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Pathfinder Society GM. 49 posts (4,941 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.
Bozzinator's Ruins of Azlant Extravaganza GameMaster GM Bozzinator Slides Loot Sheet Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
GameMaster GM Bozzinator
Loot Sheet
Crimson and Clover Faust Hawkins – Tensei Ocinson Slides Loot Sheet Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Faust Hawkins – Tensei Ocinson
Slides Loot Sheet
GM TK-421 Agents of Edgewatch *Rocky* – Roscoe Talbot AoE Slides Loots Skills Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
*Rocky* – Roscoe Talbot
AoE Slides Loots Skills
Burning Wrath (Wrath of the Righteous, table 2) GM_MG's Hell's Rebels [Tervola] Abomination Vaults [PF2] 2-17 Cost of Living (inactive) 7-8 King in Thorns (Gameday X) GM Wayfinder (inactive) Bozzinator's Ruins of Azlant AP Extravaganza (inactive) GM Bret's PbP Gameday IX: Doom of Cassomir (inactive) GM Bret’s PbP Gameday X SFS #1-17 Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear (inactive) GM CigarPete's The Blakros Deception (Gameday X) Gameplay (inactive) GM Doug — The Mosquito Witch [Gameday VIII PFS2] (inactive) GM Doug's King in Thorns (Gameday X) (inactive) GM Numbat PFS(2) 1-01 The Absalom Initiation - PbP Gameday VIII (inactive) GM TK-421 SFS 2-19 Truth Keepers (inactive) GM TK-421 {SFS 2-15 The Infernal Gallery} CLOSED (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Origin of the Open Road (inactive) GM_MG's Dead Suns (inactive) Outpost III : [SFS] #1-08 Sanctuary of Drowned Delight (inactive) SC/PO PBP Juke Joint!- Skitter Home- Team 1 (inactive) [GDVIII] GM Debug's SFS 1-99: The Scoured Stars Invasion (inactive) [OutPost III, PFS(2)] PFS(2) 1-08 Revolution on the Riverside (inactive) [PbP Gameday VIII][SFS 1-99] Scoured Stars Invation Tier 1-2 (GM Gustavef) (inactive) [PFS2, Outpost 3] GM Ferret's 1-03, Escaping the Grave (inactive) [SFS - PbP Gameday IX] 300 The last bite (tier 3-4) (inactive) [SFS_Aerondor] 02-00 Fate of the Scoured God [Tier 1-2] (inactive)