Secrets (and Setbacks) Revealed: Adventure Card Guild and Iconic Heroes Miniatures

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Greetings, Pathfinders.

Bad news, to me, is like mayonnaise—unpalatable on its own, but a mere unpleasant surprise when it sneaks into the middle of an otherwise delicious sandwich. So your mayo in this blog post can be found in the middle, surrounded by tasty fixins'.

Card Game Tuesdays

The card game team is excited to announce the beginning of the Tuesday card game blog series! Various members of the team will pop in here each week and give you the latest and greatest news and ramblings about new releases, Adventure Card Guild organized play, and whatever else we think you'd enjoy reading. This blog is the first in that series.

Adventure Card Guild Sneak Peek

Avast! Sharks sighted on the starboard bow! Something's stirred up a shoal of sharks. You've seen their fins swimming alongside your ship for days, and sharks are as patient as they are hungry. Could it be that someone else is swimming alongside them?

You'll find out in Scenario 1-2 of Season of the Shackles, The Lone Shark.


Put the Shark Island location card in the center of the table. Using the deck list from Shark Island, make a number of Shark Island stacks equal to the number of characters. Treat each of these stacks as a unique Shark Island location deck.

duunnn duunn... duuuun duunn...

Adventure Card Guild Launch Delayed

Unfortunately (and probably due to a sudden spike in shark attacks), the Class Decks required for Adventure Card Guild play will not be making it to your local retailer until next week. Season of the Shackles will launch next Wednesday, October 1st.

We're as disappointed as you are, but we strongly encourage you to stop by your friendly local game store this week so you can play On the Horizon, our new preview scenario. For this scenario, all that's needed is the Skull & Shackles base set, as the scenario's meant to be played with Skull & Shackles characters. Players will earn a free deck upgrade for their Adventure Card Guild character in the form of a mini-Chronicle sheet!

Iconic Heroes and the Adventure Card Game

Finally, to wash down the taste of that nasty mayo, I've got a spoiler from the upcoming line of WizKids' Iconic Heroes miniatures line and the associated promo cards for the card game. Behold Alahazra, prophet of the burning sands:

Fear my big pointy thing!

Weal? Woe? Those are for amateurs.

I have a bit of a thing for hats. Expect more hats.

Until next time,

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Society Season of the Shackles
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This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive.

Edenwaith wrote:
I don't see what the problem is. I love mayo on every sandwich on earth including banana, tomato, peanut butter, and to add it to things like pork'n'beans, chili, hotdogs, french fries, etc. so let's not bash mayo. You can bash on ketchup and mustard all you like. That's all I got to say about that.

Ever since I went to Belgium and had to choose from 25 different sauces for my fries from the truck, I have never used ketchup for fries again. The funny thing is I think it's more popular in the US than people think, I don't get any strange looks when I ask for a side of mayo anywhere. I do live in NYC, that might have something to do with it.

Frencois wrote:

Top ten list of why I would really like to meet Mike in person, although he lives some 8000 miles away from me.

I ran into Mike randomly at the D&D Launch party thing at GenCon. Instead of unloading the trove of stuff I had in my head I locked up like an idiot fanboy forgetting to grab my wife 5 feet away who also would have loved to meet him. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
hfm wrote:
I ran into Mike randomly at the D&D Launch party thing at GenCon. Instead of unloading the trove of stuff I had in my head I locked up like an idiot fanboy forgetting to grab my wife 5 feet away who also would have loved to meet him. :)

Given that I was simultaneously running to pick up PACG's ENnie Awards while my team was helping run the D&D launch party, I may have been a little less attentive than I could have been. Great to meet you, though, and best of wishes to your patient wife.

Mike Selinker wrote:
hfm wrote:
I ran into Mike randomly at the D&D Launch party thing at GenCon. Instead of unloading the trove of stuff I had in my head I locked up like an idiot fanboy forgetting to grab my wife 5 feet away who also would have loved to meet him. :)
Given that I was simultaneously running to pick up PACG's ENnie Awards while my team was helping run the D&D launch party, I may have been a little less attentive than I could have been. Great to meet you, though, and best of wishes to your patient wife.

It was all good sir! I was more worried about holding you up and annoying you than anything else. It was great to say hi since I missed you in the game room.

crasher wrote:
This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive.

I'm not a store owner but I also have unresponsiveness issue with my VC. I received a reply from the VL who told me he was only supporting PFRPG, not PACG. I was under the impression that VOs were supposed to handle all PFS events.

It's starting to look as DISorganized Play :-(

Grand Lodge

Karloch wrote:
crasher wrote:
This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive.

I'm not a store owner but I also have unresponsiveness issue with my VC. I received a reply from the VL who told me he was only supporting PFRPG, not PACG. I was under the impression that VOs were supposed to handle all PFS events.

It's starting to look as DISorganized Play :-(

Actually, since PFSACG is new, they are creating new VOs for this.


Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Karloch wrote:
crasher wrote:
This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive.

I'm not a store owner but I also have unresponsiveness issue with my VC. I received a reply from the VL who told me he was only supporting PFRPG, not PACG. I was under the impression that VOs were supposed to handle all PFS events.

It's starting to look as DISorganized Play :-(

Actually, since PFSACG is new, they are creating new VOs for this.

There are new dedicated VOs just for ACG play. In some areas, responsibilities will be handledby the regular VO crew.

In all cases, we are feeling our way as this type of guild play is a new thing and is not really analagous to PFS organizing. The release delays have jacked up the best laid plans and we are doing our best to roll with the punches.

Your local VO may not be very knowledgeable about the ACG yet or even have given it much thought. He or she could also be overwhelmed with 'real life' issues at the moment. That said, you can always contact Mike Brock if you dont have success with your local VO.

I expect that the entire VO team will have more to offer after the official launch once our pioneers blaze a trail.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
crasher wrote:
This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive.

In July, along with your regular Paizo product shipment from your distributor, you *should* have received a packet announcing the Adventure Card Guild telling you how to get involved...

...but whether you got it or not, the main thing to do is sign your store up on our Retailer Locator and make sure you check the box that asks if you're interested in Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play.

Vic gave some more info about the Iconic Heroes Sets and the cards that come with them over here. I'm posting the link to it here since this thread will appear in the card game forums and not everyone might have seen that post on the product page.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Vic gave some more info about the Iconic Heroes Sets and the cards that come with them over here.

Ha! Called it! For the most part. With the final rule the owner won't be able to get it back if she has banishes it for some reason, but I could see how making it that easy to get back could be abused.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wish I could get a subscription to just these sets without having to get the whole minis line. But oh well.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Tim Statler wrote:
I wish I could get a subscription to just these sets without having to get the whole minis line. But oh well.

Don't need a sub to the mini's line. If you sub to the Adventure Card Game Line then you get your discount on these specific minis too!

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