On Completing 14 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Products in Two Weeks

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Illustration by Daryl Mandryk

Protip: That is insane, and don't ever do it. There. Don't say no one ever warned you.

But after sending the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Base Set, its Character Add-On Deck, the S&S Adventure Decks #2—6, and the first seven Class Decks to the printer, I have some observations that I'd like to share. I'll ask Tanis, Chad, and Gaby to go deeper into the details of each product in the coming months, but I'd like PACG fans to hear some more global thoughts from me.

First off, we're all in. This is an immense product line now, and we're going to do everything we can to keep it on your gaming table. We're deep in design of the third Adventure Path, and we're plotting out the fourth. Our job is to keep giving you reasons to keep playing, and we take that job very seriously.

That means not resting on our laurels. We don't want a carbon copy of Rise of the Runelords with some different chrome on top. Skull & Shackles will require you to strategize differently, to use skills and make checks differently, to build your decks differently, and to advance your character differently. Where Runelords had one scenario per adventure that was atypical in its format, S&S has quite a bit more. You won't see what's coming, and that's going to make it harder to win the game, and we hope you'll like that.

We also want you to see yourself differently. Instead of just our base 11 iconic characters, these products will get us up to 40 uniquely named characters—and even the new versions of familiar faces will play differently from those of Runelords. As of August, you'll have more than 100 role cards available. And there's a personality shift as well: As a general rule, our base 11 iconics are pretty nice people. Not all of our new characters are nice. Some are borderline nasty. We want you to be able to play whatever you want.

We're going to give those characters a lot to play. The weekly organized play scenarios will roll out starting in the summer, and the character/scenario combinatorics are off the charts. (Seriously, we made those charts, and we're off of them.) We care a whole lot about our friendly local gaming stores and game conventions, and want to bring our brand of entertainment to all those places. Wherever you're surrounded by gamers, we'll be there.

We're making more things people want for the game. There are more S&S promos, including our first and most insane promo character. Ultra Pro is making character mats, card sleeves, adventure mats, and cases for the serious PACG player, all of which have subscriber discounts. These definitely change the play experience in positive ways. There are more fun things in the works, but Vic would hit me with a gaffi stick if I said anything about them.

We're also making a commitment to a living rulebook. We've now got more than 1,500 uniquely named cards for the game (roughly equal to the first four years of Magic: The Gathering), and they all interact in fascinating ways. So that means the rulebook needs to handle everything the game throws at it. That means it's getting bigger, and is unlikely to get smaller any time soon. It'll be updated a few times a year, and each set's rulebook will supersede the previous set's rulebook, modulo any rules unique to that set (e.g., S&S's ships). We want everything to work with everything else, and so we'll stay on top of the forums and address any issues people come across, changing the rules as needed. If you make that kind of commitment to us, we're going to make a similar commitment to you.

So that's it. After almost 2,000 cards passed through my hands in less than a month, I can see the future of this game. If you like it as much as I do, it'll be very bright indeed.

Mike Selinker
Designer, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Tags: Daryl Mandryk Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles
Grand Lodge

Mike, first off, thank you for all the work you and your team have done on this product. I am very much looking forward to this release but I have a big question.

Is there a reason to get the Runelords base set? Will those cards be useful going forward?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So excited for all this PACG stuff. Can't wait to hear what AP3 will be. Thanks for all your dedication to this game and to us PACG team.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MattCaulder wrote:

Mike, first off, thank you for all the work you and your team have done on this product. I am very much looking forward to this release but I have a big question.

Is there a reason to get the Runelords base set? Will those cards be useful going forward?

Absolutely. All the Runelords cards are still good and usable. There will be some formatting and wording changes as of August, but everything still works the same. Intercompatability is incredibly important to us.

Plus, Runelords is a hell of a story.

Definitely worth it. You need something to do between now and august.

Nice! Now I wish I had somebody to play this with around here.

Grand Lodge

It plays wonderfully as a solo game as well. :)

Grand Lodge

Mike Selinker wrote:
MattCaulder wrote:

Mike, first off, thank you for all the work you and your team have done on this product. I am very much looking forward to this release but I have a big question.

Is there a reason to get the Runelords base set? Will those cards be useful going forward?

Absolutely. All the Runelords cards are still good and usable. There will be some formatting and wording changes as of August, but everything still works the same. Intercompatability is incredibly important to us.

Plus, Runelords is a hell of a story.

Agree, the story is great. I'm running it for a local group now and everyone is having a good time. And I'm glad to hear that they will still be useful. I'm also hoping that it's used in the organized play program.

Dark Archive

I'm excited for everything about this post. :D

Odd thing to bring up, though, in a gaffi stick...

Dark Archive

MattCaulder wrote:

Mike, first off, thank you for all the work you and your team have done on this product. I am very much looking forward to this release but I have a big question.

Is there a reason to get the Runelords base set? Will those cards be useful going forward?

Honestly, I can't wait to take some of the S&S characters through Runelords, so I would say certainly there is a reason.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

DaveFrahm wrote:
Odd thing to bring up, though, in a gaffi stick...

The key thing here is that Vic *owns* a gaffe stick. And everything else ever made for Star Wars.

Thanks for the thoughts, and thank you for a great game. I'm in. This is going to be so fun :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Looking forward to all of the great stuff! Thank for the great work.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Can't wait to hear what AP3 will be.

Perhaps a Hawaiian theme. Henchman will be replaced by Tiki-themed drinks and there will be exciting vehicles like the wheelbarrow to move you between locations. Close all the bars before the volcano explodes!

Have a good rest! The next game doesn't need to go to the printers for another 6 months.

When you say "new versions of familiar faces will play differently" does that mean there's some sort of progression for by beloved existing character or is it a case of a reset with just the name carrying over?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Peter Horoszowski 553 wrote:


When you say "new versions of familiar faces will play differently" does that mean there's some sort of progression for by beloved existing character or is it a case of a reset with just the name carrying over?

I mean "It's a new character with some differences and some similarities, including the name."

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

fantastic post, it's great to see the plans for the future of the game.

I was wondering about the "character decks". does that mean eache character add-on is a solo add-on instead of having a single pack with multiple characters?

is there going to be a release schedule or bonus cards for pre ordering them?

will there be room in the box if you own all of them?

or am i reading it wrong, and the character add on will be like the rune lord set?


edit: referencing the 40 unique characters comment

The Skull and Shackles Character Add-on deck will serve the same purpose as the Rise of the Runelords one, adding 4 characters to the 7 in the base set as well as enabling you to play 5 or 6 at a time (and probably containing some unique boons not in the base set).

The Class Decks also have 4 characters of the class the deck is named for (i.e. 4 Fighters in the Fighter Class Deck, 4 different Rogues in the Rogue Class Deck), but won't be part of any adventure path. Their primary purpose will be for organized play (see this post), but you can also use then to add more character choices to any adventure path. In addition to the character cards, tokens and role card (with two choices for each character) there will be boons that you will use to build your character deck during organized play.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

The Skull ands Shackles character add-on deck will be just like the Runelords one, adding 4 characters to the 7 in the base set as well as enabling you to play 5 or 6 at a time.

The class decks also have 4 characters of the class the deck is named for, but won't be part of any adventure path. Their primary purpose will be for organized play, but you can also use then to add more character choices to any adventure path.

thanks hawk

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

It makes me nervous to hear that so many products were completed in such a short period of time. Doesn't that increase the chances that there will be a significant number of rules that have to be clarified later?

I don't mean to be negative; I like the game a lot. My only complaint about the Rise of the Runelords game is that it seems like there were a lot of typos on the cards in the first set, and a lot of unclear rules that had to be clarified later.

John Warren wrote:

It makes me nervous to hear that so many products were completed in such a short period of time. Doesn't that increase the chances that there will be a significant number of rules that have to be clarified later?

I don't mean to be negative; I like the game a lot. My only complaint about the Rise of the Runelords game is that it seems like there were a lot of typos on the cards in the first set, and a lot of unclear rules that had to be clarified later.

Well, a few things.

1. They've increased the number of people involved in creating this (see Tanis) and editing it (see Brian). So there are more people to share the load.

2. Skull and Shackles has been in the works for a long, long time. It was playtested over the winter. So its been in "final stages" for a while now.

3. The class decks are only characters and boons. No banes, no scenarios, no locations. And some of the boons (maybe even a good percentage of them) are repeats from RotR or S&S, so a good portion of the testing on them was already done.

I think we'll be ok.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are these being printed in the US, or China? (Buying either way, just curious if the same company doing the current 2nd printings will be doing all of them from now on.)

They are US printing, so they will be the same as the 2nd printing of RotR.

I base that on the fact that this post and this post imply the same printer doing the second printing of RotR is doing S&S.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hawkmoon269 wrote:

They are US printing, so they will be the same as the 2nd printing of RotR.

I base that on the fact that this post and this post imply the same printer doing the second printing of RotR is doing S&S.

Awesome! Thanks, Hawkmoon!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

They are US printing, so they will be the same as the 2nd printing of RotR.

I base that on the fact that this post and this post imply the same printer doing the second printing of RotR is doing S&S.


Scarab Sages

I take it as a matter of course that Mike, Vic, and the crew are perpetually wearing sunglasses due to the incandescent nature of this game's future. Pics? Bonus points if the sunglasses are also worn at night...

Very much looking forward to hearing more details about the organized play system, as well as (hopefully!) the class decks and which characters will be included. The availability of so many characters and roles is mind-boggling, and expands the play experiences possible with PACG exponentially...can't wait to order all those class decks!

Grand Lodge PFO Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Exciting news! I am personally addicted to this game. I just bought it at Paizocon and I cannot get enough! My whole family loves it and surprisingly even my 15 year old (who thinks he is too cool for anything) played all the base scenarios with us! Fantastic game, fantastic story, fantastic art. I really love everything about it! I am super excited to get my play mat and order the case when it comes out! So thank you for such a great, fun and exciting time with my family!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer



That is all.

Im still in, looking forward to play the new game. Even more excited to be part of this community and very happy with the support and dedication you guys have for us. Thanks

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