
Monday, January 6, 2014

The first project I ever did for Pathfinder Society Organized Play as a volunteer—really the start of my career—was creating boons, and by the time Paizo hired me, I had written about 100 boons for the campaign. Booncraft lost little of its magic when I took on the role of developer, and I continue to use boon-writing as a way of enabling volunteers to contribute to the campaign and, perhaps as importantly, as a means of testing out new and aspiring authors. I've had numerous folks ask me what goes into writing a boon, what makes a good boon, and how one goes about getting me to publish a boon. Let me start with good qualities.

Balance: A boon must be mechanically balanced. This includes it being balanced on its own, balanced in terms of the campaign, and balanced with regard to other boon options on a Chronicle sheet. If a Chronicle sheet has two boon options that a player can choose from, and one is far superior to the other, something's not quite right. A boon could also be great for a home game but have troubling consequences for Pathfinder Society. Finally, a boon might just not be balanced in terms of the game's mechanics. Most boons end up being about as potent as a trait; some might have a one-time use or have a niche application, but there's at least a rough metric for what is appropriate. It's reasonable for a boon's power to be greater if it's awarded at a higher level, particularly at 12th level and beyond.

Flavor: A good boon typically has some flavor text describing why it grants the bonus that it does. This not only explains the intention of the boon, but it helps to chronicle what the character accomplished to earn it.

Integration (modules and Adventure Paths): When developing a boon for a sanctioned adventure such as a module, it's important that the boon actually tie into the core product. I would be quite confused if I acquired a pirate ship during Reign of Winter, and I would scratch my head at learning special ice magic during Skull & Shackles. Reverse them, though, and things make a lot of sense.

Innovation: Boons—particularly convention boons—present a special opportunity because they are not print products and often have a limited time in which they're available. That means it's possible to experiment with new mechanics in ways that might not be appropriate for a new hardcover book. If the boon ends up being too potent or a poor fit for any other reason, the limited number of those boons will gradually disappear as those characters gain levels and become Seekers. If the mechanic is particularly interesting, word gets around, and other developers begin saying, "Hey, that's pretty cool!" It's only a matter of time before we might see it in a book or returning to a convention near you.

Wow Factor: I love boons that make players' eyes go wide with excitement, even when the mechanical bonus might not be very potent. It's usually obvious whether or not a boon has wow factor within a minute of handing out Chronicle sheets.

Narrative Potential (optional): Boons can provide a fun story-telling hook. This is the case for Missing Mentor, which sends the PC looking for a lost teacher over the course of five scenarios. The boon may only take 30 seconds to use each scenario for a fairly minor bonus, but the flavor of the boon makes the player think, "huh, who did teach my character how to be so awesome?"

A few of my most active boon-crafting volunteers have given me permission to share an earlier draft or two of their work to illustrate how a boon evolves from idea to draft to development to distribution. Keep an eye out for these in the coming weeks as well as a few sanctioning projects that are coming down the pipeline. In the meantime, what qualities in a boon make you excited? Using spoilers (at least for boons found in scenarios), are there any boons that really exemplify what a boon should do?

John Compton

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Sovereign Court 4/5

I really like boons that don't always have relevance with every build. One that comes to mind is the Prosperity boon. Not everyone is going to have a Day Job roll so high as to make use of it. But it's still a nice thing to have for those who can.

Additionally, I like the little boons as much as the big ones. Get a +1 to this check or treat it as a class skill or get this appropriate language for free. It adds flavour more than anything else. Such as answering the question why the hell this elf knows Shoanti?

That's just my take in a nutshell.

Lantern Lodge 5/5 *

I do like that a boon is at least valid for most classes and offer options to make it so such as


Thornkeep Level 1: Accursed Halls

as compared to ones that too specific without any alternatives like


The boon for completing the Quest for Perfection trilogy. Awesome for the 3-4 classes that can typically use it, but there's nothing in return if you do not have the class feature that makes the boon really cool.

My opinion anyway.


When done right boons can be constant remiders of the most memorable aspects of a scenario. Players looking to weave a little more RP into their characters can use this approach.

The guidance and suggestions above will hopefully bring about future improvements in the boons offered.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I look forward to seeing how a boon transitions from idea to paper.

I have tons of ideas for coming up with boons, mostly because I offer my own version of them to players in my home games. Would be awesome if I could flood someone's email with them.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I like the boons that I got from...

The Waking Rune.
One of them was a menu-option thing, and the other is a special option for a new PC.

The reason I like them is that it's a real reward no matter what PC played the adventure. When the boon is something that most PCs can't utilize (either because it requires a specific class feature, or gives a bonus to something not every can meaningfully attempt), the chronicle pretty much says "We're so impressed that you accomplished X, that we're giving a special reward to each of you one or two of you at random!"

The spoiler'd example above is a great example of how to dodge that pitfall in two different ways.

Now, this is only for the fairly significant boons. Little "+1 to Diplomacy versus a narrow category of people" type things don't feel like as much of a loss when you "miss" them, but things like improvements to class features or whole new options—especially when framed as the fruits/rewards of a great accomplishment—really leave a sour taste when the PC can't make use of them.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Sometimes the boons are a weee bit too specific.. like a bonus to one or two skills against one specific nation/group that you rarely ever get to see.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Like June, I like boons that can bring back memories and get me talking about previous adventures to my fellow PCs. That usually comes in the form of opening up new options, and letting me do things that I couldn't before, rather than offering a flat bonus."

For instance, when I make my save against a poison, I'm not going to excitedly tell my party members "Hey, hey! You know how I managed to resist that poison? Let me tell you about this one time in Ravenmoor..."

But when my Oracle comes riding up on her Axe Beak, that might start a conversation.
"What in the world are you riding?"
"Six men came to kill me one time. The best of 'em rode this."

And please, no more boons that only work in one city, or against one obscure organization. It's rare enough to find another scenario that takes me there, let alone one that I will/can play with the same character, and MAYBE have a need to make that one specific skill check.

Scarab Sages 4/5

The Reign of Winter boons are really nice and I have enjoyed the Shattered Star ones as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Carrion Crown and Wardens of the Reborn Forge chronicle sheets look like.*

*shameless plea to get these chronicles sooner rather than later :)


In my Reign of Winter game my players have enjoyed some of the boons I've created for them. For example, one of their favorites was:

Distant Tongues: When you put a rank into Linguistics you may leave the new language slot open and choose a language later. This allows you to learn another language instantly at any time you wish, but in a broken form (e.g. "Broken Varisian" or "Broken Sylvan"). Broken forms of a language allow you to read and converse normally but impose a -2 on Cha based checks when using that language and a -2 penalty on any Linguistics or Int-based skill involving that language.

Another of their favorites was from book 1 of Reign of Winter where you fight lights of Tiny and Diminutive sized fey. The oracle kept collecting their weapons because she thought they were cute so I gave her:

Tiny Hands: You take no penalties for using weapons that inappropriately sized as too small for you.

They also really liked:

Literal dungeon crawler: You take half of the normal squeezing penalties, as you have become accustomed to literally crawling around in tight dungeons.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Gotta agree that the boons I like best are the ones that have the most flavor. I do have the Missing Mentor boon, which actually required a little work. And, after that "work" still has a choice of tangible benefits!

Also, little trinkets that can be used for "friendship" with certain (somewhat obscure, but RP relevant) race/nationality are cool, and something to talk about.

"Max the Axe, how is it that you have such as rapport with Gillman?"

"Oh, I earned their trust years ago, when I saved their village from the shark swarm! They gave me this brooch made from a petrified tooth to show other gillmen that I am forever a friend of the gillmen!"


Some of the recent boons that don't trigger until a future scenario is played are also kind of cool... but it can be hard to find that perfect 250gp item (just the wrong value, you know!)

2/5 *

I like the following boons that I've received in the past:

1) Boons that offer one shot spells or abilities (like "Night March of Kalkamedes", "Crypt of the Everflame", the boons from Gencon specials, or some of the holiday boons).

2) Boons that offers a static modifier to a skill or ability. Example, "The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet".

3) Powerful circumstantial modifiers: I love the following boon (even if I haven't been able to use it in 4 levels) "The Rats of Round Mountain Part 2". Some of the season 4 scenarios involving Krune runes could also be placed into this category.

4) Special Items: Special items are great but they come with two caveats. First, they should be slightly cheaper to purchase compared to normal (this might be a nice perk in general if you find an item in a scenario, -10% cost). Second, they should be useful.

Quest for Perfection example/rant:

For example, the braid in "Quest for Perfection Part 3" should have been useful, but unfortunately the item uses the neck slot which is a must-have slot for unarmed monks (Amulet of Mighty Fists), so it can't be used. Also it's not cheap. In addition, some abilities overlap (and don't stack) with Monk's Robes. So I liked what PFS was trying to do in theory, in practice the item was a tease and was annoying because it couldn't be used. I'd rather they made it use a different slot or if all else failed, make it slotless and a weaker and cheaper item.

5) Race boons. Everyone loves them.

6) Class boons. I saw a boon that provided the ability for a player to use the prestige class Assassin at gencon (charity auction only). And then there was the goblin boon at Gencon for completing . Players LOVE these boons.

Static bonuses for skills in certain circumstances are nice filler, but most players won't remember them, and the bonuses aren't large enough to matter. Example, +2 Intimidate in Riddleport, or +2 Sense Motive against former Pathfinders. They do add a good story though, for players that care about that kind of thing. It might be better to have a one time skill bonus, but make it large (+6?).

I personally found the boons that you earned with chips at Gencon this year to be completely underwhelming. Some of those boons were identical to a boon I earned in a chronicle in season 5, however the Gencon boon only gave the boon after paying a huge amount of gold or prestige. In other words, not useful.

Regarding the security of boons, if you're going to have special or powerful boons, you need to at least put some minimal effort into their security. For example, using a colored pen to "sign" them.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Jason S wrote:
Regarding the security of boons, if you're going to have special or powerful boons, you need to at least put some minimal effort into their security. For example, using a colored pen to "sign" them.

For auction boons, the goblin boons, etc... I have used silver or gold metallic ink, as well as a one of a kind raised seal (similar to a notary seal) with the symbol of the open road. Any of those Chronicles should also have a sentence at the bottom that advises, "This boon is only legal if it contains a raised seal". Generally the bottom of each special boon has three stamps on them. Just out of curiosity, Have you seen any boons that made you suspicious?


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David Higaki wrote:

I do like that a boon is at least valid for most classes and offer options to make it so such as

** spoiler omitted **

as compared to ones that too specific without any alternatives like
** spoiler omitted **

My opinion anyway.

Anyone else find it amusing that Black Powder Chocobo doesn't like the QFP Boon? :-)


Should every boon be a good option for every character?


Kyle Baird wrote:
Should every boon be a good option for every character?

An interesting question, Kyle. One that then also begs the opposite: Should every boon NOT be a good option for every (or even most) character(s)?

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

Kyle Baird wrote:
Should every boon be a good option for every character?

In my opinion no.

It makes the game more interesting when someone can pull out a boon and proclaim "Witch Doctor Hooblah Kooblah taught me a trick for finding food in the Jungle, just rip the bark off that fallen tree! We're having Grub Stew tonight!"

If everyone gets equal use out of a boon no matter the circumstances we should just give up writing boons and just put a "Player gets a +<insert numerical value> <insert bonus type> on any <insert type of dice> roll."

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Should every boon be a good option for every character?

No, but boons that are very cool but useless to the character that earned them are quite disappointing for players.

In my ongoing attempt not to spoil what's on chronicles, I'll just say that I think that recent chronicles boons are far less likely to be useful only to 20% or less of the characters. In particular I'm thinking of one scenario where you could (potentially) get a single use of a spell-like ability. The great part was that you could choose that one use from among four different SLAs, making it useful for almost any class or build.

I very much enjoyed the flavor of this year's GenCon boons. The tie-ins to the Mendevian Crusade were appreciated. But I still demand (jokingly) that one line be added to the Mounted Tradition boon - my Wayang cavalier really wants to ride a Shadow Mastiff!

Some of the best role-playing and character development comes from those "piddly" +2 to a skill check in very limited circumstances. I won't forget picking up a boon like that from a season 0 scenario that looked like it would never get used. Then I actually ended up in the one place that boon was useful. The opportunities to talk to NPCs about the great things I had done to earn that boon were awesome and amusing.

Of course then things went south and Mike Brock ended up crossing that boon off my earlier chronicle...

I would like to see some of the previous years' convention boons rotated back in. There are quite a few players who would never spend their precious Prestige Points on vanities but gladly hired a follower who really helped flesh out their character with the Free Vanity. A very simple boon that was still a very much "oh wow" (and perfectly in line with the ideal potency mentioned above) was the Additional Trait boon. The flavor could use some upgrading though.

2/5 *

Sorry, I forgot to say something. I think the boons in general have been great, especially in season 4.

And... goblins aren't a class. :) But opening up restricted classes with a boon would be something that would be very desirable.

Michael Brock wrote:
Just out of curiosity, Have you seen any boons that made you suspicious?

No, I just noticed this year that all of the (regular) Gencon boons were photocopies and that metallic ink wasn't used on any of them, unlike prior years.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
Just out of curiosity, Have you seen any boons that made you suspicious?

I was a little skeptical about this one at first, but the footnote put my mind at ease.



The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

is there somewhere to submit boon ideas? should one maybe have a suggestion for one?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Kyle Baird wrote:
Should every boon be a good option for every character?

No, but it'd be nice if—in the cases where's it's both a "big" boon* and not usable by every PC—the boon could be applied to a different/new PC.**

Like Gamin the Misforged, the Axebeak companion, etc. Not the little stuff.

Much like the Thassilonian Magic thing from Waking Rune. Can you imagine if, instead of unlocking it for a new PC, it applied retroactively to the PC who earned it if they just happened to be a specialist wizard, and anyone else was just out of luck? That's how things like Gamin and the axebeak feel right now, but if they were handled like Thassilonian Magic (or even an option to go one way or the other), that'd be awesome. :D


I've found the Season 5 boons to be overly complicated. 5 paragraphs of text at the end of a scenario, plus the meta-game faction-specific nature of most of them has me pretty much ignoring them at this point.

I loved these:

Waking Rune
Rats of Round Mountain II (regardless of how I feel about the series in general)
"Ammo" Season 5 convention boon. (especially considering I already thought you could buy them in groups of 20, since that is how they are sold).
Other little ones, but can't recall them to mind.

I don't care for:

Boons for specific NPCs - way too specific. Regions okay.
Boons for bonuses with organizations my character despises - "The Disappeared"

Jason S wrote:
5) Race boons. Everyone loves to burn them.

Fixed that...

Lantern Lodge 5/5 *

Kyle Baird wrote:
David Higaki wrote:

I do like that a boon is at least valid for most classes and offer options to make it so such as

** spoiler omitted **

as compared to ones that too specific without any alternatives like
** spoiler omitted **

My opinion anyway.

Anyone else find it amusing that Black Powder Chocobo doesn't like the QFP Boon? :-)


*cough* I actually have it on a gnome oracle of nature *cough*.

I do think it's pretty cool, but if I wasn't GM'ing that series, there's a fair chance I wouldn't have been able to use it appropriately, if at all. To answer your following question, I do not believe that every boon needs to be applicable to everyone one. However, I do think that a fairly limited or restricted boon should then be supplemented with some other boon, even if it isn't as cool as the restricted boon. A good example would be how the faction finale boons were handled (so even if you weren't part of X faction, you could still get a different boon).

Reason for QfP gripe:

The reason why QfP stands out is that the finale sheet only has 2 things on it: the boon and the Braid.

While technically anyone could pick up the Braid and use it and it's pretty cool to have such a unique item on there, it's flavor and abilities favor monks... and perhaps unarmed fighters/brutal pugilists. Also, you do not need to complete all three parts to get access to the item unlike the boon.

The boon, when this first released, was viable only to most rangers, druids, cavaliers/samurai, paladins with mounts and a small number of clerics/oracles with the appropriate domains/mysteries. At least new archetypes and a new class allow more options.

So if you're an alchemist, bard, barbarian, cleric, fighter, gunslinger, oracle, rogue/ninja, sorceror, summoner, witch, or wizard, you probably did not get much from the chronicle sheet outside of the XP, gold, and PP. So outside of archetype/domains/mysteries selected, that's 60% of the classes that really didn't get anything from a scenario trilogy that had something cool if you did all 3 parts.

Scarab Sages 2/5 **

I like boons that provide either a roleplay opportunity or something not normally available.

Gencon #14 - Research Specialist - Opening each adventure and asking a complete stranger to describe a recent adventure without too many spoilers really helps to open up the table. The ongoing reward is good and the final is great (maybe a little too good).

Gencon #18 - Taint of the World Wound - I got this during the Siege interactive and applied it immediately to that toon. Mechanically, not the best fit for a caster but realy allows some interesting roleplay aspects and again player to player discussions.

Any special material boon - when you get to make items out of special stuff (like Nogual Ore in thornkeep). Not mechanically the best for everyone, but to find something different and have the possibility to use... who has green steel as a cert?

I also quite enjoy the "fluff" that goes with some items; especially historic to the campaign; whether a magical broken sword or an eyeball jar, these are quite cool.

+1 "anything" or basic potions, not so cool and essentially a waste of type and ink.

I don't mind a paragraph of text so long as the mechanics are easy to follow.

Personally, any item that might be built upon future play, open other pathways for other adventure or events and something that is just not one off, these interest me the most. Like a demon bane *item* of so and so, each time you damage or kill a demon, mark off the cert and after so many, you pay the cost and it adds some other ability. Well described, only selectibly usable, but has it's own flavor.

I think PFS can have staying power because it has feeling; because it has kept a roleplay aspect involved. LFR 4E was simply bland. 3.5 LG was excellent early on but got out of control and too spread out. Living City was ok but very fragmented and didn't have any competition.

4/5 *

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I like boons that not only give an advantage, but also serve as a reminder of something the character did. Chronicles are like a diary, and so the more information on the PC's actions and they effect those actions have on the world, the better.

I also would like to see boons that reward character choices on an individual basis, instead of a group basis, maybe even ones that aren't tied to a specific scenario. For example, we have a player who goes out of their way to heal wounded civilians, give money to the poor, and use consumables on NPCs who are not just named mission-critical ones, because that's what he does. I'd love to be able to recognize this beyond just the notes I make on his Chronicle sheet. (I realize this would be difficult to manage because not everyone gets to play with the same folks regularly.)

4/5 *

Quick question: is there a complete list of boons in existance, for potential boon-crafters to know what has already been done?

Grand Lodge 1/5

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Chronicle Sheets in general need reworked.

The items that they make "available" are frequently always available or going to be available by fame by the time you play the Scenario you got the sheet for most of the time.

Please stop putting always available items on the Chronicle Sheets. Make them Higher Caster Level at least.

"Unique" boons that only a limited number of characters can actually use should be made "transferable" to another character or a new character that can actually use it.


My favorite boons in no particular order:

  • Erratic Luck
  • Debt to Society
  • Research Specialist
  • Personal Physician
  • Owlbear Companion

Others I find useful/interesting:

  • Goblin Race
  • Lingering Resonance
  • Long Distance Support
  • Mounted Tradition
  • Additional Trait
  • The Weapon Training boons
  • EotT [redacted] boon

I absolutely hate that my fetchling boon is attached to a character sheet. I would love to be able to give that one away to someone who really wanted it.


Scott Young wrote:
Quick question: is there a complete list of boons in existance, for potential boon-crafters to know what has already been done?

This would be incredibly helpful. One could be compiled from the boon trading thread, but I'm hoping that John has a list already.


David Higaki wrote:
Reason for QfP gripe:


Druids - they get no benefit either (they already have access to all the animals).
Sczarni 4/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I have two very minor gripes about the boons I've seen. first, they are often very specific, to the point where if I find myself in the one situation where it would be useful, I am likely to forget the boon entirely. I've taken to writing up a one-sheet list of all the boons my character has (particularly single-use ones) and going over it before each session to remember what's on it. Even so, I've had a couple situations where I realize after the fact, "Oh! I should have used my XYZ bonus on that!" Earning a +1 bonus on intimidate checks is something I can write onto my character sheet and never have to worry about. Earning a +1 bonus on intimidate checks against svirfneblin if I encounter them in Absalom is a bit harder to remember ;-)

The second thing I have a problem with is boons that require GMs to know about them ahead of time. For example, let's say hypothetically that I have a boon that gives a +2 on Sense Motive checks vs. demons. Now let's say, hypothetically, that there's a scenario featuring a demon disguised as a svirfneblin. As a player, even if I remember that I am supposed to get a +2 on my Sense Motive rolls against him, I would have no way to know that the bonus should apply (short of already having the scenario spoiled). And there's no way my GM should be expected to remember I have the boon, even if he does happen to look at my chronicle sheet before the session (which most GMs never do). And he can't exactly ask, "Does anyone have any special bonuses against demons?" without spoiling the reveal.

Anyway, I don't intent to grouse. I really do like most of the boons I've gotten, and I always enjoy seeing what new things are appearing on chronicle sheets these days. Keep up the good work!

The Exchange 2/5

I love the boons from Dragon's Demand. Not only do they hold true to the flavor of the module, some of them are just incredibly useful, as well. I really hope we continue to see more of those style in the future.


Should every boon be a good option for every character?

No, but they should be available to any character. Axebeaks, fairie dragons, owlbears, ect. You should not have to play a specific scenario with a specific character especially since boons are supposed to be 'surprises' most of the time.

Do you really want people doing research and figuring out what they should and should not play based on boons received?

I do agree with folks that most players forget the specific boons associated with certain towns or organizations. It would flow easier to change the boon to you receive a +2 bonus to Diplomacy for the next two scenarios this character plays in.

As for those special boons, I agree you should be able to assign them to any character, not just the one used for the scenario, otherwise players will just come with a specific class for the boon.

My favorite boon came from prince of wolves pathfider tales novel, +2 on diplomacy and intimidate checks vs. Lycanthopes, and 2 higher DC for them to intimdate you. It's pretty valuable in very specific circumstances, and you might never use it. I found it great as a roleplay element, those are the boons I really like.


I have to agree with Jiggy about the useability of boons.
While it seems some players know what to expect from a scenario boonwise, many others do not. I feel this encourages something that is stated as not wanted. Namely prereading at scenarios and similar stuff.

Of course it is more organic when a character got a boon from a scenario it participated. But for the person that said: "Ok, we already have 3 full casters here, i´m playing something else" and then get´s a wasted boon option that would be a clear incentive.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Thanks for the feedback, folks. I like to know what works, what doesn't go quite so well, and what other concepts might be well-received.

Steve Shippy aka Beerwolf wrote:
I do agree with folks that most players forget the specific boons associated with certain towns or organizations. It would flow easier to change the boon to you receive a +2 bonus to Diplomacy for the next two scenarios this character plays in.

This is a way of presenting a boon that I had not considered. There's something that approaches it in a Season 5 scenario, but this is rather novel.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

I've tried to makeup a 'cover sheet for chronicles that let me rember the various boons I have. But I can't get one to look right.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Can we get a BOONstick?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Can we get a BOONstick?

I would say yes, but sadly some gunslinger builds have abused the double-barreled boonstick, so we had to hit it with the boonhammer.

Sczarni 4/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Steve Shippy aka Beerwolf wrote:

I do agree with folks that most players forget the specific boons associated with certain towns or organizations. It would flow easier to change the boon to you receive a +2 bonus to Diplomacy for the next two scenarios this character plays in.

I really like this idea! Much easier to remember! :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

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John Compton wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Can we get a BOONstick?
I would say yes, but sadly some gunslinger builds have abused the double-barreled boonstick, so we had to hit it with the boonhammer.

Bad Developer.. BAD!

<swats with rolled up paper>

BAD.. No PUNS for you.. ONE MONTH. Go sit in the corner and work on chronicle sheets!

Shadow Lodge 1/5

In general, I like boons that do the following:

1. Make new options available.
Special animal companions, archetypes, PrCs, unique items etc. It reminds me of the excitement I felt in Living Greyhawk when the ARs were passed out and you found out what you got access to this time. In many PFS scenarios I've missed the excitement of finding loot since I know it will all turn to gold at the end and the chronicle will probably contain items I can either purchase with prestige or are too expensive for me to afford.

2. Remind me of big accomplishments in my character's career.
This includes things like learning new languages or getting broad, specific bonuses against certain creatures or cultures. This is also cool when it's a double edged sword. i.e. You defeated an invasion from the plane of earth and saved the dwarves, you gain +1 natural armor and -1 to dexterity based skills as your skin hardens.

3. Provide useful charged abilities.
A charm from a priestess of Sarenrae that can be expended to heal 1d8+1 as an immediate action or a promise from a priest of Pharasma to cast Raise Dead once for free are things that will always be useful.

In general I dislike boons that do the following:

1. Require a spreadsheet to track
As characters move into higher levels they each have an ever increasing list of abilities and powers to track. Adding boons that make me try to remember if I get a +2 to this reflex save vs a dragon's breath weapon from a scenario I played a year ago or if I already expended it or if I got it with a different character frustrates me. I'm likely to just ignore such boons unless they come up often, like say social bonuses with pathfinders.

2. Require more than a minute or two of reading/explaining for a judge to understand.
Any more than that and you're starting to significantly cut into play time, especially with 6 characters and the possibility of multiple boons each.

Paizo Employee Developer

Thomas Graham wrote:
John Compton wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Can we get a BOONstick?
I would say yes, but sadly some gunslinger builds have abused the double-barreled boonstick, so we had to hit it with the boonhammer.
BAD.. No PUNS for you.. ONE MONTH. Go sit in the corner and work on chronicle sheets!

I think you will find that puns are something you will never be able to purge from a developer's repertoire, nor should one try. Mastery of language is something a developer needs to do his or her job, and puns are examples of such mastery. Puns, the highest form of wit, should be encouraged. Carry on, John!

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Kyle Baird wrote:

My favorite boons in no particular order:

Erratic Luck...

Is that the boon where you need to keep track of the number of times you roll (and keep) a natural 1 before rolling a natural 20?

Silver Crusade 1/5

If you are going to give out a boon like the owlbear boon please do not nerf it by making it equal to a nerfed animal companion give out the owl bear but make the PC pay for it like a magic item. The boon in this case would be giving access to a unique Animal Companion, even though it had to be paid for.


Chris Mortika wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

My favorite boons in no particular order:

Erratic Luck...

Is that the boon where you need to keep track of the number of times you roll (and keep) a natural 1 before rolling a natural 20?


The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

oh, erratic luck. i read that one too quickly.


Lou Diamond wrote:
If you are going to give out a boon like the owlbear boon please do not nerf it by making it equal to a nerfed animal companion give out the owl bear but make the PC pay for it like a magic item. The boon in this case would be giving access to a unique Animal Companion, even though it had to be paid for.

I have to say that I very much appreciated that the campaign was able to give out a nice flavorful option, without handing out a overly strong animal companion. Great job IMHO. The player I know with one loves it just the same.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Let the punishment continue

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