
Anaba Boeska's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 49 posts (80 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 48 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

New Character Option - Is this option a one time use or does earning an Admittance boon for a race allow for the creation of an unlimited number of characters of the Admittance Race?

Existing Option - My understanding is you can create a new character with the new character option, then if you earn a second copy of the same exact boon, you can stack for the Existing Race for the ability score benefit?

Player wants to make a second character of admittance race and I'm not sure what to tell him since you use a "Copy" of a Chronicle and player is saying, "...it doesn't say I cannot make 10 copies and make 10 different (race)...from boon I got for playing 1-XX once..."


Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My understanding is the only way you can replay a non-Replayable scenario or AP is by using a GM Nova.

Is there a plan to allow us to recharge them similar to PFS Expanded Narrative?


Pretty Please?

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

Cannot seem to find answer, correct my assumptions:

Question 1: Player plays 3 parts, then other 2 at later date gets full credit if they did not play anything else with character between, correct?

Question 2: GM gets full credit for running 5 parts; GM can get full credit even by running the same part 5 times, correct?

Question 3: Weird example that came up; Player (701) played first 2 parts but didn't finish. Made new character (702) and played several times now. They want to GM Quest now. GM wants to know if they can apply their credit to finish the original (701) characters Chronicle by running 5 parts.

Advise / clarification welcome!

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GenCon50 tables being sorted out (for a friend, I'm cool).
A Venture Captain in my region (our 5 star stepped down) [verysadface].
A Venture Agent in my stores.
Regional support in my area (or boons not linked to it).
Time for few more tables so a few of my players can unlock their Barathu PC (totally on me).
Reporting credit for APs for GMs and Players alike.
A repeatable tier 3-6 scenario.
My Nova to show up on my ID card.
A Strawberry Machine Cake T-Shirt.

Thanks, and happy holidays to all!

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

I am not seeing if this has been addressed or not, but when I report AP1 for Starfinder, the system does not allow 5 reputation to be reported (autocorrects to 4) and does not show any GM credit. I understand that ultimately the Chronicle is what counts, but do APs count for GM credit?

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

During scenario, all players start at "Junk Beach" and cannot move until closed.

When you encounter a bane with Goblin trait, roll 1d6 - Roll a 3 that states, "After you act, move to a random location"

Do you move or does scenario rule prevent this?

If you do move by rolling a 3, can you move back to Junk Beach to help close it?

Testing scenario out, 3 players, first two both rolled a 3 on the Goblin Raiders on top of the Junk Beach Deck and we played that they moved then didn't know if they could move back to Junk Beach to help close it...


Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

"The party draws one of each type of boon other than loot from the game box."

Okay, then what? Do players just get the typical deck upgrade, but no actual reward?

This does not make sense to me, since every scenario I've played to date gives you a card or unlock beyond the deck upgrade.

Please clarify and thanks!

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/55/55/5

I read that after 4 scenarios you have the choice to advance. My question is are there times that it is mandatory, such as completing an adventure ? The question came up as a character in my group wants to attempt SotR and SotS - do adventure 1 in each then advance to tier 2, do both adventures #2 etc. My thought is that you must tier up after completing an adventure, otherwise the character could end up with 12 deck upgrades for instance....please advise!

Grand Lodge

Orange Prism (Ioun Stone)

Cracked: Wearer adds one cantrip or orison (determined when the stone is created) to his list of spells known or spells prepared. Price: 1,000 gp.

Question, can a non-caster (Investigator) use one of these to learn a cantrip such as read or detect magic?

Trying to avoid buying wands...