Small Conventions, Big Results

Monday, June 22, 2015

This time of year it’s easy for the Pathfinder Society team to focus so hard on the major conventions (all of the adventures for PaizoCon and Gen Con in particular) that we can lose sight of the smaller events. These might not have the same reach and exposure as the big names, but they’re all stronger in how they bring the community—both the players and the public—together. Venture-Captain Mike Bramnik of Bloomington, Indiana recently contacted me with an after-event report for the Convention of Stonekeep, which did exactly that. Let’s read it in his words.

Being the Venture-Captain for a Pathfinder Society lodge in a college town is usually quite predictable. You know what times of year to expect to run lots of introductory scenarios and quests, and when to plan for lulls in attendance. Something that you would never be able to foresee, however, is just how awesome and generous your lodge can turn out to be when given a challenge.

Our lodge here in Bloomington, Indiana boasts several current and former employees of a nonprofit facility called Stone Belt, as well as friends and family of clients who utilize the services. Stone Belt is a charitable organization dedicated to helping adults with physical and developmental disabilities. They provide a number of services from home care to employment services and even pass the charity on to others in need. When one of our local players who works in special education suggested teaming up with Stone Belt to have fun and give back to our local community, things came together in a really amazing way.

Preparing for Race for the Runecarved Key, presenting Ducky the Goblin to Lori (Stone Belt's Director of Development),
and a "thank you" card from several of Stone Belt's clients.

As a challenge to our players, many of who wanted to experience a local-level convention before "con season" got into high gear (culminating at Gen Con next month!), we decided to create an event with all of the "hardest" scenarios available—an event we called the "Convention at Stonekeep." We offered all three Ruins of Bonekeep adventures, every scenario with a hard mode option, and a few other scenarios with deadly reputations. In addition, we held a charity auction with prizes donated by several local GMs, Sean K. Reynolds, and two local businesses (Common Room Games and That's The Rub Massage Therapy Center), as well as having our lodge's aspiring authors create two new unofficial adventures using PFS rules—one for the Adventure Card Game and the other for the Roleplaying Game—partially integrated with each other as well.

Two tables for the ACG adventure (written by Michael Johnson and me) assembled on their ships to bravely escort the PCs for the RPG scenario to their destination: the center of the Eye of Abendego. Once there, three tables of level 7th-level pregenerated PCs faced "The All-Seeing Eye of Abendego," written by Alex Ducey, Joe Ducey, and Justin McNeely. The convention was a nice-sized event, with 17 tables of PFS in addition to the 5 charity tables and charity auction over 2.5 days—part of which was a live auction held during the middle of Race for the Runecarved Key right before the PCs for the Season 4 Special went to the auction themselves!

Thanks to the generosity of our players, we were able to purchase $800 of equipment for Stone Belt's Lifelong Learning program, including mobility scooters, a variety of headphones, jump ropes, bubble machines, and over 30 lbs of kinetic "moon sand"—in addition to a Paizo goblin plushie immediately named "Ducky!" by one of Stone Belt's clients! Overall, our event was a smashing success, and our lodge is now looking forward to partnering with Stone Belt and possibly other organizations like it on an annual basis so we can continue to share the fun of being part of the Pathfinder Society as well as give back to our community that has produced so many amazing and kind people who are part of our lodge!

Mike Bramnik
Venture-Captain—Bloomington, Indiana

Thank you Mike, Stone Belt, and the Bloomington lodge for your hard work!

John Compton

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Tags: Community Pathfinder Society

Always great to see people having fun playing Pathfinder. Also good to see it helping out people in a community. Though I have to wonder what was your kill rate if you were doing Pathfinder on Hard?


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Awesome work Mike! I wish I could have made it down for this. If you do manage to make it an annual event, I shall definitely try and work it into my schedule.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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Fantastic Mike!

Dark Archive

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David Neilson wrote:
Always great to see people having fun playing Pathfinder. Also good to see it helping out people in a community. Though I have to wonder what was your kill rate if you were doing Pathfinder on Hard?

We lost a couple characters to Mike while I was playing in his Waking Rune game. It came very close to a TPK.

I took the picture on the left with my phone.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I know of at least 5 character deaths in official games (one was my own) and at least a few in the All Seeing Eye of Abendego.

EDIT: Woops, forgot I was on my brother's account. This was written by Alex Ducey, aka Le Petite Mort.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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This is awesome! It'd be great to see the list of what was run.

Dark Archive

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Jack Amy wrote:
This is awesome! It'd be great to see the list of what was run.

Warhorn LINK

Silver Crusade 2/5

Huh was expecting the Playtest boon sheet. Nice read though.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Thanks DragoDorn for the link. Are the any details on the content for the Temple of Stonekeep session?

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Indiana—

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Very nice! I am glad the con went well. Hopefully I won't be in Wisconsin next year.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

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From my Bloomington to yours, Mike, that is amazing! I hope I can attend next year!

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

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Krawford was one of the deaths. (brought back again by Prestige!)


Thank you for allowing me to participate. It was a nice time.

Dark Archive

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Jack Amy wrote:
Thanks DragoDorn for the link. Are the any details on the content for the Temple of Stonekeep session?

It was the "The All-Seeing Eye of Abendego," written by Alex Ducey, Joe Ducey, and Justin McNeely that was mentioned in the blog. I played it with the Warpriest pregen. It was a deadly scenario. I'll let the writers of it fill in the other details.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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John - thank you for posting this to today's blog! Everyone here was really excited to see it!

"The All-Seeing Eye of Abendego" (Temple of Stonekeep) is going to be spruced up a little bit and then will be posted sometime between now and Gen Con - I know the authors are (rightfully) very proud of their work! I'll also post the "Seas of Stonekeep" ACG scenario at that time, since one of the encounters in the RPG session depends on the outcome of the ACG session!

I can't speak for the convention as a whole, but for me personally (not known for being an overly deadly GM), I had at least 1 PC death at every table I ran that weekend (most mitigated by Breath of Life, but at least 5 total that had to be raised after the scenario ended). I ran; The Waking Rune (almost TPK but they won), Bonekeep 2 (almost TPK and they teleported/ran), and Bonekeep 3 (almost TPK in Room 2 but they rallied back and won the whole thing with minutes to spare).

A big thank you needs to go out to Mark Stratton and Hillis Mallory for coming down from Indy to help us by GMing too!

If anyone wants to read more about Stone Belt and all the good that they do, their website is HERE.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Left Picture: Ben Planton, Alex Ducey, and James Jackson.

Center Picture: Mike Bramnik, Ducky, and Lori Garraghty.

Right Picture: Mike Bramnik, Barbara Homan, Nick Lenover, David Lesley, Jessica LeBeau, and two of Stone Belt's clients.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

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Good to see that people had fun and made a difference.


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I know I personally died at almost every table I played at. Good fun.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Joe Ducey wrote:

I know of at least 5 character deaths in official games (one was my own) and at least a few in the All Seeing Eye of Abendego.

EDIT: Woops, forgot I was on my brother's account. This was written by Alex Ducey, aka Le Petite Mort.

Wow, thought I was going crazy. I didn't die in any scenario (though I did have to run away from Bonekeep 2:( )and didn't remember posting.

As for all-seeing Eye, I'm probably releasing a draft version in the near future to a group of people, my brother and I still have some final edits we'd like to make, but between work, school (Ph.D.) and my pathfinder addiction I haven't gotten around to it. In case people are interested I give away some information.

The scenario is designed to be played by tables of 6 people playing level 7 pre-gens, it runs about 4-5hours. It is designed to be extremely deadly (with commensurate reward potential), it is not designed to be a PFS scenario so death doesn't kill a character. In the scenario you are asked to investigate the formation of the Eye of Abendego and the death of Aroden. You might even find some answers.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Everything about this convention is awesome! That's really cool that you were able to contribute to your local community like that, and the two original scenarios sound like a lot of fun.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Joe Ducey wrote:

As for all-seeing Eye, I'm probably releasing a draft version in the near future to a group of people, my brother and I still have some final edits we'd like to make, but between work, school (Ph.D.) and my pathfinder addiction I haven't gotten around to it. In case people are interested I give away some information.

The scenario is designed to be played by tables of 6 people playing level 7 pre-gens, it runs about 4-5hours. It is designed to be extremely deadly (with commensurate reward potential), it is not designed to be a PFS scenario so death doesn't kill a character. In the scenario you are asked to investigate the formation of the Eye of Abendego and the death of Aroden. You might even find some answers.

Cool, I look forward to reading it (and hopefully running it) when it's ready.


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Wow those two original scenarios sound GREAT! Imagine if we could do that for other cons/areas and the scenarios became PFS/PACG Legal.


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As a player at Stonekeep who was forced to run from Bonekeep 2 (lvl 3 playing up...yikes!) and who enjoyed a glorious death in the Eye of Abendego while investigating the death of Aroden, I can attest to the challenge the convention offered. The custom scenario is extremely well written, offering one of the best stories I've played.

Nowhere along the way did I ask myself, "What are we here to do?" or "Why is this important to my character and the Pathfinders?". The story is cohesive and the clues we gathered were well earned from increasingly deadly and challenging encounters. I too look forward to seeing this great adventure shared with the rest of the community.

A lot of hard work went into making this happen. Thanks again Mike and the writers Joe, Alex, and Justin, and thanks to you folks at Paizo and Commonroom Games for the generous donations. I'm looking forward to next year!

Grand Lodge 5/5

June Soler wrote:
Wow those two original scenarios sound GREAT! Imagine if we could do that for other cons/areas and the scenarios became PFS/PACG Legal.

I can say as written there is no chance of the RPG scenario being published, it's definitely not intended to be PFS legal or canon (sorry). The ACG scenario maybe could be with some changes (though it's pretty doubtful, iirc) That being said it could quite possibly be used for events like this one in the future. We have every intention of doing a final pass before GenCon and would be happy to share it.

Augustus Poe wrote:

As a player at Stonekeep who was forced to run from Bonekeep 2 (lvl 3 playing up...yikes!) and who enjoyed a glorious death in the Eye of Abendego while investigating the death of Aroden, I can attest to the challenge the convention offered. The custom scenario is extremely well written, offering one of the best stories I've played.

Nowhere along the way did I ask myself, "What are we here to do?" or "Why is this important to my character and the Pathfinders?". The story is cohesive and the clues we gathered were well earned from increasingly deadly and challenging encounters. I too look forward to seeing this great adventure shared with the rest of the community.

Thanks, I'm just glad people had fun.


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Well Done!
Nice work Convention of Stonekeep :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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Sounds like it was a lot of fun and its great hearing about events like this. :D Hope next year is as intense :D

Scarab Sages 3/5

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I know that Joe, Alex and I had a fantastic time writing "All Seeing Eye" and it was a wonderful experience seeing the looks on the player's faces as they went through and uncovered more and more of the story that we came up with. Frankly, I am consistently wowed by the generosity and amazing good will of the players and GMs (let's face it, they're the same group) of our lodge. And if this is something that we continue to do year over year then I am proud to keep running and writing as long as folk want to keep playing.

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