Dark Ice Brownie

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Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Grand Archive

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bugleyman wrote:

Nice to see some news on this front, but...two skeletons? Two zombies? Two giant rats? It seems like you'd need at least two boxes -- if not four -- to make most common, low-level encounters. This assortment is arguably less useful than the original bestiary box in that respect.

Obviously there is finite space and trade-offs had to be made, but they seem to have emphasized completeness over pure utility...which is not the direction I'd hoped they would take this time around.

I've repeatedly said, I really want to see encounter packs for Pawns based on terrain, typical encounters, low-mid-high levels, etc etc. I'd buy those a lot more often and more frequently than I have ever the AP or Codex packs.

Grand Archive

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Wow, apart from my copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire the Masquerade I wasnt expecting much excitement in the realm of gaming this month. (Not that V20 isn't exciting in its own right, I've just had time to mellow since realizing it was coming) But now, I'm drooling over this. I've just started chatting my eldest up about gaming with me and I think this product's perfect for what we'd like to start with.

Thanks again Paizo, another home run. Though it would've been cool if the beginner minis shipped same day (not a complaint just an observation)

Also: any plans to make those tokens available separately or perhaps more of the same later? I mean those things looked fantabulous!