Homebrew and House Rules

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durable telepathic bond spell

Homebrew alternatives to the animal companion paladin bond

Drop Dead Press - Sphere traditon workshop

DSP: Path of war style manuvers for spell casting

Toxic Blighter custom class, please evaluate :D

New Drake Companion Archetypes

Custom Race(s) Ursain

New Fey Woodland Sprite Race!

How would you make an Oracle+Sorcerer hybrid class?

Weapon Familiars

DQ’s Randomly Generated Pathfinder Setting!

Homebrew Half-Dwarf

Rovagug's remaining spawn..

Rite Publishing Racial Archetypes and Spheres of Power / Might.

Oracle Curse: Harrowed

Magus Bladebound Archetype converted to a DM Controlled Magus Arcana

Homebrew elementals

Fixing Kinetic Chirurgeon

Custom Summoner / Alchemist Spell

CR of the remaining Tane?

Manifesting Nightmares - Advice?

3 Region-Signature Races - Help Needed

Discussion: Combat Maneuvers and Attack Alternatives

Do you think that this trait should be against all humanoids or one sub type?

Stats for Andirifkhu by yours truly

Rule set for narrative combat versus goons

Multiclass Archetypes: A Discussion Thread for Players, GM's, and Campaigners

Can somebody help me with the CR of this goblin please

E8 with Mythic, any tips?

My take on a 20 lvl Hellknight class

Suggestions for the Psychic Class

Variants of the Crafting skill

Removing iterative attacks

Can someone help me with this custom class?

Bloodragers - The Missing Link [Class Rework Advice Needed]

3rd level wizard challenge

Race Ability Modifiers

A weapon tweak and loot question

Standardizing Spell Ranges

Creating some Pantheons for a Campaign

Is Doing Packages OK? Refining a Race-in-Progress

The Trials of a Character Coming Back to Life?

Sword Saint Redux: Trying to make this archetype worth using

The Foam Runner

Living weapon summoner archetype

6 Stat Saving Throws

Unofficial Monk Errant / Official Monk Rant by ~Wize

Fighter Unleashed (YAFT)

Designing a Race-Help Needed

Looking for opinions and discussion on various mechanic alterations

Designing a Weapon - Any Suggestions?

Finfolk, a homebrew race

Druid Wildshape - Alternate class feature

Book of Hybrids

Draccan Elves and Demons

Handy homebrew items

Homebrew Class - Bonedancer (Divine Magus alternate class)

Class Combat Maneuvers

Creating a Class / Archetype Thing- Help Wanted


(New Base Class) Here comes a new CHALLENGER!

More Talismanic Components!

House rule idea: bonus for background

Idea seed

A Man Needs Amontage

Leadership style feat -Imaginary Friend-

Need help balancing new feats / traits for kineticist

Converting aspects of Starfinder into Pathfinder

"AoE" Melee Attacks and "tells" for them

Beast Pathfinder Races

Post the worst idea for a fantasy world that you can think of!

Suggested Price for a metamagic as a Area Effect

StarCraft: Protoss Race

Expending Spell-Slots Houserule

Sherrilyn kenyon the league series


Chroon, world of spirits. A custom campaign setting.

Stoneheart: Bloodrager Archetype (Medusa-blooded vishkanya archetype)

Do you think their was room for an athletics skill

20 Level Racial Classes

Giant Topple Feat, Please Critique

Creating a "Dragon" Archetype-Suggestions?

What's wrong with Large size?

Kineticist feat: Exhaustive Power

Character Themes and Pathfinder

Master of the Unseen Hand: Kineticist Archetype

Upgrade for Spontaneous Healing / Healing Touch Alchemist Discoveries

The Sicari, a Quill Covered Race From Another World

Homebrew Challenge: NPC Creator

Is there a good reason the Fighter should *NOT* have magical powers?

Neural Net creates spells for D&D

100 Books found in a Strange Library (En Español)

Fluid AC! An alternative way to hit things!

Any experience with not requiring weapons being +1 before adding enchantments?

Hybrid archetypes still missing in the ACG (or converted from previous books)

Homebrew Naruto Shinobi Class

Balancing Iterative Attacks Against an Alternative

Alternate (better) Animal Companion / Eidolon advancement for Packlords, Beast- and Broodmasters

The Hatarihm, a Race of Gunslinging, Wall Running, Nerd Raging Quadrupeds.

The rest of my homebrew races: balance feedback

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