New and Revised Licenses

Monday, July 22, 2024

Today, we’re excited to launch a new landing page featuring all the information fans, content creators, and other publishers need to legally use Paizo’s intellectual property—game rules, setting details, artwork, logos, and other copyrights and trademarks—in their own products. Whether you’re looking to make an online rules database using the ORC license, a setting compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition, an adventure set in the Pact Worlds system, an actual play podcast, or a series of handmade plushies of iconic heroes like Valeros, Seoni, and Lem, we’ve got everything you need at

Along with this new hub of information, we also made a few updates and revisions to our existing licenses, both for ease of use and to bring them up to date with the current state of our games and brands. You can find out more about these specific licenses on their respective pages on the site.

Paizo Compatibility License

With Pathfinder (and soon Starfinder) in its second edition, we were starting to get a bit of a glut of system-specific compatibility licenses. So, we consolidated what was previously two distinct Pathfinder RPG Compatibility Licenses and a Starfinder Compatibility License into a single Paizo Compatibility License. Using the new license, a publisher can declare compatibility with any of our games and use the appropriate logo, and we don’t have to constantly maintain the list of products and game systems you can use it for.

We also got rid of the registration process by which publishers had to inform us they were using the license. Now, you agree to the license when you publish something using it, the same way you do for the OGL or ORC. Your use of one of the Compatibility Logos or our proprietary Pathfinder-Icons font aren’t locked behind any red tape. Just create your content, ensure you’re following all the rules of the license, and you’re ready to go.

Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite

In October, on the eve of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project launch, we announced that the ORC license wouldn’t be usable on our Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite community content publishing platforms. While this initially caused a bit of confusion, in the months since, we’ve seen publishers continue using both platforms with great success, accessing Paizo’s IP via the Infinite License alone.

Next month, with the release of Pathfinder Player Core 2, we’ll have completed the 18-month task of divesting our core game from the OGL, and thus, starting on September 1, 2024, publishing of new OGL content on Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite will cease; publishers wishing to release game content on either platform will need to use the Infinite license exclusively.

This means that until Starfinder Second Edition is officially out in just over a year, Starfinder content on the platform is going to need to be free of rules (setting lore, fiction, art assets, etc.) but once the new edition of the game is out, we plan to relaunch Starfinder Infinite in style. It also means that Pathfinder First Edition content, or Pathfinder Second Edition content based on OGL material, will also sunset from the platform in just over a month. So, if you have a Pathfinder product in the works featuring chuuls, the eight schools of magic, or yes, even drow, you have until the end of August to release them. We won’t be removing OGL-based content from the marketplace in September, but you won’t be able to release new material using the OGL after that point.

The Infinite FAQ and End User Licensing Agreement on the marketplaces will be updated closer to the date of the actual change, but consider this your fair warning.

Fan Content Policy

As of today, Paizo’s Community Use Policy has been replaced by the Paizo Fan Content Policy, which serves a similar role, but with different provisions.

First, the Fan Content Policy will allow you to sell merchandise using our IP. Yes, for money. You will also be able to monetize other content using Paizo’s IP, like putting a live play of one of our Adventure Paths behind a Patreon paywall. There are restrictions to this, however, so make sure you read the license carefully before you put in your order with the factory to make high-end poster maps of Golarion. Anything you sell needs to be made by you and sold directly by you to the consumer. You can’t upload a bunch of our art to one of those print-on-demand shops that will let anyone put the art on whatever hat or mug or shirt they want. You can screen print shirts or sew your own plushies and sell them on an Etsy storefront you operate or at conventions, but not mass produce either or sell them through external services or storefronts. But those Pathfinder Society faction dice bags you have been making because you love them? You can totally start selling those now instead of just giving them away for free.

Most of what you could previously do with the Community Use Policy is still permitted under the Fan Content Policy except for making RPG products, which you’ll need to release through the Pathfinder or Starfinder Infinite storefronts (even for free if you want) from now on. So, you can’t use art from the blog or setting material from Golarion to make your own rulebook or adventure under this license. If you’re currently using the OGL or ORC in conjunction with the Community Use Policy, in order to be compliant with the new Fan Content Policy you’ll need to either remove any game rules that would require you to use cite those licenses or remove any non-rule content you accessed via the Community Use Policy.

We know that all this legal stuff can be intimidating and confusing for many fans, and for that, we apologize. It’s our hope that these changes largely improve the community’s ability to create and engage with our brands, our games, and each other, even if they’re different than what we’ve offered in the past. Be sure to check out each license’s FAQ for more information, or pose your questions in the forums or comments below. We’ll do our best to answer them in as timely and clear manner as possible.

Now go out there and start creating! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

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Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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Thanks for the update Mark! As an aside, please feel free to share all Etsy stores selling plushies. We are big fans around here.

Verdant Wheel

It appears that the links to the OGL and ORC on the Licenses page are reversed- clicking the ORC license brings me to the OGL 1.0 page while the OGL license takes me to

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I still need to read fully the new text for the licenses, but it seems this was all done to reduce entanglement, complexity, and possible confusion around all these licenses. Which there was a lot floating around, sometime even unknowingly.

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Quick, someone release an Adventure about Chuul riding Drow, using spells from all eight schools of magic as Mario Kart items.


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WHOA, there's no more product exhibit compatibility list for the new Paizo compatibility license? That's FANTASTIC news.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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I'm glad there's now a way for fans to sell IP merch, but this is basically the death of Pathfinder and Starfinder 1e content, with only a month of advanced notice. This means I'll have to scrap a project I've put a lot of hours into. I also tend to release my ancestry titles with conversions for previous editions. I won't be able to do that anymore.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What does this mean for PF2 content that hasn't been updated to Remaster? Namely anything from Secrets of Magic, Guns and Gears, and Dark Archive? are the classes and other rules content from those still okay to be used in PI products?

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Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Wait, what the hell?

Are we actually saying that the community is not allowed to keep first edition Star finder alive through infinite? Or am I misreading this?

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Herald of the Redeemer Queen wrote:
What does this mean for PF2 content that hasn't been updated to Remaster? Namely anything from Secrets of Magic, Guns and Gears, and Dark Archive? are the classes and other rules content from those still okay to be used in PI products?

Everything Paizo-created in those books is available via the Pathfinder Infinite licence. Only things with non-Paizo OGL origins have to be cut.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Herald of the Redeemer Queen wrote:
What does this mean for PF2 content that hasn't been updated to Remaster? Namely anything from Secrets of Magic, Guns and Gears, and Dark Archive? are the classes and other rules content from those still okay to be used in PI products?

If they were created by Paizo, then generally yes. The magus, gunslinger, and summoner, for example, are entirely Paizo's IP, so you can use them on Infinite without needing to use the OGL. A particular feat or class ability might mention something that's been renamed or excised in the remaster, but the classes are fundamentally available for iteration.

If we release officially remastered versions of the classes then they'll be even more clearly "safe" from OGL entanglements, but until that hypothetical date, the core of these classes are fine. You will have to disentangle any existing OGL-isms from them when you develop your books.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And people were confused about why I was so insistent on cutting out all OGL-isms from my AP conversions. Well, look at me NOW!

(I didn't actually know this was gonna happen; just a happy coincidence)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Ravien999 wrote:
Are we actually saying that the community is not allowed to keep first edition Star finder alive through infinite? Or am I misreading this?

Correct. If you want to create new Starfinder First Edition (or Pathfinder First Edition) material after August 31, you can release those under the OGL and (if you choose) the Pathfinder Compatibility License, but can't sell those products on Starfinder (or Pathfinder) Infinite.

Starting September 1, only one license will be allowed to be in play on new Infinite titles: the Infinite License itself.

We would still be able to make passing references to 1e (whether PF or SF) stuff as it relates to, say, plotlines and NPCs and stuff, right? Since those things are Paizo's intellectual property and are thus under the Infinite License?

Basically, the sunsetting of the OGL doesn't mean that everything already published under the OGL is untouchable, just the very specific OGL-isms (specific monsters, certain game mechanics, etc.), right? I'm still good to publish conversions of 1e APs to 2e (assuming I do the work to remove any OGL-isms)?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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KingTreyIII wrote:

We would still be able to make passing references to 1e (whether PF or SF) stuff as it relates to, say, plotlines and NPCs and stuff, right? Since those things are Paizo's intellectual property and are thus under the Infinite License?

Basically, the sunsetting of the OGL doesn't mean that everything already published under the OGL is untouchable, just the very specific OGL-isms (specific monsters, certain game mechanics, etc.), right? I'm still good to publish conversions of 1e APs to 2e (assuming I do the work to remove any OGL-isms)?

Yes. You can, for example, mention General Gorthoklek, Queen Abrogail's pit fiend advisor, by name and even that he's a powerful devil, but not refer to him as a pit fiend specifically, as that's an OGL-ism that we did not carry into the Remaster.

So in an AP conversion, you are safest to just refer to characters by their proper nouns, which Paizo owns, and then recast them using Remastered game rules, and then you should be totally safe.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Ravien999 wrote:
Are we actually saying that the community is not allowed to keep first edition Star finder alive through infinite? Or am I misreading this?

Correct. If you want to create new Starfinder First Edition (or Pathfinder First Edition) material after August 31, you can release those under the OGL and (if you choose) the Pathfinder Compatibility License, but can't sell those products on Starfinder (or Pathfinder) Infinite.

Starting September 1, only one license will be allowed to be in play on new Infinite titles: the Infinite License itself.

Unless I'm misunderstanding (which is possible) does that mean there can never again be starfinder 1e content on infinite? Seems pretty steep, though I'd imagine this might be out of your hands.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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BotBrain wrote:

Unless I'm misunderstanding (which is possible) does that mean there can never again be starfinder 1e content on infinite? Seems pretty steep, though I'd imagine this might be out of your hands.

Basically. You could do a gazetteer of Aucturn that didn't contain any OGL-based rules set prior to the events of "A Cosmic Birthday" that would technically be a Starfinder First Edition product. But there's no easy way to eliminate the OGL and all the legal entanglements that come with it from the Infinite marketplace without also accepting that support for older editions that were based on that license has to end on the platform. As I said upthread, fans who want to continue making Starfinder First Edition material can do so using the OGL (and if they so choose, the Compatibility License), they just can't use our Product Identity (setting, storylines, etc.) or sell those products on Starfinder Infinite.

Luckily, this decision was made far easier by the fact that Pathfinder First Edition makes up such a small portion of the Pathfinder Infinite sales and product offerings that we feel confident that the bulk of the community will be moving to Starfinder Second Edition, just as they did for Pathfinder. So it might seem like we're cutting off a large stream of potential content, but the last few years have shown that there isn't a ton of interest or activity for older editions on the platform. It's just going to be a bit bereft of activity on Starfinder Infinite until the full Second Edition rules are out in a year and folks can start creating content for the new game without needing to use the OGL or ORC.

Mark Moreland wrote:

Yes. You can, for example, mention General Gorthoklek, Queen Abrogail's pit fiend advisor, by name and even that he's a powerful devil, but not refer to him as a pit fiend specifically, as that's an OGL-ism that we did not carry into the Remaster.

So in an AP conversion, you are safest to just refer to characters by their proper nouns, which Paizo owns, and then recast them using Remastered game rules, and then you should be totally safe.

That's what I thought; just figured I'd ask again. Thanks, Mark! Don't work yourself too hard.

With CUP gone, this seems to have killed any and all web-based databases and tools that don't have a private agreement with Paizo.

Is CUP still in effect or being terminated?


Mark Moreland wrote:

Basically. You could do a gazetteer of Aucturn that didn't contain any OGL-based rules set prior to the events of "A Cosmic Birthday" that would technically be a Starfinder First Edition product. But there's no easy way to eliminate the OGL and all the legal entanglements that come with it from the Infinite marketplace without also accepting that support for older editions that were based on that license has to end on the platform. As I said upthread, fans who want to continue making Starfinder First Edition material can do so using the OGL (and if they so choose, the Compatibility License), they just can't use our Product Identity (setting, storylines, etc.) or sell those products on Starfinder Infinite.

Luckily, this decision was made far easier by the fact that Pathfinder First Edition makes up such a small portion of the Pathfinder Infinite sales and product offerings that we feel confident that the bulk of the community will be moving to Starfinder Second Edition, just as they did for Pathfinder. So it might seem like we're cutting off a large stream of potential content, but the last few years have shown that there isn't a ton of interest or activity for older editions on the platform. It's just going to be a bit bereft of activity on Starfinder Infinite until the full Second Edition rules are out in a year and folks can start creating content for the new game without needing to use the OGL or ORC.

Okay, I think I understand.It's very disapointing as any loss is a real shame for those who will stick with SF1e, but the OGL situation is obvously untenable for you guys, so there's not much else to say.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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MrVauxs wrote:

With CUP gone, this seems to have killed any and all web-based databases and tools that don't have a private agreement with Paizo.

Is CUP still in effect or being terminated?

The Community Use Policy has been replaced by the Fan Content Policy. New or ongoing projects will need to comply with the FCP instead of the CUP, but an existing CUP project does not need to shut down or cease operation so long as they aren't adding new content to it.

A web-based database may still use the game rules released via the OGL and/or ORC but can not use any additional trademarks or copyrights of Paizo's such as logos, artwork, proper nouns, etc. that might have been previously allowed via the CUP. They can get access to limited trademarks via the Compatibility License, but that's really just the logo(s) and Pathfinder-icons font.

The page for the Compatibility License mentions the compatibility logos and font, but doesn't actually link to them anywhere. Where can we get those?

(I can find it in image search, of course, but not at

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Most of what you could previously do with the Community Use Policy is still permitted under the Fan Content Policy except for making RPG products, which you’ll need to release through the Pathfinder or Starfinder Infinite storefronts (even for free if you want) from now on.

Well this gatekeeping feels harsh to me. Sorry I say this out of love but I cannot see a single reason why restricting free rpg works taking place on Golarion to PF and SF Infinite feels like a MASSIVE barrier to entry. If I wanna tell people about a custom side quest I made for Abomination Vaults where the PCs go to Absolom. And if I say "Find this NPC on Page XYZ of the Grand Bazzar" and say "Use these stat blocks from Monster Core." and just post it in a discord text message or a reddit post, this is now a violation. I simply do not wish to go through the effort to publish a fun mini idea I may have and I bet there are many people more creative and talented than me who feel the same. People who cut their teeth on free fan content and then work their way into the industry now have another hoop to jump through.

I hate to say it but this is extremely disappointing to me. If you had said paid or paywalled works must be on Infinite I'd almost see it as understandable. This however? It makes my stomach sink. Makes me a lot less excited for some of the releases I was planning to buy in August due to emotional bleed.

Scarab Sages

This is definitely putting the hurry up on Starfinder Infinite stuff for me. Time to get those art assets DONE.

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Also what if someone wishes to post a series of Notes saying "To run Aeon throne in Starfinder's Playtest use 3 Aeon Guards in Area z3, and here are custom stat blocks."? Based on these terms ANYTHING akin to this is illegal to post freely because it technically references OGL published content even if such a guide takes great care to not be functional without purchasing the original book and reading its story. Simply by virtue saying "Instead of the setting specific NPC from first edition in this location here, use this setting specific NPC from the playtest." This prevents free fan content that could drive sales of past fantastic adventures.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:

A web-based database may still use the game rules released via the OGL and/or ORC but can not use any additional trademarks or copyrights of Paizo's such as logos, artwork, proper nouns, etc. that might have been previously allowed via the CUP. They can get access to limited trademarks via the Compatibility License, but that's really just the logo(s) and Pathfinder-icons font.

Well. This has been an extremely disheartening update for me. No more pf2easy, pf2etools, or any AoN alternative without editorializing the content to not include any Golarion IP, or getting a private license.


TangledLion wrote:
Most of what you could previously do with the Community Use Policy is still permitted under the Fan Content Policy except for making RPG products, which you’ll need to release through the Pathfinder or Starfinder Infinite storefronts (even for free if you want) from now on.

Well this gatekeeping feels harsh to me. Sorry I say this out of love but I cannot see a single reason why restricting free rpg works taking place on Golarion to PF and SF Infinite feels like a MASSIVE barrier to entry. If I wanna tell people about a custom side quest I made for Abomination Vaults where the PCs go to Absolom. And if I say "Find this NPC on Page XYZ of the Grand Bazzar" and say "Use these stat blocks from Monster Core." and just post it in a discord text message or a reddit post, this is now a violation. I simply do not wish to go through the effort to publish a fun mini idea I may have and I bet there are many people more creative and talented than me who feel the same. People who cut their teeth on free fan content and then work their way into the industry now have another hoop to jump through.

I hate to say it but this is extremely disappointing to me. If you had said paid or paywalled works must be on Infinite I'd almost see it as understandable. This however? It makes my stomach sink. Makes me a lot less excited for some of the releases I was planning to buy in August due to emotional bleed.

Yeah this is worrying me. Granted, again, my understanding is poor, but this seems like it could really clamp down on a lot of things. If I go on a subreddit for making magic items, and make a magic item that summons something from an offical product, would that be a no-no? Once again I get a lot of the OGL stuff is beyond Paizo's control, but limiting where things can be published doesn't seem like a good or fair idea.

I'm not trying to be mean or angry, I'm just unsure and a little worried . I appriciate all the work Paizo does (and especially has done over the last 18 months).

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As I understand this, under the FCP it's impossible to make another free fanzine like Wayfinder that uses Golarion/Starfinder IP, and includes game mechanics, and is openly/permissively licensed outside of Infinite. Is that accurate?

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MrVauxs wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:

A web-based database may still use the game rules released via the OGL and/or ORC but can not use any additional trademarks or copyrights of Paizo's such as logos, artwork, proper nouns, etc. that might have been previously allowed via the CUP. They can get access to limited trademarks via the Compatibility License, but that's really just the logo(s) and Pathfinder-icons font.
Well. This has been an extremely disheartening update for me. No more pf2easy, pf2etools, or any AoN alternative without editorializing the content to not include any Golarion IP, or getting a private license.

There does seem to be a massive gap in the licenses for web-based tools, since the Fan Content Policy excludes them and the Compatibility License doesn't grant any of the rights the Community Use Policy used to. I'm trying to work out exactly where this change leaves me.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think the legal team needs to take another look at this.

Grand Archive

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So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

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Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

The Compatibility License would allow more or less 2/3rds of these things. But if it had any options you could select, it wouldn't be able to include stuff that involved Golarion IP. It would have to be edited or removed.

Tldr; Pathbuilder.

Grand Archive

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MrVauxs wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

The Compatibility License would allow more or less 2/3rds of these things. But if it had any options you could select, it wouldn't be able to include stuff that involved Golarion IP. It would have to be edited or removed.

Tldr; Pathbuilder.

Historically, sheets that were not charging money didn't have to change golarion names (For example AoN for most of it's life, Dyslexic Character Sheets, or Wayfinder FanZine)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MrVauxs wrote:

The Compatibility License would allow more or less 2/3rds of these things. But if it had any options you could select, it wouldn't be able to include stuff that involved Golarion IP. It would have to be edited or removed.

Tldr; Pathbuilder.

Yeah, it seems as though some clarification would be extremely useful (especially after the OGL kerfuffle), in terms of who can use what and who can do what with which assets.

I'm not a content creator or database maintainer at the moment but I feel very bad for them having to keep up with changes of this sort.

...And, for example, where does it leave virtual tabletop support for legacy/OGL options in addition to ORC options?

The Exchange

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Huh. Interesting...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Shrink Laureate wrote:

The page for the Compatibility License mentions the compatibility logos and font, but doesn't actually link to them anywhere. Where can we get those?

(I can find it in image search, of course, but not at

Oops! We failed that check, and you critically succeeded. We'll get a download button for all the logos and the font added to the page as soon as possible.

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Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

Historically, sheets that were not charging money didn't have to change golarion names (For example AoN for most of it's life, Dyslexic Character Sheets, or Wayfinder FanZine)

Yes, because of CUP existing. It no longer does.

Speaking of Dyslexic Character Sheets, they now don't know what to do besides removing all once-CUP-allowed artwork, lore, etc. in the next update.

Dark Archive

I have several vital questions pertaining to a book I am in the process of writing. I doubt it will be finished by September 1st, so my questions are as follows.

1. The book mentions Inevitables and their relationship to Golarion's history. Am I allowed to call them Inevitables in the book? For that matter, am I allowed to bring up terms of chaos, evil, good, and law?

2. Suppose I were to publish a placeholder book on PF Infinite prior to September 1st. Would I be able to make edits to it at a later date that expand upon and add to the discussion of Inevitables in Golarion's history?

3. In the even that the answers to the first two questions are "no", would I be able to still publish the book for free online?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Garrett Guillotte wrote:
As I understand this, under the FCP it's impossible to make another free fanzine like Wayfinder that uses Golarion/Starfinder IP, and includes game mechanics, and is openly/permissively licensed outside of Infinite. Is that accurate?

Correct. Wayfinder would need to be produced via Infinite (but could still be free).

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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TangledLion wrote:
If I wanna tell people about a custom side quest I made for Abomination Vaults where the PCs go to Absolom. And if I say "Find this NPC on Page XYZ of the Grand Bazzar" and say "Use these stat blocks from Monster Core." and just post it in a discord text message or a reddit post, this is now a violation.

Both of those are covered under Fair Use. You're not publishing anything in a forum or chat program. And if you did want to publish the whole thing, now you just point people to the Infinite product page (and can set the price as free if you want) instead of linking directly to the PDF on your Google Drive or wherever.

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Indeed, I'm left very confused by this update. If removing all the once-CUP artwork is the answer, I'll be disappointed but so be it; but more clarity would be appreciated.

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Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
MrVauxs wrote:

With CUP gone, this seems to have killed any and all web-based databases and tools that don't have a private agreement with Paizo.

Is CUP still in effect or being terminated?

The Community Use Policy has been replaced by the Fan Content Policy. New or ongoing projects will need to comply with the FCP instead of the CUP, but an existing CUP project does not need to shut down or cease operation so long as they aren't adding new content to it.

A web-based database may still use the game rules released via the OGL and/or ORC but can not use any additional trademarks or copyrights of Paizo's such as logos, artwork, proper nouns, etc. that might have been previously allowed via the CUP. They can get access to limited trademarks via the Compatibility License, but that's really just the logo(s) and Pathfinder-icons font.

So... You effectively killed any ability for SF1e character creators to bugfix and add homebrew? Cool, glad to know Paizo really does want to lose customers.

We can't even back convert content from 2e to 1e.

This is aggressively antagonistic to the fanbase.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

A custom character sheet layout falls under the "some exceptions" in the Fan Content Policy. Since it's primarily art (the custom layout), it's not an RPG product in the sense that it'd need to reference the OGL or ORC. If it's an automated character sheet that's actively crunching numbers and referencing rules, then that would need to be released under the OGL/ORC and Compatibility License.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Dyslexic Character Sheets wrote:
Indeed, I'm left very confused by this update. If removing all the once-CUP artwork is the answer, I'll be disappointed but so be it; but more clarity would be appreciated.

We will add a clarifying statement to the FAQ that alternative character sheets are not considered RPG products. It not being included along with GM screens was an oversight.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am very concerned about the abruptness of this change. This feels really sudden and awkward, as well as problematic from an Organized Play perspective since Starfinder 1st is still going to be supported through the Year of Era's End season through GenCon 2025. This feels like it wasn't fully thought-out before it was announced.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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CoeusFreeze wrote:
1. The book mentions Inevitables and their relationship to Golarion's history. Am I allowed to call them Inevitables in the book? For that matter, am I allowed to bring up terms of chaos, evil, good, and law?

If released prior to September 1 and including the appropriate OGL citations, yes.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
2. Suppose I were to publish a placeholder book on PF Infinite prior to September 1st. Would I be able to make edits to it at a later date that expand upon and add to the discussion of Inevitables in Golarion's history?

Fixing a typo or broken link in a previously-published PDF would be allowed. But trying to grandfather in content added after September 1 because the product came out prior to that point would not.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
3. In the even that the answers to the first two questions are "no", would I be able to still publish the book for free online?

If it's just lore, then sure. But if it's got rules and stuff that would require you to cite the OGL or ORC, then no. That wouldn't be allowed under the Fan Content Policy.

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Mark Moreland wrote:
TangledLion wrote:
If I wanna tell people about a custom side quest I made for Abomination Vaults where the PCs go to Absolom. And if I say "Find this NPC on Page XYZ of the Grand Bazzar" and say "Use these stat blocks from Monster Core." and just post it in a discord text message or a reddit post, this is now a violation.
Both of those are covered under Fair Use. You're not publishing anything in a forum or chat program. And if you did want to publish the whole thing, now you just point people to the Infinite product page (and can set the price as free if you want) instead of linking directly to the PDF on your Google Drive or wherever.

With all due respect, what if I don't want to make a "Free Product"? What if I just want something completely amateur in nature that won't be assosiated with me if I later DO decide to start creating things to be sold on Infinite and don't want to sign up for a publishing ecosystem just to have an NPC say "Praise Desna" in a thing I want to share with fans that doesn't have to be on the same ecosystem as paid works? This just feels like a massive betrayal of trust for the little folks.

Frankly your response only increases my feelings of worry and betrayal as it seems wanting to force people to use the Infinite Ecosystem if they wish for something to be publicly available is a feature not a bug.

Dark Archive

Mark Moreland wrote:
CoeusFreeze wrote:
1. The book mentions Inevitables and their relationship to Golarion's history. Am I allowed to call them Inevitables in the book? For that matter, am I allowed to bring up terms of chaos, evil, good, and law?

If released prior to September 1 and including the appropriate OGL citations, yes.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
2. Suppose I were to publish a placeholder book on PF Infinite prior to September 1st. Would I be able to make edits to it at a later date that expand upon and add to the discussion of Inevitables in Golarion's history?

Fixing a typo or broken link in a previously-published PDF would be allowed. But trying to grandfather in content added after September 1 because the product came out prior to that point would not.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
3. In the even that the answers to the first two questions are "no", would I be able to still publish the book for free online?
If it's just lore, then sure. But if it's got rules and stuff that would require you to cite the OGL or ORC, then no. That wouldn't be allowed under the Fan Content Policy.

So, to confirm, where would I be able to release a rules-agnostic "Inevitables of Golarion" book under that title as of September 2nd? Could I charge for it on PF Infinite?

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Mark Moreland wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

A custom character sheet layout falls under the "some exceptions" in the Fan Content Policy. Since it's primarily art (the custom layout), it's not an RPG product in the sense that it'd need to reference the OGL or ORC. If it's an automated character sheet that's actively crunching numbers and referencing rules, then that would need to be released under the OGL/ORC and Compatibility License.

By that description, I'm certain that my character sheets, and many other tools like them, require ORC/OGL + Compatibility License. Only the most basic of tools would have no rules reference in them at all. Something as simple as "Select your ancestry from this list" would be enough to cross that very low threshold.

The gap between the old CUP and the new Compatibility License is what's jarring here.

The FCP doesn't apply to any character sheet, builder, tool, wiki or app that uses game rules, even if they're non-commercial. That means all the logos, artwork etc that used to be granted that way aren't.

The Compatibility License grants almost nothing in comparison - a single "compatible with" logo and a few words.

Would a compromise would be for the Compatibility License to grant a subset of what the CUP used to? Nothing specific to the Golarion setting, but a selection of iconics, logos, class symbols etc? Enough to make a useful tool.

Dyslexic Character Sheets wrote:

By that description, I'm certain that my character sheets, and many other tools like them, require ORC/OGL + Compatibility License. Only the most basic of tools would have no rules reference in them at all. Something as simple as "Select your ancestry from this list" would be enough to cross that very low threshold.

...The FCP doesn't apply to any character sheet, builder, tool, wiki or app that uses game rules...

I'm not a lawyer so I can't speak to the legal perspective, but until basically all of the OGL content for PF2e is remastered, it doesn't even seem tenable from a game perspective to have a third-party PF2e-related tool. Of which there are many, and they are popular and presumably help Paizo sell more product.

Seems, to me, to be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Grand Archive

Mark Moreland wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

A custom character sheet layout falls under the "some exceptions" in the Fan Content Policy. Since it's primarily art (the custom layout), it's not an RPG product in the sense that it'd need to reference the OGL or ORC. If it's an automated character sheet that's actively crunching numbers and referencing rules, then that would need to be released under the OGL/ORC and Compatibility License.

What about a "semi automated" character sheet that lets you select Ancestry (Heritage), Background, Class (Subclass, archtypes) and then builds a sheet for you with spaces for all the options those give you?

Would that now no longer be able to include Firebrands (Golarion content), and Gunslingers (OGL content?)

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