Karloch's page
Organized Play Member. 27 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.
Too bad, shipping is killing the deal for me :-(
Frencois wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: I'm hoping to get a chance to breathe in October or November and drive a bunch of errata decks and season sets to completion. OK this is totally unfair to resurrect that thread but I'm en evil cleric. I resurrect stuff in all unfairness :-)
Would it be possible to have faith that Vic was indeed meaning "October or November" 2017? So we could have errata decks coming for S&S and WotR for example (since the new FAQ are rare now on those two AD)?
Hi! It seems it won't be November 2017. Anybody knows if this will ever be released (or maybe it was but I've just missed it)?
Nathan Davis wrote: We, at Obsidian, issued the press release. So "soon" is this Fall! For both Android and IOS versions?
Thank you for the update!
Theryon Stormrune wrote: Also should be noted for home users that if you play at a dining room table with a nice finish, you probably don't want to roll these dice on it. Metal dice are not that gentle on table surfaces. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I'm not planning to buy any metal dices for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. Let's hope there will be a non-metallic alternative.
Keith Richmond wrote: Software schedules are a heck of a thing, and I think "Soon" is by far the smartest stance to take. If they're bold enough to repeat on August 20th that the release date is for 2015; I would assume they are pretty confident on the planning. Just my 2 cents.
Scribbling Rambler wrote: Except that several company reps told several people at Gen Con (including me) that they could not give a firmer date than "soon", and could not even narrow it down to a couple of quarters (I asked).
Considering we're almost finished the 3rd quarter, if they cannot narrow it down to a couple of quarters at this point, it's extremely unlikely to be this year.
I think you'll find this very enlightening

StrykerWolf wrote: Karloch wrote: Theryon Stormrune wrote: Myfly wrote: Release date is SOON.
Does it mean 2015 or 2016? They didn't say. Soon. Yes they did; here (Posted by Nathan 31 March 2015 - 08:12 AM)
So, unless a delay is officially announced, ETA is still 2015. Being a developer myself, you generally want to take what development says about release dates with a grain of salt. We all tend to think that our code will be perfect (or at least good enough) the first time, and also have a tendency to underestimate the amount of effort it takes to do something (We also have a tendency to downplay the severity of bugs in our code). Unless we get something official that says 2015, I wouldn't take a post by a developer as gospel truth, at least not on timelines. I would normally agree with you but you also need to consider:
- this is already a revised date (I read somewhere it was scheduled for early 2015 initially)
- this info is coming from the LEAD designer, which is probably one of the most knowledgeable person about the current status of this project.
I have my own doubts on the release date but nevertheless, this is the latest update mentionning an ETA that went public afaik.
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Theryon Stormrune wrote: Myfly wrote: Release date is SOON.
Does it mean 2015 or 2016? They didn't say. Soon. Yes they did; here (Posted by Nathan 31 March 2015 - 08:12 AM)
So, unless a delay is officially announced, ETA is still 2015.
Yoshua wrote: When I say I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with the dividers, i mean I comfortably fit 2 full decks sleeved with dividers.
I gave the second scenario because when I travel I like to take my dice and mini's. I own 5 of these boxes, 2 of them are for my 4 class decks and I use the other 3 for other cards.
2 Full decks comfortably with the dividers that come with the case fully sleeved.
http://paizo.com/products/btpy99mb?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Dual-Deck -Box
Sorry if I'm making you repeat the same thing again but, should we understand that the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Dual Deck Box can stored 2*109 sleeved cards?
This is quite a gap between 218 sleeved cards and the 180 sleeved cards indicated in the item description.
I wish to cancel my subscription to Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.
Thank you!
Borissimo wrote:
The game was announced almost 10 months ago. We were told it would be released in Q1 of this year. Then, total silence. No updates, no trailers, no preview videos, nothing. Q1 of 2015 came and went without a word. Obsidian finally broke the silence with a blog post in April filled primarily with information and even pictures recycled from the original (by then 8-month-old) Gen Con announcement.
And of course, in the 2 months since then, we've had more silence.
One of the developers (Nathan D.) confirmed here this will be out in 2015. Wait and see....
Diego Valdez wrote: Hello Karloch,
Thank you for letting me know. When I had looked the base set was not on the subscription. I have removed it from the order and you should be receiving an updated email confirmation. Take a look at that and let me know if any changes need to be made.
Hello Diegeo,
Base set is now removed but Shipping & Handling is $26.15 for only the Add-on Deck. Could you update and confirm the revised shipping & handling?
Thanks again!
Karloch wrote: Diego Valdez wrote: Hello Karloch,
You subscription is set to start with the Add-On Deck so the Base Set should not be sent out. When you get your authorization email in May make sure to take a look at it and let us know if anything needs to be changed. I'll check then. Thank you very much Diego! Hello,
Just received mail for my subscription (Order 3542216).
There is a problem with the order, the base set is listed!
Please cancel it immediately or even cancel the entire subscription if needed!
I only want to start with the Add-On Deck.
Thank you.
Diego Valdez wrote: Hello Karloch,
You subscription is set to start with the Add-On Deck so the Base Set should not be sent out. When you get your authorization email in May make sure to take a look at it and let us know if anything needs to be changed.
I'll check then. Thank you very much Diego!
I resubscribe to PACG by choosing to start with the Character Add-on deck. Now, when I looked at the Upcoming Subscription Shipments, I'm seeing the base set listed as expected to ship early May!
Could you check and confirm?
Many thanks!
EDITED: In the confirmation email received; only the Character Add-on deck is listed.
Please cancel my subscription so I can avoid the shipping fees to France for the new base set.
I'll probably resubscribe with the Character Add-on deck.
Many thanks,
On my bank record; charged on November 30th and received package December 13th (I'm in France).
Adv. 4 has been charged on December 9th so I should receive it right before Christmas! :-)
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zeroth_hour wrote: Yes, but you'll have to find an organizer and group that's replaying that scenario. Why?
He can play the missed scenarios solo, it's not mandatory to be with a group
Hawkmoon269 wrote: Mike has said both on the forums and on the recent Know Direction video that Holy Candle might have been too good. Thanks for the link Hawkmoon269.
After reading the thread (didn't look the video); I understand that multiple copies of holy candle could disrup the game. Not really sure that having a unique copy (could be gained as loot perhaps) would be too powerful. Again, I think this item usefulness is strongly depending of the number of players in the game.
The fact today is: many players don't wish to include a fifth or sixth character in the game. Why? How we can balance larger group? In RotR; I consider Holy candle is a good trade-off. In S&S; I'd rather split the table 2-3 or 3-3 rather than having a full table. My two cents.
I don't think Holy Candle was removed because it was too good. Based on my play experience; I found this item mostly useful when there are 3 or more characters in the game. But it could help large groups (5-6 players) instead of capping the number of players to 4 or talking about adding card into the blessing deck (as discussed in another thread in this section).
It needs to be an item (rather than a spell) included in the base set or in some class decks; I don't see why it should be only in one class deck.
EDIT: I think Holy Candle should be in the Character Add-on Deck! Isn't that what we need for more than 4 players.
Holy Candle in RotR was a great boon to provide a few additional turns. Why this item is no longer available in S&S and in the class decks?

Hawkmoon269 wrote: Not much help I can offer, but there is a French translation that was published of RotR. And from this forum on that translating company's website it looks like they want to also translate skull and shackles and the class decks and start organized play.
I do not know French (I'm relying on Google Translator) but you might be able to find some info there about if/when they still plan to release class decks and if there is anything more about organized play in France once the translations are available. I'd assume that having it available in French would greatly help organized play get started.
Thank you Hawkmoon for your reply. When I initially posted, I had a strong feeling that if somebody would answer me; it would be you!
I was aware of BBE, I'm still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post on their messageboards. I'll try again with them.
The last post on this topic is dated from August 7th and I'm a bit surprised to see that nothing has been posted since.
It's true that France is probably not a good market for games that are not translated in French (unlike Germany and Netherlands). I was assuming that, people who learned how to play RotR with the French edition would "jump" on S&S and OPs since it's quite easy to grasp the additional contents once you know how to play the game (imho). Then again, maybe PACG OPs will really start here once the class descks are released in french (that would be bad since it would be many months from now!)

Hello fellow Pathfinders,
I'm looking for a place to play PACG OP in Paris and wherever I checked I found nothing so far.
Of course I contacted my VL who told me he managed only PFRPG.
I contacted my VC thrice, on different email addresses to be sure he gets at least one message (including PM on Paizo.com); to no avail. I'm not really sure he's still performing VC duty for my area.
To make matters worse; the nearest PACG-VOs are located in London or Amsterdam!
I wrote to Mike Brock asking for assistance; if he can point out stores/people in my area where I could look for OP (maybe some LGS have registered and I'm not aware of). While I'm still waiting for his reply, I thought it wouldn't hurt to also send my request for help on the messageboards.
I'm considering going to some stores and talk with the staff about OP. I'm not really comfortable doing that since I have limited knowledge and time for OP but I'll do what I can to make things happen.
Thanks for anyone who can share tips about how I should proceed.
Vive Pathfinder! ;-)
crasher wrote: This whole adventure card guild thing is very frustrating to read about as a store owner. We still haven't heard anything about how to get involved and the local venture captain is unresponsive. I'm not a store owner but I also have unresponsiveness issue with my VC. I received a reply from the VL who told me he was only supporting PFRPG, not PACG. I was under the impression that VOs were supposed to handle all PFS events.
It's starting to look as DISorganized Play :-(
Cosmo wrote: Karloch wrote: May I get a status on this order, I would appreciate a lot!
Unfortunately it appears that one of the items on your order, that particular Chessex Mat, is no longer available. In order to get your order out to you, we will need to either replace that mat with one that is available or cancel the item altogether.
I apologize for the inconvenience and if you have any further questions, please let me know.
cos Hi,
Well, I'm disappointed to learn this item is not available (while it was when I order it else I wouldn't have been able to complete the order), since the price for an "regular" Chessex is almost the triple compare to an irregular one.
I'll go with the "Double-Sided Megamat with 1" Squares and 1" Hexes" at 35.98$ (Ouch!).
Could you confirm that the order is now OK and, eventually, ready to ship?
Thank you,
May I get a status on this order, I would appreciate a lot!