![]() I hate to be the bad guy, but holy crap! It's been almost 2 and a half years now. At this rate, the final one should make it's debut in about the year 2021. Obviously Crystal is swamped doing other things, and that's great, it truly is, but is there another artist that can finish this line? I've seen several other complete adventure paths done in a fraction of the time it's taken to do this one book. Don't get me wrong, the first two are great, and I really look forward to seeing the next one, but..... ![]()
![]() I agree with the rule that if an item is no longer in contact with the target of the spell, that it immediately reverts to its normal size. That makes perfect sense, as the target of the spell is the character/creature, not the objects he is carrying which are only incidental. For me, where these rules goes strange is when a creature is reduced (or enlarged), it can still move at it's original speed. 'This spell causes instant diminution of a humanoid creature, halving its height, length, and width and dividing its weight by 8.' and 'This spell doesn't change the target's speed.' But it still moves the same speed? Really!?!? I guess that Halflings, Gnomes, and Dwarves have a slower base speed not because they are smaller and therefore have a shorter stride, but because they must be physically impaired somehow. And Giants have a faster base speed not because they are larger and have a greater stride, but because they have some hastening malformation. Makes no sense to me. I'll fix this in my home game, but for PFS I guess I have to run it for what it is. ![]()
![]() Awesome work Alexander. This is fantastic work and greatly appreciated. My group is just about to finish up CoT and we are about to jump into Kingmaker. I really liked the format that Feegle put the first two adaptations into, as well as the the work that Shieldknight put into his collection of Monster Upgrades. Was there any plan on doing the other 4 books as I don't see them anywhere? ![]()
![]() Sorry to hear of your decision to step down Neil. I completely understand the struggle regarding the time commitment. It sucks that life has to get in the way, but it is what it is I guess. I never had the chance to meet you, but I tried to follow the Ontario thread as often as I could. I hope that one day I'll get the opportunity. ![]()
![]() This was my ruling on it; Faerie Fire Rule: A pale glow surrounds and outlines the subjects. Outlined subjects shed light as candles. Creatures outlined by faerie fire take a –20 penalty on all Stealth checks. Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. The light is too dim to have any special effect on undead or dark-dwelling creatures vulnerable to light. The faerie fire can be blue, green, or violet, according to your choice at the time of casting. The faerie fire does not cause any harm to the objects or creatures thus outlined. Candle Rule: A candle dimly illuminates a small area, increasing the light level (see page 172) in a 5-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A candle cannot increase the light level above normal light. A candle burns for 1 hour. Obscuring Mist Rule: A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment[ (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). 1) The glow from the Faerie Fire is pale at best.
Therefore, based on the information above information, I would rule it that the 20% miss chance is negated because of the 'concealment' (the same as if a character had light cast on his weapon or shield), however beyond that range 'total concealment' is still in effect and not affected by the Faerie Fire. ![]()
![]() so then your saying that the effects of of combat within Obscurring Mist would be altered by 5'. Therefore 10' away 20% miss chance, 15' away 50% miss chance. I can see this, but there is no effect for having light on your shield if you walk into Obscurring Mist. We have a player that figures he can cast Faerie Fire on a creature, then next round Obscurring Mist giving him all the penalties of Obscurring Mist, but none to any player attacking that creature whether in melee or ranged. ![]()
![]() ossian666 wrote:
I have been running this campaign for my players for some time now. We're almost through book 5 and looking forward to book 6. Spoiler Alert:
One map that you will use forsure and that comes into play in Book 2 is the GameMastery Flip-Mat: Theater (Mine and my players favorite part in the entire campaign) I don't recall any of the other maps in the AP matching any pre-mades although you will find the GameMastery Flip-Mat: City Streets in conjuction with GameMastery Map Pack: Shops very usefull for a lot of encounters throughout the entire AP. The very first encounter, if you don't want to draw, would utilize GameMastery Map Pack: Sewers very nicely. As far as cards go, the following I found either indespensable or a big hit with the players;
The GameMastery Chase Cards Deck (PFRPG) came out a little late for me to implement, but I'm running Kingmaker next, so I will try them there.
I hope this helps, and enjoy the campaign. My group and I are having a great time with it. ![]()
![]() Northron wrote:
Because of the nature of Obsidian Portal, it won't display the calendar unless you are a member of the website. If anyone would like access to our calendar, then please feel free to e-mail me and I will set you up. It's great to see that our group is growing in leaps and bounds, so come join us at the tables and have some fun. ![]()
![]() I have a question that my fellow PFS members have been inquiring about. Perception checks have come up as an issue in regards to traps and I would like some clarification. I have looked at several threads on the board and it seems that there has been no resolution to this. Is Perception passive, or is it something that the players need to actively ask for. Some interpret the rule as, in order to find the trap you must be actively searching for it, and others interpret it as, if I step on it, I automatically make a perception check to notice it prior to setting it off. 3rd edition stated that you had to "search" for traps. 4th edition goes by a players passive perception. Pathfinder, as having been toted as 3.75 seems to leave this a little grey. What is the official ruling of the above? ![]()
![]() Lamplighter wrote:
Nice website Lamplighter. We currently use the Obsidian Portal for ours. Although I know it's not the perfect medium, it works for us for now. We are growing at a pretty good pace. I have been actively recruiting now for some time. We are now 30 members strong and growing. I currently have set up one of our members to run a weekly (Monday night) PFS session which is doing very well. We had two tables running this week. We also run a once a month Gameday, as well as Special Event Gamedays. Looks like we are going to have to plan on 3 tables at each session (2 sessions per day). Our GM base is growing and I am pretty excited about where we are going. If anyone from the other areas are ever in town, please come and check us out. Our website is http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/pathfinder-society-edmonton-chapter / ![]()
![]() Looking for clarification on the Faction missions for seasons 1 and 2. I feel stupid for even asking this as I am sure it is plain and simple, but.... It states in the PFS Guide - Seasons 1 & 2 (Scenarios #29–#56 and #2–01–#2–26): These scenarios all include two faction missions. For characters using the standard advancement track, one of these should be considered the faction mission and the other the success condition for the scenario, maintaining the 2 Prestige Point maximum. Does this mean that so long as they complete 1 of the faction missions, and they complete the adventure, they get both prestige? ![]()
![]() Lanorien wrote: OK, ten factions? An adventure I'm running this weekend only has the original 5 for their PA rewards. None of the adventures I bought for Society events I'm running have the newer 5 factions. What do I do now if a player shows up belonging to one of the unrepresented factions? Is their Errata for the Adventures? Mark Moreland wrote:
I have the understanding that the previous adventures were going to be revised to include the new factions. Is this still the case, and if so is there any sort of time-line set out for this? Just curious as I have several players wanting to utilize their new factions, but are bummed because their missions are the same as the other corresponding factions at the table. They are looking for that sense of uniqueness. ![]()
![]() Lamplighter wrote:
Indeed, Edmonton is growing well. We are organizing and I am actively recuiting. We have currently 23 regular members of our little group and growing. I admit, it's not millions, but we're getting there. :-) ![]()
![]() Out of curiosity, is there a downside to signing Liebdaga's Contract? I know my PC's were extremely cautious to sign as they are afraid of the consequences. More than half of them would not sign it. That being said; Spoiler: What happens to those who did not sign, when the party reaches Signatory Vaccha? Does he only allow those that signed the contract to pass? ![]()
![]() Thank you all for the feedback. Some call me Tim wrote:
I agree with where you are coming from. It is not my intention to nerf a party tactic, as that would not only be unfair, but also punish the players for being creative. I will look at this as an opportunity to expand on a rule that will allow the players to use their tactic, but to provide consequences should they make a bad roll. ![]()
![]() I have sifted through the threads looking for an answer, but it looks like "Grapple" is a problematic subject. Is there no penalty for Power Attacking into a grapple? No chance of hitting the wrong target within that grapple? If not, that's bogus. Here is the situation I have run into. I have six 9th level players in my CoT campaign, and they have discovered a tactic which has become more than a little annoying. The Cleric and the Sorcerer buff the party to the max before entering any place new. Then the Monk rushes in and grapples any solo targets (which he rarely ever misses), three of the other players come in and assist the grapple, and then the Fighter comes in and power attacks the crap out of the creature who now has a -4 to its AC and no Dex bonus, and finally the rogue comes in and sneak attacks it. This has now become a recurrent theme. Now, as I see it, if a creature or NPC is locked in a grapple, that creature or NPC is always struggling to escape, not standing there "ok, you got me, I give up'. With that being said, a fighter who is power attacking is putting everything into a swing to inflict more damage, not performing a precision attack. Something wrong with this picture. Any ideas or am I missing something? I see a house rule coming real soon. ![]()
![]() I, for one, hope it never happens. The only time I ever saw an ability increase in a mod was in Living Greyhawk. A party of 6 of us players (all 1st level) find a Kobold Paladin lying wounded by a trail. One player decides to coup de graces it (completely in character of course) before anyone else has a chance to decide what to do, effectively eliminating half of the adventure and taking away the only chance at an ability boost that we had ever seen. Some of the players have never let that go and still bring it up when he's around. ![]()
![]() What program do you use? I use Adobe Reader 8. I can pull the images from everything but the covers, so I can't get those maps. The only way that I found around it, was to scan the inside cover as a pdf and convert that PDF to a jpg or bit map, then edit in a paint program to hide the room numbers and secret doors. Then I could import into D20pro. It worked, but it was time consuming. ![]()
![]() Andrew Betts wrote: You can extract the maps from the PDFs without labels. That's true, you can, and I do for my CoT campaign. I have never run into an issue with the AP's. However with the modules, many of the maps are printed on the inside front and back covers of the book, or PDF. The protections allow for copying content, but not page extraction. The maps on the inside covers must be set up as a page, and therefore won't allow me to copy and paste. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Awesome, looks like it is shipping today. Thank you for your responses to my question. I look forward to trying it out in my CoT campaign. :-) ![]()
![]() Out of curiosity, there is a reference in Delvehaven to a "well-crafted pre-Thrune Chelich Banner". Does anyone know what this banner looks like, or is there a picture of it in one of the Pathfinder supplements? If so, would someone please point me in the right direction, as I know my players are going to ask for it at the next session. ![]()
![]() My group found out through research that they would in all likelyhood be facing Lemures. They had no summoner, so they threw their Fighter into the ring after casting Protection from Evil, Mage Armor, and Enlarge. With the Fighter having the feat, Greater Cleave, and a +1 Cold Iron Battleaxe from the Knot, and the Bard using Bard Song in the background, it was an absolute cakewalk for the PC's. The Lemures couldn't attack unless attacked, and if the fighter took a swing, unless she fumbled, it was a hit, which almost always killed straight out. Then because of the Greater Cleave the swing to the next one...kill...then the next...kill......I just sat and watched her roll as Lemure bodies piled up. My only triumph was if the Fighter fumbled. When Thrax stepped into the ring, it was lights out. I knew that as soon as they cast Protection From Evil, this battle was over. ![]()
![]() My group is going to be starting the play next week, and after reading all of the posts on this thread, I must say that I am really looking forward to running this one. 4 out of the 5 players are big into the roleplaying aspect and I think they are really going to get into their characters with this one. The 5th...well...I guess he's about to be educated...or end up sitting there with a blank look on his face wandering what he's gotten himself into. :-) ![]()
![]() My group had decided upon 'Hope of the Fallen'.