Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Good Ship Pathfinder Battles

Friday, July 12, 2013

Avast, me hearties! The Good Ship Pathfinder Battles has passed the intriguing Isles of PaizoCon and soon we will be upon the great continent of Gen Con. We've recently seen the release of the We Be Goblins! Builder Series, the White Dragon Evolution Encounter Pack, and the Konkrud convention special promotional figure (which we'll also have at Gen Con). Just this last weekend at the PaizoCon Preview Banquet we announced the next full set of 55 figures, entitled Legends of Golarion, scheduled for release in October. Rumors abound of an additional set by the end of the year, and the sea-salt smell of new announcements is in the briny air.

But forget all of that for a moment, because we've still got a few images to show off from the Skull & Shackles set, which will come out in August. With all of the other exciting things happening with Pathfinder Battles these days, it's important to remember that Skull & Shackles rises the bar from its awesome predecessor Shattered Star. On its release, I'm confident folks will consider it among the very best prepainted plastic miniatures sets ever released. And with a ton of aquatic and pirate-themed monsters that have never previously appeared in prepainted plastic, I'm confident that most of you are going to adore these figures as much as I do.

But enough preamble. Raise the mainsail! It's time for previews!

You can't have a pirate Adventure Path without a bunch of pirates, and our first preview this week reveals a rank-and-file female buccaneer we like to call the Pirate Sailor. It goes without saying that this common figure easily doubles as a player character or any kind of nautical NPC.

Pirate holds are filled with all kinds of scumbags and reprobates, and as far as Pathfinder creatures goes, it's hard to get more scummy and reprobatey than a Wererat. Whether paired with the Rat Swarm in this set or the Dire Rat in Heroes & Monsters or simply encountered on his own, this hybrid-form Wererat is a common figure, making it a great foundation of an entire encounter based around wererats. He's pretty great in-hand, and a very useful rendition of a frequently encountered creature, in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path or otherwise.

Last up this week is Paeta, an unusual spider creature encountered in the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path. To my knowledge, this type of creature has never come out in prepainted plastic, and we think she makes a wonderful debut. This Large figure is slated at the rare rarity.

That's it for this week. Only a few more figures to show off before we shift over to Legends of Golarion in a couple of weeks!

See you here in seven days!

Captain Erik Mona
Publisher of the Shackles Isles

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

I like all three, but especially Paeta. Also makes me hope we'll see a dedicated aranea mini one of these days.

i like paeta as well, i was about to give up hope on having an aranea mini in my lifetime, to be honest.

Erik Mona wrote:

Rumors abound of an additional set by the end of the year, and the sea-salt smell of new announcements is in the briny air.

And those rumors can be exposed by reading the latest news posting at which also reveals 2 yet unannounced figures.

The Pathfinder Minis home page has just gone through an overhaul, and the Skull & Shackles set has inspired its new logo :)

starphoenix wrote:

i like paeta as well, i was about to give up hope on having an aranea mini in my lifetime, to be honest.

Is Paeta an aranea? I thought she was a phase spider. I don't think araneas (araneae?) have humanoid faces when they're in spider form, though I haven't checked.

Grand Lodge

Actually this mini very closely resembles the Aranea in hybrid form. So either way it is an excellent proxy for an Aranea. Or better yet, throw a Paeta at your party. :). Cool looking mini.

That is not what I imagine when I think Pirate Sailor. But I like the mini. Look forward to getting several.

The Wererat has nice details for a common. With the DDM versions they will make for a nice looking encounter.

Very cool monsters, but i'm not to found of the buccaneer. Like Mazra, it wasn't quiet what I had i imagined. Also followed the link to I feel like Sandara and Tessa Fairwind look way too much a like after seeing them so close together. Maybe its just me though hahaha

Marcus Moroe wrote:
I feel like Sandara and Tessa Fairwind look way too much a like after seeing them so close together. Maybe its just me though hahaha

Not just you, we have three female pirates all with tricorne. They are not twins (triplits) but they do look enough alike to be noticable.

First, let me say that I like all three minis! However, I would love another much more simple pirate sculpt. The pirate sailor in this preview is quite nice, but feels to be much more than the typical pirate scum aboard most sailing vessels. We need that typical guy (not gal)!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
arbados wrote:
First, let me say that I like all three minis! However, I would love another much more simple pirate sculpt. The pirate sailor in this preview is quite nice, but feels to be much more than the typical pirate scum aboard most sailing vessels. We need that typical guy (not gal)!

You mean like the third mini previewed here

Well I'm going to keep buying packs till I get a Paeta, I can see that now...

Grand Lodge

The Pirate Sailor is more like a Female Swashbuckler. But as that the mini is excellent.

danielc wrote:
Not just you, we have three female pirates all with tricorne. They are not twins (triplits) but they do look enough alike to be noticable.

okay cool I'm not the only one. but yeah I feel like this buccaneer is a really generic version of on of the two name tricornered hat gals. If i wanted a female swashbuckler min, I'd just use Sandra or Tessa or the one from shattered star. Plus yeah like Enlight pointed out, theres already a rank and file pirate dude, so she's not useful for that either. Not that the sculpt is is terrible, it's just no matter what you want her for, there's a better mini out there.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Given the preponderance of pirates in this AP, I wanted to have two "generic" pirates. It made sense to me to have a male and a female to mix things up a bit, so this one and the smuggler sort of go together as a team.

Subbing in Sandara or Tessa wouldn't really work for this due to their rarity. I agree that three female pirates with similar hats is somewhat less than ideal, but when we base these sets on APs we go with the art that exists for key characters. Tessa and Sandara being in the same set was a foregone conclusion before Pathfinder Battles ever existed as a brand because both NPCs look very similar.

Does the Adventure Path have a thing for redhead females? Well, that's a topic for a different day (but the answer is yes).

haha yeah... well i agree with the adventure path on that one... gotta love redheads.

And to be fair, I do like that so offten the figure really does match the artwork. And I had forgotten the rarity on the two NPCs. So that is a great point Erik.

Erik Mona wrote:
Does the Adventure Path have a thing for redhead females? Well, that's a topic for a different day (but the answer is yes).

Funny. If you followed the canon for 7th Sea back in the day, red-headed ladies were quite common among the ranks of the seafaring.

Red the Adventurer, Bonnie McGee, Cosette, Maggie Malone...I'm sure there are more I could dredge up, but those are just off the top of my head.

Must be something about RPG's (or AP's) with a nautical theme.

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Antimony wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Does the Adventure Path have a thing for redhead females? Well, that's a topic for a different day (but the answer is yes).

Funny. If you followed the canon for 7th Sea back in the day, red-headed ladies were quite common among the ranks of the seafaring.

Red the Adventurer, Bonnie McGee, Cosette, Maggie Malone...I'm sure there are more I could dredge up, but those are just off the top of my head.

Must be something about RPG's (or AP's) with a nautical theme.

There are a lot of red-heads in Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Devon, where historically, pirates and smugglers (like my own ancestors) came from. Because they were nautical and poor and often marginalised from the centres of power in the British Isles.

So I think it's a realistic meme, at least in our world, for English-speaking pirates, male or female.

Wow this is turning into a pretty educational thread haha

*Love* Paeta. Wish that was a female wererat, since one of my friends plays as a ratfolk rogue.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Love them all, and despite the similarities at least I can put female pirates on the table with a little variety. I was so hanging out for a phase spider in translucent plastic partially painted to look like it was mid-phasing, but that mini is so awesome I think I can let that slide.

The were rat made my day. Looks like my team can have their 'bilge rat' crew after all! Thank you so much for the preview!

Yib Thoolp wrote:
Wish that was a female wererat, since one of my friends plays as a ratfolk rogue.

How do we know she isn't a female rat? ;-)

Yes, I realize the preview said "he" but come on, it's a rat. Say it is a female and there you go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Erwin wrote:
Antimony wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Does the Adventure Path have a thing for redhead females? Well, that's a topic for a different day (but the answer is yes).

Funny. If you followed the canon for 7th Sea back in the day, red-headed ladies were quite common among the ranks of the seafaring.

Red the Adventurer, Bonnie McGee, Cosette, Maggie Malone...I'm sure there are more I could dredge up, but those are just off the top of my head.

Must be something about RPG's (or AP's) with a nautical theme.

There are a lot of red-heads in Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Devon, where historically, pirates and smugglers (like my own ancestors) came from. Because they were nautical and poor and often marginalised from the centres of power in the British Isles.

So I think it's a realistic meme, at least in our world, for English-speaking pirates, male or female.

Someone posting about Irish red-heads who doesn't link to this picture.

Refreshing. :)

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