
AJ_Neuro's page

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The Elementalist archetype allows Sorcerers with Elemental bloodline to replace their Advanced Bloodline focus spell with Repel Metal or Wood Walk, which are both 4th-rank Domain spells. The other options, for replacing Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, are 3rd-rank Druid Order spells.

I imagine this isn't intentional, because all Bloodline spells are 3rd-rank, gained at 6th level, and a Sorcerer wouldn't even be able to cast 4th-rank focus spells for another level.

"You can't cast a focus spell if its minimum rank is greater than half your level rounded up, even if you somehow gain access to it." -Player Core 298

The bookmark for the Conditions appendix in the Core Rulebook's PDF is included as part of Chapter 11's bookmarks, when the Conditions appendix is it's own chapter.

This is really annoying when you need to quickly find conditions, because you have to open up the Chapter 11 bookmarks, scroll down to the bottom (and chapter 11 has tons of bookmarks), in order to get to the Conditions bookmark.

Please fix this by moving the bookmark for the Conditions appendix out of the group of bookmarks for Chapter 11.

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Compared to other races, it seems like something is missing. They don't have darkvision? Not even low-light vision?

33 people marked this as a favorite.

It would have been nice to include Celsius in the temperature table, as it's used in almost every single country in the world except the United States.

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Im still surprised that grabbing feats from other class lists must be done at half level, because this means every time you do so, you are making a huge sacrifice, specially at higher levels. For example I'm not sure the benefit of gaining a level 6 feat for your secondary class outweighs the cost of losing a level 12 feat for your main class. I'm probably going to houserule level-2 instead of half level, unless I can spot some overpowered shenanigans.

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I think people are missing a key word in the story: stance. 'Sunrise Wakes the Mountain' is a Cleric stance. Clerics are getting stances like Fighters and Monks! This is very interesting. I wonder hoe many other classes are getting stances too.