Occult Adventures Class Preview: The Medium

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Illustration by Ivan Troitsky

While all of the occult classes have some connection to strange otherworldly forces, the medium is the only one crazy enough to allow all sorts of spirits to enter his body and mind in order to share their strength, allowing the spirits to gain more and more influence over him in exchange for great power. The playtest medium's spirits were based on the cards of the Harrow deck. Since that meant 54 spirits, each with unique abilities, that proved far too lengthy to fit in Occult Adventures without cutting, so I've saved that work, and we're hoping to release it in some venue.

The medium in the final book, however, has a new theme and direction, bolstered by countless ideas from playtesters that didn't fit with the Harrowed medium but work great in the new paradigm. In the new approach, the medium's spirits are born from the Astral Plane, where the Astral stuff clings to tiny fragments of the souls of people that pass through it and blends them with the tales and thoughts of others about those people. Spirits of power thus arrive from one of six different sorts of legends, which share their names with mythic paths (archmage, champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal, and trickster). Within those categories, a medium might find countless spirits with slightly different abilities. For example, one trickster spirit might be able to help with sneaking and another with grifting. A rondelero duelist champion might be a master of the falcate, and a samurai champion might know how to use a katana. Because these six legends correspond strongly to party roles, this change allows the new medium an unparalleled ability to fill in whatever role you need that day. Going to a masquerade ball? Bring a trickster master of disguise. Party missing a cleric today? Bring a hierophant and literally add the divine spells you need to your spell list that day. Same with archmage for arcane spells. And while the medium is still sometimes a 4-level spellcaster, both the archmage and hierophant progress him up to a 6-level spellcaster!

The Harrowed medium built a special spell list solely from his spirits, but the new medium has his own spell lists, with some intriguing early-access options fitting of a 4-level spellcaster. Furthermore, he is the only 4-level spellcaster currently in the game that receives cantrips at all (and he gets them at 1st-level). This adds a lot of versatility to his options if he chooses a more martial sort of spirit, and it fits with the fact that he can temporarily gain 1st-level spells too, if he picks the archmage or the hierophant.

The medium could always use seances to bring spirits into himself and grant benefits to allies, and the new medium can still do that, but he also gained some special new types of seance that let him do things like trance at a location to learn of its tragic past or even channel a haunt into his body so his party can try to reason with it. The medium can now accept strange taboos from his spirit to gain extra benefits, causing him to act in unusual ways that befit the spirit's temperament. Lastly, the medium's astral ties allow him to perform other incredible feats, like at-will astral projection at 14th level!

But wait, you say, what about the archetypes? If the medium changed that much, how do the archetypes work? To make sure that the archetypes were an absolutely perfect fit for the medium, after the changes, I wrote them from scratch myself. And boy, some of them do some crazy and fun things! The kami medium (whose awesome art graces this blog) channels the spirits of kami instead of legends, losing all the Astral abilities for the ability to use strange ofuda and shikigami, and even gain a ward like a kami does. The reanimated medium is a medium in reverse: after dying, he borrows from his own potential future legends to come back and possess his own body, keeping himself alive. This unique state grants him a variety of benefits and unusual trade-offs. The relic channeler possesses particular relics of a select group of spirits, meaning she contacts the same ones each time. She gains object-based powers and receives extraordinary benefits in exchange for the lack of flexibility. The spirit dancer shakes the whole system of spirits on its head; instead of choosing a spirit each day and gaining its powers for the whole day, he selects a suite of spirits and spends rounds from a daily pool, allowing him to slip in and out of his suite of spirits with ease, in a strange and exhilarating dance. The storyteller is more obsessed with the stories and legends than she even is with the spirits themselves; they are a means to the end of discovering more about the tales of the past. She gains lesser benefits from her spirits in exchange for enhanced knowledge, story-based abilities, and some of the most powerful applications of bardic performance (like inspire courage). Also, she can send you into a story of her own making forever at 20th level, which is pretty nasty!

So however you enjoy letting strange spirits take your body for a test drive, Occult Adventures and the medium class have something right for you!

Mark Seifter

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Ivan Troitsky Mediums Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
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UnArcaneElection wrote:

In basic concept this reminds me of the D&D 3.5 Factotum . . . no idea if the implementation will be at all similar, though.

Really? I was thinking more of a binder vibe.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have so much nerd joy over this. My initial reaction to hearing that the 54 spirit version was not making it in was optimistic resignation. Plenty of other cool classes in the book, so Medium could be as bad or good as it wanted, and eventually we'd get to pick between the OA version and the Harrowed version. This has me genuinely excited for the OA Medium, and thrilled that we are getting another version on top of it!

All right… stuff I am excited about.

Flexibility! It will be nice to be able to switch between types of rogue and arcane caster. Heck, being able to get situational stuff like Remove Blindness on-demand is really nice. Also, it seems like a spontaneous arcane caster who can change spells without needing a spellbook- definitely a nice option to have around.

Kami Medium. Having watched Ghost Hunt with a good friend of mine, I'm very excited to have some shikigami magic. Kami aren't something I've seen used yet in any games, so it'll be cool to have a reason to bring them in.

The Reanimated Medium. First of all, the flavor is awesome. A spirit puppeteering its own body? Yes, thank you. I'm hoping to get some slightly re-flavored use out of this as a spirit possessing somebody. But the bit about switching over to that archetype upon dying is really inspired. In addition, it seems like a great choice for somebody who wants an undead-like character. (Excuse to use psychopomps as enemies? Even better!)

Relic Channeler Medium. I'm really glad to hear that the bonus is basically doubling. If I've got a specific character concept, it's awesome to get a big mechanical bonus for sticking with just one option. The fact that you still get to choose between your six types of spirit makes this seem like a great addition.

Spirit Dancer Medium. And on the other end, an option for those who want more flexibility! Seems like it might not work with everything very well (disguise stuff, for instance), but being able to switch between roles on the fly is really neat. This one might not be for me, but it does sound cool, and I want to check it out.

Storyteller Medium. Bardchetype! Oh man, this is great. Bardic performance is an awesome resource, and having some minor spirit abilities with it is great. A flexible Bard! I've got a few characters that would really work well with this, and I'm very pumped.

Cantrips! Yessss… I don't care if I have to Two-World Magic it, I'm getting Prestidigitation. It'd be nice for this to become a trend.

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this Mark, and I hope to have both versions of this class as soon as possible.


UnArcaneElection wrote:

In basic concept this reminds me of the D&D 3.5 Factotum . . . no idea if the implementation will be at all similar, though.

Its based on a check-less version of the 3.5 binder, from Tome of Magic.

That said, the binder is more about non-existential entities and heretical powers while the post-playtest medium seems to be more about the spirits of the dead / Astral Plane.

Out of curiosity, what is your favorite of the final Medium's spirits, Mark?

I'm curious if my possession immunity/resistance idea made it into the final.

Also, loving it. I can still play my avatar idea and the kami and reanimated archetypes sound fascinating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All of those archetypes sound rather enticing, especially the kami one. I wonder if we'll get certain, individual kami to channel, or a selection of kami abilities.

Also, add to the notion of tying the spirits into six paths is a good move, and less daunting.

Also a Medium who focuses on the dimension of dreams would be interesting.

This could be the most intriguing class ever. Hope you scheduled a mediumesque archetype for the shaman.

Milo v3 wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

In basic concept this reminds me of the D&D 3.5 Factotum . . . no idea if the implementation will be at all similar, though.

Really? I was thinking more of a binder vibe.

Factotum was the late D&D 3.5 do-a-bit-of-everything class, although from another post in between ours, it sounds like WotC came out with another do-a-bit-of-everything class and I missed it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Medium was always going to be my new favourite class; I was almost disheartened when I saw the spirits were going to be reduced, but it looks maybe even better than it did at the start! Really excited for the book!

I like hearing about those archetypes. Cool to see two archetypes with similar flavour to the playtest character I had; I'll have difficulty picking which to pick when/if I adapt it to the new medium.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

This is the class I was most excited about in the playtest -- and after this description I am even *more* excited about it.

It sounds like it does everything I could want from one who channels spirits.

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"

Maybe perhaps because of the critically and popularly received Onmyoji Base Class from Interjection Games that gets ofuda and omamori petitions and a powerful bound spirit shikigami companion.

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"

While ofuda are a shinto concept, and onmyodo was influenced by shinto, weren't onmyouji government employees, rather than regular traveling priests or monks or similar concepts? That might be a reason...

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pH unbalanced wrote:

This is the class I was most excited about in the playtest -- and after this description I am even *more* excited about it.

It sounds like it does everything I could want from one who channels spirits.

I'm optimistic, but withholding judgment until I see the book. I was quite attached to the harrowed medium concept. I loved the fiddly bits that everyone else was confused by. At the same time, pretty much everything Mark writes turns into gold in my eyes.

Dark Archive

Mark, you have created the archetypal character I have wanted to play forever. Thank you so much. The sprit channeling storyteller sounds like everything I've wanted from that idea and I am super excited to play it when this book comes out!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I NEED a Witch archetype that merges with the Medium.

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In the new approach, the medium's spirits are born from the Astral Plane, where the Astral stuff clings to tiny fragments of the souls of people that pass through it and blends them with the tales and thoughts of others about those people.
The relic channeler possesses particular relics of a select group of spirits, meaning she contacts the same ones each time. She gains object-based powers and receives extraordinary benefits in exchange for the lack of flexibility.

Did Incarnum just get revived here? If not in mechanics then at least in ... spirit?

(Crickets chirping)

But seriously, we have the heir-apparent of the 3.5 Warlock and a class combining the Binder and the Incarnate, on top of all the Psychic stuff. Again, I don't know how this will work out from a mechanics-standpoint, but as far as the fluff goes, this book looks like it's made of Win.

Very excited about this. Besides the Kineticist, I was most excited about the Medium, since I was big (like, big) into the Tome of Magic stuff in 3.5. I'm kind of bummed to see the Harrow flavor go, but hopefully an archetype with that stuff can get on my shelf soon! I am glad to hear it interacts more with spirits of the dead and stuff as the base class, even if I miss the "vestige" flavor, since that's probably more approachable for most players and for more concepts. That, and with it sounding like there'll be class abilities that work with haunts and stuff, the Medium's looking very cool.

I'm not too much of a psychic fan, but between the Kineticist being a sort of blaster base class and the Medium having a really cool design space and some great-sounding mechanics, I'm pretty much sold on Occult.

Great work!


QuidEst wrote:

I have so much nerd joy over this. My initial reaction to hearing that the 54 spirit version was not making it in was optimistic resignation. Plenty of other cool classes in the book, so Medium could be as bad or good as it wanted, and eventually we'd get to pick between the OA version and the Harrowed version. This has me genuinely excited for the OA Medium, and thrilled that we are getting another version on top of it!

All right… stuff I am excited about.

Flexibility! It will be nice to be able to switch between types of rogue and arcane caster. Heck, being able to get situational stuff like Remove Blindness on-demand is really nice. Also, it seems like a spontaneous arcane caster who can change spells without needing a spellbook- definitely a nice option to have around.

Kami Medium. Having watched Ghost Hunt with a good friend of mine, I'm very excited to have some shikigami magic. Kami aren't something I've seen used yet in any games, so it'll be cool to have a reason to bring them in.

The Reanimated Medium. First of all, the flavor is awesome. A spirit puppeteering its own body? Yes, thank you. I'm hoping to get some slightly re-flavored use out of this as a spirit possessing somebody. But the bit about switching over to that archetype upon dying is really inspired. In addition, it seems like a great choice for somebody who wants an undead-like character. (Excuse to use psychopomps as enemies? Even better!)

Relic Channeler Medium. I'm really glad to hear that the bonus is basically doubling. If I've got a specific character concept, it's awesome to get a big mechanical bonus for sticking with just one option. The fact that you still get to choose between your six types of spirit makes this seem like a great addition.

Spirit Dancer Medium. And on the other end, an option for those who want more flexibility! Seems like it might not work with everything very well (disguise stuff, for instance), but being able to switch between roles on the fly is really neat. This one might not be...

I am glad; you were among the top helpers in the medium playtest, with lots of ideas and love for the playtest medium, and for each of you guys, even though I like the new version a lot too, I knew you all would have different reasons for liking the playtest medium, so part of me was nervous and didn't want to let you down!


Ventnor wrote:
Out of curiosity, what is your favorite of the final Medium's spirits, Mark?

Since they sort of have whole legends of spirits now rather than a set list, it's harder to pick a favorite than it was for the Harrowed medium. I think the OA medium will be more likely to fluidly swap between legends as needed than the Harrowed medium, which would more usually have a few default loadouts with builds centered around those.


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The NPC wrote:

I'm curious if my possession immunity/resistance idea made it into the final.

Also, loving it. I can still play my avatar idea and the kami and reanimated archetypes sound fascinating.

It was a good idea. I ran with it; basically if your spirit gets more influence, it causes issues for you but also protects you more against possession by other things.


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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"

Because there's already an onmyouji archetype in the book; time to make an adventure where the two archetypes team up as a PC tag-team!

Mark Seifter wrote:
I am glad; you were among the top helpers in the medium playtest, with lots of ideas and love for the playtest medium, and for each of you guys, even though I like the new version a lot too, I knew you all would have different reasons for liking the playtest medium, so part of me was nervous and didn't want to let you down!

I had a blast with the playtest Medium. The Liar (plus a few other spirits) inspired a new character that I've grown quite fond of. Even if she doesn't fit the new Medium well, the Cult Leader Mesmerist looks like a perfect match! And now I get a new Medium class to inspire more characters.

As far as what the medium reminds me of with this preview; It reminds me of a third party class, Thunderscape's Thaumaturge. Mechanically it goes a different direction; It has all bad saves 1/2 BAB and a d6 hit die and gains BAB, saves, and HP depending on whatever legend it's channeling, but the theme is similar. Either way I wonder if the Vigilante's identity ability will be farmed out to the Medium in Ultimate Intrigue, that way you can transform into identities like a tokusatsu hero.

Scarab Sages

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I just want to name all the spirits Tank, so you can say "Tank, I need a pilot program for a griffon" and recreate scenes from the matrix.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A question: can the Medium actually *switch* casting types, i.e. archmage=arcane, hierophant=divine, and everything else=psychic; or am I misinterpreting the text? Even if not, the class still sounds intriguing.


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Ess wrote:
A question: can the Medium actually *switch* casting types, i.e. archmage=arcane, hierophant=divine, and everything else=psychic; or am I misinterpreting the text? Even if not, the class still sounds intriguing.

Not exactly. The psychic stuff is always psychic. Each archmage and hierophant spirit also brings some arcane and divine spells to the table. It's their spells and not yours, so you don't qualify for stuff with them, but it can be useful in a variety of ways!


I'm looking forward to this one :)

Mark Seifter wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"
Because there's already an onmyouji archetype in the book; time to make an adventure where the two archetypes team up as a PC tag-team!

One is a young gun who channels the spirits. The other is a veteran who also channels the spirits. Together they fight crime!

Mark Seifter wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Shikigami and ofuda... instead of "kami medium," why not call this archetype "onmyouji?"
Because there's already an onmyouji archetype in the book; time to make an adventure where the two archetypes team up as a PC tag-team!

Well played. :D

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I rejected the whole Occult playtest as a result of being overloaded with new classes after the ACG book.

Yet, those blog previews, and especially this one, have made me quite eager to get the OA book. Because they give me a boatload of inspiration for new characters I want to play.

Very well done, gentlemen.

Mark, this (mythic?) medium hits all the right flavor notes I want from a iconic medium.

I remeain, however, tantalized by the idea of seeing all 54 spirits and the possible interactions thereof. With 9 spirits for each ability score and 6 for each alignment I'm sure that the finished product will be a lot more accessible than the play test version and allow for tons of synergistic options. I wasn't sure from what I saw in the play test versions I was going to like the harrowed medium, but your meticulous work and commentary on your process for tuning the kineticist's math and flavor has earned my trust in your larger vision for the Harrowed Medium. Seeing the tip of the Harrowed Medium iceburg in the playtest leaves me wanting more.

From what I am hearing paizo doesn't have an appropriate format regarding page count for releasing the harrowed medium unless you can justify a hardcover for the harrow and similar elements. I was looking forward to the utility that using the 54 spirits on monster templates, archetypes, magic items, feats and other things would provide, as well I wanted to see magic items, spells to support the class, and maybe a race of outsiders based on the harrow spirits. Any chance you can convince the other folks at paizo to do a kickstarter for such a book to gauge interest? I'll back it for at least $10 to see the completed harrowed medium in pdf format early and get a pdf copy of the book ahead of release schedule.

What to call it though? Ultimate Augury? Ultimate Harrow? Ultimate Clairvoyance?

Ultimate Pacts or Psychics of Golarion/ the Inner Sea could work too.

Occultism of Golarion could include expanded setting specific stuff that couldn't fit into occult origins and occult realms, fit the harrowed medium, hint at what's to come and expand upon traditions from Vudra and Tian Xia.

Gah, I just really want to see those 54 spirits and the permutations thereof. Its hard knowing that the spirits exist fully ready for release but are trapped in the space between spaces due to page count.

Is there anything the paizo community can do to help free them? Hold a seance, erect/destroy an eldritch monolith, give more playtest results for the playtest harrowed medium?

54 spirits in one book, wow I wish I could get that many sorcerer bloodlines in one book;)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ultimate Options

A book containing a whole slew of new options for classes outside of the typical archetypes, more in class ability choices in sorcerer and bloodrager bloodlines, oracle mysteries, shaman spirits, and 54 Harrow Spirits for the medium, phantoms for the spiritualist, kineticist elemtents, psychic disciplines, and so much more.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ultimate 54.

With 54 variants for each class feature

And 54 new classes

And 54 archetypes for each class, including the new ones

Not to mention the 54 spells

As well as the 54 magic items

the 54 new companions

the 54 new familiars

the 54 new traits

the 54 new feats

the 54 new monsters

And much much more 54.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Because Pathfinder is 2 better than DC!

Studio 54;)

The Exchange

Haven't been on the boards for a bit, but my locals mentioned this to me. Looks awesome! Hoping to still see the harrow guy in the future of course, but I assume this version is going to have more going on from level to level. Also, for obvious reasons, excited to see you mention the haunt interaction. Haunts are super cool, and having a way to interact with them aside from just killing them makes me stoked. They often have really neat back stories that don't come out, so players are just "that was weird, oh well let's move on"

Honestly, most heartened by your willingness to listen to the playtest feedback. I know I can be a but heavy handed in my criticism, but I hope you felt it was helpful in some way, and not too much of a bummer


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Hangman Henry IX wrote:

Haven't been on the boards for a bit, but my locals mentioned this to me. Looks awesome! Hoping to still see the harrow guy in the future of course, but I assume this version is going to have more going on from level to level. Also, for obvious reasons, excited to see you mention the haunt interaction. Haunts are super cool, and having a way to interact with them aside from just killing them makes me stoked. They often have really neat back stories that don't come out, so players are just "that was weird, oh well let's move on"

Honestly, most heartened by your willingness to listen to the playtest feedback. I know I can be a but heavy handed in my criticism, but I hope you felt it was helpful in some way, and not too much of a bummer

Glad you're excited! It's true that you can be heavy-handed in your criticism, but it came from a desire to see the class get better and better, and you put a lot of energy into the playtest to help out, so in the end it was a big help. Honestly I've found that it's rare on the internet for someone to have the guts to basically admit that they were being heavy-handed before like you did early in the playtest, rather than doubling down as usual for messageboards. I can count those times on my hand, and I always remember each one (the first time I saw it on these boards I actually mentioned in my Welcome Mark Seifter thread, where I made a Monte Carlo algorithm to prove that 20 point buy is the average of rolling millions of characters, not 15, and presented it to the person claiming the other side, who happened to be a programmer, inspected my code, and admitted that he was convinced). I hope you don't mind, Henry, that I use you, and some of the great playtest data and analysis you generated through the medium playtest, as an example to other designers and developers of why it's important to look past the way someone says something at first, as sometimes we all roll low on Diplomacy, and how well we roll Diplomacy sometimes has nothing to do with how important the ideas are to us.

Verdant Wheel

After the rogue, this is my favorite paizo class.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm very curious to see how the class turned out now! The reanimated medium already has me thinking of Eric Draven too.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Seifter wrote:
Keep an eye on that kami medium from the picture. This may not be the last time you hear from him before all the blogs are said and done...and if you (you meaning you, the future person reading this, not Paladin of Baha-who) unravel my cryptic clue (impossible now, but maybe not in your strange future of a few weeks from now, dear reader), be sure to reply to this post!

I had almost forgotten about your post until I read Joe M's post comparing Yoon's background in the blog with that written on her pregen.

It is the Lvl 4 that mentions the traveler and his bat. A tian guy who can call upon kami :-)

The Medium is probably the best designed of the classes in the book by a significant margin. I might have made it a 6 caster rather than a 4, but overall its mechanics come off feeling cleaner and neater than most of the classes, which I can best describe as clunky.


The black raven wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Keep an eye on that kami medium from the picture. This may not be the last time you hear from him before all the blogs are said and done...and if you (you meaning you, the future person reading this, not Paladin of Baha-who) unravel my cryptic clue (impossible now, but maybe not in your strange future of a few weeks from now, dear reader), be sure to reply to this post!

I had almost forgotten about your post until I read Joe M's post comparing Yoon's background in the blog with that written on her pregen.

It is the Lvl 4 that mentions the traveler and his bat. A tian guy who can call upon kami :-)

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. ;)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Given that Archmage gives more spells per day but not spells known, wouldn't it be more accurate to say they can cast *some* fifth and sixth level spells than that they become sixth level casters?

Could be reader error on my post, but it sounds a little misleading. That said though this preview left me so excited and the Medium delivered. Hell this book gave me at least 15 new character ideas and do far I'm loving every page!


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Shadows_Of_Fall wrote:

Given that Archmage gives more spells per day but not spells known, wouldn't it be more accurate to say they can cast *some* fifth and sixth level spells than that they become sixth level casters?

Could be reader error on my post, but it sounds a little misleading. That said though this preview left me so excited and the Medium delivered. Hell this book gave me at least 15 new character ideas and do far I'm loving every page!

Sorry bout that! They do become 6th-level casters, although their spells known aren't the same as, say, the bards. But then, their spells known as 4th-level casters aren't the same as bloodragers, another 4th-level caster (they have knacks, and bloodragers have no known cantrips). Overall, they're a bit weird, but, I hope, still super cool! And don't get me started on the fun synergies of casting some of your early-access 4th-level caster stuff in the expanded 6th-level caster slots!

I'm really pumped to hear about how many ideas people are getting from this book, since it's my first "player option" sort of book I've had the pleasure to work on since joining the design team.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

That's true, and their options are insane. One character can do so much to fit where needed but at the same time gets both fun flaws to role play and good balance drawbacks. Some of the taboo options are gonna be killer (in both senses of the word). I had just meant that since the Archmage only gives one fifth and one sixth level spell, I had trouble considering them as progressing to 6 level casters.

I'm almost always group DM so I have a character backlog too large to count. This book isn't helping! We have the obligatory Kitsune Kami medium, at least five different Kineticists, the obligatory charismatic vampire blood kineticist, the focused relic and broad dancer mediums, the dashing Dhampir who charges into adventure, disgusted with his form only to realize upon death the joys of life and possess his own body, the wannabe Swashbuckler duelist who uses his psychic powers to achieve his dreams, the filthy commoner-looking Mesmerist who hides his intentions and identity from everyone even the party didn't know his true goals or loyalty and much much more.


Shadows_Of_Fall wrote:

That's true, and their options are insane. One character can do so much to fit where needed but at the same time gets both fun flaws to role play and good balance drawbacks. Some of the taboo options are gonna be killer (in both senses of the word). I had just meant that since the Archmage only gives one fifth and one sixth level spell, I had trouble considering them as progressing to 6 level casters.

I'm almost always group DM so I have a character backlog too large to count. This book isn't helping! We have the obligatory Kitsune Kami medium, at least five different Kineticists, the obligatory charismatic vampire blood kineticist, the focused relic and broad dancer mediums, the dashing Dhampir who charges into adventure, disgusted with his form only to realize upon death the joys of life and possess his own body, the wannabe Swashbuckler duelist who uses his psychic powers to achieve his dreams, the filthy commoner-looking Mesmerist who hides his intentions and identity from everyone even the party didn't know his true goals or loyalty and much much more.

Oh man, those sound super-cool! It was a joy to work on this book because of just how many amazingly fun and cool options I got a chance to help build, and how many games I know I'll be helping to experience cool and imaginative new concepts!

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