
Bloody_KissesGM's page

75 posts (76 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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All right, folks, after much deliberation, slicing and dicing, I have narrowed down my list of starting players. It's a bigger list than I anticipated, but there are many great ideas that I couldn't pass up!

The players/characters who have made the initial cut are:

  • loimprevisto- Aranea Sorcerer
  • Mark Sweetman- Venedaemon Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight
  • DreamAtelier- Imp Ninja
  • Rolluk Earbiter- Half-fiend Degenerate Serpentfolk
  • Astrid Ennead-en-Bandeau- Kyton Monk
  • Tirion Jörðhár- Lyrakien Rogue/Bard
  • Meowzebub- Hellcat

Congratulations guys!

If you have not done so already, please e-mail me at with your backstory, if possible.

Once I work out a few things with each character we'll be ready to start the game!

I thank everyone who submitted a character, and want to remind all that I will return to this recruitment thread as needed!

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I have the list of potentials ready, and will be finalizing and posting the players later today or tomorrow.

If you like, follow along with the game, as there may be spots opening up with deaths or whatnot, and in that case I will be returning to this recruitment thread. I will consider previously proposed characters before accepting new ones, so don't give up hope!

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Meowzebub wrote:

Late to the Party, had a very busy Holidays, but dipping a toe to see what the waters feel like.

Levels: d4 + 3

4d6 11

4d6 12

4d6 13

4d6 12

4d6 13

4d6 10

4d6 8 Drop

Ouch! That is an 11-point buy. Is there a minimum I can aspire too? I have the levels to play with, but the abilities leave much to be desired.

With a group leaning evil, my initial idea is for a Lamia Barbarian of Baphomet

Those are some pretty heinous rolls. Feel free to reroll them!

@Aranna- Starting money is going to be based off the NPC Gear chart in the Core Rulebook. Table 14-9. Use the Heroic Level table and use the wealth listed for one level higher than yours. Magic items are limited to items 2,000 gp or below, with the exception of the Bag of Holding Type I

This is based off the number you rolled, not overall Hit Dice/level combo.

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Okay, to summarize and clarify, thus far for potentials we have:

  • Morrin/Gabriel Icebane- Human Warlock 4
  • Kozaric/Kazarn Mirik- Darkstalker Fighter 1
  • markofbane- 7th level (monk or sorcerer)
  • The Thing From Beyond The Edge- 5th level (oracle)
  • Tirion Jörðhár- 7th level (Drow Noble)
  • Azure_Zero- Succubus Monk
  • loimprevisto- 3rd level Aranea sorcerer
  • Zadarra the Amazing- (Half-fiend drow fighter)
  • Mark Sweetman- Venedaemon Sorcerer 2
  • Rolluk Earbiter- 6th level
  • Waltz- 6th level
  • Desriden- 5th level
  • Twilightrose- Harpy Ranger 1
  • Aranna- 4th level
  • W Canepa- Barghest
  • mathpro18- Drow Noble Antipaladin 2
  • Fredrik- 5th level
  • Astrid Ennead-en-Bandeau- Kyton Monk 1

I believe that's what I have so far with what people are thinking/working on.