Truthseeker Wayfinder

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 47 posts (260 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


Aest wrote:
Lucky you. Mine have been going over two years, and we're just finishing Book One. Plus, there's a lot of unexplored stuff, but I'm hoping to handwave it and have the colonists explore some of those hexes.

SAME! I decided on fast advancement but it means I'm going to have to cut a lot!

My 5 players are over recommended level and have companions and now cohorts are coming into play so I will definitely start using this excellent resource! I did not realise that quest XP should have been split until reading this.

One small fix - Kundal should have 40 ft speed in hybrid form and 60 only in animal form. It's wrong in the AP too, error was carried.

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In the same way that destroying a corruptible soul is inherently right? I think not!

Moral Standard: Pay your taxes to benefit society.

These are great! Royalty-free I assume? I just want to keep within Community Use Policy and have spent so much time on mapmaking.

If you want the Temple of the Elk, I have one drawn up that I'm willing to share. Far lower quality, of course.

When it comes to the Stag Lord's fort though, because you can see through to the lower floor, I found it much more satisfying to include the top floor as another layer with a semi-transparent shadow over the bottom storey. Tokens on the lower floor were still visible, though in shadow or partly obscured.

I'd hate to beg for free stuff, but have you drawn up more than the first 2 books?

Bozmir responds, "I'm not sure the wizard will be happy to see us. He did seem hostile to any previous investigations. But we do have his house's location - perhaps we wait for him to leave for work and search for information the hard way."

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I think the most reasonable temperature for the spell is body temperature ~36 C or a little cooler so it's comfortable to drink.

EIDT: Sorry, I misread the post. Instead, let me say that for a spell best suited to fighting fires - it should be conjurable as a liquid in a forest fire.

Be a gnome; get a +2.

Try find a way to get Cha to Will saves. I also recommend Sorcerer so you can keep your anti-illusion spells as spells known rather than preparing them and not using them.

Or if you stick with Wisdom as a high stat, swap regular gnome magic for Fell Magic. You can play as a gnome outcast or cynic who just hates illusions with a passion.

In the Nightglass tale, Kuthite clerics are shown to study, perform rituals and torture (iirc, or maybe be tortured). That process forms both arcane and divine casters as the protagonist becomes a wizard and others become clerics or multi-classed. That seems to agree with everyone saying you need both study and faith in the Golarion setting.

You could also look to real-world religions as the original inspiration for the class. Some require study, others rituals, and others still just faith. It's up to the setting and GM in the end.

F-Fifth? Well, congrats and commiserations!

I am still here, though I'm surprised we didn't get the opportunity to confer with the other group. Perhaps before the next game?

That reminds me of a campaign I played in. Cthulhu vikings. In the BRP system, but still. I look forward to reading this for insight into running Strange Aeons and From Shore to Sea!

I would love to see ship sizes on a separate chart to what is currently used for monsters, but remains compatible. So no exponential penalty to AC, but rather a linear progression dependant on the total volume(?) of the ship. Size bonus to hit shouldn't apply to ship's weapons though.
A Huge personal craft can have AC 8 (+armor? maybe only against physical attacks, as per PF). An enemy trying to hit gets the usual linear penalties for distance, making the small craft a very hard target at a distance.
Compare it to a 200' long cruiser. PF caps at colossal at -8, but extending the table...
Actually I am completely wrong here. Checking the glossary, "Space" is an abstraction but the actual height/length of the object doubles too. Starfinder should extend the table and include all the grades in between. "Space" should be left off the table in lieu of "Volume", more useful for fitting out the ship's rooms, etc.
Your 200' cruiser would have an entirely reasonable size mod of -12 or -13 depending on rounding. AC -2 compared to AC 8 is 50% easier to hit and that's just a small cruiser. Imagine the penalties on destroyers, carriers, artificial not-a-moons. Starbases, planets and Suns can have realistic AC values too!

Somewhat related to the issues previously mentioned (top of page 2) of magic creating perpetual motion and disobeying mechanics.
How about wear on components as they are used so that free energy abuse never occurs? For simplicity this could instead apply when the equipment is overused, but in that case free energy shenanigans would persist.
Then you have to pay not only for fuel but also for maintenance. Ships under maintenance is a trope often seen in sci-fi, and keeping ships grounded (or stationed) even for a few minutes provides a perfect opportunity for infiltration based games.
Maintenance costs can disincentivise combat even in cases where one ship has the clear advantage. A destroyer might have to spend more on maintenance after obliterating a small mining ship that it gains.
I'm sure the designers can figure out the specifics of how magic can cause wear. Could even be something minor like space dust scraping against the hull/shield.

I also vote for customization. Minmaxers still have a "min" that can overcome them.

For everyone saying that's too complex: it gets done once or twice per campaign. It's well worth the effort.

Let's say for arguments sake I have an archetype that swaps out or alters bardic knowledge (eg. Battle Scion). So I can't just roll any skill. Hence the necessity for a library.

The skald gets the little advantage that this is specified:

...instead of spending the normal amount of time...

Which lets him shorten the 1d4 hours of research to a standard action.

I guess the question is, is this time saving technique correct by RAW?

...and immediately knows everything.

Since research in a library normally takes 1d4 hours, but a Skald 7 has Lore Master, not only can s/he take 20, but it takes only a standard action! It's not even Dewey mastery, the skald walks in, breathes the must and says "yep, a Balor can cut your head off really easily" or some other high-level factoid. Here's the kicker, because it's a library he doesn't even have ranks in Knowledge (planes)!

Fourshadow wrote:
Spell Kenning. Where do I begin?! How do these barbaric bard wannabes have the ability Bards should have had? Just so wrong to think the more cosmopolitan, wide-ranging, wandering minstrel has no such (other than Arrowsong's Lament, the new masterpiece from Arcane Anthology, which is very nice but no access to Cleric spells...) class ability.

Because vikings pillage and steal, spells included.

I thought I would add to the Amplified Rage shenanigans, in Ultimate Intrigue there's now an archetype called the Battle Scion who grants teamwork feats. But it requires prerequisites, so they have to be orcs too. Does it also require them to have the Rage class feature as well? I guess it's excellent if you're leading a party of orc barbs (throw in a rage prophet for balance), but otherwise not...

I stumbled across the Detective Bard archetype which would cover arcane (non-damage) spells as well as cover the ability to disable all traps. Should be able to stat up a character by tomorrow.

Searching "Teamwork" on d20pfsrd and filtering by class has a ton of excellent results.

EDIT: Or a Battle Scion skald, which doesn't have trapfinding but seems more useful in a melee-focused party. And actually gain free Teamwork feats, unlike the Detective.

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A chakram thrower? Nice!

Circle Jerk?

Since you're still asking, I'd like to express further interest. This is something I've wanted to try for a while; a SWAT-esque party for PFS and putting the teamwork feats to good use. I'm surprised how many feats there are, considering they aren't picked that often in PFS. Could even turn out that they are off the rails and have to be reined in.

I have played PFS and PbP, but not on this board yet.

I'm happy to create a new PFS character, whatever is needed. It seems that a Wizard was wanted in the early portion of the thread. I've only built two magi before, one saw play, and an arcane trickster with little play. Wizard has the advantage of Bonus MM Feats and I think I would go for counterspelling, with more of a spread in stats. Opinions on schools?

As for feats, Bonded Mind is a very nice find, I've wanted to try Escape Route as well, and skimming the list there are some nice ones for casters, helping concentration and combining casting.

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I honestly thought it would be a less subjective method to get a feel for power level in PF, but it seems just as useless as other comparisons. Especially for the two examples I gave.

Perhaps some more tame classic heroes? Odysseus, Perseus, the Fellowship of the Ring, etc?
Just going by Wikipedia, Perseus slew a Medusa (CR7,3200), king (CR14,38400), Cetus (CR13,25600), noble scion? (CR2,600), and then more stuff. It hard to tell what level his career started, since anybody could get away with a coup de grace against any creature, and everything following was a result of him having Medusa's head. But with the XP total of 67800 (assuming Medium track and ignoring the one level at a time rule) he would be 8th.
I don't know where I'm going with this...

And the heroes of myth would, of course, be the survivors of their encounters. Nobody mentions those who died.

Orfamay Quest wrote:

Authors don’t design their characters around the class progressions of the core D&D classes. Take, for example, a character who can assume an ethereal state without casting a spell. The only way to do that in D&D, using only the core classes, is to be a 19th level monk. But if that’s the only special ability the character in question has, it would be completely nonsensical to model them as a 19th level monk – they don’t have any of the plethora of other abilities such a monk possesses. What you’re looking at is a character with a unique class progression or possibly a prestige class. Or maybe a racial ability.

What about the characters that do have to use those rules, at least as a guideline? Does Drizzt level at the same rate as everyone? Settings like FR, Dragonlance, other stuff I also haven't gotten around to reading?

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Sailor Aballon the android?

Every so often you find threads of Make X in Pathfinder or What level is Y? What if there was some different way of equating the real world with PF mechanics to make you experience more grounded?

I thought, the classic heroes in literature keep killing monsters and they should be gaining XP. How much XP have such characters earned and has their power become greater as a result? Do they go on to face CR appropriate enemies?

I am not such an avid reader myself, so I come to these forums, to request XP gains of characters as varied from Hercules to Harry Potter and opinions on this system of judging characters.

I agree with Azothath on removing the lethality of the Cha damage. It ties the silhouette to a certain location or body it uses as food. And it would move slowly overland, needing to spy on someone before taking their form.

When it becomes corporeal, it needs a specified strength.

To simulate a dragon's obsession with wealth, I would recommend a hoard mechanic that ties some kind of progression to how valuable the hoard is. You could tie it to level, just like Wealth by Level but in reverse, or tie it to either their size and age progression or their spellcasting or some other reward like bonus feats or Leadership score. (Personally I would progress a casting class by XP gain, traditionally sorcerer but any class will do.) So you have multiple progression streams and the players have to balance/optimize them.

I haven't read the Book of Drakes, but the Dragon Companion Handbook balances all the colours and types of dragon, including Imperial and Outer dragons. It's designed for use as an animal companion or cohort, but has a perfectly usable class progression for PC's. It also has dragon feats that unlock abilities dragons normally get.

As for gear, I haven't play tested this extensively, but I doubt already very powerful dragons need it. So many natural weapons, plus breath, makes me a sad GM.

PS. Food for thought: Grey Dragons (assuming the default PF setting)

I figured it out!

People have mentioned grabbing *something* with the free hand. This opens up the possibility of combat maneuvers! Stealing, Disarm and wield their weapon, grappling. The last is probably the best, because you have your one handed weapon right there, ready to use. I shall call it Grab and Stab!

As for a static benefit just for having one weapon, I would vote against it. Just wait for Duelist PrC levels.

Mahathallah fleshed out? My dread gnome necromancer is going to love the extra info. Hoping for traits/feats/abilities to use in PFS!

I hope you don't mind me pitching an idea... The mechanics of Library of the Lion set in an archive of Cheliax's redacted histories.

I am the GM of a newly starting Skull and Shackles campaign. One player was interested in playing a mad scientist kind of character, but also wanted to be a necromancer. I suggested Vivisectionist or Reanimator, but they weren't good enough at necromancy so we settled on the Undead Lord archetype. I'm not sure how we found Haagenti after that, considering he isn't a death domain deity... I allowed it for now, and I really like the deity.

The current build has 16 Int but only 13 Wis and 8 Cha, pretty bad for a cleric, dire for a necromancer. I've seen the unchained multiclassing rules and currently I think that's the only way to save the concept...

Are there any other alchemy-themed archetypes or domains for a cleric? Or is there a feat tree that would keep the mad science theme? Is brew potion the only thing required? Or would Technologist possibly work as well?

Or should I suggest a different deity?

Etheric Tether ability has been typed as Etheric Link in the table. Doesn't appear to have been stated outright yet...

Then Bonded Senses has a spare s at the end... yeah, looks like the table needs a touch-up.

I noticed on the PRD that if you go to the Ultimate Campaign section, then into the Character Background subsection, then any of its subsections and navigate back using the Breadcrumb Trail to go back to Character background, the link takes you to the non-existent ultimateEquipment/characterBackground.shtml instead of ultimateCampaign.

Dot. This is the best alignment discussion thread. The counter intuitive, downright hypocrisy in the PF setting is what makes it great. I am super curious as to what Liz removed.

One could start a whole series of threads on god alignments. The best answer is alignment "is more what you call guidelines, than actual rules." (this should carry over to alignment dependent spells, etc. IMO)

If I had strongly worshiped Zon-Kuthon and truly believed that my enemies deserved every del of pain I inflict upon them as written on page 212 of the Umbral Leaves, I will do so. If I have a sudden change of heart and faith and no longer feel it nice to cause bleed, I would stop since I don't believe in page 212 of the Leaves.

Also applies to: if I believed in Desna and changed to think more greedy; that I myself deserve the crits I earn.

It's a bit of a flimsy argument, but I'm one of those that also think morale bonuses are exactly what it says on the tin, despite its source.

Furthermore, what is the creature is colossal and larger than the 10 foot radius circle? Is it's outer edge the only part of it that's visible? Do it's internal organs still function?

Let's say that my DM or the deity my character worships grants me a summon-able monster that can cast Antimagic Field. It casts AF on itself, but being a summoned creature it blinks out? Can it move or take actions? Can it even take the free action to dispel its own field?

That brings me to another more applicable question. Many of the higher CR monsters on the list have Dispel Magic and Banishment. If they are fed up with the summoner can they cast it on themselves?

I killed the thread? I thought the Mana Wastes were a great idea. :(

I have no idea what the lower level encounters would be like, but the motivation for setting up a kingdom could be a region prospected to be rich in iron, sulfur and saltpeter with a hex of sparse palm trees.

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Suddenly roads become the best choice to boost your economy. Sounds realistic. Oases become extremely valuable.

Bonus cred: do it in the Mana Wastes, it keeps monsters relevant at higher levels, and has an excellent delicate political situation. To me, it seems like the best choice to keep the power progression in line with the increasing tension as the kingdom expands.

The end product is a "+1 Wounding/+1 Wounding Orc Double Axe". The bonuses are taken up by the enhancement.

Maximum of +10 for enhancement(i.e. hit and damage) and Special Abilities, and a maximum of +5 for just enhancement.

Minimum of +1 enhancement if a special ability is added (as mentioned before).

This sounds like the Merciful Healer, but much more powerful.

This is my first attempt at creating a custom magic item. The characters were lacking vital knowledge skills, so I am handing them a few of these items if they can find them.

The way I priced it was using magic item creation rules, Skill Bonus (1^2)x100. Then multiply by 2 for No Space Limitation, 200gp. Add on the single use of Hold Person (but with diminished effect), 200+300 = 500gp.

Is it balanced? Too complex? Too cheap? Out of line with the setting information about Abadar and his church?

Abadarian Intensive Teaching Tome

Aura weak divination, transmutation and enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot -; Price 500gp; Weight 5 lb


This thick, clasped tome has a variety of beneficial and runes bordering the cover and every page. The clasp has a lock and a gold plated key shaped like Abadar’s symbol is embedded on the cover. The book is filled with small text and diagrams of condensed study material on a specific topic (one knowledge skill chosen by GM).

A character who reads the book for 1 hour must make a Will save (DC 11 plus one for every 4 consecutive hours of reading, negates) or become completely rapt in learning and thought. This study is to the exclusion of all else, even biological needs including but not limited to eating, drinking and sleeping, and also to damage until unconscious. The character is considered cowering and fascinated(except for purposes of breaking fascination through mundane means) but not helpless.

After 48 hours total of reading the book, the reader receives a rank in the prescribed knowledge skill, if they had no ranks in it before. The spell effect ends and the Tome loses its ability and becomes an ordinary textbook on the topic worth 20 gp.

Construction Requirements

Craft Wondrous Item, Guidance, Hold Person; Cost 250gp

Priests of Abadar sometimes craft these readily enchantable books when they must teach a student quickly before an important quest or simply when they become impatient. Students open their minds and subject themselves to the arduous ritual and are never forced within the church. On occasion a small study is used for multiple students under the eye of a church guard. Very few copies make it out of the church but the goods aren't considered dangerous enough to pursue on charges greater than petty theft.

I'm looking for someone to comment on this. I'm the GM for the group and to put in context, the party are currently non-optimized core classes and a CR adjusted Half-fiend without Spell Resistance (yet).

How does this advancement compare to a straight 20 in other classes?

Thanks Dustin for considering my suggestions and answering. I hope to see an adventure log someday if you decide to release one publicly. The Halberd idea came from the Vatican City's guard itself, if you're not familiar with the Swiss Guard.

Belazoar wrote:

I was under the impression that christian clerics were forbidden from using edged weapons, but a quick search didn't turn up anything very solid. Perhaps one of you know what I'm talking about.

Course, then they came up with the flanged mace, which looks 10 times more painful then a sword.

When the rules say "do not kill" and you decide to kill, what difference does it make?

I once read a wiki article about a battle, not sure when or where (early HRE?), in which bishops fought alongside soldiers. Also they won despite being outnumbered AND surrounded.

I was planning to go a step further for a 13th century campaign and make full blown archetypes for each. I think Spontaneous Casting would detract from the historical Earth setting, and decided to replace it with abilities like Spontaneous Domain (when praying to a different patron saint to prepare spells) or Extra Domain (when your religion has too many gods) or Barbarian Rage (e.g. for the Norse).

I agree with Zouron that the Catholics should use the longsword. Or, since this is WAY post crusades, think of the Swiss Guard and Halberds. Yeah, that's much better! HALBERDS!

For the Protestants, I have always viewed them as late-to-the-party, historically, so consider a Musket or other firearm. I assume they will be commonplace in the setting, considering its time frame.

Is the longsword the best you could choose for Buddhists? A personal favorite of mine is the Monk's Spade and Wikipedia backs me up (best reference). Many other Eastern weapons could do.

Also, consider giving the Hindus proficiency with the Chakram. A cursory reading shows it to actually be Vishnu's favored weapon.

Now, I need to sate my curiosity, and ask some things I am having troubles deciding on in my own setting.

How are you dealing with planes? Do the deities share a planar space per pantheon (God and Satan warring on the same plane), or do similar aligned deities share a plane (Odin in LN sitting with Zeus, where Hel and Hades share NE)?

How are you dealing with ancient religions? Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Pagan, Babylonian?

Is reverence of nature connected with deities for druids?

How are you dealing with branches of a religion both receiving divine power, even when at war with each other (this is obviously a question that will come up in game)?

I'm so tempted to post in before lock, but I want to take the time to thank you instead. Having this list clears up many ambiguous rules as well as provide characters (and villains).

I think everybody is missing the main point in the Wrist Sheath's description. The item is dropped and as such lands away from the oracle 10 feet away!

On a serious note just expend 8 uses per day of a Wand of Unseen Servant. Ready action to give wand, move to receive.

I assumed that the Tricky Spells ability of the arcane trickster PrC was exactly for the purpose of casting while stealthed and remaining undetected, but it does not specify whether or not it is detectable by default.

On an unrelated note, I have exactly this issue with a stealthy psion I GM who doesn't move in order to cast. I assume he can get away with it until he comes across enemies with blindsight and lifesense.

I realise that thematically it is not appropriate, but RAW Mirror image does say it mimics your ACTIONS exactly. Attacking is an action, so why the exclusion?

I'm trying to create a historical campaign setting, 13-14 century, and I got a flash of inspiration about dragons. To explain their rarity and behaviour, but still give PCs enough unique opponents to "grind" I though that one of the genders of dragons be very rare (relative to the already rare dragons). But I'm torn about which gender to be the single alpha.

A single female dragon could lay a clutch of eggs and give males a reason to travel. In human terms, female intelligence is higher (or at least, psychologically less brutish) and thus be able to talk and cast spells.

A single male dragon give female dragons a reason to roost for long periods of time and reinforces the patriarchy of the time.

So my question is this; is there any real world evidence for gender dominance in reptiles or dinosaurs or crocodiles? I can't find much info and hopefully this post will do more than just ask, but give other people a hook for their settings as well.

As I understand it, shadow clone, as per mirror image, creates images in your square, performing the same actions you do. Now the swarming rule for ratfolk states that when 2 ratfolk share a space and attack(which the clone is technically doing), they count as flanking! So a ratfolk ninja is now able to sneak attack due to having flanking from his shadow clones! After all, the enemy thinks he's facing more than one rat.

At the moment I'm ruling a will save each attack to disbelieve at 10+cha+ninja level+spell level, i.e. the save for any spellcasting class' spell.

I'm surprised I couldn't find any threads in this, I feel like I'm missing something obvious, or my player is a genius where nobody has noticed this before.

I'm gonna resurrect this post, 'cos I wanted to build something similar.
Consider the Rodelero Duelist archetype, allows you to shield bash with a buckler(and other Falcata-Buckler effects). Then take Shield Master(no more annoying -1 on attacks) and Bashing Finish giving a free shield bash on a crit. This shield bash can be coupled with all sorts of effects and gives a different damage type as well.