Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ladies, Ladies, Ladies

Friday, July 19, 2013

We're only a few weeks away from the August release of the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures, and we've saved some of the coolest figures for the last few previews!

We're going to cover five miniature reveals this week, as we have to get cracking to preview the whole set before its release. I've got piles and piles of figures and images from the next two sets I'm also dying to show you, but that will come after Gen Con and the release of the Skull & Shackles set.

Up first this week is the Lady Ghoul, a common figure you've already seen as an Undead Horde Builder Series repaint. Here we have the original article in all her bloody glory. Teamed up with the ghouls from the Undead Horde and Rise of the Runelords sets and you've got more than enough figures to make a really compelling series of ghoul encounters.

A fellow crewmember shanghaied aboard a pirate ship with the PCs in the very first Skull & Shackles adventure, Sandara Quinn is one of the most important NPCs in the entire Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. WizKids did a great job with the magical effect on her hand, and I dare say this is the best pipe-smoking pirate yet produced in prepainted plastic. Sandara Quinn is an uncommon figure, as she also works to bulk up pirate crews and would make an interesting choice for a player character figure.

This shadowy seductress is Luccaria, high priests of the evil god Norgorber. This ally of the Cheliax faction has plenty of nasty surprises for your player characters. While the campaign features only one Luccaria, we put her at the uncommon rarity because we think she makes a cool-looking cultist in general, and you can never have enough of those.

Some of the ladies in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path are not so alluring, at least visually speaking. Daughters of Imerta are cyclopean fiendish harpies, and what they lack in looks they make up for in captivating songs sure to drive your player characters to distraction. The Daughter of Imerta is a Large rare figure.

Last up this week is Isabella Locke, a foul pirate captain who just happens to have a treasure map tattooed on her skin. I confess that when I added her to the list of figures for this set, I had no idea how and even if WizKids could pull off the map tattoo effect. It's not tremendously visible from the photos, but they managed to absolutely nail the visual effect, and you can actually see the point on her back where X marks the spot on a little island. Oh, and the figure also has a super-cool clear plastic spell effect on one of her hands. This is definitely one of those figures that gets cooler ever time you look at it, and in terms of complexity of design, the tattoos make it one of the highlights of the set. Isabella Locke is a rare figure.

That's it for this week! Join us next week as we finish off reveals of all the standard figures in the Skull & Shackles set!

Until then,

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Daughter of Imerta --- wwwwwwoooooooowwwwww that looks cool!
The other four look interesting, too, but the harpy has lured me in.


Daughter of Imerta is probably my favorite figure in this set.

Sandara Quinn's face looks a little odd. Were they going for bangs over the other eye?

If so the hair is a bit to far to the side, looks like the eye is just...missing.

That one will probably look better in hand though, pictures can be deceiving.

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On an unrelated note, on the line in general. We've kind of hit an over saturation point of Goblins. I know that won't be a popular sentiment, but between the builder series, the heroes and monsters one, runelords and the new ones in Legends of Golarion, we're good for rank and file gobbos I think.

Don't get me wrong, unusual ones like the warchief still work, just hoping not to see too many more going forward taking valuable mini slots since there's been more than their fair share so far.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Young Boromir wrote:

Daughter of Imerta --- wwwwwwoooooooowwwwww that looks cool!

The other four look interesting, too, but the harpy has lured me in.

Seconded (thirded?). That is one incredible mini, and easily one of the most unique I've ever seen. Way to step it up yet another notch, Paizo.

True. Good to see more female villains, that Daughter of Imerta. This has nothing to do with the minis right here (or very little anyway) but is it just me, or are almost all of the good guy npcs in these adventure paths female. It might just be that most of my knowledge on them is coming from the battles line, but it seems like most the male player character-esque npcs that turn up in these sets are for dudes your supposed to pummel. Also, why is Tsuto have a bow even though he's a monk? That could've been an awesome monk sculpt you guys! I know I know that revelation is a year late, but i only started reading through rise of the rune lords.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Daughter of Imerta For The Win!

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That daughter of Imerta is AMAZING!!!

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The Daughter of Imerta is quite possibly the most spectacular prepainted plastic mini I've ever seen.

We have three left to officially reveal, right?

I know two were in the catalog, but they're bound to show up, so one other.

I'm thinking hammerhead shark, I think Erik said there was another shark at some point.

If not I'm hoping for an octopus!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Two to go - Sandara was revealed in the catalogue along with seltyiel. With these that takes the tally to 53 of 55. Hammerhead shark and ??? to go. Very nice set. This lot look good, especially the Daughter and Issabelle. Luccaria is indeed a cool looking cultist, not very run of the mill though, so better suited to a cult leader to me. I like the ghoul and prefer the colour here to the one in the builder series, but then 2 diff colours is good because it lets you throw ghould and ghasts on the table. As for Sandara, not sure. We havetwo previous pirtaes, very similar that fill the same role. Variety if always good I suppose.

So with three to go (incl Seltiel) hopefully the next spoil will include a final of the Garg Skeletal Dragon, and maybe a bonus from the next set (or Wrath of the Righteous?)

Grand Lodge

I am speechless. There is no proper adjective to adequately describe the Daughter of Imerta. There is nothing like it in PPMs.

I still really like the Lady Ghoul. This is a truly cool mini.

I was wondering if you would do Isabella Locke. Her artwork in the AP is stunning. This mini looks to be a nice compliment.

Luccaria is creepy. Creepy is always a good thing in PPMs.

Sandra Quinn looks good too. I really like the pipe. She does look like she is missing an eye. Easy enough to correct, but it would be better if I didn't need to.

Wow! the Daughter of Imerta is a really, really good Mini. One of the best that I have seen without personally modding it. And I have thousands of minis and mod many.

I like the whole set shown here. I really like the Daughter of Imerta. She looks great.

I also have to agree with Erik about Luccaria. That sculpt will make a great "cultist" figure and having more than one will not hurt me one bit.

Clearly, this is one of the best reveals yet. Props all around.

Lorian wrote:

On an unrelated note, on the line in general. We've kind of hit an over saturation point of Goblins. I know that won't be a popular sentiment, but between the builder series, the heroes and monsters one, runelords and the new ones in Legends of Golarion, we're good for rank and file gobbos I think.

Don't get me wrong, unusual ones like the warchief still work, just hoping not to see too many more going forward taking valuable mini slots since there's been more than their fair share so far.

+1. We've got lots of Goblins. Would Love to see Kobolds get the same treatment.

Edit: Also Orcs. Want to see them get the same treatment as well :)

Also, wishing I had enough to get two sets of Skull & Shackles. I must be the only collector more excited for S&S than LoG heh :)

My Reviews:

Lady Ghoul - I like to have a variety of undead creatures... especially ones that can double as zombies / wights / ghouls. This fits into the niche nicely.

Sandara Quinn - Sadly, I must say that I really do no like this mini. My preference is "action pose and weapon in hand" for PC/NPC minis. The pipe I could have lived with if she was wielding a weapon in her other hand. I was not very fond of the picture of her in the catalogue with an empty right hand, but now it seems a clump of blue plastic has been added to her hand -- now I really do not like the mini. I do understand that these minis are pair up with an AP, but I would still like to have PC/NPC's that are somewhat generic enough to be used for years down the road. I'm really hoping that clump of blue plastic on her hand is detachable, otherwise she will just be hiding in the corner of my display shelf for eternity.

Luccaria - A good, unique looking mini that can also double for several different types of undead (i.e. vampire).

Daughters of Imerta - Wow! What more can I say that others haven't already said. Nice mini!

Isabella Locke - A mini with great potential -- the description of the map tattoo sounds pretty neat and likely tested the limits of Wizkids' ink-stamp ability. If that clump of blue plastic on her hand is detachable, then its a great mini. If not, then its just a "good mini" :) As you can tell I have never been a fan of "lets stick a clump of transparent plastic in their hand to give them a spell effect appearance" for minis. I think that minis look so much better with out such additions, however if such additions were detachable, then it would satisfy all preferences.

Grand Lodge

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Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Sandara Quinn - Sadly, I must say that I really do no like this mini. My preference is "action pose and weapon in hand" for PC/NPC minis.

Kor, you are entitled to your opinion. But I must disagree. We have Admiral Thrune, Isabella Locke, the Pirate Sailor, Tessa Fairwind, plus Natalya Vancaskerkin from Shattered Star with weapons in hand. It is refreshing to me to have a mini without a weapon in hand. Personally, I need non-combatants for town or tavern encounters; or just for flavor in a setting. Plus I don't recall a PPM with a pipe. That is special alone.

I too would be curious how easy it would be to remove the spell effect.

Yeah, with no spell stuff, she could be a cool barkeep for some coastal town. Or maybe she's a barkeep with some magic abilities! OH OH OH better yet she's a also an alchemist that deals potions out of the back room. This could be like a magic speakeasy for a setting were magic is feared/illegal. If she pops up in one of the boosters I've ordered this is totally gonna happen. Feel free to steal this idea fellow GMs ;)

Skull & Shackles just keeps getting better. And August keeps getting closer. I've still got my fingers crossed that the final unknown piece is a giant crab! But no matter what, this set has turned out to be fantastic.

Oh, and the next has started off with a bang too! I'm so happy about the goblin pyros! But I agree with those above, bring on the Kobolds and Orcs. I just picked up copies of the Kobolds of Golarion and Orcs of Golarion to get ready!

The hammer head sharkwas shown at the SDCC concention. seltyiel is previewed in the catalog.And the last mini no one seem to remember was previwed in the first Undead Horde as the Wight. Well now that we know all the skull shakle mini, could we also get 1 from Legends of Golarion in next preview, pretty please mister Mona :D

The wight isn't a repaint, it's a new sculpt for the builder series. The repaints are noted specifically.

So we still have one to reveal I think.

Nice hammerhead though!

oups my bad

Lorian wrote:

On an unrelated note, on the line in general. We've kind of hit an over saturation point of Goblins. I know that won't be a popular sentiment, but between the builder series, the heroes and monsters one, runelords and the new ones in Legends of Golarion, we're good for rank and file gobbos I think.

Don't get me wrong, unusual ones like the warchief still work, just hoping not to see too many more going forward taking valuable mini slots since there's been more than their fair share so far.

BLASPHEMY!! One can never have too many goblins ;-)

That said breaking them up with some Orcs, Kobolds, or (gasp) Hobgoblins [Which have yet to be represented in the PFBattles line] would be nice.

Then again, so would some rank and file boggards, melee / sneaky-strangler type bugbears, and GNOLLS.

Leo_Negri wrote:
or (gasp) Hobgoblins [Which have yet to be represented in the PFBattles line] would be nice.

Maybe the last mini to be revealed it that Hobgoblin Captain

Big Jay wrote:
The hammer head sharkwas shown at the SDCC concention.

Thanks for linking that picture.

I'll add that to the gallery for now.

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