![]() Knowledge (Planes) DC 22:
This angelic figure is a type of archon, champion of the Seven Heavens. They exemplify all that is good and lawful in the multiverse. Knowledge (Religion) DC 20:
The motifs on the armor match those about the church, the holy order known as the Fist of Raziel. DM Rolls:
Sense Motive 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 10 = 42 Knowlege (Planes) 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24 "Nay, filth, thou has not my best intentions in mind. Sent by Lower Flames to test my faith after my bondage? None shall halt the service of my master and father. His will be done, once back unto the depths of Hell have I sent thee, you shall know the power of my Lord in Heaven. Flee if thou has courage or sanity, for to stay thy hand is to know the glorious might of Castiel, Seventh Servant of Raziel!" A large flaming sword manifests into the angel's hands. His iron grip refuses to yield. If you cast pilfering hand the maneuver does not exceed his CMD. Initiatives, please His introduction has eaten up the Stun Round, so all may roll as usual. ![]()
![]() The fallen object lies before you, wreathed in flame and smoldering debris. The fires seems to have an intense, almost heavenly corona to them, and they sear into to the backs of your eyes as you look upon it. After a few quick moments pass, the object begins to shift, causing plumes of dust to billow out from thick pieces of stone and stained glass. Against this scene, a number of white feathers slowly waft to the ground. What arises is a striking image of a male humanoid figure. His body is unnaturally perfect, as if chiseled painstakingly by a master sculptor. He is draped with stark white hair which comes down to his navel, and underneath glimmers a suit of golden armor, whose heavenly filigrees recount angels descending from Heaven to slay the hordes of evil. Behind this figure, outstretched, are two immense feathered wings, each as white as the figure's hair. The angel speaks, and his voice is deep and powerful, like a trumpet bellow. You can understand his speech regardless of what language you speak. "By thy right hand of Raziel... am I at last free of my cosmic bonds? Have I not been too long in the shadows of self-invention and creation? Lo, I am released from my purgatorial confinement!" As he speaks, his voice is accompanied by a crescendo of angelic choir, and the golden sheen intensifies. "Long have I sought thee, O once-precious relic. From who or what have I received this gift? For what purpose do I seduce this craft? I know these answers lie hidden beyond, in the powers that be! For it is written: the times of old will come anew and have the universe reversed to it's origin, whence the ancient winds blew! Sound the trumpet, bring me thy Rod and thy Sword! By the fist of Raziel, heretic hammer, bane of sinners! I meet my opposition, profane and disciplined! As long as my icon holds flesh, as long as my spirit permits, there will be no rest!" ![]()
![]() As the doors grind inwards, a wave of dust expels from the church. There is also a burst of energy. Greater Dispel Magic Check 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Sunlight pours into the Church, but before you can enter, there is a cacophonous sound from the sky, as if a chorus of trumpets are heralding at once. A golden tear rips into the sky, and thunderous choir of voices booms out in Celestial, which you can understand whether you know the language or not. When united Children of Hate,
A golden comet falls from the celestial gash, and plummets towards the church. The falling star streaks through the sky at alarming speeds, and crashes through the stained glass window, coming to a deafening halt inside the church. Fortitude Save DC 20 to avoid being stunned for 1 round
![]() The window is more than six inches thick and would not be an easy shatter. As Zadluzeny disappears, he is suddenly shunted backwards and reappears where he left, though in not such a dignified pose. Shunt Damage for Zadluzeny and Zub 1d6 ⇒ 6 Zadlu: Zub's telepathic voice sounds jumbled and dizzy, "Ouch... Master, can we just try opening the door?" ![]()
![]() Tia:
Inside your head, you hear Whisper's accustomed flirtatious voice, "My my my, what a handsome brother we have here. Let us watch this Abdiel, Mistress. A messenger speaks to the master who in turn speaks to her messenger. How delightful." Zadlu: Wrapping within your skull comes the soft-spoken covetous voice of Zub, "Blood, Master. The scent of new blood. Some familiar, and some... different, like delicious meat starting to spoil. Will we feed soon, Master?" ![]()
![]() It is almost impossible to discern any details through the thick chunks of colored glass. All that can be ascertained is that is seems there is a large room on the other side. Neither detect good or detect magic reveals anything through the stained glass. Abdiel: When you land on the window ledge, however, there is a slight familiar tingly taste in the back of your throat. A faint static like ozone that somehow reminds you of home. ![]()
![]() Chess does have scent, but also everybody showed up at the same time and acted simultaneously, since there was no call for initiative, they had a chance to catch a glimmer before you disappeared into the shadows. Excerpt from Stealth skill
So much like a hummingbird before it skitters away. ![]()
![]() Abdiel:
Lurking in the shadows you watch and wait for the right moment. Suddenly your vision blurs and for the first time, you know unconsciousness. In the dark of your mind, an image begins to form. A starless night sky, with several spheres hanging in the distance. Crimson light seeps from the ground, and a towering shape looms in your sight. This magnificent horned aristocrat resembles none other than the Lord of Hell. Curling horns grace this ruby imperial devil. The fiend greets you in smooth Infernal words, "Abdiel, my Faithful. I have a task for you. Complete this for me and your station in the Pit will be rewarded. You have gone unnoticed by most, but Hell sees all. I will be sending you to a place on the Prime that greater agents cannot tread upon. There you are to intercept a vassal of the Heavens and impede his goal. Do not fail me."
The final infernal words carry heavy weight. Your vision blurs again, but you feel your body blurring with it. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Astrid:
As your chains flense the flesh from the creature's back, your sight starts to become hazy, and you feel your body collapsing into slumber. Dark red light bleeds into your field of vision. You see a black sky with orbs hanging like holes in a tapestry. Lit by the red ambiance, a figure takes shape. Barely humanoid in shape, this alluring physique drips with ichor between bands of tattered flesh and glistening chains. "Astrid Ennead en-Bandeau, your pain is my pleasure. But there is new pain to spread. A beacon of righteousness impedes me. You shall rip the wings from its back. I am casting you to a location in the Prime that I cannot reach. Face this agent with the passion of your chains. Failure will not be tolerated."
Her infernal commands ring in your ears. The vision fades, and you feel your body being wrenched. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Chess:
Lazily you gnaw upon the haunch of your kill, but your eyes grow heavy and darkness consumes you. As you regain your sight, you can see a vast night sky unlit by stars but containing spherical motes like dead suns. Crimson light basks up from below the ground and the majority of your field of vision is consumed by a familair figure. Buxom and regal, the orange-skinned duchess adresses you. "Chesterfield, my pet, there is a nuisance that I would like you to deal with. It seems these I will never be rid of these annoyances. I will be dispatching you to an area of the Prime where my louder minions cannot tramp. A thrall of the Heavens will be en route to the locale. I simply want you to shred his desires and body into oblivion. If you should fail, however, punishment will be swift."
Her soft-spoken infernal decree weighs upon you. Her visage vanishes, and your form disperses as well. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Elita:
Passively you watched the assembly, waiting to strike. Abruptly, darkness clouds your eyes and you slip into torpor. When you open your eyes, you are met with a strange scene. A starless eventide sky with dark globes hanging in the distance. Crimson lighting from below illuminates a massive figure, a slightly feminine whirlwind of fire and black feathers. From within an airy woman's voice calls to you in the Infernal tongue. "Elita Myken, my caged songbird. There is something I need you to destroy. I shall be casting you to a place in the Prime where my darker servitors cannot tarry. There you shall encounter one of your shining cousins, a messenger of the Celestials. Dispatch him. Unmake this obstacle so more strings of the War can be ripped free. Do not fail, fallen one."
The infernal threat hangs on you. The sight dissipates and you feel yourself being tugged to new horizons. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Ssrintal:
Your foes wounds wept lifeblood, its breathing shallow. Before you take its life, however, your eyes are cast into a filmy haze and you fall unconscious. You awake to a scene of an ebon sky with no stars, dotted by darkened spheres. Limelighted by crimson radiance, you see a massive scaled creature with two simian heads on a serpentine bipedal form. The imposing creature bellows in dual Abyssal. "Ssrintal, my descendant. There are those that would oppose us. This cannot be. You shall be translocated to a place in the Prime where my influence is lacking. There you will be met by an accursed scion of the Heavens. Eliminate this threat and sacrifice the holy essence in our name. Fail, and my blood will be wrenched from your body."
Its stereo commands hang with importance. As the vision dissolves, so too does your being. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Tia:
Slowly you bind your catch in webbing, but your eyes grow dim and sluggishly you succumb to slumber. When you awake you see a vast horizon black with night. No stars shine, but you can see black spheres hanging in the sky. Crimson light shines from beneath and casts its glow upon a stunning female form. Her voluptuous devil physique seems all too familiar. She speaks in honeyed Infernal. "Tia, my weaver. The time has come for you to ensnare an enemy into your web. Along the threads I shall be sending you to a location in the Prime where my network does not reach. Once there, you must seek out this thorn. A serf of the Heavens must be stopped. Drain its life. Fail me not."
Her silky decree carries magnitude. The scene becomes foggy, and you feel yourself lulling into the same fog. (If you wish to refuse the summons, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) Zadluzeny:
You feel the creature's soul ebbing away, ready to claim your prize. Unexpectedly, you succumb to a lethargic trance. Eyes opening, you notice an unlit night sky with ebon globes suspended within. Underlighted by a crimson cast, you see an impressive frame. This tall womanly form has alabaster skin and large raven wings. Her midnight eyes weep blood as she speaks in a tandem of hollow Abyssal and Infernal. "Zadluzeny my unwitting champion, heed this call to arms. There is a soldier opposing the tide of war that must meet its end. I am relocating you to a place in the Prime where my grasp cannot yet gain a foothold. There you will encounter a Celestial knight whose goal must not come to fruition. Succeed, and knowledge of yourself will be gained. Fail and remain in oblivion."
She barks her orders and their priority holds measure. In an instant the vision blinks out, and you feel your body following suit. (If you wish to refuse the summon, you may attempt a Will save. Otherwise you are target of a greater plane shift) You arrive at your destination, a temperate morning completes the atmosphere of this Prime sierra. Miles below, vast plains dotted occasionally with settlements, rivers, and forests, stretches from horizon to horizon. Before you, carved into the rocky face of the mountain, stands a church. Emblazoned in the stained glass window is a stylized flaming fist resembling a comet. Knowledge Religion DC 15:
This holy symbol represents a paragon from the Seven Heavens Knowledge Religion DC 20:
This holy symbol represents a paragon from the Seven Heavens called Raziel the Crusader, patron of paladins Knowledge Religion Dc 25:
This holy symbol represents a paragon from the Seven Heavens called Raziel the Crusader, patron of paladins. This building is a place for the Fists of Raziel holy order to meet In addition to the nestled antiquated church, you see that you are not alone. Six other creatures stand nearby, an equal look of confusion painted on their faces. The other six are the remaining players, please describe yourselves with your first post ![]()
![]() Unless everbody plans on picking up Negative Energy Affiliation (or whatever it's called) you fiendy types still need positive energy =P In answer to having multiple damage reduction types, one or the other will cover it. Also, weapons of higher enchantment function as different materials for the sole purpose of damage reduction. It states that a +5 weapon can bypass damage reduction as if it were an aligned weapon. So even if you have DR 5/good, a regular +5 weapon will still harm you. ![]()
![]() Тia wrote: @GM: Would you allow me to buy a magic staff with starting wealth? Something like this: With the exception of a bag of holding type i I'd like to keep starting equipment magical or otherwise at 2,000gp or below. If you'd like to purchase a magical staff or wand, you may do so with reduced amount of charges to fit into the budget. I apologize for the recruitment pages getting a bit wonky. ![]()
![]() Butter Domain Granted Power:
At 8th level, 1/day you may create a butter golem which requires 1 stick of butter, and any other substance. Golem has statistics as homunculus, and will melt after 24 hours. Domain Spells:
(it should be noted that many clerics of Deen suffer fatal heart attacks long before unlocking the more powerful domain spells) ![]()
![]() Use your full racial Hit Dice. Sorry I haven't clarified earlier. HD doesn't always mean CR and I know stacking levels on it is a bit confusing (especially since I allowed mixed levels) Ssrintal scares me. I remember reviewing the chosen characters and looking at that Strength score at least three times thinking I'd made a grave error. But I am very pleased with the character and look forward to seeing what he tears through when pointed at it. Trying to get the last few things together (also finding out if I'm moving next week or not) so I apologize for the delay in getting the game started. ![]()
![]() As it stands for armor, I'm ruling that you'll get your full armor bonus regardless of what size you are. If you're Tiny and wearing Tiny armor, you're going to get the full amount of coverage as a Medium character wearing Medium armor would. As far as Leadership score. Currently your character level is 3, Cha modifier is 6, which places your score at a 9. With your special ability of web/shapechange (if you shared that ability with your followers), that makes the score 10. Having a familiar drops the score to 8, attracting an imp cohort lowers the modifier to 7 since the cohort is a different alignment. And finally with moving around a lot drops your Leadership score to 6. Which ultimately means you could have your imp cohort, but no followers. I'm not sure if this is necessarily what you are aiming for. If you still want to go with Leadership, you won't accumulate followers for some time. ![]()
![]() It lists in Savage Species how regular item slots fit quadrupeds, I'll have to return to that list, but basically they would be slightly different. Belts may take up a collar slot, hats or circlets can be worn as diadems, rings can be anklet cuffs or earrings, vests can stay vests or vestments, or cloaks and capes can be harnesses et cetera. With a bit of finangling most magic items can be adjusted. If you want an imp cohort, you could take Leadership, though I will definitely be putting a cap on the number of followers permitted so I don't have to roll for mobs every encounter. You can also acquire an imp companion through a level in Diabolist (Book of the Damned Vol. I) and you can be Lawful Neutral for that. Or take the Noble Scion feat from Pathfinder Campaign Setting which grants you an imp servitor at 9th level (I'll let the house of Thrune tie slide). On invisibility, the spell states that carried gear is also invisible, but the hellcat's is an innate invisibility. I'll have to give it a think. Offhand I would rule that Glamered or Shadowed gear would blend in with your natural invisibility, I may rule that any magical gear would also automatically blend in with the exception of any item that casts light. Any items specifically made for you would also automatically blend in. ![]()
![]() All right, folks, after much deliberation, slicing and dicing, I have narrowed down my list of starting players. It's a bigger list than I anticipated, but there are many great ideas that I couldn't pass up! The players/characters who have made the initial cut are:
Congratulations guys! If you have not done so already, please e-mail me at bloodykissesgm@gmail.com with your backstory, if possible. Once I work out a few things with each character we'll be ready to start the game! ![]()
![]() All right, folks, after much deliberation, slicing and dicing, I have narrowed down my list of starting players. It's a bigger list than I anticipated, but there are many great ideas that I couldn't pass up! The players/characters who have made the initial cut are:
Congratulations guys! If you have not done so already, please e-mail me at bloodykissesgm@gmail.com with your backstory, if possible. Once I work out a few things with each character we'll be ready to start the game! I thank everyone who submitted a character, and want to remind all that I will return to this recruitment thread as needed! ![]()
![]() I have the list of potentials ready, and will be finalizing and posting the players later today or tomorrow. If you like, follow along with the game, as there may be spots opening up with deaths or whatnot, and in that case I will be returning to this recruitment thread. I will consider previously proposed characters before accepting new ones, so don't give up hope! ![]()
![]() Purplefixer wrote:
I know that incubi are male succubi, but they are listed as separate creatures with different abilities than a succubus. They represent the masculine forceful side of lust. What I was saying was that if somebody wishes to play an incubus but using the standard succubus stats I would allow that. I have allowed the other low point buys to reroll, so if you wish to reroll stats you may. ![]()
![]() I haven't had a chance to look at Cambion again, so half-fiend is fine. For the bonus Vile feat, I'd prefer a feat with the {Vile} descriptor. Spells can be taken from BoVD, but if I find any Pathfinder version they will supercede it. Tirion has it laid out correctly. You are building your character off of the base monsters, I am just allowing feats and skills to be altered, and of course ability scores. The trade off for CR versus straight class is that your special abilities, qualities, and attacks make up for the lack of class progression. Many creatures listed have immunities, resistances, and ability damage or draining effects that make them more balanced. You may not have the BAB of a regular 6th level fighter as a succubus, for example, but a succubus drains levels with her attack. As a note from Bestiary 3, if there is a thematic entity you wish to play, let me know, but it seems like most people have their candidates in mind already. And as a side note, I'm probably going to have two different varieties of incubus. One will be the listed entry from Bestiary 3 (And the Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Malcanthet), the other will be male versions of succubi. I may think of alternative names as well. Just as I will allow male harpies, male mariliths, et cetera. We're getting down to the nitty gritty, and once the turn of the year goes by I should be quite ready to start (trying to compile maps at the moment from various sources)