Announcing the Gen Con 2015 Cosplay Contest Winner!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Every year we run a Pathfinder themed costume contest for Gen Con attendees! This year we saw loads of fantastic costumes, props, and more. We're happy to announce that our grand prize winner truly impressed us with her detailed interpretation of the iconic barbarian, Amiri. Congratulations goes to Torie!

Let's also give a shout out to our next two contestants, who will each be receiving a runner up prize: Absolut-Aegis as Sajan the iconic monk and Phea as Lini the iconic druid!

Thank you to everyone who voted and stopped by the Paizo booth at Gen Con! We can't wait to see you all next year!

Chris Lambertz
Community & Digital Content Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Contests Conventions Costume Gen Con

sweet the barbarian wins

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Congrats! Great costumes all the way around!

Congrats to all, it was a hard choice this year!

Good costumes on everyone, but the Amiri was pretty much exactly how I'd imagine her looking in the flesh as it were :)

Just a little off key question, has anyone ever seen a cosplayer cosplayin as Binwin Bronzebottom or Jim Darkmagic?

Grand Lodge

How do you redeem your prizes if you won?
We gave the paizo people my email for amiri's entry and haven't received an email or anything.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I knew who the winner would be as soon as I saw the photos, but I'm glad my pick managed to be a runner-up. :)

Dark Archive

Congratulations everyone!

Community & Digital Content Director

the masked bard wrote:

How do you redeem your prizes if you won?

We gave the paizo people my email for amiri's entry and haven't received an email or anything.

We'll be handling prizes when we're back in the office tomorrow :)

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