Swamp Barracuda

Brinebeast's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber. 625 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Andoran is also due for a slight refocus now that the slave trade has largely collapsed across the Inner Sea Region. A big part of Andoran's identity was as anti-slavers. I am curious to see where they place their focus now.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Animal Lord

The Animal Lord Template showed up in 1E Bestiary 3. I recommend checking it out on Archives of Nethys. This Template is already set up perfectly to be a Mythic Destiny.
Also, the Awakened Animal, Beastkin, Werecreature Archetype,and Wild Mimic Archetype, do a great job of setting up a character to take on the Animal Lord Mythic Destiny. It's actually a little surprising this isn't a Mythic Destiny we got in War of Immortals.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Evan Tarlton wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:

The Front Matter and Back Matter of The Resurrection Flood has related lore, especially in regards to the Orc Pantheon.

I really wanna knooooow Orc Pantheon lore x'D
I will say this much... my beloved Dretha, it is still unclear what your fate may be.
I can very easily see Dretha fit and fare much better in the new pantheon than she did in the old one.
** spoiler omitted **

Oh my goodness, yes, I saw the back matter... but... but... it's still ambiguous right... right?

I may be in a little bit of denial. Divine Mysteries cannot come soon enough.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:

The Front Matter and Back Matter of The Resurrection Flood has related lore, especially in regards to the Orc Pantheon.

I really wanna knooooow Orc Pantheon lore x'D

I will say this much... my beloved Dretha, it is still unclear what your fate may be.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For those who might be looking for it, this is the first Quest Adventure published with the ORC License. I believe all Pathfinder lines are now under the ORC, Yay!!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't there minotaur warspawn going around in Isle of Kortos claiming to be Voradni Voon and recruiting harpies, minotaurs and etc?

Yes! I didn't mention it because I didn't want to spoiler to much.

My personal hope is that a new minotaur is claiming the mantle of Voradni Voon, but is an animist so it's legit. And that a remorseful Voon spirit is providing guidance to lead the minotaurs, centaurs, and harpies back through the Brazen Gate to establish their lost homeland on Casmaron.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Agreed! All the developments in Arcadia are super exciting!!! I can't help but feel that an Arcadia book is on the 2-3 year horizon.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


"Nightmares riddled with Star-Worm bile," - War of Immortals pg. 136

They mentioned the Star-Worm!!!! Oh snap, that is some cosmic horror goodness!!!!!!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

War of Immortals - Casmaron Recap

Keyword Searches: Casmaron

Divine beings supply their blood to Bloodragers in Casmaron for wars involving hidden threats. - War of Immortals page 60
Warriors of Legend have become more common across Golarion to include places like Casmaron. - War of Immortals pg. 66
Page 96-98 Casmaron subsection (So many goodies here!)
Outside of the Inner Sea, no place was as deeply affected by the Godsrain as Casmaron. - War of Immortals pg. 96
Without getting into much detail other major subsections include: Chaos in Kelesh, The Bride of Ydersius, Thunder on the Plains, Echoes of the Ancient Past, and Numbering the Anointed. - War of Immortals pg. 98-98. I will highlight one thing from each section.
Chaos in Kelesh - The rains of the Godsrain hit Kelesh on the eve of the Padishah Emperor’s centenary. (This gives us a pretty good idea of when the current Padishah Emperor took charge of the Empire).
The Bride of Ydersius - Hidden for 59 centuries, an ancient Aishmayar city was revealed when the Daszij Damworks broke causing devastation. But with the unusually preserved city revealed, the goddess Etaris, Bride of Ydersius was resurrected. (I need to know a lot more about Etaris and the city that was flooded).
Thunder on the Plains - The hilt of Gorum’s Sundered Sword fell on the Grass Sea and landed at the base of Conqueror’s Stand, an ancient crumbling statue of Voradni Voon. (Is a reborn Voradni Voon going to return to central Casmaron and establish a new minotaur kingdom? Yes please!)
Echoes of the Ancient Past - Lamentations is the name given to a phenomenon that occurs where thousands of spirits return to a site on the anniversary of the site's destruction. The astrologers of the city Na-Gursir see the increase and unpredictability of the Lamentations as a sign that the Pit of Gormuz will soon birth a new Spawn. (Wait, will we see another Spawn besides Verex That Was?)
Numbering the Anointed - Yaril, Prince of the Padishah Empire has been collecting individuals blessed with power by the Godsrain for “training”. (That doesn’t sound healthy.)
Namzaruum is prophesied to awaken and lead a new Azlanti Empire. - War of Immortals pg. 134

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, with the new standard that stand alone adventures will be larger hardback adventures, that bodes well for the eventual release of this adventure. Just food for thought.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, Paizo has often mentioned that they see their books as building blocks, with each new book helping to build towards a future release.

So with that in mind, did I hear correctly during the stream that we will be following the two new iconics as they travel to Southern Garund in the War of Immortals book? Now, if I heard that correctly, I understand that is not an announcement of a Southern Garund book, but oh the implications…

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aenigma wrote:
Not sure if I understood correctly. So qlippoth is purely the creation of Paizo, but shoggti, nyogoth, chernobue, and Shiggarreb cannot be used in Pathfinder Remaster? I didn't know they were created by Green Ronin because they appeared in First Edition Bestiary 2 and Book of the Damned. But if they were created for Pathfinder in the first place instead of D&D, perhaps they are still usable in Pathfinder Remaster?

Qlippoth is a real world term in the public domain and is therefore save to use by any publishing company.

The first appearance of shoggti, nyogoth, and chernobue was in a book produced by a gaming company called Green Ronin. Green Ronin published using the OGL License. Because Green Ronin used the OGL License, this allowed Paizo to use those 3 qlippoth in there books that were also published with the OGL License.

With Paizo moving to the ORC License, they are prohibited from using material from other companies that published using the OGL License. Which means Paizo is prohibited from using shoggti, nyogoth, and chernobue.

There is additional nuance, but hopefully this helps with understanding.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I wonder if the term "Ulat-Kini" will be decoupled from the Alghollthus and instead become the ancestral name of the Deep Ones. Considering the Deep Ones lack an ancestral name, and that the Ulat-Kini and Deeps Ones are already extremely close in theme and presentation I could see that as a possibility.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Aaron has been an absolute delight, best of luck on your future endeavors Aaron!!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Just close to two decades of print product containing a lot of examples in text that might be tricky to all track down. :-/

OH! This sounds like a fun research task! I will provide a full report when I am done.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My top guess is marked safe. So, I am going to go with Gorum as my next choice. I don't have a good reason for it though.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Saga Lands
Irrisen, Lands of the Linnorm Kings, New Thassilon, Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Varisia

1. In 2E Shoanti Totemism changed to being called Shoanti Animism.
2. Animist is a soon to be released class.
3. The Path of Aganhei is a direct route between the Saga Land and Tian Xia.
4. The Saga Lands have a minority population of Tians. Having the Tian peoples better described allows the minority populations in the Saga Lands to have appropriate background information.
5. Quest of the Frozen Flame Adventure Path fills in information on the Realm of the Mammoth Lords
6. Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path fills in current information for Sandpoint.
7. Mythic rules help to ensure accuracy for the mythic personalities in the region, such as Runelords and Baba Yaga.
8. Stasian Technology, Winter Touched Human Heritage, Viking Archetype, and the Linnorm dragons help prepare us for Irrisen and Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
9. The Stolen Fate Adventure Path and the Harrow Deck help prepare us for Varisia the nation and Varisians the people.
10. Many of the Fey elements are already available. And Howl of the Wild fills in the missing pieces for the Land of the Linnorm King’s Beastkin and Werecreature traditions.
11. The adventure Rusthenge gives us a 1st level adventure in the Sagalands that can serve as an introduction to the area.
12. The Saga Lands make for a great jumping off point into Arcadia since the two have direct ties.

I do hope we get a Character Guide though. I would have loved to have had a Character Guide of the Mwangi Expanse and the Impossible Lands.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you James for sharing your insights. They are always deeply appreciated.

And thank you everyone else for chiming in to share information. It is most helpful!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I couldn’t find if this is something that has been discussed or not, so if it has, please point me in the right direction. I am curious what will become of the six OGL Demon Lords. I could see some of them being killed off in the upcoming War of Immortals. This could also allow some Nascent Demon Lords to take over their realms and move up to full Demon Lord status. The six OGL Demon Lords include: Baphomet, Dagon, Jubilex, Kostchtchie, Orcus, and Pazuzu. My thoughts on potential outcomes are below.

Baphomet - As a Demon Lord it seems like Baphomet has already been on a different trajectory for a while. I could easily see that story progress with Baphomet abandoning the Outer Rifts altogether. Baphomet pulled the Ivory Labyrinth from Hell to the Outer Rifts, so I could easily see him packing up and moving his realm to the Maelstrom. Baphomet was never treated well by Lamashtu, and I am not sure he is particularly invested in the Outer Rifts. I could easily see Baphomet just being done with being a Demon Lord and being done with the Outer Rifts.
Now this is a little more out there, but I could see Baphomet joining the ranks of the Protean Lords. Labyrinths, mazes, and puzzles all seem like things proteans would be into. And as part of his apotheosis into a Protean Lord, I could see Baphomet’s star brand on his forehead turning into his Protean Crown.

Dagon - I could see Dagon easily going one of two directions. Golarion mythology indicates the Dagon was a Qlippoth Lord before turning into a Demon Lord. For me, Dagon never felt like his grasp on being a Demon Lord was particularly strong, so I could see him reverting to a Qlippoth Lord and using his Qlippoth name instead of his Demon name. Alternatively, the mythology could be incorrect and the extremely ancient Dagon was not a Qlippoth Lord at all, but instead was a Great Old One and has been playing Demon Lord for whatever reasons. The War of Immortals could be the impetus for Dagon to go back to proper Great Old One status.

Jubilex - For me, if Dagon felt like he didn’t have a firm grasp on being a Demon Lord, Jubilex’s Demon Lord status was hanging on by a thread. Jubilex also started off as a Qlippoth Lord and it would make so much sense for Jubilex to abandon the whole Demon Lord thing and revert to using their Qlippoth name and reinstating their Qlippoth Lord status.

Kostchtchie - I could absolutely see Kostchtchie getting taken out in the War of Immortals. Kostchtchie is pretty entrenched in the OGL so that is a problem. But, considering that Baba Yaga has been so over Kostchtchie for a while, the War of Immortals is the perfect opportunity for her to clean up that loose end. I am not suggesting that Baba Yaga would take Kostchtchie out herself, but I could see her arranging things so that he gets taken out.

Orcus - Orcus is an interesting case. Initially, Orcus was considered an obscure Demon Lord on Golarion, but as the editions progressed we saw Orcus utilized more. It could be that the War of Immortals sends Orcus back into obscurity. But, Orcus is also a good candidate to get knocked off. I can only imagine that Zura, Kabriri, and Urgathoa would all be delighted to grab a piece of his divine portfolio.

Pazuzu - Dead. He is sooooo dead. Lamashtu has had it out for Pazuzu ever since he betrayed her and left her for dead. Lamashtu has long been waiting for a convenient excuse to hunt down Pazuzu and eliminate him for good. The War of Immortals is the perfect opportunity, while the other powers of the Outer Rifts are distracted, Lamashtu can finally kill off Pazuzu without concern for consequences.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

While I don’t know that this is something we have been building towards, it occurs to me that with the development of Starfinder 2E, a Dark Tapestry and Dominion of the Black book for Pathfinder would be a great way to add some synergy between the two settings. The Dark Tapestry section would have all the cosmic horror/cthulhu mythos goodies. While the Dominion of the Black section would have alien space terror goodies. As a Pathfinder book it would be more closely themed towards the fantasy side of cosmic entities and alien visitations in the dark of night. But the book could point to Starfinder for those looking for stronger Science Fiction elements.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Random speculation but… there was that one comment about a God being torn apart. Well, what if a god dies, but the constituent parts of that god survives. There are two gods in the Core 20 that have very strong constituent parts.

Gozreh - Torn apart but the Winds and the Waves survive as separate entities. Ioz’om/Hyjarth as a sky deity and Tourithia as a sea deity. But for whatever reason I don’t feel like this is likely.

Norgorber - Torn apart but Reaper of Reputation, Father Skinsaw, Gray Master, and Blackfingers survive as separate entities. For whatever reason, I feel it is more likely that Norgorber is killed but his four personas survive as minor deities. And honestly, I think that would be kind of awesome.
Now, I do recognize that those who have theorized that Norgorber is really four halflings in a trenchcoat would have too much fun with this…

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In one of the recent live streams there was a random comment about monsters graduating into Monster Core to help fill in some of the gaps from the removal of OGL monsters. So for fun, I decided to gather up those 3.5 Pathfinder monsters that never graduated to 1E or 2E and provide my elevator pitch as to why they are ready to graduate into Monster Core 2 or Monster Core 3, if or when those books start development.

Sometimes, updated monsters can be hard to spot. So if anyone is aware of any of these monsters appearing in 1E or 2E please let me know. Also, is there something I missed, please let me know.

Are there any monsters from 3.5 Pathfinder, 1E Pathfinder, or 2E Pathfinder that you hope to see "graduate" into a Monster Core book?

Divs, before Pathfinder had Divs (Get of Iblis, Black Jinni, Ghalshoaton)

Name: Get of Iblis - CR 13
Types: aberration, aquatic

Elevator Pitch:
So, this monster definitely needs a new name. But, WOW, this monster hunts and destroys all types of elementals. This would make a terrifying Div. Its abilities are spot on, but it needs a new appearance and new lore. Also, hide your Geniekin Characters!!!

Name: Genie, Black Jinni - CR 12
Types: elemental, chaotic, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
This creature's lore is far more suggestive of this being a Div. And honestly, we need more Divs, so let’s pick this low hanging fruit! Also, to see the Black Jinni getting some tweaks and an update to fit better into the setting would be great.

Name: Ghalshoaton - CR 9
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar, lawful

Elevator Pitch:
Another great addition to the Divs, and the Ghalshoaton is basically already good to go. It needs a few minor lore tweaks, but that shouldn’t hold it back!

Aberrations, be afraid of the dark (Magga, Argorth, Snowdrifter, Emkrah, Black-Blooded Creatures).

Name: Mother of Oblivion, Magga - CR 15
Types: outsider, aquatic, native
Name: Mother of Oblivion, Argorth - CR 11
Types: aberration

Elevator Pitch:
Argorth are the spawn of Maggas. Maggas are also known as Mothers of Oblivion, and the Magga known as Black Magga is particularly infamous in Varisia. When a Magga spawns, one of its tentacles becomes independent and ravenous. The Magga must chew off this tentacle to release its spawn. Surprisingly, Mothers of Oblivion or Maggas, have never been released as their own monster. Instead we have only gotten Black Magga. We have a pretty interesting life cycle for the Magga and Argorth already developed, and it would be great to see them finally updated and presented together as a creature family.

Name: Snowdrifter - CR 4
Types: aberration, air, cold

Elevator Pitch:
Snowdrifters are terrifying and should also be called the Breath of Ithaqua. Cosmic horror snow monsters please!!!

Name: Spawn of Rovagug, Emkrah - CR 9
Types: aberration

Elevator Pitch:
To battle a Spawn of Rovagug is likely out of reach for most adventurers. However, these living eggs never hatch, but are still spawned from Rovagug. This allows Emkrah to be the perfect opportunity for adventurers to fight a Spawn of Rovagug. Also, the text indicates that there are also Emkrah that hatch but never develop into the mightiest Spawn of Rovagug, leaving the door open for Spawn of Rovagug in the level 10-19 range.

Name: Black-Blooded Creature - CR Varies
Types: template, aberration

Elevator Pitch:
Okay, so these are pretty specific to Orv, so maybe not the best option for a more general monster book. But when we do get around to visiting the Darklands, this living infection that takes over mind and body would be a great monster.

Native species, animals of Golarion (Dhabba, Sand Eel, Sikari Swarm, Crag Spider, Chariot Beetle).

Name: Dhabba - CR 1
Types: animal
Name: Eel, Sand - CR 5
Types: animal

Elevator Pitch:
Getting interesting and varied animals is always a plus. Especially when they are unique to a setting.

Name: Monkey, Sikari Macaque Swarm - CR 5
Types: animal, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
Sikari Rage is a disease that can either affect swarms, affect multiple individuals causing them to swarm, or both. Sikari Rage seems more like something that would work well with the Swarm and Troops creature categories. I don't think we have seen a swarm disease/troop disease before!.

Name: Spider, Crag Spider - CR 8
Types: vermin

Elevator Pitch:
This is a species of Giant Spider, and happens to be the first species of Giant Spider that Paizo made for Pathfinder. It would be great to see this updated.

Name: Beetle, Azlanti Chariot Beetle - CR 5
Types: vermin

Elevator Pitch:
This species of Giant Beetle is way overdue for graduation into a monster book. Flying beetle mounts with an ancient legacy from Azlant. Why were we getting the OGL slicer beetle when this was an option!

Constructed nightmares, don’t trust your senses (Granule Construct Swarm, Granule Construct Host, Tongue of Rebuke, Wings of Protection).

Name: Granule Construct Swarm - CR 6
Types: construct, swarm
Name: Granule Construct Host - CR Varies
Types: template, construct

Elevator Pitch:
Microscopic constructs that were potentially created on Azlant and that have a hive mind situation going on. That is already crazy awesome, but then some people also actively encourage a Granule Construct Swarm to inhabit their body so that they and the swarm can live in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship!!! This isn’t just a cool monster, this is a Creature Construct Archetype similar to Creature Undead Archetypes. Do you want your humanoid character to also gain the construct trait? Just become a host to a Granule Construct Swarm.

Name: Tongue of Rebuke - CR 9
Types: construct
Name: Wings of Protection - CR 8
Types: construct

Elevator Pitch:
So, both the Tongue of Rebuke and the Wings of Protection are pretty odd in terms of what we might typically think of for constructs. However, I don't think we have ever seen much in terms of what a Fey construct might look like. Looking at these creatures as fey constructs makes them very interesting and opens all kinds of possibilities.

Dragons of the burning desert (Gandareva Azi, Sruvara Azi, Zahhhak Azi).

Name: Azi, Gandareva - CR 16
Types: dragon, aquatic
Name: Azi, Sruvara - CR 15
Types: dragon
Name: Azi, Zahhak - CR 19
Types: dragon

Elevator Pitch:
Paizo has been hinting for a while that they plan to get back to the Azi. Lets pull that trigger already!!! I am looking forward to when that finally happens.

Once upon a time in the land of the First World (Frosty Chiseler, Miengu, Roseblood Sprite, Shadowy Lurker).

Name: Frosty Chiseler - CR 4
Types: fey, cold

Elevator Pitch:
This creature needs a new name. Otherwise, a fey creature that leaves frozen sculptures of flesh and viscera in boreal forests and on frozen tundras... this is a horror story and I need to know more!!!

Name: Miengu - CR 11
Types: fey, aquatic

Elevator Pitch:
This is an awesome creature, but if we are getting back to mythology, I am not certain this is a Fey Creature. I am surprised we didn’t see Miengu show up when we were visiting the Mwangi Expanse. But hopefully they will show up when we visit central/southern Garund, if not before.

Name: Sprite, Roseblood Sprite - CR 3
Types: fey

Elevator Pitch:
The lore for these sprites could use some updating, but otherwise these are a great addition to sprites. Why don’t we have sprites that turn into rose bushes yet?!?! And they work really, really well when connected with the Eldest, The Green Mother.

Name: Shadowy Lurker - CR 8
Types: undead, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Why are these Undead and not Fey? Long ago, a group of hubristic elven artists were tricked into going to the First World where they were corrupted into beings that can only appear in the Universe through fine art objects and are bound to an art object while manifested in the Universe. That's crazy awesome, and these should absolutely be fey and not undead!!!

A beast on the trail, a beast on your tail (Coeurl, Deep Crow, Buraq, Cinder Wolf, Darklands Sentinel, Ercinee, Hoary Muntjac).

Name: Coeurl - CR 8
Types: magical beast
Name: Deep Crow - CR 14
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
These are both used by permission only and cannot be updated without receiving permission.

Name: Buraq - CR 5
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
The Buraq, Shedu, and Lamassu are a ready made creature family, and with Paizo taking a closer look at mythology now is the perfect time to bring these three together.

Name: Cinder Wolf - CR 2
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
These fiery wolves add a nice twist to a standard wolf encounter. The only thing holding Cinder Wolves back is that, as far as we know, they are only found in and around the Cinderlands of the Storval Plateau.

Name: Darklands Sentinel - CR 2
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
Whose an adorable replacement for the blindheim, you're an adorable replacement for the blindheim!!! But you need a new name because Darklands Sentinel is not the best name for my cute darklands buddy.

Name: Ercinee - CR 4
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
Giant, glowing, magical, night bird. This bird is literally dripping alchemy and it's awesome! Also, its description mentions that it is also called an Alicanto, which I think was a typo, and that it meant to say the bigger, even more alchemical species is called an Alicanto.

Name: Hoary Muntjac - CR 3
Types: magical beast

Elevator Pitch:
This one is an interesting case. The Hoary Muntjac is essentially a magical arctic wolfdeer. The creature feels like it should be in a Peryton creature family. Even if the Peryton and Hoary Muntjac have different abilities, their goals and appearance are very similar. It probably should get a new name, something like Peryjac or Hoaryton would be a simple way to tie the two creatures together and to harken back to the original name of hoary muntjac.

Within the depths of the fiendish realms (Xenarth, Chatterer Swarm, Crepitus, Nightmare Bats, Son of Perdition).

Name: Xenarth - CR 10
Types: outsider, chaotic, demon, evil, native

Elevator Pitch:
The Xenarth demons have previously been overlooked, but it would be great to see them get additional consideration. While initially designed off the Bulette, they are true demons. It would be great to see them distanced from the Bulette so they stand on their own as gluttonous demons.

Name: Chatterer Swarm - CR 8
Types: outsider, chaotic, evil)

Elevator Pitch:
That the Chatterer Swarm has not yet been added to the Vescavor creature family is a missed opportunity. Whereas the weaker Vescavor Swarm attempts to devour objects, the more deadly Chatterer Swarm attempts to devour flesh. And of course both swarms are directed by a Vescavor Queen.

Name: Crepitus - CR 5
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar, lawful

Elevator Pitch:
Similar to the Divs, this is an Asura before Pathfinder had Asuras. We don’t have an Asura that represents the first Divine spell failure, and these could easily fill that role. Spells that fail against them are turned back against the caster. These make for great low level bosses and as support for more powerful Asura.

Name: Nightmare Bats - CR 3
Types: outsider, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
These are almost an interesting creature and could easily be made awesome. They desperately need to be renamed Hellbats. Also, they would make great hell mounts. Why don’t we have the option to ride vulture-bats from Hell!

Name: Son of Perdition - CR 13
Types: outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Demons are not usually the fiends people think of when possession is involved. However, these would make for perfect possession demons. And their lore already fits this perfectly. But, oh buddy, do they need a name update.

On distant planes they wander (Shadowgarm, Zhyen Genie, Hadhayosh, Achaekek the Mantis God).

Name: Shadowgarm - CR 2
Types: aberration, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
These are great low level shadow monsters from the Netherworld. Not sure they are aberrations though. Also, it is already baked into their lore that they "leak" into the Universe. This makes them really versatile, allowing them to show up almost anywhere.

Name: Genie, Zhyen - CR ½
Types: elemental, air, earth, fire, or water

Elevator Pitch:
Surprise! I think this has been updated as the Gennayn Genie. My only hesitation is that the Jocta was not mentioned, but maybe that will be explored later. Can anyone confirm if the Gennayn Genie is an updated Zhyen Genie?

Name: Hadhayosh - CR 18
Types: magical beast, fire

Elevator Pitch:
Giant fire/beast/elemental that roams the Plane of Fire... Yes Please!!! Also, add a large size version that is slightly less fiery that is a domestic breed found on Golarion. Are you thinking The Last Unicorn elemental fire bull, cause I am!

Name: Achaekek, the Mantis God - CR 30
Types: outsider, lawful, evil, extraplanar

Elevator Pitch:
Not sure this is appropriate for an update, unless as a very powerful Avatar.

Be you friend or be you foe (Wooden Protector, Unchosen Gnoll).[/b]

Name: Wooden Protector - CR 3
Types: plant

Elevator Pitch:
This would be a perfect lower level Arboreal. If you are looking for Arboreal Knights, look no further. Alternatively, if you stuck closer to their original lore, these are a very minor form of Greenman Leshy.

Name: Gnoll, Unchosen - CR 4
Types: humanoid, gnoll

Elevator Pitch:
The Unchosen brings some exciting options to the Kholo that can easily be supported by Ancestry Feats. Kholos who undergo the Ritual; Growing of the Third Eye, open their minds and bodies to experiences that are unique to Kholo. Kholo who undergo this Ritual could gain access to Ancestry Feats like: Foresighted, Deathwatch, Large Size. While followers of Lamashtu consider this ritual as a gift from their goddess and perform it on both willing and unwilling Kholo, the ritual is not unique to Lamashtu. In Katapesh an alchemical method of reproducing the effects of the ritual has been developed. However, unlike the ritual, which slowly transforms a Kholo over time, the alchemical method is instantaneous, shattering the mind of the recipient. This turns the Kholo into a vicious predator that can avoid danger and smell the life force of its prey. Not surprisingly, the servants of Lamashtu are distinctly interested in this alchemical transformation.

The dead have died, the dead will rise, the dead will come again (Bloodless Vessel, Bonestorm, Croaker, Edimmu, Fell Flotsam, Gutdragging Lurcher, Hungry Mist, Necropyre, Smoke Haunt, Sea-Sworn).

Name: Bloodless Vessel - CR 12
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
Bloodless are incredibly interesting and powerful undead. I am actually surprised Paizo hasn't done more with these. They do need their lore freshened up a bit, but that shouldn't hold them back. Also, they are a perfect fit for the new Spirit mechanics.

Name: Bonestorm - CR 8
Types: undead, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
On battlefields where mass casualties have occurred, the marrow and bones of the restless dead can stitch and fuse together. The lingering spirits, massing together in their shared trauma to animate the undead bone and marrow monstrosity. Often we see corpses fusing together to form collective undead, and this makes for a nice twist, focusing on the bones instead of flesh.

Name: Croaker - CR 5
Types: undead, incorporeal

Elevator Pitch:
Croakers are really interesting for undead. Croakers were pushing the boundaries of not so evil undead very early in Pathfinder. Croakers are undead that arise because in life they were individuals that were intentionally targeted by a corrupt justice system. Hung from the gallows for crimes that their persecutors knew they didn’t commit, Croakers arise to take vengeance on those who murdered them out of convenience rather than justice. Croakers are a great example of undead that should not have the Unholy Trait. And they are a perfect option for murder mysteries or crime solving adventures.

Name: Edimmu - CR 3
Types: undead, incorporeal
Name: Great Ghul - CR 5+

Elevator Pitch:
While we did get the Ghul in 2E we did not get the Great Ghul yet. While a Ghul is a basic undead genie, Great Ghuls retain more of their elemental nature. This allows the Ghul to be expanded into a creature family with each Great Ghul matching closer to the genie it spawned from.
The Edimmu gives us an incorporeal undead genie option. And we definitely need more undead genie options! The Edimmu could also easily be expanded into a creature family based on the different genie types. Because the Edimmu and Ghul are so different in form and abilities, between the two, we could easily have a robust group of undead genies.

Name: Fell Flotsam - CR 6
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
I kind of have a soft spot for these ooze-like undead. The Fell Flotsam is just waiting to be combined into a creature family with the Flotsam Terror, both of which are water based ooze like undead, but with very different abilities.

Name: Gutdragging Lurcher - CR 3
Types: undead

Elevator Pitch:
The name for these undead could be updated, but otherwise gut puppets! Why don't we see more gut puppet undead!!!

Name: Hungry Mist - CR 14
Types: undead, incorporeal, swarm

Elevator Pitch:
I don't know if Paizo even realizes they already have a replacement for the Caller in Darkness. Hungry mists are a perfectly terrifying medium to high level undead. And as a bonus, it already covers similar themes to the Caller in Darkness.

Name: Necropyre - CR Varies
Types: template, undead

Elevator Pitch:
Necropyre are very cool undead, but they are pretty specific in their origin and would be very rare outside of the adventure in which they appear.

Name: Smoke Haunt - CR 4
Types: undead, fire

Elevator Pitch:
Undead formed from those that died from exposure in the wilderness. These undead will hide in your campfire and pretend to warm you up while draining your life away. These undead are deceptively terrifying, and also the perfect random encounter for adventurers camping in the wilderness!

Name: Sea-Sworn - CR Varies
Types: template, undead

Elevator Pitch:
Okay, so this one is a bit specific to the Chelish Navy. But, cursed aquatic undead, created through a ritual, and bound in service to the Chelsh Navy! I need a High Seas adventure where a Chelish warship is deploying these undead with gruesome effectiveness.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Back Matter Hopes

In addition to getting the Remastered Red Mantis Assassin Archetype, I hope we will seen the return of some of the other Red Mantis options we had from 1E. I have collected many, if not all, of those game elements from 1E that explicitly have a Red Mantis Assassin association below. A few of the things listed below had already appeared in 2E such as the Red Mantis Archetype and the Sawtooth Sabre.

1E Red Mantis Prestige Classes and Archetypes
Red Mantis Prestige Class - Abilities/Feats: Sneak Attack, Sabre Fighting, Prayer Attack, Red Shroud, Summon Mantis, Resurrection Sense, Mantis Form, Blood Mantis Form, Fading, Mantis Doom, Death Mantis Form, Mantis Spellcasting
Notes: With the exception of “Mantis Doom”, which could possibly be a Focus Spell for Red Mantis Assassins, everything here is in the 2E Archetype.
Red Mantis Death Slayer Prestige Class - Abilities/Feats: Channel Energy, Channel Smite, Bonus Feat, Gravegaze, Favored Enemy, Swift Smite, Infuse Sabre, Deadly Conviction, Undead Bane, Aura of Life, Mantis Spellcasting
Notes: I would love to see this updated as a branch of the 2E Archetype. With Gravegaze, Infuse Sabre, Deadly Conviction, Undead Bane, and Aura of Life being feats specific to Red Mantis Death Slayers.
Red Mantis Zealot - Abilities/Feats: Mantis Sworn, Weapon & Armor Proficiency, Sneak Attack, Sacred Reflexes, Aspect of the Mantis
Notes: The feats Mantis Sworn, Sacred Reflexes, and Aspect of the Mantis would be great additions to the Red Mantis Archetype, especially more religion inclined characters.
Red Mantis Crimson Chymist - Abilities/Feats: Crimson Discoveries, Arms of Achaekek, Blood Sight, Improved Arms of Achaekek, Ingest Venom, Mantis Mutagen
Note: This would also make a great branch off of the main Red Mantis Archetype. All of the abilities make for fun feat options.

1E Red Mantis Feats and Traits
Red Mantis Collaborator, Cultist Lineage, Ilizmagorti Native, Red Mantis Bleeding, Object of Legend (Red Mantis Hit List), Shrewd Liaison

Magic Items and Weapons
Mantis Blade (Artifact), Serithtial (Artifact), Eye of the Mantis (Wondrous Item), Mask of the Mantis (Wondrous Item), Mantis Embrace (Wondrous Item), Red Stalker Armor (Magic Armor), Crimson Bluff (Magic Weapon), Sawtooth Sabre (Weapon)

Spells and Poisons
Mirror Mantis (Spell), Scarlet Vigi (Spell)l, Bone Flense (Spell), Breath of the Mantis God (Poison), Fool’s Leprosy (Poison), Dust of Eox (Poison), Tetrodotoxin (Poison)
Notes: Hopefully the spells will return as Focus Spells or spells that are eligible for the Red Mantis Spellbook.

Deity, NPCs, and Monsters
Achaekek (Deity), Red Mantis Assassin (NPC), Red Mantis Initiate (NPC), Tetrolimulus (Creature), Kaicharek (Creature), Ioun Golem (Creature)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Personally, I am struggling to understand the specific goals for The Story So Far.

For example, Half-Orc and Dromaar:

Is it appropriate to bring up that, in setting the ancestral name for Half-Orcs has always been known as Dromaar, even if in real life we have only recently been introduced to their ancestral name. As a result, in older Pathfinder gaming material, for the most part, anywhere the term Half-Orc is used, it can be replaced with Dromaar.

Is the above part of the goals for The Story So Far? Or am I missing the mark?
If I am not missing the mark, is the above considered too obvious to bring up?

My apologies for not getting the intent for The Story So Far, but I am happy to help if I can.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I thought it might be useful to include the conversation that lead to this thread. I like the idea of the community working together to help identify changes/updates/outcomes in the story so far.

The context for this thread and an indication of its goals are below:

James Jacobs wrote:
Garrett Guillotte wrote:

Gonna duck in here to lightly tap my "there should be an authoritative centralized official FAQ that covers a few wide-reaching major canon changes" drum again for those of us who can't, and others of us who don't know about, and the few of us who were completely either off-planet or buried underground for the last few years and couldn't, watch hour-long uncaptioned* Twitch streams that contain a few minutes of crucial context about very frequently asked-after major canon changes.

Just very lightly. A tiiiiny little bomp.

* YouTube link with robot captions available

Alas, that's a complicated and pretty much undoable ask for us at this time—the remaster wreaked havoc on our production schedule and we're still in the process of recovering and catching up to the normal flow of work, which doesn't really have much room for an official thing like this from the creative team even during standard times. :(

We're like sharks. If we stop swimming (working on creating the next products to be released) we sink and drown!

James Jacobs wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:

This community probably can help on that note.

Probably in the lost omens forum. I can start a thread asking the community what is the story so far for the setting?
And James can jump in to tell us we are all way off track lol.
This is precisely the type of thing that's a great community project. And I'm not really the one to jump in to tell you if you're off track anymore... that's a Luis Loza thing, since he's the creative director for the rules and lore. I'm just the creative director for adventures these days.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In the 1st Edition book "Aquatic Adventures" the Okaiyo Ocean is described as being difficult too cross as the central Okaiyo Ocean regularly experiences two different extremes. The winds can be so extreme that they can snap a ships mast or the doldrums occur where there is so little wind that a ship will sit unmoving for weeks or more than a month.

There is even a brief tale about a ship traveling between Arcadia and Tian Xia that got caught in the doldrums. After 18-19 days of being stuck unmoving in the ocean, one of the passengers went mad and started murdering everyone on board. Several people were murdered before the crew cut down the crazed passenger.

Interestingly, the passenger was traveling to study ruins in the Valashmai Jungle. Although not explicitly stated, this indicates that the passenger was traveling from Arcadia to Tian Xia.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This is fun to think about, what kind of names...

The Pale Sea
Inkkshade Ocean
Tar River

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Please keep a healthy balance of work, sanity, and health. I prefer the wonderful folks at Paizo not drown.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It was mentioned at some point (possibly a con panel) that Bestiary 2 & 3 are likely to get remastered but that the pace at which they would be focused on would be much slower.

So, there has been a tentative plan to remaster Bestiary 2 & 3. But no official plan has been announced. My guess is we might see a Monster Core 2 & 3 in 2025 and 2026.

Bestiary 2 will need quite a bit of remastering as there are several OGL monsters in there. Bestiary 3 is much lighter on OGL monsters so that one will hopefully be less work for the staff.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you for the kind words vestofholding! And thank you for running a search, the more searches the better!!!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Getting back to highlighting interesting lore bits about Casmaron.Touching upon Cosmic Horror themes:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited p. 44 - Summary: A large desert variety of purple worm is found in the deserts of Casmaron. In the central desert of Casmaron is a meteor impact crater forming a miles wide valley. Legends claim this meteorite brought with it the Star-Worm that then birthed the first purple worms on Golarion. Myths claim the Namzaruum the Sword and other heroes have encountered the Star-Worm, but the Star-Worm was never destroyed and is currently slumbering.

With the Remaster purple worms are out, cave worms are in but cave worms appear to originate in Orv. So what is the Star-Worm? Are its offspring death worms? Or are the worm creatures infesting the impact area something different?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For those who may want to know, my search content and procedures are as follows:

Content- I have every Pathfinder pdf except for Seasons 1 through 10 of Pathfinder Society 1st Edition. There may be a few obscure additional things out there, but if it is on the Paizo.com store, I most likely have it.

Procedure- All my pdfs live in my Google drive. Google drive will search in all pdfs up to a certain size. Any pdf that exceeds that size limit I have split to allow searching.

I highly support other folks doing searches. While I try to be thorough, there is always the potential for error on my part. Also, researching Golarion is fun, so absolutely do your own searches as well!

A big thank you to those who are searching and learning.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

To further investigate the question of who is in and who is out I have conducted the following actions:

1. I have gone through the 3.5 OGL/SRD and removed any monsters, as far as I can tell, that were never used by Paizo.

2. I have reviewed the OGL page in every Pathfinder Product published under the OGL that I own. I do not own most of the 1st Edition Pathfinder Society Scenarios, primarily Seasons 1-10.
As part of the review I identified any Tome of Horrors monsters listed on each OGL page and maintained a running total.

3. I have not reviewed those OGL products that have not been released at the time of this posting. This includes 2 products in the Adventure Path line, the remainder of 2E Pathfinder Society Season 5, and the remainder of 2E Pathfinder Society Season 5 Quests.

4. Below are the results. For those lines that included a number at the end, that number reflects the total number of times that monster appeared on an OGL page in a Pathfinder product. I did not attempt to tally the total number of products that each OGL/SRD monster was referenced in. That is even beyond my madness.

5. Each creature identifies if it is coming from the OGL/SRD or if it is coming from the Tome of Horrors. There are a small number of creatures coming from other listed sources. Not included are references to the Advanced Bestiary. I may include that information in another post.

6. The information below is listed as: Creature Name - Source - Tally if any.

A - Creatures:

Aboleth - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Abyssal Harvester - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Abyssal Larva - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Achaierai - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Adherer - D&D/TOH License - 3
Aerial Servant - D&D/TOH License - 4
Agathion, Avoral - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Agathion, Leonal - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Allip - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Amphisbaena - D&D/TOH License - 8
Angel, Astral Deva - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Angel, Monadic Deva - D&D/TOH License - 15
Angel, Movanic Deva - D&D/TOH License - 18
Angel, Planetar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Angel, Solar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Animal Lord - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Animal Lord, Cat Lord - D&D/TOH License - 4
Animated Object - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ankheg - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ant Lion - D&D/TOH License - 3
Ant, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ape - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ape, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Aranea - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Archon, Hound - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Archon, Lantern - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Archon, Trumpet - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ascomoid - D&D/TOH License - 9
Assassin Vine - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Athach - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Atomie - D&D/TOH License - 15
Aurumvorax - D&D/TOH License - 27
Axe Beak - D&D/TOH License - 17
Azata, Bralani - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Azata, Ghaele - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Azata, Lillend - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Azer - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

B - Creatures:

Babbler - D&D/TOH License - 1
Baboon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Baccae - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Badger - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Badger, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Baobhan Sith - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Barghest - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Barghest, Greater - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Basidirond - D&D/TOH License - 24
Basilisk - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bat - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bat Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bat, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bat, Doombat - D&D/TOH License - 1
Bat, Mobat - D&D/TOH License - 15
Bear, Black - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bear, Brown - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bear, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bear, Polar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bee, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Beetle, Slicer - D&D/TOH License - 5
Behir - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Belker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bison - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Blindheim - D&D/TOH License - 12
Blink Dog - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bloody Bones - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Boalisk - D&D/TOH License - 1
Boar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Boar, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bodak - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bombardier Beetle, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bonesnapper - D&D/TOH License - 1
Brain Mole - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Brass Man - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Brownie - D&D/TOH License - 15
Brykolakas - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Bugbear - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bulette - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Bunyip - D&D/TOH License - 16
Burning Dervish - 3PP TOH OGL - 2

C - Creatures:

Caller In Darkness - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Camel - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Carbuncle - D&D/TOH License - 9
Carrion Moth - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Caryatid Column - D&D/TOH License - 17
Cat - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Cave Creature - - 1
Cave Cricket - D&D/TOH License - 1
Cave Fisher - D&D/TOH License - 21
Cave Moray - D&D/TOH License - 2
Celestial Creature - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Centaur - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Centipede Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Centipede, Monstrous - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Chaos Beast - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Cheetah - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Chimera - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Choker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Church Grim - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Chuul - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Cloaker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Cockatrice - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Coffer Corpse - D&D/TOH License - 3
Corpse Orgy - 3PP TOH OGL - 5
Corpsespinner - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Corpsespun - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Couatl - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Crocodile - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Crocodile, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Crucifixion Spirit - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Crypt Thing - D&D/TOH License - 6
Crysmal - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Crystallis - 3PP TOH OGL - 1

D - Creatures:

Daemon, Charonadaemon - D&D/TOH License - 1
Daemon, Derghodaemon - D&D/TOH License - 21
Daemon, Guardian - D&D/TOH License - 27
Daemon, Hydrodaemon - D&D/TOH License - 23
Daemon, Piscodaemon - D&D/TOH License - 29
Daemon, The Oinodaemon - D&D/TOH License - 4
Dark Creeper - D&D/TOH License - 23
Dark Stalker - D&D/TOH License - 23
Darkmantle - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Darnoc - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Death Dog - D&D/TOH License - 3
Death Worm - 3PP TOH OGL - 18
Debased Fey - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Decapus - D&D/TOH License - 12
Deinonychus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Delver - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demodand - D&D/TOH License - 1
Demodand, Shaggy - D&D/TOH License - 5
Demodand, Slimy - D&D/TOH License - 7
Demodand, Tarry - D&D/TOH License - 9
Demon Lord, Baphomet - D&D/TOH License - 20
Demon Lord, Dagon - 3PP TOH OGL - 3
Demon Lord, Jubilex - D&D/TOH License - 18
Demon Lord, Kostchtchie - D&D/TOH License - 17
Demon Lord, Orcus - D&D/TOH License - 10
Demon Lord, Pazuzu - D&D/TOH License - 21
Demon, Alu-Demon - D&D/TOH License - 6
Demon, Babau - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Balban - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Demon, Balor - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Bebilith - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Dretch - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Gharros - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Demon, Glabrezu - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Hezrou - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Marilith - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Nabasu - D&D/TOH License - 37
Demon, Nalfeshnee - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Quasit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Retriever - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Shadow - D&D/TOH License - 37
Demon, Succubus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demon, Vrock - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Demonic Knight - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Derro - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Destrachan - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Barbed (Hamatula) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Bearded (Barbazu) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Bone (Osyluth) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Chain (Kyton) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Erinyes - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Flayer - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Devil, Hellcat (Bezekira) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Horned (Cornugon) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Ice (Gelugon) - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Imp - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Lemure - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devil, Nupperibo - D&D/TOH License - 1
Devil, Pit Fiend - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Devourer - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dire Corby - D&D/TOH License - 8
Dire Creature - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Dire Ghoul Wolf - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Disenchanter - D&D/TOH License - 2
Dog - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dog, Riding - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Donkey - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Doppelganger - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dracolisk - D&D/TOH License - 16
Dragon Horse - D&D/TOH License - 5
Dragon Turtle - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Chromatic - Black - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Chromatic - Blue - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Chromatic - Green - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Chromatic - Red - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Chromatic - White - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Faerie - D&D/TOH License - 18
Dragon, Metallic - Brass - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Metallic - Bronze - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Metallic - Copper - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Metallic - Gold - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragon, Metallic - Silver - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragonne - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dragonnel - D&D/TOH License - 1
Dream Spectre - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Drider - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dryad - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dust Digger - D&D/TOH License - 3
Dwarf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dwarf, Duergar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Dwarf, Psionic Duergar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

E - Creatures:

Eagle - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Eagle, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elasmosaurus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elemental Fiend, Airfiend - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Elemental Fiend, Firefiend - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Elemental, Air - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elemental, Earth - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elemental, Fire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elemental, Water - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elephant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elf, Aquatic - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elf, Drow - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Elf, Half-Elf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ettercap - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ettin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Executioner’s Hood - D&D/TOH License - 4
Eye Of The Deep - D&D/TOH License - 1

F - Creatures:

Fiendish Creature - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Fire Beetle, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Fire Nymph - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Fire Phantom - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Fire Snake - D&D/TOH License - 1
Flail Snail - D&D/TOH License - 3
Flind - D&D/TOH License - 4
Flindbar (Weapon) - D&D/TOH License - 2
Flumph - D&D/TOH License - 10
Foo Creature - D&D/TOH License - 8
Forester’s Bane - D&D/TOH License - 1
Forlarren - D&D/TOH License - 12
Formian, Myrmarch - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Formian, Queen - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Formian, Taskmaster - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Formian, Warrior - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Formian, Worker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Frog, Giant Abyssal Dire - D&D/TOH License - 1
Frog, Giant Dire - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Froghemoth - D&D/TOH License - 30
Frost Worm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Fungus, Shrieker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Fungus, Violet Fungus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

G - Creatures:

Gargoyle - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gargoyle, Four-Armed - D&D/TOH License - 2
Gargoyle, Kapoacinth - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Genie, Djinn Noble - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Genie, Djinni - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Genie, Efreeti - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Genie, Janni - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Genie, Marid - D&D/TOH License - 64
Ghost - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ghoul - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ghoul-Stirge - D&D/TOH License - 1
Ghoul, Cinder - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Ghoul, Ghast - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ghoul, Lacedon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant Dragonfly - D&D/TOH License - 2
Giant Leech - D&D/TOH License - 2
Giant Slug - D&D/TOH License - 12
Giant Tick - D&D/TOH License - 4
Giant, Bronze - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Giant, Cloud Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Fire Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Frost Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Frost Giant Jarl - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Hill Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Stone Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Stone Giant Elders - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Storm Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Giant, Wood - D&D/TOH License - 16
Gibbering Mouther - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Girallon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gloomwing - D&D/TOH License - 10
Gnoll - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gnome - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gnome, Svirfneblin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Goblin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gohl - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Golem, Adamantine Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Clay Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Flesh Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Furnace - 3PP TOH OGL - 3
Golem, Greater Stone Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Ice - 3PP TOH OGL - 16
Golem, Iron Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Mithral Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Mummy - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Golem, Rope - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Golem, Stone Golem - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Golem, Stone Guardian - D&D/TOH License - 2
Golem, Tallow - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Golem, Witch-Doll - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Golem, Wood - 3PP TOH OGL - 20
Gorgon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Gray Nisp - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Gray Render - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Great Sea Anemone - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Grick - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Griffon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Grimstalker - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Grippli - D&D/TOH License - 30
Gryph - D&D/TOH License - 8

H - Creatures:

Hag, Annis Hag - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hag, Green Hag - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hag, Night Hag - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hag, Sea Hag - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Half-Celestial - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Half-Dragon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Half-Fiend - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Halfling - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hangman Tree - D&D/TOH License - 13
Harpy - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Harpy, Harpy Archer - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hawk - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hazard, Ear Seeker - D&D/TOH License - 1
Hazard, Olive Slime - D&D/TOH License - 1
Hazard, Piercer - D&D/TOH License - 2
Hazard, Rot Grub - D&D/TOH License - 30
Hazard, Russet Mold - D&D/TOH License - 20
Hazard, Twilight Mushroom - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Hell Hound - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hell Hound, Nessian Warhound - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hellwasp Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hippocampus - D&D/TOH License - 14
Hippogriff - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hippopotamus - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Hoar Spirit - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Hoarfrost Spirit - - 1
Hobgoblin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Homunculus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Horse, Heavy - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Horse, Light - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Howler - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Huecuva - D&D/TOH License - 18
Hyaenodon - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Hydra - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hydra, Cryohydra - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hydra, Pyrohydra - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Hyena - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

I - Creatures:

Inevitable, Kolyarut - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Inevitable, Marut - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Inevitable, Zelekhut - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Intellect Devourer - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Invisible Stalker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Iron Cobra - D&D/TOH License - 15

J - Creatures:

Jackalwere - D&D/TOH License - 9

K - Creatures:

Kamadan - D&D/TOH License - 6
Kech - D&D/TOH License - 6
Kelpie - D&D/TOH License - 18
King Cobra - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Kobold - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Korred - D&D/TOH License - 15
Kraken - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Krenshar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

L - Creatures:

Lamia - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lammasu - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lammasu, Golden Protector - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Land Lamprey - D&D/TOH License - 1
Lantern Goat - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Lava Child - D&D/TOH License - 1
Leopard - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Leprechaun - D&D/TOH License - 10
Lesser Shadow - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Lich - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lich Shade - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Lich, Demilich - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lion - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lion, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lizard - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lizard, Monitor - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lizardfolk - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Locathah - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Locust Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lurker Above - D&D/TOH License - 7
Lycanthrope, Hill Giant Dire Wereboar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Werebear - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Wereboar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Wererat - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Weretiger - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Werewolf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Lord - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

M - Creatures:

Maenad - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Magmin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Manta Ray - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Manticore - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Medusa - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Megaraptor - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Air Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Dust Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Earth Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Fire Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Ice Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Magma Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Ooze Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Salt Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Steam Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mephit, Water Mephit - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mercane - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Merfolk - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mihstu - D&D/TOH License - 17
Mimic - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Minotaur - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mite - D&D/TOH License - 31
Mohrg - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mongrelman - D&D/TOH License - 20
Monkey - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Monstrous Crab - D&D/TOH License - 1
Moon Dog - D&D/TOH License - 2
Mu Spore - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Muckdweller - D&D/TOH License - 3
Mudman - D&D/TOH License - 1
Mule - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mummy - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mummy Of The Deep - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Mummy, Mummy Lord - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Mustard Jelly - D&D/TOH License - 1

N - Creatures:

Naga, Dark Naga - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Naga, Guardian Naga - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Naga, Spirit Naga - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Naga, Water Naga - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Necrophidius - D&D/TOH License - 14
Negative Energy Elemental - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Neh-Thalggu - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Neh-Thalggu, Brain Collector - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Neothelid - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nereid - 3PP TOH OGL - 25
Nightmare - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nightmare, Cauchemar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nightshade, Nightcrawler - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nightshade, Nightwalker - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nightshade, Nightwing - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Nymph - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

O - Creatures:

Octopus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Octopus, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ogre - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ogre, Merrow - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ogre, Ogre Barbarian - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ogre, Ogre Mage - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ooze, Black Pudding - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ooze, Crystal - D&D/TOH License - 2
Ooze, Elder Black Pudding - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ooze, Entropic - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Ooze, Gelatinous Cube - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ooze, Glacial - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Ooze, Gray Ooze - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Ooze, Magma - 3PP TOH OGL - 8
Ooze, Mercury - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Ooze, Ochre Jelly - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Orc - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Orc, Half-Orc - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Otyugh - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Owl - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Owl, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Owlbear - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

P - Creatures:

Pech - D&D/TOH License - 24
Pegasus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Phantasm - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Phantom Fungus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Phase Spider - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Phycomid - D&D/TOH License - 9
Piranha Swarm - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Pit Hag - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Planetouched, Aasimar - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Planetouched, Tiefling - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Poltergeist - D&D/TOH License - 20
Pony - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Pony, War - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Porpoise - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Praying Mantis, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Pseudodragon - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Purple Worm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Pyrolisk - D&D/TOH License - 1

Q - Creatures:

Quickling - D&D/TOH License - 25
Quickwood - D&D/TOH License - 15

R - Creatures:

Rakshasa - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rast - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rat - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rat Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rat, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Raven - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Raven Swarm - 3PP TOH OGL - 6
Rawbone - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Remorhaz - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rhinoceros - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Roc - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Roper - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Rust Monster - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

S - Creatures:

Sahuagin - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sahuagin, Malenti - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sahuagin, Mutants - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Salamander - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sand Kraken - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Sandling - D&D/TOH License - 1
Sandman - D&D/TOH License - 9
Satyr - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Scarecrow - D&D/TOH License - 11
Scorpion, Monstrous - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Scythe Tree - 3PP TOH OGL - 3
Sea Cat - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shadow - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shadow Mastiff - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shadow Rat - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Shadow Rat Swarm - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Shadow Rat, Dire - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Shadow, Greater Shadow - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shambling Mound - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shark - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shark, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shedu - D&D/TOH License - 2
Shield Guardian - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Shocker Lizard - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Skeleton - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Skeleton Warrior - D&D/TOH License - 2
Skulk - D&D/TOH License - 23
Skull Spider - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Skum - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Slime Crawler - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Slime Mold - 3PP TOH OGL - 8
Slithering Tracker - D&D/TOH License - 8
Snake, Constrictor - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Snake, Viper - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Solifugid - D&D/TOH License - 1
Soul Eater - D&D/TOH License - 11
Spectre - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sphinx, Androsphinx - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sphinx, Criosphinx - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sphinx, Gynosphinx - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Spider Eater - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Spider Swarm - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Spider, Monstrous - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Spriggan - D&D/TOH License - 19
Sprite, Grig - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sprite, Nixie - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Sprite, Pixie - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Squid - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Squid, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Stag Beetle, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Stegocentipede - D&D/TOH License - 1
Stirge - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Stone Maiden - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Stunjelly - D&D/TOH License - 1
Swarm, Adamantine Wasp - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Swarm, Warden Jack - 3PP TOH OGL - 1

T - Creatures:

Taer - D&D/TOH License - 1
Tarrasque - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Temporal Crawler - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Tendriculos - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Tenebrous Creature - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Tenebrous Worm - D&D/TOH License - 9
Tentamort - D&D/TOH License - 9
Thessalhydra - D&D/TOH License - 3
Thoqqua - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Thorny - D&D/TOH License - 2
Thought Eater - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Tiger - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Tiger, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Time Flayer - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Toad - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Tojanida - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Tombstone Fairy - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Trapper - D&D/TOH License - 7
Treant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Treant, Lightning - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Treant, Treant Elder - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Triceratops - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Triton - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Troglodyte - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Troll - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Troll, Ice - D&D/TOH License - 19
Troll, Rock - 3PP TOH OGL - 14
Troll, Scrag - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Troll, Troll Hunter - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Troll, Two-Headed - D&D/TOH License - 4
Tyrannosaurus - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

U - Creatures:

Undead Lord - 3PP TOH OGL - 2
Unicorn - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Unicorn, Celestial Charger - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Unknown? - - 3

V - Creatures:

Vampire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Vampire, Vampire Spawn - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Vargouille - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Vegepygmy - D&D/TOH License - 40
Vilstrak - D&D/TOH License - 1

W - Creatures:

Warhorse, Heavy - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Warhorse, Light - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wasp, Giant - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Weasel - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Weasel, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Whale, Baleen - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Whale, Cachalot - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Whale, Orca - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
White Pudding - D&D/TOH License - 2
Wight - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wight, Winterwight - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Will-O’-Wisp - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Willow Dusk - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Witch Tree - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Wolf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing - D&D/TOH License - 6
Wolf, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wolverine - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wolverine, Dire - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Worg - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Worg, Winter Wolf - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Worm That Walks - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wraith - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wraith, Dread Wraith - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Wyvern - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

X - Creatures:

Xill - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Xorn - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

Y - Creatures:

Yellow Musk Creeper - D&D/TOH License - 21
Yellow Musk Zombie - D&D/TOH License - 16
Yeth Hound - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Yeti - D&D/TOH License - 25
Yrthak - 3.5 OGL/SRD -

Z - Creatures:

Zombie - 3.5 OGL/SRD -
Zombie, Brine - 3PP TOH OGL - 1
Zombie, Juju - D&D/TOH License - 35

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
It would, at the present moment, be particularly helpful to find more obscure tidbits about Iblydos.

Everything I could find on Iblydos


Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 20 - Key Information
By the Year 23 AR the Minotaur Warlord named Voradni Voon had enacted the first siege of Absalon
Prior to the first siege of Absalom Voradni Voon had conquered a large portion of central Casmaron. This included conquering older and better established kingdoms. These kingdoms are not identified.
During Voradni Voon’s conquests, he directed his centaur forces to perform a highly destructive ritual. This ritual is responsible for leveling 3 cities. These cities are not identified. Presumably, this centaur ritual was performed at 3 different times, with each time destroying a city that was especially problematic.
Voradni Voon brought his forces to Absalom via the Brazen Gate. Where did the Brazen Gate come from? Why did it connect to Iblydos?
Voradni Voon’s forces included a large number of Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Harpies. This suggests that these peoples have large populations in central Casmaron.
Was Voradni Voon a Hero-God?
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 119 - Summary
The Taurean Embassy was built in a similar architectural style that is often seen in Iblydos.

Distant Shores p. 2 - Key Information
The city states of Iblydos are a stopping point for ships traveling from Qadira to Vudra.
Aelyosos is the first major port available for eastbound ships, and is famous for its beauty.
Iblydos is home to Cyclopean seers, and is thought to be the birthplace of many types of creatures.
Distant Shores p. 4 - Key Information
Although many ships sail through the Iblydos Archipelago, few ships ever reach the archipelago’s interior.
Iblydos is home to one of the oldest living civilizations and was formed from a partnership between cyclopes and humans.
Merfolk conduct trade in Aelyosos at night when it’s lowest districts flood.
Distant Shores p. 5-13 - Key Information
All of this information is relevant, but I will attempt to call out some specifics below.
Aelyosos is the westernmost noteworthy port of the archipelago.
Aelyosos once had a sister city. This city was destroyed approximately a century ago by a thalassic behemoth. This lost city is now used by Sahuagin to conduct raids against Aelyosos. This sister city was named Liachora.
Two Hero-Gods help to oversee Aelyosos, Kelksiomides and Psomeira.
Aelyosos is located on the Island Lalisri.
Liachora and Aelyosos were the two principle cities of the nation Pol-Liachora.
Pol-Liachora is considered one of the nine great historical city states of Iblydos.
10 Hero-Gods died in battle with the thalassic behemoth the destroyed Liachora.
Diaphorea and Aelyake, early/founding Hero-Gods of Pol-Liachora
Presumably Diaphorea was the patron of Liachora and Aelyake was the patron of Aelyosos.
Pol-Ptirmeios and Pol-Sylirica are two city states, Pol-Liachora is allied with the former and defensive against the latter.
Hoimpeia is a Iblyadan city that Aelyosos competes with for ship trade.
Dhuraxilis is an Iblyadan city known for its beast-blooded citizens.
There are ruins of interest on the border between Pol-Liachora and Pol-Sylirica.
Yxinche was Cyclops town near Aelyosos that fell into the ocean. It is now occupied by merfolk.
Thonis is another of the lost Hero-Gods.
Zdokirae was one of the 10 Hero-Gods lost in the battle with the thalassic behemoth.
Pol-Ptirmeios is the city state where the Hero-God Kelksiomides was born. And his hometown was destroyed by raiders. This town is unnamed.
Kelksiomides came to Aelyosos after the loss of its sister city Liachora.
Spalkis is a Hero-God that died of old age, and was a rival to Psomeira.

Heroes of Golarion p. 2 - Key Information
Iblydos is on Casmaron.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14-17 - Key Information
All of this is relevant, but I have called out a few specifics below.
Iblydan witches learn hexes that are not well known elsewhere.
Some Iblydans may have a touch of medusa lineage in their bloodline, either from direct inheritance or from exposure to medusa magic.
For some Iblydans who are attuned to the spirits of fallen Hero-Gods, they may become conduits for the spirits of fallen Hero-Gods.

190. The Choosing p. 2 - Summary
Mythspeaking was deeply affected around the same time Aroden died.

Merchants Manifest p. 6 - Summary
This entire page is relevant and discuss some of the local fauna and trade goods found in and around Aelyosos.
Giant bee honey is harvested in the foothills of Pol-Ptirmeios.

Impossible Lands p. 14 - Summary
Iblydos trades with Quantium.

Lost Omens World Guide p. 7 - Summary
Iblydos is know for trading, legends, and cyclopes.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 9 - Summary
Iblydos is a major stopping point for travel and trade between Vudra and Garund.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 14 - Summary
Voradni Voon built the Brazen Gate.

Inner Sea World Guide p. 204 - Summary
Iblydos is a nation of islands.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 252 - Summary
Traveling trade routes to Iblydos is considered worth the risk.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 304 - Summary
Centaurs are thought to originate from Iblydos.

Bestiary 1 (2E) p. 68 - Summary
Cyclopes live in Iblydos.

Book of the Dead p. 107 - Summary
Grappling Spirits are more common in Iblydos.

Giants Revisited p. 11 - Summary
Mystery cults that practice “Adoration of the Eye” idolize Great Cyclopes. In Iblydos, even some cyclopes join these mystery cults.
Giants Revisited p. 13 - Summary
Long ago the cyclopes of Iblydos held more diverse territory.

Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 16 - Summary
The enlightened cyclopes of Iblydos are sometimes encountered traveling with their followers and servants.
Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 17 - Summary
A cyclops leader is often known as a “Grand-Eye” and they are often lorekeepers. Many “Grand-Eyes” come from Iblydos.
Inner Sea Monster Codex p. 40 - Summary
Minotaurs originate from Iblydos.

143. Borne by the Sun’s Grace p. 9 - Summary
After Xopatl established itself as an independent nation, they sent combatants to learn different wrestling techniques from the Hero-Gods of Iblydos.

144. Midwives to Death p. 49 - Summary
The medusa named Aeonte originates from Iblydos and is a direct descendant of one of the original medusas.
144. Midwives to Death p. 74-75 - Key Information
This is an article about Iblydan Hero-Gods, this entire article is relevant.
Brief information is provided for the following Hero-Gods: Aerekostes, Drokalion, Pharimia, and Upion & Warrik.
Larger writes are included for Chinostes, Iapholi, and Ongalte.
Reanpharos is the city where the Hero-God Chinostes originates.
Iapholi is thought to be the reincarnated Ekriathae. The mystery cult of Ekrian Revival believes that Ekriathae has reincarnated as six different Hero-Gods over the centuries, with Iapholi being the most recent.
Iapholi is a patron Hero-God of the city Dhuraxilis.
Ongalte is a cyclopes Hero-God of deicide and has killed three Hero-Gods thus far. Ongalte is originally from Hoimpeia.
Ongalte used her mythspeaking abilities to uplift Ytildos as her liutenent and planned to murder him last.
Ytildos defected and is now independent of Ongalte.

Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 8 - Summary
Chimeras originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 26 - Summary
Harpies originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 31 - Summary
Hydras are commonly depicted on Iblydan pottery.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 44 - Summary
Medusas originate from Iblydos.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 56 - Summary
The Sphinxes of Ancient Osirion worked closely with scholars from Ancient Iblydos.

Lost Treasures p. 28-29 - Summary
The Feathered Galley of Ataylos is a legendary merchant ship operated by the equally legendary merchant Ataylos. Hailing from Iblydos, the Feathered Galley of Ataylos and its crew were eventually lost as they attempted to fly the ship over an island to escape pirates and dragons.

94. Tomb of the Giant Queen p. 73 - Summary
While many cyclopes are content with their current society in Iblydos, some have left Iblydos to join the prophetic order known as The Resurgents. The Resurgents were first established in Iblydos, but the majority left to follow their leader to Iobaria.

Mythic Origins p. 23 - Summary
Iblydos is known to have mighty champions.

Lost Kingdoms p. 26 - Summary
Cyclopes first came to Iblydos as expatriates of Ghol-Gan.

167. Ready, Fight p. 16 - Summary
Hao Jin stole an indestructible shield that was created by a Centaur Hero-God. Hao Jin was unable to slay the villainous Hero-God, and the Hero-God seeks to reclaim the shield. It is unclear how long ago this occurred and if the Centaur Hero-God is still alive.

77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 70 - Summary
Baphomet was born in Iblydos.
77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 72 - Summary
Baphomet’s followers can be found in Iblydos, the land of his birth.
77. Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth p. 90-91 - Summary
The first minotaurs on Golarion appeared in mazes beneath Iblydos.

33. The Varnhold Vanishing p. 55 - Summary
Iblydan scholars call the ancient Cyclops empire of northern Casmaron, Koloran.
33. The Varnhold Vanishing p. 85 - Summary
Cyclops mystery cults can be found in Iblydos.

58. Island of Empty Eyes p. 69 - Summary
Some Cyclopes left Ghol-Gan, eventually settling in Iblydos.
58. Island of Empty Eyes p. 70 - Summary
Cyclopes found in Iblydos have little variation from those found in the areas of the former empires of Ghol-Gan and Koloran.

185. A Taste of Ashes p. 66 - Summary
Iblydos’ cities provide ports that offer trade, supplies, and safety for sea traveling merchants.

Dark Archive p. 51 - Summary
The name of a casefile stolen from the Dark Archive is “The Verdure of Iblydos”.
Dark Archive p. 75 - Summary
There is a secret society in Iblydos that requires members to provide their true name written in blood.
Dark Archive p. 138 - Summary
Shrines for the mystery cult The Sacred Truth of Love Above All have been found in the mountains of Iblydos.
Dark Archive p. 139 - Summary
Brief discussion on the cults of the Hero-Gods of Iblydos and the Isle of Thrasea, which is home to cyclopes that worship the ancient pantheon of Ghol-Gan. In particular, this includes two bonded ocean gods.
Dark Archive p. 145 - Summary
The Bacchanalia Ritual was first developed by the cult of the Hero-God Kelksiomides.
Dark Archive p. 148-153 - Summary
This adventure relates to the Dark Archive casefile The Verdure of Iblydos.
Ludovica is a Cyclops Hero-God, but she is illusive and withdrawn compared to other Hero-Gods.

Named City-State Nations:
Note: City-State Nations typically include at least one major city that serves as a capital but may include additional cities and towns.

Named Cities:
Aelyosos, Dhuraxilis, Hoimpeia, Reanpharos
Note: Presumably there is a city named Sylirica and a city named Ptirmeios.

Named Ruins:
Liachora, Yxinche

Named Islands of Iblydos:
Isle of Thrasea
Island of Verdure

Named Hero-Gods:
Kelksiomides - Living.
Psomeira - Living.
Diaphorea - Presumably Deceased
Aelyake - Presumably Deceased
Thonis - Deceased, cause of death not explicitly stated.
Zdokirae - Deceased, died in battle with thalassic behemoth.
Spalkis - Deceased, died of old age.
Aerekostes - Living
Ximakter - Possibly trapped. It is unclear if Ximakter was trapped in his own weapon becoming Aerekostes, see above, or if something else has happened to Ximakter and Aerekostes arose independently.
Drokalion - Living.
Pharimia - Living.
Upion & Warrik - Living. Upion & Warrik are a joint Hero-God and only gain Hero-God status when together.
Chinostes - Undead
Ekriathae - Deceased, died of old age.
Iapholi - Living.
Ongalte - Living.
Ytildos - Living.
Ludovica - Living.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks Erik! It was a lot of fun and I still have some obscure sources from the list to highlight. I hope to highlight more after the holidays.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Tabsagal feels like a legendary adventuring location largely forgotten by pathfinder despite it being one of most commonly referred dungeons in casmaron huh ._.

Yeah, it's got a really crazy history! But if we start to get a closer look at Casmaron, maybe we'll get an Emerald Spire size adventure set there. One can certainly dream!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


This one is a wild ride, but I love it. Tabsagal was a combination of a temple city, treasure vault, and noble retreat for the nobility of Ninshabur. From the various sources listed below we can extrapolate that Tabsagal was a place of worship that was reserved for the nobility of Ninshabur, with numerous religions being represented. Religious representation ranged from shrines to entire temple complexes. The clerics also appear to have served double duty as both guardians of the artifacts and treasures stored at Tabsagal, as well as tending to the religious needs of nobility.
Of all the temples that were once active in Tabsagal, all are inactive with the exception of the Temple of the Naga Prince. We know very little about the Naga Prince, other than that he is a deity that was worshiped in Ninshabur, he is a deity of domination, strength, and wealth, and that his cult is still active in Tabsagal area. We can guess that the Naga Prince is likely a naga deity and is commonly worshiped by naga. This would bring the known naga deities up to three; Ravithra Mother of Nagas, Nalinivati Queen of Nagas, and the Naga Prince who is as yet unnamed.
When the Armageddon Engine attacked Ninshabur the situation in the empire became dire. The Armageddon Engine not only attacked the cities and towns of Ninshabur, but each attack was disturbingly thorough with the Spawn of Rovagug tracking and killing small groups or single individuals that escaped each location it destroyed. As Ninshabur’s fight against the Armageddon Engine continued the decision was made to send the noble class’s children and elderly to Tabsagal for safety. Some of these children and elderly were put in the care of a noble named Raamnaba, who was to escort them to Tabsagal. Instead, fearing for his safety, Raamnaba sacrificed the children and elderly in his charge to infernal powers to gain protection from the devastation of the Armageddon Engine.
As Ninshabur fell, those nobles who managed to reach Tabsagal, ordered their servants and guardians to kill any refugees spotted fleeing towards Tabsagal. With the Armageddon Engine tracking down killing any who escaped the destruction it inflicted, the nobles feared that refugees would lead the monster to Tabsagal. While this tactic appears to have worked and the Spawn never reached Tabsagal, those same nobles never left Tabsagal. Possibly out of fear, possibly out of divine punishment, but whatever the reason, the nobles hiding in Tabsagal slowly starved to death surrounded by the temples and treasures the empire reserved for its noble class.
In the Year 4328, Pathfinder Durvin Gest wrote about his exploration of Tabsagal in the sixth volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Tabsagal is one of the few locations where the Pathfinder Society has sent multiple research teams. Despite this, much of Tabsagal remains a mystery. Artifacts known to have been held or are currently held in Tabsagal include: The Scepter of Ages, Apollyon Ring, Naga Prince Diadem, Rod of the Serpent Tamer.

For details on Tabsagal see the following:
The Final Wish p. 48-55 - Summary: Article on the Spawn of Rovagug.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 203-206 - Summary: Article discussing Casmaron. Major subsections include: Padishah Empire of Kelesh, Windswept Wastes, Iobaria, Ninshabur, and Vudra.
Lost Treasures p. 8-9 - Summary: Tabsagal is a large temple complex that consists of both treasure vaults and temples of worship for various Vudran deities. Tabsagal was built by Ninshabur and served as a refuge during the destruction of the nation. Built on the western shore of the Castrovin Sea, the Pathfinder Society has sent expeditions to the region to learn more about Tabsagal’s origin and purpose. One building in the complex remains in use, the Shrine of the Naga Prince. The Naga Prince is a deity of domination, strength, and wealth. While the temple remains sealed, it is maintained by Rudrarameni, the cult’s head priestess.
Artifacts and Legends p. 10 - Summary: In Ninshabur, one of King Arecbezshari’s daughters met a mysterious priest in the city of Zarrataab. After meeting the priest Princess Iaresa was given a strange ring. Sometime after Iaresa’s death the ring was rediscovered and locked away in Tabsagal as a curious treasure.
Artifacts and Legends p. 42 - Summary: In the Year -919 Governor Haldazhai of the Azahoud Province of Ninshabur gifted the Scepter of Ages to his liege, after which the artifact was locked in Tabsagal. (Fun Note: At this time, the scepter initially appeared in the hands of a “strange, beetle-like semi-humanoid” could this be an early and possibly unintentional reference to the new Surkis ancestry in Howl of the Wild?)
Hell Unleashed p. 63 - Summary: Raamnaba was a noble in Ninshabur on Casmaron. During the attack of the Spawn of Rovagug that destroyed Ninshabur, Raamnaba was charged with escorting the ruling class’s children and elderly to the treasure-temple refuge of the nobility. (This is most likely Tabsagal) Raamnaba, instead panicked and sacrificed his charges to infernal powers in hopes of protection.
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 237 - Summary: The book “The Last God-Kings of Ninshabur” records the story of Tabsagal and is often consider a work of fiction in modern day Absalom.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My first highlight is coming from the Armor Master’s Handbook.

Armor Master’s Handbook p. 29 - Summary: Stone-Eater Armors originate from Casmaron and were found in a city destroyed by a powerful medusa.

This destroyed city was most likely in Iblydos, but this isn’t specifically stated. Based on the description of the armor having imagery of medusas and gorgons and that the armor directly opposes the abilities of those creatures, this city likely had it out for creatures that could turn other creatures to stone. And at some point they clearly messed with the wrong medusa. Looking at the types of medusa on Golarion we know there are Stheno, Medusa, Eygreas, and Euryale. Most likely it was a Euryale that destroyed this city, but she may have been aided by Medusas and Eygreases.
On a personal note, I kind of think it would be awesome, if this city has since become the home city of the Stheno and if this city played a role in the story of the creation of the Stheno. Given that as an ancestry the Stheno have only been around for just over a century and considering the very limited information we have on this city, there is the potential for some very interesting recent history here.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So I probably went a little overboard, but I decided to keyword search the term “Casmaron” across every Pathfinder source I have. Below are the results. For clarity, I did not include those references that include “Casmaron” as part of a Glossary & Index, and in no way is this a complete list, but it does cover a lot of sources. My biggest blind spot is first edition Pathfinder Society adventures as I only have a handful of those.

I also intend to make follow up posts highlighting some of the things that caught my attention, and may be an obscure or overlooked reference.

In no particular order...

Searching for Casmaron:

Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 23 - Summary: There are Garundi communities on the wide steppes of Casmaron.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 24 - Summary: The Diamond Sultanates of the Kelesh Empire cover vast areas of land east of Qadira and into central Casmaron. A love of horses, music, and learning is common across the Sultanates.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 24 - Summary: Some Kelshite names are influenced by cultures from Casmaron’s interior.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 167 - Summary: Sometimes, Rovagug stirs in their prison, releasing a Spawn of Rovagug.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 201 - Summary: The Pit of Gormuz opened in the Year -3923
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 240 - Summary: The North Track trade route connects to trading routes that run deep into Casmaron.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting p. 240 - Summary: The World’s Edge Mountains hinders much of Taldor’s overland trade with Casmaron.

Inner Sea World Guide
Inner Sea World Guide p. 15 - Summary: The Diamond Sultanates are to the East of the Inner Sea on Casmaron. Keleshite names are influenced by the cultures found on Casmaron.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 32 - Summary: Casmaron and Garund are separated by the Obari Ocean.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 34 - Summary: In the Year 3923 the Pit of Gormuz opens for the first time unleashing the spawn of Rovagug into Casmaron.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 150 - Summary: Adalan IV approved the conquest of Qadira.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 202 - Summary: Casmaron is a continent on Golarion.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 203-206 - Summary: Article discussing Casmaron. Major subsections include: Padishah Empire of Kelesh, Windswept Wastes, Iobaria, Ninshabur, and Vudra.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 210 - Summary: In northern Casmaron, Cyclopes once ruled a large expanse of territory.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 225 - When Rovagug stirs a Spawn of Rovagug may emerge from the Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron.
Inner Sea World Guide p. 252 - Summary: The Obari Crossing is a trade route that moves goods from Katapesh, Kelesh, Iblydos, and Vudra.

Lost Omens World Guide
Lost Omens World Guide p. 6 - Summary: In the Year 3923 the Pit of Gormuz opens for the first time unleashing the spawn of Rovagug into Casmaron.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 7 - Summary: Casmaron includes places such as the Castrovin Sea, Kelesh Empire, the Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra, Iblydos, Kaladay, the Grass Sea, and the ruins of nations like Iobaria and Ninshabur.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 14 - Summary: Voradni Voon, a minotaur warlord conquered central Casmaron, then attempted to take over Absalom.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 20 - Summary: The Scrape is the area where Voradni Voon’s forces from Casmaron were defeated on the Isle of Kortos.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 54 - Summary: Qadira is the gateway to Casmaron trade routes.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 57 - Summary: The Padishah Empire of Kelesh is in control of a large portion of Casmaron.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 74 - Summary: Jalmeray serves as a gateway to western Casmaron and especially Vudra.
Lost Omens World Guide p. 79 - Summary: Jalmeray exports the teachings of the Houses of Perfection to Casmaron.

Lost Omens Character Guide
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 5 - Summary: Humans have spread all over Golarion to include the southern reaches of Casmaron.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 6 - Summary: Keleshite culture originated on Casmaron.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 8 - Summary: At its peak the Taldor Empire included the western edge of Casmaron.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 9 - Summary: The Vudrani are a people from southeastern Casmaron.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 10 - Summary: Casmaron includes many additional human ethnicities rarely seen in the Inner Sea region.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 30 - Summary: Glimmer Gnomes are often found in locations that also hold major religious connections to include the lands around the Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron.
Lost Omens Character Guide p. 61 - Summary: Qadira is the gateway to Casmaron and ancestries such as Genekin, Kholo, Ysoki, and Vishkanya can be found here.

Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Core Rulebook p. 418 - Summary: Casmaron is Golarion’s largest continent and is east of Avistan and west of Tian Xia. The Castrovin Sea is a massive inland sea located in central Casmaron.

Pathfinder Quest #11. A Parchment Tree
Pathfinder Quest #11. A Parchment Tree p. 3 - Summary: Qadira is the gateway to the Padishah Empire of Kelesh in Casmaron.
Pathfinder Quest #11. A Parchment Tree p. 3 - Summary: The Pathfinder Society wants to set up a second lodge in Sedeq, Qadira as this will help the Society’s exploration into Casmaron.
Pathfinder Quest #11. A Parchment Tree p. 3 - Summary: Qadira is the major commerce hub moving goods between Avistand and the Kelshite Empire of Casmaron.
Pathfinder Quest #11. A Parchment Tree p. 5 - Summary: Xerbystes II, Satrap of Qadira has spent heavily on the upkeep and expansion of Qadira’s Capital of Katheer. Katheer hosts merchants from Casmaron.

Heroes of Golarion
Heroes of Golarion p. 2 - Summary: Casmaron is in the northern hemisphere and the largest continent on Golarion. Two of world’s largest empires are on Casmaron, the Kelesh Empire and Vudra Empire. The majority of the Kelesh Empire is on Casmaron, but extends into Avistan. Iblydos is also on Casmaron. Large populations of geniekin are found on Casmaron. The Vanara and Vishkanya ancestries are found on Casmaron, along with the Human ancestry ethnic groups of Casmar, Vudrani, Keleshite, and Iobarian.
Heroes of Golarion p. 3 - Summary: Garund is west of Casmaron.
Heroes of Golarion p. 3 - Summary: Tian Xia is east of Casmaron.
Heroes of Golarion p. 12-17 - Summary: Heroes of Casmaron Chapter. This chapter discusses various heroic options for people coming from or inspired by Casmaron.
Heroes of Golarion p. 12 - Summary: Northern Casmaron is cold with plague ravaged lands. Vudra is in southern Casmaron and has psychic colleges.
Heroes of Golarion p. 12 - Summary: In Vudra, Holy Beasts are individuals who take on the aspect of their deity’s sacred animal and seek to destroy rakshasas.
Heroes of Golarion p. 12-13 - Summary: The Plague Eaters of Iobaria commune with the spirits of those who died via plague. These spirits aid the Plague Eaters by protecting them from plagues and cleansing the land of disease.
Heroes of Golarion p. 13 - Summary: In Vudra, the peafowl is a popular choice for those who can alter their shape.
Heroes of Golarion p. 13 - Summary: Many ashrams and temples in Vudra teach self improvement through physical and mental discipline, and some even teach psychic techniques.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14 - Summary: Iblydos is an archipelago nation on Casmaron, with port cities that are popular stopping points on the Obari Crossing.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14 - Summary: The hero-gods of Iblydos are more apt to involve their oracles in their personal affairs, giving rise to god-meddled oracles.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14 - Summary: Kelksiomides is a hero-god from Pol-Ptirmeios, who was originally a vintner that was prophesied by cyclopes to suffer tragedy before his ascension.
Heroes of Golarion p. 14-15 - Summary: Psomeira was a captain in the Liachoran guard. Liachora was a city destroyed by the sea monster Ousmariku. Psomeira defeated Ousmariku during the destruction of Liachora, driving the beast back into the sea. Initially thought killed, Psomeira reappeared in the Aelyosos and assists in training the cities defenders should Ousmariku ever return.
Heroes of Golarion p. 15-16 - Summary: Iblydan witches are known for their powerful abilities and sometimes vengeful natures.
Heroes of Golarion p. 16-17 - Summary: Medusas are iconic creatures in the lore of Iblydos. Some people have bloodlines mixed with those of medusas.
Heroes of Golarion p. 17 - Summary: The Priest of the Fallen are Iblydan priests that open themselves to the spirits of fallen hero-gods. Priest of the Fallen become vessels for fallen hero-gods to once again enact their wills, if only briefly, upon the world.

Year of Shattered Sanctuaries #8: Foundation’s Price
Foundation’s Price p. 3 - Summary: As a gateway between Avaistan and Casmaron, Qadira holds mercantile and political influence. The Pathfinder Society hopes to establish a lodge in Sedeq to help serve as an access point into Casmaron.

Year of Shattered Sanctuaries #12: Fury’s Toll
Fury’s Toll p. 3 - Summary: As a gateway between Avaistan and Casmaron, Qadira holds mercantile and political influence. The Pathfinder Society hopes to establish a lodge in Sedeq to help serve as an access point into Casmaron.

Year of Shattered Sanctuaries #18. Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster
Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster p. 6 - Summary: The Spawn of Rovagug come from the Pit of Gormuz located in Casmaron.

Adventure Path #116. Fangs of War
Fangs of War p. 71 - Summary: The organization Blood’s Legacy seeks to unite Hobgoblins and other goblinoids across Golarion in an effort to create a globe spanning goblinoid empire. Blood’s Legacy has sent envoys to the Hobgoblins of western and southwestern Casmaron.

Travel Guide
Travel Guide p. 8 - Summary: Casmaron Unified Calendar is the calendar used by the Padishah Empire.
Travel Guide p. 35 - Summary: The Obari Crossing trade route links to trade routes in Casmaron.
Travel Guide p. 47 - Summary: With the establishment of New Thassilon and interest in ancient weaving and tailoring techniques is on the rise, to include techniques from Casmaron. A particular style of baggy trouser is common across much of Casmaron.
Travel Guide p. 71 - Summary: People of the Inner Sea generally know that Casmaron is where the Kelesh Empire and Vudra Empire is located. Many think Casmaron is a massive desert.

Qadira, Jewel of the East - Note: This entire book is pretty much relevant for gaining insight into Casmaron’s Kelesh Empire.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 5 - Summary: The Golden Path is a trade route that spans Casmaron with the western end located in Qadira.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 7 - Summary: In the Year 3923 the Pit of Gormuz opens for the first time unleashing the spawn of Rovagug into Casmaron.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 8 - Summary: In the Kelesh Empire, Qadira’s nickname is “Our Angry Daughter.” While none of the pre-Earthfall empires of Casmaron currently exist, Casmaron was not as deeply impacted as Avistan. In a pact made with Sarenrae, Kelesh emperors are not permitted to extend their life spans beyond 200 years.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 11 - Summary: Brevoy is especially familiar with the Kelesh Empire. Residents of Brevoy can typically recognize the differences between ethnic Keleshite and ethnic Qadiran peoples and are friendlier towards the former than the latter.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 16 - Summary: The College of the Green Dawn seeks to limit desertification in Casmaron.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 18 - Summary: Lugalisimaru is a pre-Keleshite deity from Casmaron and worshiped in Qadira bearing the title The Palm Tree King.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 18 - Summary: Oathos is a pre-Keleshite deity from Casmaron and worshiped in Qadira bearing the title of The Ever-Lost. Oathos was popular in the ancient empire of Khattib.
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 26-27 - Summary: The Keleshite ethnicity is a constructed ethnicity that is applied to the various peoples that make up the Keleshite Empire. Specific ethnicities within the Keleshite Empire include: Aishmayars, Althameri, Khattibi, Mideans, Susianams, Tzorehiyi. Smaller ethnic groups include the Amai Birtim, Beshzens, Garundi, Jalunahs, Karas, Mishyrians, Ninshaburians, Qalahs, Tians, Vudrani, and Yenchaburians. Some of these groups are native within the Empire and others are populations that come from outside the empire but have established
Qadira, Jewel of the East p. 30 - Summary: Some Keleshites long for a return to their roots as desert warriors.

Qadira, Gateway to the East - Note: This entire book is pretty much relevant for gaining insight into Casmaron’s Kelesh Empire.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 2 - Summary: Qadira sits between the Inner Sea and Casmaron.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 3 - Summary: Padishah Emperor Adalan IV approved the annexation of Qadira into the Empire with formal rule beginning in 43 AR. This also began a migration of Keleshites from Casmaron’s interior into the cities of Qadira.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 4 - Summary: After peace was established with Taldor, many of Qadira’s warriors were repurposed as guards for the roads and river trade routes leading into Casmaron.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 6 - Summary: Qadira is a hub for trade routes leading into and out of Casmaron’s interior.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 10 - Summary: Sedeq’s markets are extensive and offer wares that can only be found by traveling to Casmaron’s interior.
Qadira, Gateway to the East p. 17 - Summary: Katheer was already a city when conquered by the Padishah Empire, and now it’s ports are a major access point for goods to pass to or from Casmaron.

2E Bestiary
Bestiary p. 68 - Summary: The former cyclopes empire of Koloran was located in northwestern Casmaron.

2E Bestiary 3
Bestiary 3 p. 32 - Summary: Bison can be found in Casmaron on the Whistling Plains and the grassland of the nation of Karazh.
Bestiary 3 p. 43 - Summary: Two-humped camels are native to the dry steppes of Casmaron.
Bestiary 3 p. 45 - Summary: Treasures from the lost Cecaelia empire of Sihuw are known to wash upon the shores of Casmaron and Tian Xia.
Bestiary 3 p. 138 - Summary: Huldra are most often found in northern Avistan and northern Casmaron.
Bestiary 3 p. 146 - Summary: Giant kangaroos are known to live on northern Casmaron’s dry steppes.
Bestiary 3 p. 183 - Namorrodor are creatures native to the plane of shadow and are known across Golarion in places such as Casmaron’s Windswept Wastes.
Bestiary 3 p. 286 - Summary: Large populations of Vanara are found in the jungles of southeastern Casmaron in where the Vanara originate from.

Pathfinder Adventure Path#110: The Thrushmoor Terror
The Thrushmoor Terror p. 7 - Summary: Some rare texts claim that the stela found in Thrushmoor share similarities with the stela found southwestern Casmaron.
The Thrushmoor Terror p. 7 - Summary: Beings from stars may have built the stela in Thrushmoor.
The Thrushmoor Terror p. 41 - Summary: There are books with titles such as “Mystical Sites of Eastern Casmaron” or “Argument Against Reality.”
The Thrushmoor Terror p. 45 - Neruzavin is a lost city in Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #112: The Whisper Out of Time
The Whisper Out of Time p. 21 - Summary: Neruzavin is in the Parchlands in southwestern Casmaron.
The Whisper Out of Time p. 54 - Summary: A map shows the Parchlands as being located on the southwestern coast of Casmaron.
The Whisper Out of Time p. 72 - Summary: In a Vault Orv that lies below deserts southwestern Casmaron, the Yithians transported their city of Kothrekis. The Vault in which Kothrekis landed was initially teeming with life. However, the Yithian city disrupted the Vault’s ecosystem and the rich soil slowly turned into red sand. Strange winds eventually began to stir this Vault of red sand, slowly eroding Kothrekis and the sanity of any who dwell there.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #113: What Grows Within
What Grows Within p. 5 - Summary: Creatures from beyond the stars built an ancient and nameless city in southwestern Casmaron.
What Grows Within p. 13 - Summary: Neruzavin is a place in southwestern Casmaron. Many more details on Neruzavin are found in this adventure, but explore them only if you do not mind spoilers.
What Grows Within p. 14 - Summary: Aeptolinu once tried to guide the nascent civilizations of southwestern Casmaron.
What Grows Within p. 16 - Summary: Lamias from across Casmaron found Neruzavin aesthetically pleasing.
What Grows Within p. 50-51 - Summary: Peyhori-Han is a legendary figure that was legendary even in the time of Ninshabur.
What Grows Within p. 81 - Summary: The Parchlands are a desert region in Casmaron.

Blood of the Ancients
Blood of the Ancients p. 5 - Summary: Ninshabur was an aggressive empire that was wiped out by a Spawn of Rovagug.

Inner Sea Races
Inner Sea Races p. 6 - Summary: Geniekin, Humans, Vishkanyas, and Vanaras are common in Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 13 - Summary: In the Age of Destiny the Keleshites founded an advanced civilization.
Inner Sea Races p. 14 - Summary: The Osirian and Jistkan Empires sent people into Casmaron. Garundi settlements can be found on Casmaron dating back thousands of years.
Inner Sea Races p. 14 - Summary: The Keleshite Empire started establishing trade routes with Vudra and Tian Xia a few decades prior to Absalom being founded.
Inner Sea Races p. 14 - Summary: The strongest Keleshite influence on Avistan is in Osirion.
Inner Sea Races p. 15 - Summary: The Empire of Kelesh is currently one of the most powerful empires on Golarion and has played a role in the Inner Sea region for thousands of years.
Inner Sea Races p. 15 - Summary: Iobarians is a human ethnicity from Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 28 - Summary: The Padishah Empire connects the Inner Sea, Vudra, and Tian Xia through trade routes.
Inner Sea Races p. 31 - Summary: Keleshite is a collective term for people of the Padishah Empire. Qadira is a major hub for trade between continents.
Inner Sea Races p. 39 - Summary: The Bonuwat people of the Mwangi Expanse are expert sailors and can be found in trade ports on Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 49 - Summary: Through cultural exchange some deities are worshiped across several continents.
Inner Sea Races p. 51 - Summary: Tian Xia separated from the Inner Sea region by Casmaron and the Obari Ocean. Explorers use the trade routes established by the Keleshites but non-Keleshite merchants pay a hefty toll to move their goods.
Inner Sea Races p. 64-65 - Summary: Iobaria is on Casmaron and east of Brevoy. Iobarians are likely descended from a mix of Kellids, Taldans, Ulfens, Casmar people from the western edges of Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 93 - Summary: Visitors to Erages, Kyonin come as far away as Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 100 - Summary: Orcs on Garund and Casmaron have a less brutal legacy than those on Avistan.
Inner Sea Races p. 117 - Summary: Geniekin are more common on Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 130 - Summary: Geniekin are a sizable population on Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 133 - Summary: Genies dwell on Casmaron resulting in more Geniekin.
Inner Sea Races p. 134 - Summary: Sulis are common geniekin on Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 156 - Summary: Qlippoth-Spawn nephilim known as Motherless are more common in the wastelands of central Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 162 - Summary: Centaurs are thought to originate on Casmaron.
Inner Sea Races p. 181 - Summary: Ysoki and Kholo share territory on Casmaron with the Ysoki living below ground and the Kholo living above ground.
Inner Sea Races p. 181 - Summary: Ysoki are common in the deserts of Casmaron.

Absalom, City of Lost Omens
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 20 - Summary: Voradni Voon was a minotaur conqueror that conquered three kingdoms and leveled three cities in central Casmaron. Voradni’s armies included large numbers of minotaurs, centaurs, and harpies. Voradni attempted to conquer Absalom.
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 48 - Summary: The few elephants found in Absalom are mostly of the smaller species that originate in southern Casmaron.
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 49 - Summary: Ugvashi are a species of large, razor-plated, pangolins originating from Casmaron.
Absalom, City of Lost Omens p. 93 - Summary: Nearly all deities worshiped on Golarion have a temple or shrine in Absalom’s Ascendant Court District to include deities from remote regions such as central Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #67. The Snows of Summer
The Snows of Summer p. 5 - Summary: Iobaria is east of Avistan on the continent of Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #69. Maiden, Mother, Crone
Maiden, Mother, Crone p. 4 - Summary: Iobaria is located on Casmaron.
Maiden, Mother, Crone p. 81 - Summary: Warlord Dartrus Bengelion sought to establish a settlement east of the Dvezda Marches in the wild lands outside of Iobaria’s plague zones.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #118. Siege of Stone
Siege of Stone p. 75 - Summary: The Naga built one of Golarions first nation-states in Casmaron’s southwestern jungles in the lands now known as Vudra. They utilized the Vishkanyas, Grippili, and Catfolk or the region as labor and subjects.
Siege of Stone p. 78 - Summary: Naga are found on Casmaron and other continents.

Pathfinder Society Year 0 - 12. Stay of Execution
12. Stay of Execution p. 3 - The Whistling Plains are on the far side of the World’s Edge Mountains, connecting Taldor to Casmaron’s interior.

Heaven Unleashed
Heaven Unleashed p. 3 - Summary: Thelmescurio, a paladin of Sarenrae hunts Spawn of Rovagug in Casmaron’s interior expanses.

Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Taldor, Echoes of Glory p. 4 - Summary: Built 2000 years ago by Tian monks, the Monastery of the Seven Forms in the World’s Edge Mountain requires students to cross Casmaron to reach the monastery.
Taldor, Echoes of Glory p. 5 - Summary: Yanmass, Taldor is one of the cities that serves as Taldor’s gateway to the east with traveling merchants for all over Casmaron setting up in the city's markets.

Taldor, The First Empire
Taldor, The First Empire p. 7 - Summary: The Taldor Empire had an influence on parts of Casmaron and Garund.
Taldor, The First Empire p. 16-17 - Summary: In the town of Vigil’s Rest blue collar workers from Casmaron are all too commonly abducted by Lion Blades for interrogation. To what ends is unclear, even to many of the Lion Blades.
Taldor, The First Empire p. 17 - Summary: Yanmass is a gateway for trade with northern and central Casmaron.
Taldor, The First Empire p. 32 - Summary: Porthmos is a province in Taldor that borders Casmaron’s Whistling Plains. The Whistling plains are grasslands with little water or natural resources.
Taldor, The First Empire p. 38 - Summary: The Monastery of the Seven Forms in the World’s Edge Mountain requires students to cross Casmaron to reach the monastery. The Order of the Seven Forms is an organization in Taldor that has incorporated and mixed the Monastery’s teachings with western techniques.
Taldor, The First Empire p. 58 - Summary: Ginever are humanoids that claim they originate from Casmaron and that they are the children of a god of fermentation. Qadirans claim the Ginever were a people cursed for their gluttony and are now vagabonds and bandits.

Weapons Master’s Handbook
Weapons Master’s Handbook p. 5 - Summary: The most well known weapons masters in the Inner Sea that originate from Casmaron come from Kelesh and Vudra.
Weapons Master’s Handbook p. 5 - Summary: Whirling Dervishes are warriors associated with Sarenrae and are found in areas of Casmaron, Garund, and Avistan.
Weapons Master’s Handbook p. 9 - Summary: Certain two-weapon tricks are associated with warriors from Northern Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #33. The Varnhold Vanishing
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 7 - Summary: Cyclopes once built an empire in northwestern Casmaron.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 7 - Summary: Vordakai was a necromancer tyrant in a pre-Earthfall cyclopes empire in Casmaron. After his death, one of his apprentices would adopt his name. The new Vordakai would eventually be buried on the westernmost edge of Casmaron.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 7 - Summary: Willas Gundarson came into possession of an ancient map that was copied from an even older tablet that was found in Casmaron.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 25 - Summary: Books with titles like “The Centaur Skyles of Central Casmaron” and “Iobarian Prehistory” provide information on Casmaron.
The Varnhold vanishing p. 50 - Summary: The tomb of Vordakai includes stone tablets that record some of the ancient history of Casmaron.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 54-63 - Summary: Article titled “Iobaria Gazetteer.” This entire article is relevant.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 79 - Summary: Iobaria is in northern Casmaron.
The Varnhold Vanishing p. 79 - Summary: During the fall and winter months rain and snow weather systems develop over the Castrovin Sea and pass over Iobaria and restrict travel.

Inner Sea Monster Codex
Monster Codex p. 4 - Summary: Iobaria is located on Casmaron. Iobaria is home to three Centaur ethnicities; Azorva, Rashalka, and Tsolniva.

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
The Ruby Phoenix Tournament p. 3 - Summary: Goka is a major city for trade between Tian Xia, Vudra, and Casmaron.

Blood of the Elements
Blood of the Elements p. 4 - Summary: Some religious philosophies in Kelesh and Vudra on Casmaron believe that the world was formed through the actions of elder beings of primordial energies. These beings gifted the early peoples of Golarion with a bit of their power so that elemental energies can course through their blood.
Blood of the Elements p. 11 - Summary: Sulis are far more common in Casmaron and in particular in the Windswept Wastes

Humans of Golarion
Humans of Golarion p. 6 - Summary: The Keleshite Empire is on Casmaron and is ruled with the aid of genies. The Keleshite line of rulership is unbroken, and the empire emphasizes trade. Qadira is the empire’s gateway into the Inner Sea region.
Humans of Golarion p. 18 - Summary: Tian Xia is east of Casmaron.

Aquatic Adventures
Aquatic Adventures p. 3 - Summary: Between Casmaron and Tian Xia is the Embaral Ocean. Between Garund and Casmaron is the Obari Ocean.
Aquatic Adventures p. 12 - Summary: The seasonal winds that occur in spring and fall vastly improve oceanic trade routes across the Embaral Ocean. In parts of Casmaron, these seasonal winds are called Ylimancha’s Wing and festivals are held to celebrate the departure or trade ships. In Tian Xia the wind is called Wakening Wave and kite festivals are held in celebration.
Aquatic Adventures p. 16 - Summary: The Obari Ocean allows ship trade between Garund and Casmaron all the way down the coast of Vudra.
Aquatic Adventures p. 24-25 - Summary: Article about the Castrovin Sea. This entire article is relevant to Casmaron.
Aquatic Adventures p. 32 - Summary: The Shining Sea provides northern Casmaron with much of its oil, which is extracted from blubber from various aquatic species.

Guns and Gears
Guns and Gears p. 5 - Summary: Black powder is known to be used in Casmaron.
Guns and Gears p. 147 - Summary: Black powder was an export from Tian Xia and was initially limited between Tian Xia, Casmaron, and Vudra.
Guns and Gears p. 149 - Summary: In Vudra and Casmaron firearms that originate from Garund or Tian Xia are highly regarded.
Guns and Gears p. 153 - Summary: The jezail long guns originate from Casmaron and are particularly well balanced.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #192. Worst of All Possible Worlds
Worst of All Possible Worlds p. 16 - Summary: The Desert of Storms is a desert in Casmaron that experiences regular storms of strange weather phenomenon. Despite the various storms experienced in the Desert of Storms the area remains arid.

People of the River
People of the River p. 8 - Summary: The assassin religious-philosophy Life, Death, and the Vessel Between originates in Yenchabur. Located in central Casmaron, Yenchabur was destroyed in a rain of fire, sending the survivors fleeing west where they eventually settled in Daggermark.
People of the River p. 19 - Summary: Numeria’s Tiger Lords tribe offer their services as mercenaries and can be found operating as far east as Iobaria in Casmaron.

Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Lands of the Linnorm Kings p. 4 - Summary: In 752 AR Ulfen settlers found Okormirr on northern Casmaron.

Misfit Monsters Redeemed
Misfit Monster Redeemed p. - Summary: In the ancient ethereal spider city of Yamileh, phase spiders stole away humans from Golarion and weaved them into their webs as living livestock. These humans transformed over time into creatures commonly referred to as adherers. Eventually, Yamileh was destroyed in a war with Xill and the adherers were flung across the planes, with some landing on Golarion’s Casmaron.

Giants Revisited
Giants Revisited p. 13 - Summary: Cyclopes once ruled the empire of Koloran in northwestern Casmaron.

Impossible Lands
Impossible Lands p. 50 - Summary: A few Nagaji enclaves are known to exist on Casmaron outside of Vudra.
Impossible Lands p. 212 - Summary: On Casmaron, people consider the city of Prada Hanam to be and example Khiben-Sald’s glory and brutality but also and example of the path to which the wounds can heal.
Impossible Lands p. 221 - Summary: The talwar is a common type of sword on Casmaron.
Impossible Lands p. 339 - Summary: The large razor-plated pangolins called Ugvashi, are the traditional pack animals of Casmaron Halflings.

Blood of the Beast
Blood of the Beast p. 20 - Summary: The homelands of the Ysoki are located in southern Tian Xia and in central Casmaron.
Blood of the Beast p. 23 - Summary: Ranatagi is a Ysoki practice common in Vudra and eastern Casmaron.
Blood of the Beast p. 28 - Summary: Vanaras are found in southeastern Casmaron.

Mythic Realms
Mythic Realms p. 2 - Summary: The Pit of Gormuz is located in the steppes of Casmaron.
Mythic Realms p. 28-31 - Summary: Article on the Pit of Gormuz. This entire article is relevant to Casmaron.

Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms p. 2 - Summary: Cyclops expatriates of Ghol-Gan established the kingdom of Koloran in modern day Iobaria.
Lost Kingdoms p. 26 - Summary: Cyclopes that foresaw the fall of Ghol-Gan gathered their followers and migrated east, establishing the kingdom of Koloran. Some of these cyclopes ventured southeast to the island nation of Iblydos.

Merchant’s Manifest
Merchant’s Manifest p. 16 - Summary: Katheer, Capital of Qadira is an economic gateway between the Inner Sea and the Padishah Empire of Casmaron.
Merchant’s Manifest p. 27 - Summary: Ular Kel is the capital city of the nation of Karazh on Casmaron. Karazh is known for its large number of coffee shops. Popular coffees include Dragon’s Blend, Karazhica, and Yenchaburian Blend. Traders crossing the Grass Sea often make use of magic items such as the Horse-Caller Flute and the Caravan Guardian.

Lost Treasures
Lost Treasures p. 8 - Summary: Named the Lenyenko Dark, after its ill fated discoverer, this ancient complex in the Icerime Peaks was built by the cyclopes of Casmaron’s Koloran Empire.
Lost Treasures p. 8-9 - Summary: Tabsagal is a large temple complex that consists of both treasure vaults and temples of worship for various Vudran deities. Tabsagal was built by Ninshabur and served as a refuge during the destruction of the nation. Built on the western shore of the Castrovin Sea, the Pathfinder Society has sent expeditions to the region to learn more about Tabsagal’s origin and purpose. One building in the complex remains in use, the Shrine of the Naga Prince. The Naga Prince is a deity of domination, strength, and wealth. While the temple remains sealed, it is maintained by Rudrarameni, the cult’s head priestess.
Lost Treasures p. 22-23 - Summary: These pages cover in detail the Champion of the Gilded Host. The Champion of the Gilded Host is an immense construct built by the nation of Praramdav. Praramdav was concerned that Ninshabur would seek to conquer it, but Ninshabur was destroyed by a Spawn of Rovagug before that could happen. Fearing this new threat even more, Praramdav sought to build a guardian that could protect it from Rovagug’s spawn.
Lost Treasures p. 28-29 - Summary: The merchant ship known as the Feathered Galley of Ataylos is one of the most legendary ships of Iblydos.
Lost Treasures p. 46 - Summary: Durvin Gest traveled to the ruins of Ninshabur in eastern Casmaron.

Mythical Monsters Revisited
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 8 - Summary: Chimeras originate from Iblydos, but have since expanded their range and are found on Casmaron and other continents.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 31 - Summary: Images of Hydra are commonly painted on pottery made in Iblydos. Hydra are found on Casmaron and other continents.
Mythical Monsters Revisited p. 38 - Kraken will attack ships regardless of nation or origin, to include ships bound for Casmaron.
Mythic Monsters Revisited p. 44 - Medusas are thought to originate from Iblydos, but have since spread across Golarion.

Rival Guide
Rival Guide p. 10 - Summary: The Children of Steel are a mercenary group that has taken jobs in both the Padishah Empire and Vudra.

Healer’s Handbook
Healer’s Handbook p. 6 - Summary: The patron deity of the Padishah Empire on Casmaron is Sarenrae.

Artifacts and Legends
Artifacts and Legends p. 10 - Summary: In Ninshabur, one of King Arecbezshari’s daughters met a mysterious priest in the city of Zarrataab. After meeting the priest Princess Iaresa was given a strange ring. Sometime after Iaresa’s death the ring was rediscovered and locked away in Tabsagal as a curious treasure.

Book of the Dead
Book of the Dead p. 14 - Summary: Pharasma is worshiped across Golarion to include Casmaron.
Book of the Dead p. 116 - Summary: Variations on the materials that compose and Iruxi ossature depend on location and origin. In Vudra, Irruxi incorporate wood, amber, and bone, and in the badlands of Casmaron red sandstone is incorporated.

Occult Origins
Occult Origins p. 14 - Summary: The Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron is an ancient sight that emanates a large amount of psychic power.

Wilderness Origins
Wilderness Origins p. 14 - Summary: A band of leshies has been spotted by Katapeshi traders wandering in Casmaron.

Hell Unleashed p. 52-53 - Summary: Miranksha is an adhukait asura that formed as a result of the actions of the god Diomazul. Miranksah wandered Vudra and Casmaron assaulting caravans and temples before disappearing for several centuries. Recently, Miranksah as reappeared in Jalmeray.
Hell Unleashed p. 63 - Summary: Raamnaba was a noble in Ninshabur on Casmaron. During the attack of the Spawn of Rovagug that destroyed Ninshabur, Raamnaba was charged with escorting the ruling class’s children and elderly to the treasure-temple refuge of the nobility. (This is most likely Tabsagal) Raamnaba, instead panicked and sacrificed his charges to infernal powers in hopes of protection.

Distant Shores
Distant Shores p. 2 - Summary: Ular Kel sits among the steppes of central Casmaron.
Distant Shores p. 2-3 - Summary: These pages contain a brief summary about Aelyosos, Radripal, and Ular Kel, all of which are cities on Casmaron.
Distant Shores p. 4-13 - Summary: Article about the city Aelyosos. All pages are relevant.
Distant Shores p. 20 - Summary: Anuli’s Endless Market offers trade goods from Casmaron.
Distant Shores p. 34-43 - Summary: Article about the city Radripal. All pages are relevant.
Distant Shores p. 54-63 - Summary: Article about the city Ular Kel. All pages are relevant.

The Mwangi Expanse
The Mwangi Expanse - p. 290 - Summary: Beyond Garund, Anadi communities can be found on Casmaron and the Azlanti Isles.

Lost Omens Ancestry Guide
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 44-45 - Summary: Various Iruxi ethnicities are known to occupy the desert regions of northern Garund and western Casmaron. These include the Zephyr Kin, Nazegs, Hazairs, Barrukas, and Shaikims.
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 53 - Summary: Ysoki highly respected in Kelesh, and are generally found throughout Casmaron.
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 54 - Summary: Ysoki ethnicities on Casmaron include the Sarki who are found primarily in the Grass Sea, and the Vradji are found in Vudra, along with two additional Ysoki ethnicities.
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 99 - Summary: Geniekin is a generic term that refers to anyone with an elemental heritage. The term Geniekin originates from the Padishah Empire of Kelesh.
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 109 - Summary: The largest populations of Suli geniekin are found on Casmaron in the Windswept Wastes.
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide p. 110 - Summary: Suli geniekin are wanders and are most often found as nomads in the Windswept Wastes.

Pathfinder Society Field Guide
Pathfinder Society Field Guide p. 2 - Summary: Some Pathfinders make the sea voyage around Casmaron to travel between Goka and Absalom.
Pathfinder Society Field Guide p. 19 - Summary: Qadira is the gateway for trade between Casmaron and the Inner Sea region. The Empire of Kelesh seeks to spread its influence via trade with Absalom and by extension other areas of the Inner Sea.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #56. Raiders of the Fever Sea
Raiders of the Fever Sea p. 65 - Summary: The Embaral Ocean facilitates shipped trade along the coasts in summer and winter when the Ocean experiences the doldrums. In the fall and spring the winds pick up and allows for eastern/western trade between Casmaron and Tian Xia.
Raiders of the Fever Sea p. 66 - Summary: The Obari Ocean facilitates trade between Casmaron and Garund.
Raiders of the Fever Sea p. 66 - Summary: The Castrovin Sea allows for ship trade along the inland sea’s coast. Sailing the deep waters of the Castrovin Sea is dangerous and holds many hazards. The sea stacks Citadel Allatro, the Pillars of Trajheir, and Casador’s Maw are a few of these dangers. Locathahs and Merrows live in the Castrovin Sea. The depths of the Castrovin Sea have connections to the Darklands.

Classic Treasures Revisited
Classic Treasures Revisited p. 33 - Summary: The Helm of Sublime Splendor is a magical helm crafted by the servants of the Padishah Emperor of Kelesh.
Classic Treasures Revisited p. 44-45 - Summary: The accounts of Adikavi Katrasadda detail that multiple spheres of annihilation were used to combat a Spawn of Rovagug that attacked Vudra. Later the spheres were given to the Maharaja of Vudra and were locked in windowless towers made of blue iron.
Classic Treasures Revisited p. 61 - Summary: A well of many worlds is known to have come from Tian Xia and later passed through many hands on Casmaron.

Monsters of Myth[b/]
Monsters of Myth p. 84-89 - Summary: Article about the creature known as Somnalu. This entire article is relevant.

[b]Murders Mark
Murders Mark p. 29 - Summary: The Panotti are an ancestry found primarily on Casmaron. Panotti may originate from a kingdom that fell under a curse, but the Panotti deny this story.

Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 10 - Summary: The Keleshite people are from Casmaron. The Padishah Empire once waged wars of subjugation against its Avistan and Garund. For the past century the Padishah Empire has instead focused on strengthening trade.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 16 - Summary: Kelish is the common language of the Padishah Empire. The Padishah Empire stretches from Qadira to the edge of Vudra.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 17 - Summary: Vudrani is the language of Vudra. Vudra is a near mythical land for many in the Inner Sea region.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 19 - Summary: In the Year 3923 the Pit of Gormuz opens for the first time unleashing the spawn of Rovagug into Casmaron.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 22 - Summary: The largest continent on Golarion is Casmaron. In the central steppes are nomadic horse-tribes, Kelesh is a desert empire, and Vudra is a land of impossible kingdoms. West of Casmaron is the peninsula continent of Avistan.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 23 - Summary: Ice shelves from the Crown of the World can extend into Casmaron, Tian Xia, and Avistan.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 46 - Summary: Numerian steel is known as far away as Casmaron.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 48-49 - Summary: Section on Qadira, this whole section is relevant.
Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer p. 63 - Summary: Spawn of Rovagug are known to emerge from the Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron.

Dragons Revisited/[b]
Dragons Revisited p. 62 - Summary: Most white dragons are thought to live in northern Avistan, Tian Xia, and Casmaron as well as the Crown of the World.

[b]Dungeon Denizens Revisited
Dungeon Denizens Revisited p. 8 - Summary: Bulettes are known to inhabit the plains stretching east into Casmaron. Bulettes have lately been in a population boom.
Dungeon Denizens Revisited p. 20 - Summary: Some Cults of Rovagug favor the gelatinous cube as guardians.
Dungeon Denizens Revisited p. 44 - Summary: A large desert variety of purple worm is found in the deserts of Casmaron. In the central desert of Casmaron is a meteor impact crater forming a miles wide valley. Legends claim this meteorite brought with it the Star-Worm that then birthed the first purple worms on Golarion. Myths claim the Namzaruum the Sword and other heroes have encountered the Star-Worm, but the Star-Worm was never destroyed and is currently slumbering.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #144. Midwives to Death
Midwives to Death p. 74-75 - Summary: Article on Iblydan Hero-Gods. This entire article is relevant.

Inner Sea NPC Codex
Inner Sea NPC Codex p. 59 - Summary: Usij cultists, worshipers of Ahriman, Lord of All Divs originate in Casmaron, and came to the Inner Sea with the Keleshite Invasion of northern Garund. Leaders of the Usij cult meet annually in an undisclosed location in central Casmaron.

Bastards of Golarion
Bastards of Golarion p. 8 - Summary: Half-Elves from as far away as Casmaron make pilgrimages to Erages, Kyonin.
Bastards of Golarion p. 13 - Summary: Frostkin Half-Orcs can be found in northern Casmaron.

Highhelm p. 26 - Summary: The rarest dwarven visitors to Highhelm are dwarves from Casmaron, Tian Xia, and Arcadia.

Into the Darklands
Into the Darklands p. 6 - Summary: There are many entrances to the Darklands across Golarion, but the most fabled is the Pit of Gormuz. The Pit of Gormuz is 20 miles wide. (Includes additional details relating to the Pit).
Into the Darklands p. 63 - Summary: Casmaron is the continent that has been most plagued by Spawn of Rovagug.

Gods and Magic (3.5)
Gods and Magic p. 32 - Summary: The Spawn of Rovagug emerge from the pit of Gormuz.

Thornkeep p. 7 - Summary: In the Year 4402 Rivermark in the River Kingdoms is occupied by exiles from Casmaron and is later renamed Daggermark.

Armor Master’s Handbook
Armor Master’s Handbook p. 3 - Summar: The stylized armors of Casmaron tend to be lighter to accommodate the movements of traders or nomadic peoples.
Armor Master’s Handbook p. 11 - Summary: The Swift Iron combat style is popular among warriors in Casmaron and Tian Xia.
Armor Master’s Handbook p. 29 - Summary: Stone-Eater Armor originates from Casmaron and were found in a city destroyed by a powerful medusa.

Occult Mysteries
Occult Mysteries p. 8 - Summary: The Cyclopes of Casmaron, Humans of Azlant, and Dragons of Tian Xia replaced the Serpentfolk as the dominant powers in the Age of Legends.
Occult Mysteries p. 29 - Summary: The cult of Ioun Star is also a knightly order that has an interest in the Windswept Wastes of Casmaron. Within the cult, those that follow the Apotheosis Almorain, believe that from the followers of the hero-god Namzaruum will come the next emperor of Azlant.

People of the Sands
People of the Sands p. 10 - Summary: The Padishah Empire extends as far as Qadira, and covers much of southern Casmaron.

Magic Tactics Toolbox
Magic Tactics Toolbox p. 28 - Summary: Casmaron’s dervishes are known to use blood hexes.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #166. Despair on Danger Island
Despair on Danger Island p. 47 - Summary: The team Under the Pale Sun is from Zelshabbar, as satrapy in Casmaron.

City of Strangers
City of Strangers p. 45 - Summary: Members of the Iridian Fold are thought to originate on Casmaron.

Blood of the Sea
Blood of the Sea p. 31 - Summary: The Obari Ocean and Embaral Ocean are on either side of Casmaron. The Castrovin Sea is a large interior sea on Casmaron.

Mystery Monsters Revisited
Mystery Monsters Revisited p. 20 - Summary: It is theorized that the first death worms came off of Chenmosit when they crawled out of the Pit of Gormuz on Casmaron.

Fey Revisited
Fey Revisited p. 55 - Summary: Satyrs are found in western Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #27. What Lies in Dust
127. What Lies in Dust p. 63-64 - Summary: The Order of the Pyre tasks itself with keeping strange or dangerous beliefs and cults from spreading, such as those coming from Casmaron.
127. What Lies in Dust p. 89 - Summary: Scholars on Casmaron theorize the royal nagas were once advisors to great human empires.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #63. The Asylum Stone
127. The Asylum Stone p. 21 - Summary: Casmaron is the origin of some spices that are considered exotic in Avistan.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #188. They Watched the Stars
188. They Watched the Stars p. 69 - Summary: Casmaron is east of the Lake of Mists and Veils.

People of the Stars
People of the Stars p. 11 - Summary: Casmaron is a location on the planet Golarion.

Quests and Campaigns
Quests and Campaigns p. 7 - Summary: Ninshabur is a lost city on Casmaron rumored to hold artifacts.
Quests and Campaigns p. 10 - Summary: There are ruins in Iobaria on Casmaron.
Quests and Campaigns p. 15 - Summary: A deity may send you to the Pit of Gormuz on Casmaron.

People of the Wastes
People of the Wastes p. 23 - Summary : Kholo can be found in the deserts of Casmaron

Inner Sea Bestiary
Inner Sea Bestiary p. 48 - Summary: Volnagur is most often seen on Casmaron.

Inner Sea Primber
Inner Sea Primer p. 27 - Summary : Rovagug is bound at the bottom of the Pit of Gormuz on Casmaron.

The Grand Bazaar
The Grand Bazaar p. 37 - Summary: The lapis lazuli used to make the pigment ultramarine is only found on Casmaron.
The Grand Bazaar p. 118 - Summary: Supposedly the Amazing Mister Golarion navigated a maze in the Riven Hills to learn Casmarons secrets.

The Godsmouth Heresy
The Godsmouth Heresy p. 15 - Members of the Iridian Fold are thought to originate on Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #24. The Final Wish
The Final Wish p. 48-55 - Summary: Article on the Spawn of Rovagug. This entire article is relevant.

Faiths of Corruption
Faiths of Corruption p. 11 - Summary: A major holy site for the faith of Rovagug is the Pit of Gormuz.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #61. Shards of Sin
Shards of Sin p. 81 - Summary: Bishop Agathions are reported as appearing more frequently off the coast of Casmaron in the Embaral Ocean leading to theories that a portal to the oceans of Nirvana might be active there.

The Great Beyond (3.5)
The Great Beyond p. 49 - Summary: The demiplane The Dead Vault is the prison of Rovagug. The Dead Vault is connected to the Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron’s Windswept Wastes.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #58. Island of Empty Eyes
Island of Empty Eyes p. 69 - Known Cyclopes empires that were established on Casmaron include Koloran in northern Casmaron, and another one in what is modern day Iblydos.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #126. Beyond the Veiled Past
Beyond the Veiled Past p. 65 - Summary: A cult of Rovagug known as the Awakeners is lead by the Caller of Ruins and seeks to one day awaken Rovagug.

Druma, Profit and Prophecy
Druma, Profit and Prophecy p. 19 - Summary: Druma’s Auriferous Armada conducts sea trade with Casmaron.

Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs
Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs p. 4 - Summary: Ulunat had terrorized Casmaron and northern Garund before being brought low by Azghaad.

Osirion, Land of Pharaohs
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs p. 17 - Summary: Ulunat originated from the Pit of Gormuz on Casmaron, and their shell now forms the Black Dome in Sothis.

Agents of Evil
Agents of Evil p. 22 - Summary: The poison Ragespittle is imported from Casmaron.

Pathfinder Society Guide
Pathfinder Society Guide p. 9 - Summary: The Grand Lodge of Absalom was originally a manor house gifted to Selmius Foster, who facilitated the establishment of the spice trade between Casmaron’s Vudra and Absalom.

Heroes From the Fringe
Heroes From the Fringe p. 30 - Summary: The Ysoki of Casmaron are known to live within the arid deserts.

Heroes of the High Court
Heroes of the High Court p. 16 - Summary: The empires of Casmaron are known to have complex politics.

Dungeoneer’s Handbook
Dungeoneer’s Handbook p. 30 - Summary: The spellbook “Redwing’s Dungeon Companion” includes spells that the adventurer Redwing collected in his travels, to include locations in Vudra and Casmaron.

Cheliax, The Infernal Empire
Cheliax, The Infernal Empire p. 17 - Summary: A cult of Rovagug in Casmaron has plans to lay siege to Citadel Krane and unleash the contents of the Godless Gallery.

Guide to the River Kingdoms
Guide to the River Kingdoms p. 13 - Summary: Article on Daggermark that includes discussion of its origin. Daggermark was founded by refugees from the city of Yenchabur.
Guide to the River Kingdoms p. 51 - Summary: The easternmost city of the River Kingdoms is Dunsward and is on the border of the steppes of Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #94. Tomb of the Giant Queen
Tomb of the Giant Queen p. 73 - Summary: The Resurgents are a Cyclopes cult that believe in the prophecies of the cult's founder, Kebekma. Originating in Iblydos, the cult has since spread to Iobaria, and other parts of Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #46. Blood for Blood
Blood for Blood p. 46 - Summary: Armag was the legendary leader of the Tiger Lord tribe and led a campaign out of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords into Numeria and eventually reaching Iobaria on Casmaron.

Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Dragon Empires Gazetteer p. 24 - The city of Goka is a major trading city with Casmaron.

Ships of the Inner Sea
Ships of the Inner Sea p. 28 - Summary: Hu-Hazhong is a merchant ship from Tian Xia that sails along the coast of Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #23 - The Impossible Eye
The Impossible Eye p. 63 - Summary: The Pit of Gormuz is a 20 mile wide pit sacred to the cults of Rovagug.

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide: Season of the Ten
Season of the Ten p. 35 - Summary: Casmaron is east of Qadira.

Pathfinder Society: Year of the Stolen Storm
Year of the Stolen Storm p. 33 - Summary: Casmaron is east of Qadira.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #95. Anvil of Fire
Anvil of Fire p. 39 - Summary: The Ruby Sapphire of Osh-Maru is rumored to come from Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #60. From Hell’s Heart
From Hell’s Heart p. 61 - Summary: The Titan Ifestus was slumbering in a large volcano in Casmaron when Earthfall happened.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #132. The Six-Legend Soul
The Six-Legend Soul p. 67 - Summary: Queen Eutropia plans to attract foreign traders, artists, and scholars to Taldor, while also sending Taldan traders, artists, and scholars abroad to places like Casmaron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #176. Lost Mammoth Valley
Lost Mammoth Vallery p. 71 - Summary: Around the Pit of Gormuz in Casmaron, carnivorous megafauna are more common.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #83. The Slave Trenches of Hakotep
The Slave Trenches of Hakotep p. 68 - Summary: After the Armageddon Engine emerged from the Pit of Gormuz on Casmaron it made its way west to Garund and attacked the Shory Empire in the Year -632

Pathfinder Adventure Path #145. Hellknight Hill
Hellknight Hill p. 78 - Summary: In addition to Garund, Anadi are found in Casmaron and Azlant.

Pathfinder Adventure Path #158. Sixty Feet Under
Sixty Feet Under p. 67-73 - Summary: Article about the Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra. This entire article is relevant.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Gisher wrote:

I think this is the wiki page that you are looking for.

And here is an older thread on the topic here on the forums.

Thank you!!! I was failing so hard finding anything on the wiki or here. Most appreciated.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Qadiran city of Shadun was destroyed during the simultaneous eruptions of two volcanoes. This is fully detailed in Artifacts and Legends page 46 and with additional details in Qadira, Jewel of the East page 52. Unfortunately, no date is given in either source. However, in Qadira, Jewel of the East on page 6, details are provided on a massive earthquake that rocked Qadira in 2920. Did the twin eruptions of the Volcanoes also cause the earthquake of 2920? The eruptions and earthquake certainly seem like the one may have caused the other, but they could also have been separate events. Clarifying the date for the destruction of Shadun would be helpful.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

In the Monster Core, more than anything, I am hoping we can finally get a Creature Trait for the Netherworld (formerly Shadow Plane). It is the only Plane that Paizo has not established a Creature Trait for and desperately needs one. A Creature Trait for the Netherworld would go a long way towards helping to establish and define families of creatures that originate from the Netherworld.

The Universe: Creature Trait = Many

Plane of Air: Creature Trait = Elemental
Plane of Wood: Creature Trait = Elemental
Plane of Water: Creature Trait = Elemental
Plane Metal: Creature Trait = Elemental
Plane of Earth: Creature Trait = Elemental
Plane of Fire: Creature Trait = Elemental

Astral Plane: Creature Trait = Astral
Ethereal Plane: Creature Trait = Ethereal
Creation’s Forge: Creature Trait = Positive
First World: Creature Trait = Fey
Netherworld: Creature Trait =
The Void: Creature Trait = Negative

Nirvana: Creature Trait = Celestial
Elysium: Creature Trait = Celestial
Heaven: Creature Trait = Celestial

Axis: Creature Trait = Monitor
Boneyard: Creature Trait = Monitor
Maelstrom: Creature Trait = Monitor

Outer Rifts: Creature Trait = Fiend
Abaddon: Creature Trait = Fiend
Hell: Creature Trait = Fiend

Dimension of Dreams: Creature Trait = Dream
Dimension of Time: Creature Trait = Time

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

We got a peak at some possible Remaster creature updates in the Return to the Darklands article

Dark Folk = Caligni
Derro = Dero
Dire Corby = Not Referenced
Drow = Removed (Cavern Elves = Ayindilar)
Duergar = Hryngar
Intellect Devourer = Xoarians
Mongrelmen = Fleshwarp (Not as clear but fills similar role)
Pech = Kaseshi?
Serpentfolk = Sekmin
Skum = Ulat-kinis
Svirfneblin = Drathnelars
Vegepygmy = Not Referenced
Troglodyte = Xulgaths

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

To help everyone with identifying what creatures are coming from the D&D OGL/SRD I compiled the complete list below. Note that Paizo has not used every creature that was made available in the D&D OGL/SRD, so there are creatures listed that never appeared in a Paizo product.

Additionally, I identified as many creatures as I could that Paizo has used because they were made available in the Tome of Horrors. Note that if the creature is on the tome of horrors list Paizo used that creature in their products. As far as I can tell, looking at the Tome of Horrors Complete, the book includes both D&D original monsters published by a specific agreement, and monsters originally published in a Tome of Horrors volume. Also, note that not all Tome of Horrors Complete creatures are listed, but only those that are explicitly used at least once in a Paizo Pathfinder product.

Not listed are the handful of OGL creatures that Paizo has used coming from other OGL sources such as the Book of Fiends, Advanced Bestiary, etc. Note that all versions of creatures coming from an OGL source will become unavailable to Paizo once they begin publishing under the ORC. But only the OGL versions will be unavailable, so any creature coming from mythology, folklore, public domain, or from a common concept will still be available but will need new stats, new presentation, new description, new lore, or a combination thereof. Also, any creature that is a real world creature will be available to Paizo. Any creature that is completely original to D&D, Tome of Horrors, or other books that are published under the OGL will no longer be available to Paizo, unless those creatures are republished under the ORC.

The big question then: What creatures are completely original to D&D or Tome of Horrors and therefore not coming from mythology, folklore, public domain, from a common concept, or from the real world? Ideally, knowing this will help to inform us who is in, who is out, and who may yet return.

Exploring Common Concept: This one is a little tricky, but worth discussing a little more deeply. A good example of this is “burrowing, acid spitting, insect”. This is a fairly common concept in the fantasy and science fiction genres. So looking at Ankheg and Ankhrav, both are “burrowing, acid spitting, insects” but Ankheg is a word original to D&D and is subject to copyright even though it was available for use in gaming products under the OGL. Ankhrav is a word that is a Paizo original creation that they use to refer to their “burrowing, acid spitting, insects.” So, while Ankhegs are definitely out, there is a good chance we will see Ankhravs. However, Ankhravs may get some stat adjustments to ensure they deviate away from Ankhegs. Also worth noting is that Paizo has already developed the lore for the Ankhravs in Pathfinder, ensuring that they are distinct and unique from the D&D Ankheg lore.

A: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Aboleth Family (Aboleth, Aboleth Mage, Aboleth Psionic)
Abomination Family (Anaxim, Atropal, Chichimec, Dream Larva, Hecatoncheires, Infernal, Phaethon, Phane, Xixecal)
Agathion Family (Avoral, Leonal)
Angel Family (Astral Deva, Planetar, Solar)
Animated Object
Archon Family (Lantern, Hound, Hound Archon Hero, Trumpet)
Assassin Vine
Astral Construct
Azata Family (Bralani, Ghaele, Lillend)

B: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Barghest Family (Barghest, Greater Barghest)
Basilisk Family (Basilisk, Abyssal Greater Basilisk)
Behemoth Family (Behemoth Eagle, Behemoth Gorilla)
Blink Dog
Brain Mole

C: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Caller In Darkness
Celestial Creature
Chaos Beast
Colossus Family (Stone Colossus, Flesh Colossus, Iron Colossus)
Couatl Family (Couatl, Couatl Psionic)

D: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Demon Family (Babau, Balor, Bebilith, Dretch, Glabrezu, Hezrou, Marilith, Nalfeshnee, Quasit, Retriever, Succubus, Vrock)
Devil Family (Barbed Devil (Hamatula), Bearded Devil (Barbazu), Bone Devil (Osyluth), Chain Devil (Kyton), Erinyes, Hellcat (Bezekira), Horned Devil (Cornugon), Ice Devil (Gelugon), Imp, Lemure, Pit Fiend)
Dragon, Advanced (Template)
Dragon, Epic Family (Force Dragon, Prismatic Dragon)
Dragon, True - Chromatic Dragon Family (Black Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon)
Dragon, True - Metallic Dragon Family (Brass Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Copper Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon)
Dragon Turtle
Dwarf Family (Dwarf, Deep Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, Duergar, Psionic Duergar)

E: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Eagle, Giant
Elemental Family (Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Water Elemental)
Elemental, Primal Family (Primal Air Elemental, Primal Earth Elemental, Primal Fire Elemental, Primal Water Elemental)
Elf Family (Elf, Half-Elf, Aquatic Elf, Gray Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf, Drow)
Ethereal Filcher
Ethereal Marauder

F: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Fiendish Creature
Flux Slime
Formian Family (Worker, Warrior, Taskmaster, Myrmarch, Queen)
Frost Worm
Fungus Family (Shrieker, Violet Fungus)

G: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Gargoyle Family (Gargoyle, Kapoacinth)
Genie Family (Djinni, Noble Djinn, Efreeti, Janni)
Genius Loci
Ghoul Family (Ghoul, Lacedon, Ghast)
Giant Family (Cloud Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Frost Giant Jarl, Hill Giant, Stone Giant, Stone Giant Elders, Storm Giant)
Gibbering Mouther
Gibbering Orb
Gnome Family (Gnome, Svirfneblin, Forest Gnome)
Golem Family (Adamantine Golem, Clay Golem, Flesh Golem, Iron Golem, Mithral Golem, Stone Golem, Greater Stone Golem)
Gray Glutton
Gray Render

H: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Hag Family (Annis Hag, Green Hag, Night Hag, Sea Hag)
Hagunemnon, Protean
Halfling Family (Halfling, Tallfellow, Deep Halfling)
Harpy Family (Harpy, Harpy Archer)
Hell Hound Family (Hell Hound, Nessian Warhound)
Hoary Hunter
Hoary Steed
Hydra Family (Hydra, Pyrohydra, Cryohydra)

I: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Inevitable Family (Kolyarut, Marut, Zelekhut)
Intellect Devourer
Invisible Stalker

K: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):


L: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Lammasu Family (Lammasu, Golden Protector)
Living Vault
Lycanthrope Family (Werebear, Wereboar, Hill Giant Dire Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger, Werewolf, Werewolf Lord)

M: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Mephit Family (Air Mephit, Dust Mephit, Earth Mephit, Fire Mephit, Ice Mephit, Magma Mephit, Ooze Mephit, Salt Mephit, Steam Mephit, Water Mephit)
Mummy Family (Mummy, Mummy Lord)
Mu Spore

N: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Naga Family (Dark Naga, Guardian Naga, Ha-Naga, Spirit Naga, Water Naga)
Neh-Thalggu Family (Neh-Thalggu, Brain Collector)
Nightmare Family (Nightmare, Cauchemar)
Nightshade Family (Nightcrawler, Nightwalker, Nightwing)

O: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Ogre Family (Ogre, Ogre Barbarian, Merrow, Ogre Mage)
Ooze Family (Black Pudding, Elder Black Pudding, Gelatinous Cube, Gray Ooze, Ochre Jelly)
Orc Family (Orc, Half-Orcs)
Owl, Giant

P: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Paragon Creature
Phantom Fungus
Phase Spider
Phrenic Creature
Planetouched Family (Aasimar, Tiefling)
Pseudonatural Creature (Pseudonatural Troll)
Puppeteer Family (Puppeteer, Flesh Harrower)
Purple Worm

R: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Razor Boar
Ruin Swarm
Rust Monster

S: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Sahuagin Family (Sahuagin, Sahuagin Mutants, Malenti)
Sea Cat
[bShadow Family[/b] (Shadow, Greater Shadow)
Shadow Mastiff
Shadow Of The Void
Shambling Mound
Shape Of Fire
Shield Guardian
Shocker Lizard
Sirrush Family (Sirrush, Three-Headed Sirrush)
Sphinx Family (Androsphinx, Criosphinx, Gynosphinx, Hieracosphinx)
Spider Eater
Sprite Family (Grig, Nixie, Pixie)

T: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Temporal Filcher
Thought Eater
Thought Slayer
Titan Family (Titan, Titan Elder)
Treant Family (Treant, Treant Elder)
Troll Family (Troll, Scrag, Troll Hunter)

U: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Umbral Blot (aka Blackball)
Unicorn Family (Unicorn, Celestial Charger)

V: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Vampire Family (Vampire, Vampire Spawn)

W: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Wight Family (Wight, Lavawight, Winterwight)
Worg Family (Worg, Winter Wolf)
Worm That Walks
Wraith Family (Wraith, Dread Wraith)

X: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):


Y: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):

Yeth Hound

Z: Monsters (D&D OGL/SRD):


Animals (D&D OGL/SRD):

Legendary Animal
Legendary Bear
Legendary Tiger
Dire Animal
Dire Ape
Dire Badger
Dire Bat
Dire Bear
Dire Boar
Dire Lion
Dire Rat
Dire Shark
Dire Tiger
Dire Weasel
Dire Wolf
Dire Wolverine
Bear, Black
Bear, Brown
Bear, Polar
Crocodile, Giant
Dog, Riding
Horse, Heavy
Horse, Light
Warhorse, Heavy
Warhorse, Light
Lizard, Monitor
Manta Ray
Octopus, Giant
Pony, War
Constrictor Snake
Viper Snake
Squid, Giant
Baleen Whale
Cachalot Whale

Vermin (D&D OGL/SRD):

Devastation Vermin
Devastation Centipede
Devastation Spider
Devastation Scorpion
Devastation Beetle
Giant Ant
Giant Bee
Giant Bombardier Beetle
Giant Fire Beetle
Giant Stag Beetle
Giant Praying Mantis
Giant Wasp
Monstrous Centipede
Monstrous Scorpion
Monstrous Spider
Bat Swarm
Centipede Swarm
Hellwasp Swarm
Locust Swarm
Rat Swarm
Spider Swarm

A: Monsters (Tome of Horrors OGL):

Abyssal Harvester
Abyssal Larva
Adamantine Wasp Swarm
Aerial Servant
Angel (Monadic Deva, Movanic Deva)
Animal Lord
Ant Lion
Axe Beak

B: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Baobhan Sith
Beetle (Slicer Beetle)
Bloody Bones
Brass Man
Brine Zombie

C: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Carrion Moth
Caryatid Column
Cave Cricket
Cave Fisher
Cave Moray
Cinder Ghoul
Coffer Corpse
Corpse Orgy
Crab, Monstrous
Crucifiction Spirit
Crypt Thing
Crystal Ooze

D: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Daemon (Charonadaemon, Derghodaemon, Guardian Daemon aka Ceustodaemon, Hydrodaemon, The Oinodaemon, Piscodaemon)
Dark Folk (Dark Creeper, Dark Stalker)
Death Dog
Death Worm
Debased Fey
Demodand (Shaggy, Slimy, Tarry)
Demon (Gharros, Nabasu, Shadow Demon)
Demonic Knight
Dire Corby
Dragon, Faerie
Dragon Horse
Dream Spectre
Dust Digger

E: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Entropic Ooze (Dark Matter)
Executioner’s Hood
Eye of the Deep

F: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Fire Nymph
Fire Snake
Flail Snail
Flayed Angel
Flayer Devil
Foo Creature

G: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Gargoyle, Four-Armed
Giant (Bronze Giant, Wood Giant)
Giant Dragonfly
Giant Leech
Giant Slug
Glacial Ooze
Golem (Furnace Golem, Ice Golem, Mummy Golem, Rope Golem, Stone Guardian, Tallow Golem, Witch-Doll, Wood Golem)
Gray Nisp

H: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Hangman Tree
Hoar Spirit

I: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Iron Cobra

J: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):


K: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Kelpie (Seaweed Kelpie)

L: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Lantern Goat
Lich Shade
Lightning Treant
Lurker Above

M: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Magma Ooze
Mercury Ooze
Moon Dog
Mummy of the Deep
Mustard Jelly

N: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Negative Energy Elemental
Nupperibo, Devil

O: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Olive Slime

P: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Piranha Swarm
Pit Hag

Q: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):


R: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Raven Swarm
Rot Grubs
Russet Mold

S: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Sand Kraken
Scythe Tree
Sea Anemone
Shadow, Lesser
Shadow Rat
Shadow Rat, Dire
Shadow Rat Swarm
Skeleton Warrior
Skull Spider
Slime Crawler
Slime Mold
Slithering Tracker
Snapping Turtle, Giant
Soul Eater

T: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Temporal Crawler
Tenebrous Creature
Tenebrous Worm
Tick, Giant
Time Flayer
Tombstone Fairy
Troll (Ice Troll, Rock Troll, Two-Headed)
Twilight Mushrooms

U: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Undead Lord

V: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):


W: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Warden Jack Swarm
White Pudding
Willow Dusk
Witch Tree
Wolf, Ghoul
Wolf, Ghoul Dire

Y: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Yellow Musk Creeper
Yellow Musk Zombie

Z: Monsters (Tome of Horrors):

Zombie, Juju

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

First Pathfinder book published under the ORC!!! I don't know why, but seeing the different product lines switch to the ORC license is very exciting form me.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think it might be Asmodeus, who is replaced with Xanderghul.

1. Xanderghul was already a divine being with worshipers
2. Divine Domains: Xanderghul- Evil, Law, Trickery, Deception, Tyranny. Asmodeus- Evil, Fire, Law, Magic, Trickery, Arcane, Ash, Deception, Devil, Devine, Legislation, Smoke
3. Alignment (from 1E) Lawful Evil for both.
4. Areas of Concern: Asmodeus- Contracts, Pride, Slavery, Tyranny vs. Xanderghul- Mind, Body, Soul. I could easily see Xanderghul claiming Pride & Contracts and keeping Mind & Soul.
5. Upon "dying" Xanderghul transforms into a resplendent being before going to the Boneyard. Which doesn't really sound like dying.
6. Asmodeus has a lot of prophecies about his involvement in future events… but this is the Age of Lost Omens.

So what does a Hell Peacock look like, and I definitely what to see Xanderghul's new look as the Lord of Hell.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am loving the new terminology!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts. I feel much more confident with the idea that their isn't a need for a Lost Omens Remaster.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The article we got in “The Hungry Storm” was a great introduction to the continent but clearly only scratched the surface when it came to discussing the people, cultures and places that are found on The Crown of the World. What do you want to see explored, expanded on, or discussed in a book about the Crown of the World?

My thoughts are below:
1. The name Crown of the World comes off as a bit exotic to me. I feel like that is what people who are not from there call the continent. I would love to have a name for the continent that is similar to Avistan, Garund, Tian Xia, etc.

2. The People: There are a lot of interesting people and cultures that live on the Crown of the World and I would love to see what Paizo comes up with when doing a deeper exploration of these people and cultures.
Humans (Erutaki “...a catchall term for hundreds of local human tribes and clans, some nomadic and some settled, that dwell all across the Crown.” The Hungry Storm pg. 73. From this line we know that Erutaki may refer to a specific people but is also used to refer to humans from the Crown of the World collectively. This is essentially saying they are Tian of Garundi, referring more to a land of origin instead of a specific culture or ethnicity. This might also be a clue to the name of the continent, Erutak is literally right there staring at us. Additionally, we know that Ulfen, Tian, and Varki communities live on the Crown of the World as well.
Other known ancestries include Ilverani Elves, Guran Dwarves, Snowstepper Gnomes, and giants with Frost Giants and Taiga Giants being some of the more common groups.
The Snowstepper Gnomes I find particularly interesting. They may represent a branch of Gnomes that had a greater divergence from the more common Gnome ancestry. Like Spriggan, Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin), and Lava Gnomes, their appearance may be quite different, and they may have ancestry feats not available to other Gnomes.
Other ancestries that live on the Crown of the World but have had very little exploration include the Adlet, Selkie, and Thremindyr.

3. Places, While the Crown of the World is likely to draw inspiration from any real world nation or peoples that are found in polar regions, I personally would love to see a fantasy Canada. I am not even sure what that would look like, but it feels like it could be a fun place.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Since the advent of metaregions for use in the Inner Sea, I have often thought that many of the nations in Tian Xia are essentially their own metaregion. I would not be sad if the continental book we are getting is a robust introduction, and then later we get deeper exploration of the larger nations as metaregions.

I could see a similar approach for the other continents as well, after a big continent book. This would allow us to revisit and explore regions/nations on that continent without needing to introduce the entire continent.