Wild Elf

Esinath Amechi's page

47 posts. Alias of Barvo Delancy.

Full Name

Esinath Amechi


| HP: 38/38 | AC: 17 TAC: 16 | F: +5 R: +7 W: +8 | Perception: +7


| Speed 35 ft | Spells: 2/3 3/3 | Spell Points: 3/3 | Channel: 1/1 | Resonance 3/5 (1 invested) | Active Conditions: None


Male N Elven Cleric

About Esinath Amechi

Esinath Amechi
Cleric 4
N Medium humanoid (Elf) (Male)
Senses Perception(t) +7 (trained, wisdom)

AC: 17 (+3 armor, +4 trained, +3 dex)
TAC: 16 (+2 armor, +4 trained, +3 dex)
HP: 38
Fort(e): +5
Ref(t): +7
Will(e): +8

Spear +6 1d6+2 {P, thrown 20} (+4 trained, +2 str)
Dagger +6 1d4+1 {P/S, agile, finesse, thrown 10} (+4 trained, +2 str)
Expert composite longbow +8 1d8+1 {P, deadly d10, propulsive, volley 50}
(+4 trained, +3 dex, +1 expert)

Level 0: Light, Guidance, Shield
Level 1: Heal, Bless, Command
Level 2: Restoration, Shield Other, Sound Burst

Str 12 +2 (+1 ancestry)
Dex 16 +3 (+1 background, +1 ancestry, +1 free)
Con 10 +0 (-1 ancestry, +1 free)
Int 12 (+1 ancestry)
Wis 16 (+1 background, +1 class, +1 free)
Cha 12 (+1 free)

Traits: Elf


(1 ancestry, 2 skill, 2 class, 1 general)

Ranger Dedication (Class skill)
You become trained in simple weapons and martial weapons. If you were already trained in light armor, you become trained in medium armor. If you were not, you become trained in light armor. You become trained in Survival and one other skill of your choice; if you were already trained in Survival, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice.
You can use the Hunt Target action (see page 113 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook) once per day; however, you don’t decrease the multiple attack penalty for your attacks, and if you share your Hunt
Target benefits with others, neither do they.

Hunt Target
You designate a single creature as your target and focus your attacks against that creature. You must be able to see or hear the target, or you must be tracking the target in exploration mode.

You ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks against the target you’re hunting within your second range increment. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your target and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your target.

You can have only one creature designated as the target of your hunt at a time. If you use Hunt Target against a creature when you already have a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new target gains the designation. In any case, this designation lasts until your next daily preparation (see page 332).

Hunter’s Edge
You have trained for countless hours to become a more skilled hunter and tracker, gaining additional benefits when you Hunt a Target. The three edges presented in this book are flurry, precision, and stalker.
Flurry: You have trained to unleash devastating flurries of attacks at your target. Your multiple attack penalty on attacks against your hunted target is –4 (–3 with an agile weapon) if it’s your second attack of the turn instead of –5, and –8 (–6 with an agile weapon) if it’s your third or subsequent attack of the turn instead of –10.
Precision: You have trained to aim for your target’s weak points. The first time you hit your hunted target in a round, you deal 1d6 extra precision damage.
Stalker: You have additional benefits in outwitting and evading your target. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Deception checks, Intimidation checks, Stealth checks, and any checks to Recall Knowledge about the target.

Animal Companion (Class Feat)
You gain the service of a young animal companion that travels with you and obeys simple commands to the best of its abilities.
Companion: Cat.

Otherworldly Magic (Elf): (Tanglefoot)
Choose one cantrip from the arcane spell list (see page 199). You can cast this cantrip as an innate arcane spell at will. The cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. You can learn more about spells on page 192.

Fleet (General)
Speed increases by 5 feet.

Battle Medic (Skill)
You can patch up yourself or an adjacent ally, even if you’re in the middle of combat. In order to do so, you must attempt a DC 15 Medicine check. If you succeed, the target is bolstered to your use of Battle Medic.
If you’re an expert in Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 20 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 2d8, if you’re a master of Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 25 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 4d8, and if you’re legendary, you can instead attempt a DC 30 check to increase the Hit Points regained by 6d8.
Success The target regains Hit Points equal to 1d8 plus your Wisdom modifier.
Critical Success As success, but target regains 1d8 additional HP.
Critical Failure The target takes 1d8 damage.

Train Animal (Skill)
You spend time to teach an animal to act in a particular way, selected from those listed in the Command an Animal action (see page 153). The GM determines the DC of any check required to do so and the amount of time the training takes (usually at least a week). If you’re expert, master, or legendary in Nature, you might be able to train more exotic creatures, at the GM’s discretion.


3 from class, 1 from background, 1 from deity.
Trained in: Religion, Heal, Lore: Hunter, Survival, Nature, Athletics

Heal = +7 (T +3dex)
Lore: Hunter: +5 (T +1int))
Nature: +7 (T +3 wis)
Religion: +7 (T +3wis)
Survival +7 (T +3wis)
Athletics +6 (T +2str)

Languages Common, Elven


Chain shirt +1 (1)
Expert composite longbow (1)
Wand of heal (10 charges)
Light ammunition
20 arrows
Flint and steel
Pup tent
50’ hemp rope
Grappling hook
2 vine arrows
2 sleep arrows
healer's tools

Capacity: 5.8/19
Money: 18 silver, 8 copper

Special Abilities:

Jungle Elf You’re adapted to life in the deep jungle, and you know how to climb through a jungle more easily and use the foliage to your advantage. When climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, you move at half your Speed on a success and at full Speed on a critical success (and you move at full Speed on a success if you have Quick Climb). This doesn’t affect you if you’re using a climb Speed.

You can always use the Take Cover action when within a forest or jungle area to gain cover, even if you’re not next to an
obstacle you can take cover behind.

Channel Energy (3x per day)
You gain a pool of positive or negative energy, depending on your deity, as shown on Table 3–9: Deities on
pages 72–73. Some deities allow you to choose whether to channel negative or positive energy. Once you choose,
you can’t change the type of energy you channel, short of an ethical shift or divine intervention.
This pool of energy allows you to cast either the heal spell (for positive energy) or the harm spell (for negative
energy) a number of times per day equal to 3 plus your Charisma modifier without needing to prepare the spell in
advance. All spells you cast in this way are heightened to the maximum spell level you can cast as a cleric. You can
find heal on page 229 and harm on page 228.

Deity and Domain
Deity: Ketephys (Erastil)
Domain: Nature (Gain Skin of Thorns as domain power)

Skin of Thorns
Your body sprouts a coat of brambly thorns. Adjacent creatures that hit you with a melee attack, as well as creatures that hit
you with unarmed strikes, take 1 piercing damage each time they do.

Animal Companion:

Amotekun (Leopard)
Level 4
Skills Stealth +8
Str +2 Dex +4 Con +0 Int -4 Wis +3 Cha -1
AC 18 TAC 14 Fort 4 Refl 8 Will 5
Hp 28
Speed 35
Melee Attacks
Jaws +8 1d6+2 {finesse}
Claw +8 1d4+2 {finesse, agile}
Special Your cat deals 1d6 additional precision damage against a flat-footed target.
Work Together Your cat throws your enemies off-balance when you create an opening. Until your next turn, all your
weapon Strikes against a creature your cat threatens make the target flat-footed until the end of your next turn as an
enhancement (flat-footed for 2 rounds on a critical success).