When Arcadia is done as an AP I want the story to encourage people to play Arcadians (and have room for outsiders/Ulfen). My biggest issue with Jade Regent was that you were forced to play outsiders and the first three books weren't even in Tian.
Native American history/mythology never got a "Lord of the Rings" treatment to incorporate it into modern fantasy like European and Asian mythologies have. Paizo could definitely bebold and do something along those lines.
I usually forget to use feats and special abilities like spells and such, so I try to write up a round by round tactics section for my spell-casters or monsters with multiple SLAs or special abilities. Something like:
Round 1: Summon Monster 3, monster attack closest PC
Round 2: Prayer
Round 3: Divine Power
Round 4+: Flank with Monster, attack, flee at 10 hp
1. Space/Planets: PCs are teleported to Castrovel or Akiton. Inspired by pulp stories.
2. Nex/Geb/Manawastes/Alkenstar: Steampunk adventures.
3. Colonizing Arcadia: Characters could align with different factions, sandboxy.
Bloodrager - Human male
Hunter - Human female
Shaman - Human male
Slayer - Halfling female
Warpriest - Dwarf female
Swashbuckler - Half-orc male (with big floppy hat or eye patch)
1. Age of Worms (DM): Classic D&D. I have had the most fun working on this AP than any other. I still find myself returning to it, recently started converting it to PF. It had the best introductory module ever.
2. Savage Tide (DM): Great recurring villain and roleplay opportunities. My group never finished this one but they absolutely hated Vanthus, and loved his sister.
3. Curse of the Crimson Throne (Read): I love the setting and plot for this one. I hope Paizo does this as the next anniversary edition.
4. Rise of the Runelords (Read): More classic D&D. Love the foes faced, the town of Sandpoint, the goblins. It was a great intro to the world of Golarion and Varisia.
5. Reign of Winter (Read): Only part way through this one. So far it is amazing. When I read an adventure and start breaking off to write down notes, I know it's good.
6. Legacy of Fire (Read): I held off reading this one for the longest time because I wanted to play it, and after I fell to temptation I completely regretted it. It would be awesome to play this one.
7. Jade Regent (Read player's guide): The great journey AP, ending in an asian setting. Love both of those themes. This AP inspired me to create an entire party of PCs for myself. I'm holding off reading in hopes to play one day.
8. Skull and Shackles (Read player's guide): Be a pirate! Yaaargh! Inspired to play this one as well.
Ch 1. THE RAPTORING - Dubstep Mecha Cave Raptors Attack
Ch 2. GOLARION.COM - Alain Discovers Numeria.Facebook.com
Ch 3. A FISTFUL OF AWESOME - Valeros builds a Railgun
Ch 6. PIERCE THE HEAVENS - The group finds the whole adventure was an elaborate VR construct run by an old man in a white suit who tells them "ergo vis a vis concordantly" before resetting Numeria
Seriously though, BROM should do the covers for this one.
Odraude: I've been building a campaign based off Puerto Rico and Taino culture for a while myself. I was inspired by the Turey el Taino comics from back in my childhood. I have a ton of hand written notes I would share when/if I convert them to a computer document, deployments keep me from the drawing board for periods of time.
Urban adventures in Absalom
Arcadia/New world/Sea voyage
High level sequel AP (start at 15th lvl-up to mythic lvl, usable after any AP)
Arizhel: I never looked at it that way before. I might just have to ask my DM about what he will allow with Imbue Arrow, but this opens up a lot of possibilities.
Thank you for your replies. I did not choose fireball because at this level the low save DC might make it useless except against lower CR foes. What do you think?
Just got done building an Aasimar Guide (Ranger) 6/ Empyreal Sorcerer 2/ Arcane Archer 10 for a high level one-off and need some help with the spell list. The character is primarily an archer/woodsman with some magic coming fom his Azata ancestry. Wisdom is my primary casting stat at 24 (+7). I have never played this high level so taking other's advice I tried choosing buffs and no save or partial save spells. Need opinions on usefulness at this level and redundancy. Thanks a million!
Long spell list:
Sorcerer Spells known (CL11 with magical knack trait):
Hello fellow gamers with very little time on their hands. I am getting ready to start a game at work and am going with the Darkmoon Vale modules. I was wondering if any of you had anything written up as far as a player's guide or introduction to the town of Falcon's Hollow that I could canibalize, steal, and otherwise use for my game.
I have a BIG inspection to deal with at work and working late is cutting into my Pathfinder time.
This thread could also serve as a consolidated place for all things Falcon's Hollow (experiences, handouts, etc.) that all GMs with little time on their hands could use. So please share.
Please spoiler as appropriate and thank you all for your help!
Hey guys Im trying to build my old 2e Aasimar Ranger/Wizard, for a revisit to an old campaign. I have no idea where to start, please help. I was thinking of making him an Arcane Archer, my DM said I could ignore the elf/halfelf pre-req. The level is 18 and the point buy is 25. Its gonna be a brutal last expedition to destroy the BBEG from my first campaign. Thanks in advance for the help guys.
Nostalgic fanboy facts:
Name: Wiliane Camara.
His bow was named Heartseeker, and his bastard sword was Llamita (smallflame). He was a studious loner, the adopted son of a ranger, he grew up in the forest surrounding a town dedicated to the goddess of magic. A priest from town became his mentor when he saw Wiliane in the town library trying to figure out a book on magical theory. From him Wiliane learned the basics of magic, and it was the priest that set Wiliane and his companions on their quest...which was never finished until soon I hope!
Wiliane Camara, a 2e Aasimar Ranger/Mage 12/12. My first character, he and his companions fought against Zuccutran the unliving, the most memorable villain in my short gaming life. He is still at large due to that campaign being on an indefinite hiatus (I still have hope).
What Gorbacz said. Cool monster but the art just kills it for me.
The Krenshar art looks hilarious, but at least you can visualize the creature properly. In ten years when Pathfinder 2e comes out they should include one normal Krenshar and one Krenshar doing the scary face in the art order. When my characters faced off against a pair once they asked me that question.
One Monster really did it for me though, being from Puerto Rico and close to where the appearances happened, it's the Chupacabra! Naming its blood-sucking ability "chupar" was icing on the cake.
Hello good people. I was looking through one of my few 2e books, the awesome 'Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. 2' and after reading up on the Aasimar, I was inspired to make this:
+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Con: Aasimars posses an otherworldly strength and are very insightful, but their bodies are frail.
Normal Speed: Aasimar have a base speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision: Aasimars can see in the dark up to 60ft. (2pts) Keen Senses: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks (2 pts) Celestial Ancestry: When an Aasimar is moved to great emotion, her heritage shines through her face like sunlight through clouds. There aren’t many evil bashers who can look an angry Aasimar in the eye. Aasimars can use Cause Fear once per day as a spell-like ability delivered as a gaze attack. (Caster level equals the Aasimar's class level.) (4 pts) Celestial Resistance: Fire, Cold Resistance 5 (4pts)
12 pts
If you want to give this Aasimar Weapon Familiarity it should be in Greatswords, Halberds, Maces, and Longbows (especially composite Longbows)
Hey Keichiku don't get discouraged, mi hermano. Sometimes it takes a while to get used to a new rules system. Heck I'm still getting used to the d20 system. Don't even mention 2nd edition and THAC0.
My players were lazy too. I kept the character sheets. Leveling up was crazy because everyone needed one on one time with me to level up their character.
My next game will probably start with D0. Its a very good short quest with a lot of potential for further adventures. At least you got your player to try the paladin. My players would not play paladin or bard even if I paid them.
Boxed set
Introduction guide: booklet with short solo adventure, example of play, and general information on role playing games
Rules guide: simple version of existing rules that can be used to play indefinitely or as an introduction to the book line, maybe based off the slow experience track
Races (elf, dwarf, halfling, human)
Classes (fighter, rogue, wizard, cleric)
Up to 5th level
Simple form of combat
Adventure booklet: 2-3 adventures with information on how to create more, ideas for further adventures and npcs, maybe 1-2 pages of random dungeon generation or npc generation charts
Monster cards/Monster booklet: Monsters, should include a variety of level appropriate mythical and classic fantasy foes (goblins to dragons), with art
Maps from the adventures
Dry erase battlemat
monster and hero tokens/plastic minis
Boxed set would be best. That way it could be introduced in toy stores and bookstores. We have tons of Toys R Us, a couple of Borders, maybe one or two comic shops, and no hobby/game stores in the 100x35 mile island of Puerto Rico. A complete boxed set with dice included would be necessary there. Sure its a small island but I'm pretty sure there are other places in the US and the world with similar situations.
Also a box set looks more like a game than a book. A lot of people don't understand how a book can be a game. Parents looking for a game for their children might find a box with "Pathfinder: A game of the imagination for the whole family" interesting. Include a disclaimer like this "No computer necessary, builds math, reading and socialization skills." and I'm sure it will sell out in most stores.
This seems like a better Intro box, as it doesn't deviate from the main system and allows a good start. If they wanted to continue, they could pick up the main books and keep going with no conversion necessary. I think one of the flaws in Basic D&D/Advanced D&D is that the systems are a bit different. It's better to introduce players using the same rules that they'd use to move forward, rather than confuse them when they want to get more involved in the game. But again, this is only my opinion, YMMV :)
The responses here are awesome, and is one of the reasons I love this community.
Keichiku I'll be saying some prayers for your father's fast recovery.
Keep up the play, your game sounds fun!
IMHO: If this class/archetype is ever considered it would be cool if it filled the niche of ritual powered fighter. A warrior who dabbles in magic to make him stronger in combat, by enruning his armor or skin, bonding with his weapon, making pacts with otherworldly creatures, etc.
Welcome to Pathfinder!
Indeed the only way of sending anything to Cuba would be by way of another country. I guess anybody could gift the pdfs and keichiku could print them. (EDIT: Ninja'd)
Please excuse the following, as it is in spanish.
Te deseo exito en el juego.
Te puedo decir que aunque por supuesto tenemos una gran diferencia en nuestro transfondo, una cosa es igual, la falta de conocimiento sobre los juegos de roles. Esto es algo comun aun en los Estados Unidos ya que es una comunidad pequeña la que juega.
Me alegro mucho que tengas un grupo grande. Yo jugaba con mi hermano y mis primos cuando vivia en Puerto Rico, ahora que vivo en Estados Unidos no he conseguido un grupo.
Tu historia se ve muy interesante, me imagino que tus jugadores estaban temblando cuando vieron el dragon verde y salivando cuando vieron el tesoro. Esa situacion me recuerda una vez que mientras nuestros personajes acampaban bajo las estrellas vino un dragon pequeño y nos pidio comida y uno de mis primos le tiro un gusano. Eramos principiantes y el dragon no estuvo muy feliz. Esa fue la ultima vez que le faltamos el respeto a un dragon y este se convirtio en un mentor y ayuda en nuestra historia.
Te deseo lo mejor y enviale saludos a tu grupo.
I think it should be a box set. A book would be cheaper but in my experience a lot of families don't go to book stores to buy presents for their kids, a lot of kids don't consider books to be games. By making it a boxed set that says Pathfinder Role Playing Game, they will know that there is a game in there somewhere.
Basic set:
4 Classes
Up to 3rd level
All races simplified
One or two adventures, including a solo adventure
Simplified form of combat, without combat maneuvers or lots of combat penalties or bonuses
Should include plastic minis, dice, maps
Advanced set:
Add more classes
4th to 10th level
Add more complicated race abilities
One or two adventures (maybe a continuation of the basic ones to make a box set adventure path)
Add some basic combat maneuvers, and other simple to understand penalties and bonuses
Should include DMs screen, extra monster minis from the adventures, and maps
Expert or Epic set:
Add everything else, basically if you have all the sets you have a basic knowledge of the Core Rules
10th to 16th level
Finish the Adventure path
Point them towards the Core Rulebooks for more info, on world-building, extra combat options, etc.
Should include more maps and minis, and maybe an expert DMs screen
I like this approach because its not a different rule set. It starts out with simplified rules and builds up until you have the same system. It works as an introduction to the book line. I would buy these for my kids. It should include tips on continuing play at the basic, advanced, or expert levels as well. A lot of kids cant afford 3 $30 boxed sets, but I think buying a boxed set with everything you need is much better than buying a book, then not being able to play without dice.
I was starting a new campaign based on the Darkmoon Vale series of modules which has since been canceled. One of the guys wanted to play a Minotaur so I used these rules to come up with a whelp race of Minotaur that have a good relationship with the Dwarves of the Five King Mountains.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma Minotaurs are incredibly strong and tough, but they are impulsive and gruff.
Medium Minotaurs have no penalties or bonuses due to their size.
Normal Speed Minotaurs have a base speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision Minotaurs can see in the dark up to 60 ft.
Natural Cunning Minotaurs are immune to Maze spells and effects, and receive a +2 bonus to Survival skill checks.
Natural Armor Minotaurs receive +1 natural armor bonus.
Natural Weapon Minotaurs posses a gore natural attack that inflicts 1d6 points of damage on a hit. This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the Minotaur uses a manufactured weapon.
Weapon Familiarity Minotaurs are proficient with battleaxes and greataxes.
Languages Minotaurs begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Minotaurs with high intelligence scores can choose from the following bonus languages: Giant, Orc, Goblin.
If Ultimate Combat will have rules for ninjas and samurais, Ultimate Magic should have rules for Asian themed caster classes or archetypes. Like Shugenja.
Also raccoon, pig, and goat familiars.