Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist

Altus Lucrim's page

316 posts. Organized Play character for Carl Harris.


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Liberty's Edge

Don't forget about spell like abilities, when you're level 11 or so pick up a scroll of anti-magic field and try to fight in that, then they can't just teleport away

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for all the feedback! You've confirmed my suspicions about my plan. I had considered more ranger because at level 2 I was really struggling to hit things. With only 1 bab and 3 str mod it was tough, I'm hoping it gets better and early on I took no offensive spells because they save DC is so low. Figuring on magic missile/scorching ray style spells for the damaging spell options, with more buff than blast in the repertoire. I took ranger simply because I didn't want paladin moral restrictions, and I needed access to cure light wounds wand, in my are there are about 7 core characters 3 barbarians, 1 fighter, 2 wizards, a sorcerer, and me. So I really felt that ranger or paladin were my best dip options. Again thanks for all the help!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You might enjoy being sor/bloodrager with dragon disciple replacing the sorcerer levels at 5-15. Focus on natural weapons, turn into a dragon and bloodrage away... Stats would be unparalled.

Liberty's Edge

First: I've read the guide. It's great. Let me throw this out there this is a CORE campaign pfs character. Right now he is this:
Ranger 1/Sor 2
Str 17
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14
Traits: Reactionary/ Magical knack (sorcerer)
Feats: improved initiative, iron will

My question is this: should I pursue 2 levels as ranger next? Or 2 levels as sorcerer?
I like access to better spells, especially buff spells, and it's only a few hit points and 1 bab difference with extra skills to go ranger.
Sor +1 bab, + 12 hp, 2 sor lvls of spells, bloodline advancement.
Ranger: +2 bab, + 14 hp, endurance, a style feat(point blank shot? Twf) and favored terrain bonus.

Remember core only, btw Half-Orc, race

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Can I buy a second deck of sorcerer cards to add duplicate cards like spells blessings exc.?

Liberty's Edge

so I really like this build. The one thing I think that you probably should not forget about is that with 14 int on a paladin you can grab Unsanctioned Knowledge as a feat which is really good for a Paladin.

Liberty's Edge

This peaks my interest, but I'd almost always go with monk for Wonder Woman. She hits with fists more often than anything else.

Liberty's Edge

You cannot be everything and cover all bases. Not possible.
That said: A buddy of mine did a tiefling Ninja/Paladin that seemed to do well. High Charisma is a must so take a variation (such as Demon Blooded) that allows for that. Beyond that just remember that your ninja tricks and such don't exempt you from your paladin code.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

FanaticRat wrote:
Since I've become increasingly frustrated with PFS games recently, why not just have a thread about the funny moments we've had in them? I mean you guys gotta have some good stories, right?

So I play this wolverine imitating barbarian... I know bad form/Mike Brock hates it when people do this.

So we're playing a scenario involving Harpies on a high cliff, and of course I've got no range weapon (lvl 11). Harpy flies off cliff to cast at us, so I do the only thing I can, I'm Wearing a Grapplers Mask and have max acrobatics, and I am very heavy... I leap off the cliff because she is on the cliff level. Grapple...Fall...Crit on the ground with my x3 claw....

Liberty's Edge

Back on topic: I'd wait on focused mind.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok I totally got your back, Hulk isn't much of a Barbarian.... He's more an alchemist/masterchemist (rage Chemist) This is what I did for this effect:
Str: 15(+2) Dex: 12 Con: 14 Int: 14 Wis 8: Cha: 13
1.Alchemist Feats: Skill Focus (Survival), Toughness
3.Alchemist Disc. Feral Mutagen, Eldritch Heritage (Orc)
4.Alchemist Str +1 (BTW Rage + Mutagen at this point =28 str, 30 enlarged)
5.Alchemist Disc. Preserve Organs 1, Extra Rage
7.Alchemist Disc. Preserve Organs 2, Power Attack
8.Master Chemist. Str+1

Continuing on Take Improved Eldritch Heritage at 11 and 13 for fear immunity and Extra Strength (Plus an excuse to turn green) Feats are basically filler, but Str will hit 50 around level 17 with Greater Eldritch Heritage.

Liberty's Edge

Also I flagged this for wrong forum...It really does belong in Advice, though I think Paizo should add a PFS character advice forum/Rules forum. As you play differently in PFS than you do in a home campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Here's the problem with this, really it doesn't get much more optimal then an improved familiar with a wand of Ill Omen and the Slumber Hex. Nothing is as detrimental to your opponents as falling asleep in combat. The best case scenario for them at that point is you wasted two enemies turns with one of yours, usually that's a pretty good trade. So yeah this is totally doable, works extremely well, can even be done via Magus (yep seen it done that way), and will leave you with plenty of other (lesser) options to play around with.
Stats: Max your intelligence, so Human/Half-Orc/Tiefling/Half-Elf/Elf/Peri-blooded Aasimar. Crunch is there for all choices, fluff to desires.
Feats: Improved Familiar, Spell focus? if you actually want to use some curse spells this doubles the need for improved familiar because you do not want to be where you can deliver touch attacks...

Liberty's Edge

I play a Wiz 8 Sorc 1 with orc and draconic bloodlines from Crossblooded Sorceror. I'm Admixture School. I have spell spec, but it's on fireball. Varisian Tatoo, it was a must and magical lineage on fireball. I nuke rooms. Is it the best way to play a wizard? no. But here's what it does do, IF I go first (a sometimes thing) then everything in the room has taken (10d6+24)x 1.5. Empowered Fireball. I pack a staff of fire also. My DC is very high so most things fail, I don't always kill a room, but my melee strikers usually follow it up with 1-hit K.O.'s. It's impressive.

Liberty's Edge

But you cant use mats from a pouch while you're using form of the Dragon. That's why I like eschew.

Liberty's Edge

Most of the games I play require PFS Rules, as such Vivisectionist is banned, Just my excuse.

Liberty's Edge

2 more levels in Sorcerer after this will grant 2 more strength and Nat AC btw

Liberty's Edge

Alright, I'm coming back to this because I just made a Dragon Disciple for a upcoming AP game and this is what I did. Note: I in NO WAY say that this is the only/best way to do a Dragon Disciple. It is simply what I am doing and why. Prax used to be a dragon but he really made a druid mad. That druid thought that the afterlife of a dragon was almost certainly better than life as a mortal, so he cast reincarnation on him, this has turned the dragon into a Half-Orc.

Spell Selection, just make sure to pick up Acid Damage options for every level and also pick up glitterdust to help out your party.
Alternate Traits: Sacred Tatoo
Traits: Tusked, Fate's Favored.
Str-17; Dex-14; Con-14; Int-8; Wis-10; Cha-14

Lvl 1. Rngr: Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy (Human), Skill Focus (Survival)
Lvl 2. Rngr: Combat Style (Natural Weapons) Aspect of Beast (Claws)
Lvl 3. Sor: Ironhide, Eschew Materials, Bloodline -Draconic (Green)
Lvl 4. Sor: Str +1
Lvl 5. Sor: Draconic Resistances; Dodge
Lvl 6. Dragon Disciple: Nat AC +1 Blood of Dragons
Lvl 7. Dragon Disciple: Power Attack, Arcane Strike Str +2
Lvl 8. Dragon Disciple: Str +1 Breath Weapon
Lvl 9. Dragon Disciple: Str +2, Nat AC +1, Eldritch Heritage(Orc)
Lvl 10. Dragon Disciple: Blindsense, Toughness
Lvl 11. Dragon Disciple: Con +2 Improved Eldritch Heritage (Fearless)
(the choices Above indicate you managed 4k for a Headband of Cha +2)
Lvl 12. Dragon Disciple: Dragon Form 1/day Nat AC +1, Str +1
Lvl 13. Dragon Disciple: Improved Initiative, Int +2, Improved Eldritch Heritage (strength of the Beast)
The above choice gives +2 Strength now and 2 more at level 15.
Lvl 14. Dragon Disciple: Wings
Lvl 15. Dragon Disciple: Blindsense 60, Dragon Form (2/day)

Like I say, this is what I'm doing and I'm doing it because I really like the Natural Armor and Strength. I also like the ability to have constant natural attacks. You do what you want, but this is how I'll be playing it.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Grats Kristen, looks like you win our little race... beat ya to 6!

Liberty's Edge

I'd say that if your focus is to grapple and not let them go, perhaps you should look at dropping that charisma a bit to get higher strength and pump it further at 4. I'm not sure where you dropped your +2 but let's say it's in str and your stat build is actually
14 (+2) racial
By the time your spell progression really needs charisma you can get a headband. If you want maneuvers to be better (and attacks) flip to this stat build instead
16 (+2) racial 18
at this point you've lowered your DC's by 1. but you dont use DC's as often as you use maneuvers and strength for damage which have each been increased by one.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Yeah, I'm not seeing a problem with this at all. In fact I find it a creative way of using the products that already exist, I recommend seasons 0-1 with the climax of Eyes of the Ten. Many of the scenarios in those seasons play a part in Eyes of the Ten and certainly would be the best PFS has to offer in terms of over arcing plot.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

We just completed the Arc. Configuration below
Altus Lucrim (me) Human Conjurer Wizard
Gretle Oakenshield (My wife) Dwarven Inquisitor of Abadar
Mourne Moondown Elven Bard
Jaximus Human Fighter (Armor Master)
Petra Human Fighter
Solomon Wiseaxe Dwarven Cleric
Aladin Magus (Bladebound)

All things considered this was pretty fun, we were very balanced, I don't believe anyone died, certainly no one stayed dead. We were all VERY successful. And I will be starting up my own pathfinder lodge very shortly.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Germany is a little far yeah. Mainly looking for Midwestern states.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Last fall I acquired 2 Ifrit boons at different cons, I just acquired an Oread boon at a con this weekend. I heard Undine's were in the middle, and that leaves Sylphs for this summer. I'd like to trade Ifrit for Undine, and I'd like it if someone who is hosting a con in Either June or July can use an extra GM, and perhaps has a couch? though that last part is optional.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

-1 Conjurer 13 Altus
-2 Paladin 6 Sanzar
-3 Druid 7 Zoismos (may start multiclassing him, He has all mounted combat feats so Cavalier seems good for about 4 lvls, rides his roc)
-4 Ninja 8 Leonardo
-5 Cleric 4 Dr. Acula (dhampir)
-6 Invulnerable Rager 11 Logan
-7 Oracle 6 Michael Angelo
-8 Ragechemist 3, Invulnerable Rager 4, David Banner (if your counting 1 multiclass)
-9 Summoner 11 Tatsou
-10 Gunslinger 5 Wukus
-11 Xblood Sorc 1, Wizard 8 Nos S'koht (Thats 2)
-12-18 have chronicles but not been played so they are putty.
-19 (PLANNED) Wiz/Cavalier/EK (Not Played yet, Im not counting it)
-20 Martial Artist 3, Nag

Liberty's Edge

Let me explain my thinking on this: I'm not 100% sold on Spring Attack, I started by taking dodge because I like AC, and that's where that took me.

Spell Focus was free from Wizard so it stays, I'm not totally sold on what to do with it... I was thinking maybe Varisian Tatoo, but I think that may fall short of greatness.

Heighten spell is for a trick that I learned with Heightened Continual Flame. It's a Wizard Bonus feat, there's just not much better.

Improved Share spells, well that's maybe not the greatest, but I was thinking share Imp's invisibility which I cant cast.

Liberty's Edge

I'd say alchemist is pretty good, just get traits to get you diplomacy as a class skill.

Liberty's Edge

Thank You to everyone who helped me with this build and concept! I'm going to enjoy playing this character a lot, and you all really made it possible :)

Liberty's Edge

Nathaniel Felaren is a member of Cheliax's lesser known cousins of the Thrune family. Nathaniel has turned from the political road that many of his Infernal Blooded family members were headed down to pursue his own path to power. He refused to barter his immortal soul for present power, and seeks a way to redeem his family by way of enslaving devils in order to find ways of eliminating their contracts them. He views the Pathfinder Society as a path to power outside of his family who, upon his refusal to sign the contract with one of their traditional Infernal allies, promptly disowned him leaving him penniless and without allies. Except for the one member of his household to take the same path, Sir Alek Felaren of Magnimar. Alek had an incredible discovery during his adventuring days of Xin Shalast, and is how he gained connection with the famed Pathfinder Society. Alek allowed his cousin to use a treasure he found there as he begins his journey as a Pathfinder, a single Onyx Rhomboid Ioun Stone. It's been a long road to becoming a Pathfinder Field Agent and Nathaniel is finally ready to enter the field after extensively studying at the foot of one of The Society's members who has faced a Rune-lord victoriously in combat, Altus Lucrim.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah now I need to decide some Finer points, as my concept of him has evolved I see him more and more as a Chelaxian Nobleman. I think his improved familar (that at one time I thought would be a Faerie Dragon) is an Imp. This solves alignment for me at Lawful Neutral, an alignment I like to play as, and also it helps me to determine that a lot of my ranks will be going into Use Magic Device so that my Imp (as of yet Unnamed) can fire away with those.

Liberty's Edge

Ok Here is an EK Feat build, What concerns me about it is the push back on spell levels, perhaps caster levels, though a Trait mitigates that entirely.

1. Greed Specialist, Reactionary(possibly Fate's Favored), Magical Knack, Spell Focus(Conjuration or Transmutation), Improved Initiative Dodge.
2. Wizard 2- No Feats, but now we've Got all knowledge Skills trained.
3. Wizard 3- Improved Familiar
4. Gendarme Cavalier 1- Order of the Staff, Power Attack, +1 Strength
5. Wizard 4- Toughness
6. Wizard 5- Heighten Spell
7. Eldritch Knight1- Mobility, Spring Attack
8. EK 2.
9. EK 3. Dimensional Agility
10.EK 4.
11.EK 5. Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish
12.EK 6.
13.EK 7. Improved Share Spells.

I could continue Further but we're officially outside Seeker Arcs.

Head: Jingasa of Fortunate Soldier
Headband: Vast Intelligence (+x)
Eyes: Goggles of Fogcutting
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance (+x)
Neck: Amulet of Mighty Fists (+x)
Armor: I dont think anything, perhaps at low level mwk Hamaraki
Chest: Undecided
Body: Undecided
Wrists: Bracers of Armor.
Hands: Deliquescent Gloves
Finger 1: Ring of Protection (+X)
Finger 2: Undecided
Belt: Belt of Giant Strength (+X)
Onyx Rhomboid Ioun Stone
Lesser Extend Metamagic Rod
Pearl of Power 1st level
Various Wands for Familiar
Cracked dusty rose prism Ioun Stone.

Liberty's Edge

Spell focus is free from class for lack of a better option it sticks around though perhaps another school.
Did a feat build considering eldritch knight. And If I pass on eschew materials then it opens up some feat path options. If I do eldritch knight it slows down spell progression by 2 lvls. Let's assume it's worth it. Multiclass option lore warden 1 level. I'm not taking arcane armor. It doesn't apply while polymorphed . Like say though I'm working on this.

Liberty's Edge

The dervish delay is based on bab of 6 prerequisite. As straight wizard you don't have that till 13. As I said this is based upon a basic chassis I've ruled out no possibility yet just wanting to show discussion where my thoughts are leading me.

Liberty's Edge

I'm trying here to put together a sample of how I'm leaning. Feedback Appreciated and this is not* the final Product. Likely.

S-17 D-14 C-14(16w/stone) I-14 W-10 C-8
1. Human Greed Specialist Wizard. Feats: Spell Focus (Transmutation); Eschew Materials, Improved Familiar/Initiative.
2. Wizard - No Feats Skills at this point 1 point in all knowledges
3. Wizard - Power Attack
4. Wizard - +1 Strength, Flop Bonus to Dex, buy Belt of Str +2 (20)
5. Wizard - (At a loss for Feat Selection, perhaps Imp. Init, if I took Imp Familar, otherwise Dodge perhaps, Wizard Bonus Feat of Multimorph)
6. Wizard -
7. Wizard - Dimensional Agility
8. Wizard - +1 Strength.
9. Wizard - Dimensional Assault
10. Wizard- Wizard Bonus Feat (Extend Spell)
11. Wizard- Toughness
12. Wizard- +1 Strength.
13. Wizard- Dimensional Dervish

Liberty's Edge

Ok so some general philosophies are rising to the Surface of this discussion.

1: Armor proficiency, Eldritch Knight Route
2: Long Term Buff route.

Lets Discuss Arcane bond. For this character better to have improved familiar and a Faerie Dragon Familiar(GM Credit) or IMP Familiar to buff him with wands (Specifically Blur/Displacement) or Bonded Object on Amulet for Mighty Fists, remember PFS only allows a 1 time 1/2 price purchase so I'd need to wait for prestige to be high enough to afford a +3 amulet then purchase that big chunk all at once to achieve maximum benefit.

Lets look also at some Items I'm seeing as potentially incredible.
1. Lesser Rod of Extend Spell
Especially if I plan on going the route of Long Term buff (towards which I am leaning because of the nature of the character being transformed, and losing his armor bonus, unless it's mage armor/bracers of Armor.) This Item could turn Mage armor into basically an all day cast by level 8 and much lower it's certainly long enough to cover many encounters.
2. lvl 1 Pearl of Power, Low levels retrieve Mage Armor to recast it.
3. Amulet of Mighty Fists, seems like a must for any natural weapon fighter.
4. Cloak of Resistance, Again basic, but seems necessary
5. Headband of INT, almost goes without saying I want a + 4 eventually to access 7th level and 8th level Spells, but +2 will do until level 13, the majority of society play.
6. Onyx Rhomboid Ioun Stone. I get one for free. so I'll take it.
7. Belt of Giant Strength, this allows me to shift class bonus to Dexterity meaning I'll have enhancement bonus on all physical stats, I need all the Dex I can get.
8. Ring of Protection +X Necessity.
9. Gloves of Corrosiion- Acid damage on natural attacks, from a gloves slot, yes please.
10. Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier. +1 AC at a high price, If I have a trait to spare +2. Seems reasonable.

Additional thoughts comments?

Liberty's Edge

What about eldritch heritage? Should I consider goin after strength of the abyss or perhaps Orc strength bonus power?

Liberty's Edge

Though your approach looks solid it doesn't fly because you don't meet EK's prerequisites. Must be proficient with all martial weapons. And though scryer might help with the spell like ability to be a Third lvl spell I'm not sure it does.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

PFS Character-
I want to make a Wizard, and have the Thassalonian Specialist Boon from *THAT* Scenario. I want to focus on spells that Transform this wizard (Beast Shape X, Elemental Body X, Form of The Dragon X) to make this character a seriously Viable melee wizard build. For late game I want to go Dimensional Dervish route (Yep Teleporting Dragon).

What I'm After:
1.)Simple tricks to make sure I include for maximizing AC and Melee attack and Damage in my alternate forms.
2.)Spell Choices that compliment this build
3.)Bond Advice
4.)Needed Magic Items/nice pickups beyond standard stuff.
5.)Things I may have missed.
6.)Analysis of specific Challenges that a build like this is likely to present.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I'm waiting for approval of my lodge by the ten, but I seek to open a lodge in Niswan

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I have to say I've wanted a Gripli boon since I saw them, I just wish I had the Gencon Weekend off work! that's always the first week of school here, and I'm not allowed to take personal days that week. but my favorite fantasy character whom I've always wanted to roleplay as is Frog from Chrono Trigger. Sigh... maybe it'll open up away from Gencon someday....

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Hey everyone, I really want to create a new wizard character and would like part of the character to focus on improved familiar (Faerie Dragon) but while I know this is legal having seen players do it, I do not know the specifics of how it is possible. Can someone enlighten me. Do I need a particular boon (from that scenario for THAT Faerie Dragon) or do I just need the feat and 7th level wizard, what source do I need to own for it. Thanks in advance, this seemed PFS specific because I can't find Faerie Dragons on the normal improved familar list nor on the expanded list in Ultimate Magic.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If the final credit was GM Credit, I'd simply apply that to a different character, such an easy fix with minimal paperwork involved.

Liberty's Edge

Hendelbolaf wrote:

So, you can read it with the strictest interpretation and just follow the polymorph spell family tree as outlined in Greater Polymorph or you can take a more liberal reading and allow for more forms. The problem with the latter is that Form of the Dragon III is also an 8th level spell, like Polymorph Any Object, except that Polymorph Any Other has a substantially (at least potentially) longer duration.

This is a spell that could use a little enlightenment on it. Otherwise, I would probably end up ruling it by the more strict interpretation.

In your second example though you still couldn't turn into a Huge Dragon because they take up so much more space (15x15x15=3,375, so you could do this as a level 34 Caster or with a GM who was flexible and says that though you occupy that room your body does not fill it at a caster level of 30-32ish.) This is really outside the realm of Pathfinder's levels to create something that big with the spell. However Large (10x10x10=1,000 square feet) fits comfortably within the confines of the rules.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh reading the spell description certainly allows for a wizard to turn into a large dragon for a week. That's not in question, because I could turn a pebble into a large dragon. The question is what stat changes should be made for it, that is what is not covered. I could turn myself into a rock for a while or a 1500 square foot cube of jello. And extending a 6th level spell permanently is about the same in this case as a level 7 spell for a week.

To reiterate the question is not whether or not I can transform into a large dragon, It's what stat alterations should that add.

Liberty's Edge

K, but which Bonuses would one get. Assume for instance that a level 15 caster can use this spell to turn into a Large Dragon. As per the spells listed in this spell's description turning into a Large Dragon is not covered. Turning into a medium dragon is covered. (BTW Duration for Large Dragon is 1 week, Medium would be permanent.) Should I modify my stats as Form of the Dragon I, that seems underwhelming, I feel Form of the Dragon II would be appropriate as it is a level lower than the spell and what we are essentially benefiting from by using this level 8 spell would be duration. But Form of the Dragon II is not specifically called out, (Neither is any "Elemental Body, or Beast Shape" spell) yet arguably (I think) one should be able to easily change a rock into an Earth Elemental for a week easily, as Elemental Body X where X is the level that grants Large Elementals.

Liberty's Edge

I like this ruling a lot better, and the familiar is not even necessary. Al creates Mutagen 1, places it in a bag of holding.
Al creates Mutagen 2, Mutagen 1 becomes Inert,
Al Drinks Mutagen 2, then picks up mutagen 1. Mutagen 1 is Viable. Two states of mutagen are stated in RAW Inert, or Not Inert. Useless or "Water" state does not exist. Therefore Once created a Mutagen is a Mutagen is a Mutagen, though it is either Inert or Not Inert.

I believe this is not RAI.

Liberty's Edge

Bump. and I need solid answers as I'm currently in Eyes of the Ten in PFS and looking specifically at this spell.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As an aside, I'm 29 years old, and I don't drink.

Liberty's Edge

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You know what, Paizo writers are just people trying to do their jobs and provide for their families by doing something they enjoy, providing fun for gamers. As people sometimes they will miss with one of their AP's. I'm not interested in Mummy's Mask. I thought Reighn of Winter was terrible. I think Wrath of the Righteous was just a way to show off their new Mythic rules and that they were too caught up in that aspect of the game. That said: Shattered Star, Rise of the Runelords, Serpent's Skull, and Carrion Crown are some of the Best adventure's I've ever read. and I bet it is really hard to hold people's attention to a common story arc for 15-18 lvls. I expect there to be flaws in every AP, That's where a GM should customize it. It is on the GM to make the author's vision become fun, and when the author's miss, just grab a different book.

Liberty's Edge

So Here is the build for my next Society Character.
I recently leveled my Wizard out of play (Well lvl 12 so out of Regular play).
Our Venue (normally 20-30 people) Is pretty light on wizards, I know of only one other player who plays one regularly, and only two other people who play them intermittently.

I recently Earned a Boon to play a Sin-School Specialist (Thassalonian Specialist) And I thought I'd do a Transmuter or Greed Specialist.

I plan on focusing on physical damage via the Polymorph Sub-school, but will also be looking at some teleportation magic and Dimensional Dervish Feat tree.

So: Human/Half Orc
17 Str
13 Dex
14 Con
14 Int
10 Wis
10 Cha

I'm leaning towards Half Orc for a couple of reasons, but mostly because my other wizards have both been human. At low levels, I'll be looking at Enlarge Person/Alter Self for merely augmenting my strength, fighting with a long sword. Once he hits lvl 4 (All lvl STATs go into STR) I'll flip the Enhance granted by school over into Dex. and purchase a belt of Giant strength. The end result of this should be someone who is a melee combatant who takes a lot of punishment for it.

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