Guide 6.0 and Changes to Pathfinder Society Organized Play

Monday, August 11, 2014

With Gen Con just four days away, we wanted to release the new and improved Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play (version 6.0) today so everyone has an opportunity to review it and discuss it before Gen Con. With the help of the Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, we have added several much-needed changes that we think will improve your experiences in Pathfinder Society play.

Most notably, the following changes will go into effect on August 14 when Season six kicks off at Gen Con:

  • Removed aasimar and tielfing as legal race choices. Added kitsune, nagaji, and wayang as legal choices.
  • The nation-based factions have transitioned to ideal-based factions. These new factions borrow some traits from past factions and introduce several new traits. Those who already have faction traits no longer appearing in the Guide to Organized Play keep those traits, but they are no longer available as options for new characters. If you are currently playing in a online game (PbP, VTT, etc..), you may finish the game with your character in its current faction. After the game is complete, you should immediately transition to one of the newer factions, with the exception of Grand Lodge and Silver Crusade.
  • Updated the faction goals for season six.
  • Added a new section in Chapter Five for special rules pertaining to Season 6, including information about time-worn technology and glitches.
  • Updated the shirts available for free reolls, including the new ones that go on sale at Gen Con.
  • Updated the art throughout to reflect the theme of season six.

There are quite a few more changes from version 5.1 to 6.0 so make sure to brush up on it before the new season starts.

Additionally, we have released the update to Additional Resources, including all of July and August books. That means you are able to get a few days to decide what new class you want to build from the Advanced Class Guide.

Finally, the Quick Start Guide has been updated to reflect the color scheme of season six, as well as a few changes in the text to match what is listed in the Guide.

We look forward to seeing all of the awesome VOs, GMs, and players at Gen Con, and are looking forward to an even more awesome campaign in the upcoming Year of the Sky Key. We sincerely appreciate everyone who provided feedback for the changes to the Guide for working together to make our organized play campaign the best itcan be for the player base, GMs, coordinators, and Venture-Officers. Feel free to pull us aside at Gen Con to chat about any or all of the above changes.

Mike Brock and John Compton
Global Organized Play Coordinator and Developer

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Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Fromper wrote:
Drogon wrote:
A (quick and not very thorough) search yields no information on reporting sessions with the new factions. Will they be added to the list for reporting purposes soon? Or should we select their former version?
For now, I'm assuming that we continue using the old factions, and they'll be merged in. It's not like there's any other option, right?

We can wait.

If I choose a faction for a PC and report it, I cannot see that faction merging with the old one (in terms of reporting fame, or whatever might matter by having the faction selected). I will have to go in and change each one after the fact.

And I wouldn't be allowed to simply leave a Cheliax selection intact under the assumption that it really means Dark Archive. Too many players watch their personal pages like hawks and report every little discrepancy to my for fixing. For instance, right now I'm getting pestered by GMs who don't see their last games on their list because I haven't reported anything post-change.

But "killing off" the old ones on the list would likewise be bad; there are games out there that still need to be reported from before the change (play-by-post, or merely games from the 13th that the coordinator still has not found the time to simply sit down and report).

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Everyone should hold off reporting scenarios.

Many characters are not transitioning to the new evolution of their old Faction. I have at least 3 that aren't. Continuing to report them as being a member of their old Faction would be reporting false data. Likewise, reporting someone who's going to Liberty's Edge (for example) as Andoran would also be erroneous.

As soon as the new logos are updated everyone will have to rush to update their online profiles, too.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Part of me is just hoping that there was such a backlash against the new Factions, Season 6, the new symbols, and the like that they have reconsidered the whole thing.


Scarab Sages

I have 6 Fame and Prestige from my old Osirian faction and 5 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages. I've never spent any Prestige for anything.

Do I get to convert my Osirian Fame and Prestige to Scarab Sages? Would I have 11 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages now?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Varis Silverblade wrote:

I have 6 Fame and Prestige from my old Osirian faction and 5 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages. I've never spent any Prestige for anything.

Do I get to convert my Osirian Fame and Prestige to Scarab Sages? Would I have 11 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages now?

Yes, the two fame and prestige pools combine. Note that HeroLabs seems to be tracking them separately for some reason. But you can combine the two (since they are parent and descendent factions) for your total fame and prestige.

You also get one free faction change in season six with the right boon.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Doesn't everyone get a free Faction change, without a Boon?

Silver Crusade 2/5

DM Beckett wrote:
Doesn't everyone get a free Faction change, without a Boon?

Perhaps so. I was just remembering the chronicle sheet I received.


DesolateHarmony wrote:
DM Beckett wrote:
Doesn't everyone get a free Faction change, without a Boon?
Perhaps so. I was just remembering the chronicle sheet I received.

You get one free one for Season 6 only.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 *

DesolateHarmony wrote:
Varis Silverblade wrote:

I have 6 Fame and Prestige from my old Osirian faction and 5 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages. I've never spent any Prestige for anything.

Do I get to convert my Osirian Fame and Prestige to Scarab Sages? Would I have 11 Fame and Prestige with Scarab Sages now?

Yes, the two fame and prestige pools combine. Note that HeroLabs seems to be tracking them separately for some reason. But you can combine the two (since they are parent and descendent factions) for your total fame and prestige.

You also get one free faction change in season six with the right boon.

I think Herolabs themselves suggessted the workaround I use which is to create a faction change prestige journal entry

This is done by creating a prestige award for your new faction entitled faction change and then award your character the prestige of your old faction and spend the prestige required to change faction (zero for a free faction change) and any prestige spent in your old faction

Then your new faction should have all the right totals

Scarab Sages

Alright. Simple enough to switch Fame and Prestige in Hero Lab with a Journal entry.


You might have to delete the old factions in the Background tab if you want to buy faction-specific vanities. My Hero Lab kept looking up my Andoran PP total instead of Liberty's Edge when wanting to buy Eagle Knight vanity and saying I didn't have enough prestige.

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