GM Wulfson |

Michel, I'm confused about your attack. Assuming your attack roll, you are targeting a grid intersection which deals splash damage to all creatures within a 5' radius (i.e. the four squares surrounding the intersection) I don't see how you could affect doll #1 within that radius as well as the other 3. Furthermore, you could target the intersection behind the dolls and not worry about getting Kyrus in the splash radius. Let me know what I'm missing.

Dr. Hibbins |

Splash weapons effect a box, not a plus sign. First diagonal counts as 5' from center as well.
Edit: Apparently it is a plus sign when targeting the floor... that makes no sense to me, but them's the rules I guess. Apply the attack roll to the figurine in the square
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 if construct or undead
damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 if not
1d8 ⇒ 7 for drift if I missed.
Hibbins would be more worried about taking out all of the dolls.

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Kyrus, it looks like your attacks for TWF are a little off. Your attack bonus should be +2/+2 (+3 Dex, +1 WF, -2 TWF). Also your damage should be 1d6+2 (primary), 1d6+1 (off-hand).
Hey GM, I've responded to your question above via PM.

Akbari Radjziic |

Sorry all. you moved really quick and had some RL trouble with getting on the internet the last few days. Looks like everyone else has been going and blocked the way so....I'll just post Akbari watching the parties backs I guess.

Akbari Radjziic |

What are you talking about? I literally just posted on Sunday and the map was too crowded for him to move in so I had posted him watching the group's collective back.
You know what? Yes, you did lose Akbari. The group is moving too fast for me. I can't always post every day and you all post often. Plus, with not being able to access the Roll20 maps while at work means I can only post when I'm at home.
I wish you all fun gaming.

Caius Jeggare |

Well I was only asking since we were waiting on you for combat, which you had two days to post.
I mainly was just curious since I know you said you had issues getting on the internet.
I didn't mean anything by it. Sorry.
I don't see how we are going to fast though. We mainly only post like once a day during the week.

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Akbari sorry to hear the pace is faster than you prefer. Myself, I'm very comfortable with posting every day.
My own view is that we have here a group who post regularly, thoughtfully, and bounce their posts off each other. That (and a reliable capable GM) is exactly what I'm after in a pbp. It's far from common and worth hanging on to.
If however you truely don't feel comfortable, then I wish you well, and hope to bump into you online again.
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Wulfson |

Okay, everyone, let's take a step back and let cooler heads prevail. Akbari I'm perfectly fine with your posting rate. When I'm online I like to update combat as often as possible someone doesn't waste time with some elaborate post only to have the creature killed by the person who posted before you.
I'm not the type of GM who demands or expects a post a day. I know real life has a tendency to get in the way of our fun time. I'm perfectly happy with someone who posts 2 to 3 times a week as I am with someone who posts every day. In fact I've just picked up another orphan game so my time is going to be split between these two games.
I was waiting for you to post because with Caius dispatching his doll and stepping back there was an opening for you to move up to engage the doll on Kyrus. The dolls, being tiny, only threaten the square they're in so you could move and not draw an AoO as you get in position.
If you really feel the way you do I wish you the best of luck and hope to run into in a future game but you are more than welcome to stay and play at your own pace without any complaints from me.

GM Wulfson |

I understand. I was once in a game where the combat changed direction three times, while i was writing a post.

Caius Jeggare |

My apologies for snapping. Real life sucks right now, and I shouldn't have responded in anger.
No worries.
I hope your situation in real life gets better for you. :)

GM Wulfson |

Sorry Kyrus, I should have answered this earlier. The amounts I quote are retail prices, you would receive 50% (or 60%) of that. Some items like gems, jewelry, and objets d'art will sell at 100%. Since I'm going to have to go through the list to determine what is considered a "relic" or not for those with the trait I can determine what will sell for full price then.

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Sorry Kyrus, I should have answered this earlier. The amounts I quote are retail prices, you would receive 50% (or 60%) of that. Some items like gems, jewelry, and objets d'art will sell at 100%. Since I'm going to have to go through the list to determine what is considered a "relic" or not for those with the trait I can determine what will sell for full price then.
OK to make your job more simple, I'll list items at retail price to match what you tell us, and then we will have to remember to discount that when we settle up.

Caius Jeggare |

It seems like the loot sheet is missing the four Gold Masks we found earlier.
Also it seems like we forgot about the 3 wooden chests and clay urn sealed with wax in the current chamber. (I think we didn't check them out yet.)

GM Wulfson |

No you have not.
Just an FYI, I'm leaving to visit my father in law in a few minutes, so don't expect too much more from me this weekend.

Caius Jeggare |

No you have not.
Just an FYI, I'm leaving to visit my father in law in a few minutes, so don't expect too much more from me this weekend.
Cool. Have fun.
I'm not going to be as active as usual either. I'm at the beach till Tuesday. :)

GM Wulfson |

Although it's not explicitly stated in the descriptions I would assume that there is actually layers of dust on pretty much everything in this tomb, it having been sealed for centuries, it's just that the tracks you've found are more recent and easier to pick out among any heavier accumulation.

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Ahh. Ok. And no secret doors found...?
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Wulfson |

No, no secret doors.

Caius Jeggare |

When Spider #1 climbed the alter wouldn't that provoke an attack of opportunity from me and wouldn't that limit it to a single attack?
Since the alter is an obstacle/difficult terrain and you can't 5ft step onto it.
It's cool if I'm wrong I might just be confused on that part. I just wanted to get a clarification for myself.

GM Wulfson |

Sorry, everyone. I was trying to find a ruling on Caius' question but couldn't find anything. The general consensus is that the altar would be a "hard corner" and as such you wouldn't be able to take a 5' step up on top. So I'm going to retcon things so that Caius get an AoO and only the creatures bite hits Marius.

GM Wulfson |

Akbari hasn't posted in over a week now in this or any other thread as far as I can see, so I sent him a PM to see if everything is okay. I'll bot him through this battle but if we don't hear from him you'll need to make decision on whether to continue on with five or return to the surface to get a sixth.

Caius Jeggare |

Thanks GM Wulfson. Didn't mean to bog anything down for you. :)
Do you mind that i ask questions like that? I just don't want to come off as annoying or rules lawyer like.
As for Akbari that seems fine. We could always just continue with 5 people and just let Akbari come in and out when they are online.

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Or 4 if you guys don't get Kyrus to the defibrillator ASAP...
Yeah I'm good with 5 if Akbari has vanished.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Marius Vorloren |

With Kyrus down, it falls to Hibbins and his extracts.
I'm thinking that we should probably get another front liner to join the group. Caius is more of "Striker" than a "Tank" and Kyrus will be pulling double duty between healing and fighting. Marius and Hibbins are your "Arcane"/"Skill" roles and Rashim is more of a "Ranged" combatant. We could probably use someone who can stand toe-to-toe in combat.

GM Wulfson |

Hey all, I'm going to be tied up this week preparing for GenCon. I'm running two PFS scenarios throughout the con and I haven't really looked them over yet. I'll be running Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM all three days.
Feel free to stop by and say hello, if you're free (I'll let you know what tables I'm at when I find out on Wednesday).
Hope to see you there.

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OK so here's how Kyrus' damage so far adds up. He started at 11 HP, then:
- 2 non-lethal, rope acrobatics fail, July 7th
- 3 lethal, dart trap, July 18th
- 10 lethal, spider-things, Aug 9th
- 1 lethal from blood loss, last Friday
+2 lethal AND +2 non-lethal, CLW potion (thanks Rashim)
+1 lethal after 1 hour's rest (thanks Doctor)
Therefore after 1 hour's rest, Kyrus is indeed at 0 HP. At this point he would wake and invoke his Goddess' blessing for her humbled champion, and cast CLW using his 'healer' blessing, sacrificing the spell 'Divine Favour' to do so.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 x 1.5 Healer blessing, which equals +8 I think (round halves up, right?).
...and... back up and running again!

Akbari Radjziic |

I am SO sorry everyone! I didn't intend to drop out of the game and just stop being around. Life went a bit sideways and then just tonight I realized I hadn't been on the site in FOREVER. Sorry. =(
So many new posts. Should I try and read through them and catch up, or do you guys want to keep going with just you 5?

Caius Jeggare |

Welcome back.
It's okay. Sometimes life is a mess, I've been there.

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Glad tp have you back, Akbari!
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Wulfson |

Good to have you back. I was just getting ready to write your farewell scene. Glad I don't have to.

Akbari Radjziic |

A friend of mine mentioned Starfinder to me last night, which made me think of Pathfinder and then my brain was like "OMG YOU HAVEN'T BEEN ON PAIZO IN WEEKS!" lol
I'll try to catch up and post today if I can.

Caius Jeggare |

Hey GM. I didn't want to crowd the game play with this. But i didn't get an answer to this.
"Caius begins to search around the alter chamber, being meticulous in his search, while listening to his companions.
Take 20 on Perception for a total of 27."
Thanks :)

Marius Vorloren |

Did we set a watch order? I know we did a march order but I can't find anything about watches.

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Guys I have a dilemma - thoughts please?
Kyrus is our only healer at this point. He has the Healer blessing (x1.5 HP healed) but only 2 spells per day. Right now, Kyrus has only 8 HP out of 11. This means one good strike and he's out, and we have no healing at all for anyone. A 10HP strike from the spider things took him out last time, and meant we've all had to stop for 12 hours to recoup.
I think we either have to pull Kyrus back from the front line for a while, or use 1 of his 2 spells now on himself, otherwise we risk the same thing happening again.
I'd assume we do the former, for the good of the party. What do you think?

Caius Jeggare |

Yeah i guess pull back for now. Once we are level 2 the healing thing will be a bit easier for us as a party.

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Ok - thanks guys.
Level 2 seems a long ling way off. With all the doors and traps, this dungeon crawl is going slow...
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Wulfson |

RE: DC:10 Knowledge checks.
You don't need ranks in any particular Knowledge skill if the DC is 10 or less. This represents "Common Knowledge" and should be readily known to all (provided you make the DC).