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No posts. Organized Play character for Nikolaus Athas.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

In the Season 10 rewards sheet , one of the items that a player can do to gain points is "Successfully complete a scenario in Season 5 of the PF Adventure Card Guild".

Is there an alternative for this item that is appropriate as we don't play Adventure Card Guild.


Edit: Just to clarify even if the player completes all other tasks (except GMing which he is too new to do) he can only complete 6 tasks and thus denied the 7+ reward.

Liberty's Edge

Hi Brains trust,

I've been looking through the rules and the forums and I can't find any specific rule regarding whether or not the Heaven's Mystery Awesome Display would interact with the non Oracle spells cast by this character.

So basically if said character has this Mystery but casts Colour Spray from his Mesmerist spell list, does he modify the spell as per the description of the Mystery? Or does he have to cast Colour Spray from his Oracle spells?

Please show me a reference either way if possible (FAQ or the like if not a rule)

Many Thanks

Liberty's Edge

Hi all,
I have a bit of a corner case question that I'm trying to get my head around.
An Occultist only has access to the spells of his chosen implement schools and can only cast 1 spell of each level of that school as chosen.

If they buy a Shard of Psychic Power that contains a spell of one of their known implement schools then my understanding is that they can use one of their spell slots to cast the contained spell, in effect having a second spell of that level for that implement school.

For example if they have say Illusions as an Implement school and chose Blur as their known second level spell, but also have a Shard with Mirror Image in it then they can cast Blur and Mirror Image as needed (up to the numbers of times per day that they can cast second level spells)

Now here are my questions.
What if the Occultist buys or finds a Shard of Ablative Barrier, which is a 2nd level spell of the Conjuration Implement school which they have not selected.
How do they use it?

a) Can they use it "as is" because while they do not have the school, it is on their spell list?

b) Can they use it with UMD?
i) If so what would the target DC be? Do they have to emulate a class ability (of having Conjuration spells known) which is a DC 20?
ii) If i) is the case do they use their actual caster level or do they use their UMD roll -20 as per the UMD rule for emulating a class ability?


Liberty's Edge

Hi all,
I have been looking around for a definitive answer to this and I have found some older threads that discuss whether or not the Thassilonian Specialists can take focus schools (they can't) but I couldn't find anything that talked about combining archetypes.

My take is that it is a legal combination because as far as I can see:
a) The Thassilonian Specialist of Gluttony doesn't alter any of the school powers.
b) The Hallowed Necromancer only alters the school powers.
c) both require you to make Necromancy your school.

Is this right?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

I have seen a number of posts about how awesome the Monstrous Physique line of spells are and how they work - this isn't a post about how Polymorph works or the like, as I understand the mechanics of the rules.
I also understand the list of allowable monstrous humanoids allowed or more importantly the legal sources they can come from.

No my problem within PFS is this:
A lot of posts suggest taking monsters like the Calikang or the Chardra or even the Gargoyle but none of them address the real limitation of this spell - the material component.
From the spell description:

Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)

How is a Level 7 ish caster get his hands on part of a CR 12 monster in the case of a Calikang (apart of course from defeating one) as an example?
A 5th level caster encountering a gargoyle is within tier, but they still need to have played an adventure when they encounter and defeat one.

Is there some kind of handwave within PFS that removes this requirement?
Otherwise you can only use Monstrous Physique on forms of creatures you have encountered during sessions and more so you need to keep a record of said monsters and the adventure you encountered it in.

Thoughts and Clarifications anyone?

Liberty's Edge

Hi all,

In Blood of Shadows the Alchemist archetype replaces its Bombs with Glooms.
It goes on to say that Glooms are NOT bombs for the purpose of feats or discoveries.

This would imply that the fast bomb or precise bomb discoveries are unable to be used with glooms.

Im pretty sure this is the case but Im just asking because my searches haven't found much reference to glooms anywhere and I just wanted to make sure.


Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

Hi all,

just putting some ideas together and I was wondering if taking Scalykind as the domain for Natures Bond on a Nagaji Aspirant (Druid archetype)be allowed.
It is a domain offered by the Godess Nalinivati who is an ascended Naga (and now the patron of Naga and Nagaji) and it is said was the one who gave free will to the Nagaji.
Seeing also that it appears that the Nagaji Aspirant is not so much a nature based as Naga based worship this would be a good fit.

The domain is PFS legal but it is not one under the Animal/Terrain Druids list.


Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hi all, I have a question regarding the HD or Level of the Necromatic Servant.
Now the rules as written indicate that the Hp of the servant are equal to 1/2 the Occultist's, and that it uses the same BaB and gets a damage bonus equal to 1/2 the occultists level, but there is no mention of its HD or saves.
I don't mind if they stay at the base 1 HD skeleton or 2HD zombie, but would like some clarification if that isn't the case.


Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

Hi all, I recently came across the opportunity to gain a follower and was looking at the description of the Lookout as per the Society primer page 28.

Lookout (4 PP)::
A Pathfinder is at her most vulnerable
when asleep, and having a designated guard allows
everyone to rest safely. While you rest, a lookout keeps
watch . A lookout's bonus on Perception checks is equal
to your character level. The lookout immediately wakes
you up (as if he had spent a standard action to do so)
upon spotting danger.

Now I remember that somewhere along the line it was stated, that a vanity follower is assumed to be of your own race.
Given that my character is a tiefling does this mean that the follower is also a tiefling and hence has Darkvision? This can make a huge difference in its usefulness to me.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

Hi all. title says it all basically.
It has been established in other threads that basically any generally available item can be made into a Battle Host's Panoply Bond, including things like full and field plate.

Special material or enchanted armors can't which is fine, but I was wondering if Armor spikes could be part of the armor when starting the character either for free or paid on character creation.
If not then would it be allowable to add armor spikes later? And can the Armor be enchanted later? (I know that the armor spikes need to be enchanted separately as weapon bonus)


Liberty's Edge

Ranged Tactics Tool box wrote:

Whenever the magus enhances his weapon using his arcane pool, he can spend 1 additional point from his arcane pool to add the returning and throwing abilities to the list of available weapon special abilities.

I'm not 100% clear in how this works:

A 5th level Magus has a +1 sword. They spend 1 point to enhance it by +2 to potentially a +3 or a +2 Flaming or a +1 Flaming Keen etc.

If they have the Arcana above do they then:
A) Spend a further 1 point and it becomes a +2 flaming returning thrown sword?
Total pool cost = 2, enhancement cost = +2
B) Spend 1 point to allow them to be able to add thrown and returning for an additional enhancement plus each on top of the +1 Flaming, which would only be possible at level 5 if they did not make the sword Flaming (Base +1 sword, 2 enhancement bonuses due to level 5, cost of 1 each for thrown and return.)
Total pool cost = 2, enhancement cost = +4

For the record Im leaning towards B, but A would be nice.
I'm hoping I've made my confusion clear.


Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi all,

I have a question as per the heading regarding the Bones Oracle's Raid the Dead Mystery.

It states:
Raise the Dead (Su): As a standard action, you can summon a single skeleton or zombie to serve you. The undead creature has a number of Hit Dice equal to your oracle level. It remains for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. At 7th level, you can summon a bloody skeleton or fast zombie. At 15th level, you can summon an advanced skeleton or zombie. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day at 10th level.

Now my question is this. At home games the summoned monster could be anything that a player can have his GM approve of I suppose, but what about for PFS? This is an issue so as to minimize table variation.

Does the skeleton have to be human? Can I go through the Bestiaries looking up various 1 HD creatures to get the best bang for buck?

As an example compare the attribute arrays for a

Human Skeleton:
Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Orc Skeleton:
Str 17, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10


Human Zombie:
Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Orc Skeleton:
Str 19, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

What happens when I get to level 2? Do I start summoning Gnolls or some other superior 2 HD monster or do I summon a 'generic' 2HD creature.

3rd level Bug bear or bear or whatever ...

Unfortunately this isn't all. At 7th level I start summoning Fast Zombies or Bloody Skeletons.
Once again if I can 'cherry pick' what kind of creature I can summon then ...

has anyone considered this?:
Fast Zombie Barghest. Young Bloody White Dragon Skeleton which are both 7 HD ...

Ultimately my question here is: there an official PFS Ruling regarding the types of creatures that can be Raised by the Oracle. Or is it considered that given it is a relatively short duration limited use ability, anything that is a legal animated target is ok?

Liberty's Edge

Just wanting to know what should happen if the Party's caster has told them before hand that a particular illusion will happen: for example an illusionary thick fog produced by say Major Image (so sight is very limited, sound becomes deadened and a feeling of damp will fill the air), cast during a combat to blind their opponents.

Does the party automatically disbelieve?, do they have to make a will save at +4? or do they have to save as normal?
What about the caster herself? Can she see through it or does she have to make saves?

Note that the caster can be having the 'fog' swirl and react while concentrating, so it wont automatically disappear when the enemy touches it.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

Hi all, I was curious if the rules for age penalties or bonuses apply in PFS play or if your stats remain as per base line stats regardless of age.

So for example if you are considered an old gnome in age = 100+ yrs, whether or not the age mods come into effect.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hi all,

not trying to split infinities but Im just a little confused about the wording here.

Deadshot clearly states that it *is* a full-round action where as Rapid Shot states 'When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon'.

My puzzlement comes from the wording that seems to imply that Rapid Shot can be added to a full round ranged attack.

Also in a somewhat related question how would Deadshot work with a double pistol?


Liberty's Edge

Hi all,

been looking around to find exactly how many shots a Gunslinger would be able to fire with the combination of Double Pistol, Paper Cartridges, Rapid Reload and Rapid Shot, but I can't find anything that seems definitive. I am only looking at using one double pistol and no funky tricks - weapon chords , tails extra arms or the like.

So given a Gunslinger of level below 6th has one standard attack, would the combination of feats and gear above give him:

a) 3 Shots (Double pistol = 2, +1 more due to Rapid Reload reloading one barrel as a free action and Rapid Fire)


b) 4 shots (Double pistol = 2, +2 more due to Rapid Reload reloading both barrels as 2 free actions and Rapid Fire)

Taking it further if the character is now over 6th level and has access to the 1st iterative are the total number of attacks:

a) 4 shots (Double pistol = 2, +1 for Rapid Shot and Rapid reload, +1 for iterative and Rapid Reload)


b) 6 shots (Double pistol = 2, +2 for Rapid Reloading both barrels and Rapid Shot, +2 for Rapid Reloading both barrels and iterative)

In all examples assume that the Gunslinger will be firing both barrels.

Thanks all

Liberty's Edge 1/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—NSW—Bondi Junction

I just want to make a confirmation here as I received a Boon today which while it was labelled a Player boon, only seems to apply if you are a GM. Is this correct?

The Boon is 'Extra Hours' which basically allows you to make a Day Job check for one of your own characters *IF* you GMed and are applying a GM Chronicle sheet to that character. ie allowing you to make a day job check because you GMed.

Im not repeating the exact wording because Im not sure of the legality of that.

Can someone official please confirm if this is correct?

Thanks in advance.

(PS Already spoken to our VC Sydney Australia and he is the one who told me to query it here)

Liberty's Edge

So for example:
Arcane Strike or Weapon Focus or even Specialisation?

Liberty's Edge

A thought occurred to me regarding a players CMB and their iterative attacks.

If for example a 6th level monk with appropriate strength and feats/gear had a CMB of say 10 and uses flurry of blows (4/4/-1) but substitutes trips for each attack is his CMB 10 for all 3 attacks or does it become 10/10/5 ?


Liberty's Edge

I was reviewing the animal companion rules for Druids and I found what I think is a contradiction.

From the section Animal Choices

Animal Choices wrote:
Each animal companion has different starting sizes, speed, attacks, ability scores, and special qualities. All animal attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted.

Yet as one of the special abilities at 9th level the Druid's companion gets Multiattack

Multiattack wrote:
An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with one of its natural weapons, albeit at a –5 penalty.

But if a druids companion takes no penalty with its multiple attacks as per the italic section why have this as a special bonus? My understanding of Multiattack from the Bestiary is that it reduces the penalty from -5 to -2.

So which is it?
Companions get -5 with their secondary attacks (like all other animals)which makes Multiattack a useful addition at 9th?
Companions use their base BAB (unlike all other animals) which makes multiattack unnecessary?

Thanks in advance.