Dressings for the Dungeon

Friday, May 5, 2017

This week I will be showing you the dressing pieces from Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs. They are all really cool, and will add to the environment of your game, whether your players are in a dungeon, or in the great outdoors. The Dressings are split into two sizes, medium, and large. Ill start with the medium's. First, we have the Totem. This could also work as a marker, statue, or whatever else you feel would work

Next, for those characters that think there are no consequences for starting a fight when they are in town, we give you the stocks.

Every villain needs a podium to help communicate their plans for the future of Golarion, and for that the below lectern should work beautifully.

Now for the larges. We start with the Grave Monument, which many of you may recognize from the cover of Horror Adventures.

Next, we have a long, rectangular table for feasting, weddings, or betrayals...

Finally, the Well. Good for wishing, or disposing of evidence.

Michael Kenway
Director of Licensing

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

Cool! I really like the podium, table and well! I'll get one of each please.

Edit: I'll probably pick up one of each as singles from Paizo. But I'd really need two of the Totem if not four.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Nice! Unfortunately, I doubt I'll get enough Totems in my case. ^_^

We're in the middle of a debate over on Plasticrypt about the inclusion of dungeon dressing. I certainly come down on the side of enjoying these pieces as some of my favorites of the sets, and Crown of Fangs does not dissapoint. I'm certainly going to put the stockades to use, although if I know my party one set will not suffice. I may have to pick up a few extras.

There is usually 1 or 2 that are on the large side with the other terrain being medium sized, would that be the Grave Monument and Totem?

Dark Archive

twhaley wrote:
There is usually 1 or 2 that are on the large side with the other terrain being medium sized, would that be the Grave Monument and Totem?

As per the blog post, the Larges are the Grave Monument, Rectangular Table, and Well.

The Totem looks like is will be a suitable stand-in markers for the Star Stelae, if they're big enough. Solid looking set, Paizo! I'm digging it, even though I don't plan on running Crimson Throne anytime soon, and will likely utilize one of the Red Mantis immediately for a PFS character.

Dark Archive

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When i look at the photographies of the actual dressing pieces, the following comes to mind:


The rectangular base is slightly larger than a flip-mat square. The height is more than double of most medium minis.
It´s a great looking piece (but the Star Stelae are shown to be large on the battle-maps).
This could be one (of the usually two) dressing of which there are two in a case.


It´s really hard to say with the bad resolution, but it looks like the top could be opened to place the neck of a medium miniature inside...


The size is small, not medium. The details could be great, i´ll have to reserve judgement until i hold it in hand.


An incredible piece on a 2 x 2 base and very tall - looks to either fill the booster box from top to bottom or to come in 2 pieces.


2 squares long, 1 square broad, nothing special really.


A very beautiful and useful piece. Looks to be the size of a round large base and the height of a medium mini. This will see lots of use.

All in all a great selection of dressing pieces.
I´m still waiting for a stone fireplace/chimney though (2 squares broad and 1 square deep), as i can´t recall any AP that doesn´t feature one. ;-)

In other news:
-The "D&D Icons of the Realms Miniatures Epic Level Starter" will be out on the 14th of june.
-"D&D Icons of the Realms: Set 7" is still scheduled for 7th of july. -"Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death" is still holding it´s october 2017 release date.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Marco, I don't suppose you, or anyone here, has details of the exact release date yet?

This is from the May Shipping Thread:

Sharaya Customer Service Representative wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
When will the Pathfinder Battle Crown of Fangs singles go live?
They will go live on the street date for Crown of Fangs, which is May 17th.

nice stuff, but not so sure we needed an alternate stand for the Book of the Damned.

will one of them be available as a re-paint?

Dark Archive

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Marco, I don't suppose you, or anyone here, has details of the exact release date yet?

Swiftbrook is correct, the North-American release date is in 10 days, on wednesday 17th of may!

Only one more blog before release, i hope we'll get some photos, as renders are really redundant by now (technically 4 are still missing:
-Reclamation Squire (common),
-Reclamation Knight (common),
-Sial (rare)
and one i don't remember right now).

Swiftbrook wrote:

This is from the May Shipping Thread:

Sharaya Customer Service Representative wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
When will the Pathfinder Battle Crown of Fangs singles go live?
They will go live on the street date for Crown of Fangs, which is May 17th.

I still haven't seen any emails about my subscription. We have to be getting close if they're actually going to hit that date. Last set I missed the notification and so got my case a little bit later than it could have arrived.

I received this email from Paizo:

paizo wrote:

Important dates for this subscription shipment:

Order Spawning: Thursday, May 11th
Hold for Paizo Monthly Shipping Estimate: May 15th - May 26th•
Street Date for Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs: May 17th
Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs Singles On Sale: May 17th
•We plan on prioritizing the shipping of subscriber Crown of Fangs Cases during our monthly shipping window.

If I put singles in my shopping cart as soon as they go live and finalize the order.
Will them moving to the side cart mean they are taken off the total numbers available or do I need to push them being shipped immediately to make sure thy aren't sold out before mine are supposed to be shipped?

Grand Lodge

Don't we already have models similar to the pillar and lectern?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Not really. I can't speak to whether you have pillar minis already, but we haven't made any like the ones in this set previously.

The lectern is pretty different from the one holding the book of the damned, but is more of a podium. It's also insanely incredibly detailed with cool carved demons and stuff. What fun!

Silver Crusade

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I really like the grave monument :3


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DropBearHunter wrote:

If I put singles in my shopping cart as soon as they go live and finalize the order.

Will them moving to the side cart mean they are taken off the total numbers available or do I need to push them being shipped immediately to make sure thy aren't sold out before mine are supposed to be shipped?

things from the paizo warehouse are taken out of inventory as soon as you finalize the order. Things they have to order never gets put in general inventory (this was changed to be this way when they did the green ronin clearance stock sale and had issues with the inventory management, so that was 5 years ago... it might have changed since )

Berk the Black wrote:
We're in the middle of a debate over on Plasticrypt about the inclusion of dungeon dressing.

Do you have a link to that, by any chance?

The world can always use more dungeon dressing. Alas, I wish it were viable as a separate, non-random line, but I appreciate that it isn't. :P

Steve Geddes wrote:
Berk the Black wrote:
We're in the middle of a debate over on Plasticrypt about the inclusion of dungeon dressing.
Do you have a link to that, by any chance?

The initial discussion started in a thread about the Crown of Thorns Set about halfway down that page.

From that discussion a couple of polls were created, one about Dungeon Dressing Being Included In Sets and one about Dungeon Dressing As Case Incentives.

If you have the time hop over to Plasticrypt and vote.

Thanks. I'm not very good at websites, so if I have to register I probably won't vote or comment. I'm interested to hear the discussion though (and kind of glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks they shouldn't be in this line).


Silver Crusade Contributor

I'd rather have them in this line than not at all. But I wouldn't mind buying them separately, if the price point were reasonable.

Yes, the debate rages on. Boths sides have a following, which was what originally spawned the surveys. While they are far from scientific, it did show that preferences are not polarized in one direction.

Berk the Black wrote:
Yes, the debate rages on. Boths sides have a following, which was what originally spawned the surveys. While they are far from scientific, it did show that preferences are not polarized in one direction.

I'm encouraged to see that the usage of incentives to provide dressing is seen as a negative even by people who are otherwise in favor of dressing pieces.

I think my equanimity would be preserved despite the inclusion of dressing pieces if I wasn't losing incentives but was "just" losing monsters.

Scarab Sages

Steve Geddes wrote:
I think my equanimity would be preserved despite the inclusion of dressing pieces if I wasn't losing incentives but was "just" losing monsters.

That's totally understandable, and I'm a big fan of the DD.

I wish WizKids would test the waters a bit for a standalone DD line of minis by doing a Kickstarter for them to gauge the demand. A lot of these minis really only make sense if you have a number of them, i.e. you don't run into many one pillar rooms or you have more mimics than chests, etc.

davrion wrote:
I wish WizKids would test the waters a bit for a standalone DD line of minis by doing a Kickstarter for them to gauge the demand. A lot of these minis really only make sense if you have a number of them, i.e. you don't run into many one pillar rooms or you have more mimics than chests, etc.

Very much agree. I've been looking into buying some DD just so I don't have to draw out items described in rooms in our Adventure Path to speed up the game. But there are often so many tables, chairs, doors, beds, boxes and barrels just to name the more common DD in CotCT. From what I've found the cost of getting at least a workable set of DD to fill in even the small maps just seems unreasonably high compared to building my collection of actual monster and PC minis.

I've just started trying to build up my miniatures collection and Crown of Fangs will be my first case, so I'm also trying to balance the cost of improving my actual miniatures collection. There are just so few options out there right now especially for pre-painted dungeon dressing.

My wish would be separate product line for themed DD. It could be either collections of known pieces like the Ionics sets or even a larger set of random pieces that have their own rarities with things like doors, chairs, boxes and barrels as commons. The closest thing I've found is the Terrain Crate Kickstarter (which is sadly not painted, and will take over a year to actually get) or Dwarven Forge which I feel like are a bit to expensive.

I am a big fan of the dungeon dressing pieces. That being said, if they were taken out of the sets and put into their own line, I'd be fine with that. But, they must be prepainted. I don't do paint.

For Pathfinder Battles, the waters are a little murkier. The Dungeon Dressing is starting to support the theme of the set. The Inn had all sorts of supporting NPC's in the set, and Crown of Fangs even took some key NPCs and made them part of the Dungeon Dressing incentive. I like they way things match up, so I'd be quite alright with no changes either.

Perhaps we need a set add-on like the old encounter sets that would allow those interested to supplement with the dressing pieces and those whom aren't interested to forgo them without sacrificing the incentive centerpiece creature.

Dark Archive

The point is this:

Enough people like the Dungeons Dressing pieces and want it in a much larger quantity than a case can provide.

Only 2 of 32 large creatures (maybe 3 in the actual set) in a case are displaced by large Dungeon Dressings pieces (which sucks for people who want creatures, but they can probably sell or trade the DD away and get a good bargain for it).

There is lots of money to be made for Wizkids (which is big enough to not needing to do a kickstarter to finance their products), just look at how expensive Dwarven Forge stuff is in comparison.

The decision to produce such a line in the first place is the real problem.
Wizkids miniatures department is very small, but they are nowadays producing more and more painted & unpainted minis lines, so there is hope for the near.

Personally i would like seperate creature and terrain lines best.

"We be Goblins" & "Undead Horde" didn't work for different reasons, in part because a lot of people don't want more than one copy of a distinct miniature, a problem that is not true for basic dressing pieces like beds, barrels, chairs, tables, firelaces and so on.

Blister packs work even better - i recently bought 3 "Mage Knight Dungeons Artifacts Set 1" pieces just for the two tables and four chairs in each pack.

PS: I tried to register on plasticrypt.com two times already, it didn't work and is unneccesarily complicated. :-p

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I've really liked the dungeon dressing incentives. However, as much as I like them, it doesn't make up for the fact that they occupy a spot that is the only way I can currently get Hughes or gargantuan miniatures. So it's not worth it.

The opportunity cost is too high.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Marco Massoudi wrote:

The point is this:

Enough people like the Dungeons Dressing pieces and want it in a much larger quantity than a case can provide.

"Enough people" is a thing that can only be defined by WizKids. I'm confident that if they ever think there are "enough people" to make it worthwhile, they'll try it.

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