Summer 2024 Starfinder FAQ and Errata Update

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Greetings Starfinders! While everyone is excited about the future of Starfinder, including the exciting continuation of the Year of Era’s End, our Mechageddon! Campaigns, and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest, we have some last minute housekeeping in the archives that includes a pre-GenCon round of Starfinder FAQ and Errata!

A shirren sitting amongst a large stack of books

We have a plethora of little changes that'll make your games run more smoothly than ever. These include but are not limited to:

  • Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally by just taking the standard penalties.
  • Many clarifications to Starfinder Enhanced, including narrative starship combat, the enhanced Solarian, explosive danger, concentrated cloud, and how living holograms stow items.
  • Clarifications and changes to gear, including a 24-hour immunity clause added to timeskip crystals and attablossoms, clarification on the skipshot pistol, the radiation of abysium ammunition, degenerator weapons, robe of communalism, and if you don't like the new gear changes, the draining finisher gear boost and tech smasher archetype!
  • Updates to Alien Archive, including the requirements to wield dragon glaives.
  • Updates to magic, including the void whispers and grasping branch spell, junk armor spell, the school spirit spell, the hive mind connection, esotericist, and the expert artificer.

Most of these changes are minor housekeeping that shouldn't impact how most games are run but help ensure less variation across multiple tables and clarify the intent of our design. This should help make it easier for players transitioning from one group to another or who want to try out fun character options in organized play!

Dustin Knight
Starfinder Developer

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Tags: Errata Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Paizo Employee Marketing & Media Specialist

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Thanks Starfinder Team!! <3

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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I must admit... I have never considered how a living hologram might store items up until now. This might haunt me for a bit.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.


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HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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BotBrain wrote:
HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P

I love that the fact that this rule exists means someone tried to do some straight-up shenanigans to make it work. I salute you, unnamed group!

Why are there so many weird errata for grenades? Like Im only saying this because why was their an FAQ about reusing grenades?


MadScientistWorking wrote:
Why are there so many weird errata for grenades? Like Im only saying this because why was their an FAQ about reusing grenades?

My guess is because of wanting to keep the game balance around the cost of consumables. There are a few types of grenades I can see players asking about reusing. (I neither confirm nor deny that I am one of those players.)

Holo grenade, creates a preprogrammed illusion no larger than the blast radius. The illusion functions as if you had cast a holographic image with a level, caster level, and duration according to the grenade’s type. In theory, it could be reprogrammed and recharged or have a battery replaced to be used again.

Dye Grenade, similar to real-life paint grenades used in airsoft combat that can be refilled with paint and reused.

Scarab Sages

eh, weird clarification considering you can still use a disintegrator rifle to deal nonlethal damage but go off I guess

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
MadScientistWorking wrote:
Why are there so many weird errata for grenades? Like Im only saying this because why was their an FAQ about reusing grenades?

Oh! Oh! I know this one!

At launch, there were a lot of complaints around how expensive grenades were for how little damage they did. There were a number of people rationalizing the prohibitive cost as intentional because there teeeeechnically wasn’t anywhere in the CRB that said grenades were consumed after use, so oooobviously you were meant to just pick them up and reuse them after battle. It was a stretch, for sure. Eventually, errata got added to clarify that they are actually consumed on use. Prices came down eventually, too. I think twice, actually? IIRC, I believe they dropped something like 55% around the time that Armory came out, and maybe even further later on, but I can’t recall exactly.


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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P
I love that the fact that this rule exists means someone tried to do some straight-up shenanigans to make it work. I salute you, unnamed group!

I already know there was an argument about what parts of someone's anatomy you can explode without killing them.

Scarab Sages

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Much appreciated errata!

criticalham wrote:
MadScientistWorking wrote:
Why are there so many weird errata for grenades? Like Im only saying this because why was their an FAQ about reusing grenades?

Oh! Oh! I know this one!

At launch, there were a lot of complaints around how expensive grenades were for how little damage they did. There were a number of people rationalizing the prohibitive cost as intentional because there teeeeechnically wasn’t anywhere in the CRB that said grenades were consumed after use, so oooobviously you were meant to just pick them up and reuse them after battle. It was a stretch, for sure. Eventually, errata got added to clarify that they are actually consumed on use. Prices came down eventually, too. I think twice, actually? IIRC, I believe they dropped something like 55% around the time that Armory came out, and maybe even further later on, but I can’t recall exactly.

This is the answer, but I don't think prices dropped all that much.

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
criticalham wrote:
MadScientistWorking wrote:
Why are there so many weird errata for grenades? Like Im only saying this because why was their an FAQ about reusing grenades?

Oh! Oh! I know this one!

At launch, there were a lot of complaints around how expensive grenades were for how little damage they did. There were a number of people rationalizing the prohibitive cost as intentional because there teeeeechnically wasn’t anywhere in the CRB that said grenades were consumed after use, so oooobviously you were meant to just pick them up and reuse them after battle. It was a stretch, for sure. Eventually, errata got added to clarify that they are actually consumed on use. Prices came down eventually, too. I think twice, actually? IIRC, I believe they dropped something like 55% around the time that Armory came out, and maybe even further later on, but I can’t recall exactly.

This is the answer, but I don't think prices dropped all that much.

Huh, you're right. I could have sworn the prices dropped, but that must have just been wishful thinking and/or me conflating errata with some homebrew that I played with. Or maybe... hopefully... a prophetic dream? Double-checked my old launch books, and the prices are the same as what's up on AoN.

EDIT: Oh! Some of the grenades changed, but not all. Shock Grenade Mk1 changed from 130 credits to 50 credits, Stickybomb went from 170 down to 80, etc... but Frag Grenade Mk1 (the first one I checked) was unchanged. So yeah, a pretty big price drop on some of them.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
HolyFlamingo! wrote:

>Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally

I love this community.

Paizo's silence on this question has been the reason i've never been able to play starfinder. :P
I love that the fact that this rule exists means someone tried to do some straight-up shenanigans to make it work. I salute you, unnamed group!

But of course you can use a grenade for nonlethal damage, you just don't pull the pin before you throw it at someone's head.


Pagan priest wrote:

But of course you can use a grenade for nonlethal damage, you just don't pull the pin before you throw it at someone's head.

"I took out 14 Swarm reavers with that grenade. And THEN it exploded! "

Overly Veskly Vesk wrote:
Pagan priest wrote:

But of course you can use a grenade for nonlethal damage, you just don't pull the pin before you throw it at someone's head.
"I took out 14 Swarm reavers with that grenade. And THEN it exploded! "

Tie a rope around it and use it like a flail!

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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Pagan priest wrote:
Overly Veskly Vesk wrote:
Pagan priest wrote:

But of course you can use a grenade for nonlethal damage, you just don't pull the pin before you throw it at someone's head.
"I took out 14 Swarm reavers with that grenade. And THEN it exploded! "
Tie a rope around it and use it like a flail!

Insert a very specific Nathan Fillion meme GIF here.... lol.

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