After Westcrown is rocked my the early evening explosion in the direction of the mayor's house. new guy, Alex, and Aaron head out to find Aya at the temple of Shealyn. Meanwhile, David drags Alcibades towards the mayors house to investigate, Kreagar comes along for the opportunity to do some looting. David is sent in the direction of Alex's lodging and then to the temple to collect the others. The four of them run into the mayor as he is sneaking out of the city. Mayor Arvanxi explains a few bits and pieces of what is going on and signs them into the infernal contract that binds the engine beneath his home. This will allow the party to bypass some of the engines defenses (he thinks...). They also learn that a Pitfiend is at the heart of the engine and he may be breaking loose. The four let the mayor flee into the night. Meanwhile Alcibades and Kreagar run into a Dottari Blockade of the street leading towards the Mayors Manor. They try to fast talk then intimidate their way through the guards. Eventually they realize the Lieutenant is dominated and Alcibades tries to use his own magic to take control. He is successful and they are allowed to pass. As the party approached the mayors manor, Aaron spoted a figure on the roof. They were soon attacked by an Erinyes. Kreagar lead a charge atop his roc mount and nearly defeated her single handedly. She was forced to retreat. As they closed to the remains of the mayors manor, the party was soon attacked by a group of rogues whose presence was unexplained. Inside the manor they ran afoul of another group lead by a halfling calling himself, the dealer. When the battle turned against them, the dealer betrayed his comrades and entered a parley with the our heros. They gained a fair amount of information and the dealer left to "lay low" for awhile. Much of the rest of the manor was empty, but one chamber held an invisible intruder, who turned out to the the mayors former Majordomo. She was slain. Little of the manor remains, and soon the party may need to enter the spiral itself to begin trying to shut down the infernal engine...
The dialogue with the soulbound dolls takes a decidedly ugly turn and all but the Mwangi Idol are destroyed. Kragar immobilizes it by sticking it in a bear trap and claims it as a prize. Shortly after, our protagonists are assaulted by a wil'o wisp. After some effort they manage to destroy it. Alcibades continued final sweep sets off not one but two haunts that the party had perviously encoutnered, but did not expect to deal with again. Eventually The final sweep was finished and the group heads back to the safe house. Aya cures Aarons blindness and the pathfinder Ailyn Ghontasavos beings debriefing the group to complete her report. During this time almost two weeks go by while the party arranges buys for artifacts and the creation of new gear. At that time the group checks on the sewers for the killer lizardman only to find he seems to have fled town. Aya is startled one day to find Millech the hump bursting into her cloister at the temple to inform her that her father has been kidnapped. She convinces the party to help her free him from a hellknight prisoner transport and they set up an ambush for the hellknights. The bridge ambush works out well, but takes and unexpected twist as the entire arrest seems to have been an ambush for the party. A huge Bullete skeleton bursts from the transport and Shanwen Shanwen tries unsuccessfully to ride it to victory. Eventually the hellknights are all killed or subdued. After freeing Rohbal the party sneaks the wagon back into Westcrown's ruined quarter and prepares for a journey to Nidal as that seems to be their only lead. Ailyn introduced the group to another Wiscrani and hopeful pathfinder who has been recently in Alkenstar. She prepares to file her report in Absolam. Shortly after she leaves, the night is shaken by a powerful explosion. Dust and debris choke the sky as 5 pillars of fire shoot into the the air somewhere in the vicinity of the Mayor's Manor. If you want to rp investigation or responses to the explosion on the board that would be good. keep and eye on you inbox for an e-mail of questions from the pathfinder.
To all, "How would you guys like to proceed? Would you like to continue to evaluate things here and do a final scrub down? I think that is a good idea.
I know Aaron want to track down the lizardfolk but i am not sure that is the first thing on the agenda.
I think we should report back to the pathfiner and Aarael. I would like to have a zone of truth up or someway to tell if the 'pathfinder' is genuine in our discussion.
David, have you documented all of are events dealing with the pathfinders and the lodge? I think if you want to become a pathfinder you should be able to make strong case if you have all the things we have done and found documented.
I also have on my agenda to split the things we found and do some purhcasing. I have a feeling we may be marked men while holding this artifact. I don't know if we should keep it out so it is usable or store it so it will be harded for people to detect that it is in our possession."
OOC: Jason and all I have most of the spreadsheet for treasure complete. I will try to post the appraisals/gather info for things i couldn't find the price of. If it is ok with you i would like to do the selling and loot distribution in parelellel with other stuff and assume it takes place sometime after we leave the lodge. Part of the reason i was waiting was for the stuff you may have missed but i will get what i have out soon and then combine other stuff later.
There were also some books you took from the ground floor.
1080 Skull and shadows
1200xp story bonus for finding out about Illnerick Sivanshin.
600 insect swarm haunt
600 ship haunt
640 Vamp hunter Vamp
800 trap you never tripped
640 CRossbow vamp.
1240 vampire spawn
640 Cleric vamp
1600 Story bonus for getting the Morrowfall.
TOTAL: 9040xp
How about above where the chain ball was? Do any of the chains remain? Is there any knowledge or spellcraft check i could make to get more information?
A few bits and pieces remain dangling.
Spell-craft, Planes, and Arcana would be appropriate.
Overall it is slow going. Some hits don't seem to do anything others slow damage the chains. Alcibades rests occasionally and after about a total of 40 minutes the chain ball is destroyed. As it falls into the hole there is a bright flare. A deep rumbling laugh Think Jabba the hut or Bowser echos throughout the chamber for a few seconds. The pit is now simply a hole about 30 feet deep. Nothing remains of the chain ball or the body that was within.
The group will go around to the other entrance (through the creatures threat area). Double moving if needed to get out of the chains reach. We will incur the attack of oppurtunity as appropriate.
The group does so. Only Alcibades gets attacked 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24, for 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11. You are now on the other side, everyone has line of sight to the ball of chains and is out of reach.
I will go to somewhere that maintains line of site/ line of effect but as far away from the chain mass as possible (no more then say 25 feet). I beleive the corner of the room was farther away then the entrance. Provided i see a spot that it is at least 10 feet away from the chain i will move there and breath 3d6. If i can't get there this round i will move in that direction and breath. I have taken damage from both hits.
Any movement other then back into the tunnel that leads to the knot will provoke and attack of opportunity.
I tell dakaar to get out the magic rope... Command it to tie to me and then tie to dakaar and david. I then approact to just within in 30 feet from the changes and breath.
Fire 3d6
if i am out of reach i will wait and breath a few more times if i get attacked i will do someting else ... if not attacked....
Fire 3d6
Fire 3d6
Fire 3d6
Fire 3d6
I try to see if it looks like it is taking any damage... I also listen for the womens voice ... i think about to see if i think that was the lady from the rehabilitation room or if we never really came accross what the sound was from...
Due to angle of the hallway you can not get a clear shot from this side without entering the room. You do not hear anything besides the rattle of chains.
Now that this part of the area is mapped. I want to moves towards the Living Chains. Exploring new rooms as i pass them and continuing to map the area.
You make your way back 2 chambers.
It takes a few leaps but you manage to get the passage back towards the ball of chains open.
Then it takes another to open the passage that enters that room open. There is a 20 foot long hallway that opens into the room with the chain ball. What is you plan?
Since I haven't heard anything from the group recently. I shall assume the those left behind continue their exploration.
Alcibades uses the ring of feather falling to open the door to the southwest. The door to the north east closes. As you enter the next chamber you see that it too, has only one other exit and that exit is sealed. After walking the vertigo incuding staircases to make sure there are no surprises, Alcibades takes a dive again closes the door from the northeast and opening the other exit to the West. As you pass through the opening you find yourself in the hallway that leads to the crux sanctum, across the hall from the room with the 3 doors. What now gentlemen?
Dakaar you open the chest. To your frustration, it appears empty except for the mechanism you disabled and some rat droppings. The disable trap appears to have run through the chest to something outside the chest. It was set to do whatever it does when the chest is opened. The other rebels all have at least some damage. Aya or someone will need to make some heal checks to diagnose beyond that.
Aya heals Gorvio, he looks very appreciative.
Fioasa uses guidance on herself
David manages to line up a shot with burning hands 3d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6
Yakopulio steps out of the swarm and swings her sword again. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16.
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
And the swarm disperses...
Yes it is a rat swarm. You know that Slashing and piercing are less effective on swarms. Area effects will disperse it faster. The chill touch had little affect if any.
Fiosa moves up to strike with her longsword 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 71d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6.
David Acid splash seems the best bet.
Yakopuio moves to the other side of the hole and strikes. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 131d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2.
Alcibades Aids Rizazado
The Rats poor out of the rubbish pile enveloping Dakaar, Rizzardo,Gorvio,and Fiosa.
1d6 ⇒ 6Damage. All four need to make fortitude saves.
1d20 ⇒ 15 1d20 ⇒ 12 1d20 ⇒ 9
Larko swings his battle axe with 2 hands, 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 141d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6.
End of Round 1
Start of round 2
Rizzado 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17, 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5.
Gorvio steps back out of the rat pile and gestures at them and hits them with a ray of frost. 1d10 ⇒ 2, 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15, 1d3 ⇒ 3.
Aya ????
In the 1st round only Gorvio, Yakopulio and Larko hit and their strikes didn;t seem to do too much damage.
Rizzardo begin by moving up to the other side of the rat hole. He strikes at the swarm. 1d20 ⇒ 10 Gorvio shoots at the hole with his cross bow 1d20 ⇒ 15.
The group seems relativly calm but share. The rest of the group catches up with Dakaars scouting party while he is examining a chest found in some rubble. He locates and disable a tension wire that goes out from the bottom on the chest through the rubble and into the darkness of the sewer. The crude lock clicks open under delicate manipulation with his thieves tools. He pauses before going to open it. Dakaar you hear something moving inside the chest.
The group manages to find some tunnels that lead in the general direction you need to go. Dakaar's group continues to scout ahead. Yakopulio spots something in a pile of debris up ahead. It looks under some of the garbage is a small chest.
Aaron TRaining Questions:
You asked about ranger training. Larko favors the bow or axe, Ermalos uses a hammer since he spends most of his day with one in his hand. Sclavo would like to learn to use the longsword. Rizzardo carries a stick with him most of the time, but you know he has a fairly wicked looking razor.
Dakaar can tell you if he is coming with everyone or not it doesn't matter to me.
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Sewer Crew:
Ok you head down into the sewers, with the specified NPCs. Dakaar ends up getting Yakopulio and Larko. Dakaar leads them on ahead a short way. It takes you about half an hour to get to the territory they were exploring to try to get a connection near the Old Church. A couple of survival checks for PCs would be good.
Alcibades Church Stuff:
Well it really depends how lavish you want to be. A simple wood or base metal statuette you could get for 5-15 gp.
Ermalos (or anyone in the resistance really) will be happy to help craft items for you. Gorvio seems to be able to focus his energies a little better. He's not really able to manifest any spell effects yet, but he's close. Tarvi finds your perspective interesting, but she doesn't seem to have that inner knack for just manipulating magical energies through will alone. @David' Yakopulio works down by the docks so her business deals mostly with sailors and common labor class folk. @Aya, Fiosa appreciates the gesture and looks forward to continued discussions with you about Shelyn, but she has recently begun to undertake training from Areal.
Ok ... i need to understand something... if we bring fighter types to the sewer i assume that will help them get a grasp ... do caster types need to be at a certain point before this sort of experience helps?
Any character included in any operation will gain some benefit from being involved.
Yeah there are some forms you need to fill out but basically as long as your private guard does't break the law it shouldn't be a problem.
Desmin seems interested, but he makes it clear he won't be up for any "field work" for awhile. he is still a little gun shy from last time. Please note that Desmin is only about as skilled as you guys were when this whole thing started.
From the interviewing and what not the group is able to determine what each character is ideally suited for in game terms.
Amaya - Works out of a larger shop owned by someone else. Potential (Bard)
Ermalos - He has a shop in an artisan district of the city. He wants to search for his father who vanished while adventuring. Potential : Fighter
Fiosa - She works in a merchants home. She like the position though because it allows her the chance to interact with her enslaved kinsmen. She wouldn't mind some stealth training, but it seems like she'd make a better cleric from your interviews.
Gorvio - His uncle is just some horse trader who runs a stable. He may have some kind of magical bloodline, but he isn't sure. Potential Sorcerer.
Larko - Will be clearly good in a fight. He might make a better ranger though.
Mathalen - She would probably make a good medic. Her spiritual nature and focus on inner peace would probably give her a good bedside manner. Potential Monk.
Rizzardo - Cranky and brash he's good in a fight strong, somewhat nimble as many Varisians are. Potential Barbarian.
Sclavo - He wants a more active hand, but he does listen to Areals teaching quite attentively. Potential Paladin.
Tarvi - She is quite content to work he families shop for now and has in fact been looking into some texts she acquired as a gift from a suitor. She appreciates you insight and seems to grasp what you talk with her about very quickly. With proper resources she may surpass your knowledge in this area quickly. Potential Wizard.
Vitti Is more at home with trees and animals then people - Potential Druid
Yakopulio - Interests, making money. Getting ride of the hellknights would be nice. She wonders how they can fight and ride so hard with a 10' adamantine pole up their ass. She lets you know if you ever want some... companionship she knows a few nice girls. Potential Rogue
Ok SO MANY THINGS. I will use spoilers to tag buy subject. Please use spoilers to tag your reply posts.
Ok so during the rehersal time, I seem to recall something being mention about Alcibades/Dakaar looking for poison. If current money no longer allows that, ok. Let me know
Training Rebels:
Ok you want to try to set up watchs and train some of the rebels before the play rehearsals began. Here are several of the key NPC's and a brief reminder.
Amaya - Tian women, quite but pretty. A skilled glassblower.
Ermolos - Chelish male. Muscled, blacksmith, wants to travel across the sea.
Fiosa - Female halfling - House servant - Worshoper of Iomedea, tries to free slaves.
Gorvio - Chelish male - Slightly odd looking. Has amber eyes. Works for his uncle who runs some stables.
Larko - Garundi Male - Dockworker, strong silent type.
Mathalen - Chelish female - Quite, unemployed, spends much time meditating.
Rizzardo - Varisian male - Arrived as a stowaway, works odd jobs, has a bad temper. Keeps close to Janiven and Ermolos
Sclavo - Garundi male - Quiet, devout worshiper of Iomedae. Longs to see Westcrown reformed. Former court scribe.
Tarvi - Chelish Female - Pretty and charming, somewhat aristocratic, but not in a condesending way. Her parents are goldsmiths and she is trained in the trade. She has a passionate interest in magic.
Vitti - Chelish male - Eccentiric. Dyes his hair green, makes wood carving. Only eats food he has cooked.
Yakopulio - Gnome female - Boisterous and irreverent. Tends bar and moonlights as a pimp. No one knows why Areal and Janiven insist an keeping her around.
David and the huntsman crew:
Ok so we needed to do a little sewer diving (to get rot grub worms right? It totally has nothing to do with "experience" no meta-there ^_^) Who besides David is going? I assume Alcibades and Dakaar. Are we bringing any rebels on a training exercise?
I am making a few assumptions about timeline here so please correct me if I am wrong.
After delivering Palaveen to the Rundottari. You take several days to rest up. (3 i assume, based on some ability damage Dakaar has and the need to heal wound damage for several PCs). Then the grounds are searched and mended while Dakaar does a little research on the council. Alcibiades helps return some goods and tries to make some connections before doing his own research into the council. If there is anything that has to be added in let me know.
Sewer Crew
XP so far: 900 per player in this last set of encounters. There is a hefty story bonus in there. Keep in mind if you look on the PRD website the medium experience progression puts level 2 at 2000xp so 1100 more to go!. You'll be getting out of the sewers before level 2 probably, but should be hitting level 2 by or before the next face to face session. Possible during a VoIP session if we have one. I could do one on a Sunday if need be.
So far our motley crew of characters has heard Janiven's Sales pitch for a Westcrown grassroots rebellion of sorts. This meeting was burst in upon by the order of the Rack seeking to snuff out such disgruntled citizens. Setting fire to the floor of the Tavern before leaping into the sewers, out PC's have navigated their way past two groups of overzealous Arminger, undead, vermin and goblins. Having taken the pittance the goblins called their treasure they have moved on hoping they are not far from the sewer exit which will lead them to a safe house when...
With perfect order, the sun rises slowly in the east. The light First touching Tien, then Taldor, next Andoran, finally through the Whisper Wood to touch on Cheliax before rushing onward. Dark things look to the sky as the sun begins its climb over Westcrown. They scurry back to their dens. Bugs, rats, thugs, and worse flee light and seek the safety of the darkness. As the sky turns, the guards of the Dottari begin their morning round. As dockworkers and laborers exit the tavern common rooms, the guards extinguish the pyrahje, the islands of light and safety being no longer necessary in the early morning light. Slowly men and women go about their work, business men open their shops and down at the docks ships resume loading and unloading their cargo. In the low market a Hellknight beats a child for stealing food. In on Regicon island noble men and women begin their day slowly. High above the bustling Wiscrani men and women the Qatada Nessudidia, the great temple of Asmodeus looms.
Through all of this a dark haired human woman moves with purpose. She ignores the merchants and the beggars as she goes about her business.