Things Get Weird

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Well folks, we did it. We made it to the final Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker preview. Were there delays and complications along the way? Sure. But no kingdom rises from nothing without pain and struggle. And I couldn't have done it without you, fair citizens. Your taxes will go to the establishment of nothing but the finest of statues in my hon—...wait, it wasn't me that got king-made? That means I have to do my job and show off these last few minis, doesn't it?

We're left now with six unrevealed figures that exemplify some of the weirder fantasy elements in the Kingmaker campaign, so I won't bore you with further theatrics. Just imagine what would happen if a bunch of drunk proto-deities made a first draft of the world, threw in some magic and glitter, and then sort of left their creations to evolve in isolation for a few millennia. That's how you end up with things like the strange (but incredibly cute) fey dragon, a Small common figure. How does something so silly looking even fit into an ecosystem without going extinct? By having magic powers, that's how!

It's not the only creature in the set tainted by magic and a pastel filter. Check out this dwoemercat, a creation of none other than Ed Greenwood, for the very first volume of Kingmaker. What better size and rarity could one ask for in a dwoemercat than Medium and common, respectively? No better size and rarity, I say!

Are you liking the fuzzies? Here's another new fuzzy, albeit a waterlogged one. The fur on an ahuizotl clumps to form weird little spikes, hence its name, which translates to "spiny aquatic thing" according to Wikipedia. Originating in Aztec myth, these Large rare cuties like human flesh, “especially nails, eyes, and teeth.” YUM!

But wait! It gets cuter! Who's a good boy? Trollhound's a good boy! Yes he is! Look at that well maintained coat of luxuriant mussed hair and thick hide of trollish green. He's even trained: "Roll over! Sit! Don't eat me!" Well, two out of three isn't bad. Cue Sarah McLachlan music. Give this poor creature a home, because every Medium uncommon figure deserves a chance to murder PCs.

Ok, I admit I may have gone overboard with the whole "things get weird" blog theme, but I'm committed now, so there's no stopping me. Spider-man himself couldn't put an end to my antics! Not even Pathfinder's own version of Spider-man, the web lurker. Less an awkward nerd bitten by a radioactive spider and thrust into a life of crime fighting, secret identities, and heartbreak than a literal man-spider, the web lurker is a Medium common figure who can't wait to be your friendly neighborhood aberrant horror.

Finally, we have the weirdest addition to the set yet, as saving the best for last seemed appropriate: a danged-old gnome! Here, good reader, we have a fine specimen of pedantic, pompous, and generally insufferable gnome alchemist, the inimitable Jubilost Narthropple. In his myriad published works, he makes an irrefutable case for being the best companion in not only Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but in the entirety of Golarion and the history of CRPGs as well. It is only fitting, then, that he offset his Small size with an uncommon rarity, so that no adventuring party suffers the indignity of not having him along to tell them everything they're doing wrong.

Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker comes out on October 24 in game stores everywhere! Don't miss it! Your king commands it!

Mark Moreland
Franchise Manager

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber


The fey dragon is Tiny (which some on Small bases), but also very well painted for its size. I'm pleased to have five of them.

There's been some complaining about the dwoemercat paint, and seeing the render, I can see why. Part of the issue is that some of the paint details are dark purple on darker purple, so the end result is that only the white stands out. But... it stands out badly, because where in the render there's a rainbow of fruit flavours spread over the spine and tail, in the final product there's just a smear of whit, thickly applied. A drybrushing technique would have gone a long distance here. Still, it's a common, so we all know they're meant to be churned out in bulk.

Overall I continue to be satisfied by this set. My main complaints are actually the manticore whose face just looks... odd, and the elf ghost, whose green paint just doesn't work for me and I think it should have been translucent plastic instead.

Thanks for the post of the renders, since "preview" doesn't really apply.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Anguish wrote:
Thanks for the post of the renders, since "preview" doesn't really apply.


Dark Archive

Thanks, Mark.

Can we get a Starfinder Miniatures Blog next week?

The four pre-painted packs

-Starfinder Miniatures Iconic Heroes Set 1
-Starfinder Miniatures Iconic Heroes Set 2
-Starfinder Miniatures Corpse Fleet
-Starfinder Miniatures Pact Worlds Fleet

are in stock at Paizo's warehouse according to Jeff Alvarez.

So i guess these will be going out with the november shippments, starting next monday.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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When we have a chance to get good photos of them, I'll post about it in a blog. If that's after they start shipping to customers, then that's a bonus for those customers!

Mark Moreland wrote:
Anguish wrote:
Thanks for the post of the renders, since "preview" doesn't really apply.

Sorry, to be clear, that wasn't passive-aggressive. It was a genuine thanks, but I tend to (try to be) linguistically accurate, so I... Sigh. Bottom line, text didn't convey tone. Again, sorry.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Anguish wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Anguish wrote:
Thanks for the post of the renders, since "preview" doesn't really apply.
Sorry, to be clear, that wasn't passive-aggressive. It was a genuine thanks, but I tend to (try to be) linguistically accurate, so I... Sigh. Bottom line, text didn't convey tone. Again, sorry.

I know. I was trying to make light of the situation. We're cool.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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The render for the dweomercat looks gorgeous. ^_^

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Kalindlara wrote:
The render for the dweomercat looks gorgeous. ^_^

Sadly, the paint job is not up to the render...but the render does make it clear that a modification with some appropriate paint would be fairly easy for those of us who still paint minis on occasion.

Scarab Sages

For those interested in the dungeon dressing (and others of course), CoolStuffInc has the singles up for pre-order.

Dark Archive

Singles for Kingmaker should also go live today on paizo

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Feros wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
The render for the dweomercat looks gorgeous. ^_^
Sadly, the paint job is not up to the render...but the render does make it clear that a modification with some appropriate paint would be fairly easy for those of us who still paint minis on occasion.

Oh, I know about the paint job. T-T Just trying to keep my post positive.

Silver Crusade

Kalindlara wrote:
Feros wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
The render for the dweomercat looks gorgeous. ^_^
Sadly, the paint job is not up to the render...but the render does make it clear that a modification with some appropriate paint would be fairly easy for those of us who still paint minis on occasion.
Oh, I know about the paint job. T-T Just trying to keep my post positive.


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I wish Nok-Nok had been included in this set, so I could pick up the single to use with his Card Game character. Any plans for him to appear at some point?

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I wish Nok-Nok had been included in this set, so I could pick up the single to use with his Card Game character. Any plans for him to appear at some point?

If I can, I will. He's certainly high on my figure wishlist.

Dark Archive

miniaturemarket has the Starfinder prepainted packs for sale & they look REALLY good!

Dark Archive

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New article & pictures of the "Falling Star" sailing ship mini at ICV2.

did my unboxing yesterday:
doesn’t look half as bad as some comments suggested, but maybe I‘m just getting old (my eyes are old and bent)

the box got heavily squashed in transit, but no breakage.
one small or medium was missing in a booster, by the looks only a common.

Picked a few minis from online source and I can say that those I got were a heck of a lot better than some similar from older sets I have. The fey dragon beats the pants off the D&D mini of the same type, and my grippli character likes the new giant frog better than the one we've been using. I'll likely pick up a few here and there that I need. Hopefully we'll get more good takes like this.

Dark Archive

Mark Moreland wrote:
When we have a chance to get good photos of them, I'll post about it in a blog. If that's after they start shipping to customers, then that's a bonus for those customers!

It looks like the Starfinder PPM Packs will start shipping on november 26th (with the december new releases) from the Paizo warehouse.

I have seen some pictures of the packs and heard from some people who've seen them in stores and it seems that they are of very good quality, both in paintjob and durability.

I think there are a lot of potential buyers once people see how good these are.

It would be great, if you can manage to put up some pictures!
If you're short on time, i can write the starship & iconics entries, just let me know. ;-)

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can we please not have a long pause till the regular previews for the next set start?
just in case of stuff...
like tech troubles, sickness, the dog eating the HD with the digital renders etc.

Dark Archive

Yeah, there is enough stuff coming out like the PFB unpanted minis, Starfinder prepainted packs & PF 2.0 iconics, but there are no blogs about them... ;-(

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Unpanted minis eh? That's going to make for some interesting conversation at the table. ;)

The Exchange

I rarely post here, but like many of you, I stop by on a regular basis hoping to get my fix with the Pathfinder Battles previews. Unfortunately, the previews are few and far between these days. The previews are a great way to stoke discussion and build excitement for the upcoming releases. I don't want to beat up on Mark, but no previews means diminished anticipation for the next set. Couple this with what in my opinion has been a regression of WizKids' Pathfinder prepaints to the level of the D&D line, and I must admit that my zeal for Pathfinder Battles has taken a significant hit.

Dark Archive

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The Pathfinder 2.0 minis are now called
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Evolved.

They will be the next upcoming Paizo miniatures product in january.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I like that new look for Harsk.

Dark Archive

Fumarole wrote:
I like that new look for Harsk.

Harsk is now a blonde, because blondes get all the fun. ;-)

He also is finally a two-weapon-fighting ranger, something that makes more sense in PF 1.0 than in the PF Playtest.

I also likes the look of Kyra with those puffy trousers and flowing robes, which is a realistic look for hot environments.

The rest of the renders look very bad.

Dark Archive

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I have just unboxed my bricks and looked at each miniature in earnest (comparing them to minis from the other sets) and i have to say, that this is the worst of all 15 Pathfinder Battles sets!
Imo there is not a single 5 stars mini in the whole set, the incentives included, which is a first.
The sculpts and paintjobs leave much to be desired, as does the selection of creatures.
There are also too many human(oid) minis - 15 out of 43 are human, elf, dwarf, orc, halfling, gnome and half-races - the core races out of the Core Rulebook of which i have tons and don't need any more of.
I want 75%+ monsters which are the right size & rarity and havn't been done to death.
This is the first PFB set i regret buying.

I also really hope that the miniatures blog picks up again in december, showing us the Starfinder ppm packs & Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Evolved pack.

At the moment my excitement for more miniatures is at an all-time low, the only exception being february 2019's D&D Icons set #11, because it includes a huge Froghemoth and other huge minis.

I have to agree with Marco. My enthusiasm is very low right now as well, and I am a huge collector, having purchased a complete set of every set released so far. Besides the quality, the lack of weekly blogs translates to me that Paizo has lost its interest and enthusiasm in their own miniature products. The previews used to be consistent and exciting. I understand a lot of attention has gone to the 2E playtest, but there is definitely a change in the air, whether intentional or not.

I also participated in the Starfinder miniature kickstarter and having been burned by not only Ninja Division's failure to date but by Paizo's lack of willingness to communicate regarding the kickstarter has put a sour taste in my mouth.

Unless Paizo steps up its game, I'll have to make some hard decisions on whether to continue collecting.

I'm also getting older and I have more miniatures than I know what to do with so that definitely plays a factor. But as long as they remain exciting, I'll continue to buy more. Only time will tell.

Scarab Sages

Honestly I am more excited about the big Falling Star ship. I agree that this set was a little too much "more of the same" in regards to the types of figures. I'm not interested in seeing more figures for creatures we already have (i.e. common PC races, giants, trolls, manticores, etc.) at the expense of creatures we don't have any minis for.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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My interest has dropped off a bit too, though for different reasons. I don't really get many opportunities to run games these days, which makes these a bit less useful. At least I could sit and play skirmish games of DDM against myself.

Plus, sorting and storage is starting to get a bit cumbersome. Especially since my house is a bit of a dragon's hoard.

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I've been collecting prepainted minis since the first set of D&D. Usualy, when I get my case, I rush home to open it and examine everyone single one of them. As of right now, my case of Kingmaker, that I bought on the release day, is still sitting next to my desk unopened.

After seeing the pictures of the real minis on miniature market, I'm even less in a hurry to open it.

For me the point that got me really annoyed is the following.

So far, there as been 183 human minis made.
When I compare to the other races, I get the following.

12 Dwarves (3 of them are of Harsk)
14 Elves (2 of them are of Merisiel)
12 Half-Elves (2 Seltyiel and 2 Lirianne)
9 Gnomes (2 Lini and 2 Balazar)
9 Halfling (2 Lem)
7 Half-Orcs (2 Imrijka)

Those are the core races, for the non-core one, it get even worst.

Aasimar: 2, and one is Nualia
Adaro: 0
Android: 0
Aphorite: 0
Aquatic Elf: 0
Boggard: 3
Catfolk: 1
Cecaelia: 0
Changeling: 0
Dhampir: 0
Drow: 1
Duergar: 1 (and it is a repainted scult of a dwarf)
Fetchling: 0
Ganzi: 0
Gathlain: 0
Ghoran: 0
Gillman: 0
Green Martian: 0
Goblin: 34
Grindylow: 3
Grippli: 0
Hobgoblin: 5 (1 repaint)
Ifrit: 0
Kasatha: 0
Kitsune: 0
Kobold: 9 (1 repaint)
Kuru: 0
Lashunta: 0
Locathah: 0
Merfolk: 0
Monkey Goblin: 0
Munavri: 0
Nagaji: 0
Orc: 7
Oread: 0
Ratfolk: 2
Sahuagin: 3
Samsaran: 0
Shabti: 0
Skinwalker: 0
Strix: 1
Suli: 0
Svirfneblin: 0
Sylph: 0
Syrinx: 0
Tengu: 2
Tiefling: 1 (2 if you include Faxon)
Triaxian: 5 ( 1 is on a dragon)
Triton: 0
Trox: 0
Undine: 0
Vanara: 0
Vine Leshy: 0
Vishkanya: 0
Wayang: 0
Wyrwood: 0
Wyvaran: 0

Total: 81 figures out of 16 sets. (That is 826 minis, not counting the gravity packs and iconics.)
So only 0.098% of the minis produced were of the non-core races that can be used for players. The ones in bold are the ones I was really looking forward to.

Diversity is a problem here. Not everyone wants to play a Human, and not having the right minis can be annoying.

Rannik wrote:
Diversity is a problem here. Not everyone wants to play a Human, and not having the right minis can be annoying.

Just one bit of perspective to add; remember that minis are used for enemies/NPCs as well. Not that I've done a diversity audit on what appears in adventures... just pointing out that the balance may actually make sense.

Anguish wrote:
Rannik wrote:
Diversity is a problem here. Not everyone wants to play a Human, and not having the right minis can be annoying.
Just one bit of perspective to add; remember that minis are used for enemies/NPCs as well. Not that I've done a diversity audit on what appears in adventures... just pointing out that the balance may actually make sense.

Yes, but then again...

Drow: 1
Duergar: 1
Hobgoblin: 5
Orc: 7
Tiefling: 1

Those are also often villains and they barely show up.

Rannik wrote:

Total: 81 figures out of 16 sets. (That is 826 minis, not counting the gravity packs and iconics.)

So only 0.098% of the minis produced were of the non-core races that can be used for players. The ones in bold are the ones I was really looking forward to.

81 out of 826 is actually 9,8 %, still not a huge amount, since almost half of them are goblins, but this number puts it in the right perspective. And by the way, I love the goblins minis, even though they don't see enough use in play.

I can understand the hesitation to produce too many non-core races, since customer interest for them is probably lower, at least, for a lot of those, I know mine is.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

Removed some posts and replies, let's keep the blog discussion thread on topic.

Dark Archive

Rannik wrote:
Anguish wrote:
Rannik wrote:
Diversity is a problem here. Not everyone wants to play a Human, and not having the right minis can be annoying.
Just one bit of perspective to add; remember that minis are used for enemies/NPCs as well. Not that I've done a diversity audit on what appears in adventures... just pointing out that the balance may actually make sense.

Yes, but then again...

Drow: 1
Duergar: 1
Hobgoblin: 5
Orc: 7
Tiefling: 1

Those are also often villains and they barely show up.

Thanks for the list, i agree absolutely.

But there has never been a drow produced in the Pathfinder Battles line to my knowledge.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

At the moment my excitement for more miniatures is at an all-time low, the only exception being february 2019's D&D Icons set #11, because it includes a huge Froghemoth and other huge minis.

Are you not looking forward to the sailing ship? That's something I'm impressed with just due to the ambition. (I doubt I'll ever actually use it...).

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

At the moment my excitement for more miniatures is at an all-time low, the only exception being february 2019's D&D Icons set #11, because it includes a huge Froghemoth and other huge minis.
Are you not looking forward to the sailing ship? That's something I'm impressed with just due to the ambition. (I doubt I'll ever actually use it...).

Not that much anymore since i have seen the latest video (still of a prototype), since you can't access the lower deck, only the upper deck and both cabins...

Dark Archive

Having just seen the "Ravnica" unboxing video, i have to say that Wizkids really dropped the ball on "Kingmaker".
This is the first time that an ""Icons of the Realms" set looks better than a "Pathfinder Battles" set, not a single bad paintjob!

I really hope that Paizo manages to squeeze a better quality out of Wizkids with the next "Ruins of Lastwall" set.

Dark Archive

For what it's worth, Icons #10 has only 7 large uncommon minis & 4 rare ones, same as Kingmaker.

I hope this is not a trend that continues with the next PFB set in april and that we'll get the Ankou in it.

February's Icons #11 set will have a mix of larges & huges, so that set will not offer conclusions about a general reduction of large minis numbers...

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Having just seen the "Ravnica" unboxing video...

What product is that?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

An Icons of the Realms release.

Brilliant. Thanks.

Dark Archive

Icons of the Realms #10 is in (NA & Can) stores today & the paintjobs are very well done all-around!

I agree, I just get the 2 visible pack and the quality is great. I don't plan to play uin Ravnica, but some of the mini make good spellcasters and the Elephan man and the Boros minotor are just nice to have.

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If nothing else, I'm going to need a Deathpact Angel pretty soon. ^_^

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