![]() Björn tips the corpse over with his boot. With a spit of disgust the giant Northman eyes his companion sceptically; "Goblins og hálf starved þjófar? Þetta eru engar óvinir þess verðugir us bróður. Norður kallar, við ættum að hlusta ..." þurstunga (Giant): Goblins and half starved thieves? These are no foes worthy of us brother. The North calls, we should listen... ![]()
![]() Round 1 Bjorn scowls at the appearance of the bandits, then barks a laugh as he lumbers forward through the undergrowth, his lang shanks unimpeded by the terrain (Woodland Stride) afore, with a menacing grin, the giant brings his mighty scythe to bear on the foe before him (Bandit 2). MW Scythe (Melee): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
![]() Björn rises, stretching impossibly tall as he welcomes a new day. At Wilhelm's words the giant druid looks skyward and nods with a smile. With a soft, almost wistful tone the Northman speaks; "Far Vinter våkner fra sin søvn ... Snart den store bjørnen vil bli trukket nordområdene igjen for å sove ..." þurstunga (Giant): Father Winter awakes from his slumber... Soon the great bear will be drawn North once again to sleep... ![]()
![]() The two Northern giants loom in the peripherals of the fire light; Skäne sitting on a tree stump listening intently whilst smoking his clay pipe - whilst Björn stands sharpening his war scythe... the rhythmic strokes of his whetstone complimenting the campfire talk. At Wilhelm's words the huge druid asks a question in their grumbling tongue; "Hve langt er síðan fjölskylda hans lögðu Mikla Veginum?" þurstunga (Giant): How long since his family journeyed the Great Road? ![]()
![]() As the hobgoblin is executed Bjorn looks at his companion, then shrugs his massive shoulders with a grumbling curse; "Þessar suðurríkjamanni varpa samúð yfir butchery á fjandmaður án vopna? Ef þú telur að miskunn - að láta það deyja með blað í hendi hans ... Annars láta bein sín á mikla veginn og láta okkur fara fram!" þurstunga (Giant): These Southerners shed pity over the butchery of a foe without weapons? If you feel mercy - let it die with a blade in its hand... Otherwise leave its bones on the great road and let us move forth! ![]()
![]() Bjorn eyes move to the distraction caused by Rayla's intimidating posture and threats of amputation to the hobgoblin. His lack of attention draws a cuffing blow from Skäne - which in turn the giant wild-man counters by grabbing his oar brother's throat and roughly tilting his shaggy head toward the unfolding drama behind the ranger; "Líta bróður. Engillinn blóð hefur ögn af djöflinum í henni! Har! Þetta gæti verið áhugavert nei?' þurstunga (Giant): Look brother. The angel blood has a little of the devil in her! Har! This could be interesting no? ![]()
![]() Round 1 AC: 15 HP: 25/25 CONDITIONS: Totem Transformed (Scent & Low Light Vision) The Great She Bear of the North bursts forth from the thicket, war scythe arcing towards the nearest orc with a feral growl; Moves to -B16 via A16, -A17, -B17 then attacks orc in -B15 MW Scythe Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 MW Scythe Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13 ![]()
![]() Bjorn(hildr) invokes the power of the bear and moves quickly off through the undergrowth, mighty warscythe glinting menacingly with the moonlight; Activate Totem Transformation (Senses - grants Low Light Vision & Scent) ability (standard action) and hustle through the undergrowth to A 15 (or thereabout). ![]()
![]() The Viking Druid(ess) nods at the wisdom of the Brambleknight; "Aye... if needbe I too can track using the keen senses of the Great Bear... and can converse with animals and Bramble's doggy as we go..." Survival (aid another): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Bjornhildr can ignore the woodland terrain also... ![]()
![]() Striding into the western room Bjorn(hildr) balefully glares at the impatient alfur, then turns attentions to the bottle in the master chamber, giving it a good sniff before shouting to Skane and taking a hearty swig; "Fleiri suður- hland neitun efi bróðir?!" Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Speakers of the Great Words of the North: Fleiri suður- hland neitun efi bróðir?! = More southern piss no doubt brother?! ![]()
![]() At the musings of her shield brother, the Great Druid(ess) nods her head once, braided hair bobbing; "Ja" She then walks up to Rosslyn and spreads a green slime across her brow and round her eyes with a grin: Nótt til ljós Skald:
Nótt til ljós. = Night to light That one's for you Drayen :) Casts Keen Senses on Rosslyn; +2 Perception & Low Light vision ![]()
![]() Cure Light Wounds Charge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Cure Light Wounds Charge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Cure Light Wounds Charge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Cure Light Wounds Charge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Cure Light Wounds Charge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Ouch...5 charges and Bjorn is at full hit points "When we track those curs down... the pig faced brute that felled me, will be split asunder by my scythe and no other!" The huge druid(ess) lumbers inside, flanking the priest and staying close to Rianna. ![]()
![]() Emitting a low growl, the huge Northwoman sprints forward, war-scythe raised, eager for these scavengers to taste her claw; Invokes Predator's Grace gaining 10ft movement and runs x4 towards their foes. Should reach T15 and attack Bandit Archer 1 Charging War Scythe Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 War Scythe Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9 ![]()
![]() The druidess of the North sniffs the air, tastes the breeze and scowls at the building; Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Softly she hisses to her cubs; "In the common room, a shadow bearing fire can be seen... the shroud of dust hides it to most of you... but not a hún björn's eyes..." hún björn = she bear ![]()
![]() Randall and Co I'm currently running Bjornhildr ;) in Drayen's absence but also realise that she's not levelled up... I've emailed Drayen about this and his status - hoping he'd be back with us at this impending climax, but am doubley wary: Would rather not level Bjorn up in Drayen's stead as The Great North Bear is his character (while I know he'd trust me to do the big gal justice... its a principle thing!) Would rather we had a 2nd level druid going into this stage than a 1st level one... [extra hp, skills, spells and some nifty bear totem abilities...] could be a difference maker? Thoughts? Particularly from Randall would be welcome here before we're knee deep in things! ![]()
![]() The jotunn-sized druidess nods nonchelantly at the others plan, like a mother bear appeasing her young. She growls quietly and affixes her gaze on the sentries... Bjornhildr is within range of the guards for a mighty charge should it be required - with her Predator's Grace, Woodland Stride and Run x4 means she'll get to them in a round... @Randall: Summon Grizzly scroll - one for Bjorn nei? ![]()
![]() On cue the tall, wild druidess adds her wisdom to the pot; "Til höggva dúnn a tré byrjun á undirstaða. Við öxl gera sami með þessir stigamaður!" To emphasise her point she makes a sweeping cut through the ground floor of the diagram with her mighty war scythe. Speakers of Skald, tongue of the wise, words of the North: Til höggva dúnn a tré byrjun á undirstaða. Við öxl gera sami með þessir stigamaður! = To chop down a tree start at base. We should do same with these bandits! ![]()
![]() Betony Avilia wrote: That was a great use of 'Indifferent Cop, Bad Cop'. :P I thank thee. Was fun, gods only know how nasty they'd get under my sole control... Damn hp rolling is impressive - here's me thinking Skane was supposed to be the tough one - Wesh and Bethony are pretty nails! @Wesh - wise man, those who speak with the cold voice of the North are marked for great things... :) ![]()
![]() Happy to Randall... can't guarentee I'll be as imaginative as Drayen, but it'll be great to bring back a special young lady in the interim ;) The jotunn tall Ulfen druidess strides from the undergrowth and brings her scythe to bear with an oath; "ÉG er a dóttir af okkar Norður Vindur! Ofurlítill suður- ÉG munu uppskera þú eins og a vor uppskera!" Scythe Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Scythe Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10 Drayen - hope that does she does ye proud :) Skald speakers: ÉG er a dóttir af okkar Norður Vindur! Ofurlítill suður- ÉG munu uppskera þú eins og a vor uppskera! = I am a daughter of our North Wind! Puny southerns I shall reap you like a spring crop! [ooc]Ahhh its good to have the valkyrie back :)