
Agdamakha Graka's page

60 posts. Organized Play character for Barvo Delancy.

Organized Play Characters

Berserker Cannibal
Liberty's Edge Storn

Male Human
Cleric 3 | AC 16/10/16| Saves F:+5 R:+1 W:+6 | Init +1 | Per +3
HP 24/24 | Spells: 1 (4/4) | 2 (3/3) | Channel (4/4) | Domain Powers (6/6) (6/6) | 29 bolts
(416 posts)
Sczarni Franton Sloereth

M Human Rogue 1 HP 8 | AC 16 | T 14 | FF 12 | CMD 16 | Fort +0 | Ref +6 | Will -1 | Init +4 | Perc + 3 | Sense Motive -1 (35 posts)
Grand Lodge Agdamakha Graka

Female N Half-Orc Shaman | HP: 9/9 AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 (darkvision 90'), SM: +3 | Speed 20ft | Spells Per Day: 3/3 | Stardust: 6/6 | Active conditions: 3 Str damage (60 posts)


Local Celebrity
Alern 'Flare' Rikkard

M Human Evoker 1 (12 posts)
The Rake
Almalik Fezana

Male N Human Arcanist 7 | HP: 40/51 | AC: 20 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +7 | Init: +6 | Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Resevoir: 5/10 | Spells 0/5, 3/5, 3/4 | Active conditions: none (557 posts)
Anevia Tirablade
Anevia Tira-blade
(69 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Aravashnial the Conjurer
(70 posts)
Aron Kir
Aron Kir
(20 posts)
Arueshalae the Risen

Female CN Succubus Master Spy 6 / Trickster 3 | HP: 223/223 | AC: 31 (19 Tch, 25 Fl) | CMB: +17, CMD: 36 | F: +14, R: +17, W: +14 | Init: +9 | Perc: +27, SR: 18 | Speed 40ft Fly 50 ft (avg) | Mythic Power 7/9, Surge +1d6 (16 posts)
Ashe Stormwarden

Female N Neralian Swashbuckler 1 | HP: 12/12 | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +2, R: +5, W: -1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 5/5 | Active conditions: none (11 posts)
Djarrus Gost
Barrister Gustav Kaple
(18 posts)
Cervin Kelinson

LG Divine Hunter 2
AC 18 T 14 FF 13 | F +7 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Per -1
HP 9/19 | 40 cold iron | 1/1 smites | 4/4 lay on hands
(491 posts)

(0 posts)
Wild Elf
Esinath Amechi

Male N Elven Cleric | HP: 38/38 | AC: 17 TAC: 16 | F: +5 R: +7 W: +8 | Perception: +7 | Speed 35 ft | Spells: 2/3 3/3 | Spell Points: 3/3 | Channel: 1/1 | Resonance 3/5 (1 invested) | Active Conditions: None (47 posts)
Pugnan Longwater
Gilstrom Noblewater

LG Male Gnomish Oceanrider Cavalier 4 | HP 36/36 | AC 21 T15 F16 {+2 aquatic terrain} | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5 R +2 W +0 | Init. +2 | Percep +8, Sense Motive 0 | Speed 20ft (20 swim) | Challenges 2/2 | Tactician 1/1 | Gnome Magic: 4/4 | Active conditions: None (284 posts)
The Expansionist
GM SpiderBeard

. (10,122 posts)
Gorotha Spinebreaker

Female CN Half-Orc Barbarian 1 | HP: 25/25 {29/29}| AC: 15 TAC: 13 {-1 raging} |F: +5, R: +2, W: +2| Perception: +1 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: None (41 posts)
Riding Dog
Grobu the Bear

Male Bear (Animal Companion)
AC 15 T 13 FF 13 | F +4 R +5 W +1 | Init +2 | Perc +5
HP 14/14 | Surge (1/1) | Tricks: attack, come, down, heel, seek, stay
(13 posts)
Her Majesty Queen Galfrey
(13 posts)
Salvator Scream
Hugo Nervin

Male NG Human Alchemist 1 | HP: 15/15| AC: 17 |F: +7, R: +8, W: +4| Perc: +4 | Speed 25ft | Reagents: 5/5 | Hero Points 1/1 | Reactions: None |Active conditions: None (20 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Irabeth of Iomedae

Female Half-Orc Paladin 5 | AC 21 T 9 F 21 | HP 39/42 | F +7 R +4 W +7 | Init -1 | Perc +1 | LoH 2d6 4/4 | Spells Lvl 1: 2/2 (94 posts)
Ailson Kindler
Judge Embreth Daramid
(12 posts)
Kendra Lorrimor.
(15 posts)

Male CG Half-Orc Ranger 6 | HP: 51/51 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 17 Fl) {SoF} | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +6, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +11, SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Orc Ferocity: 1/1 | CLW Wand 14/50 | Spells Remaining: 2/2 | Active conditions: Shield of Faith (421 posts)
Villamar Koth
Kornag the Spellbreaker

Barbarian 7 | HP 79 (93) | AC 21 (17), T 12, FF 19 (15) | CMB 11 (13) (+4 vs sunder), CMD 23 (25) | F:7 (9) R:4 W:3 | Init. 6, SPD 40 | Perc. 11 | Rage 18 rds (2 posts)
Ilverae Parastric
Lledrith Vrammyr
(6 posts)
Horgus Gwerm
Lord Horgus Gwerm
(52 posts)
Lyle Twigstep

Bard 4 | 3/19 HP | AC 15 | 2/4 0/3 Spells | 2/4 Inspiration
+1 Str, +5 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Int, -1 Wis, +6 Cha
(241 posts)
(12 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth

N Half-Orc Ranger 1 | HP 12/12 |AC 16 T 13 FF 13 | F +3 R +5 W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +6 (179 posts)
Regeris Smythe

Male NG Human Inquisitor 6 | HP: 33/33| AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +7 CMD: 19 | F: +6, R: +6, W: +10 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 5/5 4/4 | Judgements 2/2 | Teamwork 3/3 | Bane 5/5 | Discern Lies 5/5 | Harrow Points: 4/4 | Active conditions: None (804 posts)
Reva Meirani

F Half-Elf NG Inquisitor 5 | HP 23/27 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +3 R +4 W +6 | Init +7 | Perc +12 | Judge 2/2 | Bane 5/5 | Spells: 5/5, 3/3 | Relentless (6/day) | 29 CLW Charges (490 posts)
Saul Vancaskerkin
Saul Q. Vancaskerkin
(25 posts)
Algon the Ever-Seeking
Son of Vengeance
(0 posts)
Sosiel Vaenic
Sosiel of Shelyn
(13 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Storn of Gorum

Male CG Human Warpriest 10 | HP: 75/75| AC: 24 (13 Tch, 21 Fl) | CMB: +12, CMD: 22 (+2 bull rush, +4 vs disarm) | F: +9, R: +2, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +3, SM: +7 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 6/6 5/5 4/4 1/1 | SW 10/10 | Blessings: 8/8 | CLW: 21/50 LR: 47/50 Fervor 8/8 | Active conditions: Beautiful (1,196 posts)
Jhofre Vascari
Varius Liberare

Male CG Human Rogue 1 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 14 TAC: 13 | F:+3 R:+5 W:+1 | Perception +2 | Speed 25ft |Reactions: Nimble Dodge (+2 AC vs one melee attack) (296 posts)
Viroleth Sastan

Male LG Human Cleric of Ragathiel 5 | HP: 38/38| AC: 20 (10 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +8 | Init: +0 | Perc: +3, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft| Spells: 4/4 4/5 1/3 3/3 | Channel Energy 3/4 (DC 15) | Smite 6/6 | CLW: 50/50 | Active conditions: None (443 posts)
Ysania Baker
(6 posts)