Is it just me or is this game just a SLOG? (Spoilers books 1&2)

Agents of Edgewatch

Scarab Sages

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We are now partway through book 2 and this game just seems BRUTAL. I’m pretty sure our party would have died several times over if it hadn’t been for our GM’s improbably low dice rolls. A cockatrice at level 1? And an owl bear? And that serial killer is just brutal, dropped everyone in our party. And out party is no slouch, we have a medic-Archetyped investigator, a champion archetyped into cleric with heal spells, my bard with soothe, and a fighter that does good damage at range or in melee. And we still run out of healing most fights.

And then into book two it has just been right after fight with no 10 minutes rest in between. The whole warehouse fight punishes you if you take a 10 minute, as does the bank and the thieves guild raid.

I mean, look, I appreciate tough fights and being tested now and again. But when it is EVERY. SINGLE. FIGHT. It gets real old and real tedious. Just starts to be this never ending montage of best downs. Not to mention now that we are up against rogues and the way NPCs are built they basically automatically succeed at tumbling through our squares to sneak attack.

Anyone else having trouble or is it just our group.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A *ton* of this is just dependent on/varies wildly by GM, I'm afraid. Without us being at your table it's hard to say what your GM might be doing differently to improve or hamper things, or what your characters might be able to do differently, alternatively. I can say that there is a general consensus that Book 1, in particular, is (at least in places) "overtuned" and many GMs recommend adjustments based on that understanding. I have not seen as much of the same sentiment levelled at Book 2, but there are certainly bits of it that are known issues.

I do recommend you discuss your feelings about this with your GM, and recommend he come to this forum and review the GM spoiler threads; they've been incredibly helpful to me, as a GM!

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We had trouble in module 1 and 2. They had some tough encounters.

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I moved the cockatrice to the area of the zoo with the wagons and telegraphed it with some petrified bodies the PC's could spot before getting attacked by the cockatrice, so a good Perception check could prevent a LOT of hurt. I put the hyenas at the front gate instead, that helped a LOT.

I also put some helpful items in the grocery where the owlbear is hanging out, to act as a reward for taking care of the beast (couple potions and talismans.

Oddly, my players soundly defeated the Pratchett and the binumir. 4 PC's VS. 2 baddies was stacked in their favor, even after I had Pratchett notice them coming in earlier rooms, prepare for their arrival, and they burned through some resources fighting earlier monsters in the basement.

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We are in book four now and it's just tiring. The endless, boring repetitive fights in the siege situation really were rock bottom. Adventure Paths commonly had way too many fights but at least in the old days, it was possible to build characters strong enough to get through many of them really fast. My enjoyment is now basically gone.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KutuluKultist wrote:
We are in book four now and it's just tiring. The endless, boring repetitive fights in the siege situation really were rock bottom. Adventure Paths commonly had way too many fights but at least in the old days, it was possible to build characters strong enough to get through many of them really fast. My enjoyment is now basically gone.


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You know you can remove fights, right? if you're not enjoying it, start shortening the drawn-out bits. If you're not the GM, discuss with the group and if most people agree, ask your GM to change things up. It's not exactly hard to abridge or completely skip the boring parts.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

We're just starting book 5, and I think book 4 does suffer from a lack of investigation opportunities.

You basically go straight from the Temple of Norgorber -> HL7 Siege -> Harrowland with little breather.

If I ran it again, I think I'd insert some investigation side quests after the HL7 Siege but before Harrowland, just to break up the fighting somewhat.

Yeah that's what I did; inserted a month-long span of downtime there.

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