OPC Log—16 Neth 4715

Monday, November 16, 2015

Hi, Pathfinders! You've been busy over the past few weeks! I processed support for roughly 60 conventions since I started, which means there's been lots of Pathfinder fun going on.

As was posted on Friday through Paizo's social media accounts, VC Karim & VL Florent confirmed the safety of all PaizoCon France attendees. Such is the enthusiasm and self-reliance of our Pathfinder Society brethren, despite the government closing the site down and the convention being officially cancelled, games still happened. Karim & helpers found two sites across town and coordinated games all day. Not only did they play scenarios in the afternoon, they organized five tables for the interactive special 7-00: The Sky Key Solution. For the hardiness of the attendees and the efforts of Karim & crew, vivat!

Also this weekend, I participated in a game of 7-09: The Blackros Connection, via Google Hangouts. As of a few weeks ago, Ross Tait, Venture-Lieutenant of Edmonton, Alberta, had run the required amount of games and special events. The only requirement left was to GM for a Venture-Captain. Unfortunately, there was none within a 4-hour drive. So after some discussion, we decided I would act as observer. He got a group together and we linked in players from North Bay, Edmonton, and Seattle. I enjoyed myself and found that modern technology allows for all sorts of opportunities. If you are geographically separate from a gaming group, I encourage you to contact Venture Captain Jesse Davis, who coordinates the online program, and ask about games. He has GMs that run a variety of platforms, including play by post (pbp), virtual tabletops (VTTs), and videochat.

Traveling around the area gives me ample opportunity to participate in PFS activities. So far, I've made it to 4 game stores in the greater Seattle area and plan on getting to a few more in the next two weeks. I enjoy getting out and chatting with the players, as well as keeping up with my GM skills. I'm even getting a chance to play. Last weekend found me playing at a table of 6-12: Scions of the Sky Key Part 1 at Extra Life Con in Spokane, Washington. I also ran two games and played a session of the Season of the Shackles ACG. We had a meet and greet over breakfast and coffee, where we discussed some concerns and shared information with some of the con attendees. They raised over $100 for charity, which was extra awesome because it was the inaugural event. Preston Hudson, Venture Captain of Northeastern Washington/Idaho, called the event a success and plans on making it an annual item.

Finally, last week saw Tanis and I teamed up with the dynamic duo at Know Direction podcast. It was my first recorded interview and while there were a few technical issues the interview went off without any real problems. If you want the full scoop of what we talked about you can view the whole podcast here. I hope to come back in a few months, this time with the whole PFS Team, to talk about Season 7. While most of the reveals are at the PaizoCon Preview banquet, we may have a few things we can share.

This is my 48 day recap and a look to the future. What have you been doing in the past 6 weeks? Has anyone gone to some of the conventions? What about home games? I would love to hear in the comments below!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Community Pathfinder Society
Dark Archive 2/5 **

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Wow, way to go VC Karim & crew! That's an amazing story.

I can't speak highly enough of the job that Jesse Davis does as VC of Online Play. Once again this year, AetherCon gave players a chance to play in a variety of scenarios that they may have missed earlier in the year (including the amazing Specials). Playing in online games really helped me get into PFS and introduced me to lots of great players outside of my own local area. I highly recommend it to everyone.

We had two successful runs of Siege of Serpents in the last six weeks, one at What-Khan and another at our local weekly game day. The post-Gencon influx of players has been great and opened up opportunities for new GMs (myself included) to run scenarios that the veterans have already played.

Thanks for the blog post, Tonya. It is great hearing about your experiences as you begin this new role.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you Tonya for the support and the help, you and Dave were available everytime during the week end!

I have to mention that every thing was possible thanks to my beloved Lieutenants Simon and Florent. Plus we have a super crew composed of several VC ( Ben, Gerard, Rob) and VL (Gaël) plus Chris, Edwin, Damien, and Sebastiens.

Thank you also for the kind words and the messages of support sent by lots of people from oversea during the week end!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

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Karol and team and wonderful job this weekend!! You guys were awesome especially under the circumstances you were under!!

I made my first PFS blog!! The inaugural Extra Life weekend was a success in my book. We raised $132.00 for our first year and looking to at least double that (or lots more) next year. It was awesome to have you there to kick off our first year with Extra Life and you are more than welcome to return next year or sooner if you wish. I can't take all the credit for that weekend. If not for those who volunteered to GM and the great players that came out to those tables, there would not be the event. Another thanks to those at Paizo for your continued support. The meet and greet was extremely valuable to those in my area and I encourage anyone who gets this opportunity to jump.

I guess the cat is now out of the bag and I can start my plans as a newly minted Venture-Captain. Thank you for the promotion Tonya and I work to make that change and increase the PFS presence in the area.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Glad to see you dipping into online play! It's a great way to do things. It's grown enough that I'm not sure how Jesse keeps up with it all....

Silver Crusade 3/5

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Hey, I know some of those people. :)

Congratulations, Preston!

The Exchange 3/5

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Congrats Preston!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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I was relieved to hear the friends that went to Paizocon France were OK, and hats off that they all continued playing!


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Viva la France!

Grand Lodge

Running, playing and bringing new people into PFS! I had a lot of fun playing my second online game as well.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Preston Hudson wrote:

Karol and team and wonderful job this weekend!! You guys were awesome especially under the circumstances you were under!!

I made my first PFS blog!!

Edit from previous post: That was supposed to be Karim. I did not realize that my original post was hit with autocorrect. I also the I made my first PFS blog was supposed to be I made it into my first PFS Blog. Oops.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Big time kudos to Karim and Co.!!

Dark Archive 1/5

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Being present in France during it all was surreal. Going out on friday, seeing the shooting at first and just think it was just something that happened and then getting worried messages from the UK about it all left a bit of a mixed feeling for all of us. During the night alot of stuff went down for the French in regards of the Venue but we pulled through.

I ended up playing 3 scenario's together with the swiss, Rob Silk and one of the Dutch GM's. We skipped the special due to the time constraint and the fact we did want to get back home after all of this.

Karim and Florent, thank you for pulling through all of this, and continue to make all of this happen for everyone. Those that opened their store, houses and the likes for the rest of us to play, thank you!

To the swiss, thank you for a memorable weekend and much fun during it all!

Edwin Wessels

4/5 5/5

Karim Majeri wrote:

Thank you Tonya for the support and the help, you and Dave were available everytime during the week end!

I have to mention that every thing was possible thanks to my beloved Lieutenants Simon and Florent. Plus we have a super crew composed of several VC ( Ben, Gerard, Rob) and VL (Gaël) plus Chris, Edwin, Damien, and Sebastiens.

Thank you also for the kind words and the messages of support sent by lots of people from oversea during the week end!

Wow, I suddenly made VC.... ;-)

On a more serious note:

Thanks to everyone who was there or offered their support online we still had a great weekend. Thank you all.


Liberty's Edge 2/5

For me you were Germany VC !!! :-D

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

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As someone going to one of the 60 conventions you processed, Thank you!

I'll be finishing up playing scions of the sky key this Thursday with my unchained summoner, just in time to go to Conquest Avalon and finish up Destiny of the sands with my gunslinger. Hopefully I will finally get in on a special this time.

Congrats to the crew in France for keeping things going in the face of adversity.

4/5 *

I'm glad everyone from Paris is safe and sound.

As for myself, it was nerve wracking gming for Tonya. I was nervous! But I did do it in the end and everyone had fun so it all worked out. Online gaming is so different than what I'm used to, but I branched out of my comfort zone so we will have to see in the future.

Congrats Preston on the charity success!!


I've already emailed them both, but I would just like to publicly thank Karim and Florent for organising, then reorganising, PaizoCon FR last weekend. I was one of the DMs who managed to get a group together for the Special on Sunday afternoon chez nous and it was indeed 'special'.

Six Players, ranging from 14 to 44, including those of British, French, American, German and Italian origin, all with shiny new 1st Level Core Campaign PCs and their new-to-PFS DM travelled back in time to take on the two challenges. We all throughly enjoyed the blend of combat and skill challenges (with the Players trying everything imaginable to obtain a Circumstance Bonus to beat the Skill Checks, and Guidance being cast often!) that took us through a face-paced race to the finish.

Karim, Florent, thanks again for the introduction to PFS and convention gaming, in spite of all that transpired.


Liberty's Edge 2/5

Thank you Jim

Now I'm waiting your summup to join my crew as LO ! ;-)

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Karim Majeri wrote:
For me you were Germany VC !!! :-D

I mean Netherland ! :D

Dark Archive 1/5

Karim Majeri wrote:
Karim Majeri wrote:
For me you were Germany VC !!! :-D
I mean Netherland ! :D

Comparing dutch ppl to germans... mhm... :P

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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It's like compare french to swiss... :P

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Francia

It's a compliment ^^

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Ross Tait wrote:

I'm glad everyone from Paris is safe and sound.

As for myself, it was nerve wracking gming for Tonya. I was nervous! But I did do it in the end and everyone had fun so it all worked out. Online gaming is so different than what I'm used to, but I branched out of my comfort zone so we will have to see in the future.

Congrats Preston on the charity success!!

Thanks Ross and congratulations again on the fifth star!! I think being able to run a game outside of your comfort zone regardless of who is at the table is a great quality a 5 star GM should have in PFS. Now you have inspired me to run one myself at some point.

Running Tonya's first attended event as OPC definitely had me nervous so I can almost relate on the nerves you were feeling during your 5th star game. I was extremely happy with how the event turned out which was why we're making it an annual event.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Benoit Gros wrote:
It's a compliment ^^


Thank you again Ben and Gael for supporting us since 2009!!!

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