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Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I do NOT understand Gronk's first ability. You may discard a card to roll a d10 instead of your Strength or Constitution die for any check.

So, if I am rolling a Divine check (which is included in *ANY* check) how do I use this? I can just use d10s or d12s for anything I want?

Or is it supposed to say "instead of your normal die for any Strength or Constitution check"?

It doesn't seem that unrealistic to be able to go back to a magical tower to summon a demon back from hell/wherever in the event of the demon's "death".

Just saying that *flavor-wise*, I see nothing against this. I probably wouldn't, personally.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I shoot my crossbow at you, loaded with... another crossbow. =)

You have to admit it would hurt. Someone.

Only the penitent man shall pass.

I believe the wife rolled a 78 or so with Merisel -- I can't remember the exact sequence of cards, but she pretty much maxed out every die [the statistician in me was astounded] -- and there was only two of us, so no 6+ blessings or anything.

Scripted wrote:
Its not like this can happen to you accidentally. If you close all the other locations before you go to the Chasm, well, that's your fault.

It can happen accidentally. I don't read every card I put into the decks. I like to be surprised.

Well the only real downside I see is that there's less room to play with the rules when we think it's outright unfair/incorrect/poorly worded.

i.e. Elven Entanglement will suck again.

A halfling and a halfling makes a wholeling.

This is nothing like Magic The Gathering. The cards aren't random.

Same here. Called last night it was like the shortest phone call ever.

Hi! Missing a promo card.
Order number?
OK - added to next shipment.


So apparently I wasn't the only one. =)

MightyJim wrote:
This was brought up elsewhere - as noted then, it's an idea I really like, and which I think would be good for the game if done well. However, the increased workload for the design team when play-testing would be astronomical.

I'm speaking as a game designer and a computer programmer here... This does not require as much testing as you think. You test one scenario normally, then you give a head nod to the "dumbed down" scenario rules directly thereafter. Should not need to be retested in its entirety.

Such as Elven Entanglement:

Hard: -- We all know the hard variant --
Easy: Roll 1d4 when encountering an Animal. On 1-2, encounter the animal as normal. On 3-4, return the animal to the box and instead summon and encounter Carnivorous Stump.

If the team is having a hard time coming up with a "baby steps" rule for each scenario, I'll start writing them up myself and publishing them in the home rules, because I have to do it almost every time for my wife. =)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe... just MAYBE mind you...

I've noticed a lot of the difficulty in WotR comes from the actual Adventure/Scenario cards --

Why doesn't Paizo consider a scaling difficulty adventure card? There's easy/medium/hard/nightmare for *many* other games, and punishing many casual players (and children) with rules that are tearing families apart seems cruel.

If "Side B" of these cards (I realize that can't happen currently cause of the way they're structured) provided at least a "rules suggestion" or alternative rules for the more casual players, that would be nice.

Because like many of the players here, I didn't get to pick the character I WANTED to play. I had to pick the "best" character to play.

And that's just no fun. I should be able to succeed (or at least come CLOSE) if I play well/careful/patiently no matter who it is. And I can't say that's true. There are good groups and there are bad groups.

Not to flog a dead horse here, but I would have to say I agree with all the comments (good and bad) on the forum.

However, please note the title of the thread is "Not Having Fun Yet".

I have a few tips for players who are finding it too difficult to make it through the scenarios and aren't having fun. Play it differently.

For example, the "Elven Entanglement" fiasco. Complete freakin disaster, we ran into animals left and right and it was a nightmare. Death abounded.

So, trial two, I made a rule that we'd let the dice decide - so we rolled a 1d6, 1-3 the rule applied, 4-6 it didn't. So instead of fighting the same guy over and over and over we got to mix it up a little.

This really helped out with my wife (who plays games for ENJOYMENT not for "fulfillment" or that big "Ahh - success" moment at the end), and would probably work well with children and such. Rolling dice is great.

I just want to say for the players out there -- don't feel constrained to follow every rule in the game if it's going to make you unhappy or leave you unhappy/unsatisfied. WotR seems to be heavily luck-based through the B scenarios, so its time you mix in a little luck of your own.

I agree, and also disagree with many comments on this thread.

A) I shouldn't *have* to try to sell off pieces of a game I don't want in order to get pieces of a game I do want. I'm not going to split hairs over this, but suffice it to say that there are extremely few games that force you to go to great lengths to get the things you want to play with - it's common courtesy. If I wanted random junk, I'd go buy random junk - this isn't Magic The Gathering with getting the right rares for my deck.

B) I don't think the price is right to say "Oh the miniatures are just bonus!" or "Oh the cards are just bonus!" You're paying the high price because of cards AND minis - you have to want both to buy this product. And I don't.

C) It isn't that hard for paizo to alter their strategy a bit for those who are completionists, but also aren't hoarders. I'm a completionist, but as stated by others, these promos included in the iconic heroes don't make or break the game. Charging me $90 for 18 promos is unreasonable. But if you want to sell me promo card bundles or charge me extra for them in my subscription with no miniatures, I'd consider paying $45. Now, I'm no mathematician (well - I sort of am) but I'd say $2.50 per card is a pretty reasonable take for Paizo, without opening up the whole third-party resale market who seem to think $10-$20 per promo is fair, which it isn't.

D) If I buy the iconic heroes, does anyone want to buy the minis off me? =(

What the heck, Paizo? I just found out about all the Promos I apparently have been missing out on.

1) I don't mean to complain... a lot... but why the heck do I have to buy Pathfinder Battles products - A GAME I DO NOT PLAY - (Iconic Heroes) in order to get Pathfinder ACG Cards? The last thing I want is a ton of miniatures I don't need cluttering up my house.

2) Why don't you sell these Promos as a pack, or include them in the subscription? I thought one of the guarantees of the subscription was to **get ALL the promos**. Here I am finding out there's like 18 promos I didn't even know about floating around. Feeling very jipped. $90 to get 18 cards and a bunch of miniatures I'll never use? Seems unreasonably high.

Mildly miffed.

Nevermind! Went through my spam e-mails (~300) and found that this ONE paizo shipping message went to my spam box instead of my normal one.

No idea why it got flagged.

But I have my tracking number now, it hasn't been delivered yet. Thanks!

Hello and good morning!

My account is currently sitting in the following state:

Package Tracking
Originally expected to ship in 1 to 7 business days
Item(s) have already shipped

1) It's UPS Ground, so I would expect a tracking number of some kind
2) It went immediately from "This item will ship Tuesday" to "It shipped". It's been "shipped" for 3 days now, and I'm unsure if that means it's LEFT your facility or it was supposed to have arrived already...

In any case, I'd love my tracking number so that I don't have to bother you! I feel like they used to be provided. The package number provided is 774917 if that helps.


Lol. Don't let your personal beef with Myfly ruin the idea for an awesome storage box, a unique character set, and Sajan dressed as santa.

If they only think they'll sell 250 of these, then print 250 and call it limited edition and stick a gold plated "### of 250" on the box lid. People eat that kind of crap up.

It's marketing gold - and I have a hard time seeing how you don't think it would turn a profit.

Lol I keep picturing Sajan dressed as bald Santa with a huge beard...

Theryon Stormrune said wrote:
Yeah, wouldn't see a specialized class deck storage box like that as a money maker.

Not to sound silly, but I don't imagine that everything a company makes has to be a "money maker". (Toyota Yaris?)

In this case, this is something that the community wants, and it wouldn't necessarily be disturbingly expensive to produce (it's an empty box) and could easily be sold for $9.99-$19.99 and would probably sell really well.

A VERY SMART COMPANY *HINT HINT* would offer an exclusive badass character deck to be sold with the box in order to up the ante a bit, and sell it for more like $24.99. This same smart company could offer it as a Holiday Gift Set, and all the iconic characters could be wearing ridiculous Pathfinder holiday garb on the box art.

Just throwing out ideas here. Anyone who thinks this is a bad idea perhaps hasn't thought it through entirely.

This may sound a little ridiculous and this thread is fairly old but...

How the heck are we doing all this exploring and uncovering treasure from on the ship? Do we take turns with long poles and binoculars digging through the sand on the islands? Are we taking turns sprinting off the ship, killing monsters, and returning to the ship?

Honestly, unless I'm moving the ship to a new location or it's a water-based location, it doesn't make any sense for **anyone** to be on the ship.

On the same token, I'd love to see a person "exploring" Shipwreck Graveyard or Raker Shoals without a ship. And shooting a longbow from Lonely Isle to Cannibal Isle while he's at it. Must be one of those 250 lbs English longbows.

Just fancying a bit of realism, I suppose!

Yes, Meliski is present at his/her own location.

I'm not as experienced as most of the players here but I'm going to have to say no. Nice try though lol. =)

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

In Skull and Shackles it has been changed to "which skill you're using." And it literally just means the name of the skill. Not the size of the physical die.

But the question with Damiel is whether they want the "Aid trick" to work. As originally written, it does. But the temporary FAQ update is still a bit ambigious as what constitutes "while playing". Does while playing mean that since Aid is played during "play cards and use powers that affect the check" he only has it for that tiny step and not for when he actually assembles the dice (which is the point at which the size of the physical dice actually matters)? Or does it mean that he has to while the card's affect are being applied? (i.e. Aid also tells him to add dice, so does he have the power while he's assembling dice?) Or does it mean he has it for the rest of the check after the moment he plays it?

That part has to be worked out still.

Well exactly. But if we're talking about from a roleplaying standpoint, it only makes sense.

Mr. Damiel, as amazing as he is, encounters a Frostbite spell carved into the stall door at the local Alehouse and says "You know what? I think I can make a potion out of that." While resolving his ablutions he requests divine Aid and takes a moment to piece together a rough formula. He finishes up (literally and figuratively) and although he learned the spell, it's just "meh". He casts it on the Bloodmoon Pirate in the next stall, and it's banished because it was an entirely forgettable experience.

SkyeGuy wrote:
pluvia33 wrote:
Seraph17 wrote:
Yes, I was hoping there was a way to get it for Acquiring, but after playing with him for awhile without that, he still seems pretty good if you balance your potions well, and maybe run him with a Caster to help him acquire good Support spells.
Indeed. There is also plunder to help you gain spells that would be rough to get otherwise.

Wait a second, he DOESN'T get it for acquiring??

I've been using "Aid" to give me the 1d6 bonus AND the fact that I now have Arcane/Divine temporarily while Aid is in play.

Is this incorrect??

Let me clarify::

Determine which die you’re using.
Determine the difficulty.
Play cards and use powers that affect the check (optional).
Assemble your dice.
Attempt the roll.
Take Damage if you fail a check to defeat a monster.

If I choose Arcane as my die. Difficulty is 8. Play Aid to add 1d6 (and modify my base arcane die to 1d10). Grab a 1d10, 1d6, add bonuses. Attempt roll. Etc.

Is "Determine which die you're using" supposed to imply the PHYSICAL die, or simply the check type? Until you've "Assembled your dice" I see no reason that the base die can't be modified. (No different than a stat stone!)

pluvia33 wrote:
Seraph17 wrote:
Yes, I was hoping there was a way to get it for Acquiring, but after playing with him for awhile without that, he still seems pretty good if you balance your potions well, and maybe run him with a Caster to help him acquire good Support spells.
Indeed. There is also plunder to help you gain spells that would be rough to get otherwise.

Wait a second, he DOESN'T get it for acquiring??

I've been using "Aid" to give me the 1d6 bonus AND the fact that I now have Arcane/Divine temporarily while Aid is in play.

Is this incorrect??

I wouldn't say my "average" combat check with Seltyiel is 22, I'd say an exceptional check is 22, but there's FAR LESS COMBAT in S&S than in RotR. Good old Selty can kick the crap out of monsters but is suffering with... almost everything else.

So the number sounds a little high, but otherwise, I agree that combat is easier, and I'd agree also it's the other stuff that's harder.

Yeah, I don't throw around stat stones willy nilly lol, but if in the back of my mind I'm worrying about an upcoming structural damage possibility, I might play it a little tighter, knowing it's the ONLY way (save blowing 2+ blessings) to repair my ship.

I'll just wait to see the OP scenarios before worrying about it, I suppose! But I'm still mildly disappointed I can't utilize a good deal of these characters very well in my regular S&S adventures at home with just my wifey. Seltyiel & Jirelle seem to work well together on the earlier adventures, despite many threads hating on the utility of Selty. =)

Can't wait for my Ranzak though!

Well that's kind of what I was wondering, then. If the OP scenarios are a little less "Bash the crap out of my ship" then it's probably okay. But offhand, I'm thinking that locations like - forgive me if this is incorrect - Raker Shoals would be nigh impossible from getting wrecked on. 1 structural damage every turn that you're there, on top of 1d4 structural damage upon closing? (Again, forgive me if that's the wrong Location card I'm thinking of)

Ouch. Without Jirelle, you take some pretty hefty damage to your characters if you dwell too long.

In any case, I am just crossing my fingers that the devs have planned this one out well, because that's the only real imbalance I've noted.

And I don't exactly want to hang onto my stat stone on the off chance I need it for a craft check. =/

Well of course it's *possible* to prevent your ship from wrecking, but on more than one occasion I've had it wreck rather than give up the advantages I have in my hand.

I'm not sure it's a valid argument to say "I'm NOT going to give these characters the ability to *fix* a broken ship because it's POSSIBLE to prevent it from being wrecked".

In certain circumstances, I'm willing to lose a plunder card vs. having to discard 4 cards just to keep my ship afloat. But it looks like I won't have any choice when I'm playing 92.9% of the characters they've provided.

I only see one cleric (Zarlova) and one fighter (Vika) in the Class decks that have any sort of Craft check... and to be honest neither is in my top ten favorites I've seen. Also, my wife and I tend to play characters that match our gender so as to not topple the game. (Otherwise I'd be stealing [RotR] Seoni for myself.)

Are the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild games going to be based off the Skulls & Shackles, or RotR quest lines? I have NO IDEA how we'd be able to keep our ship afloat with such a limited set of characters that can craft!

Plus... where are all my piratey abilities? I only see a couple that take Finesse into account, and I don't remember seeing anything with Swashbuckling.

Hello Sara Marie!

First post - just wanted to give you a heads up. Amidst all the waiting I've been doing recently, my credit card was stolen. My order still says "Pending" rather than any sort of info regarding shipping/etc. Old card has been canceled, new one has been added to Paizo, and I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't sit at "Pending" forever. A bunch of people may be in the same boat, I don't know, but I don't know if a transaction was attempted on the stolen card or not.

Please let me know if I need to fix anything on my end. I know you're busy with other stuff! Just really looking forward to game. Thanks!
