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"Now, I am NOT going to say 'you can only select this or this' as abilities for the items. Instead, I will simply ask that you look at the various Minor Artifacts and submit an idea on what you want your items to do. This helps make the items feel more 'artifact-y' and allows for things that more accurately reflect what you want it to do, as opposed to it feeling like a slew of copy-pasted abilities." Earlier you mentioned using the equivalent of +6 arms/armor as base items before applying powers. Is this still true? When you ask us to not to just have "copy-pasted abilities," are you referring to normal enchantments, or to legendary item abilities? So for example, I took the price of a +6 weapon, used that as a benchmark in enchanting a magical mask, then applied the legendary abilities. Would any of these need to change according to the rules you posted? Thanks! ![]()
Re: Ghost rejuvenation Very valid concerns! Given the multitude of options available to us, and the incredible power level of this game, it is quite easy to make nigh-impervious characters. A few us of are pretty darn close! I can see how an ability that seemingly makes it impossible for Balthamel to die would be a concern. I'm not out to be some sort of arch-munchkin (writing lengthy sonnets for your background isn't really a munchkin sort of thing to do), so I'm happy to accept some firm limits. First, his undoing. As mentioned by others, arranging for Balthamel to be "put to rest" would be an enormous undertaking. He would need (a) his angelic body returned to him, (b) his beloved to be resurrected, (c) his beloved's husband not be resurrected, (d) his beloved fall in love with him, and (e) returned to his former station in heaven. Balthamel desperately wants these things, but it is impossible for him to have them. Even with epic-level magic, this is one egg that cannot be unscrambled. So that leaves the difficulty and cost of rejuvenation. "Improved Rejuvenation (Su) In most cases, it's difficult to destroy a dread ghost through simple combat: the “destroyed” spirit restores itself in 1d4 hours. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. The only way to permanently destroy a dread ghost is to determine the reason for its existence and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace. The exact means varies with each spirit and may require a good deal of research, and should be created specifically for each different ghost by the GM." Difficulty: None
I would like to make it more difficult and costly to balance it against other PCs. I used the lich as a benchmark. How about this? Difficulty: If Balthamel's mask is ever destroyed, he can only reappear in Hell after rejuvenating.
Here is the submission for Tanner Nielsen. Other than some slight modifications, pending GM approval of fiendish powers, my character is ready. Balthamel, the Fallen of Lies
Template 4 / Monk (Unchained) 9
You see a floating mask, roughly the size of a human face and made of purest gold. Closer inspection reveals that the mask is actually two half-masks, one masculine and one feminine, joined at the center. Both sides depict a serene face with closed eyes. Trailing from the mask are numerous tentacles seemingly made of shadow-stuff, and this tenebrous jellyfish appears to ebb in and out of reality. Background: The Two Lovers of Heaven A Song by Telend of Absalom Among the righteous hosts of Heaven,
Of two angels, bright and true,
Bold Irithel, the Captain,
Wise Gamaliel, the Sage,
As mortal heroes they were wed,
In perfect eons they progressed,
Arm in arm they faced the hells,
Though their love was perfect,
Balthamel, alas, Balthamel,
His was the honor of messenger,
"Gamaliel," he spoke,
Gamaliel obeyed with trust,
A flock of demons attacked the post,
But Irithel the Captain,
Balthamel's secret was found,
His was the greatest sin,
Despite his fall and loss,
He stole their holy death masks,
Balthamel, alas, Balthamel,
bigrig107 wrote:
At first the GM said, "Legendary Item: Your item starts at a baseline of five abilities. When you gain mythic ranks (SPOILER!), it will increase. As well, it automatically upgrades to Minor Artifact and Major Artifact status as you gain Mythic Ranks, requiring no expenditures to get such upgrades." But then he clarified, "For Legendary Items, I propose that they gain additional powers as you level. For purposes of legendary weapons or armor, assume that they have the equivalent of a +6 bonus already. For other legendary items, drop a line on the thread about what you might be interested in as far as abilities. Also, my mistake in noting that they were not already Minor Artifacts. That will teach me to post after I've been to a party!" "Your Legendary Items are bound to your very being. You may summon them from your very being or dismiss them back into yourself as a standard action. Also, regarding Legendary Item Abilities, you may message my profile with ideas on what you want them to do. They ARE Minor Artifacts after all! Just don't propose any 'Sphere of Annihilation as a sword' type nonsense and I can probably help you get something close to what you want." As far as design is concerned, he noted, "For purposes of legendary weapons or armor, assume that they have the equivalent of a +6 bonus already. For other legendary items, drop a line on the thread about what you might be interested in as far as abilities." A +6 weapon is worth 72,000gp, so I used that as a benchmark in assigning abilities as though it were a custom enchanted item. ![]()
My character has levels in Thrallherd. I plan on having my Thrall accompany me on adventures, and the Believers will be background accessories. We haven't heard additional details regarding the campaign setting, so depending on what kind of organization-building we are doing, my Believers may be chattel slaves at a palace, or mortal agents on various prime material worlds working towards establishing my cult. ![]()
thunderbeard wrote: You can't add the same ability score to anything twice, unless it's specifically called out (like the Mindchemist's knowledge boosts). This is why people don't stack Monk and Sacred Fist for an AC bonus, etc. Hmmm... well, it's not really a bonus twice. It's replacing the base score once, and being added as a bonus once. Can you point out the rule for me? I've honestly never heard of this rule before. ![]()
thunderbeard wrote:
Thanks for looking it over! It is the correct value. 1. Undead use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability that relies on Constitution(such as when calculating a breath weapon’s DC). 2. Unholy Resilience (Su) - At 2nd level, an antipaladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. ![]()
Both! You need Survival to find corn (has Golarion had their version of the Columbian Exchange?) and you need Profession (cook) to prepare it. Saburo currently has his eyes set on Shalelu. However, if any of the other females of the expedition require the services of a virile young buck, I would happy to oblige. Lovemaking is an art, and you can call me Picasso. It's understandable, considering my magnetic charisma, natural leadership, and tasteful sense of fashion. Now, where does one buy a velour kimono... ![]()
Here is the submission for Tanner Nielsen. If you have questions or comments, I would be happy to hear them. Saburo Norimune
Hair: None Eyes: Brown Height: 6'1" Weight: 150lb You see a clean-shaven Tien man, both face and pate. His eyes are the color of rich earth, with small flecks of gold near the iris. His skin is browned by the sun and tight against his skin, with years of wind burn evident in his angular features. He is dressed in simple traveling clothes - a blue tunic with red fringe, brown trousers, soft hiking boots, and a dark blue cloak. He wears a dagger at his belt and uses a spear as a walking staff. He is tall and lanky, with a wiry frame and straight posture. Personality:
Saburo leads personal interactions with a no-nonsense, business-like attitude that comes from several years of mercenary work. He works hard to overcome his negative attitude to see the good in people, but has been disappointed enough in life to not expect much from those around him. He is loyal and courageous to those who have his friendship - while terrible and vindictive to those who attack or betray him. Background: Saburo hails from the Hitsugi District of Kasai, capital of the Minkai Empire in far off Tian Xia. His family members had been in the employ of the yakuza who controlled the district for generations, and Saburo was groomed for a prominent position in the organization thanks to his arcane talents for trickery and deception. He would have had a successful career, if not for a moment of conscience, when he informed the town guard regarding a yakuza member who had murdered a small child who witnessed a crime. He fled for his life, joining a caravan passing through the Crown of the World, and wandered through Avistan as a spellcaster-for-hire. He never revealed his true identity, and remained disguised as a human. He eventually wound up in Sandpoint, where the eclectic population and diverse cultures reminded him of his metropolitan hometown. He quickly bonded with the Lonjitsu family, sharing with them a common language and similar tastes in food, music, and art. He and Ameiko became good friends. His special attention, however, was saved for the elven ranger who visited the town after excursions against goblins and worse in the dark woods. She alone left him tongue-tied, which he found frustrating and intriguing at the same time. Perhaps some day...
Saburo hails from the Hitsugi District of Kasai, capital of the Minkai Empire in far off Tian Xia. His family members had been in the employ of the yakuza who controlled the district for generations, and Saburo was groomed for a prominent position in the organization thanks to his arcane talents for trickery and deception. He would have had a successful career, if not for a moment of conscience, when he informed the town guard regarding a yakuza member who had murdered a small child who witnessed a crime. He fled for his life, joining a caravan passing through the Crown of the World, and wander throughout Avistan as a spellcaster-for-hire. He eventually wound up in Numeria, where the eclectic population and diverse cultures reminded him of his metropolitan hometown. He has quickly grown distasteful of the Technic League, finding their tactics too similar to the yakuza for his liking. He is currently available for hire, and spends his time drinking quietly in taverns and checking job boards for work. |