Brandon Dellmen |

Here is my submission for this campaign
Female Android
NG Medium Android (Huminoid)
Init 0; Senses Perception +7, Low-Light Vision Darkvision (60ft)
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
HP 13 (1d0+2+1)
Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +1 (+4 vs Mind affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun)
Immunities: Fear
Armor Lamellar (Leather)
Spd 30ft; 6 Squares
Melee Unarmed + 3 (1d6+2) ×2
Special Attacks
Power attack; -1Hit, +2
Android Abilities
1/Day – Ninite Surge: +4 bonus to 1 d20 roll
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10
BAB +1, CMB +3, CMD 13
Nanite Revival: You can instinctively activate your nanites
to save your life. Once per day as an immediate action, you
can command your nanites to stabilize you while you are
dying, even while unconscious or helpless. This does not
count as a use of your nanite surge ability.
Against the Technic League (weapons) +2 on damage rolls
made against targets you know are associated with the technic league.
Powe attack -1, +2
Class: 4+Int (4+2) Total:6
Acrobatics +4
Climb +6
Escape Artist +4
Knowledge (Local) +6
Perception +7
Sense Motive +1
Brawler’s cunning
martial flexibility
martial training
unarmed strike
Lamellar (Leather)
Brawler's Kit
*Flint and steel
*Torches (10)
*Trail Rations (5 days)
Backpack (Masterwork)
Wealth 30 GP, 9 SP, 10 CP
Android Racial traits
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma: Androids
have swift ref lexes and are very intelligent, but
they have difficulty relating to others.
Medium: Androids are Medium creatures,
and they have no bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Normal Speed: Androids have
a base speed of 30 feet.
Exceptional Senses: Androids
have darkvision to a range of
60 feet and low-light vision.
They also gain a +2 racial bonus on
Perception checks.
Constructed (Ex): For the purposes of
effects targeting creatures by type (such as
bane weapons and a ranger’s favored enemy
ability), androids count as both humanoids
and constructs. Androids gain a +4 racial
bonus on all saving throws against mindaffecting
effects, paralysis, poison, and
stun effects; are not subject to fatigue or
exhaustion; and are immune to disease and
sleep effects. Androids can never gain
morale bonuses, and are immune to fear
effects and all emotion-based effects.
Emotionless (Ex): Androids have
problems processing emotions properly,
and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense
Motive checks.
Nanite Surge (Ex): An android’s body
is infused with nanites. Once per day
as an immediate action, an android can
cause his nanites to surge, granting him a
bonus equal to 3 + the android’s character
level on any one d20 roll; this ability
must be activated before the roll is
made. When an android uses this
power, his circuitry-tattoos glow with
light equivalent to that of a torch for
1 round.
Languages: Androids begin play
speaking Common. Androids with
high Intelligence scores can choose any
languages (except secret languages,
such as Druidic).
This dark haired beauty with unearthly pale skin.
Wonders the wastelands with fists that have seen
their fair share of faces
===Character Concept===]
Based this Character build around the anime
Armitage III Poly-Matrix. She’ll use her martial
flexibility to activate different Style feats or
in Role play Combat Modes.
She'll have fits of raw emotions from time to time as
she works in trying to get the Android "Empathy" feat
Emery memories were always lonely ones. When she
first awakened she was alone in a ruined pod of
other non-awakened “broken” androids . Her prime
directive was to wait until the others awoken to
proceed to their next mission. After many years
and no activity Emery decided for short times to
explore the surrounding area for other androids.
It was during one of these trips that the Tecnic
League came and harvested the pod for it’s rare
resources by taking apart the nonfunctional androids.
After her return and finding the fate of her brothers
and sisters. Guilt ridden and for the first time
filled with rage she butchered the few remaining
followers of the Tecnic League without mercy. Filled
with what she thinks is sadness she decides to search
out this League and put a stop to them in hopes she
will protect other androids like her.

Amisi Sheut |

This is the Alias for Joy's cleric of Brigh. :)
Good to see you guys again and never let your deity dictate how much clothing you can wear. :)
And since I chose gnome for my race, I will be more of a tinkerer type creator rather than a burly smith type creator. Though I suppose I could eventually learn an enlarge spell just to be strong enough to properly use a forge and anvil. :)

![]() |

NG Human Male Ranger (galvanic saboteur) 1
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 dex)
hp 13 (1d10+2+1FC)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Spd 20'
Melee greataxe +1 (1d12)
Ranged hvy crossbow +4 (1d10)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats (2) rapid reload (heavy crossbow), point blank shot
Skills (7 skills) Climb +4, Disable Device +7, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6 (7 to follow tracks), Swim +4
Special Abilities: favored enemy (constructs), reprogram +1, track
Traits: robot slayer (+1 to attack and AC vs robots), armor expert
Languages: Hallit, Common
Possessions (x gp) greataxe (20 gp), heavy crossbow (50 gp), 50 bolts (5 gp), armored coat (50 gp; -1 AC pen), 5 cold iron bolts (1 gp), 5 alchemical silver bolts (10.5 gp), ranger's kit (9 gp), 3 gp, 5 sp
Stat Math:
Str 10 (0 points)
Dex 16 (5 points +2 racial)
Con 14 (5 points)
Int 10 (0 points)
Wis 14 (5 points)
Cha 10 (0 points)
I changed Beebs to a human, since we have a lot of androids and I'd like to play up the unease he feels around the constructed.
Beebs had a family once. A wife, a young daughter. A home. A life. Until the metal monsters came. When he returned home to the farm, it was burning. Everything was burning. Everything save the metal spider thing that was sitting in the middle of it all. Beebs went a little mad that day. He killed the damn thing, then buried his wife and daughter. He rode into the nearest town and spent the next week stinkin' drunk. When he sobered up he set out to learn anything he could about the metal beasts. And how to kill them.

Nevi Faelmond |

Nevi is perfect, so I don’t think I need to change him at all. (Maybe pick my languages, ugh.)
Beebs: You’ll definitely like it when Nevi picks up a few classes in Summoner to create a “Junkyard Robot” to help man my siege weapons. I’m going to treat him as a construct, even though he won’t actually have construct properties, so if we play together feel free to pick on him and hate him. ;)
Joy: Woo, another tinkerer of sorts! Nevi would love to have another engineer on board. Sadly I have Craft(Alchemy) instead of Craft(Clockwork)….. although maybe I’ll change that and say screw making my own cartridges… but Nevi does have a whopping +11 to Knowledge(Engineering) at level 1 so try and keep up. ;)

GM Tierce |

GM Tierce |

So is everyone having a good weekend?
I want to thank everyone for apply, and it was a hard decision to narrow it down to four people.
Here is our Iron Gods Party:
Uthan Ironmind - Half-Orc Seeker Oracle
Nevi Faelmond - Half Elf Gunslinger
Jade Gemheart - Oread Bard (archaeologist)
Amisi Sheut - Gnome Cleric of Brigh
Please post in the discussion forum when your ready and we can start planning
Have a great weekend