About Esinath AmechiEsinath Amechi
Traits: Elf Feats:
(1 ancestry, 2 skill, 2 class, 1 general) Ranger Dedication (Class skill)
Hunt Target
You ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks against the target you’re hunting within your second range increment. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your target and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your target. You can have only one creature designated as the target of your hunt at a time. If you use Hunt Target against a creature when you already have a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new target gains the designation. In any case, this designation lasts until your next daily preparation (see page 332). Hunter’s Edge
Animal Companion (Class Feat)
Otherworldly Magic (Elf): (Tanglefoot)
Fleet (General)
Battle Medic (Skill)
Train Animal (Skill)
3 from class, 1 from background, 1 from deity. Trained in: Religion, Heal, Lore: Hunter, Survival, Nature, Athletics Heal = +7 (T +3dex)
Languages Common, Elven Gear:
Chain shirt +1 (1) Expert composite longbow (1) Wand of heal (10 charges) Light ammunition 20 arrows Backpack Flint and steel Pup tent Bedroll 50’ hemp rope Grappling hook 2 vine arrows 2 sleep arrows healer's tools Capacity: 5.8/19
Special Abilities:
Jungle Elf You’re adapted to life in the deep jungle, and you know how to climb through a jungle more easily and use the foliage to your advantage. When climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, you move at half your Speed on a success and at full Speed on a critical success (and you move at full Speed on a success if you have Quick Climb). This doesn’t affect you if you’re using a climb Speed. You can always use the Take Cover action when within a forest or jungle area to gain cover, even if you’re not next to an
Channel Energy (3x per day)
Deity and Domain
Skin of Thorns
Animal Companion:
Amotekun (Leopard) Level 4 Perception Skills Stealth +8 Str +2 Dex +4 Con +0 Int -4 Wis +3 Cha -1 AC 18 TAC 14 Fort 4 Refl 8 Will 5 Hp 28 Speed 35 Melee Attacks Jaws +8 1d6+2 {finesse} Claw +8 1d4+2 {finesse, agile} Special Your cat deals 1d6 additional precision damage against a flat-footed target. Work Together Your cat throws your enemies off-balance when you create an opening. Until your next turn, all your weapon Strikes against a creature your cat threatens make the target flat-footed until the end of your next turn as an enhancement (flat-footed for 2 rounds on a critical success). |