A Look at Obsidian's Adventure Card Game

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I have the distinct pleasure to be part of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game digital team at Obsidian Entertainment! We are progressing towards an initial release this year starting with the Rise of the Runelords Base Set.

As fans of the physical version of the game, we are having a lot of fun bringing it to life on iPads and Android tablets. In some cases, we highlight the game's hardcore RPG roots. I think character selection brings this to life.

When we played the card game, it was clear that most of the character powers were in some way analogous to class powers, feats and skills you'd find in the Core Rulebook. And in Kyra's case, her powers matched the domain powers Sarenrae gave her (Rebuke Death and Sun's Blessing).

For those of you studying this screenshot, the page also has toggles for pass-and-play and permanent death. Though I am sure that all of you play by the book and destroy characters when they die in the physical game and will continue that time honored tradition on the tablet, we are giving new players the option to play a more forgiving version of the game. That being said, there will likely be specific rewards or achievements for playing through the game as Selinker intended, but that's a topic for another day.

When we started working on the concept for this game, we knew that we had a lot of tools at our disposal to amplify the "adventure" part of the card game. To that end, we are including things like MAPS! I've always loved Pathfinder's beautifully rendered maps and we have a perfect opportunity to use them to help tell the story.

Most of the time, Location Cards are analogous to specific spots on a map, and we are trying to match the lore as closely as possible (the farmhouse pictured has since moved to the outskirts of town). When you go to Magnimar or Thistletop, you'll encounter new maps.

When you visit and explore one of these locations, enhanced versions of the location card art become the backdrop for your looting and fighting.

One handy technical flourishes can be seen at the top left corner. As you encounter cards, the numbers underneath the Card Types tick down.

Before, I sign out, I want to give big ups to the team members bringing this bad boy to life! Kevin, Andre, Lindsey, Stephanie and Kristian, y'all are making a great game!

Nathan Davis
Obsidian Entertainment

Previously, Harsk of Rise of the Runelords
Currently, Ranzak of Skull & Shackles

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Sovereign Court

Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but I think instances like that are so rare that I think it reaches the point where (as much as I hate to say this to anyone) I'd just say "Look, maybe the world of Pathfinder isn't for you".

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but I think instances like that are so rare that I think it reaches the point where (as much as I hate to say this to anyone) I'd just say "Look, maybe the world of Pathfinder isn't for you".

Well, with the actual card game, I just removed the B. of Asmodeus for their conscience' sake. The feature could be used for other removals, such as for those people that houserule Holy Candle to banish instead of bury - or pretty much any other reason.

Through the counsels of the angel Raphael, It is possible to render Asmodeus innocuous. By placing a fish's heart and liver on red-hot cinders, you produces a smoky vapor that causes the demon to flee to Egypt, where Raphael will bind him (Tobit 8:2-3).


Fixed that for ya

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Aazen wrote:
Hoping this has multiplayer. That was the only disappointing thing about Sentinels of the Multiverse.
Nathan Davis wrote:
For those of you studying this screenshot, the page also has toggles for pass-and-play and permanent death.
Looks like they are planning for multiplayer, though not necessarily multi-device. Pass-and-play doesn't mean there won't be an option for multiple devices though.

They have confirmed no online multiplayer, which I feel is a seriously bone-headed move.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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I believe they've said it probably won't include online multiplayer at launch, but I know they are very interested in that bringing that feature to the game if they can.

Looks nice. Can anyone recommend an iPad emulator for the PC? iPadian?

Honestly, if multiplayer is not there at launch, they may lose more than half of their target audience.

Would you rather the game be delayed another 9 months in order to get online multiplayer working?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My main interest is in having a really nice way to play with friends an ocean away. If it doesn't have that, I won't be buying it (and even if it did have it, I'm *really* curious as to what the price model will be for those of us who have already purchased the entire RotR card game).

That said, I don't blame them for wanting to go ahead and get something out there - sometimes the biggest part of getting something rolling is just to get something into customers' hands.

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Greyhawke115 wrote:
Honestly, if multiplayer is not there at launch, they may lose more than half of their target audience.

I disagree with this as I think a large part of the market plays physical for group and would use this happily in single player mode when you cant catch up with the group.

Cant wait for it to arrive

Grand Lodge

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Matsu Kurisu wrote:
Greyhawke115 wrote:
Honestly, if multiplayer is not there at launch, they may lose more than half of their target audience.

I disagree with this as I think a large part of the market plays physical for group and would use this happily in single player mode when you cant catch up with the group.

Cant wait for it to arrive

I have to agree with you. I think the solo player is more of the target audience. Sure, would be nice to have multiplayer support but I think that more solo players would be inclined to play on the iPad than set up the cards for one.

Most multiplayers are already in groups playing the game.

And as far as price model, I wouldn't expect ANY price break for those with the card sets already. Two separate products. That's like thinking there'd be a price break for the iPad version of Sentinels of the Multiverse or Ascension, which there isn't.

Scarab Sages

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What would be really awesome would be if they would do future playtests via this app to get more detailed feedback. I'm sure they could automatically gather stats like which cards are popular for which characters, which cards are never chosen by anyone at all, which base scenarios are particularly punishing, etc. They (and / or the testers) also wouldn't have to be concerned with the logistics of card printing and whatnot, and could modify card text / powers on the fly.

Grand Lodge

Calthaer wrote:
What would be really awesome would be if they would do future playtests via this app to get more detailed feedback. I'm sure they could automatically gather stats like which cards are popular for which characters, which cards are never chosen by anyone at all, which base scenarios are particularly punishing, etc. They (and / or the testers) also wouldn't have to be concerned with the logistics of card printing and whatnot, and could modify card text / powers on the fly.

The problem would be the overall mechanics of base set that changes. S&S has a lot of movement changes as well as loot. Wrath has mythic elements, corruption and redemption. Who knows what the next set will bring. I doubt that Obsidian would be "in front" of the curve to be able to implement play testing if the mechanics of the game changes from set to set. Plus what happens of those mechanics are changed and others implemented? Then you throw away programming? You need something a lot simpler to handle playtesting.

Pyrocat wrote:
Would you rather the game be delayed another 9 months in order to get online multiplayer working?

If its going to take them nine more months to account for multiplayer, then its more of an afterthought than something they have designed for from the beginning, which to me is not a good sign. I would hope that multiplayer was a design goal right from the beginning and the game's foundation is built with this in mind.

If I am being honest, I would rather wait the nine months either way. I want the single player experience, but I can play single player now. My biggest hurdle in playing this game is not single player, but in being able to get together with others to make this play happen. The best potential for this game is the ability to bring people together.

If they are not going to have multiplayer at the start, then I would rather give Paizo my money directly for pdf copies of the cards that I can upload into Table Top Simulator or other similar programs and be able to play with friends.

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Playing some board games asynchronously is problematic

In essence this is a cooperative game and the inability to talk about the game state with your friends while you do your turn is a major problem

I severely doubt I would use a multiplayer option if there was one, unless we could have a call open for all of us to play simultaneously

Which as a man in a relationship with job and children responsibilities I realize is a complete pipe dream :)

Having said that the ability to play a game by myself without all the shuffling...oh my that sounds worth a few $

Scarab Sages

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Plus what happens of those mechanics are changed and others implemented? Then you throw away programming? You need something a lot simpler to handle playtesting.

All of that is understood, but the fact remains that we still have the base scenarios of Wrath of the Righteous. Whether or not something simpler is "needed" would be a business decision that would weigh the cost of "thrown away" programming / prototyping with an estimate of how much an improved level of quality would increase sales.

Assuming, of course, that your implicit assumption is correct and the gameplay engine / back-end tools are not robust enough to allow entering card mechanics without the intervention of a programmer.

Grand Lodge

Well, a graphically interactive app like what I saw demo'd last year would not be an ideal platform for playtesting is all I'm saying. You'd want something simple that would handle the general mechanics of the game without being tied to all the special effects of an app like this. And if set mechanics needed to be adjusted then a lot less interaction with the interface would be a plus. But when locations are tied graphically to a map with transition scenes, etc. … you get the idea.

Developer, Obsidian Entertainment

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I thought I jump in here and say hello!

Vic has spoken true in all of comments on this thread. If you have any questions specifically about the digital version, feel free to direct them at the Obsidian forum.

Also if anyone missed it Pocket Tactics posted a quick update with screens.

In the next few months, we will begin beta testing. I'll make sure you all know how to sign up!

And a note about my avatar... We just started WotR and I am rocking Alain this go around (opposite to my S&S Ranzak). So I'm representin'.

Nathan Davis wrote:
In the next few months, we will begin beta testing. I'll make sure you all know how to sign up!

Good to know, thanks!

And btw, Alain rocks!

Sovereign Court

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Nathan Davis wrote:
In the next few months, we will begin beta testing. I'll make sure you all know how to sign up!


... erm... uhh... I mean, good to know. Thank you for your kindness and information sir.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Troymk1 wrote:
Having said that the ability to play a game by myself without all the shuffling...oh my that sounds worth a few $

That's actually something I find works counter-intuitively for me. If I have an electronic version of a game that'll handle all of the fiddly bits for me - which I admittedly find awesome - I'll always end up playing it like crazy for a few days, then get bored with it and drop it completely.

I guess that taking the time to slow down and shuffle ends up giving me more time to appreciate the entire game (e.g. reading story elements, glance through for particularly interesting monsters, etc). Sure, I don't get to play as much at one time, but I also don't burn out.

Dunno that that's a very common personality trait, though.

Melemkor wrote:
Troymk1 wrote:
Having said that the ability to play a game by myself without all the shuffling...oh my that sounds worth a few $

That's actually something I find works counter-intuitively for me. If I have an electronic version of a game that'll handle all of the fiddly bits for me - which I admittedly find awesome - I'll always end up playing it like crazy for a few days, then get bored with it and drop it completely.

I guess that taking the time to slow down and shuffle ends up giving me more time to appreciate the entire game (e.g. reading story elements, glance through for particularly interesting monsters, etc). Sure, I don't get to play as much at one time, but I also don't burn out.

Dunno that that's a very common personality trait, though.

I'm definitely in the opposite camp. My wife and I finally finished Hook Mountain Massacre on Monday night.. Yes.. we're only JUST getting around to AD4.. and I have S&S and WotR that we haven't even STARTED. Sigh.. .anyway.. We're playing Valeros and Merisiel and having a blast when we get a chance to play together.

I've wanted to Solo it for some time, but the thought of dismantling the Box to solo some different characters like Ezren, Harsk, or Seelah is just not appealing in the slightest to put it lightly. I'm going to relish being able to play it without setup time and without completely destroying the state of the box in our current game only to have to re-create the state when we do play again. The set up time already causes us to bypass some potential playing times as it's literally a 30 minute minumum affiar to pull it out, get everything set up, figure out where we start next.. in the case of AD4, add that to the box and sleeve all the cards as we're doing it along the way, set up the next scenario. etc..etc..

To cut all that out would definitely increase the amount we would actually play it. As is stands right now we never even bother unless we can dedicate several hours minimum.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
hfm wrote:
Melemkor wrote:
Troymk1 wrote:
Having said that the ability to play a game by myself without all the shuffling...oh my that sounds worth a few $

That's actually something I find works counter-intuitively for me. If I have an electronic version of a game that'll handle all of the fiddly bits for me - which I admittedly find awesome - I'll always end up playing it like crazy for a few days, then get bored with it and drop it completely.

I guess that taking the time to slow down and shuffle ends up giving me more time to appreciate the entire game (e.g. reading story elements, glance through for particularly interesting monsters, etc). Sure, I don't get to play as much at one time, but I also don't burn out.

Dunno that that's a very common personality trait, though.

I'm definitely in the opposite camp. My wife and I finally finished Hook Mountain Massacre on Monday night.. Yes.. we're only JUST getting around to AD4.. and I have S&S and WotR that we haven't even STARTED. Sigh.. .anyway.. We're playing Valeros and Merisiel and having a blast when we get a chance to play together.

I've wanted to Solo it for some time, but the thought of dismantling the Box to solo some different characters like Ezren, Harsk, or Seelah is just not appealing in the slightest to put it lightly. I'm going to relish being able to play it without setup time and without completely destroying the state of the box in our current game only to have to re-create the state when we do play again. The set up time already causes us to bypass some potential playing times as it's literally a 30 minute minumum affiar to pull it out, get everything set up, figure out where we start next.. in the case of AD4, add that to the box and sleeve all the cards as we're doing it along the way, set up the next scenario. etc..etc..

To cut all that out would definitely increase the amount we would actually play it. As is stands right now we never even bother unless we can dedicate several hours minimum.

On the bright side, when you and your wife finish Rise of the Runelords and move on to S&S or WotR, the RotR box will be available for your soloing pleasure :)

Well the only real downside I see is that there's less room to play with the rules when we think it's outright unfair/incorrect/poorly worded.

i.e. Elven Entanglement will suck again.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SkyeGuy wrote:

i.e. Elven Entanglement will suck again.

Who knows, the Devs may eratta that one. Chad did mention the possibility. (In general, not specifically for EE, but if they decide to change one thing in the B adventure I'd bet dollars to doughnuts it would be just adding the phrase "Defeating a Tangle Trap allows the character to attempt to close her location" to the scenario rules.)

Nathan Davis wrote:

I thought I jump in here and say hello!

Vic has spoken true in all of comments on this thread. If you have any questions specifically about the digital version, feel free to direct them at the Obsidian forum.

Also if anyone missed it Pocket Tactics posted a quick update with screens.

In the next few months, we will begin beta testing. I'll make sure you all know how to sign up!

And a note about my avatar... We just started WotR and I am rocking Alain this go around (opposite to my S&S Ranzak). So I'm representin'.

I don't think I've ever bookmarked a page so quickly before :)

Nathan, has minimum requirements been posted yet? The fact that Magic Duels has a requirement of an iPad Air minimum has me worried.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Still pumped for this, wish it would be available soon!

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29 March!!!

Source: http://pathfinder.obsidian.net/news/pathfinder-adventures-will-be-released- march-29th

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