Announcing Pathfinder Worldscape Humble Bundle and Twitch Marathon!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Dynamite, Paizo, and Humble Bundle have teamed up again to bring you Humble Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape! To celebrate, we're going to be streaming all day from the Paizo office with gaming and Q&A sessions covering Pathfinder Worldscape, Starfinder, and more. You can join the livestream directly on our Twitch channel and check out the Humble Bundle to grab comics and adventures at a "pay what you want" price to support both Camden's Concert and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

What can you get by participating in Humble Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape? Get a number of Pathfinder comics from our friends at Dynamite Entertainment such as Pathfinder: Goblins! or Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain, as well as exclusive maps and posters. You can also pick up must-have Pathfinder products like the Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box, Core Rulebook, and Strategy Guide. Plus, we've included everything you need to kick off a starbound adventure with volumes of Pathfinder Adventure Path Iron Gods, People of the Stars, Distant Worlds, and Technology Guide.

Last night we posted a preliminary schedule of our livesteam, but you can find the full details for today's marathon below. Can't make time to watch? Don't worry, we'll be posting the archived video to our YouTube.

Humble Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape Livestream

Into the Worldscape at 11:00 AM
Erik Mona, with Jason Bulmahn, Crystal Frasier, and Valeros (Erik Keith)

Worldscape Q&A at 1:00 PM
Erik Mona answers all your Pathfinder Worldscape questions!

Starfinder Preview Playtest at 2:00 PM
Jason Keeley, with Amanda Hamon Kunz, Owen KC Stephens, and James L. Sutter

Starfinder Q&A at 4:00 PM
The Starfinder creative team reveals the secrets of the Starfinder RPG!

Pathfinder Society: The Horn of Aroden
John Compton, with Logan Bonner, Mark Seifter, and Tonya Woldridge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Iron Gods
James Jacobs, with Erik Mona, Jessica Price, and Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Humble Book Bundle: Pathfinder Worldscape runs until January 25, 2017, so be sure to check it out and support Camden's Concert and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. And if you can, join us on Twitch!

Chris Lambertz
Community & Digital Content Director

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Grand Lodge

What timezone are these times? U_U

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Varun Creed wrote:
What timezone are these times? U_U

We're on the West Coast, so these should all be Pacific Time. :)

Grand Lodge

I know this is the wrong place to post this.. But I can't find whatever the right place may be. I got two $8 codes and no $15 codes from the bundle. Humble Bundle says one is a $15 code but when I redeemed it, it was a second $8 code

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
claudekennilol wrote:
I know this is the wrong place to post this.. But I can't find whatever the right place may be. I got two $8 codes and no $15 codes from the bundle. Humble Bundle says one is a $15 code but when I redeemed it, it was a second $8 code

We are looking into this and it appears to be on the Humble Bundle side a code generation issue. We are working with them to resolve this as soon as possible to get folks who went with the $15 tier the correct PDFs. If this happened to you, you can contact them at

HB contact:

sara marie

Edited to update details.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the updated details. I'll contact Humble Bundle.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Once again, awesomesauce that Paizo is doing this.

Liberty's Edge

Just giving you a heads-up that the epub comics don't seem to work on Google Play Books desktop version. I uploaded the comics there for reading (since Google Play Books is the only epub reader I have) and the desktop version errors out on the files. (The Android mobile Play Books opens them fine though.) I don't know if the problem is on the file end or on Google's end though.

Will these be watchable later on demand or do you have to be at the event?

Community & Digital Content Director

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They'll be on our YouTube channel (linked above).

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
They'll be on our YouTube channel (linked above).

Is there an ETA?

Dark Archive

shipping, as always, is not included.
However, if Paizo is handling the shipping, which I assume is the case, then for most of the world, shipping would exceed (i.e. be double or triple the value of) whatever you pay for the bundle.
How can I get an educated guess of the total charge?

Scarab Sages

Worked great for me. Took about an hour to get my redemption code email from Humble Bundle after paying, but then was able to download everything perfectly. Thanks Paizo!

Scarab Sages

I took advantage of the last one of these offers.

Can someone confirm how much overlap (if any) there is with the previous bundle?

Grand Lodge

Snorter wrote:

I took advantage of the last one of these offers.

Can someone confirm how much overlap (if any) there is with the previous bundle?

Not a whole lot at all. I think just the CRB and Bestiary. Maybe the Player's Guide and Ultimate Campaign.

Short summary, this one has Iron Gods 1-6, Campaign Setting Technology Guide, Player's Companion People of Stars, CRB, Bestiary, Ultimate Campaign, PFS Scenarios for season 4 (I'm pretty sure that was year of the demon, may be a different season), a lot of comics, and some maps (some of which are absurdly large (file-size-wise) for how small they are).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
increddibelly wrote:

shipping, as always, is not included.

However, if Paizo is handling the shipping, which I assume is the case, then for most of the world, shipping would exceed (i.e. be double or triple the value of) whatever you pay for the bundle.
How can I get an educated guess of the total charge?

It looks like Dynamite is handling shipping for this. Check here for a price estimator.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Snorter wrote:

I took advantage of the last one of these offers.

Can someone confirm how much overlap (if any) there is with the previous bundle?

This is what I was able to find. Bold title are overlap but not necessarily at the same giving levels.

Humble Bundle Book Bundle Pathfinder RPG
Ended March 15, 2016 (?)

Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer
PFS Guide to Organized Play

Pay $1 or more!
Core Rulebook
GameMastery Guide
Digital Beginner Box
Player Character Folio
Advanced Class Guide
GM Screen
Hell’s Rebels 1 of 6 AP

Pay more than the average of $10.01 to also unlock!
Inner Sea World Guide
Strategy Guide
Ultimate Equipment
PFS 7-01 Between the Lines
Hell’s Rebels 2 of 6
Advanced Player’s Guide

Pay $15 or more to also unlock!
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Campaign
Ultimate Combat
Bestiary 2
Hell’s Rebels 3 of 4
Inner Sear Poster Map Folio
PFS Year of the Sky Key Scenario Mega-Pack (23 adventures)

Pay $25 or more to also unlock!
Beginner Box (Pysical Copy) + shipping

Stats as of March 2, 2016 Internet Archive
50,947 Purchases

I can’t find the actual final numbers except
77,514 Purchases
Estimated Total raised: $1,300,000

Humble Bundle Pathfinder Comic Bundle
Ended March 22, 2016 (?)

Pay what you want!
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #1
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #2
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #3
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #5
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #5
Pathfinder Vol 1: Dark #6

Pathfinder Origins #1
Pathfinder Origins #2
Pathfinder Goblins #1
Pathfinder Goblins #2

Pathfinder City of the Streets #1
Pathfinder City of the Streets #2
Dynamite Exclusive Battle Map Pack #1

Pay more thatn the average of $11.99 to also unlock!
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #7
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #8
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #9
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #10
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #11
Pathfinder Vol 2: The Tooth & Claw #12
Pathfinder Hollow Mountain #1

Pathfinder Origins #3
Pathfinder Origins #4
Pathfinder Goblins #3
Pathfinder Goblins #4

Pathfinder City of the Streets #3
Pathfinder City of the Streets #4
Pathfinder Special 2013
Dynamite Exclusive Battle Map Comic Store Invasion
Dynamite Exclusive Battle Map Pack #2

Pay $15 or more to also unlock!
Pathfinder City of the Streets #5
Pathfinder City of the Streets #6
Pathfinder Origins #5
Pathfinder Origins #6
Pathfinder Goblins #5
Pathfinder Hollow Mountain #2
Pathfinder Hollow Mountain #3
Humble Bonus Map: Feast Halls (Bundle Exclusive)
Humble Bonus Map: Infernal Sanctuary (Bundle Exclusive)

Dynamite Exclusive Battle Map Pack #3

Pay $26 or more to also unlock!
Shattered Star Miniatures Booster Pack (Physical Merchandise) + shipping

16,640 Bundles Sold
Estimated Average purchase $12
Estimated Raised: $200,000

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think we should have the next charity event be Ostog the Slain. Every time one of the DMs manages to kill Ostog, it opens up a new bonus.

Dark Archive

skizzerz wrote:
Check here for a price estimator.

lovely! Thank you!

$48.85. meh.

Shadow Lodge

A bit of advanced notice on the livestream next time please! Like, a day in advance?

Liberty's Edge

If I purchase the bundle, are the pdfs tied to my paizo account?

I would like to know if I will be able to get errata updates as they are released.

Silver Crusade


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

RedDogMT wrote:

If I purchase the bundle, are the pdfs tied to my paizo account?

I would like to know if I will be able to get errata updates as they are released.

Yes. PDFs will be attached to the account that redeems the codes.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

increddibelly wrote:

shipping, as always, is not included.

However, if Paizo is handling the shipping, which I assume is the case, then for most of the world, shipping would exceed (i.e. be double or triple the value of) whatever you pay for the bundle.
How can I get an educated guess of the total charge?

Paizo has no physical items in the is Humble Bundle. Dynamite is handling the fulfillment of the physical comic books.

Sovereign Court

This bundle is amazing! I bought the full $25 bundle. I'm ravenously tearing down through the Tarzan PDFs right now, and the quality is mind-blowing (I may just have been converted to Edgar Rice Burroughs, having never read his books before... I'm now watching John Carter of Mars and plan to make a trip to the local library to find all these gems in the flesh... err... in all their paper glory)

Sadly, being in Canada, the shipping estimator for the physical comics part of the bundle is a whopping $48 which far exceeds the bundle... (and on some weird principle / reason I won't pay that...)

HOWEVER, the shipping estimator for somewhere (anywhere?) in the U.S. is low, in the order of $5 I think... (I checked for Orlando, Florida).

So, if anyone here from the U.S. wants these comics, and live in an area which going to ship for such a low amount or less, I'd gladly pay the $5 for someone to enjoy them, if that's ok with Paizo and Dynamite of course (please confirm).

Sovereign Court

Are the maps and posters that are part of this bundle only digital?

Sovereign Court

I think so... all I know is that the whole things is about 6 GB so far (and that's only the non-Paizo stuff! :) )

I chose to pay with Amazon and it's not giving me any codes yet. Just a receipt from Amazon, with a transaction ID. Should I be expecting a second email with the codes or am I missing a step?
I eventually got a second email.

We even have special freebies: Just enter your email address to immediately receive the Iron Gods Player's Guide and a Pathfinder Worldscape #1!

The freebie does not work for me. It wants a recaptcha but I see none...

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

HOWEVER, the shipping estimator for somewhere (anywhere?) in the U.S. is low, in the order of $5 I think... (I checked for Orlando, Florida).

So, if anyone here from the U.S. wants these comics, and live in an area which going to ship for such a low amount or less, I'd gladly pay the $5 for someone to enjoy them, if that's ok with Paizo and Dynamite of course (please confirm).

Same offer from me. First one to send me a PM gets the physical comics.

Thanael wrote:
We even have special freebies: Just enter your email address to immediately receive the Iron Gods Player's Guide and a Pathfinder Worldscape #1!
The freebie does not work for me. It wants a recaptcha but I see none...

I tried to get the freebie (though I think I might have at least one of them already) with the same problem.

I got the entire PDF line though the humble bundle deal, didn't want the physical items they were sending as I really don't care about comics (was after Season 5). That was nice.

Those comics are rather large PDF's.

Is there an eta on when the videos will be available on YouTube?

Sovereign Court

H2Osw wrote:
Is there an eta on when the videos will be available on YouTube?

Yes! please! I wish to over-analyze James Jacob's GMing style and study the effect of SRM's long beautiful hair on his bluff / roleplay / method acting skills... ;)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You don't have to wait for Youtube. Twitch archives the recent videos for each channel, so you can find all vids from Jan 11th here.

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the content comparisons, from everyone.

I've got most of the gaming pdfs as a subscriber, but I'll look how they're bundled, to see if I can pass the rules and AP items to friends, and keep the comics and PFS scenarios for myself.

Sovereign Court

Gorbacz wrote:
You don't have to wait for Youtube. Twitch archives the recent videos for each channel, so you can find all vids from Jan 11th here.


Gorbacz wrote:
You don't have to wait for Youtube. Twitch archives the recent videos for each channel, so you can find all vids from Jan 11th here.

I was on twitch last night. Only the older videos would play for me. Plus being on YouTube I can rip the audio and listen to it while at work.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
H2Osw wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
You don't have to wait for Youtube. Twitch archives the recent videos for each channel, so you can find all vids from Jan 11th here.
I was on twitch last night. Only the older videos would play for me. Plus being on YouTube I can rip the audio and listen to it while at work.

Wes said they should be up by the end of the week.

Bah they uploaded the pathfinder videos but not the Starfinder stuff. They uploaded in the wrong order...

15 dollars should do it.

Stupid question, where do I redeem to code to get the items?

Lightbulb under my account near the bottom is redeem humble bundle.

Thanks H2Osw!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lightbulb wrote:
Stupid question, where do I redeem to code to get the items?

I hope this link works

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

This bundle is amazing! I bought the full $25 bundle. I'm ravenously tearing down through the Tarzan PDFs right now, and the quality is mind-blowing (I may just have been converted to Edgar Rice Burroughs, having never read his books before... I'm now watching John Carter of Mars and plan to make a trip to the local library to find all these gems in the flesh... err... in all their paper glory)

Sadly, being in Canada, the shipping estimator for the physical comics part of the bundle is a whopping $48 which far exceeds the bundle... (and on some weird principle/reason I won't pay that...)

HOWEVER, the shipping estimator for somewhere (anywhere?) in the U.S. is low, in the order of $5 I think... (I checked for Orlando, Florida).

So, if anyone here from the U.S. wants these comics, and live in an area which going to ship for such a low amount or less, I'd gladly pay the $5 for someone to enjoy them, if that's ok with Paizo and Dynamite of course (please confirm).

If you want, ship them to me and then I can ship them on to you, I won't need two copies. I'll just pick a cheap service like Media Mail or the next level up. These services always pick some stupid expensive shipping method thinking that you must need it in the next day or two.

On another note. Has anyone tried successfully submitting their email address for the "FREE Iron Gods Player's Guide and Pathfinder Worldscape #1!

Get the Iron Gods Player's Guide and a Pathfinder Worldscape #1 for FREE! Just enter your email address and we'll send it right to you."?

I keep getting the follow when I hit submit:

Are you not a real person?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

You must successfully complete the reCAPTCHA challenge to complete your purchase.

Return to the main site

I found a reCAPTCHA at the bottom for when you submit for the regular ordering, and I have tried using that one, but I still get the above message.

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I am the only one who thinks the humble bundle logo at the top reminds me of the Hanna Barbera logo;)

Grand Lodge

reCAPTCHA challenge I have tried a few time and gave up. What I'm doing wrong.

Scarab Sages

Okay. So I've had a look at the deals, and it seems most of what I'd be after is in the third sub-bundle ($15), since I've got the rest via Paizo subscription or the previous bundle.

Is it possible to split a bundle, so a friend gets parts 1 and 2, and I get part 3?

Scarab Sages

And I'm also getting nothing in the CAPTCHA box, to respond to.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You get a different redemption code for each part, so you could give the codes to the ones you don't want to your friends. However, there's no way to break up a part, so if you want one thing in part 3, you get everything in part 3. Does that make sense?

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