The Maze Doesn't Sleep

Friday, August 11, 2017

Hello, and welcome to this week's Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death preview! The march to Gen Con continues, but we've taken a break from preparations to show off six new sculpts from November's Pathfinder Battles set. This week we begin with three undead creatures that are sure to give your players (and their characters) waking nightmares. To start, we have the Juju Zombie, medium uncommon, based off of artwork from the Strange Aeons Adventure Path.

The Witchfire is far and away one of my favorite undead creatures. The ladies will bring the pain, and look awesome doing it. The Witchfire is also a common medium figure in this set, and is based off of artwork from the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path.

Easily one of the creepiest undead we have published stats for, the Penanggalen is an uncommon medium figure in Maze of Death. Based on artwork from the Bestiary 3 Pawn Box, this gruesome creature will have a gloss on all the entrails, to give it that grossly fresh look which is all the rage these days.

DRAGONS! Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death boasts these three new dragon figures to pit against your players. First, we have the Medium Copper Dragon (rare medium) and the Large Blue Dragon (large rare) with awesome scale and wing textures that I love.

And finally, we have the Large Nightmare Dragon, a large rare, which first appears in the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. The eyes on the same side of the head, and the neck frills are what do it for me with this miniature.

Sleep tight, and we will see you next week!

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Tags: Licensed Products Maze of Death Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Nice dragons. Shame my Dragon Diciple (copper) character kicked the bucked just recently.

I'm quite glad that the common undead look versatile enough to stand in as other monsters as well.

Love the undead. The witchfire reminds me of the plant monster on the elder scrolls game the one that summons the bears. Great looking minis can't wait to see what else from the strange aeons set we'll get.

Silver Crusade

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I LOVE the Nightmare Dragon! It's glorious!

Dark Archive

First: Thank you, Mike!

-The Juju zombie looks great and seems to be the right rarity at uncommon.

-The Witchfire being common is a surprise, the CR (9) seems to suggest uncommon, but the paint-sceme seems easy enough and it´s not gonna be the only one using translucent plastic in this set.

-The Penanggalen is incredible and also exactly right as an uncommon (4 in a case hopefully)!

-I´m not a fan of creatures sitting on rocks, it´s too static. As a result the medium Copper Dragon is not my cup of tea (i already have better looking ones both flying & not from D&D), but it hasn´t been done in PFB before and fills up 1 rare slot in a case, so that´s okay.

-The large Blue Dragon has the same problem, even if it looks a lot cooler. It completes the large chromatic dragons in PFB, though and is only one mini in the case, so that´s cool too.

-Finally the Nightmare dragon does everything right, as it is both a very unique looking dragon mini that we havn´t had anywhere before and it uses the (hopefully on the final mini still) translucent effect to great effect.

Have a great weekend!

That Nightmare dragon looks amazing! Love those colors!

OldSkul wrote:
The witchfire reminds me of the plant monster on the elder scrolls game the one that summons the bears.

I was gonna say, it reminds me of the flame atronachs (though the colors are off).

I love everything about this preview!

Dark Archive

We have now seen:

-5 monstrous humanoids (3 Minotaurs & 2 Ulat-Kini)
-3 plants (Mindfrond, Violet Fungus & Ghost Fungus)
-1 animal (Giant Moray Eel)
-4 dragons (Sea Drake, Copper Dragon, Blue Dragon, Nightmare Dragon)
-3 undead (Juju Zombie, Witchfire, Pennangalen)

We know there will be more undead, more plants, some humanoids, some outsiders and (allegedly) a giant.

I hope for some abberations, fey, magical beasts & vermin too. ;-)

These are some great minis. The nightmare dragon is going to be amazing and I can't wait to use that mini in a campaign.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Marco Massoudi wrote:
I´m not a fan of creatures sitting on rocks, it´s too static.

We generally agree, but this particular design excited us so much that we just had to do it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Cannot wait for that nightmare dragon. My group just finished In Search of Sanity and we plan to continue the horror!

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These are all great minis and the line is thriving. Just no sign after so many sets of those promised Pathfinder style drow ... when are we getting some?

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Rysky wrote:
I LOVE the Nightmare Dragon! It's glorious!

Glorious and awesome Rysky. I totally love it. Nightmare dragons were my favorite esoteric dragons and this sculpt does them justice.

Silver Crusade

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Rysky wrote:
I LOVE the Nightmare Dragon! It's glorious!
Glorious and awesome Rysky. I totally love it. Nightmare dragons were my favorite esoteric dragons and this sculpt does them justice.


Wow. I'm really liking this set!

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The Nightmare Dragon is great. I have nothing like this so it's good even if it is a dragon which I'm saturated with. Obviously with the end of my last sentence you may have guessed that I'm not a big fan of the Medium Copper Dragon and the Large Blue Dragon. They look nice, but for me more of the core dragons simply means meh! Them sitting on rocks doesn't generally bother me, but I can see where it would for others.

I always wanted a Penanggalen, but I'm a little disappointed in this one. The clear peg takes away from the mini itself. The grotesque nature is not as greatly portrayed with it and this mini needs to be the leader when it comes to gross! I wish the mini could stand on the base without the clear stand. Maybe redesign it a bit with more of its entrails on the ground for a sturdier attachment. Trust me, it would do the mini justice as the rest looks pretty good, but the clear post ruins it!

Witchfire looks awesome and will be a great addition to my collection. I just hope it looks like the pic! Nice!

The JuJu Zombie might be my biggest disappointment. I recall them being more feral and nasty. That helmet, armor and weapon make them look way too regal for what I think them as. It's different, I'll give you that!

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I´m not a fan of creatures sitting on rocks, it´s too static.
We generally agree, but this particular design excited us so much that we just had to do it.

it looks really good with the high contrast to the blue dragon.

not so sure about the copper.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I´m not a fan of creatures sitting on rocks, it´s too static.
We generally agree, but this particular design excited us so much that we just had to do it.

Interesting. And this is why there's both Coke and Pepsi in the world. Variety is the spice of life. For me, that means I like a mixture of things. Flying-monster-on-a-stick is fine some of the time, flying monster with a foot or two on the base is fine some of the time, and monster-on-a-rock is fine some of the time. When I saw these three dragons, I didn't think "oh, hey, that's not dynamic"... I thought "oh, hey, that looks different from most of the sculpts and poses I've seen over the last few years".

Just saying. Keep mixing it up and you'll make someone happy.

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Dark Archive

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I´m not a fan of creatures sitting on rocks, it´s too static.
We generally agree, but this particular design excited us so much that we just had to do it.

The large Blue Dragon itself looks great and it is also okay to do something different once in a while.

It´s hard to say with the Copper dragon, maybe it looks better from the side?

Some time ago i asked Erik for small dragons, because there were only some made from D&D way back (black, blue, green, bronze & copper exist, but red, white, brass, gold & silver don´t) and he was very positive about it.

I also remember that Drow were promised some time ago, but the set after this one is probably better suited, as so far THERE IS NO SINGLE HUMANOID IN IT (i know, Ratfolk will be)! :-)


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Marco Massoudi wrote:
I also remember that Drow were promised some time ago, but the set after this one is probably better suited, as so far THERE IS NO SINGLE HUMANOID IN IT

This is the biggest selling point for this set so far in my opinion. And that's saying something because I really like some of the sculpts.

Dark Archive

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I also remember that Drow were promised some time ago, but the set after this one is probably better suited, as so far THERE IS NO SINGLE HUMANOID IN IT
This is the biggest selling point for this set so far in my opinion. And that's saying something because I really like some of the sculpts.

I wouldn´t say it´s the biggest selling point 8to me the two huge elementals and the three plants (at least one more is in it) are, but i love that this seems to be an all-creature set! :-)

I have around thousand different medium humanoid minis and really need only very special ones (Radovan and Varian please!) in addition.

Whereas i don´t mind getting Minotaur #15, #16 & #17 in this set. ;-)

A certain number of humans, elves, dwarves, (half-)orcs etc. is okay and expected, but i´d prefer it to be not more than one third and the rest be creatures or humanoids which havn´t been done (to death) yet, like:

drow, lizardfolk, merfolk, svirfneblin, tengu, troglodyte, lycantrophes, grippli, locathah, catfolk, gillmen, kasatha, kitsune, lashunta, munavri, nagaji, ratfolk (in this set), samsaran, vanara, wayang...

Dark Archive

I didn't expect a blog this friday, but maybe we'll see something PFB related at GenCon. ;-)


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Marco Massoudi wrote:
I have around thousand different medium humanoid minis and really need only very special ones (Radovan and Varian please!) in addition.

I am in the process of re-organizing my minis. Prepainted minis alone I have almost 3,000 individual humanoid sculpts, (15,000+ humanoid minis). I have another 300-400 Reaper Bones and Metal minis with humanoid sculpts.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

A certain number of humans, elves, dwarves, (half-)orcs etc. is okay and expected, but i´d prefer it to be not more than one third and the rest be creatures or humanoids which havn´t been done (to death) yet, like:

drow, lizardfolk, merfolk, svirfneblin, tengu, troglodyte, lycantrophes, grippli, locathah, catfolk, gillmen, kasatha, kitsune, lashunta, munavri, nagaji, ratfolk (in this set), samsaran, vanara, wayang... -

Personally anything more that 1/10 Humans/elves/dwarves/half-elves is too much. Half orcs I put in with halflings and gnomes at a level in between the humanoids and rarer races. I could see 1/6 of a set for these.

To be honest I want one set that has nothing with two legs in it. I've also fought on these boards for more non-evil cities with less than 5% core book races in Golarion, and the Globe of Golarion that was teased as a possibility if the Gazeteer sold well. So I guess I'm proponent of St Jude.

Dark Archive

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I have around thousand different medium humanoid minis and really need only very special ones (Radovan and Varian please!) in addition.

I am in the process of re-organizing my minis. Prepainted minis alone I have almost 3,000 individual humanoid sculpts, (15,000+ humanoid minis). I have another 300-400 Reaper Bones and Metal minis with humanoid sculpts.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

A certain number of humans, elves, dwarves, (half-)orcs etc. is okay and expected, but i´d prefer it to be not more than one third and the rest be creatures or humanoids which havn´t been done (to death) yet, like:

drow, lizardfolk, merfolk, svirfneblin, tengu, troglodyte, lycantrophes, grippli, locathah, catfolk, gillmen, kasatha, kitsune, lashunta, munavri, nagaji, ratfolk (in this set), samsaran, vanara, wayang... -

Personally anything more that 1/10 Humans/elves/dwarves/half-elves is too much. Half orcs I put in with halflings and gnomes at a level in between the humanoids and rarer races. I could see 1/6 of a set for these.

To be honest I want one set that has nothing with two legs in it. I've also fought on these boards for more non-evil cities with less than 5% core book races in Golarion, and the Globe of Golarion that was teased as a possibility if the Gazeteer sold well. So I guess I'm proponent of St Jude.

Personally i´m totally with you on this.

But i recognize that many people don´t collect as long as us and still need a lot of humanoids - the crusader minis in the last set were greatly apreciated by most people.
That being said, i am very glad that this set is so creature heavy and the last few sets seem to alternate between humanoid-heavy and creature-heavy, which is a good thing imo.

I also agree on the more cities populated with fantastic races and i would also buy the (light up) globe of Golarion for $100. ;-)
James Jacobs said, maybe one day when he has mapped the whole of Golarion, the chance is there.

Right now, i think we´ll see a Starfinder "Pact World constellations" thingy before that, though...

Dark Archive

36 minis renders left to be shown in the 8 weeks till the intended release date (october 25th), makes 4.5 every week.
I´d rather have a steady weekly stream of 3 reveals (like in the first MD blog), but the 7- and 6-minis mega-previews are cool too.

Here´s hoping that next week brings another preview.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Looks like no review this week. Wonder why pfb has taken a backseat?

Marco Massoudi wrote:

36 minis renders left to be shown in the 8 weeks till the intended release date (october 25th), makes 4.5 every week.

I´d rather have a steady weekly stream of 3 reveals (like in the first MD blog), but the 7- and 6-minis mega-previews are cool too.

22 days and still not a preview ;(.Maybe its some kind of new policy and paizo is going to follow icons of the realms steps? (i hope not but so far it seems to be like that)

I suspect it's a combination of Starfinder launch, convention season and staff illness/leave.

There's only so many blog spaces they have and I dare say if Mike is off at a convention he's got lots of competing priorities on his professional time (a weekend at a Con must chew through one's working hours).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Ok must have that blue dragon. Well a few of them.

Dark Archive

Wizkids still havn't updated their release schedule for october, which is unusually late, even with taking labor day into account.
If they don't update tomorrow, i expect larger delays.
That being said, with assuming that october 25th is still the intended release date for "Maze of Death", i hope tomorrow brings a minimum of 5 computer renders to make it possible to at least see all these in the 7 weeks left before the minis are in stores. ;-)

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Wizkids still havn't updated their release schedule for october, which is unusually late, even with taking labor day into account.

If they don't update tomorrow, i expect larger delays.
That being said, with assuming that october 25th is still the intended release date for "Maze of Death", i hope tomorrow brings a minimum of 5 computer renders to make it possible to at least see all these in the 7 weeks left before the minis are in stores. ;-)

if they dont show minis today i think they will move 25th october to november?.in 3 days it will be a whole month of no reviews

Dark Archive

Wizkids decides the release date, not Paizo.

I just looked, Wizkids HAS updated their release dates today, Maze of Death STILL has an october release date, but NO EXACT date is given, which is strange.
It may be that they are still in the process of updating their site, but that would be a first for me.
If we won't get a preview today, it's highly likely that something going on with this set imo...

Need all three dragons.

Dark Archive

It seems that we won't get a minis blog tonight, as there already is a new blog entry up (Sutter's last blog, sniff) & 2 blogs on one day are very rare.

Clearly there are some issues with the frequency of this blog & most probably the intended october 25th release date won't hold.

Ron Howard Voice-over: "The Maze did, in fact, sleep."

Perhaps with the Starfinder line on they need to devote less blog posts to PFB, and thus they'll show more minis in less posts?

Rotolord wrote:
Perhaps with the Starfinder line on they need to devote less blog posts to PFB, and thus they'll show more minis in less posts?

Meh. It's con season. I'm pretty much accustomed to this time of year bringing a precipitous drop in the frequency and reliability of everything.

Staff are getting ready for cons. Staff are in transit to cons. Staff are at cons. Staff are in transit back from cons. Staff are unpacking and storing stuff from cons. Staff are puking their guts out because of diseases contracted at cons.

It's the nature of the late summer.

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