Danse Macabre

1bent1's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 246 posts (254 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court 2/5

Great resource, Thanks!

Sovereign Court

I just ran the numbers on my purchases with HeroLab Online and in the last 16 months I have already spent close to $300 for PF2E products along with access/subscription. To turn around and spend another $159 for Rulebooks alone seems like a big ask. All of this atop the PDFs I've already purchased from Paizo for PF2E.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Am I missing what the what all the white X marks are on the map? I assume they mean no door but did I miss that in the description?

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the advice.

I intend to take Champions Reaction at 6th because I'm shocked such a powerful class feature is available and not only that but available so early.

Also thank you for the suggestion on leaning toward offensive cantrips and on this have a question on Divine Lance. I have an itch to play a Phrasmen err a Phrasmi... or how ever you pronounce a divine spell caster who is in the clergy of Pharasma (Pharasmen cleric sounds right) and want to know how essential Divine Lance is. As I understand it clerics of Phrasma can't cast Divine Lance as their deity has no qualifying aliment for the spell to work. How much of a deficient is it to not be able to target alignment weaknesses with a cantrip?

Sovereign Court

Gortle wrote:

The fixes are:

3) pick up armour via an archetype feat at level 2
a) Champion Requires 14 Str and 14 Cha, but there are some more really good options here like Champions Reaction. Definitely the strongest option. Can do this from level 1 as an ancient elf

I'm also in a similar boat and I'm interested in a Cloistered Redeemer build for PFS.

Taldan Human, Skilled Hertiage
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 12 Wis 18 Cha 14,
Background: Lastwall Survivior
Cloistered Cleric of Sarenrae or Iomedae?
Ancestry feat : Natural ambition for either Reach Spell or Healing Hands

Lvl 2 Champion Dedication.

My hope I can GM the character thru at least level one or so (probably much more).

Thoughts or suggestions going forward? Pitfalls to watch out for?

Thanks in advance

Sovereign Court

Greatly appreciated. You have made the present to myself that much better.

Thank you

Sovereign Court

I have a very large order of items in my side cart waiting to ship with my next subscription and I was inquiring if I can use the current discount code for those items?

Sovereign Court

Ly'ualdre wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
Does this help?
My question here is if a Deities Edict's are meant to play into a character of faiths class features?

Not preforming an edict is entirely different then preforming an action that is anathema. Anathema are pointed out as having a consequence. Edicts aren't mentioned.

Anathema actions are in the "Thou Shall Not" category.

Edict actions are in the "These are valued" category.

Sovereign Court

I landed with Fighter - Strong. I was a little surprised.

I will make sure this is shared with my group.

Sovereign Court

Am I the only one who came here expecting an Investigator question?

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

2E- The simplicity and elegance far out strips 1E for ease of use and teaching new players.

Sovereign Court

masda_gib wrote:
DropBearHunter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:

Marco Massoudi wrote:
The "Zombie Brute" mini is not looking as good as the render. It is also a bad decision to make an uncommon large mini missing an arm for building a warband/group.
It's not missing its arm! He's got it right there in his other hand..

very confusing

is that armed combat or unarmed combat?
It's clearly fighting with a one-handed weapon.

Also for combat clarification is the Zombie Brute considered to have one hand free? On one hand I say yes but...

Sovereign Court

If two reactions (1 for two different player) are triggered from one event which occurs first?

Example Includes a two sword and board players 1) is a Fighter using Shield block and 2) is a Champion with Shield of Reckoning
Trigger: Player 1 takes damage.

Who goes first? The player with the higher initiative? Is it up to the players to decide?

Sovereign Court

What are some of the better feats by class worth making a dipp for?

Bard Inspirational Performance

Champion: Healing Touch, Champions Reaction

Fighter: Double Slice, Knockdown

Rouge: Skill Mastery

What are some gems to be added to the list?

Sovereign Court

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My group had a hard go of it. No death but that wasn't from lack of trying. Party was a Wizard (Evocation), Rogue (Thief), Champion (Redeemer) and Cleric (warpriest).

With Ralldar becoming Huge his reach was considerable. the dice weren't with the party to the point the Rogue switched dice with me to prove it was her and not the dice that was cursed (she indeed was curse with poor rolls that night).

First the wizard went down to an AoO, then next the Cleric to the same and the Rogue fell to a crit. The Champion was able to use his last LoH to get the Cleric up and finally able to down Ralldar.

The problem was the persistent Poison damage, it threatened to kill several people. the flat check was very difficult for people to hit.

Dying, Recovery and Persistent damage and Wounded were learned well that night.

Sovereign Court

I keep getting an error when trying to add this to my cart, anyone else having issues?

Sovereign Court 2/5

Flawed Ritual Question: Are all the flaws supposed to have the same cause?

Sovereign Court

Cydeth wrote:

Going to quote myself from a couple of posts from a while back, but the short version: You know how much damage.

It's triggered when you 'would take damage from a physical attack', which is step four of damage, after applying resistances, immunities or the like (if an attack did 4 piercing damage and 6 fire damage to a skeleton, but the skeleton had Piercing Resistance 5, it would take no physical damage, for instance). Thus, you should know exactly how much damage is coming of what types, from how I read the book.

Skeletal Champion has resistance 5 against piercing and slashing, as well as resistance 5 against several energy types. I'm going with fire to make to keep this simple. Next, I'm quoting all of Shield Block, and bolding for emphasis.

Shield Block wrote:

Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take
damage from a physical attack.
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield
prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the
shield’s Hardness.
You and the shield each take any remaining
damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Note that it isn't resistance. It says that it prevents you from taking damage equal to the shield's hardness. Minor but important distinction.

Now, since I'm trying to keep this simple, I have a wizard with a +1 flaming dagger attacks the skeletal champion. Said wizard has a Strength of 12. He hits, but doesn't crit. After rolling 1d4+1 + 1d6 fire, he rolls maximum damage and gets a whopping total of 5 physical damage and 6 fire damage. Steps 1 and 2 are complete, so we move on to step 3.

At this point we apply, in order, immunities, weaknesses, and resistances. None of the first two apply to the skeletal champion, so we apply resistance to piercing 5 (or slashing, as daggers can do both), as well as resistance to fire 5. The piercing damage is negated, and only 1 fire damage remains. We move to step 4.

1 fire damage remains. However, as page 452 states


The explication was through but I believe you're incorrect on not being able to use Shield Block.

The trigger for Shield Block isn't taking physical damage but actually: While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. I would say a melee attack from from a flaming dagger is a physical attack even if the physical damage is resisted and only energy damage is left.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Character Sheets look much better, Thanks!

Sovereign Court

Tender Tendrils wrote:

I've just been using unicode symbols (which exist in most fonts) you can add them manually or with unicode shortcuts to word documents (you can even add them in here)

Action: ◆
Full Action: ◆◆◆
Free Action: ◇
Reaction: ↺

They usually get the job done okay(though I would really, really like the official symbols/font to be available for community use).

these are really nice! How would I add these on to a word document? I haven't used unicode before.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Thanks. i feel sheepish i didn't check. I did link the PFS PF2 Guild Guide PDF from there but didn't look much further.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Has anyone developed some handouts for groups transitioning to PF2? I ran across a document that was great for getting new players acclimated to PFS play. The document was called Chronicle #0 and had day job, fame=purchase limit, upgrading equipment and a host of other information. It was great for giving people something the could look at as a cheat sheet for players/GMs to have readily at hand.

I'm doing an intro to PFS for PF2 this weekend and want to know what were some of the stumbling blocks had when the went from PF1 to PF2? we will be going over character creation, character options Xp, prestige, factions ect.

What was a change that was trying to payers and what was trying for GMs?

Sovereign Court

Michael Sayre wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Wasn't this one supposed to be available today?
I'm not sure what's going on here, but I've reached out to the team to see if we can get it fixed.

I have it in My Downloads

Sovereign Court 2/5

What were peoples experience with the run time of this Scenario? I would like to have a character building session before/after and want to know how much time I need to budget for the scenario?

Sovereign Court 2/5

I just tripped across this, I like the change from PF1.

Sovereign Court

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Toshi Andorson, merchant wrote:

Don't forget, Defilers are reviled, while Preservers are often disbelieved. So, maybe some form of Deception, to make others think they are using Psionics, or divine magic.

And, it is possible to switch from Preserver to Defiler fairly easily (don't use the extra action, or fail the save and continue the spell anyway, however it's chosen), but it's really hard to move from Defiler to Preserver.

Thread Necromancy: Is there a way to modify Drain Bonded Object to add a Defiling option?

Add a line to the effect there is a 10% chance to regain the spell cast but at he cost Defiling at the time of casting? This way it would be a benefit but players could use it if desperate but at the cost to the environment, to being ostracized/hunted?

There would need to be a mechanic for those that Defile too frequently and are unable to stop. Perhaps a flat check of 5, +2 to the check for each day a spell cast (or each spell for a more addictive mechanic) while Defiling. Once they fail the flat check they would have to Defile when casting unless actively trying not to.

To try and actively preserve and reverse the urge/need to Defile you would need spend 1 Action concentrating to gain control prior to casting while making a flat 15 check. You would need to pass 3 check before being able to gain control again to cast with out additional concentration.


Sovereign Court

HammerJack wrote:

From CRB page 26:

"Sometimes, it’s fun to play a character with a major flaw even if you’re not playing an ancestry that imposes one. You can elect to take two additional ability flaws when applying the ability boosts and ability flaws from your ancestry. If you do, you can also apply one additional free ability boost. These ability flaws can be assigned to any ability score you like, but you can’t apply more than one ability flaw to the same ability score during this step unless you apply both of the additional ability flaws to a score that is already receiving an ability boost during this step. In this case, the first ability flaw cancels the ability boost, and the second ability flaw decreases the score by 2. Likewise, as an exception to the normal rules for ability boosts, you can apply two free ability boosts to an ability score receiving an ability flaw during this step; the first ability boost cancels the ability flaw, and the second ability boost increases the score by 2. For example, a dwarf normally gets an ability boost to Constitution and Wisdom, along with an ability flaw to Charisma. You could apply one ability flaw each to Intelligence and Strength, or you could apply both ability flaws to Wisdom. You could not apply either additional ability flaw to Charisma, though, because it is already receiving dwarves’ ability flaw during this step."

Additionally, the PF2 Society rules do state that the voluntary flaw optional rule is legal for society use, under the Player Basics section.

Thank you for this. I missed this portion or glossed over it.

Sovereign Court

For my PFS community we're finally close to getting a character out of the 10-11 tier of 1ed PFS scenarios. I believe by mid summer my group will transition to PF2 in full.

Sovereign Court

thenobledrake wrote:

Resistances apply before you choose to shield block or not because of the timing specified for the trigger of shield block.

And though the phrasing of the triggers on champion reactions puts the timing at a similar point, they are creating an effect which happens at step 3 of making a damage roll (p. 450 for reference) while shield block triggers at step 4.

Thank you as well.

Sovereign Court

So as a player if I use the Shield Block reaction and my companion uses one of the Champion's Reactions at the same time to offer damage resistance to me which occurs first?

Do I gain the resistance to damage from the Champion's Reaction then get to Shield Block the remaining damage or vice versa?

The damage taken should be the same but the version above of Champion's Reaction then Shield Block reduces the wear on my shield.

I apologize if this has been brought up before.

Thanks in advance.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:
Good to know, except... I'm not a professional graphic designer, and I'm not paying 1600 bucks for fonts. :-)

I hear you Arial and Calibri works for me.

Sovereign Court

Ravingdork wrote:
Syries wrote:

Out of curiosity, exactly how many times can you cast True Strike with Jensen? By my count I can get to 8/day: Your highest spell level you can cast is 3, so the staff starts with 3 charges; you then expend your single 3rd level spell slot for 3 more charges, and prepare your single 1st and 2nd level spells to True Strike. Total of 8 castings of True Strike.

Am I missing anything?

If you read the thread I linked to when I posted the character, there is an ongoing debate as to whether cantrips count as spells for the purposes of charging a staff. If true, she would get 6 base charges, not 3.

6 base + 3 for sacrificing 3rd-level spell + 3 prepared normally = 12 total

I recognize that, that might not fly at every table, but it's convincing enough for me until we get confirmation otherwise, and it helps me to "sell the character" in the meantime.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...


I spent a lot of money on licensing the fonts used in the Core Rulebook and Bestiary just so that I could bring the look of the character sheets closer to the stat block styles used in the books. Every single character in the Emporium has had it's sheet design and layout completely overhauled. I hope you guys like the changes as much as I do! :D

(You should be able to use the previously posted links to access the new designs.)

What font did you purchase to get the look right?

Sovereign Court 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm looking to have my GMing be less cluttered so I'm entertaining either using a Tablet or a Laptop to help me. For those that have moved beyond printing scenarios and NPC stats which have you found to be more useful? I will also undoubtedly look to get Hero Lab and stop using word/Excel for character sheets as well. I envision using the device for mostly Gming/reading PDFs and word doc, maybe some web browsing. I don't do any mobile gaming so that isn't a use I'm interested in.

Also if you also have a recommendation in a device please list that as well. For product discussion I'm a PC user.

Thanks a ton!

Sovereign Court

I'm trying to get an idea on the utility of Shield Block from low levels on. I would imagine it being used frequently at low levels but I don't have the game experience to know at mid levels and on what function it plays in round to round combat.
From a few of the game broad casts I have seen damage seems to scales quickly to where a shield would be destroyed very quickly with any regular use.

Other question I have is how feasible is it to get an adamantine shield at earliest possible level. I would see this as a means to extend the life of using Shield Block. Are there other means of increasing a shields hardness/hp?

Thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court

Michael Alves wrote:

Hi everyone, I just finished today a new article based on research I did on all discussions and data I could find on the question of PF2E game balance between casters and martial characters.

I'd like to thank the user Citricking for the amazing amount of data that he gathered and made public, without which it would not be possible to finish this article in a timely manner.

Link to the Article:
PF2E - Casters Vs Martials: The Sage Answer

Critiques and suggestions will be appreciated.
I will update the article if the discussion here provides more accurate information in any aspect.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________

And if anyone is interested, I have two other articles for PF2E:

Warlock Class - Compatible with PF2E (Not based on 3.5, 4e or 5e warlock, different concept)

PF2E Game Design focused Review.
Pathfinder 2E RPG: Elegant and full of choices.
https://www.thegamersage.com/post/the-gamer-sage-review-pathfinder-2e-rpg-e legant-and-full-of-choices

Thank you all.

Very impressive thank you for your work and for sharing this with the community!

Sovereign Court 2/5

Good call!
My group is currently going thru the Season 4 plot and just did Feast of Sigils.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Are there any new inclusions to this list from the past 2 years?

Sovereign Court 2/5

What training is given to the evaluators?

What safeguards are put to place ensure a high level of inter-rater reliability?

Sovereign Court

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Orc Knuckle Dagger Description.
Is it supposed to look like a Trench knife?
Also I'm having a difficult time understanding what a horizontal basket hilt is. Is it different form a "regular" basket hilt, is there a "vertical" basket hilt? I honestly don't know.

Also what is meant by a blades jutting form each end? Is each end meaning the top and bottom, left and right? Is the last part of the line to mean it can also look like a Dagger/Katar combo(a vertical blade and a front facing horizontal blade?

Sovereign Court

I am looking at a building a character but I'm wondering if anyone has done the analysis on what bonus I need from an attribute to make a skill competitive as it levels.

For a Rogue what Dex is needed to make Acrobatics, Stealth and Thievery? Is a Dex of 16 needed? or is 14 sufficient?

I assume the difference would be small do to Ability Boost at 5th level and beyond making up a lot of room between an starting score of 18 vs 16 but would a 14 fly as "good enough"?

I'm asking because I am eyeing a Str based Ruffian and want to build build and compare to a Dex to dmg Thief build.

Sovereign Court

Mark Moreland wrote:
The orc has a different weapon in his hands. It's hard to tell from the angle of the photo.

Is the first weapon a pair of Orc Knuckle Daggers and the second a pair Katars?

Sovereign Court 2/5

My last on the Infamy Point. The last line in the mission briefing is "Don't antagonize the guards". Very heavy handed from my point of view to equate antagonizing the guard with Infamy but I understand it from a larger guards = government stand point. Still not a fan.

I seated 7 players all pregens: Alchemist, Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Sorcerer and Wizard. I ran the Spear Launcher and Mummy encounter.

The Encounter with Nefaram Subeli was enjoyable. As GM Lamplighter mentioned above making the errors he brings up naturally in conversation was a challenge. I had 2 seasoned PFS players at the table and they caught much of his lack of PFS knowledge. Everyone enjoyed picking apart the errors while calming him down simultaneously.

The encounter with the mummies was a cake walk as one would expect form 7 players and one AC. The Encounter in A4 was cramped to start but was worse with the above and one large and five medium opponents. With the NPCs all prone made it that much easier.

In total I think the run time was 1:45 mins.

An enjoyable end was when I explained how much they were getting compensated, a total of 3.5 gold. I heard groans and was joking accused of trolling the party but after a discussion on the economy change in PF2 there was more acceptance.

Sovereign Court 2/5

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James Krolak wrote:

Really? I thought we had to fight a VL one-on-one in a no-holds-barred cage match to claim their title. I was even waiting until Jack had his leg in a big old cast/boot so I could quickly get all the way to VC!

Aw, man...

I too was robbed my glory and promotion. I was cheated when my VL snuck away in the dead of night at the end of 2018 (he got transferred to the San Antonio area).

Sovereign Court

Staffan Johansson wrote:
When you cast it at 1st level, yes. You can use the one- and two-action versions to harm undead as well. Also, undead affected by the spell get a basic Fortitude save to mitigate the damage.

For the 3 action version is the 30 ft emanation healing 1d8+8?

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

"The DC is a standard-difficulty DC of a level equal to the highest level target of your composition. The effect depends on the result of your check."

I'm lost. Where do i find the DC?

Sovereign Court

True and at 2 gp they are worth repairing!

Sovereign Court

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just so I'm clear.
The orc does 10 slashing damage, the shield block reduces the damage by 5 points do to hardness. then the remainder of the damage is done to the shield and the champion.

So the orc that does 10 points of damage has the damage reduce but ends up doing 10 points of damage anyway (5 points to Champion and 5 points to shield)?

Sovereign Court 2/5

This is a significant change form Quests form 1st edition.

The quest has 1 trap, 1 combat encounter and 2 social encounters after the mission briefing. I was expecting several interconnected encounter in the vein of the more recent Quests.

The encounters look well balanced. My concern is the scenario be very short but being that I am using it as a Demo that is a positive.

There a couple of things to watch out for: When the party meets Norden Balentiir the GM is suppose to select 2 mistakes in his story to share with the group but on the trigger for the combat encounter it states if the party learns at least 2 flaws in his story his gives them a warning. I would run it by giving all the flaws in his cover story and see what they find.

The considerable heartburn I have is the Infamy Point given for rushing past the guards at the dig site.

The guard tells the party another Pathfinder group has been here over a month and in the last week have been cataloging the site. The mission briefing makes it clear party would have been the ones to do this work. Penalizing the party for being reasonably panicked and rushing to see what they could do to protect the sites integrity or confront the the pretenders is way out of line. I'm not talking about attacking the guards just rushing past them to investigate.

Infamy- When a character expresses the intent to perform a wantonly evil or callously criminal action and you inform them that their action would be considered an evil action, if the character still persists in performing the action, apply a point of Infamy to the character.

This sets troubling precedent for Pathfinder scenarios as as the above action is neither "wantonly evil or callously criminal action". If a Pathfinder is overly concerned with following every city guard orders lest they be three strikes away from permanent character retirment.

Sovereign Court 2/5

Yako Zenko wrote:
Looking over that guide... GM's take note. Calculating the tier for the game you're running is a tad more complicated.

Good call I'm making a handout so I'll have it with me just in case.