinity, Forest Senses, Groundling, Animal Friend, Invoke Primal Instinct.

Gnomes and Magic: Enhanced Gnome Magic, Extra Gnome Magic, Casual Illusionist, Fell Magic, Genial Magic, Threatening Illusion, Arcane School Spirit, Illusion Obsession, Expanded Resistance, Magic Trick: Chromatic Savant, Naturally Gifted, Haunted Gnome, Haunted Gnome Shroud, Haunted Gnome Assault, Pyromaniac (see Lava Gnome).

Gnomes and Combat: Gnome Weapon Focus, Illusive Gnome Style, Illusive Gnome Bewilderment, Illusive Gnome Surprise, Shadow Foe.

Gnomes and Backgrounds/Skills: Brastlewark Businessman, Efficient Packer, Intrepid Settler, Vermin Wrangler, Zealot, Sprint, Artistic, Nosophobia, Knack with Poison, Academician, Student of the City, Collector, Shadow Dodger.

Goblin (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Forest Goblins
Frost Goblins
Monkey Goblins (was Monkey Goblin)
Mutant Goblins
Rasp Goblins

Charhide Goblin
Irongut Goblin
Razortooth Goblin
Snow Goblin (was Arctic Goblin)
Tailed Goblin
Treedweller Goblin (was Tree Runner)
Unbreakable Goblin

What’s missing?
Cave Goblins or Cave Crawlers have large bulbous eyes, long spidery limbs, and tend to be good climbers. These Goblins live in the Darklands and tend to be less common than their surface dwelling kin. This would translate well as a Goblin culture with a supporting Heritage and Ancestry Feats.
The Kijimuna would translate well as a Heritage or possibly a cultural group. The Charhide Heritage is a good fit for Kijimuna, however there are currently no Ancestry Feats to represent the “steal fire” ability.
Mutant Goblins did not quite meet the standards for the Fleshwarp Ancestry as there was not initially a variation for small sized Fleshwarps. With the inclusion of small sized Fleshwarps, Mutant Goblins can be fully realized.
The Oversized Goblin Sub-Race is possibly a rare Goblin Heritage. These Goblins are medium in size instead of small, otherwise they share the same characteristics of their smaller kin. These may also be a type of Mutant Goblin, see above.
Runewarped Gobline are Goblins with the Fleshwarp Ancestry and have specifically been warped through fleshwarping magic called Runewarping. In addition to physical mutation, runewarping results in mutations that allow the fleshwarped individual to smell magic, resist magic, and even eat magic. These options are not yet available in the Fleshwarp Ancestry.
Shadern are mentioned in Bestiary 3. Shaderns belong to a larger group of quasi undead known as Mortics. As presented in 1E Mortics are more monsters than an Ancestry. Mortics returned in Bestiary 3, however, it remains unclear if Mortics will be primarily used as monsters or if they will be developed into an Ancestry.

Whats Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us of possible Goblin Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Goblins. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
Cliff-Masters are Goblins that live along seaside cliffs and are excellent climbers. They are commonly found in Varisia along the coastline and similar locations. Cliff-Master is a 1E trait specific to Goblins that would translate well as a Heritage or Ancestry Feat.
Color Thiefs are Goblins with chameleon like skin that “steals” the color of the plants and objects around them. Color Thief is a 1E trait specific to Goblins that would translate well as a Heritage or as an Ancestry Feat for the Treedweller Goblin Heritage.
Seaside Goblins: Although not explicitly identified, there are indications of a Goblin Heritage that are strong swimmers. This is strongly hinted at with the gifts bestowed upon the Goblins by the god Zogmugot, who gave Goblins the secrets of the shores. This is also supported by the traits Longlung and Flounderer. This may also coincide with the Cliff-Master Goblins, see above.

Goblin Traits and Feats: Below I have divided the remaining Goblin Traits and Feats from 1E into themed categories. With the exception of the Monkey Goblins section, these are all generally applicable to any Goblin culture or Heritage.

Monkey Goblin: Longlung, Monkey Goblin,
Goblin Behavior: Advantageous Distraction, Rude Songs, Goblin Foolhardiness, Goblin Bravery, Combat Distraction, Mental Derail, Letter Fury, Vandal,
Goblins: Physical Resiliency and Physical Qualities: Bouncy, Ugly Swine, Balloon Headed, Big Ears, Dog-Sniff-Hate, Dog-Sniff-Hate, Over-Sized Ears, Eat Anything, “Hard Head, Big Teeth”, Roll With It, Flame Heart, Strength of the Barghest, Mother’s Teeth, Flounderer, Wolf Cub, Restless Hunger.
Goblins and Combat: Goblin Gunslinger, Ankle Biter, Burn It Down!, Weapon Familiarity, Lead from the Back, Tangle Feet, Fire Hand, Saddle Shrieker, Battle Singer, Piercing Chant, Glorious Blaze, Sacred Pyromania, Burn! Burn! Burn!, “Dog Killer, Horse Hunter”.
Goblins and Hygiene: Foul Belch, Pustular, Robust Stench.
Goblins and Backgrounds: Scion of Goblinblood, Bully Burner, Goblin Pirate, City Scavenger, Junk Tinker, Fire Tamer.

Grippli (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
None identified at this time. Earlier texts indicate the Grippli origins as an Ancestry lie in the Valashmai Jungle.


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Grippli was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?
A Jumper Heritage is an obvious choice for Grippli. This Heritage would play around with the concept of frogs being naturally powerful jumpers and by extension Grippli.
A Mucus Membrane Heritage would also be a lot of fun. Instead of secreting poison these Grippli secret a slick mucus making it difficult to hold on to them.
Note:While the Poisonhide Heritage is a great option for characters that want to start with a poisonous option, from the sheer number of mechanics dedicated to Grippli poison there really should be Ancestry Feats that allow Grippli to gain poison use later. For example Toxic Diet would be a great way to allow Grippli that don’t start with poisonous abilities to gain them later.
Note: We need an Ancestry Feat chain that reflects the Grippli’s cultural practice of fiend keeping. This practice is supported by Dark Communion (Archetype Feat), Dark Power (Archetype Feat), Natural Attacks (Archetype Feat), Spirit Power (Archetype Feat), and Unholy Resilience (Archetype Feat).
Note: The Grippli spells Sweat Poison and Batrachian Surge are also worth calling out. Sweat Poison plays into the greater theme of poisonous Grippli and would be a great Ancestry Feat. Batrachian Surge is extremely versatile and allows a Grippli to take on short term temporary froglike aspects such as a swim speed, powerful legs, stretchy tongue, or gills for breathing in water.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Grippli and Poison Related
Toxic Skin, Noxious Touch (Feat), Poison Resin (Feat), Toxic Secretions (Feat), Deadly Excretions (Alchemist Discovery), Venom Admixture (Infusion Wild Talent), Jungle Native (Trait), Poison Affinity (Archetype Feat), Toxic Diet (Archetype Feat), Mark the Vein (Archetype Feat), Poison the Well (Archetype Feat), Discovery Options (Archetype Feat), Sweat Poison (Spell)

Grippli and Not Poison Related
Natural Climber, Darkvision, Camouflage, Swamp Strider, Weapon Familiarity, Jumper, Glider, Defensive Training, Princely, Agile Tongue (Feat), Canopy Shooter (Trait), Evil Spirit (Archetype Feat), Dark Communion (Archetype Feat), Dark Power (Archetype Feat), Natural Attacks (Archetype Feat), Spirit Power (Archetype Feat), Unholy Resilience (Archetype Feat), Mucous Membrane (Archetype Feat), Amphibious Mutagen (Archetype Feat), Batrachian Surge (Spell)

Grippli Culture
Water Strider (Animal), Fetish of the Frog Queen (Wondrous Item), Mantella (Archetype), Fiend Keeper (Archetype), Swamp Poisoner (Archetype), Bogborn Alchemist (Archetype)

Halfling (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Chelaxian (was Slave Born)
Mihrini (was Nomadic)
Song’o (was Song’o Halfings)

Gusty Halfling
Hillock Halfling
Jinxed Halfling
Nomadic Halfling (was Nomadic)
Observant Halfling
Twilight Halfling
Wildwood Halfling

What’s missing?
The Avenging Halfling Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
Jitterbones are a type of quasi undead specific to Halflings. Jitterbones belong to a larger group of quasi undead known as Mortics. As presented in 1E Mortics are more monsters than an Ancestry. Mortics returned in Bestiary 3, however, it remains unclear if Mortics will be primarily used as monsters or if they will be developed into an Ancestry.
The Segadan Halflings Sub-Race will likely not get translated as a Heritage as it is more a specific location that people are from than a Heritage.

Whats Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us on possible Gnome Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Gnomes. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
Creepy Doll Halflings are possibly a rare Halfling Heritage, with the ability to appear as child sized porcelain dolls. Because they are so rarely seen it is likely that they can suppress the porcelain texture and sheen of their skin, as well as their dead eyed gaze. This Heritage may indicate the favor of Thamir Gixx and his Fantionette.

Cultural Specific
Segada: Festive
Song’o: Evasive Nomad, Danger Detection, Deep Jungle

Halflings and Physical Attributes:
Fleet of Foot, Childlike, Sure and Fleet, Fey-Quickened

Halflings and Behavior: Irrepressible, Craven, Wanderlust, Practicality, Acquisitive, Attentive, Ingratiating, Shiftless, Relentless Cheer, Shared Ownership, Courageous Resolve, Well-Prepared, Uncanny Defense, Helpful, Pomp and Pageantry,

Halflings and Good/Bad Luck: Blessed, Small Quarter Ally, Adaptable Luck, Halfling Jinx, Luckbringer, Unlucky Halfling, Lucky Halfling, Adaptive Fortune, Arcane Jinxer, Area Jinx, Bolster Jinx, Distant Jinx, Fascination Jinx, Fortunate One, Jinx Alchemy, Jinxed Spell, Lucky, Lucky Healer, Malicious Eye, Sluggish Jinx, Versatile Jinx, Worst Case Jinx, Lucky Strike, Surprise Strike, Good Dreams,

Halflings and Backgrounds: Skulker, Underfoot Dodger, Unfettered, Caretaker, Polyglot, Human Shadow, Divine Worker, Secretive Survivor, Surreptitious, Good Slip, Freedom Fighter, Bellflower Contact, Call for Help, Cheap to Feed, Clumsy Slave, Dawn Renewal, Dusk Dancer, Freed Slave, Freedom Fighter, Isger Fixer, Legalistic Liberation, Lettered, Perfect Servant, Providential Passenger, Provider, Joyous Companion

Halflings and Combat: Underfoot, Low Blow, Outrider, Warslinger, Resourceful, Halfling Slinger, Blundering Defense, Cautious Fighter, Desperate Swing, Improved Low Blow, Risky Striker, Backstabber, Equality for All, Intrepid Volunteer, Rabble Rebel,

Halflings and Opportunists:
Halfling Opportunists exploit their own innate luck. They are constantly on the lookout for an opportunity turn a situation to their benefit, especially if it requires using a bit of luck. The following abilities are unique to Halflings who develop their innate luck abilities.
Exploitive Maneuver, Trap Spotter, Excelled Aid, Exceptionally Lucky, Improved Trap Spotter, Fit In, Opportunity Attacker

Hobgoblin (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Bandu Fleet
Rakh Lo


What’s missing?
Kanabo are children of Hobgoblins and Ja Noi, Oni. These Half-Hobgoblin and Half-Ja Noi, Oni children are not dissimilar to Half-Elves or Half-Orcs. The Kanabo would work well as a Hobgoblin Heritage.

What’s Left?
Note: Many of the options for Hobgoblins have been translated to 2E. One thing that does stand out is that we see from the Order of the Eclipse that Hobgoblins take their Darkvision very seriously. These Hobgoblins utilize darkvision in ways far more powerful than what is typically seen in other Ancestries. This is supported by Darkvision, Dark Rider (Order Ability), Eclipsing Blade (Order Ability), See in Darkness (Order Ability). It would be nice to see these translated to Ancestry Feats.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Hobgoblins and Vision
Darkvision, Dark Rider (Order Ability), Eclipsing Blade (Order Ability), See in Darkness (Order Ability)

Hobgoblin Authority
Authoritative, Fearsome, Pit Boss, Bred Commander (Feat), Commander of Goblinkind (Feat), Demoralizing Lash (Feat), Taskmaster (Feat), Terrorizing Display (Feat), Agonizing Rebuke (Spell)

Hobgoblins and Engineering
Engineer, Deafening Explosion (Feat), Distracting Explosion (Feat)

Hobgoblins and Other Options
Sneaky, Scarred, Bandy-Legged, Battle-Hardened, Magehunter, Slave Hunter, Unfit, Hobgoblin Discipline (Feat), Focusing Blow (Feat), Elf-Magic Defense (Feat), Recalcitrant (Feat), Warmonger (Feat), Inciter (Trait), Ja Noi Aspect (Spell)

Hobgoblin Culture
Hobgoblin (NPC), Hobgoblin Battle Priest (NPC), Hobgoblin Battlefield Zealot (NPC), Hobgoblin Bombardier (NPC), Hobgoblin Commander (NPC), Hobgoblin Forerunner (NPC), Hobgoblin Lieutenant (NPC), Hobgoblin Sergeant (NPC), Hobgoblin Paragon (NPC), Kanabo (NPC), Honored of Kaoling (NPC), Hobgoblin Phalanx (Troop), Ironfang Mage Hunter (Troop), Ironfang Yzobu Rider (Troop),
Hobgoblin War Draught (Equipment), Loping Ointment (Equipment), Alchemical Sling Bullet (Equipment), Cantoriain Spring (Artifact), Hadregash (Deity), Ragathiel (Deity), Despair Hobgoblin Battle Standard (Wondrous Item), Ferocity Hobgoblin Battle Standard (Wondrous Item), Iron Resolve Hobgoblin Battle Standard (Wondrous Item), Master’s Brand (Wondrous Item), Ja Noi (Monster), Hobbe Hound (Monster), Hobbe Hound (Pet), Yzobu (Monster), Yzobu (Pet), Order of the Eclipse (Samurai Order), Manacle Barbs (Equipment), Pyre Steel (Material),

Human (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
A Large Quantity

Skilled Heritage
Versatile Heritage (was Versatile Human)
Wintertouched Human

No Equivalent:
Country Folk
Gutter Rat
Imperious Human

What’s missing?
Most of the 1E Human Sub-Races appear to function better as Ancestry Feats. For example a player might start as a “Gutter Rat” and later become “Imperious” while retaining the experience and knowledge from both life situations.
The Cosmopolitan Human Sub-Race does not appear to have a specific Background equivalent, however there are various Backgrounds that have a similar theme.
The Country Folk Human Sub-Race does not appear to have a specific Background equivalent, however there are various Backgrounds that have a similar theme.
The Gutter Rat Human Sub-Race appears to have been translated as the Background: Street Urchin.
The Imperious Human Human Sub-Race appears to have been translated as the Background: Noble.
The Trailblazer Human Sub-Race has been translated as the Background: Trailblazer.

Whats Left?
In addition to sub-races there are racial traits, traits, and feats that inform us on possible Human Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats unique to Humans. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
A Primordial Human Heritage is well supported in 1E with the Race: Primitive Human. While generally a Race in 1E often becomes the basis for an Ancestry in 2E, I feel that that a Primordial Human Heritage makes more sense. A Primordial Human can easily represent any early hominid while still being considered Human. Primordial Humans may have more physical variations than what is typically seen in other Humans, such as potentially being size small, or having a thin covering of fur, however these physical variations are not necessary. Potential cultural groups might include Neanderthals, Denisovans, Flores, Habili, and Cro-Magnons, although these groups would have in setting fantasy names. In 1E the Primitive Human has the abilities Frightened by Magic, Primitive Feat, Savage Skills, and Savage Surge. For the most part these would translate well as specific Primordial Human Heritage Feats.
The idea of a [b[Disparate[/b] Human Heritage is well represented in 1E. Alternate Racial Traits such as Aquatic Ancestry, Reptilian Ancestry, Draconic Heritage, Giant Ancestry, Scion of Humanity, Throwback, Animalistic Affliction, Genie Blood, and Mostly Human all support the idea of a Human Heritage with a bit of something else in their bloodline. This Heritage plays into the idea that the Human Ancestry can, and does, mix with a lot of creatures through magical or mundane means. The Disparate Heritage would likely be best represented through Lineage Feats. For example a Draconic Lineage, Elemental Lineage, Empyreal Lineage, Fiendish Lineage, Giant Lineage, Icthyan Lineage, and Reptilian Lineage are options for adding just a bit of a theme to a character while still remaining primarily Human. Having the appropriate Lineage Feat might allow the character to select from both Human Ancestry Feats and Ancestry Feats for an appropriate corresponding Lineage. For example a Human with the Disparate Heritage that selects the Reptilian Lineage Feat could then select Ancestry Feats from both the Human and Lizardfolk ancestries. There would need to be limitations around selecting Ancestry Feats that the character lacks physical qualities for, such as claws or tails. Although, it may be possible for a Disparate Human to grow these features as they develop. Additional rules that support this idea include Racial Heritage (Feat), Mythic Racial Heritage (Feat), Planar Heritage (Feat), and Draconic Heritage (Feat).
A Hearthheart Heritage is a fun way to play around the idea of magical Humans. Whereas Elves physically adapt to environments, Humans emotionally adapt to environments. This idea is supported by the 1E Alternate Racial Traits Heart of the Fey, Heart of the Fields, Heart of the Mountains, Heart of the Sea, Heart of the Slums, Heart of the Snows, Heart of the Streets, and Heart of the Sun. Essentially, Humans can emotionally resonate with a land that they or their ancestors were raised in and called home. This emotional resonance provides a minor innate magical benefit. As a story element a Hearthheart Human that grew up next to the sea might long for the mountains because their ancestors lived there long ago. Or a young urbanite may be so in tune with their city that they feel compelled to protect it, even if that means traveling away from their beloved city for a time.
Poison Minion is a not quite universal, Universal Heritage. The Drow have experimented with various ancestries making them poisonous. This poisonous quality is an augmentation that may be a result of fleshwarping. In addition to Humans, only Dwarves, Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Gnomes, and Wayyang are known to successfully be augmented as Poison Minions.
An Imperious Heritage can perhaps be the most heroic and dangerous of all Human Heritages. For some Humans the desire for self-actualization transcends typical desire and they pull power from their own inner egos resulting in a uniquely Human experience. Imperious Humans may see themselves as heroes, rulers, or overlords. An impoverished child raised on the streets may know themself to be a hero of the downtrodden, a merchant’s child may know they are destined to run a mercantile empire, or a crown prince may know they are meant to conquer the neighboring lands and rule with absolute authority. This supernatural ego in some humans can inspire both greatness and ruin. An Imperious Heritage is supported by the 1E Imperious Bloodline, the Alternate Race Traits; Self-Made Fate, Heroic, and Unstoppable Magic. Additional 1E rules that support this Heritage include Human Potential (Spell), Mass Human Potential (Spell), Dauntless Destiny (Feat), Heroic Will (Feat), Intimidating Confidence (Feat), Masterful Demeanor (Trait), Commanding (Trait), and Favored Champion (Trait).
There is one other Human associated trait from 1E that is suggestive of a 2E Universal Heritage, this trait being Accidental Clone. A Clone Universal Heritage would be fairly interesting and provide for some unique role playing. The initial concept of playing the clone of another character or NPC raises lots of questions that hint at mysterious pasts or unexpected origins. Additionally, adding the option for an Accidental Clone, a cloning of one person’s mind into another person’s body, adds even more complex roleplaying opportunities. Waking up with the consciousness and mental experiences of a dwarf, only to discover you are in the body of an Elf could provide some exciting roleplaying experiences. This is not dissimilar to the potential results of the Reincarnate spell and I would expect that many of the Heritage Feats for a Clone Universal Heritage would be available to a character that has been brought back to life via the Reincarnate spell. Update This is now covered by the Reflection Universal Heritage

Personal Note: I really enjoy the 1E mechanics that set up the idea of a Magical Human as seen above in the Traits and Feats that support the Disparate, Hearthheart, and Imperious Heritages. In fantasy roleplaying there has long been a presumption that Humans can reproduce with lots of things, be it other ancestries or intelligent creatures. The mechanics that set up the idea for a Disparate Heritage does a great job of establishing this as a magical quality that is inherent to some Humans. In a similar vein the 1E mechanics that support the Heartheart and Imperious Heritages takes emotional and mental qualities found in some Humans and pushes them into the realm of magical. These two do a great job of establishing an inherently magical Human without changing the concept of the Ancestry into being something other than purely Human.

Humans: Versatility and Potential
Dual Talent, Eye for Talent, Eclectic, Bestow Luck, Defiant Luck, Inexplicable Luck, Fast Learner, High Magic Focus, Improvisation, Improved Improvisation, Effortless Aid.

Humans: Mental Attributes
Awareness, Powerful Presence, Rationalize, Innovative, Fearless Curiosity, Fiery Dominance, Generous, Honor-Driven, Ingratiating, Obsessed with Success, Pride of the Diamond Empire, Proud Tribesman, Sharp Wits, Superstitious, Psychic Defense, Latent Psion, Vengeful, Wary of Danger, Zealous

Humans: Combat
Barrage of Styles, Critical Versatility, Friendly Rivalry, Martial Mastery, Martial Versatility, Pursuit of Glory, Ruthless Opportunist, Deadly Troupe, One Mind, Surge of Success, Triangulate, Blade Bravado, Disciplined Body, Linebreaker, Master of the Sudden Strike, Open Palm of Irori, Shield Bearer, Tempestuous Combatant, Weapon Training,

Humans: Skills, Culture, and Backgrounds
Focused Study, Military Tradition, Mixed Heritage, Piety, Tribalistic, Comprehensive Education, Adoptive Parentage, Imposter-Wary, Industrious, Institutional Memory, One of the Multitude, Practiced Hunter, Silver Tongue, Social Ties, Wayfarer, Diplomatic Ruse, Huntmaster, Loyal to the Death, Mark of the Devoted, Quah Bond, Scion of the Lost Empire, Chelish Noble, Star Struck, Artistic Dilettante, Aspiring Bard, Assimilated Native, Auspicious Tattoo, Azlant Fanatic, Azlanti Engineering, Bastard, Bekyar Slave Maestro, Born to the Water, Bred for War, Bureaucracy Navigator, Carefully Hidden, Child of Kintargo, Child of Two Peoples, Colonial Entitlement, Colonial Sympathizer, Destined Pioneer, Divine the Mystery, Enduring Spellcraft, Ever Home, Eyes of the Sun, Friend to Animals, Glib Barrister, Glint-Tongued, Gruff Watcher, Hardly a Fool, Harrow Born, Harrow Chosen, Heart of Two Worlds, Historian, Honey-Tongued, Horse Lord, Ice Walker, Infernal Influence, Jadwiga Scion, Keeper of the Ancestral Scrolls, Magaambyan Arcana, Market Rat, My Word is My Bond, Nearly Blinded, Noble Born, Nomadic, Operatic, Oral Historian, Plague Survivor, Practiced Gambler, Pragmatic Polytheist, Reassuring Advice, Relic Hunter, River Trader, Scholar of Ruins, Shadow-Scarred, Shoanti Spirit-Singer, Shoanti Steed, Shoanti Tattoo, Thoroughbred, Slaver, Spirit Lodge Dreamer, Spirits in the Stone, Stargazer, Storied Scars, Student of Nantambu, Survivalist, Tattooed Focus, Tongue of Many Towns, Trailblazer, Trifler, Varisian Tattoo, Varki Landspeaker, Voice of Velvet, Wasteland Hunter, Weathered Patience, Witness to Nature’s Cruelty, World Traveler, Dragon Scholar, Juju Way

Half-Elf Heritage (Human/Elf Ancestry):

No Equivalent:
Darkborn (Half-Drow)

What’s missing?
The Human-Raised Half-Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Elf-Raised Half-Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.

Linages - A new mechanic called Linages first appeared in the Advanced Players Guide as a type of Ancestry Feat and may eventually be used to cover the following:
(Sunborn? “Desert Elf”, Nightborn? “Dusk Elf”)

Half-Orc Heritage (Human/Orc Ancestry):

No Equivalent:
Deep Kin
Mountain Clan

What’s missing?
The Arena-Bred Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Feral Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Mountain Clan Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat, although this may functionally be similar to the Cragkin Lineage.
The Deep Kin (Renamed Deep Clan) Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat, although this may functionally be similar to the Gloomkin Lineage.
The Mystic Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.

Linages - A new mechanic called Linages first appeared in the Advanced Players Guide as a type of Ancestry Feat and may eventually be used to cover the following:

Kitsune (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Due to the relatively scattered nature of their societies Kitsune have few well defined cultural groups. Kitsune are just as likely to have extended family groups that inform their culture or to form smaller subcultures within larger non-Kitsune societies. Known Kitsune cultural groups and subcultural groups include the following:



What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Kitsune was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?
There isn’t much for the Kitsune that hasn’t already been touch upon in 2E. Primarily what we appear to be lacking for the Kitsune is that we need a bit more robustness in some of the Ancestry Feats. Of particular note is that the Feats relating to Kitsune combat styles have not appeared in 2e at this time.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Kitsune and Tails and Magic
Kitsune Magic, Magical Tail (Feat), Nine-Tailed Kineticist (Class), Wrecking Mysticism (Class), Nine-Tailed Scion (Trait), Nine-Tailed Heir (Archetype Feat)

Kitsune Guile and Charm
Keen Kitsune, Gregarious, Duplicitous, Kitsune’s Guile (Archetype Feat), Kitsune’s Charm (Archetype Feat), Shrouded in Mystery (Feat),

Kitsune Shapeshifting
Change Shape, Fast Shifter, Superior Shifter, Swift Kitsune Shapechanger (Feat), Fox Shape (Feat), Human Guise (Feat), Realistic Likeness (Feat), Among Humans (Trait),

Kitsune Physical Qualities, Backgrounds, and Combat
Low-Light Vision, Agile, Natural Weapons, Skilled, Multilingual, Kitsune Vengeance (Feat), Kitsune Tricks (Feat), Kitsune Style (Feat), Vulpine Pounce (Feat), Caravan Nomad (Trait), Kami Respect (Trait),

Kitsune Culture
Kitsune (NPC), 1st Kitsune Star Gem (Wondrous Item), 2nd Kitsune Star Gem (Wondrous Item), 3rd Kitsune Star Gem (Wondrous Item), Lupine Robe (Wondrous Item), Daikitsu (Deity),

Kobold (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Kobolds tend to identify less as cultural groups and more as individual tribes. Without strong cultural affiliations Kobolds are quick to leave or join a tribe, however, most Kobolds will not leave a tribe unless they have a new tribe that they can join. Even Kobolds that live in large communities, such as Absalom, will congregate into tribes and live alongside the larger culture without integrating with it. While most Kobolds look to other Kobolds as tribemates, some Kobolds may adopt a small group of non-Kobolds as its tribe. Identified Kobold tribes include the following:
Dankblade Crew of the Shackles
Embermaw Tribe
Glassclaw of Katapesh
Sewer Dragons of Absalom


What’s missing?
A Scalehued Heritage would be a nice catch all heritage for those Kobolds that have scale colors that are less commonly seen in most Kobold communities. This could be set up similar to the Dragonscaled Heritage so that it could be expandable if needed. In 1E we see mechanics for Mixed Scales, Purple Scales, and Carnation/Pink Scales. Additionally, in various texts there are references to Yellow, Orange, Gray, and Ghost scaled Kobolds. There are also mechanics for Golden Scales but this is already covered by the Dragonscaled Heritage.
The Bog Scamp Heritage is only sort of missing. The Tunnelflood Heritage already covers what we might expect for the Bog Scamp, however, we need a bit of flavor text explaining that surface dwelling Kobolds with this Heritage are Bog Scamps instead of Tunnelfloods.
Similar to Bog Scamps, a Forest Wild Heritage would help to reflect those surface Kobold communities that have left the tunnels and caverns of the dark realms, for swamps, bogs, and deep forests on the surface.

What’s Left?
Surprisingly a Snareborn Heritage is a Heritage we have yet to see. Many Kobolds have an innate magical connection to traps, snares, and ambushes that is not dissimilar to a Gnome’s innate connection to Fey magic. Everything under the section for “Kobold Traps and Ambush” listed below is supportive of this concept. And while many Kobolds may have the option to take Ancestry Feats relating to traps and ambushes, this heritage strengthens the overall concept.
Note: In 1E there are Kobold specific subdomains for Trap and Ambush. While purely speculative, I love how this suggests that there is a pair of twin Kobold Deities we haven’t met yet that are focused on traps and ambushes. This could also be suggestive of an older Kobold religion the predates dragons and that this is why we see Kobold scale colors that are outside of the chromatic and metallic scale colors that have become so common. Along with a possible Snareborn Heritage this is supported by the Kobold Bloodline feats, Kobold Subdomain feats, and the Kobold specific Improve Trap spell, all listed in “Kobold Traps and Ambush” below.
Note: Speaking of Kobold religion, we are also in need of a generic “Dragon Lord” Deity stat block. This would be similar to the Conqueror Worm Deity stat block and could be applied to any dragon that has been deified by Kobolds. This would come with a robust chain of Kobold Ancestry Feats as seen in the section on “Kobolds and Dragon Worship” listed below.
A Deep Caverns Heritage could also be possible based on the section for “Kobolds and the underground” listed below. This heritage would be reflective of Kobolds that live deep in the dark realms and have never seen, or are possibly not even aware of, the surface realms.
Note: We are missing some of the Ancestry Feats relating to Kobold combat styles. Not surprisingly many of the Kobold combat styles overlap with Ysoki/Ratfolk combat styles. It would be nice to see Ancestry feats that reflect this close quarter’s combat style that could be taken by either Kobolds or Ysoki when appropriate. See the section on “Kobolds and Combat” listed below.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Kobold Physical and Mental Qualities
Darkvision, Armor, Light Sensitivity, Prehensile Tail, Day Raider, Dragonmaw, Gliding Wings, Jester, Kobold Confidence (Feat), Yapping Song (Archetype Feat), Mixed Scales (Feat), Purple Scales (Trait), Carnation Scales (Trait), Golden Scales (Trait),

Kobold Backgrounds
Wild Forest Kobold, Redeemed Kobold (Feat), Bog Scamp (Trait), Lightning Blessed (Trait), Liquid-Tongued (Trait), Fire-Tongued (Trait), Kobold Herbalist (Trait), Skater’s Balance (Trait), Slithering Stride (Trait), Icy Mementos (Trait), Alchemical Breath (Trait), Ooze Defense (Trait), Sneaky Swimmer (Trait), Tribal Guide (Trait), Vexed (Trait),

Kobold Traps and Ambush
Crafty, Secret Strider, Spellcaster Sneak, Bloodline: Trap Rune (Class), Bloodline: Trap Sense (Class), Bloodline: Arcane Ambush (Class), Bloodline: Nimble Walker (Class), Ambush Subdomain Spells (Class), Ambush Subdomain: Chameleon Aspect (Class), Trap Subdomain Spells (Class), Trap Subdomain: Supernatural Trap (Class), Merciless Magic (Feat), Merciless Precision (Feat), Elaborate Trapper (Trait), Bomb Trap (Archetype Feat), Trapfinding (Archetype Feat), Trapper (Archetype Feat), Trapsmithing (Archetype Feat), Deadly Traps (Archetype Feat), Master Snare Setter (Archetype Feat), Improve Trap (Spell)

Kobolds and Dragon Magic
Dragon Affinity, Frightener, Kobold Bloodline Spells (Class), Kobold Bloodline Arcana (Class), Draconic Magic (Feat), Draconic Echo (Trait), Frightful Song (Archetype Feat),

Kobolds and Dragon Worship
Scaled Disciple (Feat), Kobold Faith (Trait), Dragon Patron (Archetype Feat), Coat of Arms (Archetype Feat), Dragon Voice (Archetype Feat), Diplomatic Immunity (Archetype Feat), Diplomatic Protection (Archetype Feat), Rebuke Foes (Archetype Feat), Retreat to Lair (Archetype Feat), Master of Persuasion (Archetype Feat), Extol Glory (Archetype Feat)

Kobolds and Dragon Likeness
Dragon-Scaled, Wyrmcrowned, Draconic Breath (Feat), Draconic Aspect (Feat), Draconic Glide (Feat), Draconic Paragon (Feat), Cold Fortitude (Trait), Frost Spitter (Trait), Firebug (Trait), Heat Fortitude (Trait), Smoke Resistance (Trait)

Kobolds and Combat
Beast Bond, Shoulder to Shoulder, Kobold Flood (Feat), Kobold Ambusher (Feat), Kobold Groundling (Feat), Kobold Sniper (Feat), Kobold Style (Feat), Tail Terror (Feat), Ambush Squad (Feat), Slurk Rider (Feat), Athletic Prowess (Archetype Feat), Mobility (Archetype Feat), Safety in Numbers (Archetype Feat), Share Space (Archetype Feat), Strike Underbelly (Archetype Feat), Always Underfoot (Archetype Feat), Soft Underbelly (Archetype Feat),

Kobolds and the Underground
Echo Whistler, Bloodline: Earth Glide (Class), Radiation Subdomain Spells (Class), Radiation Subdomain: Radiating Touch (Class), Carve Passage (Spell),

Kobold Culture
Kobold (NPC), Kobold Battle Master (NPC), Kobold Blade (NPC), Kobold Bomber (NPC), Kobold Chieftain (NPC), Kobold Devil Speaker (NPC), Kobold Guilecaster (NPC), Kobold Master Trapper (NPC), Kobold Monster Wrangler (NPC), Kobold Scalecaster (NPC), Kobold Sniper (NPC), Kobold Yapper (NPC), Bramble Sorcerer (NPC), Kobold Tail Long Lash (Equipment), Kobold Tail Pounder (Equipment), Kobold Tail Razored (Equipment), Kobold Tail Spiked (Equipment), Kobold Tail Sweeper (Equipment), Alchemical Coal (Equipment), Lure: Fake Area Map/Fake Coins (Equipment), Trapped Disguise Kit (Equipment), Trapped Scroll Case (Equipment), Cytillesh Stun Vile (Equipment), Crown of the Kobold King (Wondrous Item), Tremor Bar (Wondrous Item), Hezzilreen’s Spellbook (Wondrous Item), Dragon Herald Vestments (Magic Armor), Andirifkhu (Deity), Asmodeus (Deity), Dahak (Deity), Mammon (Deity), Nethys (Deity), Trelmarixian (Deity), Alchemical Trapper (Archetype), Dragon Herald (Archetype), Swarm Fighter (Archetype), Dragon Yapper (Archetype), Snare Setter (Archetype)

Leshy (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
None – As ancient spirits of Nature, Leshys do not tend to organize into large cultural groups as they do not have a natural inclination for that behavior. This may change as the Leshy Ancestry sees additional development.


What’s missing?
All of the following types of Leshy that have been mentioned in text would work well as Heritages.
Flytrap, Lichen, Pesh, Seed, Snapdragon, Sunflower, Mint, Bamboo, Wisteria, and Honeysuckle

What’s Left?
There is plenty of ground to cover with the Leshy that have not yet been provided a Heritage option. However, Leshy is easy to expand into new Heritages as one need only look at various plant and foliage options for inspiration. A generic Petal Leshy would be a good option for covering flowers generally, a Detritus Leshy would be a great option for Leshy with a bit of an undead theme, and a Grass Leshy could generically cover lawn grasses, feed grasses, grain grasses, and wild grasses. These are just a few possible Heritages.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Pass Without Trace, Change Shape, Plantspeech, Verdant Burst, Unassuming Foliage, Climber, Grapevine, Agile, Lashvine, Seasoned Spirit, Swamp Leshy, Writing Eye, Curosity, Poisonous, Grow Fruit, Launch Needle, Needly Skin, Bite, Acidic Spittle, Digest, Amalgam, Puffball, Spores, Keepsake, Seed, Glide, Seedpods, Aura of Tranquility, Dream Pollen, Seed Spray, Lily Pad Stride, Entangle, Air Cyst, Water Jet, Bardic Performance, Bloom Lasso, Crippling Hysterics, Greenspeaker, Heliotrope, Verdant Step (Feat), Climbing Vine (Feat), Kudzu Grappler (Feat), Photosynthetic Healing (Feat), Reactive Reversion (Feat), Kudzu Invasion (Feat), Kudzu Takeover (Feat),
Leshy Swarm (Spell), Grasping Vine (Spell),

Leshy Culture
Cactus Leshy (NPC), Flytrap Leshy (NPC), Fungus Leshy (NPC), Gourd Leshy (NPC), Leaf Leshy (NPC), Lichen Leshy (NPC), Lotus Leshy (NPC), Seaweed Leshy (NPC), Snapdragon Leshy (NPC), Sunflower Leshy (NPC), Leshy Subdomain (Use Divine Magic to call Leshy), Leshy Summoning (Use Primal Magic to Summon Leshy), Greater Green Tongue (Use Occult Magic to Commune with Leshy), Fungus Leshy Leshy Mulch Manual (Wondrous Item), Gourd Leshy Leshy Mulch Manual (Wondrous Item), Leaf Leshy Leshy Mulch Manual (Wondrous Item), Seaweed Leshy Leshy Mulch Manual (Wondrous Item), Ring of Natural Attunement-Leshy (Magic Ring), Green Faith (Deity), Gozreh (Deity), Summon Plant Ally (Use Primal Magic to Summon Leshy and other Plant Creatures),

Iruxi/Lizardfolk (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Zephyr Kin

Cliffscale (was Cliffborn)
Sandstrider (was Sandfolk)
Unseen (was The Unseen)

What’s missing?
Lizard Scions are rare Iruxi who have double the normal Iruxi lifespan and can grow to size large instead of medium. This would work well as a rare Heritage with Ancestry Feat options. Note: These first appeared in text as “Lizard Kings” and later the name was changed to “Lizard Scions”. These are now covered by the Ancestry Feat: Scion Transformation

What’s Left?
Not much, most every option that was available in 1E has been translated to 2E.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Swim Speed, Bite, Claw, Hold Breath, Large Size (Scion Only), Lizardfolk Blood (Scion Only), Blood Rage (Scion Only), Cold-Blooded (Class), Dangerous Tail (Feat), Swift Swimmer (Feat), Swamp Dweller (Feat)

Iruxi Culture
Lizardfolk (NPC), Lizardfolk Champion (NPC), Lizardfolk Rattler (NPC), Lizardfolk Clutch Mother (NPC), Lizardfolk Sorcerer (NPC), Lizardfolk Stalker (NPC), Lizardfolk Swamp Lurker (NPC), Lizardfolk Vanguard (NPC), Lizardfolk Berserker (NPC), Lizard Scion (NPC), Giant Muckdweller (NPC), Muckdweller(NPC), Bokrug (Deity)

Honorable Mention:
Muckdweller – This small sized amphibian Ancestry has little known information other than they live in marshes and live near and/or ally with Iruxi communities living in similar environments. Muckdwellers may pull their inspiration from axolotl salamanders and therefore may be primarily found in Arcadia with a few small populations having migrated to Garund. Muckdwellers have the following Ancestry Feats: Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Swim Speed, Bite, Blinding Spray, Dextrous Swimmer
Similar to Iruxi Scions, the Giant Muckdwellers have transformed into Large Size. This transformation allows a Muckdweller to move equally comfortably as either a biped or a quadruped. Giant Muckdwellers will sometimes partner with Lizardfolk, temporarily acting as mounts when riding into war.

Orc (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:


What’s missing?

What’s Left?
Brute – Some Orcs naturally have more mass and height that exceeds typical variation. Brute Orcs push the boundaries of the Medium size category. Brute Orcs typically have a bit of Giant blood in their bloodline with Hill Giants and Stone Giants being the most common. See: Brute Orc (Trait), Brute (Trait), Resilient Brute (Feat), Ettin (Monster), Power of Giants (Sorcerer Orc Bloodline).
Bloodfire – These Orcs have blood that can literally burn with ferocity and rage. The most powerful of these Orcs can even temporarily inspire the bloodfire in their brethren. See Foment the Blood (Feat), Boiling Blood (Spell), Blood Blaze (Spell), Blood Scent (Spell), Touch of Rage (Sorcerer Orc Bloodline), Fire God’s Blessing
Wild-Tamer – Some Orcs have a natural resonance with wild and ferocious animals. This natural resonance allows these Orcs to tame and handle animals that are typically beyond the animal husbandry techniques found in most cultures. As a result it is not uncommon to see Orcs riding dangerous animals into battle or using them as beasts of burden. See: Beast Rider (Trait), Beast Rider (Feat), Animal Rustler, Mammoth Master, Gorthek, Boar, Bull of Zagresh, Warcat of Rull, Dire Boar/Daeodon, Totemic Figurine (Magic Item), Strength of the Beast (Sorcerer Orc Bloodline). Note: In 2E there are already Ancestry Feats for Orcs supporting this concept. Creating a similarly themed Orc Heritage strengthens the concept.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Orc Physical, Mental or Innate Attributes:
Dark Vision, Light Sensitivity, Ferocity, Smeller, Dayrunner, Brute Orc, Amazingly Ugly, Deadeye, Mindlessly Cruel, Rage of Storms, Tusked, Unbreakable Hate, Ferocious Resolve, Amplified Rage, Blood Vengeance, Ferocious Horde, Ferocious Summons, Fight On, Gore Fiend, Ironguts, Ironhide, Keen Scent, Resilient Brute, Smell Fear, Tenacious Survivor, Thrill of the Kill, Warleader’s Rage, Born Alone, Ferocious Action, Resolute Rager, Adept Channel

Orcs and Combat:
Weapon Familiarity, Orc Snarl, Orc Weapon Expertise, Orc Rampage, Orc Fury Style, Brutal Grappler, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, Deathless Zealot, Destroyer’s Blessing, Ferocious Tenacity, Sympathetic Rage, Bullying Blow, Grudge Fighter, Reverse-Feint, Dirty Fighter, Blessing of the Feast (Zura), War Singer, Fire God’s Blessing, Horde Charge, Foment the Blood, Rovagug’s Thunder

Orc Backgrounds and Skills:
Reckless Climber, Squalid, Feral, Beast Rider (Trait), Big Mouth, Demented Inventor, Tribal, Animal Rustler, Brimstone Seer, Mammoth Master, Regional Recluse, Beast Rider (Feat), Trap Wrecker

Orc Specific Spells:
Boiling Blood (Spell), Blood Blaze (Spell), Blood Scent (Spell), Enemy’s Heart (Spell), Murderous Crow (Spell), Sentry Skull (Spell)

Orc Culture
Orc (Monster), Orc Chieftain (NPC), Orc Lieutenant (NPC), Orc Mystic (NPC), Orc Scout (NPC), Orc Sergeant (NPC), Orc Thug (NPC), Orc War Drummer (NPC), Orc Warlord (NPC), Orc Witch Doctor (NPC), Orc Gorthek Rider (NPC), Gorthek (Monster/Orc Animal Husbandry), Floodslain Orc (Monster), Mutant Orc (Mana Wastes Fleshwarp), Dahzagan (Monster/Divine Servants of the Orc Pantheon), Kin Seeker (NPC, Ogerkin=Orc/Ogre Parents), Oronci (Monster, Drow Fleshwarp), Ettin (Monster, Distant Relative of Orcs), Boar (Monster/Orc Animal Husbandry), Bull of Zagresh (Monster, Orc Animal Husbandry), Warcat of Rull (Monster, Orc Animal Husbandry), Dire Boar/Daeodon (Monster, Orc Animal Husbandry), Orc Trail Rations (Equipment), Orc Double Axe (Equipment), Orc Skull Ram (Equipment), Orc Hornbow (Equipment), Black Fester Vial (Equipment), Butchering Axe (Equipment), Gorthek Saddle (Equipment), Pain Wheel (Equipment), War Spirit Pouch (Equipment), Iron Tyrant (Archetype), Stone Warder (Archetype), Pit Fighter (Prestige Class), Ruk Tar (Drug), Talisman of the Orc Mother’s Fury (Magic Item), Belkzen Battle Standard (Magic Item), Gorthek Masks (Magic Item), Ambush Cauldron (Magic Item), Banner of the Rushing Horde (Magic Item), Victor’s Belt (Magic Item), Skullduster (Magic Item), Ukwar (Magic Item), Armor of Grim Triumph (Magic Item), Totemic Figurine (Magic Item), Nulgreth (Deity), Dretha (Deity), Lanishra (Deity), Rull (Deity), Sezelrian (Deity), Varg (Deity), Verex (Deity), Zagresh (Deity), Zura (Deity), Gorum (Deity)

Honorable Mention:
Ettin – Ettin’s are descendants from the pairings of Orcs and Hill Giants and Orcs and Stone Giants. Ettin’s have three Heritages in the form of Hillblood, Orcblood, and Stoneblood. These Heritages are dependent on which portion of the Ettin’s ancestry is most dominant (Hill Giant, Orc, or Stone Giant). While not depicted as an Ancestry option, Ettins are nevertheless a valued part of Orc society. The pairing of an Ettin and a Troll results in Two-Headed Trolls. Ettins have the following Ancestry Feats: Low-Light Vision, Large Size, Superior Two-Weapon Fighting, Two Brains, Stench, Powerful Charge, Earth Bond, Ground Pound, Blood Rage, Feral Savagery, Improved Rock Catching, Rock Throwing
Ettin Culture: Ettin (NPC), Mythic Ettin (NPC)

Poppet (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Poppets don’t really have cultural groups as the genesis of their creation comes from a variety of sources and their creation is often a singular occurrence that is unconnected to others of their Ancestry.

Wind Up

What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Poppet was a Monster entry with two variations based on size.

What’s Left?
A lot of what we see available to the 1E version of Poppets has been translated to 2E. However, there are a few options that are missing. Also, there could generally be a bit more robustness in Ancestry Feat options as well.
It’s a bit surprising that we didn’t get a Tiny Size option for the Poppet with the base Ancestry, but this could easily be added.
A Hexspell Heritage would be a great option. These Poppets are created by witches and Ancestry Feats would allow them to carry and deliver touch spells, emit a desecration aura, and even possess corpses by climbing inside of and animating a corpse. (see Gravewalker Archetype)
A Mimic You option as either a Heritage or Ancestry Feat would also be fun. These Poppets can spend 24 hours incorporating various materials into their bodies and altering their shape to take on the likeness of another creature. (see Nettle’s Poppet - Wondrous Item)
The Plagued Heritage is perhaps the most tragic of all Poppets as these Poppets are created as minor sacrifices to Ghlaunder by his clerics. Their creation imbues them with disease, and when one of these poppets awaken, they must learn how to control the disease that is part of their creation or risk harming those they befriend.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Slam Attack, Tiny Size, Agile, Armored, Durable, Fleet, Heavy Lifter, Mighty, Nimble, Scaling, Sealed, Soaring, Swimming, Hex Doll (see Nettle’s Poppet), Spell Poppet (Archetype Feat), Deliver Touch Spells (Archetype Feat), Aura of Desecration (Archetype Feat), Bonethrall (Archetype Feat), Possess Undead (Archetype Feat),

Poppet Culture
Small Poppet (NPC), Tiny Poppet (NPC), Poppet Familiar, Craft Poppet, Nettle’s Poppet (Wondrous Item), Gravewalker Witches, Gravewalker (Archetype), Ghlaunder (Diety)

General Thoughts
Poppets are a great way to bring the trope of magical living dolls and toys into Golarion. Although we are very much missing rules for Tiny size Poppets, they fill a niche that other construct ancestries would find difficult to fill. Because of how Poppets come into being, a Poppet could potentially show up anywhere on Golarion. It would be nice to see those aspects of Poppets that are a little more uniquely Golarion explored. This mostly comes in the form Poppets created to serve witches and Poppets created to be befouled offerings to Ghlaunder. What do Heritages and Ancestry Feats look like for these Poppets when they awaken. While most Heritages and Ancestry Feats work perfectly well for Poppets that awaken from these sources, the options that are currently available to us do not quite fully represent Poppets that awakened as witch familiars or Ghlaunder sacrifices.

Ratfolk/Ysoki (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Ysoki don’t divide themselves into cultural groups like many ancestries. Instead they tend to see themselves as a large and diverse extended family. As such, Ysoki tend to identify particular groups by geographic location combined with an experience, action, or ability that that area is known for exhibiting. Known Ysoki regional groups include the following:

Belkzen Creeper
Diguo-Dashun Underminer
Drumish Dasher
Gokan Hopper
Numerian Tinkerer
Ulfen Leaper
Sarki Tunneler
Vradji Gnasher
Minatan Skimmer


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Ratfolk was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?
The Ysoki Heritages and Ancestry Feats cover a lot of what we saw in 1E and lays the ground work for we have yet to see. There could be some more robustness with the Ysoki combat feats and especially those relating to swarming should be shared with Kobolds. Additionally, there are a couple areas I feel need highlighted.
Ysoki have a magical connection with cleanliness and disease that is not dissimilar to a Halflings’ connection to good luck or bad luck. This definitely needs further exploration and the ground work is already set with the Longsnout Rat Heritage for cleanliness and the Sewer Rat Heritage for disease. For additional 1E options that support this see “Ysoki Health and Disease” below.
Something I had overlooked in 1E that is just absolutely wild is that Ysoki have a natural affinity with rifts in reality. This includes both finding them and creating them. These other worldly occult Ysoki can inherently play with the tattered edges of the Material Plane. And for Ysoki this is explained by and embraced through the philosophy of Ranatagi. The Shadow Rat Heritage plays nicely with this concept, but it would also be nice to see a Heritage that utilized the concept of the Bauble Fascination Trait to support this concept as well. See “Ysoki and the Other Worldly” below for additional details.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Ysoki Physical and Mental Qualities
Darkvision, Surface Sprinter, Cheek Pouches, Rodent Empathy, Market Dweller, Scent, Skulk, Sharpclaw (Feat), Sharptooth (Feat), Scamper (Trait), Gnawer (Feat), Pack Rat (Feat), Burrowing Teeth (Feat), Tunnel Rat (Feat), Duplicitious (Archetype Feat),

Ysoki and the Other Worldly - Bauble Fascination (Trait), Unnatural, Warp Psychic Discipline (Class), Planar Scent (Class), Rift Reach (Class), Turn Aside (Class), Sidestep (Class),

Ysoki and Combat
Swarming, Cornered Fury, Ratfolk Avenger (Trait), Swarming Attack Ninja Trick (Class), Scurrying Swarmer (Feat), Shared Stash (Feat), Daring Adjacent Shot (Archetype Feat), Flash and Shock (Archetype Feat), Powder Burns (Archetype Feat), Staggering Shot (Archetype Feat), Belly Shot (Archetype Feat), Underhanded (Archetype Feat),

Ysoki Health and Disease
Cleanliness, Delay Disease (Spell), Sickening Strikes (Spell),

Ysoki and Tech
Tinker, Lab Rat, Cunning Edge (Archetype Feat), Alchemical Onslaught (Archetype Feat), Gadgetry (Archetype Feat), Mechanical Inspiration (Archetype Feat), Jury-Rig (Archetype Feat), Construct Mastery (Archetype Feat), Alchemical Tinkering (Spell), Gunpowder Bomb (Archetype Feat), Explosive Impairment (Archetype Feat), Delayed Explosives (Archetype Feat),

Ysoki Backgrounds
Business Venturer (Triat), Prophet of Burrows Trait),

Ysoki Culture
Ratfolk (NPC), Ratfolk Sage (NPC), Ratfolk Elder (NPC), Ratfolk Chemist (NPC), Ratfolk Bravo (NPC), Ratfolk Caravan Guard (NPC), Ratfolk Expedition Leader (NPC), Ratfolk Tinkerer (NPC), Ratfolk Troubleshooter (NPC), Ratfolk Warden (NPC), Kirrix (Creature), Mole (Creature), Riding Rat (Creature), Ratfolk Tailblade (Equipment), Common Riding Rat (Equipment), Combat Trained Riding Rat (Equipment), Stink Ink (Equipment), Cloak of Blood Alarm (Wondrous Item), Pipes of the Warren Guardian (Wondrous Item), Might Blight (Poison), Ranatagi (Philosophy), Gulch Gunner (Archetype), Gunpowder Bombardier (Archetype), Opportunist (Archetype), Scavenger (Archetype)

General Thoughts
I can’t get over Ranatagi and the idea that Ysoki are innately attuned to the fabric of reality and some have the ability to tear at realities frayed edges. This really gives Ysoki something very unique to their ancestry. Also, I hope to see some of the cramped combat techniques of Ysoki shared between them and Kobolds as these options are an easy way to expand ancestry options for both ancestries.

Skeleton (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Skeletons do not form cultural groups of their own. As undead they are largely influenced by the culture to which they belonged when they were among the living. Since undead are typically dangerous to the living, most Skeletons are forced to live on the fringes of the culture to which they once belonged.


What’s missing?
Bloody Skeleton: The bones of these Skeletons contain marrow that continues to produce a bloody gore that allows them to heal faster than most Skeletons.
Burning Skeleton: These skeletons appeared charred and burnt. They are warm to the touch and can ignite themselves, bursting into flames.
Mudra Skeleton: During animation these skeletons had an additional pair of arms added to their skeletal frames. Since this modification was not a natural part of the base skeleton, these Skeletons have limited use these additional arms. However, these additional arms make Mudra Skeletons excellent grapplers.

What’s Left?
This is a bit challenging as Skeletons were primarily treated as disposable undead in 1E. However, there are a few spells, magic items, and other such things that in hindsight fit perfectly for Skeletons.
Decompose Corpse (Spell): This spells allows a Skeleton to quickly decompose the flesh and innards of a corpse allowing the Skeleton to quickly access the bones.
Skeleton Crew (Spell): This spell quickly decomposes a group a corpses. While most often used to create a skeletal ship’s crew, this spell could be used to create a small labor force for other tasks, such as running an Inn or farming.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Darkvision, Claw Attack, Cold Resistance, Damage Reduction, Four-Armed, Large Sized, Channel Resistance, Spectral Hand, Channel Negative Energy, Grave Touch (Spell), Arcane Bond, Multiplication, Bite Attack, Powerful Bite, Fast Healing, Deathless, Fiery Aura, Fiery Death

Skeleton Culture
Skeleton Template, Bloody Skeleton, Burning Skeleton, Armored Ogre Skeleton, Four-Armed Mudra Skeleton, Human Skeleton, Multiplying T-Rex Skeleton, Skeletal Champion, Skeletal Mage, Skeletal Mount

Sprite (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
As fey, sprites typically do not form cultural groups in any real sense that most of the peoples of Golarion would recognize. Sprites behave in accordance to their fey nature and experience little influence from the culture that surrounds them. Even within sprite communities each sprite is far more influenced by their internal nature than by any collective cultural practices or norms. As such there are no identified sprite cultural groups at this time.


What’s missing?
Of all the Sprites, Rosebloods tend be the cruelest in their capriciousness. Rosebloods are most often found in the service of the Fey Eldest known as the Green Mother. Rosebloods are small sized and cannot fly. They have the ability to take the form of a small thorny rosebush.

What’s Left?
There could generally be some more robustness in the Ancestry Feats for Sprites, especially feats for the various spell like abilities that some of the Sprites had in 1E. Otherwise, we do see a lot of the options for Sprits from 1E already translated to 2E.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Detect Evil, Detect Good, Low-Light Vision, Damage Reduction, Fly Speed, Luminous, Immune Sleep, Daze, Prestidigitation, Repartee, Versatile Performance, Poison Thorns, Rose Form, Woodland Stride, Small Size, Detect Chaos, Detect Law, Invisibility, Special Arrows: Charm/Sleep/Memory Loss, Fiddle, Dark Vision, Immune Paralysis, Bite Attack, Breath Weapon, Dancing Lights, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Open/Close

Sprite Culture
Sprite (NPC), Sprite Swarm, Liminal Sprite (NPC), Roseblood Sprite (NPC), Grig (NPC), Pixie (NPC), Faerie Dragon (NPC), Sprite (Pet)

Honorable Mention:
The Atomie are not specifically identified as Sprites in 1E, however, some groups do consider them as part of the Sprite family. We have yet to see Atomie appear in 2E so it remains unclear if the will be included as part of the Sprite family. Atomie Ancestry Feats not see in other Sprites include: Speak with Animals and Reduce Person.

Strix (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
While there are certainly Strix cultural groups that lie beyond the Inner Sea where Strix are more numerous, the Strix of the Inner Sea comprise a singular cultural group. I could not locate a cultural name of the Inner Sea Strix at this time. The Inner Sea Strix have very slowly started to divide into subcultural groups that are largely defined by location. These subcultural groups include the following:

Cheliaxian Strix
Minddpin Strix
Nidalese Strix
Ravounelian Strix


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Strix was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?
Most of what we see in 1E has been translated to 2E. The robustness of Strix Ancestry Feats is certainly lacking without a single 17th level Ancestry Feat. One thing that does stand out is just how strong Strix wings are combat and flight. Seeing more options to support this would be great.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Flight, Low-Light Vision, Darkvision, Hatred, Nocturnal, Suspicious, Cautious Brawler, Dayguard, Frightening, Wing-Clipped, Nimble, Tough, Stretched Wings (Feat), Cloak of Feathers (Feat), Graceful Flyer (Feat), Buffeting Wings (Feat), Fling (Feat), Powerful Wings (Feat), Snatch and Drop (Feat), Aerial Harrier (Trait), Strong Wings (Spell)

Strix Culture
Strix (NPC), Stix Infiltrator (NPC), Strix Voyager (NPC), Itaraak Champion (NPC), Strix Rokoa (NPC), Devil’s Perch Rebel (NPC)

Tengu (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:


No Equivalent:
None – No Sub-Races previously identified. With no previous mechanic based Sub-Races the best we can do is look at the “Racial Traits, Alternate Racial Traits and Feats” and similar options specific to Tengu in 1st Edition. These include the following:

What’s missing?
There are racial traits, traits, feats, spells, archetypes, and monsters that inform us on possible Tengu Heritages. Below is an overview of the traits and feats and other options unique to Tengu. These may indicate Heritages that are uncommon, rare, or primarily found outside of the Inner Sea region.
Daitengu in 1E are Native Outsiders. In 2E, Daitengu could become a rare Tengu Heritage, however, this would need supported with Ancestry Feats specific to Daitengu.
The Dire Corby fits well as a Tengu Heritage that has adapted to the Darklands. However, we know that Dire Corby already have different heritages in the form of Dread Corby, Ghost Corby, Ghoul Corby, and Winged Corby. I think this could easily be explained by stating that in the Darklands Tengu are known as Corby. Similar to how Drow have both the Elf Trait and Drow Trait, Corby would have both the Tengu Trait and Corby Trait. This would open the possibility for there to be Heritages that are unique to the Darklands’ Corby. A couple of unique Ancestry Feats are needed to fully represent a Corby Ancestry.

What’s left?
A Carrion Heritage is supported by Carrion Sense, Carrion Feeder, Blood Beak, and Raven Form. This heritage would fit nicely in a horror themed book.
Of the remaining feats, traits, spells, archetypes, etc. they generally work well as Tengu Ancestry Feats for the Heritages already available in 2E.

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Physical/Inherent Qualities: Low-Light Vision (in 2E Part of Base Ancestry), Natural Weapon (Part of Base Ancestry, see Sharp Beak), Sneaky, Gifted Linguist (now General/Skill Feat: Multilingual), Carrion Sense, Glide (now Skyborn Heritage), Claw Attack (See Taloned Heritage), Jinx Eater (now Jinxed Heritage), Carrion Feeder, Scavenger’s Eye (now Ancestry Feat: Scavenger’s Search), Long-Nose Form (now Ancestry Feat: Long-Nosed Form), Tengu Raven Form, Tengu Wings (now Ancestry Feat: Soaring Flight)

Tengu and Combat: Swordtrained (now Ancestry Feat: Tengu Weapon Familiarity), Deft Swords, Exotic Weapon Training (now Ancestry Feat: Tengu Weapon Familiarity), Blood Beak, Tengu Blade Lore

Backgrounds and Culture: Shrouded in Mystery, Seafaring Slayer, Loveable Scoundrel, Kwanlai Believer, Boarder Guard

Tengu Spells: Commune with Birds (Spell), Depilate (Spell), Fumblestep (Spell), Lightfingers (Spell), Theft Ward (Spell), Winter Feathers (Spell)

Tengu Culture: Tengu (NPC), Signal Kite Kit (Equipment) , Tengu Drinking Jug (Magic Item), Jinx Eater’s Shirt (Magic Item), Dueling Bokken (Magic Item), Jinx Eater (NPC), Red Tongue (Archetype Feat), Courser (Archetype Feat), Jinx Witch (Archetype Feat), Hei Feng (Deity), Lao Shu Po (Deity), Sun Wukong (Deity), Dire Corby (NPC), Dread Corby (NPC)

Corby Specific
These abilities are specific to Corby and may represent Corby specific Ancestry Feats.
Ferocity, Leap, Rend, Blind-Fight, Screech of Doom

Forth Coming Ancestries: Ghoran, Nagaji, Vanara, Vishkanya

Ghoran (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Look this up-----------


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Ghoran was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits

Ghoran Physical and Mental Attributtes
Low-Light Vision, Natural Armor, Seed/Ghorus Seed, Past-Life Knowledge, Natural Camouflage, Martial Recollection, Verdant Step (Feat), Sproutling (Feat), Blossom Shower (Archetype Feat), Burst of Blossoms (Archetype Feat),

Ghorans and Light
Light Dependent, Inner Light (Feat), Sundial (Archetype Feat),

Ghorans and Edibility
Delicious, Disgusting, Bounteous Body (Feat), Honored Provider (Trait), Delectable Flesh (Spell), Repast of Heroes (Feat), Delectable Feint (Feat),

Ghorans and Aroma
Intoxicating Aroma, Hypnotic Aroma (Archetype Feat), Debilitation Aroma (Archetype Feat), Aromatic Manipulation (Archetype Feat),

Ghorans and Magic
Natural Magic, Creator’s Legacy, Occult Scion, Fecund Earth, Magical Absorption, Spelleater, Kinetic Invocation – Wood (Feat), Greater Spelleater (Feat), Spellmirror (Feat),

Ghoran Culture
Ghoran (NPC), Propagation Pod (Wondrous Item), Aromaphile (Archetype Feat), Petal Ninja (Archetype Feat)

Nagaji (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Look this up when available.


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Nagaji was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Low-Light Vision, Reptilian, Armored Scales, Resistant, Serpent’s Sense, Serpent Affinity, Hypnotic Gaze, Nagaji Nationalist (Trait), Snake Bleeder (Trait), Spit Venom (Feat), Viscous Venom (Feat), Hemorrhaging Venom (Feat), Toxic Spray (Feat), Virulent Venom (Feat), Shrouded in Mystery (Feat), Metabolic Molting (Spell), Naga Shape 1 (Spell), Naga Shape 2 (Spell), Naga Shape 3 (Spell), Greater Hypnotism (Spell), Mesmerizing Elementalist (Class), Aspirant’s Bond (Archetype Feat), Aspirant’s Enlightenment (Archetype Feat), Naga Shape (Archetype Feat), Augmented Form (Archetype Feat), True Naga (Archetype Feat), Serpent Mount (Archetype Feat), Honored Warrior (Archetype Feat), Venom Projection (Archetype Feat), Sneak Attack (Archetype Feat), Viper Strike (Archetype Feat)

Nagaji Culture
Nagaji (NPC), Nagaji Scale Polish (Wondrous Item), 2nd Level Spell Winder (Wondrous Item), 4th Level Spell Winder (Wondrous Item), 6th Level Spell Winder (Wondrous Item), Nalinivati (Deity), Naga Aspirant (Archetype), First Mother’s Fang (Archetype), Venomblade (Archetype)

Vanara (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Look this up when available.


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Vanara was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Low-Light Vision, Nimble, Prehensile Tail, Acrobatic, Change Size, Tree Stranger, Risky Troublemaker, Whitecape, Climb Speed, Tree Hanger (Feat), Prehensile Pilfer (Spell), Trickster (Trait), Branch Runner (Archetype Feat), Wood Affinity (Archetype Feat), Freedom of Movement (Archetype Feat)

Vanara Culture
Vanara (NPC), Whipwood (Equipment), Treetop Monk (Archetype)

Vishkanya (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Look this up when available.


What’s missing?
None – The 1E version of the Vishkanya was a singular Race with no Sub-Races and no alternate monstrous versions.

What’s Left?

Compilation of 1E Ancestry Specific Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits
Low-Light Vision, Keen Senses, Limber, Poison Resistance, Poison Use, Toxic, Weapon Familiarity, Decepttive, Sensual, Subtle Appearance, Vishkanya Venom, Squeeze (Spell), Augmented Spell Poisons (Trait), Vishkanya Perfume (Feat), Ghostbane Ichor (Feat), Unraveling Blood (Feat), Warding Blood (Feat), Deadly Kiss (Feat), Dispelling Blood (Feat), Sleep Venom (Feat), Discordant Spiral (Archetype Feat), Venomous Whispers (Archetype Feat), Serpent of the Mind (Archetype Feat)

Vishkanya Culture
Vishkanya (NPC), Vampire Warrior (NPC), Vishkanya Periapt (Wondrous Item), Corset of the Vishkanya (Wondrous Item), Snake-Tongue Concoction (Equipment), Disciple of the Forked Tongue (Archetype)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

With Rage of Elements announced it occurred to me that the Golden Road is a very likely candidate for the next Lost Omens Book region book. It was mentioned during the announcement that there will be genies and new elementals from these elemental planes. That got me thinking that the Golden Road has quite a bit of history with genies and elementals and Rage of Elements and Lost Omens: Golden Road would go hand in hand. If Golden Road is the next region that gets announced I predict we will get a 6 part Qadira adventure path, a 3 part Thuvia adventure path, and a stand alone adventure in Rahadoum. In my wildest dreams I also hope we see a hardcover update and compilation of Legacy of Fire for some Katapesh love, and a hardcover update and compilation for Entombed with the Pharaohs, The Pact Stone Pyramid, Risen from the Sands, and Doomsday Dawn for some Osirion love.

Also, some things we might generally expect in Rage of Elements include Universal Heritages for Metal and Wood, more Lineage Ancestry Feats supporting all the elements, and I would personally love to see the Zhyen come back as an Ancestry.

Did anyone else come up with additional predictions? I love speculating about "what's next" so please share your predictions and theories!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I love seeing Paizo's early Pathfinder products getting updated and streamlined, so I am very excited about the Kobold King Anniversary Edition. What other early Pathfinder products is everyone interested in seeing updated?

For me, I would love to see:
Risen from the Sands
Entombed with the Pharaohs
The Pact Stone Pyramid
Doomsday Dawn

all streamlined into an adventure. Even better if the perspective of the story assumes the players are local Osirion adventurers dealing with the fall out of the Ruby Prince's policy of opening Osirion's tombs to explorers. And even better yet if the players unite Sekh-pa-Mefer with his canopic jars (which includes his brain) and restores the Pharaoh of Sphinxes to wholeness and gaining a powerful ally. An ally who is prophesized to return in Osirion's time of need. Risen from the Sands sets this story up but, unfortunately the conclusion only provided the option to loot the tomb. If the player's don't restore Sekh-pa-Mefer and instead get the nasty cursed item, lifting the curse could require uniting the cursed item with the canopic jars which still results in restoring Sekh-pa-Mefer. With Ramlock being the big bad of the adventure, I am guessing this would bring the players to around level 15 or 16.

What other adventures does everyone want to see updated?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Orc Pantheon
Nulgreth (Deity), Dretha (Deity), Lanishra (Deity), Rull (Deity), Sezelrian (Deity), Varg (Deity), Verex (Deity), Zagresh (Deity), Zura (Deity), Gorum (Deity)

The Orc Pantheon is possibly due for some revision. In 1E Orcs and their pantheon were generally written from the perspective of their enemies and aggressors. Very likely, the Orc pantheon isn’t comprised of only Evil Deities, instead this is likely a bit of 1E propaganda. This is not to say that the Orc pantheon doesn’t include Evil Deities. I have done an analysis of the Orc Pantheon below. Please note that there is some speculation included throughout since we don’t currently know how the Orc Pantheon will be presented in 2E.

Dretha, Title: The Dark Mother (Concerns/Domains: Birth Fertility, Tribes, Chaos, Community, Protection)
Note: Dretha could use a change in title, otherwise, looking at her areas of concern and domains she is more likely to be of CN alignment instead of CE alignment. As a mother/community goddess she is not gentle but nor is she needlessly cruel. She is harsh and expects Orc children to be raised to handle the dangerous environments they are born into. However, I don’t think she is likely to condone abuse. My personnel guess is that in 2E Dretha is CN and her followers can have alignments of CG, CN, and CE. On a personal note I see Dretha as one of the strongest deities in the Orc pantheon.
Lanishra, Title: The Slavelord (Concerns/Domains: Slavery, Subjugation, Tyranny, Chaos, Nobility, Strength)
Note: Lanishra make sense as alignment CE. Lanishra has a heavy focus on slavery and subjugation which likely informs how some Orc cultures handle people they have defeated in war and battle. It is worth noting that Lanishra does not advocate slaughter and murder. Lanishra also promotes tyranny and nobility. While this will influence the leadership styles of those who follow Lanishra, this likely results in fairly strict rules for how these followers treat those under their rulership. Lanishra poses an interesting dichotomy in the Orc pantheon by being generally chaotic in nature while also trying to impose strict tyranny. My guess is that in 2E Lanishra is CE and their followers can have alignments of CE and LE.
Nulgreth, Title: The Blood God (Concerns/Domains: Anger, Rage, Strength, Chaos, Strength War)
Note: Nulgreth is an iconic representation of many Orcs natural ferocity and tenacity. Many Orcs have a near mystical connection with their ability to harness emotions like anger and rage, and use those emotions to survive in extreme situations like combat, battle, and war. There is nothing inherently evil in this ferocity and it can be used to survive battle against demons as equally as a battle against angels. My guess is that in 2E Nulgreth is CN and their followers can have alignments of CG, CN, and CE.
Rull, Title: The Thunderer (Concerns/Domains: Lightning, Storms, Thunder, Air Chaos, Weather)
Note: Rull is a nature deity that is focused on wind, rain, storms, and lightning. Rull is clearly not a gentle deity, but there is also nothing specifically evil about thunder storms. Interestingly Rull is likely the most recent member of the Orc pantheon as Orcs where unlikely to encounter storms prior to their emergence onto the surface. There is a likely chance that Rull is a popular deity among orcs in the Mwangi Expanse. My guess is that in 2E Rull is CN and their followers can have the N, CN, and CE alignments.
Sezelrian, Title: The Fire God (Concerns/Domains: Fire, Magic, Revenge, Chaos, Fire, Magic)
Note: Sezelrian is fairly unique as a god of fire and magic. Likely many Orc deities Sezelrian is not a particularly gentle deity, but as a god of magic, Sezelrian is perhaps the most academically inclined of the Orc pantheon. Magic and fire are powerful resources both in and out of wartime and it would be interesting to learn more about Sezelrian’s teachings, schools, and academies in Orc cultures. My guess is that in 2E Sezelrian is CN and their followers can have the N, CN, NE, and CE alignments.
Varg, Title: The Iron Warrior (Concerns/Domains: Iron, Siege Engines, War, Chaos, Earth, War)
Note: Varg is a god of tactics, metal working, and war. While maybe not quite as academically inclined as Sezelrian, Varg does expect their followers to be educated in war tactics, metalsmithing, and the creations and use of siege engines. Also, Varg’s focus on Earth suggestions Varg’s followers also study tactics relating to terrain. My guess is that in 2E Varg is CN in alignment and their followers can have alignments of LN, N, CN and CE.
Verex, Title: The Despoiler (Concerns/Domains: Lust, Pillage, Plunder, Chaos, Charm, Trickery)
Note: Verex’s is a rather roguish Orc deity with a focus on plundering and pillaging, as well as lust, charm, and trickery. Whereas most Orc deities are not thought of as being particularly subtle Verex breaks this trend. While their aspect of plunder and pillage may be as overt as the rest of the Orc pantheon, Verex represents an often overlooked subtly found in Orc cultures. My guess is that in 2E Verex is CE and their followers can have alignments of CN, NE, and CE.
Zagresh, Title: The Destroyer (Concerns/Domains: Death Destruction, Disaster, Chaos, Death Destruction)
Note: Zagresh is the Orc god of Death. As a Death god, Zagresh is likely to spend as much time conferring with Pharasma as they are to spend time conferring with the rest of the Orc pantheon. Zagresh is equally a god of disaster and destruction, however, these aspects of Zagresh are mostly aimed at the enemies of Orcs and not internally at neighbors and allied communities. My guess is that in 2E Zagresh is CN and their followers can have alignments of N, CN, and CE.
*Special Note: The Dahzagan are likely a type of Valkyrie, that will hopefully be updated in 2E and reflect this update. In 1E Dahzagan serve a similar function as other Valkyrie, however they are most often found serving the Orc Pantheon. Similar to how Orc Deities in 1E all have CE alignment, in 1E the Dahzagan also have a CE alignment. In 1E the CE alignment excluded them from being included as Valkyrie, however, they can easily be adjusted to a CN alignment in 2E, and this would align nicely with a revision of the Orc Pantheon.
Gorum, Title: Our Lord in Iron (Concerns/Domains: Battle, Strength, Weapons, Confidence, Destruction, Might, Zeal)
Note: Just like in many pantheons, in the Orc pantheon Gorum is a god of battle and weapons. However, of equal importance in the Orc pantheon is Gorum’s aspects of confidence and zeal. In many Orc cultures there is an ingrained understanding that zeal and confidence can win the day when all else fells. In 2E Gorum’s followers have the alignment options of CN and CE.
Zura, Title: The Vampire Queen (Concerns/Domains: Blood, Cannibalism, Vampires, Delirium, Indulgence, Nightmares, Undeath)
Note: The cult of Zura that is found in some Orc cultures has a very unique expression. Instead of focusing on vampirism or undeath, these cults focus on a form of endocannibalism where eating the flesh of a recently slain orc grants the orc doing the consuming Zura’s blessing, and possibly other boons from Zura. It is important to recognize that Zura is most likely granting these Orcs the power to consume a bit of the soul along with the consumption of flesh. Damaging a soul this way may possibly mark it as a target for Zura’s divine servants and reduce the chance of the soul arriving safely in the Boneyard. While this may offer a quick way to gain an advantage in battle, most Orc cultures frown upon the practice, but grudgingly recognize that it can yield results on the battlefield. In 2E followers of Zura can have alignments of NE and CE. (see 1E’s Blessing of the Feast)

I would be happy to hear everyone's thoughts on how the Orc Pantheon could be updated in 2E to more broadly represent the various Orc cultures found throughout the Inner Sea region, the Darklands and Golarion generally.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In anticipation of the new Absalom book, I went through the old 1E Archetypes and Prestige Classes to see what have been talked about in the past and get an idea of what we might see updated in the new book.

To maintain a consistent standard I have approached each Archetype or Prestige Class with the following questions.

Archetype/Prestige: What is its name?
Religion: Is it associated with a particular religion?
Institution: Is it part of a specific institution? (Examples: Magaambya, Government of Absalom, Local Town Guard, etc.)
Structure: How is the institution structured or arranged? (Examples: Hellknight Ranks, arranged according to customs of local town guard, etc.)
Location: Where is it located?
Ancestry: Is it associated with a particular Ancestry or cultural group?
Lore: What do we know and/or not know about it?
See Also: Where are additional lore elements included in things like Feats, Magic Items, etc.?
2E Note: Has this appeared in 2E and if so, how has it been updated?

If you know of anything I missed (magic item, spell, feat, trait, etc.) please let me know!


1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Arcanamirium Crafter
Religion: Any
Institution: Arcanamirium College
Structure: Loosely organized, individual graduates in the study of Arcanamirium Crafting.
Location: Absalom, et al
Ancestry: None
Lore: The Arcanamirium College is a prestigious arcane school in Absalom that was originally founded by the Arclords of Nex. The school is particularly well known for its studies in the crafting of items imbued with arcane magic. Additionally, the school has a strong focus on teaching universalist magic. As a result Arcanamirium Crafters are highly sought after for their ability to craft a wide range or arcane magical items.
See Also: Arcanamirium Crafter Focus School, Utilitarian Rod, Arclord of Nex (NPC), Arclord of Nex (Prestige Class), Arcane Reinforcement (spell)]
2E Note:

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Vessel of the Failed
Religion: Spirit worship of the Failed (similar to Ancestor worship)
Institution: Shrine of the Failed
Structure: Moderately organized to unorganized. Vessels of the Failed working officially for the Shrine of the Failed appear to be moderately organized based on duties and requirements of the Shrine of the Failed. Those who develop a spiritual connection to the Failed but are not working with the Shrine of the Failed are mostly unorganized.
Location: Absalom
Ancestry: None
Lore: The Shrine of the Failed is a temple near the Starstone Cathedral dedicated to those would be gods that failed the test of the Starstone. While the mortal bodies of the Failed did not survive the test of the Starstone, their strong spirits can still be called upon by those who find meaning in the causes they championed. List of Known Failed: Demuren, Gobru, Mbali, Mellag, The Muted God, Oggo, Panelle, Plokkis, Sir Reinhart, Silmor, Spuchasta, Thaldei, Veelich, Vonthos, Yepyari, Zimpar (Unclear if Vonthos has failed or is still awaiting the test)
See Also: Echo of Divinity’s Promise (Magic Item)
2E Note: The following 2E creature and magic item also have a connection to the Failed. Abandoned Zealot – Liturgies of the Lost (Creature), Vontho’s Golden Bridge (Magic Item)

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Tempered Champion
Religion: Primarily followers of Iomedae, also Abadar, Irori, Shelyn, and Deities opposed to evil generally
Institution: Tempering Hall
Structure: Highly organized religious combat training school
Location: Absalom
Ancestry: None
Lore: The Tempering Hall focuses on instructing warriors in the use of a deity’s favored weapon, along with other offensive and defensive training. Traditionally, the Tempering Hall has been associated with Iomedae, but has opened their training to the followers of Abadar, Irori, and Shelyn. Recently, they have begun accepting followers of other deities that have a focus on opposing evil.
See Also: None
2E Note: None

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Wave Rider
Religion: None
Institution: Branch of Absalom Military (Kortos Military?)
Structure: Highly organized military organization, specific internal ranks unknown.
Location: Absalom (Headquarters), Kortos Archipelago (Generally)
Ancestry: None
Lore: The Wave Riders are the sea cavalry of Absalom that patrol the waters of the surrounding isles. While not exclusively operating in Absalom’s harbor, some amount of Wave Riders are permanently stationed there in defense of Absalom. (Note: In earlier references the Wave Riders are indicated as being comprised largely of people of Human Ancestry. This has shifted in text to favor people of Azarketi Ancestry, and more generally those with the ability or means to survive in aquatic environments. )
See Also: Waverider Breastplate (Magic Item), Errani Kamaki (Magic Item), Absalom Wave Rider (NPC), Wave Tender Barge (Vehicle, described but no stats provided)
2E Note: None

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Sword Binder
Religion: Aroden
Institution: Unclear, central authority moved depending on which nation had strongest ties with the Church of Aroden.
Structure: Previously an organized group connected to the Church of Aroden, currently little or no organization. Unclear what structure, if any, remains of original the organization.
Location: Absalom, Taldor, Cheliax, et al
Ancestry: None
Lore: Sword binding is an arcane study that was practiced by the Sword Binders, an elite group of arcane practitioners connected with the Church or Aroden. How the relationship between the Sword Binders and the Church of Aroden developed is unclear. However, the Sword Binders were typically found serving the rulers of those nations that also served as seats of power for the Church of Aroden. Originally serving the rulers of Absalom, the Sword Binders eventually went on to serve the throne of Taldor and later the throne of Cheliax. With Aroden’s Death and the dissolution of the Church of Aroden, the influence and power of the Sword Binders has greatly diminished. As a result sword binding appears to have become more an arcane study and less an organization that exclusively collaborates with the Church of Aroden.
See Also: None
2E Note: None

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Studious Librarian
Religion: None
Institution: Individual Libraries
Structure: Dependent on individual libraries, typically highly centralized organization for large libraries, while groups of Studious Librarians in smaller libraries may be lightly organized or unorganized.
Location: Any library, but particularly those found in large cities.
Ancestry: None
Lore: Large libraries often function as their own organizations, and Studious Librarians are the members that make up those organizations. In the Inner Sea region such libraries include the Forae Logos in Absalom and the Pathfinder Society’s Skyreach in Absalom, also the Kitharodian Academy in Oppara, Taldor and the Grand Library of Eto in Eto, Osirion. These are only a few examples of large libraries and not an inclusive list. Medium and smaller sized libraries may also produce Studious Librarians.
See Also: Commune with Texts (Spell), Skim (Spell), Research Rules (Includes rules for Using and Designing Libraries), Library Events (Downtime Events), Librarian (Trait),
2E Note:

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Dark Lurker
Religion: None
Institution: Unknown
Structure: Unknown
Location: Absalom, Magnimar, et al
Ancestry: None
Lore: As presented it is unclear if the Dark Lurkers are a singular organization with different branches, different organizations that use similar tactics, or unorganized individuals that use similar methods. In Absalom the Dark Lurkers are known as the Hungry Night and in Magnimar they are known as the Living Shadows. Regardless of whether they are individuals or a group, understanding a Dark Lurker’s connection to shadows and the night, may be as important as figuring out how and why they select their prey.
See Also:
2E Note:

Note: The Ancestry Archetypes for the Azarketi and Humans below are not restricted to Absalom but are included here because of the cosmopolitan nature of the city of Absalom.

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Eldritch Raider
Religion: None
Institution: No central headquarters or central authority identified.
Structure: Unclear, possibly small groups and individuals with common goals, but possibly a moderately to highly organized group.
Location: Absalom, Inner Sea, Arcadian Ocean
Ancestry: Azarketi (Gillman)
Lore: The Eldritch Raiders appear to be a loose organization of Azarketi that is focused on exploring the ruins of sunken Azlant. How they interact with groups like the Elves of Mordant Spire is unknown.
See Also: None
2E Note: This Archetype is based on an Ancestry and may possibly be interpreted as Ancestry Feats in 2E.

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Feral Child
Religion: None
Institution: None
Structure: None
Location: Wildness Locations Generally
Ancestry: Human
Lore: Feral Children were raised in the wild by creatures natural to the wild. Typically, a Feral Child is raised by animals, although Feral Children raised by plants, beasts, and elementals are not unheard of. Although never confirmed, rumors persist that some Feral Children have been raised by oozes.
See Also: None
2E Note: This Archetype is based on an Ancestry and may possibly be interpreted as Ancestry Feats in 2E. However, the concept of a child raised by creatures in the wilderness is applicable across most Ancestries. (Update: This is now a Rare Background)

1E Archetype/Prestige Class: Wanderer
Religion: Any
Institution: None
Structure: None
Location: Any
Ancestry: Human
Lore: Wanderers prioritize the freedom to wander and explore the world around them, often learning and sharing wisdom on their travels.
See Also: None
2E Note: This Archetype is based on an Ancestry and may possibly be interpreted as Ancestry Feats in 2E. However, the concept of a person wanting to wander, explore, and share wisdom is applicable across most Ancestries.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

With The Book of the Dead being our first look at the new approach to monster books, what are your hopes/ideas for future monster books? Below are a few of mine.

Animal Archive/Companion Compendium/Eidolon Index/Familiar Folio: This monster book is all about creatures with the animal trait and exploring rule options relating to Companions, Eidolons, and Familiars. While these rules may not be limited to creatures with the Animal Trait this feel like a good place to explore them.

The Dragon Book: This book would deliver on creatures with the Dragon Trait, but also delves deep into the lore about dragons.

The Faerie Ring: A monster book all about creatures with the Fey Trait as well has things like the Witch Market, Fey Tokens, and the Tane.

Deadly Flora: While probably not the monster book most people are anticipating, there is so much possibility here. In addition to Plant and Fungus Creatures, I want this book to explore plant flora. Let’s see a chapter on magical plants that are not creatures. There is a lot of lore and myths about plants that do magical things. Also let’s see a chapter on harvesting plants for magical use in alchemy, rituals, and spell casting.

Beastly: A monster book all about monsters with the Beast Trait. I would love it if this book included legends, stories, and myths about the origins of many of the beasts.

Dark Tapestry: Instead of focusing on a specific Creature Trait this book focuses on a genera. This book is all about Cthulhu Mythos monsters, outer dimensional monsters, and dreamlands monsters.

Dominion of the Black: Another genera book this one is all about monsters from outer space: Aliens, Robots, AIs, and Space Monsters.

Titanomachy: This book is all about really big monsters. Gargantuan is the smallest size of monster in this book. This includes Kaiju size monsters and possible even bigger. This includes rules for battling things like environments, for example if a forest, swamp, or desert is attacking you, how does that work and how do you fight back.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would love to see a Lost Omens: Mwangi Adventures, basically a Lost Omens: Character Guide but focused on the Mwangi Expanse meta region. In 1E the Mwangi Expanse had numerous associated Archetypes/Prestige Classes, Artifacts, Equipment, Magic Items, and other player options. This book would update many of those player options, while also putting them in context of all the amazing Mwangi lore we got in Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse.

For example this would be a great place to explore the Hinyasi fighting style and include the Hinyasi Archetype, while putting it in context of the Yamasan diaspora. It could discuss organizations like the Storm Kindlers and include the associated Archetypes. It would be a great place to do a write of an Artifact like The Totemrix and include both the stats and history of the Artifact. Not to mention all the little fun things like Kitumu’s ire alchemical item, Warka jars, Blood Sap, and Memory Musk Gourds.

Now that we have a big book of lore, I would love to see all the adventuring options brought back and reframed in the context of that lore. And of course there is plenty of room for new stuff that is hinted at or referenced in Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse.

Clearly this is an additional five-hundred page book of Mwangi fun, although I suspect it would fit nicely in one of the 128 page book slots. One can hope and dream!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The collapse of the Cyclops empires also led to the creation of the Stygira. However, it is unclear if Stygira are Cyclops that have been corrupted and twisted by alien magics, or if they were another ancestry, such as humans, that were twisted in to Stygira by the Cyclops’. At some point a group of Cyclops made a bargain with a powerful entity that shaped them into Kabandha, and that bargain is still observed to this day. (Note Stygira are now Fey, however, they still retain a mysterious connection to Cyclops, and especially the ruins of Cyclops empires.)

The Cyclops’ had never managed to recover from all this, but they at least held onto their prophetic abilities. This allowed them to have an influential part in establishing Iblydos and have an important role in that society and culture. Finally, with the death of Aroden and the loss of prophecy, much of the prophetic gifts once held by Cyclops’ were lost. This traumatic event would have hit all Cyclops across Golarion nearly simultaneously, causing an ancestry wide mental trauma.

All of this has resulted in Cyclops living on the fringes of modern societies. A few Cyclops known as Oracular Cyclops have held onto a little more of their prophetic powers. However, this has resulted in some of them being kept as oracular pets, instead of being treated like people.

I would love to see an Ocelli Ancestry (Ocellus, singular). A medium sized Cyclops Ancestry born from Cyclops parents, with an “inner prophecy” to help guide the Cyclops’ back to physical and mental stability. Each Ocellus is born with some inscrutable prophecy that will somehow help the Cyclops’ regain stability. And I want them to have an Ancestry Feat, similar to the Iruxi, that allows them to have prophetic apotheosis, becoming large in size.

And just for fun, some additional things related to Cyclops bits of lore:
Cyclops Helm (Magic Item), Xanthuun Tablets (Magic Item), Sivanah (Cyclops Veil) (Deity), Veiled Illusionist (Archetype), Cyclopean Seer (Archetype), Ongalte (Deity), As Foretold (Mythic Path Abilities), Seat of Power (Mythic Path Abilities), Twisted Futures (Ritual), Ixion Worm (Monster).

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

With closer look at Secrets of Magic, Guns and Gears, and The Book of the Dead we have a better idea of how 2E RPG books will be themed and structured. So what books/themes are you hoping to see?

I am hoping to see:

The book of dreams and madness – A book all about cosmic horror, outer gods, great old ones, dreamlands, nightmares, and dreamscapes.

The book of stars and planets – A book all about adventuring in space or on other planets, science-fantasy tech, and the healthy dose of the Dominion of the Black.

The book of occult mysteries – A book of psychic magic but also a broad look at different occult traditions such as astrology, harrow, chakras, esoteric order of the palatine eye, prophets of kalistrade, etc.

The book of the environment – A book that dives into adventuring into the 9 environment types (Aquatic, Artic, Desert, Forest, Mountains, Plains, Swamp, and Underground, Urban).

The book of aquatic adventures - A book the goes deep into gaming and adventuring in an aquatic setting. This one may edge a little more into the territory of the Lost Omens books.

The book of champions – A book all about fighting styles, traditions, and the schools that teach them. Plus tournaments, competitions, and competitive athletics.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Looking at the groups that descended from Azlanti Humans, I wonder if that can provide us some insight into the different peoples that lived on Azlant. From what I can tell, we only have clues to those Azlanti cultures that had connections with Avistan and Northern Garund. So if any Azlanti fled to Arcadia or Southern Garund we have yet to receive any information on those groups. Below is a quick look at each group that currently has a known or suspected link to a culture that originated from Azlant. As far as we know, there are ten potential Azlanti cultural groups that can be traced to people living in modern Golarion.

Azarketi – These humans were saved from Azlant’s destruction by the alghollthus who fleshwarped them to survive in the oceans. This group of Azlanti natives were likely from the same cultural group and shared some quality favored by the alghollthus.

Bonuwat – The Bonuwat of the Mwangi Expanse are thought to have mixed with an unknown trading culture in the distant past. This may indicate that the seafaring Bonuwat had connections with Azlant. If this is true, who these Azlanti people were and where they were from on Azlant is unknown.

Caligni – The Caligni were once a group of Azlanti that immigrated to Avistan and established the settlement of Calignos in the Mindspin Mountains. To survive Earthfall the Caligni fled into the Darklands where they eventually took on the appearance they have today. Questions of when the Caligni migrated from Azlant, where they originated on Azlant, and how long they occupied the Mindspin mountains before Earthfall remain unanswered.

Chelaxian – Modern Chelaxians are a mix of two peoples, a group that was native to Azlant and the Ulfen peoples of Avistan. It is unclear if modern Chelaxians resulted from Azlanti refugees that fled the loss of Azlant or if their origins are from an earlier migration Azlanti that had settled in southern Avistan.

Fetchling/Kayal – These Azlanti fled to the Shadow Plane to escape Earthfall. Unlike many of the peoples that fled into the Darklands or that were manipulated by the alghollthus, the Kayal may look somewhat similar to how the appeared when they lived on Azlant. However, with the shift to a monochrome palate in their skin, hair, and eyes, it is unknown how Kayal appeared before the fall of Azlant.

Lirgeni – The Lirgeni have long claimed ancestral ties to Azlant. However, little is known of the Azlanti peoples the Lirgeni were connected with or where they were from on Azlant. The Lirgeni diaspora has only complicated studying the Lirgeni’s ancient connection to Azlant.

Mongrelmen – The Mongrelmen are an Azlanti group that fled into the Darklands in an effort to survive Earthfall. Where they originated from on Azlant is unknown. Their history appears to be distinct from the Morlocks and they likely represent an Azlanti cultural group distinct from the other groups that are discussed here.

Morlocks – The Morlocks are an Azlanti group that fled into the Darklands in an effort to survive Earthfall. Where they originated from on Azlant is unknown. Their history appears to be distinct from the Mongrelmen and they likely represent an Azlanti cultural group distinct from the other groups that are discussed here.

Munavri – The Munavri are an Azlanti group of seafarers that were abducted by alghollthus. At the time of Earthfall the alghollthu stole away a group Azlanti people that would eventually become the Munavri and took them to the Sightless Sea in Orv.

Thassilonian – The Thassilonians were originally Azlanti natives that migrated to Avistan to establish the nation of Thassilon. The nation of Thassilon existed on Avistan for over twelve hundred years, resulting in the people of Thassilon being distinct from those of Azlant, from where they had originated. Additionally, Thassilonians mixed with Avistan’s Kellid, Shoanti, Ulfen, and Varisian peoples, further separating them from their Azlanti origins.

Considering the groups above we can make some best guesses about where on Azlant the different groups came from.

The “Thassilonian” Azlanti and “Caligni” Azlanti are possibly the most difficult to trace as they had already immigrated to Avistan prior to Earthfall. They may have originated somewhere in Northeastern Azlant, but really could have been from anywhere on Azlant.

The “Azarketi” Azlanti are also difficult to place as they were given aid by the alghollthus to survive in the ocean. This leaves few clues as to where they originated, considering the entire continent was sinking into the ocean.

There is a reasonable chance the “Kayal” Azlanti, “Mongrelmen” Azlanti, and “Morlock” Azlanti originated from Azlant’s interior as they most likely did not have a way to flee Azlant via coastal access.

The “Chelaxian” Azlanti and “Lirgeni” Azlanti were probably groups from east central Azlant, although they could have been survivors from one of the larger islands that fled during the aftermath.

The “Munavri” Azlanti and “Bonuwat” Azlanti came from Azlant’s coast. The “Bonuwat” Azlanti would likely have been from Azlant’s eastern central or southern coast. The “Munavri” Azlanti could have been from any coastal region as they were taken by the alghollthus. Both groups were known sea traders so that is strong evidence they were coastal cultures on Azlant.

If you can think of any groups that I have missed please let me know.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have been doing a deep dive into the Fleshwarp Ancestry to find causes of fleshwarping from 1E sources. Hopefully as more 1E sources of fleshwarping migrate into 2E we will see how they interact with the Fleshwarp Ancestry.

Fleshwarp Ancestry

Created Fleshwarp
Mutated Fleshwarp
Shapewrought Fleshwarp
Technological Fleshwarp

What’s Missing: These areas where is noticed gaps in the Fleshwarp Ancestry and hopefully we will see these addressed sometime in the future.
Adapted Heritage Unlike most Fleshwarps who lose all Traits connected to their ancestral lineage, Adapted Fleshwarps still retain the Trait of their closest biological Ancestry. For example an Adapted Fleshwarp born from human parents would gain both the Fleshwarp and Human Traits.
Fleshwarp Alteration (General Ancestry Feat): While the Fleshwarp Ancestry is perfect for characters that begin their careers as Fleshwarps, it unfortunately does not provide an option for established characters to gain a fleshwarp ancestry feat. Some players may gain a fleshwarp as a result of their adventuring but not necessarily gain the Fleshwarp Ancestry. This is especially true once we have options for Fleshcrafting and Necrografting in 2E. A general Ancestry Feat allowing players to pick up a Fleshwarp Ancestry Feat may be a simple solution. (See Fleshcraft and Necrograft below).
Id Awakened Heritage: Fleshwarps that use the power of the mind over the body to fleshwarp their bodies are sometimes called id mutants. These id warped fleshwarps often have strong mental resiliency or psychic powers. However, losing all mental control to ones id can prove dangerous.
Mongrelmen Trait Much like those humans who later became Morlocks, the Mongrelmen were also humans that fled the destruction of Azlant by fleeing underground. Unlike the Morlocks, the Mongrelmen were able to maintain their humanity by adopting a policy of extreme adaptation. The Mongrelmen actively encouraged mutations in their bloodlines in an effort to ensure they could adapt and survive in the Darklands. Mongrelmen could potentially be included in the Fleshwarp Ancestry, however, they would need to gain a Trait to distinguish them as a group while still leaving all Heritages and Ancestry Feats available. This would also allow for Mongrelmen specific Ancestry Feats.
Necrocrafted Heritage: Unlike most Created Fleshwarps who were made as living beings, Fleshwarps made with Necrocraft have negative healing and are considered undead by mindless undead. (See Necrocraft below).
Runewarp Heritage: While similar in some ways to other fleshwarps, runewarps interact with magic differently than most fleshwarped individuals. This Heritage, along with supporting Ancestry Feats can fully realize runewarped Fleshwarps. (See Runewarp below).

Known Sources of Fleshwarping
Drow Fleshwarp: This fleshwarping was taught to the Drow by the Demon Lord Haagenti. This is one of the most well-known and studied forms of fleshwarping. Results of this fleshwarping has led to the creation of the following monsters: Drider, Ghonhatine, Grothlut, Halsora, Irnakurse, Oronci, Gomnit, Jashoi, Dreshkan, Mulventok, and Webspinner Cloakers. Some Drow inflict a more mild form of Drow Fleshwarping that results in a Poison Minion. This warping results in individuals that constantly produce Mawbane Poison. (See Poison Minion).
Godwarp: Deities such as Dagon, Thuskchoon, and Yig are all know to impose divine fleshwarping. Either the presence of these deities or the gifts they bestow to their follows allow for the warping of flesh. This differs from Haagenti who taught the Drow the arcane secrets of fleshwarping. See: Deformities of Yig (see Yig’s Cult), Horrific Appearance (Thuskchoon, unique Ability), Mutagenic Strike (Dagon, Sentinel Boon).
Fleshwarp: Fleshwarp is an umbrella term that covers most forms of fleshwarping. Drow fleshwarping is the most well-known, but other forms can occur either naturally, from exposure, or intentionally. Many forms of fleshwarping can result living fleshy byproducts. This includes fleshdregs, fleshforge dregs, fleshforge prototypes, and fleshdreg swarms, while sin seekers were intentional creations of fleshwarping.
Fleshcraft: Fleshcrafting is a lesser from of fleshwarping. Instead of warping the original form fleshcrafting grafts living tissue from one creature onto another creature. Most places that intentionally teach and practice fleshwarping also practice fleshcrafting.
Id Warp: One of the least understood forms of fleshwarping, id warping taps into the power of the mind to permanently alter the body. There are theories that for some barbarians who enter a rage, the benefits gained are from a form of id warping. (See Id Mutant)
Mana Warp: The wild and unpredictable magic of the Mana Wastes frequently causes fleshwarping as a result of exposure. (See Mana Waste Mutant). The Spellscar Fext is a type of undead that results from the warping energies of the Mana Wastes.
Mutant: Mutations can result from any number of sources, be it magical, chemical, technological, or biological. Mutant tends to be a catchall term from any Ancestry or Creature that has a mutation. These mutations need not be visible or external. (See Mutant)
Mutant Goblin: More so than most Ancestries, Goblins tend to exhibit adapted mutations. In addition to having both the Fleshwarp and Goblin Traits, Goblin Fleshwarps are size small instead of medium. See Adapted Heritage above.
Necrocraft: Necrocrafting blends Necromancy and Fleshwarping to create undead known as Necrocrafts. Like with any magical crafting, mistakes can be made. This can sometimes result in a living Fleshwarp that has similarities to undead such as having negative healing.
Necrograft Necrografting is a form of Fleshwarping primarily practiced in Geb. These Fleshwarps have undead body parts grafted on or into their bodies. These undead body parts become quasi living again providing the host with strange benefits. While some necografts provide their host benefits, some can be dangerous or harmful.
Runewarp Runewarping is a form of fleshwarping that was practiced in ancient Thassilon. Runewarping was original taught by Qlippoth Lord Yamasoth to the Runelord of Warth. This form fleshwarping was nearly lost, however, with the emergence of New Thassilon, runewarping is starting to be studied and taught once more. Runewarping tends to create mutations that allow individuals to smell magic, resist magic, and even consume magic. Runewarping has created the different sinspawn, runewarped creatures, sinwarped creatures, shriezyx, shriezyx queens, hungerer lamia-kin, and possibly the kurchrima lamia-kin.

Other Sources of Fleshwarps and Mutations:
Mutant Eye is a common mutation in Nex and the Mana Wastes. (See Mutant Eye).
Warped Mind is mental fleshwarp found most commonly among those who have been exposed to the Worldwound.
Numerian Fluids are known to cause fleshwarping. (See Numerian Fluids).
Those using occult magic to become an Earth Child can gain fleshwarp mutations if they are unsuccessful in their transition to an Earth Child. (See Earth Child Wild Talent).
Dream Crystal Toxin is one of the few known ways to reliably open the mind and become an id mutant fleshwarp. However, the results may leave the individual unstable. (See Dream Crystal Toxin and Id Mutant).
Spellscar Fever frequently results in individuals becoming Mana Wastes fleshwarps. (See Spellscar Fever).
Breach to the Quickening Haunts are echoes of the First World that have leaked on the Material Plane. Those caught in this mixing of planes can be fleshwarped gaining various mutations. (See Breach to the Quickening)
The Forced Mutation Spell temporarily fleshwarps individuals, however, this is only temporary.
The Waters of Lamashtu Spell creates of fluid of powerful liquid that can fleshwarp the mind and body. This often results in the individual becoming monstrous, however, some may have enough resistance that they are reborn as a fleshwarp.
The Fair is Foul Spell is a curse commonly used by witches to fleshwarp those who have crossed them.
Some individuals actively seek to encourage fleshwarping mutation in mind or body. The Mutation Mind and Mutated Defender Archetypes are good examples of those who have learned to actively encourage fleshwarping within themselves.
Not surprising the Alchemist Class’ mutagens cause temporary fleshwarping. This technique is also used by the Mutation Warrior Archetype.
The Velstrac Demagogue Raetorgash includes mutation as one of their areas of concern.
Drakainia are fearsome monsters that actively birth fleshwarped people and creatures and can cause others to do the same.
Warped Ones are the result of individuals or souls that have been infused with fleshwarping energies by powerful Abyssal entities. Warped ones spend eternity constantly undergoing fleshwarping. These fleshwarping energies are so strong that they can affect any living creature that comes close to a warped one.
The thick oozing substance known as the Black-Blood of Orv fleshwarps creatures into beings called Black-Blooded Creatures. These creatures do not usually continue their existence in a state of sanity.

If you can think of anything I didn’t catch please share.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In 1st Edition the Archetypes and Prestige Classes included a lot of great Golarion lore. However, the lore used to explore Archetypes, and occasionally Prestige Classes, had a tendency to only scratch the surface. When looking at related Archetypes and Prestige Classes we can get a deeper look at the lore surrounding different topics. Additionally, when looking at other game elements that mix both lore and rules a topic can be even further explored. These game elements often include specific Equipment, Magic Items, Spells, Feats, and Traits. If you want to explore any of the rules elements mentioned below, I recommend visiting the Archives of Nethys website: https://www.aonprd.com/.

To maintain a consistent standard I have approached each Archetype or Prestige Class with the following questions.

Archetype/Prestige: What is its name?
Religion: Is it associated with a particular religion?
Institution: Is it part of a specific institution? (Examples: Magaambya, Government of Absalom, Local Town Guard, etc.)
Structure: How is the institution structured or arranged? (Examples: Hellknight Ranks, arranged according to customs of local town guard, etc.)
Location: Where is it located?
Ancestry: Is it associated with a particular Ancestry or cultural group?
Lore: What do we know and/or not know about it?
See Also: Where are additional lore elements included in things like Feats, Magic Items, etc.?
2E Note: Has this appeared in 2E and if so, how has it been updated?

If you know of anything I missed (magic item, spell, feat, trait, etc.) please let me know!

Archetype/Prestige: Aeromancer
Religion: Any
Institution: No specific institution but is taught in schools that study the Shory and their lost arts.
Structure: Dependent on individual organization, otherwise independent practitioners.
Location: Shory Empire originally, now wider spread
Ancestry: Any
Lore: Few who study aeromancy today can rival the abilities of the Shory Aeromancers. Those who do study the ancient practice of Shory aeromancy have uncovered enough information they have slowly recreate the traditions of the Aeromancer. These modern Aeromancers often continue to seek out and gain new knowledge of the Shory Aeromancer traditions.
See Also: Ancient Tradition: Shory (Feat), Truth-Seeker (Story Feat), Pharaoh’s Key (Magic Item), Shory Acolyte’s Staff (Magic Item), Blight Siphoner (Magic Item), Jungle Seeker’s Monocle (Magic Item), Scion of the Shory (Trait) Unerring Compass (Magic Item).
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

Archetype/Prestige: Aerochemist
Religion: Any
Institution: No specific institution but is taught in schools that study the Shory and their lost arts.
Structure: Dependent on individual organization, otherwise independent practitioners.
Location: Shory Empire originally, now wider spread
Ancestry: Any
Lore: Aeromancy was only one approach to air magic that was utilized by the Shory. Aerochemistry played an important role in the technologies used that would eventually raise and keep afloat the sky cities of the Shory. Just as Aeromancers seek to recreate the magical practices of the Shory, Aerochemists seek to recreate the alchemical practices of the Shory. While not quite as advanced in the recreation of Shory practices as the Aeromancers, the Aerochemists are just as eager discover and research Shory traditions.
See Also:
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

Archetype/Prestige: Aerial Assaulter
Religion: Any
Institution: No specific institution but is taught in schools that study the Shory and their lost arts.
Structure: Dependent on individual organization, otherwise independent practitioners.
Location: Shory Empire originally, now wider spread
Ancestry: Any
Lore: While not as ardently researched as aeromancy and aerochemistry, the combat techniques of the Shory have started gaining greater interest as a field of study. The unique tactical advantages gained by the Shory in both small and large scale combat are starting to be recognized for their advantages. Those who have begun to recreate the techniques of the Shory’s Aerial Assaulters have only increased the interest in this ancient combat style.
See Also:
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Let’s take a look at what 1E gaming elements relate specifically to the Magaambya and see what there is to learn. Who knows, this may also inform us on what we might see in future Lost Omens books. If you want to explore any of the rules elements mentioned below, I recommend visiting the Archives of Nethys website: https://www.aonprd.com/.

If you know of anything I missed (magic item, spell, feat, trait, etc.) please let me know!


Archetype/Prestige: Magaambyan Initiate
Religion: When practiced, generally non-evil religions
Institution: Magaambya
Structure: Generally arranged within the structure of the school or unorganized former students that did not complete their studies but remain in good standing with the school.
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse
Ancestry: Any
Lore: Those who are accepted as students within the Magaambya are known as Magaambyan Initiates. These students range from the newly enrolled, to individuals that have spent several years studying without ever formally graduating. Those students that leave the Magaambya without graduating but remain in good standing with the school are still considered Magaambyan Initiates by the school. The Magaambya sees these former students as a resource and doesn’t hesitate to reach out to a former student for assistance, if the former student is willing.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: This is appears to have been updated and replaced by the Background “Magaambya Academic” and the Archetype “Maagambyan Attendant”. However, the theme of this Archetype is included in text as an academic rank, the “Magaambyan Initiate” being the entry level rank a student gains from being enrolled in the school. See “Lost Omens: Character Guide”

Archetype/Prestige: Magaambyan Arcanist (Note: The term Arcanist in this context is independent of the 1E Player Class: Arcanist)
Religion: When practiced, generally non-evil religions
Institution: Magaambya
Structure: Generally arranged within the structure of the school or unorganized graduates that continue their studies outside of the school.
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse et al
Ancestry: Any
Lore: Those who complete their initial studies and graduate from the Magaambya can continue their education as Magaambyan Arcanists. This continuing education is most often done in affiliation with the school with Magaambyan Arcanists serving as a mix of professional student and field agent. Although rare, some graduates continue the studies and training of a Magaambyan Arcanist independent of the school. As long as these graduates remain in good standing with the Magaambya their independent studies and training are endorsed by the school.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: This appears to be updated and replaced by the 2E Archetypes “Maagambyan Attendant” and “Halcyon Speaker.”

Archetype/Prestige: Enlightened Bloodrager
Religion: When practiced, generally non-evil religions
Institution: Magaambya
Structure: Generally arranged within the structure of the school or unorganized graduates
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse et al
Ancestry: Any
Lore: The Magaambya has developed curriculum and studies around a wide variety of magical expressions to include the magic of Bloodragers. These studies have led to unique training that allows Bloodragers to keep from becoming lost within their rage. Instead they learn to understand their strong emotions and how those emotions interact with their blood magic. Once achieving this understanding and internalizing these teachings, these students become known as Enlightened Bloodragers. Although highly regarded for this personal accomplishment by those within the Magaambya, when encountered by other Bloodragers this “enlightenment” is regarded with suspicion and mistrust. In the most extreme cases this “enlightenment” is met with hostility when there is a strong cultural tradition of encouraging and embracing ones bloodrage.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

Archetype/Prestige: Magaambyan Telepath
Religion: When practiced, generally non-evil religions
Institution: Magaambya
Structure: Generally arranged within the structure of the school or unorganized graduates
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse et al
Ancestry: Any
Lore: While the Magaambya is well known for its curriculum regarding the study of arcane and primal magic the school is not limited to the study of just those magical traditions. Those who graduate as a Magaambyan Telepath focus on the study of occult magic. These students learn to connect their mind to nature, allowing them to understand, influence, and communicate with the natural world.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

Archetype/Prestige: Halcyon Druid
Religion: Appears to be a mix of the Green Faith and the teachings of Old-Mage Jatembe.
Institution: Halcyon Circle
Structure: Arranged by the strictures of the Halcyon Druid Circle, specifics not provided.
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse et al
Ancestry: Any
Lore: The Halcyon Circle has strong connections with the Magaambya and the two organizations work closely together. Many of the druids of the Halcyon Circle either spent time studying at the Magaambya or are graduates from the Magaambya. However, being a current or former student at the Magaambya is not a requirement for joining the circle. Additionally, the Halcyon Circle works directly with Nantambu, serving as peacekeepers and intermediaries for the city and the surrounding environment. Unlike most druid circles the Halcyon Circle incorporates the teachings of Old-Mage Jatembe resulting in these druids typically having far greater knowledge of outer planar beings such as celestials and fiends. The physical features of celestials and fiends are commonly incorporated into the masks worn by Halcyon Druids with the images of Agathions being the most popular.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: Not updated at this time. The 2E Archetype “Halcyon Speaker” thematically updates this archetype, with the exception that there is no discussion of how the 2E archetype relates to the Halcyon Circle.

Archetype/Prestige: Magic Warrior
Religion: When practiced, generally non-evil religions
Institution: At least partially associated with the Magaambya, unclear if there is a separate institution that is closely aligned with the Magaambya or if this is a sub-organization within the Magaambya.
Structure: Unclear, they have a strong connection to the Magaambya, and all Magic Warriors swear the Oath of the Magic Warriors, however, who their leaders are and how they are arranged has not been detailed as far as I can tell.
Location: Nantambu, Mwangi Expanse et al
Ancestry: Any
Lore: The Magic Warriors have inherited their traditions from the legendary Ten Magic Warriors of Old-Mage Jatembe. The Magic Warriors focus on blending magical aptitude with marital prowess. This leads most Magic Warriors to follow the path of the Magus Class, although any approach to mixing martial and magical abilities is accepted. The Magic Warriors are closely aligned with the Magaambya and many of them are current or former students of the school. Magic Warriors sacrifice their public identities and wear masks that resemble an animal from which they take inspiration. The animal mask chosen by a Magic Warrior is a personal choice, and a Magic Warrior may change their mask over the course of their career.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: This has been updated as the 2E Archetype “Magic Warrior.” The relationship between the Magic Warriors and the Magaambya remains unclear, especially after a student graduates. The Magic Warriors appear to continue to serve the Magaambya as a specialized military force, although more information is still needed.

Archetype/Prestige: Agathiel
Religion: Generally align with or worship Agathions
Institution: Not specific to a particular institution, however most often found serving with either the Magic Warriors or with the Kyonin Elves.
Structure: This is not a closely associated group and depends on the specific affiliation of individuals.
Location: Typically the Magaambya or the Mwangi Expanse generally, and Kyonin, et al.
Ancestry: Any
Lore: The ritual for becoming an Agathiel was originally practiced by the Kyonin Elves, however, this ritual, on Golarion, was lost when the Kyonin Elves departed Golarion. Old-Mage Jatembe independently discovered the ritual through his magical studies and spread knowledge of the ritual throughout the Mwangi Expanse. As a result, those who become Agathiels are most frequently found in the Mwangi Expanse and are usually serving with the Magic Warriors. However, with the return of the Kyonin Elves, the ritual to become an Agathiel is again practiced in Kyonin.
See Also: Additional 1E material specific to the Magaambya is collected below.
2E Note: Not updated at this time.

See Also: Primal Magic (Arcanist Exploit), Wisdom of Jatembe, Three Warriors Edition (Spellbook), Wisdom of Jatembe, Six Warriors Edition, (Spellbook) Wisdom of Jatembe, Nine Warriors Edition (Spellbook), Extra Spontaneous Spell Mastery (Feat), Scholar (Feat), Old-Mage Jatembe (NPC), Magaambyan Arcanist (NPC), Ekujae Elves (Alternate Racial Trait), Magaambyan Arcana (Trait), Student of Nantambu (Trait), Jatembe’s Ire (Spell), Planar Inquiry (Spell), Mantle of the Magic Warriors (Ritual).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have been reading about cryptids recently and something I noticed is that for some cryptids and most phantom animal cryptids the creature shows up for some amount of time and then disappears. Or it shows up for some amount of time, disappears, and then shows up again years or decades later. For example a kangaroo shows up in the Midwest, people see it and report it, some people chase it or track it, but it is never caught and stops appearing after a few weeks or a couple of months. This got me thinking about how to translate this into a Pathfinder setting. After playing with some ideas this is what I came up with and thought I would share.

Cryptid Visitor
Sometimes a creature gets caught in a strange phenomenon where the creature is pulled from its natural time period and its native environment, world, or universe and temporarily placed in a different location. The creature can be stuck in this strange phenomenon for as little as a few weeks or for several years. Because the creature is pulled from both place and time, a side effect of the strange phenomenon may cause the creature to appear in the new location years or decades after the original appearance.

Creating a Cryptid Visitor
It’s best to apply this template to creatures that seem unusual or out of place for the adventure. Emphasizing that the creature's appearance is out of place will help create a sense of mystery about the creature’s presence.
Do not modify the creature’s stats or abilities.

Cryptid Visitor Abilities
This template can be added to any creature with the Aberration, Animal, Beast, Construct, Dragon, Fungus, Giant, Humanoid, Ooze, Plant, or Undead Trait. Add the following abilities to the creature.
Cryptic Visitation: This creature appears in a time, place, or environment not included in the creature’s stats or description.
Cryptic Pursuit: When Fleeing Enemies (see CRB pg. 494) the creature’s pursuers must maintain visual perception on the creature in addition to keeping up with the creature. If the creature gains concealment from any source while Fleeing Enemies the creature temporarily vanishes from existence. The creature returns to reality within 1d6 days from when it vanished and within 1d10 miles from where it vanished.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am really enjoying the Eidolon being broken out into specific traditions. I feel like that brings a lot more lore potential to the Summoner Class. I have shared some thoughts on the Eidolons and traditions below.

Dragon – I really enjoyed the background for where and how Dragon Eidolons originate. I wasn’t sure how Dragon Eidolons would work with the different traditions but I thought that was well done.
Arcane Eidolons I would like to see in the future:
Arcanaton – Composed of pure arcane energy, Arcanatons are magic incarnate, and given form by the desires of their creators. Arcanatons first appeared in 3.5 Pathfinder as beings of pure arcane magic but have not appeared since. They fit perfectly as Eidolons, with the rare unfettered Eidolon becoming independent of its creator.
Fleshwarp – Using the raw materials of organ, bone, skin, and meat these Eidolons are warped into existence with arcane magic.
Contstruct – These Eidolons are built and given life and animation by being infused with arcane energy.

Angel – I very much like the Divine Eidolons being associated with an outsider group. This opens up the possibility for several different Celestial, Monitor, and Fiendish Eidolons.
Divine Eidolons I would like to see in the future:
Monitor – These Eidolons are based on the various Monitor outsider groups.
Fiendish – These Eidolons are based on the various Fiendish outsider groups.

Devotion Phantom – I am not wild about the name “Devotion Phantom”, I would prefer it just be “Phantom.” Otherwise I really like the inclusion of Phantoms as part of the Occult Summoner tradition. I am not sure I see the value in calling Occult Eidolons as "Something" Phantom. I feel like more creative space is opened if each type of Occult Eidolon has its own name instead of being "Something" Phantom.
Occult Eidolons I would like to see in the future:
Dream – These Eidolons are born from the remnants of dream stuff. Their appearance varies wildly ranging from pleasant to nightmarish.
Psychic – Strong psychic energies can cling to places and objects. These Summoners are sensitive to these lingering psychic impressions and can shape them into their Eidolon.
Madness – Born from the insanity of the Elder Gods, Great Old Ones, and unknowable dimensions, these Eidolons can shatter minds.

Beast – I thought this one worked out really well and is a great choice for a nature avatar.
Primal Eidolons I would like to see in the future:
Plant – Inspired by plants and plant creatures these Eidolons represent natures verdant life forms.
Ooze – The most basic forms of life these Eidolons are avatars of nature’s building blocks for proto life.
Weather – These Eidolons are avatars of nature’s fury, be it the burning sun or the torrent of the storm.

I would also like to see options for some Eidolons that can be chosen by more than one tradition.
For example an Elemental Eidolon works with multiple traditions, Primal is an obvious choice, but Arcane Magic frequently uses Elemental Energies and Divine beings that have access to Elemental Domains may use Divine Elementals.
On a similar theme Genie Eidolons may make sense for Primal and Arcane but maybe not as much for Divine.
Aberration Eidolons could work for the Occult and Arcane Tradition but might be limited to worshipers of deities with the Void Domain.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I did a deep dive into Genie Binding on Golarion and figured I would share what I learned. Hopefully this is helpful. Oh, and for context I started off by looking at the 1E Archetypes and Prestige Classes and thinking about how they might get translated in 2E. From there I just went down the rabbit hole.

Archetype/Prestige: Genie-Binder
Organization: Genie-Binders
Location: Padishah Empire
Note: Some cultures look upon the term Genie-Binder as little more than a fancy way to say Genie-Slaver. However, this shows a lack of understanding in the diversity in the art of genie-binding. Many Genie-Binders use negotiation and contracts that a Genie agrees to prior to willingly submitting to binding. This way a Genie ensures that they get as much as they want out of the contract as the Binder. Also, since the contract is part of the binding, the genie cannot be forced to perform acts that are outside the scope of the contract and the Genie is only bound for the duration of the contract. However, not every Genie-Binder is without reproach in their negotiations. Some Genie-Binders will stoop to using blackmail, threats, or displays of magical prowess to coerce a Genie into agreeing to the terms of a contract. The worse Genie-Binders are true slavers who force a binding onto a Genie against their will. Although we don’t know the currently laws relating to Genie Binding, one would hope using methods of coercion and force are illegal and punishment can range from fines and the nulling of contracts, to imprisonment and restitution paid by the binder. If such laws exist, these laws are not likely universally applied throughout the Padishah Empire, especially among the noble classes.

Archetype/Prestige: Daivrat
Organization: Daivrat
Location: Padishah Empire
Note: The Daivrat, also called Genie-friends, are a specialized group within the Padishah Empire that seek out mistreatment and abuse against Genies. They tend to be suspicious of Genie-Binders and willing provide aid to any Genie in need. This aid most often comes in the form of diplomacy during contract negotiations. However, a Daivrat may also provide legal assistance for a Genie coerced or forced into contracts. A Daivrat that has proven their value to Genie-Kind can call a willing lesser Genie called a Zhyen. A Zhyen can come from any of the four Elemental Planes. A Zhyen that responds to a Daivrat’s call will bond themself to the Daivrat in a bond that is similar to the bond between a Witch and their familiar. The most dedicated of all Daivrat undergo a mystical transformation in which they become Geniekin, not dissimilar to Suli, Sylph, Oread, Ifrit, and Undine.

Archetype/Prestige: Sha’ir
Organization: Sha’ir
Location: Padishah Empire
Note: The Sha’ir forms connections with the most minor of all Genie-Kind. These minor Genies are called Jin and they come from any of the four Elemental Planes. In addition to being connected to one of the four elements, each Jin has a minor connection to one of the eight schools of arcane magic. The bond established between a Sha’ir and their Jin is not genie-binding in the traditional sense. Instead, when a Jin responds to the call of a Sha’ir the relationship that is formed is similar to that of a Wizard and their familiar.

Archetype/Prestige: Elemental Ally
Organization: Elemental Allies
Location: Padishah Empire
Note: The Elemental Ally establishes bonds with eidolon-like Genies from each of the four Elemental Planes. The bond between an Elemental Ally and their eidolon-like Genies is similar to the bond between a Summoner and their eidolon. Elemental Allies are often considered similar to Genie-Binders but this is from a misunderstanding of the relationship between an Elemental Ally and their eidolon-like Genies. Elemental Allies have been known to work closely with the Daivrat as both groups tend to have a strong respect for Genie-Kind.

Note: Above we are introduced to three different types of Genies, the minor genies called Jin and the lesser genies Zhyen and eidolon-like Genie. Getting these three genies into 2E will be very helpful. As it stands the Jin seem on par with the standard Wizard’s familiar and I would like to see these as CR 0 level monsters, however, the monster entry will have to allow for choosing 1 of 4 elemental types and 1 of 8 school dependent, arcane abilities. The Zhyen seem on par with the Specific Familiars in the APG and I would like to see them as CR 1 level monsters. For the “eidolon-like Genie”, I would like to see them get a proper name. Also, since we don’t have eidolons yet, it is difficult to say what the approximate translation might look like. As a monster I am guessing they will work well in the CR 2-3 range. I think this will give them enough built in customization to feel like “eidolon-like Genies.” As monsters they would have a base Genie/Elemental chassis with the option to customize with one or two low level Eidolon abilities.

Additional Thoughts on Genie Binding: As written the Genie-Binder Prestige Class provides a lot of insight on how Genie Binding works in Golarion. Using the Prestige Class a guide, some additional concepts relating to Genie Binding are explored below.

Legality – In the Prestige Class we see Genie Binding is done with either, negotiations and contracts, by coercion, or by outright slavery. We also see that Genies are bound with an Elemental Seal and the Elemental Seal can be placed willingly or unwillingly. This all indicates that there is a legal framework for the binding of Genies. However, we don’t currently know the Padishah Empire’s laws concerning Genie Binding. We do know that Genies are powerful and therefore it is not surprising that some people are interested in negotiating and contracting with Genies to gain access to some of that power.
Genie Contracts – Why people on Golarion are willing to contract with Genies is fairly obvious. They gain the service of a powerful elemental, potentially have direct access to Genie magic, plus any benefits one might think of by having a personal Genie nearby. But why would a Genie be interested in contracting with people on Golarion? One possibility comes from looking at what the Prestige Class doesn’t discuss, which is Genie Bottles.

Genie Bottles – We currently don’t know what benefits, if any, a Genie Bottle has for a Genie. However, something that might be enticing for a Genie is if the bottle acts as a combination of Demiplane and Phylactery. Granted, both the Demiplane effect and Phylactery effect of a Genie Bottle would be limited to the duration of the binding that was established in the contract. So these would be very temporary effects with a limit on duration. But that does create a situation where, at least for a limited time, a Genie has control of their own minor Demiplane. Also, they have the comfort of knowing that when summoned out of the Bottle by the Binder to confront a deadly task, any fatal wounds sustained will return them safely to their Bottle (while still gaining them all the experience from the encounter). My guess is that Genie Bottles are created via a Ritual and the resulting Bottle is only good for one Binding. I am not sure how duration would be handled. I imagine Bindings are typically not less than a year but not longer than 500 years.

Ownership of a Genie Bottle – Another issue that needs addressed for Genie Binding is ownership of the Genie Bottle. This is probably spelled out in the contract so that ownership can transfer in a way that fits the story. That being said there should be some discussion on how to handle a Genie Bottle that was truly lost and later found. Does the Genie relate the terms of the contract to the finder, and the finder needs to consent to gain the Genie’s service? Does the Genie continue to perform services, no questions asked, but only within the terms of the contract? Can the finder agree to break the contract and free the Genie from service?

Genie Seals/Elemental Seals/Ture Seals – The Genie Binder Prestige Class assumes that the four elemental Genies are the Genies primarily sought after in regards to Binding. However, unless retconned (which I hope not) all of the following classify as Genies:

Jin, Zhyen, Genie-Like Eidolon, Janni, Djinni, Shaitan, Efreeti, Marid, Jinni, Muurfeli, Ararda

To cover the minor Genies, elemental Genies, and more powerful Genie types, the Seals as presented in the Prestige Class need an expansion. This can be done with generic “Genie Seals” that cover Genies up to CR 4, “Elemental Seals” covering Genies up to CR 9 that are specific to one of the four Elements, and “True Seals” covering CR 10 and higher and can be used for the binding of any type of Genie. A Genie Binder must place a seal upon a willing or unwillingly Genie as part of the Binding. They level of Seal a Genie Binder has access to would be dependent on appropriate Archetype Feats.

Bottle Seals – Beyond the Seals that Genie Binders place upon Genies, a Genie Bottle can also hold a seal. The Seals placed on Bottles are active for as long as the Genie inside remains bound. These Bottle Seals are often beneficial to the Binder and assists the Binder when dealing with Genies or other Elementals. However, some Seals are beneficial for the Genies. A Genie Binder must use caution when adding a Bottle Seal to a Genie Bottle, as some Bottle Seals are offensive to Genies. So while a Seal may benefit the Binder in some regards, an annoyed or recalcitrant Genie may not make the Bottle Seal worthwhile in the long run. Sulesh the Great was one of the most powerful Genie Binders ever know on Golarion, however, his treatment of bound Genies maybe seen as more controversial in the modern Padishah Empire. Sulesh is known for creating two of the most powerful Bottle Seals ever seen. The Ture Seal of Sulesh and the Garden of Sulesh are powerful Bottle Seals and artifacts in the art of Genie Binding.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So it occurred to me that in addition to wanting to know more about all the continents, I also want to know more about the Azlant Archipelago. I am not even sure what the official term for the large island cluster is called. Is it called the Azlant Archipelago?

This large island cluster comprised of a shattered continent has a long post Earthfall history that we have very little details on. There are even some significantly sized land masses in the archipelago that are bigger than many Inner Sea nations. So who lives there now? What has recent history there been like? What are the names of the islands and who named them?

I have been thinking in terms of Golarion having seven continents but Azlant the eighth continent is still there, it is just an archipelago continent now. I know we have had a little exposure but having something like a Gazetteer would be great!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would like to see the Summoner strongly influenced by the four sources of Magic (Divine, Occult, Arcane, and Primal). By looking at the 1E Summoner, Summoner Archetypes, and Spiritualist we have a good idea of what these four types of Summoners might look like. Interestingly, of the four traditions, I think the Arcane Summoner needs the most development. Below is a very brief snapshot of how I think the four traditions can be expressed.

God-Caller, Divine Spell List, Summons Paragon (Paragon = Unique Divine Entity from Outer Planes)
Spiritualist, Occult Spell List, Summons Phantom (Phantom = Unique Mortal Spirit, Animated Dream, or Shadow Creature)
Conjurer, Arcane Spell List, Summons Eidolon (Eidolon = Unique Manifestation of Arcane Energies)
Pagan, Primal Spell List, Summons Avatar (Avatar = Unique Elemental Entity or Nature Spirit)

I would love to hear what everyone else hopes to see in a 2E Summoner.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Looking at the new Versatile Heritages in the Advanced Player’s Guide it occurred to me that a Mutant (Versatile Heritage) would make a lot of sense. Looking at 1st Edition we have four primary sources for Mutants and one Trait.

Id Mutant (mutations of the mind, often expressed with a physical mutation)
Mana Wastes Mutant (mutation resulting from exposure to the Mana Wastes)
Mutant (primarily mutations of the body with changes in physical anatomy)
Mutant Goblin (mutations that commonly occur in Goblins)
Trait: Mutant Eye (specific mutation)

From these sources we see that mutations can come from a variety of sources, can be present at birth or develop over time, and can affect most Ancestries. As its own Versatile Heritage this allows Mutant to be flexible enough to be a Common Heritage for Goblins and an Uncommon or Rare Heritage for other Ancestries. This also allows for specific Lineages such as the Id Linage, Anatomical Lineage, and the Wastes Lineage.

A few other sources for mutations that are worth mentioning include:

Forced Mutation (Spell)
Deformities of Yig (see Yig’s Cult)
Horrific Appearance (Thuskchoon, unique Ability)
Mutagenic Strike (Dagon, Sentinel Boon)
Mutated Defender (Archetype)
Earth Child (Wild Talent)

It is important to note that in some of the sources above the mutations are not always considered to be a positive occurrence. This subject matter needs to be handled carefully so that it is not presented in such a way that it shames real world people that have different presentations of anatomy or psychology. I think it is possible to have a Mutant Versatile Heritage that celebrates innate or developed mutations, while recognizing that mutations that are unwanted or imposed by an outside source without consent are negative occurrences.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is potentially going to be some effort to have 2E Bestiary 3 fill in some of the classic monsters that didn’t make it into 2E Bestiary 1 and Bestiary 2. So with that in mind what classic monsters are you wishing for in 2E Bestiary 3.

Some places to look for inspiration include the 3.0/3.5 SRD and Tome of Horrors, 3.5 Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Modules, and Pathfinder 1E Bestiaries, Adventures, Modules and Setting Books. At the end of 1st Edition there was approximately 3000 monsters in Pathfinder. My wish list is below in alphabetical order.

My Wish List:

1. Adherer
2. Agathions (Group)
3. Allip
4. Alrune
5. Arcanatons (Expanded into a Group)
6. Asakku
7. Azer
8. Azi (Group)
9. Beetle, Azlanti Chariot Beetle
10. Beheaded (Group)
11. Black Genie (but with better name)
12. Blights (Group)
13. Bonestorm
14. Caliban
15. Carrionstorm
16. Chatterer Swarm
17. Charybdis
18. Z’kaelii (Child or Malignant Symmetry, included in Proteans?)
19. Clockworks (Group)
20. Crepitus (Included in Asura?)
21. Croaker
22. Cutlass Spider
23. Deathweb
24. Dire Corby
25. Divs (Group)
26. Dragons (Esoteric)
27. Dragonne
28. Elemental (Aether)
29. Eurypterids (Group)
30. Fell Flotsam & Flotsam Terror
31. Festrog
32. Flail Snail
33. Fleshdreg & Fleshdreg Swarm (Included in Fleshwarps?)
34. Flumph
35. Frosty Chiseler (w/ better name)
36. Get of Iblis
37. Ghalshoaton (Included in Divs?)
38. Gigas (Group)
39. Girallon & Angazhani
40. Gremlin, Haniver
41. Grick
42. Gutdragging Lurcher (connected to Mohrgs?)
43. Hags (all remaining)
44. Muntjac
45. Inverted Giant
46. Isitoq
47. Jack-o’-Lantern
48. Kamadan
49. Kami (Group)
50. Kelpie (Tome of Horrors Version, but with different name)
51. Kongamato
52. Krenshar
53. Kuru
54. Locathah
55. Lurking Rays (Group)
56. Lusca
57. Magmin
58. Medusa, Eygreas
59. Mobogo
60. Mothers of Oblivion
61. Mothman & Mothman Elder
62. Nagas (all remaining)
63. Nightmare Bats (with better name, included in Daemons?)
64. Panotti (with Ancestry Options)
65. Peacock Spawn
66. Pech
67. Phantom Armors (Group)
68. Pipefox
69. Pixie Circle
70. Poppet
71. Quickwood (included in Arboreals?)
72. Rat King
73. Ratling
74. Rope Dragon
75. Roseblood Sprite
76. Sandman (but connected to Dreamlands instead of Elemental Plane of Earth, this version is a lesser Sandman, what does a greater, Sandman look like?)
77. Sandwalker
78. Sea Cat
79. Shadowy Lurker
80. Skinwalker
81. Sleipnir
82. Slithering Pit & Slithering Tracker (Slitherings Expanded into Group)
83. Smoldering Host of the Risen (Specific Monster instead of Template)
84. Snowdrifter (but with better name)
85. Son of Perdition (but with better name and included in Asura?)
86. Spider Eater
87. Tear of Nuruu’gal
88. Thin Man
89. Thoqqua
90. Torthune (included in Aeons?)
91. Vampire, Vetala
92. Vargouille
93. Vegepygmy
94. Weasel, Dire & Giant
95. Wild Hunt (Group)
96. Witchcrow & Greater Witchcrow
97. Wolf-in-Sheep’s-Clothing
98. Wooden Protector (included in Arboreals?)
99. Xenopterid
100. Zhyen, Genie

Some of the monsters on my wish list are from very earlier Pathfinder. I would love to see the lore for these early monsters updated along with the rules so that they fit appropriately in the setting.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In 1E cultural groups and heritages were sometimes expressed through a mechanic called “Sub-Race”, in 2E cultures are represented through a combination of Ancestry, Heritage, and Ancestry Feats. Below I have identified an Ancestry and translated the 1E Sub-Races to their current representation in Second Edition, to the best of my ability. The 1E Sub-Race mechanic appears in parentheses next to the current 2E representation. At the end of each Ancestry is a list of the 1E Races or Sub-Races for that Ancestry that do not have equivalent representation in the form of 2E Ancestry, Heritage, or Ancestry Feat rules, as far as I can tell.

Dwarf (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Five Kings (was Sky Citadel Dwarf)
Grondaksen (was Deep Delver)
Holtaksen (was Mountain Dwarf)
Kulenett (was Desert Dwarf)
Mbe’ke (was Mwangi Dwarf)
Ouat (was Ouat Caste Dwarf)
Pahmet (was Pahmet Dwarf)
Paraheen (was Paraheen Dwarf)
Taralu (was Mwangi Dwarf)

Ancient-Blooded Dwarf (was Elder Dwarf)
Anvil Dwarf
Death Warden Dwarf
Elemental Heart Dwarf
Forge Dwarf
Oathkeeper Dwarf
Rock Dwarf
Strong-Blooded Dwarf

No Equivalent
Exiled Dwarf

What’s missing?
The Exiled Dwarf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Duergar need an adjustment to the base Dwarf stats to include “Light Blindness” plus something to offset that drawback and a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.

Elf (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Aquatic (was Aquatic Elf)
Ekujae (was Ekujae Elf)
Forlorn (was Forlorn Elf, now Elf Ancestry Feat)
Ilverani (was Snowcaster Elf)
Jinin (was Jininese Elf)
Spiresworn (was Spiresworn Elf)

Ancient Elf
Arctic Elf (was Arctic Elf)
Cavern Elf
Desert Elf
Seer Elf
Whisper Elf
Woodland Elf

No Equivalent:
Dusk Elf
Savage Elf
Tower Elf

What’s missing?
Dusk Elf would translate well as a Heritage. Dusk Elves are Elves whose bodies have adapted to take on aspects of the night instead of more traditional environmental surroundings.
Aquatic Elves have yet to receive a proper cultural name (i.e. Ilverani, etc.) and will need an adjustment to the base Elf stats to include the “Aquatic” and/or “Amphibious” Trait, a swim speed and possibly a drawback limiting the amount of time spent out of water.
The Tower Elf Sub-Race translates well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Savage Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Drow need an adjustment to the base Elf stats to include “Light Blindness” plus something to offset that drawback and a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.

Gnome (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Bleachlings (was Bleachlings)
Fell (was Dread Gnome)
First World (was First World Gnome)

Chameleon Gnome
Fey-Touched Gnome
Sensate Gnome
Umbral Gnome
Vivacious Gnome
Wellspring Gnome

No Equivalent:
Gear Gnome
Lava Gnome
Segada Gnome
Traveler Gnome

What’s missing?
First World Gnomes will need the “Fey” Trait and rules clearly stating they do not die in the traditional sense when on the First World Plane and explains what does happen.
The Svirfneblin (Deep Gnomes) need an adjustment to the base Gnome stats swapping out “Low-Light Vision” for “Darkvision” and a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.
The Spriggan needs a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.
The Segada Gnome Sub-Race will likely not get translated as a Heritage as it is more a specific location that people are from than a Heritage.
Traveler Gnome would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
Gear Gnome would translate well as either a Heritage or an Ancestry Feat. As a Heritage I could see Gear Gnomes having different metallic tones in their hair and skin and a fascination with mechanical things.
Lava Gnome translates well as a Heritage, however, they need an adjustment to the base Gnome stats swapping out “Low-Light Vision” for “Darkvision” and a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.
And finally Bleachlings, which are a bit more difficult. I could see Bleachlings as either a Heritage that is allowed as a second Heritage, or as a Heritage that replaces the original Heritage (limited to Gnome Heritages that are susceptible to bleaching). Does anyone know if the child of two Bleachling Gnomes is also a Bleachling?

Goblin (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Forest Goblins
Frost Goblins
Monkey Goblins
Mutant Goblins
Rasp Goblins

Charhide Goblin
Irongut Goblin
Razortooth Goblin
Snow Goblin
Tailed Goblin
Treedweller Goblin
Unbreakable Goblin

No Equivalent:

What’s missing?
Mutant Goblin is likely to be a series of Ancestry Feats that players can pick and choose from as the gain Ancestry Feats.
The Oversized Goblin Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat and is would fit well as an Ancestry Feat in the Mutant Goblin series of Ancestry Feats.
The Kijimuna would translate well as a Heritage but needs a few Ancestry Feats for them to be fully represented.

Halfling (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
Chelaxian (was Slave Born)
Mihrini (was Nomadic)
Song’o (was Song’o Halfings)

Gusty Halfling
Hillock Halfling
Nomadic Halfling (was Nomadic)
Observant Halfling
Twilight Halfling
Wildwood Halfling

No Equivalent:
Segadan Halflings

What’s missing?
The Segadan Halflings Sub- Race will likely not get translated as a Heritage as it is more a specific location that people are from than a Heritage.
The Avenging Halfling Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.

Human (Ancestry):

Cultural Groups that have appeared in text thus far:
A Large Quantity

Skilled Heritage
Versatile Heritage (was Versatile Human)
Wintertouched Human

No Equivalent:
Country Folk
Gutter Rat
Imperious Human

What’s missing?
Most of the 1E Human Sub-Races appear to function better as Ancestry Feats. For example a player might start as a “Gutter Rat” and later become “Imperious” while retaining the experience and knowledge from both life situations.
The Cosmopolitan Human Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Country Folk Human Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Gutter Rat Human Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Imperious Human Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Trailblazer Human Sub-Race would translate well as a Heritage and fits thematically with the Versatile and Skilled Heritages.

Half-Elf Heritage (Human/Elf Ancestry):

No Equivalent:

What’s missing?
The [b]Human-Raised
Half-Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Elf-Raised Half-Elf Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
Shoreborn, Wildborn, Darkborn, Spireborn, Snowborn (Sunborn? “Desert Elf”, Nightborn? “Dusk Elf”): So far we don’t know how Elfborn are going to be handled. One option is text that recommends Ancestry Feats commonly taken by members of that specific group (i.e. Snowborn commonly have X, X, or X Ancestry Feats). Or there could be an Ancestry Feat that is eligible for that group only, for example an Ancestry Feat with the Traits “Half-Elf” and “Shoreborn”.

Half-Orc Heritage (Human/Orc Ancestry):

No Equivalent:
Deep Kin
Mountain Clan

What’s missing?
The Arena-Bred Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Feral Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Mountain Clan Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Deep Kin (Renamed Deep Clan) Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
The Mystic Half-Orc Sub-Race would translate well as an Ancestry Feat.
Gloomkin, Sandkin, Rainkin, Cragkin, Frostkin: So far we don’t know how Orckin are going to be handled. One option is text that recommends Ancestry Feats commonly taken by members of that specific group (i.e. Gloomkin commonly have X, X, or X Ancestry Feats). Or there could be an Ancestry Feat that is eligible for that group only, for example an Ancestry Feat with the Traits “Half-Orc” and “Cragkin”.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I went through all the first edition Races, Sub-Races, Humanoids, and Monstrous Humanoids with the idea of looking at potential 2E Ancestries. I capped the Monstrous Humanoids off at CR 5 and attempted to remove those Monstrous Humanoids that felt thematically to be reserved as monsters, so for example Hags were excluded from consideration. The one exception to the CR 5 cap is the Girtablilu (Scorpion folk). Because of their similarities to Centaurs in shape I included them. Below the ancestries are divided thematically by geography and continent.

The Darklands are interesting in that many of the ancestries are connected to surface ancestries. Many of these ancestries could potentially be heritages of their surface dwelling relatives, or Paizo will go a different route and make these distinct Ancestries.

Darklands Ancestries:

Caligni/Dark Folk
-Dark Caller
-Dark Champion
-Dark Creeper
-Dark Dancer
-Dark Empath
-Dark Stalker
-Dark Slayer
Derro (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Dire Corby (Darklands Tengu?)
-Dread Corby
-Ghost Corby
-Ghoul Corby
-Winged Corby
-Drow, Noble
Serpentfolk (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Ulat-Kini/Skum (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Xulgath/Troglodyte (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

What’s missing? I am a little surprised there hasn’t been a bat theme Darklands ancestry which would be a great option. Also, a mushroom/fungus Darklands ancestry would be a great option. There are few preexisting fungus/mushroom people from 1E that could be developed to fill the niche.

The Aquatic Ancestries have a tendency to be a little more powerful, but this can easily be addressed with Heritages and Ancestry Feats. There is a good spread here with good, neutral and evil trending Ancestries. Even shark lovers have a potential themed Ancestry in the form of Adaro.

Aquatic Ancestries:

Aquatic Elf
Deep One (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
-Elder Deep One
-Merfolk, Deep
Ningyo (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Sahuagin (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Selkie (Kitsune of the Sea?)

What’s missing? There isn’t a crustacean themed ancestry, however, the Triton could be given a different look to fill this role. There also isn’t any aquatic plant people which seems odd.

The Star Ancestries have a good mix of sci-fi ancestries that maintain a fantasy feel to them. Of the Star Ancestries the Android probably has the hardest sci-fi feel but they still feel like they belong because of Numeria.

Star Ancestries:

Formian, Worker
Gray (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Green Martian
Reptoid (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Shobhad (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

What’s missing? It’s hard to say since the possibilities here are pretty far ranging.

Giant Ancestries are a tough one. There aren’t very many CR 5 and below Giants and the few that are in that zone are strongly themed as monsters. There are a few that might work. Perhaps the best option is the Cyclops simply because of the rich history they have on Golarion.

Giant Ancestries:

-Great Cyclops
-Savage Great Cyclops

What’s missing? Hard to say since there aren’t really options to play as any of the Giant Ancestries.

Some of the 1E Races will turn into Universal Heritages. I think I have identified all of the Races that will turn into Universal Heritages. However, some of them like the Changeling it is not yet clear if it will be a Human Heritage or Universal.

Universal Heritage:

Changeling (Universal Heritage or Human Heritage?)
-Slag May
-Hearth May
-Veil May
-Waker May
-Callow May
-Sorrow May
-Moon May
-Brine May
-Virga May
-Snow May
Deep One, Deep One Hybrid
-Expanded Oddities

What’s missing? Options for Fey, Shadow, Aberration, and Dragon are all obvious choices here as well.

Ancestries that live almost exclusively in rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, bogs, and swamps, but have the versatility to be adventurers can be tough to pull off. Paizo has a few though that could fill this niche. I am not including Iruxi/Lizardfolk and Grippli here as they also inhabit jungles and forests.

Surface-Aquatic Ancestries:

Boggard (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Bog Strider/Ses’h (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

What’s missing? Not much, there is not a ton of room in these environments and these fill the niche nicely, assuming the Vodyanoi are developed into the salamander/newt playable Ancestry.

Surface Areas
What follows is a breakdown of the remaining 1E Races, Humanoids, and Monstrous Humanoids (again capped at CR 5) by Continent. The Continent an Ancestry is placed on is based on references in Pathfinder books indicating where the largest population centers are found. When no reference is provided I went with my best guess based on theme. First up is Arcadia.


Syrinx (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

Avistan is a little odd in that many of its Ancestries are found on multiple Continents thus I included et al.

Avistan, et al:

Bugbear (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
-Sky Citadel
-First World
-Slave Born
-Country Folk
-Gutter Rat
-Deep Kin
-Mountain Clan
Leshy, Vine

Garund has a pretty good variety of Ancestries and most of them are pretty interesting.


Charau-ka (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Derhii (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Gnoll (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Kuru (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

Casmaron has some slightly more powerful Ancestries. This is largely a result of half human-half animal Ancestries like Centaurs, Girtablilu, and Thriae. On a personal note I would love to see the Panotti fully developed into an Ancestry.


Centaur (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
-Exalted Wood
Girtablilu (Possibly Reserved as Monster)
Thriae, Soldier (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

The Crown of the World is interesting in that the only potentially unique Ancestry so far is the the Adlet, a rare non-giant CR 10 Humanoid.

Crown of the World:

Adlet (Possibly Reserved as Monster)

Tian Xia has some fun Ancestries to look forward too.

Tian Xia:

-Reborn Samsaran
-Jinx Eater

The last potential Ancestry to mention is Mortics. At first I thought Mortics were going to be the corporeal undead Ancestry. Whereas a Dhampir is very uniquely tied to Vampires, I had hoped that Mortics would be more general. I hoped they would fill the niche for those rare occasions when corporeal undead and living people did things unspeakable. This would then open the possibility of Heritages for all kinds of undead, rare though they may be. That isn’t what Mortics turned out to be, and I am still kind of grumpy about it, so they aren’t on any of the lists above.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I got stuck on exploring the High Seas Meta-Region lately and made notes on where I found various game mechanics. I thought I would share in case others might find this useful. If we get a Meta-Region book for the High Seas it would be great to see a lot of this stuff consolidated into one source.

Possible Spoilers:

Prestige Class
Inner Sea Pirate - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Shackles Pirate - Pathfinder Campaign Setting (3.5)
Death Slayer - Adventurer's Guide
Red Mantis Assassin - Adventurer's Guid
Storm Kindler - Adventurer's Guide

Battle Dancer - Martial Arts Handbook
Black Powder Vaulter - Martial Arts Handbook
Thronewarden - Heroes of the High Crown
Okayo Corsair - Martial Arts Handbook
Shackles Corsair - Advanced Class Origins
Crimson Chymist - Adventurer's Guide
Mantis Zealot - Adventurer's Guide
Spire Defender - Inner Sea Magic
Spire Diver - City In the Deep
Colluding Scoundrel - Antihero's Handbook
Abendego Diver - Elemental Master's Handbook
Tempest Druid - Adventurer's Guide
Tempest Tamer - Blood of the Sea
Storm Dreamer - Adventurer's Guide

Kineticist Talents
Hurricane Queen - Occult Realms

Mengkare's Shards - Lost Treasures
Sawtooth Sabre - Adventurer's Guide

Breath of the Mantis God - Adventurer's Guide
Fool's Leprosy - Curse of the Crimson Throne
Dust of Eox - Black Markets

Magic Items - Armor
Eel Skin Armor - Island of Empty Eyes
Red Stalker Armor - Adventurer's Guide
Hide of the Hagfish - Seers of the Drowned City

Magic Items - Artifacts
Aiger's Kiss - The Price of Infamy
Mantis Blade - Adventurer's Guide

Magic Items - Weapons
Greenblood Scourge - Inner Sea Combat
Tidewater Cutlass - The Wormwood Mutiny
Crimson Bluff - Adventurer's Guide

Magic Items - Wondrous Items
Besmara's Bones - Raiders of the Fever Sea
Besmara's Tricorne - Inner Sea Gods
Charts of the Fair Winds
Disk of Ghol-Gan - Faction Guide
Hurricane Crown - From Hell's Heart
Jalhazar's Wheel - Tempest Rising
Meldrel's Underwater Orb - Occult Realms
Shackles Ensign - Tempest Rising
Eye of the Mantis - Adventurer's Guide
Mantis Embrace - Adventurer's Guide
Mask of the Mantis - Adventurer's Guide
Caber Twig - Seers of the Drowned City
Choker of the Queen Bee - Seers of the Drowned City
Goz Mask - Adenturer's Guide
Hand of Abendego - What Lies in Dust

Addu - From Hell's Heart
Blood Queen - Isles of the Shackles
Bramblelash - Trail of the Hunted
Chickcharney - Isles of the Shackles
Draugr Pirate - Isles of the Shackles
Draugr Captain - Isles of the Shackles
Ghost Captain - Isles of the Shackles
Gargiya - From Hell's Heart
Sea Snake - Isles of the Shackles
Giant Sea Snake - Isles of the Shackles
Karkinoi Brood Swarm - Plunder and Peril
Moxix - Inner Sea Bestiary
Tetrolimulus - Island of Empty Eyes
Voidstick Zombie - Tempest Rising
Deadly Mantis - Inner Sea Bestiary
Cerberus Worm - Cheliax, the Infernal Empire
Faceless Whale - Frome Hell's Heart
Quetzutrhul - Darklands Revisited
Qwoshokk - Mythical Monsters Revisited
Sea Scourge - Isles of the Shackles
Gargiya - From Hell's Heart
Kravyad - Seers of the Drowned City
Scrapshell - Seers of the Drowned City
Zephyr - The Kintargo Contract

Kuru - Isles of the Shackles
Monkey Goblin - Inner Sea Bestiary
Aquatic Elf - Blood of the Sea

Racial Traits & Subraces
Sea Raider (Half-Orc) - Inner Sea Races
Werecrocodile-Kin/Scaleheart (Skinwalker) - Inner Sea Races
Spiresworn Elf - Heroes from the Fringe
Natural Swimmer - City in the Deep
Tongue of the Sea - city in the Deep
Crossbow Training - City in the Deep
Mordant Spire Half-Elves (Spireborn) - Heroes from the Fringe
Mordant Envoy - Heroes from the Fringe

Spells and Metamagic
Submerge Ship - Raiders of the Fever Sea
Scribe's Binding - Spymaster's Handbook
Bone Flense - Adventurer's Guide
Mirror Mantis - Adenturer's Guide
Benthic Spell - Elemental Master's Handbook

Scarlet Vigil - Occult Realms
Aiudara Activation - Occult Realms

Shrewd Liason - Pathfinder Campaign Setting (3.5)
Hermean Blood - Inner Sea World Guide
Red Mantis Collaborator - Agents of Evil
Storm Breaker - Elemental Master's Handbook

Ancient Explorer - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Barroom Talespinner - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Besmara's Blessing - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Boarded in the Shackles - Serpent's Skull Player's Guide
Boarded in Mediogalti - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Buccaneer's Blood - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Dockside Brawler - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Dragon-Hunted - Legacy of Dragons
Dungeon Dweller - Dungeoneer's Handbook
Eye of Plunder - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Flotsam - Dragonslayer's Handbook
Get the Cargo Through - Serpent's Skull Player's Guide
Giant Investigator - Giant Hunter's Handbook
Goblin Pirate - Goblins of Golarion
Home Port - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Hurrican Savvy - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Ilizmagorti Native - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Jinx Eater - Blood of the Beast
Mwangi Scholar - Serpent's Skull Player's Guide
Narrow Escape - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Peg Leg - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Pillager - Quests and Campaigns
Scourge of the Seas - Advanced Class Origins
Scrambling Servant - Giant Hunter's Handbook
Shackles Seafarer - Inner Sea Primer
Ship Aptitude - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Ship's Surgeon - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Stormrunner - Inner Sea Primer
Stowaway - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Sustaining Performance - Healer's Handbook
Touched by the Sea - Skull and Shackles Player's Guide
Cultist Lineage - Advanced Class Origins
Devilfish Diver - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Dinosaur Whisperer - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Monkey Goblin - Goblins of Golarion
Pirate Duelist - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Red Mantis Bleeding - Weapon Master's Handbook
Treasure Mapper - Pirates of the Inner Sea
Hermean Paragon - Inner Sea Primer
Well Bred - Dragonslayer's Handbook
Untapped Potential - Legacy of Dragons
Azlanti Scholar - Heroes from the Fringe
Mordant Heritage - Inner Sea Primer
Abendego Pilot - Blood of the Elements
Abendego Shellpiercer - Inner Sea Primer

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was looking through all the Construct Family Groups from 1st Edition with the idea of seeing what might show up in 2nd Edition when I noticed a trend.

There are the expected big family groups: Golems, Clockworks, Robots

And there are some smaller family groups: Automatons, Idols, Poppets

But then I notice two potential construct groups that have never been clearly defined, Sentinels and Guardians

--Sentinel Thassilonian, Bronze Sentinel
--Sentinel Thassilonian, Iron Sentinel
--Sentinel Thassilonian, Ivory Sentinel
--Sentinel Thassilonian, Marble Sentinel
--Sentinel, Sentinel Hut
--Sentinel, Shell Sentinel
--Sentinel, Ship Sentinel
--Sentinel, Smoke Sentinel

Sentinels as a group seem to have a theme where they are tied to a specific site or location and have an innate sense for who are allies versus who are enemies. Sentinels may also actively avoid hitting allies with their attacks or may be able to explicitly exclude allies from being hit by their attacks. The one that breaks this mold the most is the Sentinel Hut, but there is still plenty of potential for Paizo to turn this into a Construct Family Group

--Guardian, Angelic Guardian
--Guardian, Gargoyle Guardian
--Guardian, Golden Guardian
--Guardian, Graven Guardian
--Guardian, Guardian Doll
--Guardian, Guardian Scroll
--Guardian, Rune Guardian
--Guardian, Set Guardian
--Guardian, Tattoo Guardian

Guardians as a family group are far less clear in theme. The best I can gather is that a Guardian is tied to a person or specific object whereas a Sentinel is tied to a specific site or location. The best examples are the Angelic Guardian and the Tattoo Guardian where their descriptions clearly assign them to protection of an individual. The rest of them fit this mold loosely at best. If Guardians are constructs that are specifically attached to the protection of an individual or specific object, some Guardians on the list are likely to be re-identified as Sentinels.

Anyway, this is just something I noticed and thought it was interesting.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Spoilers ahead!

Going through the adventures and society scenarios I have noticed a number of monsters that are not in the Bestiary or in the Adventure Toolbox in the back of the adventure. Most of these new monsters appear in the appendix of a society scenario. Regardless I thought I would point out that there are some cool monsters out there that you might not have noticed. Please note that I have intentionally left out monsters that have a rarity of Unique.


Mangy Wolf – Fall of Plaguestone pg. 5
Mutant Wolf – Fall of Plaugestone pg. 27
Blood Wolf – The Show Must Go On pg. 43
Icy Rat – Fall of Plaugestone pg. 31
Alchemical Drudge – Fall of Plaugestone pg. 43
Mud Spider – Cult of Cinders pg. 52
Ghastly Bear – Tomorrow Must Burn pg. 50-51
Animated Dragonstorm – Broken Promises pg. 10
Dragonstorm Fire Giant – Broken Promises pg. 15
Hermean Mutant – Broken Promises pg. 40-41
Smoldering Leopard – The Show Must Go On pg. 44
Corrosive Lizard – The Show Must Go On pg. 45
Pinacosaurus – The Show Must Go On pg. 50 (Bonus Dinosaur!)
Flaming Skull Skeleton – Flames of Rebellion, appendix
Lesser Giant Short-Faced Bear (Arctodus-Pristinus) – Tarnbreakers, appendix
Giant Short-Faced Bear (Arctodus-Simus)– Tarnbreakers, appendix
Metallic Sod Hound – Star-Crossed Voyages, appendix
Steel Mephit – Star-Crossed Voyages, appendix (Whoa brand new Mephit!)
Giant Fox – Lost on the Spirit Road, appendix
Vicious Vulpine – Lost on the Spirit Road, appendix (Not sure what this is but I like it)
Pine Brute – Lost on the Spirit Road, appendix (Is this a new Arboreal?)
Mountain Goat – Trailblazers Bounty, appendix
Dire Warg – Trailblazers Bounty, appendix (I wonder what their dynamic with Wargs and Winter Wolves are?)
Giant Shrew – Trailblazers Bounty, appendix
Osprey – Bandits of Immenwood, appendix
Giant Osprey – Bandits of Immenwood, appendix
Reefclaw Spawn – Bandits of Immenwood, appendix (Interesting insight into Reefclaw lifecycle)
Zombie Riding Horse – Escaping the Grave, appendix
Zombie Warhorse – Escaping the Grave, appendix
Barbed Bloodseeker – The Mosquito Witch, appendix (Is this part of a lifecycle or just a more deadly variation?)
Shadow Wisp – The Absalom Initiation, appendix (Little cousin of the Shadow & Greater Shadow and super creepy!)
Greater Shadow Wisp – The Absalom Initiation, appendix (Little cousin of the Shadow & Greater Shadow and super creepy!)
Fleshforge Prototype – The Absalom Initiation, appendix (Is the magic used here similar to Fleshwarps?)
Fleshforge Dreg – The Absalom Initiation, appendix (Is the magic used here similar to Fleshwarps?)
Young Bloodseeker Swarm – The Mosquito Witch, appendix (It would be cool to see the regular version)
Squirrel Swarm – Bandits of Immenwood, appendix (I love swarms)
Frog Swarm – Bandits of Immenwood, appendix (I love swarms)
Raven Swarm – Trailblazers Bounty, appendix (I love swarms)
Bee Swarm – Fall of Plaugestone pg. 11 (I love swarms)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I imagine there will be a Darklands book at some point and I was thinking about the different Darklands Ancestries we might see. So far the list I have come up with is below. Can anyone think of additional candidates? In addition to those below I would like to see a Mushroom/Fungus Darklands Ancestry.

Skulk (Needs a proper Ancestry name)
Mongrelman (Needs a proper Ancestry name)
Dire Corby (Corbie) – Not sure but I have a theory these are Darklands Tengu

Also, I know that Ancestries like Drow and Duergar are typically evil aligned but in a Darklands Campaign my guess is they are likely to get Ancestry Rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Now that 2nd Edition is in full swing what books are you interested in seeing in the future that haven't been announced yet?

My hopes so far include:

Occult/Horror Book – This book focuses on Occult and Horror themes and includes Classes/Archetypes for the Inquisitor, Medium, Occultist, Shifter, Slayer, and Spiritualist. This book plays heavily on themes of mystery, secrets, the unknown, and fear. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Combat/Intrigue Book – This book focuses on rules for Combat and Intrigue and includes Classes/Archetypes for the Bloodrager, Brawler, Magus, Mesmerist, Ninja, and Samurai. This books has an underlying theme of interweaving combat focused play with intrigue focused play while provide plenty of options for both. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Wilderness/Magic Book – This book focuses on rules for Wildness and Magic with and underlying theme juxtaposing the allure of exploration into the deep wilderness against the allure of urban studies into deep magic. Included are Classes/Archetypes for the Arcanist, Hunter, Kineticist, Psychic, Shaman, Skald, and Summoner. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Adventurer's Armory - Big book of gear, equipment, magic items, and new class Artificer (great at crafting, can magically repair damage to armor and weapons, and can temporarily imbue armor and weapons with runes). This book might also include subsystems for gear such as Legacy (Scaling) Items, Magical Gear Sets, Magical Tattoos, Magical Plants, and Relics.

Technology Guide – This book brings in the technology centered rules. It has early tech rules for guns and includes the Gunslinger Class. Also there are rules for similar black powder weapons like cannons, as well as other lower tech equipment. The next part of the book focuses on advanced technologies like lasers, robots, and other high tech. If there is room this book could also include additional rules relating to Constructs and rules for body modification technologies like demonic implants, elemental augmentations, fleshcrafting, magical implants, and necrografts. Included in this book is Ancestry rule for Androids, Wyrwoods, and a new Clockwork Ancestry found in Casmaron.

Underwater Adventures Book – This book is basically the core rule book for adventures set underwater. While prioritizing rules for adventuring underwater this book is tied closely to the Lost Omens setting squeezing in as much lore as possible. The book include rules for “core” underwater Ancestries/Heritages and also include information on Gods, Organizations, and Nations.

Darklands Adventure Book – This book is basically the core rule book for adventures set in the Darklands. While prioritizing rules for adventuring in the Darklands this book is tied closely to the Lost Omens setting squeezing in as much lore as possible. The book include rules for “core” Darklands Ancestries/Heritages and also include information on Gods, Organizations, and Nations.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So far for Elf Heritages we have:

Ancient Elf
Arctic Elf
Cavern Elf
Desert Elf
Seer Elf
Whisper Elf
Wood Elf

For all of these I get where the Heritage comes from and the Elven Ancestries where the heritages commonly appear. Except I am confused on Cavern Elf Heritage.
Is there a non-Drow Elf Ancestry that we haven't met yet that live in caverns in the Dark Lands? Is there a group over cavern dwelling Elves that didn't follow the Drow down there demonic path. Or is there a group of cavern dwelling Elves that didn't make it all the way to Jinin and instead stopped along the way and started living under ground? Either of these would be awesome and I would be excited to meet these Cavern Elves.

Or am I making this to complicated and Cavern Elf is the Heritage representing Drow?

And while we are on the topic I suspect we will eventually get Heritages for Drow, Sea Elves, and probably a Fae Elf as there was a decent amount of supporting rules for Fae Elves in 1st Edition. Any other Elf Heritages we are missing?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would like to see a deeper discussion on the concept of Nature Spirits. With Leshies becoming an ancestry I think the time is ripe to explore what "Nature Spirits" are and the rules around interacting with them. "Nature Spirits" seems to be a catch all term and I think a deeper exploration of the concept would be great. Also, "Nature Spirits" would be a great way to have a group of monsters that are commonly incorporeal and are not undead. A few of the places we see Nature Spirits are listed below.

Leshies as monsters
Leshy as an ancestry
Nature Spirits as botanical haunts, see Pathfinder 144: Midwives to Death (love this article)
Loa Spirits, see River into Darkness (very brief description)
Witches and Shamans might use powerful Nature Spirits as Patrons
Summoners might be able to call a Nature Spirit as their Eidolon, but this is unclear
Druids, Rangers, Shifters, and nature themed versions of other classes may get there spells, powers, and abilities from inherent power of nature which may potentially be fueled by nature spirits.
Wendo may also potentially be powerful nature spirits but this is unclear
Monsters - several monsters may be powerful nature spirits such as Animal Lords, Manitou, Lar, Bisha Ga Tsuku, etc.
Also how do things like kami and fey relate to nature spirits. In terms of Second Edition kami seem to have more of a Divine magic tradition with a trend towards Primal tradition concerns. Fey definitely have a Primal magic tradition but are not spirits of the Material Plane.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am really excited to see Creature Types and Subtypes now expressed as Traits. This is a much more flexible system, and I feel that it can more accurately reflect the aspects of a monster. For example we can now have a Creature with the Aberration and Fiend Triats to reflect the creature is both an outsider from the lower planes and an aberration. Granted there were ways to get around this before with the extraplanar subtype but that always felt awkward to me.

One thing I don't like is having Hazard Traits and Creature Traits squished together. I hope when the final books come out they separate the two. It's a small thing but having a block of Hazard Traits and a block of Creature Traits would makes things easier to put together.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This may be to reductive, but would it be reasonable to only have six Spell Lists.

How this would work is something like:

Arcane Spell List (Sorcerer and Wizard territory)
Divine Spell List (Cleric Territory)
Nature Spell List (Druid Territory)
Eldritch Spell List (Mix of Arcane and Nature Spell Lists)
Mystical Spell List (Mix of Divine and Nature Spell Lists)
Esoteric Spell List (Mix of Arcane and Divine Spell Lists)

All spells fall on one or multiple of these Spell Lists. If you have a partial caster like a Paladin then they would cast spells from the Divine Spell List up to level 5 spells. This way Spell Lists are not updated by Class, but instead by theme.

Later they could do something similar for a Psychic Spell List or Lists.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

What changes are people looking for in a Bestiary? What rule changes do you want or what things should go away?

My want:

Creature Type for creatures from the Shadow Plane. I have long thought that creatures from the Shadow Plane need their own creature type similar to how creatures from the First World have their own creature type (Fey). Creatures from the Shadow Plane should be heavily influenced by Negative Energy similar to how Fey are heavily influenced by Positive Energy. However, creatures from the Shadow Plane should not be Undead, they should bridge the gap between living creatures and undead creatures.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would like to see an Adventurers Guide in reverse where Paizo takes the Prestige Classes from the Core Rule Book and Advanced Player's Guide and expands them as organizations within the the Pathfinder Campaign Setting.

I want to know more about the Dragon Disciples, Shadowdancers, Horizon Walkers,Rage Prophets, Nature Wardens, Holy Vindicators, Arcane Archers, Loremasters, Eldritch Knights, and Mystic Thurges. Who are they, what are their goals, where do they come from, what are their beliefs, what is the structure of the organization? This would a great book.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have been attempting to put together a Bestiary of the Damned, essentially anything associated with the Lower Planes (Hell, Abaddon, Abyss) that Tabris would have included in the Book of the Damned. There are the 11 major Outsider groups and those are pretty easy to identify. Then there are creatures from the Lower Planes and creatures not from the Lower Planes but heavily associated with them that likely would have been included in the Book of the Damned. Some good examples are Tieflings and Urdefhan.

Limiting this specifically to Paizo IP what have I missed? And should I include creatures that appear in Paizo products but do not have proper Bestiary writes like Alu-Demons and Pit Hags? If you find something to add please include the source so I can copy it and add it into my book.

CR 2 Tripurasura
CR 5 Vayuphak
CR 7 Adhukait
CR 9 Upasunda
CR 11 Aghasura
CR 20 Asurendra

CR 2 Cacodaemon
CR 3 Lacridaemon
CR 4 Vulnudaemon
CR 5 Genthodaemon
CR 5 Venedaemon
CR 6 Ceustodaemon
CR 7 Elder Cordulegaster
CR 7 Nixudaemon
CR 7 Suspiridaemon
CR 8 Hydrodaemon
CR 9 Leukodaemon
CR 9 Sangudaemon
CR 10 Piscodaemon
CR 11 Erodaemon
CR 11 Meladaemon
CR 12 Derghodaemon
CR 13 Thanadaemon
CR 14 Acrididaemon
CR 14 Lapsudaemon
CR 14 Temerdaemon
CR 15 Crucidaemon
CR 16 Astradaemon
CR 17 Phasmadaemon
CR 18 Purrodaemon
CR 19 Obcisidaemon
CR 20 Olethrodaemon
Unique Daemons/Daemon Lords
CR 21 Zelishkar
CR 27 Trelmarixian
CR 28 Szuriel
CR 29 Apollyon
CR 30 Charon

CR 13 Tarry
CR 15 Stringy
CR 16 Slimy
CR 17 Gristly
CR 18 Shaggy

CR 2 Cambion
CR 2 Dretch
CR 2 Quasit
CR 3 Abrikandilu
CR 3 Vermlek
CR 4 Hala
CR 4 Schir
CR 4 Swaithe
CR 5 Andrazku
CR 5 Brimorak
CR 5 Thoxel
CR 6 Babau
CR 6 Incubus
CR 6 Yaenit
CR 7 Shadow Demon
CR 7 Succbus
CR 8 Nabasu
CR 9 Kithangian
CR 9 Vrock
CR 10 Derakni
CR 10 Kalavakus
CR 11 Gibrileth
CR 11 Hezrou
CR 11 Shachath
CR 12 Coloxus
CR 12 Omox
CR 13 Glabrezu
CR 13 Oolioddroo
CR 14 Nalfeshnee
CR 14 Painajai
CR 15 Seraptis
CR 15 Ulkreth
CR 16 Shemhazian
CR 16 Vilsteth
CR 17 Lilitu
CR 17 Marilith
CR 18 Katpaskir
CR 18 Vavakia
CR 19 Gallu
CR 19 Vrolikai
CR 20 Balor
Unique Demons/Demon Lords
CR 20 Moxix
CR 24 Nightripper
CR 25 Treerazer
CR 26 Kostchtchie
CR 27 Baphomet
CR 27 Xoveron
CR 28 Dagon
CR 28 Shax
CR 28 Sifkesh
CR 29 Deskari
CR 30 Nocticula
CR 30 Pazuzu

CR 1 Lemure (Putrid Devil)
CR 2 Imp (Servant Devil)
CR 3 Gaav (Lesser Host Devil)
CR 3 Zebub (Accuser Devil)
CR 4 Hesperian (Accomplice Devil)
CR 4 Magadaz (Gambling Devil)
CR 4 Ukobach (Tinder Devil)
CR 5 Barbazu (Bearded Devil)
CR 5 Mnemor
CR 5 Phiam (Curse Devil)
CR 6 Gidim, Lesser (Possession Devil)
CR 6 Magaav (Host Devil)
CR 7 Levaloch (Warmonger Devil)
CR 7 Patraavex (Sire Devil)
CR 7 Salikotal
CR 8 Ascensoriel
CR 8 Erinyes (Ash Wings Devil)
CR 8 Sarglagon (Drowning Devil)
CR 9 Chortov
CR 9 Osyluth (Bone Devil)
CR 10 Contract Devil
CR 10 Uniila (Cabal Devil)
CR 11 Hamatula (Barbed Devil)
CR 12 Ayngavhaul (Heresy Devil)
CR 12 Edavagor
CR 12 Ferrugon (Rust Devil)
CR 13 Gelugon (Ice Devil)
CR 14 Gylou (Handmaiden Devil)
CR 15 Gidim, Greater (Possession Devil)
CR 16 Bdellavritra (Belier Devil)
CR 16 Cornugon (Horned Devil)
CR 17 Deimavigga (Apostate Devil)
CR 18 Advodaza (Nemesis Devil)
CR 19 Puragaus (Immolation Devil)
CR 20 Pit Fiend
Unique Devils/Devil Lords
CR 15 Basileus, Herald
CR 25 Lorthact
CR 26 Barbatos
CR 27 Dispater
CR 27 Furcas
CR 28 Belial
CR 28 Mammon
CR 29 Geryon
CR 29 Moloch
CR 30 Baalzebul
CR 30 Mephistopheles

CR 2 Doru
CR 4 Aghash
CR 7 Pairaka
CR 8 Druj Nasu
CR 10 Ghawwas
CR 12 Shira
CR 14 Sepid
CR 20 Akvan
Unique Divs/Div Lords
CR 26 Ahriman

CR 2 Augur
CR 4 Lampadarius
CR 5 Ostiarius
CR 6 Kyton
CR 7 Apocrisiarius
CR 9 Cantor
CR 10 Sacristan
CR 12 Interlocutor
CR 16 Ephialtes
CR 17 Termagant
CR 20 Eremite
Unique Kytons/Kyton Lords
CR 15 The Pince in Chains, Herald

CR 2 Spirit Oni
CR 4 Kuwa
CR 5 Ja Noi
CR 5 Yamabushi Tengu
CR 7 Nogitsune
CR 8 Ogre Mage
CR 11 Atamahuta
CR 13 Earth Yai
CR 14 Ice Yai
CR 15 Fire Yai
CR 16 Wind Yai
CR 18 Water Yai
CR 20 Void Yai

CR 2 Cythnigot
CR 3 Hydraggon
CR 4 Thognorok
CR 7 Shoggti
CR 8 Utukku
CR 9 Gorgoros
CR 10 Nyogoth
CR 11 Gongorinan
CR 12 Chernobue
CR 13 Behimiron
CR 14 Augnagar
CR 16 Cataboligne
CR 18 Thulgant
CR 20 Iathavos
Unique Qlippoth/Qlippoth Lords
CR 21 Thuskchoon
CR 22 Chavazvug
CR 23 Oaur-Ooung
CR 25 Isph-Aun-Vuln

CR 2 Raktavarna
CR 5 Dandasuka
CR 6 Amanusya
CR 8 Marai
CR 10 Rakshasa
CR 12 Avatarana
CR 15 Tataka
CR 20 Maharaja

CR 2 Esipil
CR 6 Wihsaak
CR 7 Ichkoh
CR 9 Pakalchi
CR 10 Zohanil
CR 16 Qolok
CR 17 Ximtal
CR 20 Kimenhul

CR 1 Petitioner, Hunted
CR 4 Sarcovalt
CR 5 Nightmare
CR 7 Soul Eater
CR 8 Shaghal
CR 11 Cauchemar Nightmare
CR 17 Abaddon Gigas
CR 15 Gravedragger (Herald)
CR 15 Mother's Maw (Herald)
CR 25 Apocalypse Horse

CR -- Rift Dragon, Planar
CR 1 Petitioner, Larvae
CR 3 Howler
CR 3 Lamhigyn
CR 5 Vescavor Swarm
CR 6 Apocalypse Locust
CR 6 Grimslake
CR 7 Warmonger Wasp
CR 8 Chatterer Swarm (3.5)
CR 8 Peacock Spawn
CR 8 Urannag
CR 8 Warped One
CR 9 Fungus Queen
CR 9 Vescavor Queen
CR 10 Bebilith
CR 11 Retriever
CR 12 Baregara
CR 12 Demonic Mohrg
CR 13 Z’kaelii
CR 15 Riftcreeper
CR 15 Xacarba
CR 16 Abyss Gigas
CR 16 Labyrinth Minotaur
CR 22 Devastator
CR 22 Titan, Thanatotic
Template – Smolder Host of the Risen
CR 15 Emperor of Scales (Herald)
CR 15 Yethazmari, Herald

CR -- Infernal Dragon, Planar
CR 1 Petitioner, Damned
CR 2 Typhilipede
CR 3 Hell Hound
CR 3 Nightmare Bat (3.5)
CR 5 Achaierai
CR 6 Cerberi
CR 7 Hellcat
CR 8 Hellwasp Swarm
CR 9 Avernus Razorback
CR 9 Nessian Warhound
CR 12 Malbolgian Cerberi
CR 13 Ixion Worm
CR 15 Hell Gigas
CR 15 Great Elder Iuu (Herald)
CR 15 Kurshu the Undying (Herald)

Lower Planes (Any)
CR 2 Oneirogen
CR 2 Varqouille
CR 5 Shadow Mastiff
CR 6 Cordulegaster
CR 6 Dahzagan
CR 9 Night Hag
CR 11 Dorvae
CR 22 Titan, Fomorian
Template - Broken Soul
Fiendish - Simple Template
CR 25 Voice of the Damned

Legacy of the Damned (Descendants/Creations of Fiends)
CR 0.5 Tiefling
CR 1-2 Fiend-Bred Animals
CR 2 Cinder Wolf (3.5)
CR 2 Forlarren
CR 3 Urdefhan
CR 6 Slaugrak
CR 7 Ebon Acolytus
CR 9 Angazhani
CR 9 Heart Thief
CR 9 Herecite
CR 10 Garipan
CR 13 Abrakarn Viper
CR 13 Dwiergeth
CR 14 Kakuen-Taka
CR 15 Woundwyrm
CR 23 Charnel God
Template - Demonic Vermin
Template - Devilbound Creature
Template - Fiend-Infused Golem
Template - Half-Fiend
Template - Plagued Steed

Unsure Where to Place
CR 3 Yeth Hound (Abaddon?)
CR 4 Braghest (Considering the Goblin Hero Gods – Abyss or Hell?)
CR 5 Crepitus (3.5) (Asura Subtype did not exist when created, its flavor text and stats feel like Asura to me)
CR 6 Melfesh Monster (Abyss?)
CR 7 Greater Barghest (Considering the Goblins Hero Gods – Abyss or Hell?)
CR 8 Guiltgorger Giant (3.5)
CR 8 Sandpoint Devil (Abyss?)
CR 9 Bisha Ga Tsuku
CR 9 Ghalshoaton (3.5) (Div Subtype did not exist when created, its flavor text and stats feel like Div to me)
CR 11 Impundulu (Abaddon?)
CR 12 Aoandon
CR 13 Son of Perdition (3.5) (Daemon Subtype did not exist when created, its flavor text and stats feel like Daemon to me)
CR 18 Ammut (Hell?)
CR 24 Hekatonkheires

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So way back at the start of Pathfinder Society Organized Play there was a scenario called "Hands of the Muted God." This scenario essentially introduced a new or potentially new God to Pathfinder. However, since this scenario we haven't had any more information regarding the Muted God (that I am aware of).

Anyway, since the Muted God was originally introduced in Pathfinder Society Organized Play I thought it would be fun in future scenarios if the Muted God was explored a little more. Also, the Muted God has a very occult feel and the whole is or isn't the Muted God a real god or not would be a fun background mystery that could run throughout several scenarios and seasons. Everybody loves a mystery!

Think about it, you have a potential God of Silence who ascended through the Test of the Starstone, but with a god of absolute silence it would be difficult to connect with that god. Silencing the voice is fairly reasonable but what about silencing the senses, the mind, the body, eventually you could become completely undetectable, but at the same time you may end up losing your ability to interact with the world around you. Just an idea.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I love the products that Kobold Press puts out, especially their Pathfinder stuff and I always want more. So with that in mind I thought I would share my Wish List of new products I would like to see and encourage others to share theirs as well.

1. Pathfinder version of Tome of Beasts.

2. New Paths Compendium Expanded. I would love to see New Paths Compendium expanded to include the new classes that have been released by Kobold Press as well as the Alternate Classes from the Kobold Quarterly magazines. This would make a great Kick Starter and could really compile and expand the Kobold Press class content.

3. Book of Templates. On the Kobold Press website and in their books there are a bunch of templates that didn't appear in Tome of Beasts, it would be great to see a book templates or a Tome of Beasts 2 would be fantastic as well.

4. An equipment book compiling all the gear and magic items.

5. A sentient lands book or pdf exploring the idea of a sentient land like the Old Margreve, providing rules for such places, and providing details on other locations on Midgard.

I'll add more as I think of more.

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