
Arikiel's page

691 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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I think most agree that hp is kind of a weird video game like concept. When reading a D&D style novel for example the characters aren't just taking blow after blow to their health bar. They're avoiding blows and when they are hit it hurts. The D&D sort of mechanic isn't very realistic and doesn't really fit with how most fantasy settings are actually described. Uber Warlord Killsalot isn't going to just be able to ignore a spear going though him no matter how tough he is.

While thinking about that I've stumbled across a fairly simple idea to tweek the existing rules to make them much more "realistic" and "gritty". While my idea would tone things down I'm not sure how it would play out. So I thought I'd share my thoughts here and see how you think this might effect things.


For hp at 1st level you'd get max HD(6,8,10,12)+Con mod as normal. From there I was thinking you'd just get +1 hp/level. That kind of puts wizards on the same footing as fighters though. So instead as you level you'd get a number of additional hp equal to your BAB. Your Favored Class bonus could not go to hp and the Toughness Feat would of course only add a flat +3 hp. So a 10th level fighter for example would have 10+Con modifier+10(Base+Con+BAB) for about 24 hp total.

This would go along with some sort of armor as DR system (to decrease damage/increase survivability) and a leveling AC bonus (as high attack bonuses don't do much when everyone's AC is lower). Maybe adding your Reflex Save bonus to AC so that the dodgey classes are actually good at dodging. /shrug Anyways! This would further makes taking and avoiding blows more realistic.

Even with armor and a decent AC how would any one survive with such reduced hp? Well simply by reducing damage by the same relative amount. In every damage type situation you'd change additional dice to a flat plus to be added to the base die type. If it's a +1/level type thing then you'd just drop the plus all together. So a 10th level fireball would do 1d6+9 damage (base die type +1 per additional die).

This means a 10 level fireball against a 10th level fighter would have about the same relative effect (of loosing about half his hp) as is the standard rules. However that farmer impaling the warlord with a spear, while not killing him outright, would still hurt and would not be something so easily ignored.

While this is pretty simple and straight forward for PC types I'm still trying to figure out how that would change monsters. Even with massive DR an adult red dragon with 35 hp is an odd thing to get used to.

Is there anywhere to find a list of the feats that can only be taken at character creation?

Could anybody please tell me exactly how tall she is? I'm looking for something around 8-9cm.

That's pretty snazzy but I don't see the system requirements listed anywhere? :/

Does anybody have any conversions for Purple or Steel Dragons?

Ok apparently I'm an idiot. I've just started trying to use PCGen v6.04.01. Everything seems to work fine but whenever I try to save anything it doesn't do anything. There's no file created anywhere from what I can tell. Can someone please tell me how to save the work that I do on it? It's completely baffling to me.

Hello Everybody!

I'd like to have a sorcerer bloodline that's very thematically halfling. I'm imagining sort of a lucky trickster kind of bloodline. Does such a thing already exist somewhere and if not do you have any suggestions on making it?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello everybody!

So I was thinking about how in most fantasy settings the amount of gold in the world is completely overblown. This is likely due to the image started by Smaug's treasure horde. Which is completely and utterly ridiculously over the top. Now let's compare his mountains of gold to what we find in our world.

All the gold mined by humans through all of history would only fill a cube about 21 meters across. That's including modern mining techniques.

If we look at the seven known ancient metals as parts per million in the Earth's crust we get the following...

Iron 50,000 ppm
Copper 50 ppm
Lead 16 ppm
Tin 2 ppm
Silver 0.1 ppm
Mercury 0.08 ppm
Gold 0.005 ppm

We can take Lead off the list as it's a liquid and thus cannot be used for coins. Iron is pretty common place and Lead is kind of heavy and awkward for making coins. So looking at just Copper, Tin, Silver, and Gold we see they're spaced out fairly nicely. Platinum was unknown prior to the 18th century.

Silver is 20 times more common the Gold.
Tin is 20 times more common the Silver.
Copper is 25 times more common then Tin.

For simplicity sake we can break this up into multiples of 10

100 copper = 10 tin = 1 silver = 0.1 gold

Thus it seems to me a simple patch to make the system slightly more realistic, without being overly complicated, is to do the following. Keep copper pieces as is, turn silver pieces into tin, gold pieces into silver, and platinum pieces into gold. Thus making silver coins the base unit of value rather then gold coins.

If we think about this in term of US money prior to 1900 it makes a lot of sense. 100 copper pennies = 1 silver dollar. Keeping in mind of course that a dollar, on the gold standard, had way more value prior to 1900. About 30 times times what it is today. Using 19th century US currency as an analogue we get the following…

1 cp = Penny (copper piece) $0.01
1 sp = Dime (tin bit) $0.10
1 gp = Silver Dollar (silver piece) $1.00
1 pp = Gold Coin (gold piece) $10.00

If we optionally add in alloys we can flesh it out even more.

Penny (copper piece) $0.01
Nickel (bronze piece) $0.05
Dime (tin bit) $0.10
50 cent piece (silver alloy) $0.50
Silver Dollar (silver piece) $1.00
$5 dollar coin (electrum piece) $5.00
Gold Coin (gold piece) $10.00

The names of the coins can easily be change for the time period and location. Crowns, Marks, Deniers, etc.

Anyways. Just thought I'd share my thoughts for anyone else that might care to tone down the over abundance of gold in their settings. :)

Just a quick thought. In my setting that I'm putting together most everyone would be illiterate. Obviously wizards and alchemists need to be able to read. Druids would probably also be literate in their secret language. If I take it away from all other classes though how would I best balance things?

Maybe give everyone else extra skill points to put points into linguistics if they choose to? But how many? It's assumed that everyone is literate in all of their starting languages. The linguistics skill also gives you both the written and spoken language per point invested. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

How does one submit one's address when placing an order? When I get to the window to fill in my address and complete it there's no way to proceed beyond that window. Is there supposed to be a "next" or "submit" button somewhere?

Oh and when I go to "manage shipping address" in "my account" the only option I have is "remove" my current address. Which only shows my name and nothing else. When I try that it doesn't give me any options to add a new one.

Hello! Is the any word as to if/when minis for the iconics from the ACG will come out? I particularly want one of the Slayer. I'm having a hard time finding good minis for the Middle Eastern/North African part of my campaign world. Though some more female dwarves are always welcome too.

Throughout history, in countless cultures, warriors fight with a spear and shield combo. How is this best represented in game? Does pretty much every soldier ever have to take the phalanx soldier fighter archetype? That seems a bit silly. Surely there must be some way of using a spear with a shield in formation fighting without having to depend on a single archetype? I feel I must be missing something in the rules.

Wha?! Is this in stores already? I didn't think it would be out till the end of the month. Looks like I'm going to have to make a trip to my FLGS sooner then planned. ^_^

Hello! I was thinking about doing an adventure that features a gallery of extinct creatures. It would be filled with beholders, displacer beasts, grell, mind flayers, umber hulks, etc. I'm not sure what all didn't transfer to Pathfinder though. Does anyone have a complete list of old D&D monsters that weren't in the ogl?

In my campaign setting firearms are practically nonexistent. What exists at all is the very basic fundamentals. They're pretty much only used by a few dwarven engineers/alchemists who are all about bombs and guns and things that go boom. They'd be more akin to the experimenters who first invented firearms then gunslingers who focus on mastery of firearm use (with their high BAB and full compliment of deeds and such).

To represent this I want to create an alchemist archetype that focuses on bombs and guns. As dwarves don't really do the whole arcane thing I'd like to replace extracts with gunslinger grit and a limited selection of deeds. There is of course no full gunslinger class in this setting.

The only guns that exist are fire lances, flash pistols (one-handed blunderbusses), thunder guns (blunderbusses), and storm cannons (oversized blunderbusses that needs to be braced). Also there are no such things as alchemical or metal cartridges. The reason I expanded this list up to four different guns (rather then just fire lances and blunderbusses) is so I could transplant the gun training class feature from the gunslinger (which grants special training in up to four different guns).

I've only ever done relatively minor tweets here and there and am not sure how I might balance out such a major class feature substitution. So how would one go about balancing out this concept? Any thoughts or input would be much appreciated.

So I'm playing with the idea of a follower of Shelyn that tries to avoid killing opponents that are sapient and non-evil.

She would have a level in paladin for the martial weapons (glaive) and the detect evil class features. Detect evil would be used at the start of every combat. If an opponent is non-evil she would try to use diplomacy or non-leathal combat as best as possible. Spells like Sleep and Hold Person would help there but what should I do on the martial side to best subdue enemies?

Nice costume bad pic. The camera angle, background, etc don't work. Are there any other pics of her?

Blarg! Had I know sooner I might have made plans to head down there. :/
Oh well. Hope it all went well.

Does anybody know where I could buy a matching blue d20? I have the red set from the Beginners Box and I bought a black and a white set. It would be nice to round out the blue set from the ACG so that I'd have four full sets when running four players through the BB at once.

Hello my Paizo peeps! I could use some advise on organizing the gaming community here in my town.

A year or two ago a new Warhammer/Magic the Gathering store opened here. Just within the past couple of weeks they finally drove the game store of the last 26 years out of business. The old store didn't do anything to engage the community and mostly stayed in business by being the only game store in town. Unfortunately this does leave the town without any RPG stores. We do have quite a lot of players here (though not as many GMs) so the new Warhammer/Magic store is interested in filling this vacant role. The owner and his one employee don't know much about RPGs though. So they're having me help out. We apparently have had a Pathfinder Society guy here for over a year but he has done absolutely no community outreach whatsoever and seems to just to Society play with his own personal group. Basically by default I've ended up as the new RPG community organizer for my town and I need to figure out how to manage that.

So! I figure a good place to start would be to run weekly, open to the public, Beginner Box sessions. That seems a good way to drum up interest and get people introduced to each other. After that I might look into running APs (Kingmaker sounds interesting). Given the number of players that seem to be out there though I would need other people running games as well. I'm not sure how to recruits people for that though.

I figure another good starting point would be to create a sign ip sheet at the new store. Probably have something like Name, Contact Info, Availability, Games You're Interested In, Are You Able/Willing To Run Sessions? I dunno. Is there anything else I should be asking? What are other good ways to get people signed up?

How important are conventions? We have a couple of conventions here in town. Including a comic, anime, and nerd convention. Among others that I probably don't know about. I don't have much convention experience and am too poor to go to them regularly. How important in creating a local gaming network is a convention presence?

As the new game store guys don't have much RPG experience they asked me what games they should stock in the store. To be honest besides Pathfinder I don't really know. I pretty much tuned out from what's new and hip back in the 90s when WotC started buying everybody out and WEG and FASA went under. Which is fine for my personal group but we need to engage the community at large now. So what do folks play these days?

I'm sure there's lots of other concerns but that's what comes to mind right now. Thoughts and advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

So I've seen plenty of threads about various classes being underpowered or overpowered. Taking that all into consideration how would you rank all 19 classes in order from most OP to least? I'm betting Summoner will #1 and Cavalier #19 for most people.

Thank you for the sneak peak. Mine's already pre-ordered at my FLGS and eagerly awaited. :)

PS. I'm excited to see a new half-orc female to add to my collection. There haven't been nearly enough female half-orcs and dwarves as of yet.

The reason a standard Cleric needs medium armor, shields, and a D8 HD is because their heal and buff spells are mostly all range touch. They need to be able to take hit as a front line buffers. I want to do something different with the Oracle class. To further differentiate them from Clerics and make them more scholarly and less meleey. Or maybe it's just the iconic art that's biased me against Oracles wearing lots of armor. :p

Anywho! I was thinking of dropping all of their combat values by one step to D6 HD/Low BAB (from D8/Medium), and light armor only (from medium+shield). To balance this they need to be able to cast their spells without having to be on the front line. So I was thinking in place of their combat features they would instead be able to cast all ranged touch spells at ranged close.

Do you think this would need some further balancing?

I was wondering if there's any rules for just everyday sorts of spells? Looking at RL people usually went to shamans or wise women or whatever to get pregnant, avoid getting pregnant, give birth safely, get their animals to breed successfully, make sure their fields were fertile... well basically a lot to do with breeding. Ya I know 3.5 had that one book but I'm looking for spells for everyday people rather then the big book of S&M smut. I know such things are rather mundane in a combat focused game but this is what most people would be using magic for. Surely there must be such spells out there somewhere?

Does anyone know if there will ever be pawn sets for the older APs (pre-S&S)?

Hello there. I understand that Pathfinder focuses on a European analogue so most of the NPCs and fashions are going to be Eurocentric. That's fine and all but it would be nice to have a bit more diversity.

I mean I was flipping through the Serpent Skull series looking at the pics and even in the AP set in "Africa" had pretty much nothing but white people and snake people. Of the hand full on black people I can find represented in Pathfinder art half of them were dressed as Europeans (Seelah, Vale Temros, etc). It's kind of disheartening. Basically what I'm wondering is there ever going to be any chance of us seeing more then one or two black african looking minis/pawns?

Hello there!

So I was thinking in my games I really want to have more options for animal companions and mounts. I was thinking at effective level 11+ druids, rangers, cavaliers, etc should be able to have exotic options. Like appropriate magical beasts or dragons. A druid with an owlbear companion or a wyvern riding knight would be pretty snazzy imo.

Anywho! I was wondering if anybody knew of any rules for such a thing?

Where could I find a list of ingredients for these? I've got to be careful with what I eat being one of those damn dirty hippy types. >.<

The rain over halloween did indeed suck. This preview has got me think of how I might put together a Boggard costume for next year. Anywho! I'm really enjoying seeing what will be coming in the Shattered Star set. :)

Just wondering which modules would work well together? Which could be strung together into a cohesive whole. Like say if I wanted to run a whole series of them back to back with the same characters. Sort of a patch work Adventure Path.

Hello peoples!

So I was wondering if someone might be able to tell me which APs feature giants and what kinds? I haven't read any of the APs in case I ever play in any of them. I did however get the Rise of the Runelords pawn set because giants are kind of a big deal in my costume world. While I'm now good on ogres, trolls, hill giants, and stone giants I really need more frost and fire. So really what I'd like to know is what future pawns sets might give me us frost and fire giants? I saw the Shattered Star AP features giants. Does anybody know what kind yet?

I've been thinking of finding some new players for a game with my own setting. I'm a little worried about how people would feel about my rulings though. While most of the tweaks aren't a big deal I do limit my players in a number of ways.

First of all I'm thinking of limiting the players to the Core Rule Book and Advanced Players Guide only (with my own house rules on top of that of course). With all the other options out there will this make players feel unduly constrained?

The other and larger issue is how I treat character advancement. My world is a bit more down to earth shall we say. I'd go with slow leveling and low fantasy (half treasure) rules. I also treat levels 11-20 like most GMs probably treat "epic levels" (21-30). For the most part level 10 is the upper limit. Teen levels in my world are for the ubber-powered. Like demigods and such and are rarely ever seen. I would only ever do 11+ for campaigns specifically designed around planes hopping godlings or some such. I just generally wouldn't go up to 20 just because it's there. I imagine this could be a deal breaker for a lot of players.

I dunno. Am I being unreasonable in running such a low powered world? Would you be willing to play in a game with such limits?

Hello peoples!

I was wondering what other magicless classes are out there beyond the CRB and APG? I would really like to look over some additional options that aren't just more casters or caster hybrids. Something along the lines of the Gunslinger without guns (which don't exist in my setting) might be neat. Anything without a spell list would be interesting really.

Hello peoples!

So I have a low fantasy setting that focuses mainly on the lower levels. When looking over the spells that are cast and the monsters that are fought at higher levels I decided that normal humans are limited to levels 1-10. In my world levels 11-20 is for demigods and such and are only used in specific campaigns.

Anywho! Given that along with the fact that expensive arms and armor are less common (low fantasy = half treasure) I thought it would be handy to do my own quick reference NPC list. I figured I'd do a generic NPC for each base class (Core & APG) from levels 1-10. Then all I would have to do is add racial modifiers as needed and I'm covered for all my general NPC needs.

As I started on this I looked over the NPC Gallery for ideas on names and such. This started to remind me of old D&D where each level had it's own name. Not that I would name levels but having NPCs of ever every level be named would be neat. I need help rounding this out with different names for the NPCs of each level. Any thoughts, comments, input, etc is much appreciated.
This is what I have thus far.....

Levels (1-5 are base or "normal" levels)
1 A working knowledge of a trade but no practical experience.
2 Some experience but not at a professional level. Part timer.
3 Someone who does it for a living. (like a carrier soldier)
4 Experienced in their trade. Been around a little while.
5 One with a full understanding of their trade. Class Name.
6-10 Ever higher levels of officers, nobles, elites, etc.

1 Militiaman, 2 Guard, 3 Soldier, 4 Veteran, 5 Sergeant
6 Lieutenant, 7 Captain, 8 Major, 9 Colonel, 10 General

Cavalier (Are of the nobility in my setting)
1 Squire, 2 Outrider, 3 Cavalryman, 4 Cataphract, 5 Knight
6 Lord, 7 Count, 8 Baron, 9 Duke, 10 King

1 Tribesman, 2 Warrior, 3 ?????, 4 Raider?, 5 Berserker
6 ?????, 7 ?????, 8 Subchief, 9 Chieftain, 10 Warchief

Outlaw (a sort of non-stealth based Rogue/Warrior idea I'm playing around with)
1 Mugger, 2 Bandit, Brigand, 4 ?????, 5 Highwayman
6 ?????, 7 ?????, 8 ?????, 9 ?????, 10 Bandit Lord

Rogue (Traditional sneaky type)
1 Beggar, 2 Pickpocket, 3 Robber, 4 Burglar, 5 Theif
6 Adventurer, 7 Treasure Hunter, 8 Tomb Raider, 9 ?????, 10 Guild Master

1 Novice, 2 Initiate, 3 Brother, 4 Disciple, 5 ?????
6 Master, 7 Master of ?, 8 Master of ?, Master of Dragons, Master of the Four Winds

1 ?????, 2 Protector, 3 Defender, 4 Guardian, 5 Champion
6 Prefect, 7 Archon, 8 Justicar, 9 Paragon, 10 Saint

1 Hunter, 2 Trapper, 3 Scout, 4 Tracker, 5 Ranger
6 Bounty Hunter?, 7 Beast Master?, 8 ?????, 9 ?????, 10 ?????

1 ?????, 2 ?????, 3 Interrogator, 4 ?????, 5 Inquisitor
6 ?????, 7 Witch Hunter, 8 ?????, 9 Demon Hunter, 10 Grand Inquisitor

1 Pupil, 2 Intern, 3 Researcher, 4 Experimenter, 5 Alchemist
6 Professor?, 7 ?????, 8 ?????, 9 ?????, 10 ?????

Bard (Oh I'm not using prestige classes btw)
1 Vagabond, 2 Wanderer, 3 Storyteller, 4 Minstrel, 5 Bard
6 Scholar, 7 Chronicler, 8 Lorekeeper, 9 ?????, 10 Celebrity Bard

1 ?????, 2 ?????, 3 Caller, 4 ?????, 5 Summoner
6-10 Umbral, Planar, Dimensional somethings?

1 Pilgrim, 2 Deacon, 3 Paster, 4 Preist, 5 Cleric
6 Bishop, 7 Archbishop, 8 Cardinal, 9 ?????, 10 High Priest

1 Aspirant, 2 Naturalist?, 3 ?????, 4 Shaman?, 5 Druid
6-10 Tiers of the Inner Circle?

1 Acolyte, 2 Adept, 3 Seer, 4 Mystic, 5 Oracle
6 Sage, 7 Prophet, 8 Theurge, 9 Thamaturge, 10 Heirophant

1 Touched, 2-4 Enigmatic, Eldritch, Escoteric something?, 5 Sorcerer
6-10 ?????

Wizard (Not using UM btw)
1 Apprentice, 2 Hedge Wizard, 3 Magician, 4 Mage, 5 Wizard
6 ?????, 7 ?????, 8 ?????, 9 ?????, 10 Archmage

1 ?????, 2 ?????, 3 Hexer, 4 Occultist, 5 Witch/Warlock
6-10 ?????

Ok so I was going over the Armor as DR from UC and I'm having problems with it. While it seems to work alright at lower levels it breaks down at higher levels Most higher level creatures get harder to hit because of Natural Armor rather then from avoiding blows. This means they become crazy easy to hit but almost impossible to damage. Using the Armor as DR rules higher levels of Base Attack Bonus are mostly wasted when stronger mobs aren't much harder to hit then starter mobs.

Let's take the example of a 12th level fighter against a purple worm. He only needs a 4 to hit but has to do over 22 points of damage just to get past the worm's natural armor. Which means he'll pretty much always hit it but never hurt it.

Or look at stone age hunters trying to take down a mastodon. It's pretty well impossible with stone spears. Oh and you can just forget about ever doing any damage to a Tarrasque without spells.

The solution would seem to be to transfer some of the wasted BAB into damage for overcoming DR. A simple (and I believe elegant) way of doing this is to take the amount you beat an enemy's Defense by and add it to your damage roll.

Now Let's look at that fighter against the worm again. Let's say he rolls a 10 plus his BAB of 12 for 22 to hit. The worm has a Defense of 4. So he beat it by 18 which is added to his damage roll. This nicely counters most of the worm's DR of 22 and means he can actually reasonably hurt the damn thing.

Doing more damage against unarmored PCs doesn't seem like a huge issue to me. It actually gives warrior types a little extra edge against casters at higher levels where they start to lag behind casters anyways.

I dunno. Do you guys think this idea would work?

I decided categorize the beasties by where they come from. I left out most things that don't come from real life mythology. That and common Humanoids. Seems silly to list elves, dwarves, goblins, etc. I also left out non-Native Outsiders as they are Planar beings and could really show up anywhere. Where a creature exists in one region's mythology but is supposed to live elsewhere I list them by where they where thought to live.

Let me know what you think or if I missed anything. :)

General Mythology (Can be found all over the place in various forms.)
1 Drake, X
1 Ghost
1 Ghoul
1 Giant, X
1 Golem, X
1 Hag, X
1 Kraken
1 Lycanthrope, X
1 Merfolk
1 Mummy
1 Sea Serpent
1 Shadow
1 Skeleton
1 Skeletal Champion
1 Treant
1 Unicorn
1 Vampire
1 Will-o'-Wisp
1 Zombie
2 Gremlin, X
2 Mandragora
2 Scarecrow
2 Soulbound Doll

The North
Cold Climate
1 Golem, Ice
1 Gray Ooze
1 Remorhaz
2 Drake, Frost
2 Frost Worm
2 Giant, Taiga
2 Winterwight
3 Annis Hag
3 Cold Rider
3 Trollhound
Scandinavian (Including FInnish)
1 Ettin
1 Giant, Fire
1 Giant, Frost
1 Linnorm, Crag
1 Linnorm, Ice
1 Linnorm, Tarn
1 Troll, Common
1 Worg
2 Draugr
2 Troll, Ice
2 Troll, Rock
2 Water Orm
3 Iku-Turso
3 Linnorm, Cairn
3 Linnorm, Fjord
3 Linnorm, Taiga
3 Linnorm, Tor
3 Norn
3 Nuckelavee
3 Sleipnir
3 Troll, Jotund
3 Troll, Moss
1 Doggleganger
1 Kobold
2 Blindheim
2 Poltergeist
2 Totenmaske
3 Alraune
3 Nixie
3 Tatzlwyrm
3 Gorynych
3 Leshy, Fungus
3 Leshy, Gourd
3 Leshy, Leaf
3 Leshy, Seaweed
3 Rusalka
3 Vodyanoi

The Middle
General European
1 Basilisk
1 Cockatrice
1 Gargoyle
1 Griffon
1 Homunculus
1 Ogre
1 Wight
2 Forlarren
2 Hippogriff
2 Ogrekin
2 Peryton
2 Revenant
3 Bogeyman
3 Carbuncle
3 Sprite
British Isles
1 Boggard
1 Pixie
1 Wraith
1 Wyvern
2 Banshee
2 Brownie
2 Dullahan
2 Grindylow
2 Kelpie
2 Leprechaun
2 Merrow
2 Pech
2 Redcap
2 Spriggan
2 Twigjack
3 Atomie
1 Tarrasque
3 Ecorche
Greek (Including Roman and Balkan)
1 Centaur
1 Chimera
1 Cyclops
1 Dryad
1 Gorgon
1 Harpy
1 Hydra
1 Lamia
1 Medusa
1 Minotaur
1 Nymph
1 Pegasus
1 Satyr
2 Amphisbaena
2 Charybdis
2 Dhampir
2 Hippocampus
2 Lamia, Matriarch
2 Nereid
2 Scylla
2 Siren
3 Caryatid Column
3 Cyclops, Great
3 Faun
3 Thriae, Queen
3 Thriae, Seer
3 Thriae, Soldier

The South
Warm Climate
1 Behir
1 Gnoll
1 Phase Spider
1 Shocker Lizard
2 Death Worm
2 Dust Digger
2 Gremlin, Pugwampi
2 Grippli
2 Leucrotta (European)
3 Disenchanter
3 Drake, Desert
3 Drake, Rift
3 Giant, Desert
3 Giant, Jungle
3 Jackalwere
3 Sabosan
3 Stymphalidies (Greek)
Middle Eastern
1 Phoenix
1 Manticore
1 Roc
3 Simurgh
3 Suli
3 Girtablilu
3 Humbaba
3 Lammasu
3 Shedu
1 Genie, Janni
3 Ghul
3 Behemoth
3 Dybbuk
3 Nephilim
3 Tophet
1 Sphinx, Gynosphinx
3 Maftet
3 Sphinx, Androsphinx
3 Sphinx, Criosphinx
3 Sphinx, Hieracosphinx
Sub-Saharan African
1 Girallon
2 Catoblepas (Greek)
2 Zombie, Juju
3 Derhii
3 Grootslang
3 Kech
3 Kongamato
3 Lukwata
3 Popobala
3 Zuvembie

The East
1 Oni, Ogre Mage
1 Tengu
3 Baku
3 Jorogumo
3 Kami, Jinushigami
3 Kami, Kodama
3 Kami, Shikigami
3 Kami, Toshigami
3 Kami, Zuishin
3 Kappa
3 Nue
3 Oni, Fire Yai
3 Oni, Ice Yai
3 Oni, Luwa
3 Oni, Spirit
3 Oni, Void Yai
3 Oni, Water Yai
3 Sagari
3 Tanuki
3 Yuki-Onna
Chinese (Including Tibetan)
1 Dragon Turtle
1 Yeti
2 Dragon Horse
3 Kirin
3 Dragon, Imperial Forest
3 Dragon, Imperial Sea
3 Dragon, Imperial Sky
3 Dragon, Imperial Sovereign
3 Dragon, Imperial Underworld
3 Taotieh
3 Terra-Cotta Soldier
3 Vampire, Jiang-Shi
1 Naga, Dark
1 Naga, Guardian
1 Naga, Spirit
1 Rakshasa, Common
2 Krenshar
2 Weretiger
3 Bhuta
3 Garuda
3 Kamadan
3 Naga, Lunar
3 Naga, Royal
3 Naga, Water
3 Rakshasa, Dandasuka
3 Rakshasa, Maharaja
3 Rakshasa, Marai
3 Rakshasa, Raktavarna
3 Rakshasa, Tataka
3 Vanara
3 Vishkanya
3 Siyokoy
3 Manananggal
3 Penanggalen
3 Adaro
3 Bunyip

The West
3 Adlet
3 Akhlut
3 Tupilaq
North American
2 Thunderbird
2 Mothman
2 Wendigo
3 Baykok
3 Hodag
3 Pukwudgie
3 Sasquatch
Central American
1 Couatl
2 Chupacabra
2 Xtabay
3 Ahuizotl
3 Tzitzimitl

After looking over the Keep on the Borderlands conversion I got to thinking how awesome it would be to do something similar with the most classic D&D adventure arc by Gary Gygax.
T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil
A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords
G1-3 Against the Giants
D1-3 Descent into the Depths of the Earth/Vault of the Drow
Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits

Has anyone attempted this? If not would anyone be interested in trying? It only covers up to level 15 so what to do afterwards? Should 14-15 level PCs be able to take on Lolth with as much as she's been upgraded over the years? Maybe it could work if it were just one of her avatars? Is this idea totally crazy? What do you all think?

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So I'm doing a little more work on my campaign setting and I'm having a hard time with the Monk. My setting is based on Europe, the Middle East and Africa. When I look at the Monk's weapon proficiencies most of them wouldn't even exist in this setting. Also all of the special ability names and such are very far eastern.

Pretty much all the other classes can be plugged into most any culture that's advanced to the "state" (armor wearing) level, from England to Japan. Even Cavaliers and Druids work if you view them as the Knights and Shamans of various cultures. So I'm asking myself (and all of you) what's the non-East Asian equivalent to a Monk?

In having PC monks in the west we could just say that he's a wanderer from a distant and exotic land. This however would make rather out of place in the world and would greatly limit the options for NPC Monks. Just dropping a Chinese Monastery in the middle of Medieval Britain would be kind of cheap imo.

I'm considering working in westernized Monks but I would need change their flavor. For instance I could see the Middle Eastern styled regions having a fortress monastery loosely inspired by Alamut. Not really sure where they'd fit in to the European and African styled areas however.

Anywho does anyone have or know of archetypes or alternate classes for non-East Asian Monks? Like a variant that makes them less culturally specific. What would be neat is something along the lines of the Cavalier to Samurai mod in reverse... but for Monks!

I dunno. Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated. :D

Has anybody done up a Dark Water campaign setting for Pathfinder (or even 3.5)? What classes, races, monsters, equipment, etc would be in such a setting? Which source books would be valuable in running a game set in such a world? Where to even start?! Any thought or pointers would be much appreciated. :D

So I've finally had a chance to look at Ultimate Combat and the Variant Rules chapter. When reading over the Called Shots section it occurred to me...

Pathfinder pg. 68, Sneak Attack: "she can strike a vital spot for extra damage".
Ultimate Combat pg. 193, Making Called Shots: "A called shot is aimed at a particular part of the body (aka vital spot), in the hope of gaining extra effect from the attack".

In the base rules Rogues are essentially doing more sneak attack damage because they're making called shots to vitals. As everyone seems to agree that Rogues are underpowered and fluff wise these are the same thing why not work these together a bit?

I don't know how it would effect things balance wise but when using the Called Shots rules how about giving Rogues a bonus to called shots equal to their Sneak Attack level? ie. a +10d6 sneak attack would also get a +10 BAB when making called shots.

It would make Rogues masters of the precision strike. Which is really what they should be in my opinion. No idea if that would be too powerful though? I'm not good at calculating such things. : /

This has probably been discussed before but what about class archetypes for the various races? Different races have different cultures and class archetypes seem like a handy way to represent different cultures. I got the idea looking at the Dervish Dancer, Geisha, Ninja, Samurai, etc.

I dunno. What do you think? Would this be a good addition to the ARG?

So how should mounts work in game? I never liked how they just appeared and disappeared in WoW. It would be neat if they stayed around when dismounted like in Skyrim but then would there be a problem of mounts left littered about all over the place? Should people be able to steal your mount? Maybe by putting them in a stable you could eliminate the risk of theft. Should you automatically dismount in cities, indoors, in dungeons, etc? What mounts should even be available in the first place? Just horses or weird stuff too? What about flying mounts? Can I have a dragon?! I'll name him Pete!!!

There needs to be a mini-game where you throw dice! ^_^

I know it's considered a relatively minor issue but I would love to see player housing or at the very least guild halls. After all I need a place for my dragon's head trophy and all the spell books I'm not currently using. ;)

Hello Everybody!

I've come up with an idea for a character but I haven't figured out how best to pull it off. The character comes from a long and well established line of Human Paladins. On one of his many adventures the character's father rescued a Nymph is distress. They courted and had a child but being so very different it wasn't long before the Nymph follows her fey nature buggered off. The child was taken home and raised by his father to be a Paladin. He looks human and never knows about his fey side growing up but always feels different and out of place somehow. While he comes to venerate the knightly ideals of chivalry and goodness he has the utmost difficulty with tradition and their ridged/structured ways. So he finds his own way of doing things.

Basically the character is going to be a fey-touched knight and champion of Chaotic Goodness. I want to be roughly 2/3 Cavalier and 1/3 caster. Sort of an Un-Paladin (rather then an anti-paladin :p). I'm thinking of going for Order of the Star (Desna) for the whole wandering knight bit. For my caster part I'm not sure. As I'd never effectively be able to cast my spells in heavy armor I kind of don't want to have to waste levels on Sorcerer to be of a Fey Bloodline.

I know I could just do a Cavalier/Oracle (Heavens or Nature?) or Cavalier/Cleric (Desna: Luck & Travel?) (Cavalier/Witch really doesn't work well :/) but that doesn't cover the fey side anywhere. Is there a way of having a Bloodline without being a Sorcerer? Like with a Feat that has to be bought at character creation or something? I could just ask the DM to make something up but I want this character to be official. So I could use him in Pathfinder Society play if I want to.

It's my opinion that core classes should represent core concepts and that hybridization should be the domain of multi-classing and prestige classes. While I don't mind having them in my world I don't believe hybrids like the Alchemist, Inquisitor, Summoner or Magus should be base classes. So my question is how would one convert a base class into a prestige class? Just take the first 10 levels and come up with some prerequisites? /shrug

Full Name





Monk (Drunken Master & Quiggong) / 1







Special Abilities







Common, Dwarf


Town Drunk

Strength 7
Dexterity 17
Constitution 18
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 5